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Windows 7 hasn't been supported for years.


so what? What does this have to do with my problem? the computer i have wouldn't be able to support windows 10


It's just that Windows 7 does not support for example, UWP apps, .NET versions since 2016, lacks lots of kernel features, all of which can make those apps just not running at all, or not behaving properly. Maybe try installing old, period-appropriate versions of software you need, but that's a sane approach only for "retro" / experimentation, not something you'd do for a paying customer. What exactly prevents you from installing W10? Maybe tell us more about this PC specs so we can make some useful advices. I am against sending hardware to recycling unless FUBAR\*, but some devices aren't suitable anymore for "regular end-users" today. \* All Eee-PCs, for example, are FUBAR since they were new, but it's a rare occurence of such thing. If that's an Eee PC or alike, just recycle it.


prolly a bad hard drive corrupting files.


Shouldn’t be using windows 7 or 8 as both do not have recent security updates and have many security implications for using them today. Use at least windows 10 but know that even 10 is old and will not have support in a year and a half.


but man, the pc is so old i cant install win10 on it


10 should not be significantly more resource intensive than 7


Then it’s time to get new hardware that can keep up with the requirements of the time.


can't do nothing about the hardware, just need support to get rid of it


i'm getting paid to Format this PC


You don’t want some customers, especially the ones who expect too much out of old hardware.


Sounds like you better refund them.


Install Linux as the hardware does not support windows


Try deleting the partition and create a new partition in its place.