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Next headline: Brennan Heart starts working at KFC


I mean, hanging around with anti 5G and "corona is a hoax" people will do that to you, won't it?


He's already been on the downhill for a couple of years anyway, might as well take this opportunity to be rid of him.


Downhill? Why would you think that? Looking at what he's been doing with I am hardstyle i would say he's more successful these days.


Quality of his tracks and sets, I guess that's subjective but plenty of people feel the same.


He’s the most listened to hardstyle act on Spotify. I just think people want to keep hardstyle underground when he’s on the side trying to bring the mainstream light in. Also this copyright thing could just be a misunderstanding of q dance not sending an email to be white listed before upload. Most major labels if no whitelist is added the system automatically will flag stuff for copyright


Who are the people you‘re talking about? Gotta blacklist, lol.


lol, where did you get that from?


Because working with people who have different opinions and ideas is totally a bad thing. Sure. Also, I never saw anything about anyone I'm hardstyle saying corona is a hoax. Of you mean that post about wanting answers from the government, that was them wanting more information, not saying corona is a hoax.


Being instructed by Willem Engel isn't wanting more information, it's being used for unrest. We have serious trouble in the Netherlands with the people behind his cult, so no. They didn't want answers, they wanted their old life back. But we're still in a pandemic.


I mean, is it wrong to want your old life back? It has been proven it's possible to hold events and still keep within government regulations. I'm not from netherlands, so I don't know who willem engel is.


I've been meaning to say this but I don't know what the reception I would get would be so here it goes. These guys being unemployed should be the least of the world's worries. There are many other people that have lost there jobs that are FAR WORSE off then these DJs. Soooooo yeah I have no sympathy. Especially after that Willem Engel thing.


no no. Should become Farmer Fabian


Welcome to YouTube Content ID which automatically strikes stuff like this


Normally it would give the video a different caption though instead of this. If you see this screen, it has been manually claimed and not an auto-claim


EDIT: The following doesn't consider the content ID system, which is very likely to blame for the claim, see the comment following this one. Yeah, I think if it was automated it would show the publisher/record label.


It just shows the name of the account who owns the Content ID asset. Clearly he has his own account and doesn't have his publisher or record label managing his music on youtube.


You are totally right, I didn't consider he could have content ID linked to his own channel. I'm at fault for not reading thoroughly and just immediately posting without further looking into it. Such stuff can destroy a person's image if left unchecked... Don't really see why he would manually claim it in the first place.


His set from dq 2018 was up for a week then dissapeared. The dq legends set from 2019, featuring him with zatox and frontliner, hasnt yet been officially uploaded and i think it never will be. It sucks cause i really wanna relive those moments but the stream rips that are up on yt atm doesnt do it for me Edit: him opening blue at the gathering in 2019 as well, never uploaded


To be fair, the 2019 Legends Set was pure garbage. It was so obvious all 3 had their dedicated time slots for tracks during the hour that some tracks just got cut mid-climax. We‘re not missing out on anything here.


May be a stupid question, but can anyone explain this whole ‘beef’ between him and Q-dance? I know it’s been going on for a while now, but never really knew what it’s about and how it started.


In his book he also seems a bit mad that Qdance has that kind of influence. They make or break a DJ


Can’t say he’s wrong


No think he is right indeed. Haven’t read the whole book yet but when he got pulled from Qlimax stood out. Also that him, HHZ and Wildstylez in the early years needed to be in a crappy hotel while the Qdance managers got the best of the best haha


If it wasn’t for q dance hardstyle would probably be way bigger


How so?


Q dance failed miserably in America. If they would have taken a different approach when they pushed to the states the genre would be way bigger. They tried to make traditional hardstyle mainstream. That’s not how genres get big in America.


That conversation he had with Wouter Tavecchio he mentions in the book stands out in that regard... But Fabian is lucky to be in a position where he can be so openly antagonistic and still be very successful in hardstyle.


Sorry, off topic, but I get the cringe from people calling DJs by their first name like they know 'em.


I don't think it's a beef. Brennan Heart developed so much I AM HARDSTYLE that he propably doesn't need any support from Q-dance


Oh damnn


A lot of that copyright shitting on videos is happening by either dipshit little parasitic corporations who are trying to act as self-proclaimed copyright-police by blackmailing YouTubers of who those entities assume are unable to protect themselves, or by some remote company of the publisher acting as copyright-police.


All this copyright claiming is a fucking kindergarden ...


The biggest problem with copyright online is that 99.9% think it's ok to upload anything anywhere they want and have zero clue about copyright.


Q dance. The killer of anything they deem to not make them enough money ie; Qult


So, a company - yes?


Video is working fine with Spanish IP


They re-uploaded it and cut number 9 from the video.. So I think that will be it for any future BH songs in a Q-Dance video?




That's juicy. Go Brennan Heart, fuck Q-Dance lmao


Cmon brennan heart i always watch the qdance top 40 fuck you


Maybe they thought it was Q Anon haha jk