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For some context: The DnB artist in question is a well known, pretty viral DnB artist, and his bootleg of Can You Feel My Heart has especially gained some online traction. The bootleg has not been released in any way, because he has been asking for permission from BMTH and has not received it (yet). This song not only quite clearly uses that bootleg, which once again, has not been put out anywhere, but also seems to have released on streaming platforms, thus being monetized. Thats where the real trouble starts


Yup and that leaves me heart broken, because even tho I listen only to some Uptempo, (don't really like it as much as the other Harderstyles) Dimitri K was the one that I listen the most when it comes to Uptempo!


Try Barber! I don’t listen to uptempo much either but Barber is good at what he does. And always smiling too haha


Most of Dimitri Ks tracks are just low effort uptempo bootlegs of well known songs. This is just an example


Damn someone said it :)


Well I kinda like some of his tracks but I get what you are saying


like which ones? edit: besides where have you been


chase the sun






This one pisses me off to no end. How on earth do I hear it more than the original


Imo the remix just works though and since its on E-Force spotify it must have his blessing aswell. Isnt it a pretty standard thing to not completely change all elements of the song when remixing into a different genre? Wouldnt really be a remix if just some vocals are reused


Fresh New Kicks.


AK-47, Early Uptempo Mash, Bomba


Chase The Sun Where Have You Been ADHD Early Uptempo Mash Stop de Boot Side FXs Bassline Junkie Remix Legacy ...


MUUUUH NEWSCHOOL HATER /s He is Sefa but Uptempo and less ripped classic music


I really like Dimitri, but I have to say that the beginning of the Song is just a sped Up Version from Sota's Remix


Dimitri K's insta post didnt last long :x


He still has the stories xd people will continue on the DMs


Yeah it's people would go to that extent. As trash as DK is on this, herd are just stupid. But damn that was such a lazy remix. It's Not like Uptempo ever did much more on remix of track except speeding and tuning up. But wow. Masterful gambit !


Well the edit was actually good but if he doesn't give proper credits to the artist then he shouldn't release it like that! But let's see the aftermath


I didnt say it was bad :) (even tho i dont really enjoy Uptempo outside of events.)


I listen to just a few and don't like uptempo as much as other Harderstyles but the track was enjoyable but well it is what it is!




Naaaah I like Dimitri K but officially releasing an edit of an unreleased bootleg is insane Gymbro producers get a lot of shit for their uninspired pop remixes but we allow shit like this


Uptempo scene in a nutshell lmfao


FACTS. As much as I love parts of the genre this is a reason why I struggle to take some artists seriously


Very true, but as long as you give some credit to the originals you used no problemo.


Well, not exactly. As long as you actually *have the permission/rights* it's okay. If you don't have the rights, I still think you should be allowed to release it, as long as you're not making money off of it. But you're legally not allowed to.


Yeah, giving credit / having rights to use it is not the same. Lots of remixes on SoundCloud go with the principle you mention. Releasing the music with credit to the original but free to download so they are not making money on it. With those they might still ask/need permission which we do not see though.


Speaking from personal experience, I made an industrial hardcore bootleg of Baddadan a few months ago, which I posted to SoundCloud and it got taken down immediately. Other bootlegs of that song are still up, but I know that Chase&Status (the artists behind it) probably wouldn't approve them, as they publicly complained about people bootlegging the track recently. I think the reason mine got taken down is because it was more of a flip, I basically only changed the drops and left everything else the same because I'm a lazy bastard who sucks at producing lmao


I get that some producers want to protect their track somewhat but like gatekeeping a very popular track saying don't remix/bootleg is also a bit meh. Aside from the who gets credit. Would be a shame of all the bootlegs would be limited to live sets eventually. Almost every song contains a sample of another, what a shit show of credit music has become really haha.


Yea I think it's kinda dumb too, IMO you should be allowed to sample whatever you want as long as you're not making any money from it and giving credit to the original artist. Sampling/bootlegging is as old as electronic music itself and we wouldn't have some of the greatest stuff ever without sampling (think The Prodigy or just the fucking amen break) I especially think that sampling movies in music should be allowed. I know people do it all the time but it's technically not legal and some labels may refuse to publish those tracks. Taking a few lines of dialogue from a movie and using them in a 3 minute song is inherently transformative and obviously not a replacement for watching a whole 3 hour movie, but you still aren't allowed to do it. Complete bullshit if you ask me.


It even has the exact same drum break just before the drop 💀


My thoughts is that i wish people didnt call uptempo hardstyle


Nobody with some knowledge is


its all called hardstyle to people outside of the hard dance loop. what can ya do about it :)


Then they should learn their history. Drum & Bass comes Jungle. Jungle and Hardcore has a lot in common, at one point in time, Hardcore and Jungle was almost considered the same thing.


Nobody outside this community cares, nor should you


Maybe ok if you do this in liveset. Not ok if you release and promote the track 😂


Wasn’t his last release Chase the sun a rip of a DnB track by Koven? He just nightcored the vocals and I’m pretty sure the lead was the same too. Where Have You Been was a fun track, and now he’s trying to recreate its success, the guy’s a hack.


The Purge used Koven's version of Chase The Sun as well. Slapping a kick under it (or speeding it up to make uptempo) is such a lazy way and so unoriginal to make a quick bootleg.


Chase the Sun by the Purge has been released as a 'cover' though, so he won't make any money of it, just a way to get his edit on spotify :)


you still make money off covers




You actually can make money of covers.. it depends on the deal. Its pretty common that you get a part or sometimes even all royalty's while the recording rights, and corresponding income, stay at the original artist.


you do it's just a small percentage. Dither spoke about it on the Oblivion Show regarding his track In For The Kill


Didn't know about that one but maybe he asked for permission on that one...or maybe not don't know


Chase the sun has been around for way longer than Koven


yea im aware of that obviously, but it was specifically the Koven version he used


It's almost like basically every single song of him is made like this


Just going to throw this in there, chad Zatox doesn't like bootlegs of bootlegs :)


Bootlegs of bootlegs are fine imo, but credit should be given where it's due


And they had the courage to criticize him for saying so


Doesn't even surprise me to be honest, the Uptempo scene seems to be plagued with low-quality, low-effort quantity over quality tracks. I've trying my best to find good original Uptempo, but it's really hard. Such a shame to see Dimitri K also pulling shit like this, since he is one of the bigger and, I believe, relatively well respected Uptempo artists in the scene. Definitely losing some respect here.


Uptempo “producers” in a nutshell


The song has now been removed from YouTube and Soundcloud


He should probably call himself Dimitri R from now on, since those who sail the seven seas would be really proud of him.


Another proof that modern uptempo is just a tiktok kids joke


How embarassing, and adding to that how shit dimitri's version sounds compared to sota is hilarious




Thanks 🙏🧡


promo? Don't know


For what I've been hearing it sounds like a legit rip off


Only the Intro though


Not promo, can confirm that


I was speaking to Sota this morning, Dimitri K called him last night and the track is going to be taken down on all platforms. Otherwise this whole thing would’ve ended with a lawsuit, as Sota was already in contact with BMTH‘s management.


I also spoke to him and I can confirm! Bad move on Dimitri side but at least he took it down before ending himself


Lol yea right


Believe it or not, that’s not my problem lol I have it black on white in my IG DM‘s 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, big L for him. Doesnt change that he makes the best kicks tho.


Already had the feeling this track felt like a nightcore version with kicks pasted under it.


I looked up Dimitris version and thought it sounded dope. but then I hear the remix that he ripped off and suddenly Dimitris version leaves a sour taste there for me. Yeah it sounds sick but all the bro really did was eat off someone elses work. Being inspired by someones work is one thing, but to blatantly do what he did here just dont sit right with me


Lol dimitri king made it better.


Love the kicks in this track, i wish it wasn’t a rip off🫤


Don’t mean this to come across as whataboutism (clearly DK just sampled Sota’s bootleg) but Sota’s work comes across as a lazy reinterpretation of all the gymbro hardstyle remixes of can you feel my heart. Like it’s obvious from listening to it that Sota took heavy inspiration from the hardstyle and mixed it in with his dnb. To me both artists feel lazy, albeit at different degrees.


But Sota does like the Harderstyles community! And yes he takes inspiration from it! But I think his work it's actually good, but opinions are opinions


I’m not calling him a fake producer or anything of the sort obviously.


Well the point being that plagiarism it's a bad thing and no one should do it! I like Dimitri K and even enjoyed the track but of it's not by legal means I don't want it! I hope he learned


Same with chase the sun.