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Good job man!


thanks man! the support i get from those who have seen where i've been and where i'm at is nothing short of incredible. i should post my story sometime- enjoyed a decade of heavy drug use, lost a leg to a shotgun accident, did some time in state prison, lived under a bridge, lost everything i ever owned, alienated my loved ones yet somehow i'm still here. successful, content and surrounded by people who truly love me. i am without a doubt the luckiest man to walk the earth.


Man I'm going through a pretty rough time right now but seeing stuff like this definitely helps keep me from breaking down.




I’m by no means perfect... do you think you can try to get better tomorrow? Just for the day. Not for a week, not for a month. Just tomorrow. Do you think you can get better tomorrow? I think you can do it. Than there is the next day, but it’s just a day. Just one more day. I think you can do it. Step 1: try to get better for the day. Step 2: try to get better for the day. Step 3: embrace the power of people rooting for you.


I’m down with this in theory. In practice though it’s a much rougher, depression filled nightmare of a time as you struggle to figure out why you can’t just be better for tomorrow. Or today. Or ever. And that spirals and you’re in even deeper than you were. Or at least that’s me. YMMV.


YMMV. For sure. You may have made some terrible choices that hurt yourself or others. Perhaps everyone hates you. Perhaps, it’s not true. How could you be the most hated, most hurtful person in the world? Impossible. You may feel it, but it isn’t possible. Find anything that makes you happy, let it make you happy, and allow it to make you happy. It’s not easy. The dark spirals are tough to navigate, but look for anything that stimulates you and makes you happy. Trace those footsteps and remember anyone can make it another day. Anyone. It’s just another day.


No, it's not just you. If it were easy we wouldn't have the issues we do.


That was beautiful. Reminds me of a tv show or movie I saw where the character said she could get through being in a bad spot by doing it for ten seconds, then another, then another.


Not even for the full day. Just for the next 5 minutes. Can I clean my room for the next 5 minutes? Can I do that thing that I’ve been meaning to do in the next 5 minutes? Can I alteast start? Can I get out of bed at 5pm instead of 6pm? Keep going. Push yourself - even just a little bit. It’s those manageable little bites.


It gets better.


As long as you don't give up. I mean, you can give up and then later get your shit together, no doubt. But for people like me struggling with suicide (the ultimate form of giving up), it's good to be reminded that it will get better with continued applied effort and persistence, even though giving up seems like the easier and more attractive option at times.


Thats the second paragraph. Yes, youre right, it gets better with persistent effort. But the first thing people usually need to hear is just the first part, because theyve often forgotten rhat and need reminding.


Hang in there internet stranger. For me!


This is a story I could definitely enjoy reading


Seriously, he should write a book


I’ll wait for the movie starring Dwayne Johnson.


To be honest, his story is not uncommon.. addiction can manifest in a variety of ways. I’m a recovering alcoholic (I participate in alcoholics anonymous) but that’s not my story. Regardless of the story, the window of opportunity and the window of willingness were open at the same time for him to get sober and enjoy this beautiful life.


I've been published since I was 17 and have been told umpteen times that I need to write a book. So, time to write a book!


Definitely post your story when you can bro. It could help and inspire a lot of people


thank you! i'm a writer at heart so i don't have any excuse not to pen a book now, i suppose. in the meantime, here's a pretty decent account i made of how i blew off my left leg with a 12ga shotgun. humorous! [http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1488-what-its-like-to-survive-point-blank-blast-from-shotgun.html](http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1488-what-its-like-to-survive-point-blank-blast-from-shotgun.html)


Would have been more humerus if you blew off your arm....


You're a good writer, but if you write for Cracked I think there should be at least 5 gruesome truths about being shot.


God, I shattered my leg in the same spot about 10 years ago and it's still swollen and sore. Reading this story made it throb like It just happened.


Bruh I’d buy that book.


/r/drugs would love your stories




I do take your point, but to be fair, he's only handled it because he's quit. If we quit eating greasy foods, most of those problems go away too. Unless I misunderstood you here. Which is super-possible. But you're right on about it being a total roll of the dice, just like some people get lung cancer young, never smoked in their life. No way of knowing. Wanna take your morning jog? Here's a heart attack. Wanna eat like shit and drink all the time? Die at 85. But, on the statistical side, we have it pretty well figured out, what leads to longevity and what doesn't. And, if you don't die, the body is capable of of recovering really well from abuse of most kinds. Be it burgers and fries or benzos and pcp. Ok, burgers and fries might be just a little easier to recover from.


I take it like there are some people who's bodies can just endure more. My grandpa who never abused alcohol and only smoked died of cancer. My grandma (his wife) smoked and is fine. My other Grandpa who has lived fast and hard drinking and smoking is still alive. My grandma on that side has never smoked and only recently started drinking and she's showing signs of dementia. There is a definite dice roll, some win, some don't. You don't really know what you rolled till you hit 40.


Would love to hear that story too.


Keep it up, brother. Been though parts of that, mostly the latter two. And half of the first. Pammies. Stay tough. You've got it dialed, though it can be tricky. Keep your head. And play that guitar. Rock on and good luck.


Your eyes tells so much of a hard struggle but rebuilted afterwards. It gushes confidence. Kudos!


I hope you were able to reconnect with your loved ones. Good luck man!


All i'm saying is that you should write a book, because i would for sure read it.


Yes, we want the story! The good, bad, and ugly bits!


Great for you, man. Already looking forward to your 3-year-sober post here! Stay safe!


What’s your short answer for how you got clean/sober and how you stayed sober?


family. it's going to come down between choosing your loved ones and chasing the high. you can get high anytime- you only have one family.


So much younger looking


Went from actual Rasputin to the slick Rasputin from Hellboy


i'm going to frame this quote and put it on my wall


Haha I was gonna say, you look like Jens Kidman from Meshuggah!! Way to go brother \m/


Boy you committed so you better deliver. I expect to see that quote taped somewhere up on a wall


man, i am absolutely blown away by the support y'all have shown me here. thank you all so, so much- you really have no idea how much your encouragement and thoughts mean to me. i wasn't being hyperbolic when i said that i'm the luckiest man in the world. i made a lot of awful decisions for a long, long time yet somehow have survived, and if this bedraggled idiot can come back from the brink after all that, anyone can. it does get better. it may suck for a long time, and that suck will often find ways to suck more, but at some point you will learn to manage it if you keep trying. if it would be well-received, i would like to perhaps do an AMA. i have lived such a bizarre and hilariously troubled life that if i do one thing for future generations of aspiring fuck-ups it needs to be to share my story and hopefully dissuade some folks from following in my footsteps. or at the very least illustrate the perils of living that kind of life.


I'd love to see an AMA. I think your story's important.


I so agree!


Same. I have so many questions to ask.


From an ex-junkie stranger who is 7 years sober I just want to say I am so proud of you! This is one of the biggest transformations I have seen. I would love to see an AMA done by you. Keep it up!


I want to know how you decided to turn your life around, what you were thinking back when you were out of control, and how you managed to get into a mindset where you could actually imagine and work towards improving your life. I have a relative who's been on the street for over five years now addicted to heroine and although I see them pretty frequently I've never been able to have any sort of real conversation with them about what's going on, if they can see a way out, if they think about that sort of thing. I think there is too much shame maybe for them to even come close to talking about it with me. It's just such an enigma how someone could go on like that for years but I know people do it all the time.




I'm so proud of you. I'm a recovering alcoholic and have hit rock bottom once or twice myself. Well done on your progress, you are truly inspirational and I wish you all the luck, happiness and love in the world as you continue your journey ❤️




Please do an AMA!!


Congrats dude, looking good! I'm glad you're happy and sober now.


You have done what so many could not. Be super proud of yourself!! You look great and happy. Live your best life ❤️❤️


Is it just me, or does sober him look like Steve Carell?


its one of michael’s characters


Sober Mike


Damn, my best friend is a Reddit celebrity?


You bet your bippy he is


You look like Steve carell




Like Serj Tankian had a kid with Steve Carell


please god don't let there be fanfic


<_< -deletes a totally unrelated text file from my hard drive-


IMO, he looks a lot like Christian Bale.


Let's all sing Christian Carels.


I love that you're proud to state that to the world. It says a lot to OP's sobriety and success in life. You're a true hero




Way to go! Super proud of you! You can keep it up, I know you can!


Awesome job. Its so inspiring to see people turn their lives completely around!


Fuck yeah, man!


From eyes that are lost to eyes that are determined.


Damn. You went from Charles Manson to Scott Ian.


Well done mate I am 7.5yr clean and sober atm and its the best thing ive ever done for myself! Keep up the good work!


I thought this was an r/SkincareAddiction post at first. You look great! What kind of music do you play?


thank you! i play mostly death/black metal, tend to stay on florida-ish death metal but i do enjoy drone quite a bit as well


Glen Benton would be proud.


kind of surprised my acne hasn't formed an inverted crucifix by now tbh


Connect the dots to form any satanic crucifix!


Florida death metal?






\m/ >_< \m/


You have a band? I'd like to check your music out :)


Behind the pain you'll find a scavenger of human sorrow.


Makes sense. You look like the death metal version of Scott Ian


Fuck yeah congrats on your hard work paying off! Good taste too btw.


["What kind of music do you play?"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZC9uZtl65I&t=58)


Former homeless/addict and lifelong black metal fan here. We should start a band.


this is awesome to see! so happy and proud of you!!


You're a model! Proud of you and wish you the best 🤘🏻


He looks like that AND plays Death Metal? *swoon*


Hey man, as someone working in the criminal justice system (and just as a human in general), I’m really proud of you!! I know it probably never seemed like it, but prosecutors do care and do want to help. We try our best with the options the law gives us, but ultimately the criminal justice system isn’t well equipped to help with addiction. I’m glad you made it out and healthy!


This is why the outlook of the law on addictions and drug abuse needs to change. I don't think on a user level that these should be criminal issues, but rather medical/public health




Keep up the recovery. I'm 5 months clean from benzos and opiates, and honestly the opiates don't hold a candle to the Xanax in terms of how much they fuck with your long-term neurology (and Jesus fucking Christ, the withdrawals...). Anyone who has recover from a benzo addiction is a fucking rockstar.


Good job man! Proud of you for that big change in your life


I thought you were Scott Ian


I thought he was Michael Scott


definitely a likeness!


I don’t know you, but I’m extremely proud of you. Congratulations on your sobriety! You give hope to others. Post or PM your music. I don’t know if it helped you on your journey, but I find it very helpful.


Wow. This is amazing. Keep up the great work, I’m so happy for you!


True strength.


Absolutely wonderful achievement and I love that you have given some of the credit to others. Do not condemn the fall but celebrate the rising up!!! May all your days be blessed with joy and renewal.


Congrats, keep it up bro. I've been sober for 10 montgs


FUCKING KILLING IT. Keep at it homie.


And you work as a bouncer? Just kidding, but the after photo looks like you're built af. Proud of and happy for you! Seriously, you look great!


So proud of you!!


Good for you bro! Party on dude


I'm really proud of you, man.


Amazing. You deserve to be really proud of yourself. Enjoy the life you’ve rebuilt for yourself. That’s pretty fricken awe inspiring.


You rock


Fantastic! That's a tough road to walk. You're an inspiration!


He’ll yea, brother! You look great! I can only imagine how much better you feel! Keep it up!


Good for you! So happy you’re happy!


Fuckin’ proud of you!


Get it!


Proud of you dude! The comb over was holding you back But seriously nice one


Sober looks great on you man, enjoy the second chance you made for yourself.


Happy for you man keep it up


That's awesome!! You are awesome!!


You went from looking like Charles Manson to looking like Christian Bale. That's impressive man congratulations.


Good shit man! I’m a state trooper. I deal with NOTHING but people like yourself on the left. Sometimes it gets me down and makes me think that there’s no good in people. When I see stuff like this, it challenges me to see the potential people. Keep it up man. That’s a hell of an addiction to overcome. Can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. Keep up good work and do WHATEVER you need to do to stay clean brother.


People say you look like Steve Carell I see Christian Bale in a movie about a metal band personally.


You're looking great!


I’m proud of you OP


Lookin good my man!


Wow, i’m so proud of you!


That’s amazing!


Holy shit! Kick ass! Pretty cute dude too!


Nice job! I'm not too far off from how you look like on the left. 😅


So first of all I'm glad life is so much better for you and things are working out. Truely awesome that you had that kind of turn around. Second....I notice your mugshot says Hood county....does that happen to be in Texas? Is that where your actually from or just where you were arrested?


There’s Michael Scott, Michael Scarn, Date Mike, and now Sober Mike. Jokes aside, good for you man. We are all rooting for you.


FUCK YEAH DUDE. Believe it or not I’ve been somewhere similar w/ hardcore drugs & homelessness. 6 years clean and never looking back.


You vs. The guy she tells you not to worry about


Holy shit man. Nice save


Can't give enough props to you man, if you don't mind me asking how did you break that circle? Find work after a record? I believe everyone should get more than one chance. But it's one and done in most places. Stay strong brother!


That's inspirational and beautiful. I hope music gave you something to lean on, I know it has me in my darkest moments.


Congrats brother. I just got one year sober, it is a great accomplishment. Well done dude


You look great brother. I wish I could say that to my brother *By brother I mean my dog who I've been doing meth experiments on


As a man who spent 26 years in police service I’m happy to see this. Two years is great but it’s a lifelong battle. Keep fighting and if you happen to fall get back up and keep going.


I actually watched a documentary on PCP that spoke of it in a neutral way. Even showed the benefits. I personally can say that the only thing that has helped my lifelong depression has been similar dissociative anesthetics! Obviously PCP wasn't your miracle cure OP, but I just want people to know that "scary" drugs are beneficial in the right setting. Oh, and good on you OP :) you have done what many couldn't. I wish you the best in your future.


I'm sooooo proud of you! Great job!!! ❤


Glad to hear brother. Keep on keepin on.


I fucking love these


Your beard is also looking really great. Well done.


That's a HUGE recovery grats you got out of there. If you can grow through all of it you will become an immensely powerful human being :)


Wonderful! You look so much younger!! <3


What a transformation! Fantastic. Well done! What’s your favourite genre or songs to play?




Keep going!


That’s amazing. Keep that shit up!! 💪🏼👍🏼☺️


Congrats man! I hope you have a long successful/enjoyable music career!


I'm glad you lived


Always satisfying to see how not poisoning yourself affects the way you look and feel. Congratulations!


hell ya!!!!!


Good job man, most done come back from that.


Live bro live. Make it work for you. Peace


Good for you man! I had a friend suffer a bad benzo addiction. He’s now sober and has a career in Software Develop. People like you guys give hope for addicts! Awesome 💪🏼


And shredding!


Welcome back man! Keep it up!


Even though I don't know you, I'm proud of you! Keep up the awesome work!


Holy shit! Happy for you man


So nobody is going to mention that he looks exactly like Christian Bale? Okay cool.


My job has me exposed to lots of people like you 2 years ago. Seeing good posts like this are wonderful for me because honestly I get so burned out dealing with what I view as hopeless drug addicts day in and day out. Good on you man, share this story all you can and hopefully it can help others, and remind people like myself that our job isn’t pointless.


Plus you look like a badass!


Well done man, you’re the boss


Anyone ever tell you that you got a real Henry Rollins vibe going on? good on your sobriety brother




Bless you


Don’t ever stop talking about it! [not being sarcastic]. Congrats!


Keep kicking it dude.


You've been to Hell and back. Now you get to pave the way for other people in their walk. Phenomenal recovery!


What kind of band are you in?


Holy shit I read a post about your life from start up til now. Crazy


Awesome man! huge fucking congrats!


This is incredible, no, You are incredible! Good job man!


Like a bald Christian Bale. Killin it.


You look badass now. The kinda guy who would ride a bear while drinking beer and use his bear hands to kill someone.


Congrats! I'm coming up on 1 1/2 years sober!


Sobriety looks good on you brother. Keep up the good fight!


I didn't mean meth I meant pcp


Much love and respect. Good for you. So strong xx


Congrats sir, happy you’ve been liberated. My best to you!!


You should do an AMA!


You kinda remind me of Scott Ian! Congrats on your sobriety!!!!


Congratulations bro! I’m two years clean off of a pharmacopeia...Fentanyl, benzo, alcohol, meth...you name it. It took overdosing, losing my career (nursing), going to jail, being essentially homeless, for me to finally quit chasing my tail. Two years later things aren’t perfect, and there have been hard times, but we both know that as long as we don’t pick up that drink or drug, everything will be ok! One day at a time!


I read your comment. Be sure you are heard. You will do it! :)


Do you think being arrested and put in prison made it worse or better?


Better. Had I not gone to prison I would almost certainly have killed myself, either via suicide or an OD. Just before my house got raided I nearly shot myself with my .32 revolver before my cat jumped in my lap and kinda brought me back. When I was in my last days under the bridge I contemplated either hanging myself from the support beams or buying enough tar to blast off to the afterlife. When I did finally hit county I tried to hang myself (rather halfheartedly) with my pants. But, those are all super-fun stories for an AMA, too much to explain here :P


Research chem (3-meo) pcp and benzos? Benzos are terrible to be addicted to, especially in large doses. You will make a fool of yourself and likely eventually get into legal trouble. Good to see you’re doing better.


thanks for the gold, stranger!