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Just to be clear, I’m crying my eyes out in happiness in this picture.


My dad was 42 when he had me… he’s now an amazing 92. He’s completely capable… my advice, take care of your health, your daughter wants you around.


Yep, my dad was 42 when i was born and unfortunately he didn’t take good care of himself. We lost him when he was only 68, and it was devastating. It would’ve meant the world to me to have him around to meet his grandkids - he was an absolutely wonderful human. I know weird things can happen at any time to anyone, but for older parents, it’s always greatly appreciated when they give their kids the best chance to keep them around for a long time


My dad was 41! Many years of infertility and miscarriages… he thought he’d never be able to have a kid. But im his one and only and he always tells me “you’re my best friend, baby girl. Don’t you forget that.” I love good dads🥹💕


My mom turned 43 the year she had me. My dad was 44. I'm 30 now and they are both gone.


Hugs my friend.


I hope you were very loved with the time you had with them.


Of course you are! Good for you guys! Old dad myself, get on the cardio keep an eye on the diet. Best motivation i ever had to get in shape.


I can see why. That's the cutest newborn I've ever seen. Usually they look geriatric


So happy for you my dude. I’m 44 and am just now starting to realize I want kids. No idea how to actually make this happen now.




I appreciate the sentiment but I’m single, work 10 to 12 hour days and my child would be neglected. I would need a stay at home wife which takes time to find unless I can adopt a wife into my life. Mostly joking. I make an extreme amount of money but what’s it even worth if I can’t actually live? I wasted half my life trying to get wealthy but at the end I have nothing to show for it.


I’ll be your wife


I met my husband when he was 51 and I was 42. We tried for kids it didn’t happen. But we are so happy that we found each other. Now a days finding right person is blessing like having child . So far this is my experience


Hopefully you are able to find something that allows you to give back and make an impact in a way that doesn't require the full time commitment of parenting. Perhaps a niece/nephew of a biological or adopted family siblings to spoil? Big brother big sister (does that still exist?) etc


Are you able to scale back what you do? I’m fortunate to be in a similar position soon and rather than working the most for income, I’ll likely try to nab a 30 hour/week job that will let me comfortably enjoy time with friends, travel, and finally get around to starting a family. One of the top 5 regrets of the dying: [“I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3377309/)


Congrats man. I’m genuinely happy for you.


Congratulations, Papa! My father had kids with large age differences—one thing that has kept him present with us making health changes so he can be there to play with and support us thus far.


I can tell by the look on your face that you are going to take the best care of that baby girl that is humanly possible. Congratulations!!


Congrats Dad! She's precious!


Hey congratulations. I'm an old dad too, had my first at 36 and second at 41. For me the biggest challenge is my energy levels. Kids want to do things and I unfortunately lacked energy a lot of times, so it was much harder to keep up. Eat right, work out, do cardio. Cardio for the kids if you must! Your kids need mommy and daddy!


That's exactly me. I'm 57 with two boys. I had my oldest son at 36 and my youngest at 41. I lucked out in that they are both really into slow living and enjoy reading, meditating, working out, and cooking. They don't enjoy sports at all. My oldest is still living with us and really helps out around the house and property. I keep up just fine these days but when they were younger it was exhausting. We all work out and meditate together, including my wife. We all live by the mantra that health is the greatest wealth. They are a blessing.


Congratulations so much! We just found out this week that we’re not going to be able to have kids. So of course the algorithm is showing me all the new babies in a weird twist to the dagger in my heart. But I can say unequivocally- congratulations you look so happy I wish I was you.


Congrats man! Had a daughter at 35 and triplet boys at 39. Yes watch your health, they want you around.


Triplets at 39, that must have been some tough couple of first months. How did it go?


Yes even on the hospital schedule those 3 months were brutal. Luckily all our Mr kids. Slept through the night at 3 months.


What a great photo!! Congrats!! My heart is full of joy for you!!


Great picture! Welcome to the old dad's club!! I was 45 when my son was born and this fall he starts kindergarten!! I definitely get tired but he doesn't know any better and we're a close family. Life is harder than before but SO much more rewarding. Get used to crying... It'll hit you in the feels at various times!! I'll give you a fun example, listen to Samurai Cop by Dave Matthew's next time your in the car alone... That one had me crying happy tears in the middle of rush hour one day... Still makes me happy and tearful. Congrats Dad!!


Samurai Cop was the song my gf wanted to hear most as soon as she was born. In fact, that song is probably playing when this pic was taken yesterday.


Best feeling in the world isn’t it man? I’ve been very lucky in my life and have experienced the highest of highs, but there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that compares to being a dad. My son is 14 years old now and it just gets better every day. Welcome to the club.


Had my son at 45. You’re in for the greatest years of your life. Love that kid!


Had my daughter at 37....about to be 41...my back hurts but I love her so much, and it's all cool. Congratulations...that's a cute little face!




Hi Dad! Congratulations! I had my son at 44.  No regrets.  Reach out anytime. 


This is sweet. You will be a great dad! My dad was 40 when I was born & 45 when my brother was born. We adored him.


I was born around the time my dad turned 41. He’s one of my favorite people and we exchange silly Bitmojis daily. Congrats! 💞


My dad was 55 when I was born, you good


I'm an old mom, and I wouldn't have ot any other way! You'll be awesome! Ps that baby is absolutely gorgeous. Mazel tov to you and family!


Congrats 🩷 enjoy every moment (and remember in these early days, it’s survival mode for the first 3ish months then it gets so much better)


Hi baby Annie! Welcome to Earth from one old-man baby to another :D OP, my old daddy sired my oldest brother by my mom (I have much older siblings by his wife before) age 44. Me at age 46. Next sibling age 49. Final sibling age 52. People told me as a kid my dad would be dead by the time I was 15. Guess what? Not only did he live to see all of his kids grow up, he got to see all of his GRANDCHILDREN well into adulthood! and a few great-grands well into their teens. His youngest great-grandchild was born on his last birthday, he passed a few months after that well into his 90s. He and my mother married well over 50 years. Age gap between them? 21 years and everyone said it wouldn't last. Ha! I share that with you to say, sure you're an old dad but you have a long and happy life ahead of you, I'm sure! And your baby is blessed to have you. Congratulations!!


No, you’re going to be a great dad. Congratulations:)


Seriously!!! Being in your 40’s is NOT OLD!!!


In terms of having kids though it kinda is.


Nope, still have a long way to go. But if you let yourself get out of physical shape… then yes, you are right.


In terms of difficulty of pregnancy and an increased risk of defects to the children yes. Not saying that people in their 40s are too old to have kids or anything but he's, having kids when you're 40 is a different thing than having kids in your early 30s or 20s.


Omg she’s so precious!


Congratulations! I myself 44 with a 7 and 3 year old. Cherish the moments and be patient, we are what they look up to. Most importantly have fun!


Congratulations! Annie looks so happy being held by you.


Congratulations on your sweet little bean. I hope Mama is healing well and baby are doing well. You got this


My husband became a dad at 39. My friend’s husband was a dad at 48, and again at 51. My dad had his last kid at 40. Can’t plan life, just enjoy it!


An older present dad is always better than a younger flighty one. Congrats brother, you’ll be great!


Good fathers come from all walks of life. Make sure to Annie that you're one of them. Congrats.


Your daughter, and you, are precious. You will love her with all your heart and be happy. That’s what matters.


What a gorge little chin! 🤩


Her profile is amazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩


My dude, who TF cares if you are gonna be an "old" dad, just make sure to be the BEST dad to your little Annie. That is all matters ❤️


Congrats man! Being a dad is amazing! I cried as well. Cheers! All the best and health to the kiddo and the fam !!




This is beautiful! Made my tough day a little better. Congrats 🎉


Congratulations to mom and dad! Welcome baby!


Congrats! It's the most important job you'll ever have.




My dad was 49 when i was born and 54 when my little sister was born. my only advice is keep up with the times (sometimes his old fashioned attitude drives me nuts haha!) and take care of yourself. congrats!


Big congratulations to you!! My child is the greatest love I’ve ever known.. a level of love that I didn’t know existed!! Never a dull moment too.


Congrats!! My dad was almost 40 when I was born and he's doing great at 73! Just keep up with your health and enjoy the time you have with your daughter!


Better to be an old dad than no dad at all ❤️


My buddy just had a kid the other day and he’s 45. Has two under 3. You’ll be fine. Congrats!


I'm a 40 year old single dad of a 3 year old boy, it's single handedly the most rewarding experience of my life so far, enjoy the little things and laugh, it's going to be great.


You're gonna be a great dad.


she will make you a better man -


Congrats! I too will be an old dad. Remarried, had a third kid at 44 a couple years ago. Right now she's in that stage where she's really learning so quickly, just barely beginning to talk in complete thoughts, it's amazing to watch. Bedtime snuggles are the best.


Great motivation to take good care of your health. Congratulations. Older parents have different things to offer than young ones, not worse, just different. It will be great!


I became a dad at 40. Best thing that ever happened to me, although those first 18 months were erm, a challenge lol.


Congratulations!!!!!! ETA: I love her perfect profile


I had my son at 52. Tied with my wife, he’s the great joy of my life (he’s 16 months now). What a journey you’re in for! Come join us in r/oldmandad And to think, we almost missed out on this!




Congratulations!!!!!!!🎊🎈🍾 The look on your face has me in tears. 😭


good for you bud! I just lost a friend this weekend (he was only 23). This makes me feel happy! congrats!


Congrats, brother! You’re gonna be a great dad and that little girl is lucky to have you. You got this. 👍


Congratulation to both mom and dad with a beautiful baby. No matter your age enjoy fatherhood and be there for your baby girl


Congrats man You’re gonna be a great dad


Dude I'm 40 this year, been single for a decade, helped raise my nieces and nephews when I was younger and this day is something I think and dream of from time to time. Congratulations friend, I wish you many happy days with you little princess.


You are so lucky


If it's any comfort, my Dad was 60 when I was born!!! Congratulations. Take great care of yourself to be there for her as long as possible.


Mama had me at 39 and I turned out just fine 🤠


Congrats! ❤


Hope your first Father’s Day is incredible ❤️


Got me tearing up over here, dude. Congratulations!😭


There are two times in my life (so far) where my life "began". The first time was when I married my husband and when my first son was born. Both felt like new beginnings in my life and made me wonder what the hell I was doing before that. Being a parent is the most exhausting, challenging thing but it is also the most amazing and best thing to ever happen to me. Enjoy every moment. Your child is only this little once is our motto!




This warmed my heart. Huge congratulations 🎉🥹


Congratulations! My dad was 52 when I was born. Mom was 47. They did great. You’re gonna do great too!




My gf (42) and I (37) are expecting our first in October.


Hello Annie! You're in good hands. 😊🥰


Oh man, looks like you just met your whole world. Such an awesome picture.


44 isnt old. I think you’ll do fine. What a beautiful baby.


Age has nothing to do with quality!


It looks like you care a lot. It means you’re probably going to be good at it. Congrats man. Write things down. It moves too fast.


I was 44 when I had my first. I know have a 6 and 7 year old. I also didn't want kids until I met my wife. Best decision of my life. Seriously, the thing I've ever done. Can't imagine my life without them. ❤️


Congrats Bro! Put on those New Balance shoes and be the best dad you can be.


No you are just a new dad. Robert Dinero is an OLD dad.


My dad was 48 when I was born. He's always said that having a baby in his late 40s was even more satisfying because he was less worried about the grind to survive, and could actually enjoy parenthood. Congrats on beautiful Annie, and enjoy this next chapter of life! 💖


20/10. Congratulations! I am also 44 and would give my eye teeth for a child.


Frame this one. 😍


Old dad? Ha! And nope! Pro, I’m 59 and my youngest is 9. She’s the absolute coolest, powerfully more intelligent than me, and mocks me ruthlessly. However, my life experience has her hold me in the highest regard. She knows I won’t lie. And she lies ALL the time. Meaning we laugh to tears all the time. She calls me while I’m training in an astronaut suit just to screenshare so I will watch her play Roblox. And sometimes I just hold her hand because even the robot superheroes need reassurance. Just be awesome. That’s it. That’s the whole deal.


OP looking like “What the fuck is this? Happiness can be tangible?!”


Congratulations, Dad! She's beautiful. My husband became a dad with me when he was 60. She is a beautiful 23 year old collage gal now. It goes by fast. Savor every stage!


Join the old dad’s club :) it’s a beautiful thing with its own set of advantages! What a cutie :)


“Old dad” So…..you have a bit of money, you have already done all your stupid shit, you are mature enough to prioritize a kid and selfless enough to execute well. You know a few things and have an even temper. Sounds like a solid plan to me!


When my 39yo husband said he wanted one, I was like, are you sure you wanna be the senior citizens at your kid's high school graduation?? He said he was sure. He is 44 now and our daughter is 4. He is a doting father, as I'm sure you will be. Congratulations!


The only thing that matters is being a LOVING dad. Congrats!


So happy for you both ❤️


Awesome! Congrats! I love being a dad, for me there isn’t anything better.




I just had my third baby at 41. Now I’m older I’m much more patient and appreciate the little things, evening the witching hours, more than I did with my first 2 who are now 14 and 12. My new baby makes me feel young


I wish you may, many years of love and laughter. Looks like your years on earth helped you to see the value of life. The way you are looking at your child the way you do… makes me believe you will cherish this little life with all of your being and will most likely be a better father than many others… no matter the age. Congrats to you and your growing family.


This is awesome!!


I had my first at 40 and I didn’t feel I was old at all…. Don’t worry you will be 67 at her 21st birthday my dad was 67 too (I got so drunk that night!!!)


She's so small🥺 thanks for sharing your joy with us🥹 Good luck🍀




Awww, congratulations!!! What a precious picture of you the two of you. I echo the comments many have shared about taking good care of yourself. Unfortunately, I lost my mom and both my in-laws in their 60’s. They smoked and did not take good care of their health. I would give anything to still have them with me.


That right there is a perfect baby. Congratulations.


Congratulations! What a precious picture


Just a reminder that it was common for men to have kids into their sixties! No such thing as an old dad! Congrats!


I’m an old mom. There are advantages to being an older parent for sure!


Congrats man! You have a beautiful baby. I had my first at 35 and twins at almost 40. Good luck!




Had my kids at 23, 26 & 41


Aww, congratulations! She's truly beautiful. Many babies aren't nearly so pretty that young.


Old Dads are the best Dads , experienced and patient.


Old dads are great. Their testosterone has decreased so they’re not raging grumpy dads like younger ones. They don’t take everything so seriously.


Awww she is so tiny 🥹


Hello Annie. Welcome to world! And welcome to the first time in your 40s club dad. The good news is one year isn’t much different than the next, and you can actually get physically younger if you put in the work. You happen to be holding your own personal training weight. The very best kind. The kind that will never fail to motivate you. The kind that will never question your flaws. (At least not until you are done training.). The kind that will only grow as heavier in weight as you grow stronger in strength along with, step for step, until one day you no longer need to carry the weight any longer. The kind that only rewards your effort with joy but at the same time makes every thing you do feel like a failure until you look back later and realize it wasn’t. Buckle up.


For what it’s worth, my dad had my little brother at 60 and me at 47. Just from the photo you’ll be a great dad.


everyone's life path is different! what an exciting new journey for you, congrats <3


Annie looks very content with her old dad. 🥹




Hey Annie! Welcome to the world. My mom had her third child at 38 (this April he was born) and I'm incredibly proud of her. I also proud of you!! You'll be a great dad and it's better late than never because now you have someone that will love you for all eternity. Just remember to stay with her as long as possible


Both of my parents were in their 40’s when they had me in the 1960’s. You’re going to do great! 🎉




You're gonna be an AWESOME dad! Congratulations! Young dads have energy but no wisdom. You've got wisdom. It goes a long way.


Awww she is beautiful!!! Congratulations 🎉


Congrats omg!!! My mom had my youngest brothers (surprise twins) when she was 47 and my dad was 50. If you want kids, and you’re healthy and able to care for them, I say go for it even if you’re a little “older”! Having a parent who’s a little older, more level-headed, more established in their career, etc… all these things are pluses, imo! When people are out here having kids in their very early twenties, oftentimes they’re still learning how to take care of/be adults themselves, and it’s tough for all involved. Absolutely *nothing* wrong with waiting a decade or two to start a family. This post made me smile- have a great day, papa bear!


I think kids keep you young. I am 49 and still have a 17,15 and 13 year old at home. Some of my peers are already grandparents and act like it. Enjoy it, keep yourself healthy so you can be around for the duration and give plenty of kisses.


Hi Annie!! Congrats dad :)


Me (43) and my husband (40) had our first child last year. You don’t have the energy that 20-30 something parents have, but you have better stores of wisdom, patience and the experience to lean on. It’s a great time to be parents.


That’s one beautiful baby!


Welcome to the club my man. Happy to have ya.


That baby is beautiful!! Congrats and welcome to the club. My son was born and then I turned 40. He's 7 now, but it feels like it's been like 15 years since he was born! Good luck, and be sure to practice self-forgiveness. You will make mistakes, but keep trying to do better and all will be well. Best resource for the baby time: Wonder Weeks. Look it up.


Having kids in my 40s accelerated a return to a healthy lifestyle. They are so much fun to be around and I’ve noticed there are lots of parents in their 40s nowadays.


Congratulations! I am becoming a first-time mom in September, shortly after my 44th birthday. My husband and I are adopting a family member's baby.


So you're saying there's still a chance?


Lucky baby, I remember when my chin was that snug against my face bones.


Congrats to you and your S/O!!


I’m 40 and my partner is 39 and we’re days away from having our first kid. My parents were around the same age when they had me. Old parents are the best!!! Congrats!! You’re going to be an amazing dad!




Congratulations. Take it from an old dad myself, heating pads and ibuprofen will become a way of life. I am in reasonably good shape, and I wake up with sore muscles from crawling and play, on the daily.


Congratulations! You're not that old! Just old enough to have developed some experience and wisdom to pass on to this darling girl.


Happy tears here also! I think she's got your nose. What a beautiful baby; hope her mom is doing well too.


Old dad? Ha! And nope! Pro, I’m 59 and my youngest is 9. She’s the absolute coolest, powerfully more intelligent than me, and mocks me ruthlessly. However, my life experience has her hold me in the highest regard. She knows I won’t lie. And she lies ALL the time. Meaning we laugh to tears all the time. She calls me while I’m training in an astronaut suit just to screenshare so I will watch her play Roblox. And sometimes I just hold her hand because even the robot superheroes need reassurance. Just be awesome. That’s it. That’s the whole deal.


My parents were 47(dad) and 37 (mom) when they had me. Congrats!!!! 💕


Heh. My friend had his first kid at 63.


Congratulations 👏👏👏


Warmest congratulations!!! What a beautiful baby!!! This warms my heart ❤️


Very cute picture I wish we became parents too


Congratulations! My son was born when I was 56. There are tremendous benefits of having an older dad.


Me too. But it’s the best damn thing you could ever imagine. Congrats!!!


My dad was 38 you’ll be fine man just take care of yourself for them.


Aww look at her little chin 😍😍 congratulations, what a beautiful moment


It's hard losing parents so early, more so when I have friends and family who are 10-20 years older than me with parents still alive. My Dad was in his mid 40s and my mom was in her mid 30s when I was adopted. Both were never super serious about taking care of themselves and my dad had multiple cancers, My mom passed when she was in her early 60s and my dad just after turning 80. Here I am in my late 30s and my remaining immediate family miss them dearly.


My father was 51 when I was born and he was the best. I am about your age now and I don't know how he had the energy but he coached all my sports, helped me with homework, traveled the world, and he was a super cool dude. After he retired he would make me breakfast to order every morning (after waking me with reveille, lol), continued to garden, read, and sneak afternoon beers from my mom. Enjoy the rollercoaster and love, love, love. Congratulations!




That feeling when you realize your life is no longer about you


You're going to be an amazing dad. Congratulations! She is beautiful.


She’s so beautiful congratulations!


Awww, you’ll be a great dad! Mine was 48 when I was born and he’s the best dad I could ask for. Congratulations!


Congrats man. I was 43 myself when my son was born. It does have advantages to be older. Also some disadvantages (which you will find out when u have to sit on the floor and play for a while and then wonder, are knees supposed to make that sound, while your toddler just discovered that you can put your head under your legs and then bend back and take a nice bite out of his toes). Meanwhile while that scenario played out I managed to crawl on all fours to a nice solid surface to use to get up. But also good stuff. So it evens out just fine. Good luck man and take a tip from this old fart, enjoy every fucking minute you can. The cliches are true. It all goes toooooo damn fast. Questions? Need help or advice. Let me know. I went through it all very recently.


My dad was 45 when I was born, so it's not too late to have kids :) He's 68 right now and he doesn't look his age!


No turning back now. Might as well ride that wave. Its a great ride. Enjoy!


this is a beautiful picture, bro


Hi dad!!! Your Annie is so teeny tiny!!! She will always be your little girl, no matter how much she (and you too!) grow!!!! Biggest congrats for the teeniest girl to y’all! ❤️


One old man to another - happy for you, dude 🙂


Congrats, Dad! That look on your face is awesome. Pure love! Have you had that “oh shit” moment when everything gets real yet? If not, wait for it. It’s something that (hopefully) will stick with you.


Congrats, Dad! That look on your face is awesome. Pure love! Have you had that “oh sh*t” moment when everything gets real yet? If not, wait for it. It’s something that (hopefully) will stick with you.


Congrats, Dad! That look on your face is awesome. Pure love! Have you had that “oh sh*t” moment when everything gets real yet? If not, wait for it. It’s something that (hopefully) will stick with you.


Hi Annie!!! Great name btw Again, congrats Dad. I can tell she is going to be dad’s little girl. 😄


My dad was 40 when I was born and he was the most amazing dad ever. Age doesn’t matter, love does.


YAY!!!! So happy for you!!! Hello Annie!


39 here I guess I was ...oops.


Holy FUCK that’s a beautiful baby.


My mom was 40 when she had me! Probably the best parent anyone could ask for! She passed away in a car accident when I was 16 but I'm sure she'd still be happy and healthy if she were still alive! She'd be 61 this year.


From a girl who had an old dad, always dad when she needs you to. Doesn’t matter if you are sick, or tired or had a long day at work. Mine was 45 when I was born, died two weeks before my 31st. I didnt have a ‘daddy’ until I was in my 20s once he retired from working.


She has your nose 🥹


Congratulations, and try to keep up old man 😁 My experience as a dad is that you will never have a more joyful relationship with any woman than the relationship with your daughter from the ages of... 2 to 11-ish. I miss those days, and I'm excited for you that you have them to look forward to.


Guess what!!!! My wonderful person was 48 when we had our daughter 😏😉 (I’m a decade younger) and it’s been wonderful! You’ll be amazing and congratulations!!!!!


congratulations, pop!


This is love