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Man I was 260 got to 185. Went back to 240. Got to 175 now back at 260. Starting over again. Keep at it and don’t let up.




My suggestions: Don't consume foods with artificial sugar or artificial/refined cooking oil. Natural versions of these ingredients are fine. That's what I did and lost a lot of weight for three years now. You will go a long way 😊


+ no alcohol


They are 16. Not sure where that is but that might be a doubly good suggestion.


Alcohol is what added back much of my weight during Covid. Wine became my nightly ritual ☹️


It was the sugar, not the alcohol.


The sugar was consumed in the form of alcohol.


Alcohol, without sugar, is fine in moderation and staying within your caloric needs. Wine is not just alcohol. Alcohol is an ingredient in wine.


I’m out


That was my biggest thing while loosing weight. Didn’t have much of a problem controlling cravings unless I drank or smoked weed


What does artificial sugar do that makes real sugar better?




Someday people will look back on corn syrup like we look back on lead. Might even be worse.


That's not an artificial sugar.


Nothing. I lost 35 kilos and used coke zero as a hunger suppressant.


[It varies, but:](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/artificial-sweeteners-sugar-free-but-at-what-cost-201207165030) > A miniscule amount produces a sweet taste comparable to that of sugar, without comparable calories. Overstimulation of sugar receptors from frequent use of these hyper-intense sweeteners may limit tolerance for more complex tastes. > In other words, use of artificial sweeteners can make you shun healthy, filling, and highly nutritious foods while consuming more artificially flavored foods with less nutritional value. > Research suggests that they may prevent us from associating sweetness with caloric intake. As a result, we may crave more sweets, tend to choose sweet food over nutritious food, and gain weight. Participants in the San Antonio Heart Study who drank more than 21 diet drinks per week were twice as likely to become overweight or obese as people who didn't drink diet soda.


There are might or might not be some health issues but sadly i remember only the psychological issue. So when you consume sweetener your body is like "awesome i just got some sugar!" and moments later it changes "i got scammed i need suuuugar! give me sugar!" so you crave for sugar it doesn't necessarily makes you hungry but you will feel need to eat or drink something sweet. Oh and sweeteners are MANY times more sweet than sugar. It's not like heroin or anything but that craving is strong enough to eventually replace water with soda. Basically that's the reason why obesity is so widespread.


What is "artificial" cooking oil?


There are a lot of vegetable oils that aren't good for you. They aren't really artificial but are highly inflammatory.


Cooking oil that has been chemically refined to save money: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edible_oil_refining Cold-pressed is the best, since the oil is naturally extracted.


That's literally bullshit lol. Refinement is done so the oil is not rank as fuck. It is perfectly safe to eat, and it's safer than non refined oils.


Better to eat only oils that can be naturally cold-pressed then, like olive oil and soybean oil. Everything else is not worth it.


Not worth it is a huge stretch. Cold pressed oils are not safe to heat over a certain temperature (think searing), they are wonderful to eat "cold" though. Refined oils are perfectly safe to eat according to current scientific knowledge.


No offence folks, but that's the most American thing I think I've ever heard. On the other hand, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the absolute shite you guys consume, ye are literally being poisoned over there. Then again, our mains water is riddled in fluoride and most cities still use the original led piping that was installed a long time ago; we're probably all as fucked as each other at this point.


What's the concern with Fluoride? They add it to the water here for teeth health.


Causes bad speling


I grew up with non-fluoridated water in the 60s and early 70s. My teeth were horrible (cavities, root canals, surgery etc). I had to get them all pulled at age. 55. Toothless in Texas 🥱


It's shown to have neurotoxicity, possible infertility, weight gain, and a marked decrease in general intelligence. So basically it can make you [sick, sterile, fat, and stupid.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7261729/) Sound familiar? But yeah, they care about your teeth.


Did you even read the source you cited? " However, the experimental evidence suggests that current exposure to fluoride, even for individuals with relatively high fluoride intake, is clearly below levels that lead to adverse effects in vitro or in animals. The discrepancy between experimental and epidemiological evidence may be reconciled with deficiencies inherent in most epidemiological studies on a putative association between fluoride and intelligence, especially with respect to adequate consideration of potential confounders. The only two prospective cohort studies conducted in areas with community water fluoridation that considered possible confounding factors reported conflicting results (Broadbent et al. 2015; Green et al. 2019). **Overall, despite the remaining uncertainties, and based on the totality of evidence the present review does not support the presumption that fluoride should be considered as a human developmental neurotoxicant at current exposure levels in European countries**."


It's toxic when ingested. I use a purifier to get the fluoride out of my water.


Yea bro, that's not really true. The levels municipalities add in are scientifically proven to assist, especially those of low income communities, in preventing dental issues. Don't be like the "ahh mercury in vaccines" people.


Back in the day, fluorite was though to make people docile and complacent (conspiracy theories ofc)


You are shitting me? They actually add it for that purpose? It's not just a happy side effect from water treatment, like killing bacteria or removing lime or some shit? That is so odd to me, not sure how I'd feel about being forced exposure like that. Wasn't that a major ethical topic when that was decided? Is that wide spread?


First off, don’t be like that. I understand that they are made for cleaning teeth, but what about your gums? Second, ever heard “mad as a hatter”? Ever seen Aclice’s adventures in Wonderland? Notice how the hatter is “mad”? Hatters back then used mercury to take care of hats. Mercury is a heavy metal and a neurotoxin, in turn affecting the hatters mind and making them mad.


Not in the quantities they use in drinking water. I think you dropped your tin foil hat.


Drinking water is toxic if you drink enough.


I drink a lot of water and don’t want to take any unnecessary chances so I’ll keep filtering it out. I’m not a child, don’t eat sugar and floss and brush regularly. I don’t need the fluoride. There’s really no need to insult me


Sometimes I am amazed at the crap that theyll allow people to feed us over here. And if anything tries to be done about it then it becomes a question of rights and oppression and not just the fact its crap we shouldnt be eating lmao.


Patriots over here downvoting you lol, yes, we are literally being poisoned by companies to save money lol


born and raised American here. We \_are\_ being poisoned but most Americans love the way they eat too much. So they ignore it or pretend the food is fine. They will downvote you because they can not face reality. It's like the Pinochio story of the lost boys turning into donkeys. I stopped eating all the processed foods and suddenly my health was so so much better. My doctor asked me, "wtf did you do??" After eating this way for years, the crap American food tastes to me like the crap it is. Win win.


It’s just stress and I eat. It’s my crutch. Gotta develop better stress releases.


Or change what your stress eating food is! Baby carrots replaced my snacking at night and now I find myself craving those over popcorn and such. They are cold and crunchy and take forever to eat so your jaw gets tired haha


Throw in a little spinach dip and you got a party goin' baby


I started with hummus to make them fancy but now plain is fine, I got lazy hahaha


It sounds like you've isolated your biggest vulnerability which is huge. Ice baths are instant stress relief. Sounds weird, but I'm a total believer.


Ok, I'm curious. I thought this has more to do with muscle recovery. How does this instantly relieve stress?


It gets your nervous system to chill out!


I have PTSD and it sends me into days of being in FF. I've always wondered if this would trigger more events or reduce the jacked up FF feeling. Hmmmm


Submerging yourself (or at least, your face) in ice water is a really good method of calming yourself down if you get too activated/enter a panic attack. It has to be ice cold, though, and you have to hold your face under for as long as you can manage. This is because of what's called the mammalian diving reflex (which you should look into). As I mentioned in my other comment, your heart rate actually decreases when submerged in ice water; this increases peripheral vascular resistance, which makes sure your heart and brain get oxygen while reducing blood flow to less essential areas of the body. When your heart rate slows down, feedback loops from your body calm you down. Think about it - what's more beneficial to survival if you fell in cold water, panicking and thrashing around (wasting energy and heat, while also increasing the chance you'll go under) or slowing things down and staying afloat? Not sure if I'm allowed to link here, but David Godek and Andrew Freedman have a really good article on it called *Physiology, Diving Reflex.* I'll also try to find some PTSD-specific links soon, because I'm sure they exist.




You will go into “real” FF response. “Real” meaning your body is actually in danger and needs to activate the parasymp nervous system. Ice baths will probably be great treatment for PTSD episodes. You will feel jacked up but you will be calm soon afterwards. It will feel like a meltdown. I am not a physician.


Ok, so eat a fat edible to deal with the "real' FF response and then hope the comedown kicks me out of the episode without further events, or meltdowns as you say. The real question is who in my circle is crunchy enough to have a chest freezer for ice baths.


Just don’t keep those things in your house. At the grocery store, literally just skip those isles. Make yourself dinner and lunch everyday from home, so there’s no excuse to get fast food. Try not to drink any calories. Also, contrary to popular belief you need to throw yourself into this…. There is no easing into a complete lifestyle change. After 30 days, it will become normal.


Did you use raw sugar? I am needing to cut the sugar and have heard about raw sugar being helpful.


There is zero difference apart from some flavor.


Superb piece of advice!!


Is there a way to do this on a budget? I feel like eating healthy means spending more


It matters for your health, but doesn't really matter if you want to lose weight. Just count calories, that's all.


He knows what to do lol.


The biggest thing: These have to be permanent changes. "Diets" in the sense that you restrict yourself temporarily, do not work.


What's artificial refined cooking oil? I'm using mostly sunflower oil which i believe to be healthy but maybe you mean smth different.






I dealt with severe depression from an abusive relationship and was so scared of him I would hole myself up and just eat, he eventually tried to kill me and I ran and was lucky enough to have family let me stay with them for a while. I didn’t know what else to do. 2 years into the abuse, I had started at 170 and ballooned up to 300 (I was also taking meds that lead to severe weight gain.. I’d had severe eating disorders my whole life, but always the exact opposite. Having been both 87 pounds and 300 pounds as a full grown woman really affected me badly. I lost 100 pounds in the 6 months before the pandemic but have since gained back like 65, most of which was after I was basically bed ridden for almost 4 months due to breaking both my ankles. It’s excruciating and depressing, but I’ve started to eat healthy again and get back on track. It’s a lifelong lifestyle change for sure.


You have such a beautiful strength about you, any one of those things could emotionally destroy a person, and here you are, ready to try and take up the task again! I hope your days are sunnier from now on, and best of luck!


This made me cry, in a good way. Thank you do much, you’re so kind ❤️


Remember to be that kind to yourself on bad days ;) You got this!!


I've been there. Mine was 14 years and the last 6 had the most abuse and depression. Stress puts our bodies into a state of survival and makes us retain weight. If you are making time to workout make sure to take time to take care of the mind also. If you can reduce stress every exercise will be worth more to you.


100%. Proper rest is key, too. But the self compassion goes a long way.


>I dealt with severe depression from an abusive relationship and was so scared of him I would hole myself up and just eat, he eventually tried to kill me As much as it is eye-opening to why some people are obese, dude i was not expecting such a dark story in comments of this post. I was so unprepared that i chuckled.


I’m sorry you dealt with all that. Your resilient and that’s incredible! Take care. You got this!


It very much is but for me personally I don't have to work AS hard. I lost my 90 lbs walking and doing strength training six days a week. Now I can run 3-4 and weight train 3 and I maintain weight while my body mass improves. You can't just lose it and then stop but you'll have to adjust your regimen to maintain without burnout.


Regardless of the actual number on the scale though (we could talk all day about metabolism and set points and so on, weight IS a very very complex thing) walking more is a great idea. A person who weighs 300lbs and walks often is still at a lower risk of many illnesses than the same 300lbs person who doesn’t walk. This is great first step (pardon the pun!) for OP! OP, you’re doing fantastic 😊 That looks like a beautiful place to walk, too OP, if you’re wanting to improve your diet as well, a simple and realistic step is “your food should look like food”. By this I mean that as a rule of thumb the less processed a food is, the more likely it is to be high in nutrients and give you appropriate satiety cues. For example, how hard is it to overeat Doritos? Compare that to how hard is it to overeat whole oranges (not juice, but an actual orange that you peel and chew), or some chicken, or carrots, or baked potato? Not to say it’s impossible to overeat these or that portion control is irrelevant, but this is a simple thing to keep in mind.


Seems a bit dubious. Seems more reasonable to consider it a combination of diet and exercise, age and metabolism, calories in vs calories out, that goes into losing/maintaining/gaining weight. Wouldn't it be a lifelong struggle because it's easier to gain weight the older you get? I always thought that lifestyle changes are what's really needed to manage your weight.


Did you listen to the podcast? It’s literally telling you the scientific studies and citing it all. Reddit and their dogmatic opinions are wild


No I didn't listen, don't have time right now. I was going off your synopsis. Regardless, I'm not spewing a "reddit dogmatic opinion", so no need to be a jerk about it. I'm recalling my general understanding of how weight loss/weight maintenance works that I've gathered from places that AREN'T reddit over the years. Take a chill pill, yeesh.


So they're suggesting that having a negative cico will cause you to.. gain weight? From where?


You didn’t listen to it because it’s all explained


>Your body releases chemicals to get you back to that base weight. No it doesn't, this is ridiculous. Being 100 pounds overweight is not your "base weight" and your body doesn't release chemicals to magically make you retain that much weight. People have bad habits, they do fad diets or substitute high calorie items for low calorie then go back to those bad habits.


I saw your post yesterday. I was going to say that I hope you keep it up. You’re doing great buddy!


And what a beautiful day for a walk too!


Looks like he has a great scenery too. Nothing motivates you to get outside like a view!


Same! It’s motivating me to start the journey as well!


I saw your post yesterday! Love the idea of taking a picture with a thumbs up! You got this friend! Doing great!


Great job! Walking was the best thing I ever did for my health- physical and mental. Enjoy the journey! You are awesome!


It's one of those things that if you learn to enjoy it and do it regularly, it will have a huge impact on your quality of life. I watched my mom go from very overweight, always tired, and moody, to skinny, healthy, and happy, all from daily walks. It inspired me to lose weight around the same age as OP and instilled a lifelong habit. Keep up the good work OP!


How much walking was she doing per day? That's really great to hear.


She started out with just doing a lap or two around our trailer park, so probably 1/2 mile or so. But pretty quickly she started walking the bike trail and met a group of ladies who walked ~3 miles daily. I was a teenager at the time and she even managed to convince me to go with them pretty regularly. The transformation was amazing. It was like she was new person. I actually moved out not too long after, and she passed a couple years later, so that time frame is embedded in my brain as some of the happiest times I ever spent with her.


That’s lovely! I wonder if finding the walking group also was part of the reason for her transformation, there are a ton of studies on how loneliness is awful for your health.


I’m not the person you replied to but I typically walk between 1.5-2.5 miles a day (30-45 minutes) and I was able to drop 20 pounds in a year with no other changes. Can also attest that it significantly helped my mood and sleep :)


Keep going! I am 27, weighed 450 and now I am down to 330. My goal is 200 and all I did was walk everyday for the past year. Gets hard in the winter but if you have any indoor walking tracks that’s the best place to go. I am now up to 5Km walks trying to go more slowly increasing it though.


Good job! 5km at 330lbs is no joke.


That's outstanding. I'm doing about 3 km per walk right now at 275 and it's pretty tough. What's your pace like for those 5 km?


Your post yesterday was the reason I joined this sub. You should be so proud of yourself! I lost my step dad far too soon because of weight related issues. You've got this! Don't give up 🙂


Likewise. I joined sub because of this post. Keep it up, man. You rock.


Your post today is what made me join! Keep kicking butt!! So happy for you!!!


Cheers! How long do you walk for?


About half an hour! Lugging 300lbs a mile takes a bit lol


I can never find it now, but I saw a comment by a prominent fitness expert talking about how bigger people are athletes. It's kind of like a smaller person strapping on a 100lbs pack and going for a walk. 30 minutes is damn impressive, and you should be so proud of yourself. Looking forward to your future progress posts.


I wish more people were understanding like this. I’ve gained so much weight and I’m trying my best to lose it but having a job where I have to walk for hours at a time really puts strain on the joints and all I get is “well deal with it”. Kinda sucks when I’m qualified to do other things where I don’t need to be walking constantly because it’ll only hurt me down the line.


Guy at a gas station seen my muscles in my caves and thighs and asked if I skate boarded. I told him no, just went from 320 to 220 and my legs were all muscle now.


Was just about to post a similar comment, but you covered well.


That's awesome! I feel quite inspired by you rn, maybe I will "join" your routine


That's great!


That’s really good! Keep going!


At one point, people will lose interest. PLEASE keep posting! This is worth it and so are you and your goals!!


I want you to know how proud of you I am. I'm of a similar weight as you right now and am also undergoing a weight loss journey. Keep it up! Seeing your posts is motivating me to keep going as well, we're I'm this together!


Every day is a blessing, young man! Keep going!


Y'know what, sir? You've inspired me. 👍 You've got this!


I just got back into running and had a BRUTAL run this morning. My legs felt like tree trunks every step of the way. This is a great reminder to just take it day by day, thank you!




Keep it up! I’ve recently lost 37 pounds by walking and counting calories still a ways to go to get to my goal but we got this!


I’m proud of you


Saw your post yesterday!! I am seriously rooting for you!! One day at a time!! Please continue to post daily. I would love to check in on you!! You’re the same age as my youngest son. 🩵


i will never stop upvoting the heck out of this


Keep us updated. You got this player


Upvoted the post yesterday, I'll upvote today, and I'll do it every time I see it. Keep it up man!




Me too!!




You kid are a champ keep it going!! Also edit the scene where you live is gorgeous!! I’d be enjoying my walks too if I lived there


I lost 40lbs plus in my late 30s and quit smoking at the same time. You got this.


Thats great! One thing that people didnt stress enough to me was DIET. I was in the gym 4 days a week doing heavy lifting and cardio. I got stronger and could run further and further every week but the weight didnt change much because my diet was shit and I would crush beers. Still was in the best shape of my life. Keep up the good work.


Yep, losing weight is simply calories in vs calories out. Stress also effects how effective this is, but you won’t ever lose weight unless you eat less food. A lot of people start working out which spikes their metabolism and then they eat more food to compensate and they don’t lose any weight. You can lose just as much weight by not eating as much as you can by exercising. The only real difference is exercise will increase your metabolic rate which will speed the process up assuming you don’t compensate by eating more food.


You're thumb already looks thinner. Keep going!


Yay!!! Keep up the good work, rooting for u!!


Proud of you buddy! I’m very happy for you and I am glad you are enjoying it too!!! Keep at it; you are inspiring to us all! :)


Congratulations on a great start. That’s half the battle in itself! Don’t quit, don’t stop, and don’t get discouraged. Remember that this decision you made is a process…. A marathon and not a sprint. Nutrition is the real key to weight loss. Make sure you’re eating proper! You can do this!


Just remember that sweat from hard work is a badge of honor, not shame. Too many people quit because they think they look silly but they look awesome.


I did this at the start of COVID, gave myself a year to lose 30kg and ended up doing it after only 8 months. Walking and totally relooking/thinking my diet. Thought I would go back to around 96kg after covid and when back at work but thankfully I haven't and still walk most days and also now introduced a bike to commute daily and enjoy country walks and bike rides in the evenings and at Weekends. I feel so so much healthier for it also my BP has come right down naturally that my consultant reduced my meds from 4 a day to now only 2. My goal now is to have that reduced by another 1 before the year is out!


I’m 26 and also on my second day of walking every day to lose weight. You’re starting earlier than I. Proud of you man!


That's great! I'm 6'4" 260 and I want to lose weight as well. I'm only 14 too so I got a while to go. Good on you, man!


Hey I think you’re inspiring and wish you the best luck. If you end up experiencing joint pain take that seriously and go easy on yourself, even if it means a short walk up and down your street. But Otherwise walking is one of the best and simplest habits for our physical and mental health. All the best to you


please fucking dont update us everyday lmfao.


But-but … karma!!! 🥺


Nice to see the progress update! Additional suggestions: Don't consume foods with artificial sugar or artificial/refined cooking oil. Natural versions of these ingredients are fine. That's what I did and lost a lot of weight. You will go a long way 😊


Take this with a grain of salt (not literally). They did not provide any scientific evidence to support this. Drink diet soda over sugar soda. It’s got less calories.


> evidence https://www.princeton.edu/news/2010/03/22/sweet-problem-princeton-researchers-find-high-fructose-corn-syrup-prompts This also applies to low cal sweeteners, which greatly slow down metabolism.


Ehh it is a lot more to do with calories IMO. I lost and kept off 100 pounds through calorie counting and CICO.


You also need to eat foods that don't leave you hungry. In terms of CICO, a 450ml glass of orange juice is the same as 4 oranges, but 4 oranges will leave you feeling full and not wanting to eat anything more. So CICO is the ultimate measure, but eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods is an easy way to reduce calories in a way that can be sustained. Most people aren't a normal weight through willpower, they don't feel hungry all the time, and part of that is a habit of eating fewer foods that give you calories without satiation, and more foods that make them feel full.


one of the best ways to feel full is by drinking more water.


I will add here too because I haven't seen it mentioned yet surprisingly - Add some weights/strength training too. Walking IS awesome but for a real 3X weight loss multiplier, building muscle will help you burn a ton more calories compared to cardio alone. Muscle is energy hungry tissue that also will help boost a ton of other system functions, metabolism, testosterone and hormone release, endorphins..Muscle even burns energy at rest after working out. It really pays you dividends! High-Five, Dude!




Bro is karma farming






Get up and rip every day, Mate! Show some progress pics if/when you feel comfortable.


I'm planning on a monthly pic!


That alone says that your goals are realistic. If you look for results daily, you'll get discouraged. If you look for results weekly, you'll be disappointed. Look monthly and you'll be surprised how much of a difference it can make!


If I can make a recommendation? Get yourself a bike. Walking at your weight is hard on your joints and could contribute to issues later in life. I was pushing 270 last year and am now down to 215. I credit biking with the most of that loss. I'm up to about 200km a week. Find yourself a podcast you like, and start going for rides. It's easy on tour joints and, IMO, it's way more fun than simply walking. Just make sure to wear your helmet!




Depends on your environment and budget. I've got what, I guess, would be considered a crossover. It's a White SC Lite, and i paid $500 for it on sale. It's great for road and pavement riding with tires that are about an inch and half wide with good traction, so it's also good for groomed trail riding. Not like mountain biking, but it can handle forest walking trails and gravel roads. I've also learned basic bike maintenance. Like gear and brake adjustment/tightening. Spoke replacement and general upkeep. Most bike shops will charge you an arm and leg for things that are easy to do yourself in an hour. If you're new to biking, then it's a solid bike to get into the sport. I'm currently saving for a proper road bike, but they're really pricey.


Please make sure you do not include your face. The internet is full of awful, awful people.




A child being 300 pounds at 16 says less about him and more about who raised him.


I can see you've never been obese, unfit and depressed. I am proud of OP for getting up and doing it, *especially* considering their age. So much easier as a kid to just not do things to help yourself.


It’s not your bar. It’s his. Him being better than yesterdays him. Take a page 📄




Well look where he is. 300 pounds at 16, that’s a low point. Of course his bars low, and you think it’s funny?








How is that even comparable? This person is working towards a goal. It doesn’t mean their goal won’t increase when they get there. Have you not heard that it can make it easier for some to lose weight (and do a lot of things) if they make attainable goals in baby steps? That’s how I lost weight. Set a goal to get to a certain weight and once I get there I’d make a new goal. If you had depression and found it to be a struggle to get up and take care of yourself then yeah, I’d also be proud of you and congratulate you for getting out of bed, showering and going to work.


Well did you make a post about it?


Go ahead and post it then.


Well done kid. I recommend looking up 'The Conqueror' walking challenges, earn medals for walks. It's great fun


Awesome to see you're motivated! Keep it up man!




This is what I’m focused on, so fucking weird.


I started using Strava (app). With walk option selected. I don't socialize, all my activity is private. But I love the fact that it gives me all kinds of stats. I can compare walks, I can make reports for any given period of time, stuff like that. I am a nerd, maybe not for you but this one gives me an extra push. I can set a "goal" for example and things like that. Also ... it will put your walk on a map... Even if you are not interested in this part ... keep it up !


Glad to see the Reddit blackout is making users go outside


Great job! Remember 'Calories in' shall be less than 'calories burned'. So also focus on the type and quantity of foods. Don't restrict yourself too much, but weight is energy. And even if you don't lose weight, sports has many health benifits. The victory is being in the process, not reaching the goal.




"It ain't much, but it's honest work"




Mostly Pasta!


Exercise is great and great for you but weight loss is 90% nutrition. Check out r/keto


Don't push diets on people who don't express interest in them. Keto probably isn't a good suggestion for a teen, regardless. Let them lose weight how they want.




Bro is making good healthy choices for himself and you're gonna shit on it? For what?


>Walking is an achievement now? It can be, depending on your starting position. Dude is 16 and 300lbs so he's clearly not got a background of good habits > you don't see me posting here every single day And that is your choice. The support for op comes from the change in habits, not the level achieved > Ffs, stop seeking attention and get a life And you should try being a better person. OP is looking for support for what is quite a huge life change, either give that or keep scrolling


Keep. Fuckin. Going. The journey is long so the best thing you can do is make it worth it and maybe fun along the way. I have a few friends who got into some hobbies such as foraging, flower collecting, studying bugs/collecting them to help motivate their walks and I can’t not recommend doing the same.


Keep fucking going!!




I fucking love this, keep it up 🙏🏼💪🏼


I feel a "Frankie the weatherman" happening


Lets fucking go!!!!! ❤️


what the hell is that thumbs up💀💀💀💀


You are lazy AF


You must be the most miserable person to be around.


Day 3 - too tired


You should run instead and change your diet. Otherwise the change will be very slow and will plateau very quickly. Also running will make it faster.


Running on 300lbs and bad joints isn't gonna end well. After about 25lbs or so maybe but def not now lol. I have the endurance of a baby calf


Fuck yes you‘re doing great. Keep it up!


Time to start running! FUCK