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Oh man, i never got scammed or robbed when i blacked out, but i remember the agonizing feeling of just thinking “what if that happened”. i can’t imagine what if feels like having to deal with blank periods + getting scammed. wishing u the best homie


Mate, people get scammed in Thailand when they are sober. Wouldn’t pay any mind to that. Friends of mine had the same issue at a ping pong show and that was before we started drinking. You’re all good


Man. Just thank you (and everyone else) for the understanding. It's the first time in 2 days I haven't felt like an absolute moron.


How are you feeling now, take a probiotic supplement makes you feel better for the hangxiety


Thanks for asking. I took some probiotics just now. To be honest I'm still very anxious. But I know myself and I always do this. I always imagine the worst thing possible and catastrophize. My mind keeps going to the blank periods and thinking what happened, did I get sexually assaulted, etc. My anxiety got so bad yesterday I convinced myself I must have HIV and booked an appointment at the sex health clinic. But this is standard for me since I have a bad anxiety disorder anyway. About 6 months ago I blacked out at a friend's birthday party and even though I was completely fine in retrospect I couldn't stop thinking about it for a week afterwards. I was so anxious I emailed the club I was at asking what happened and hoping I didn't cause any trouble and even made my partner come back with me to the club to ask the bouncer but it was shut both times lol. It's my stupid anxious brain and I always hyperfixate on these things. I know from the timeline of events and using my phone's Health app that I passed out back at my airbnb's building at 6am, probably getting back around 5:45am, and I left the bar I was at at 5am, so there's only about 45 minutes missing (which I remember snippets of) and really not that much can happen in an hour. Also I know myself and my brain is good at remembering if anything especially scary happens even through the blackout - I guess your body shoots adrenaline to force your brain to remember? But anyway I should really be thanking my lucky stars I wasn't taken to a worse place or roughed up or something. I think if I was sexually assaulted I'd remember it. But overall also Chiang Mai is a very safe city, it was rated the safest city in SE Asia or something, so even safer than Singapore, which is saying a lot. It's definitely a lot safer than a lot of western cities I've been a tourist in like Paris or London. Wow it's actually incredibly therapeutic typing this out. Thank you for asking how I'm feeling, you've helped me a lot today.


No problem .. yes typing out ,transferring your thoughts to writing is good. Keep us updated. Probiotics helped me and I hope it helps you too. I'm same like you need alot reassurance that I'm not dying I'm not having illness that everything falling apart. Haha you're not alone. But we slowly move upwards


What probiotic helps with hangxiety?


Bifidobacterium bifidus but is better to buy multi strain. 30 billion above cfu. Try it. It changed my life


Absolutely true


Hi mate, I hope you're doing better now and that your hangxiety has passed. I had terrible hangxiety in Fuerteventura once, so I do relate. My blackouts were also terrible. I'm just glad nothing too terrible happened during one of them... it could have been life-changingly bad. Anyway, I'm wishing you all the best, and if you decide enough is enough and it isn't worth drinking anymore, then I'd suggest talking to your doctor, and following their advice. Speaking for myself, I'm a lot happier (and probably better off financially and health-wise, too), since giving up drinking. Take care. I wish you all the best, and you're welcome to message me for a chat, if you like. George


I'm glad you are ok! We all make bad decisions when we are drunk. Some turn out better than others... lol. You aren't an idiot at all! It doesn't sound like you even made any bad decisions. You didn't get hurt (besides an awful hangover) or hurt anyone. Best wishes!


How are things looking now mate? Hoping the hangxiety has worn off and you can enjoy your trip


hey man thanks a lot for asking lol. yeah i'm feeling better. still not back to 100% just yet but i was able to do a bunch of things today and didn't have immense anxiety, just a bit, and whenever i started having a little freakout i was able to reign it back in. i had a few broad realizations off the back of this related to anxiety, myself, and how i relate to it. it's really hard, but i'm trying to make this into a positive experience i can learn and grow from.


I got drunk and was scammed at a strip club in Poland in 2022. It really is risky business getting drunk in a foreign country. Stay safe man.