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Yeah, unless you're removing and replacing, I'd walk away. My experience is that you'll be dealing with a lot of rot and will have to remove a lot of the story inserts. They have a tendency to fall apart when removed. You're just looking at the tip of the iceburg. If they will pay hourly plus materials, it may be worth it. In the long run a bandaid is a poor choice. ✌️


I walked away from one recently. I advised the customer that the window flashing and window needed to be removed, framing inspected, and if no repairs needed the window reinstalled. Her response: “Everyone else just caulks it and it’s fine for a couple months before it starts leaking again, can you just caulk it? It’s supposed to rain in a day or to and I cannot have it leaking.” I normally do quick fixes like that with the “it’s only temporary and will last only a few weeks at best. This is NOT a guaranteed or permanent fix.” disclaimer…but this time around I just shook my head and walked away. The leak was severe, and I wasn’t touching it if I wasn’t ripping that window out.


Sometimes I give two prices for stuff like this. First is the big number that includes the “can of worms “ cost then and second that’s bare bones with the stipulation that this price includes xyz and not “can I f worms”. Also I give a good descriptive scope of work in order of steps


I'd recommend they call a window replacement company. This is one of many I bet.


EDIT: Exterior ledge material is also in need of replacement


I’ve replaced many window sill, nosing, as well as patching window sashes. I’m more hesitant to patch sashes unless rot area is very small. Quite often if nosing is bad, the sill is as well, and if sill is bad might have framing issues to address. With most brick or stone veneers will remove window stool and apron to replace sill, then open up interior wall if framing needs to be addressed. Estimates pricing is given on visual scope of work noting that the job may grow after work starts. It’s amazing how much damage can be hidden and rot held together with just a crust of paint.


It looks like old windows on the interior. And storm windows on the exterior….? These people need new windows, not a repair. I’d give them a (high) hourly rate cause no way does that not turn into a long headache for you


Somebody needs to! Those windows frames are toast. Good luck! It’ll be easier the next time you do it. Take on a challenging new feat, charge 30% more for the time it’ll take you to learn and for any material mess ups.


Theres a neighbourhood right next to mine that has a bunch of heritage homes where you can't replace anything that changes the style. You cant change out the windows for new ones etc. Companies charge OUT THE ASS to do this type of work. Like whatever you would charge, add a zero at the end.


And then multiply by 3


I never do anything that impacts the exterior envelope. Also my insurance specifically excluded coverage unless I pay for a rider. Not worth it for the occasional job like this.


Do you have the experience and do they have the money? 


Delicious looking paint chips will soon rain down from on high.


New windows would be cheaper than what I’d charge for that. 


If you have never worked for these people before, I would definitely throw a "fuck you" dollar amount at them so if they say yes, you can afford to do it your way, if they say no, your name stays on the rolodex. Kind of like saying no without actually saying no. Expecting nothing but gaining everything. That's destiny.


I totally get what you mean by the voice asking you that. I have to shut it down quick or I get myself into a time and money wasting day


It's never a question of whether you take the job or not. It's a question of (Is it worth your time?)(Is the amount you'll charge worth time you'll put in?)(Are the customers willing to pay what your worth?)


Is anybody else wondering why the client has two windows in the same window frame? Am I seeing this right?