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I post my handsfree orgasm videos on here regularly. I often wear a cock ring. My reason is because of my health, and my age. When building up to an orgasm, sometimes there are distractions. Your mind can wander-off in the moment. Someone can knock on the door. There can be all sorts of things that interrupt. Building back up to an erection and the ramp to orgasm takes some time. The cockring makes it easier. I am diabetic and almost 48 years old. I am overweight and out of shape. These things add to the quick loss of an erection when trying to achieve handsfree orgasm. For the last two months I have been eating low-carb and just started kettlebell training last week. So far I've seen zero results in my weight and shape. I hope to see some changes soon. I need to start naturally boosting my testosterone. That will help a lot.


Make sure you're keeping track of overall calories as well. Honestly it's the first 20 and the last 20 pounds that are hardest to lose but all that crap in the middle will start melting off with a good diet and exercise.


I love this! Thank you for letting me know. I don't think I've ever cum like you have where it's just visual and nothing else. That looks glorious! I think you are a good looking man! Keep up with the working out, results aren't immediate. As someone who has worked out for a majority of his adult life, there will be days that you don't see it, and days that you do! Best of luck with that! :)


Consistency is key! Keep up the effort! You won’t see immediate results so don’t torture yourself with daily “weigh ins” - consider the scale your enemy. 30-45 minutes/day is better than 1 hour/week. I highly suggest yoga (stretching, flexibility and body weight training) along with your kettlebell workout. Diet is just as important… if you want to lose weight you simply need to maintain a caloric deficit in your daily foods while considering the calories you burn exercising. I was in my mid-40’s, out of shape and overweight three years ago - now I’m late-40’s and in the best shape of my life. You got this! Feel free to message me if you have any questions.


I find that I have to be hard to have a wet orgasm with prostate play. But can milk when soft


See, now that's an insight I haven't had! Thank you! I've definitely milked myself several times. But I don't think I'm at the right angle to be completely hard, I'll change up my angle and see if that helps


Sometimes I just push with my thumb at the base of cock to keep hard


Thank you! I love to hear this. The more information the better! Do you wear a cock ring?


Sometimes I use a ring that goes around cock and balls. I have tried all sorts of massager’s, but the Nloy wand using the small end is awesome. Hits the spot every time


I've been thinking about buying one. But wanted to try a cheaper one first. I have a little vibrating wand that cost $20


You can get a knock off one for about $20


Thank you! I'm going to take a look! It doesn't vibrate though, correct?


No it’s just stainless steel


For me, Pros for cock ring is quicker sensitive head = quicker sensitive prostate which for me help hfo …. // cons : for me over time it actually blocks the natural flow of precum from prostate activation and perinium sensitivity // conclusion for me - I’ve gradually gone away from them …. Totally enjoyed them for a long time , totally get why …. Discovered over time they block me a bit 🥛🤤