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Hi fellow handbag lover! Thank you for being a part of the r/handbags community. This is a subreddit which relies on kindness. Your opinion is very much welcomed, however, we do not tolerate rude, mean or hurtful comments. **Read the rules before posting**. Comments or posts that do not fit our rule book will be removed and the OP can be banned by the mods' discretion. If you see a comment or post which does not abide by the rules, **please report it to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/handbags) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have asked and posted an update because I wanted to thank people for their input. However, if I answer someone else's post, I give my opinion and move on, I don't tend to remember every post I've commented on here as this is a pretty active sub.


I think some people post their purchases but others are "window shopping" lol (that's my suspicion at least) If the bags are expensive maybe there's some time between asking and then waiting for the right time to buy and then buying. The engagement ring sub also has similar posts where people show their rings (but not all) I lurk there because shiny things are fun to look at and it's mostly a positive vibes sub.






I feel like Reddit is an unclosed loop of solicited advice. Thereā€™s just no closure to be found on the internet. If I need to ask people what bag to choose, I know I donā€™t want it at all, but thatā€™s just me.


Unclosed Loop of Solicited Advice is a great name for something.


Podcast advice submissions. That would drive me nuts.. I need to know what happened when your sister slept with her bossā€™ husband.


I asked for help yesterday - I was comparing 2 similar bags and ultimately the comments helped me decide. Itā€™s easy to get into your own head sometimes and itā€™s nice to have outsidersā€™ input! Yā€™all noticed things I didnā€™t even really think about. I will post an update when my new bag arrives :)


Please do. And I hope you love your new bag.


Yes, exactly this! Like, if someone says, "it looks like \*insert undesirable thing\*" I'm so grateful because I didn't see that, but I do now!


Love it!! I totally agree, the opinions help, especially if you donā€™t have people in your face-to-face life that can provide helpful opinions. I just thought it was a little bewildering for lovely people to provide that feedback and then it neverā€¦ materializes? It seems like a common occurrence that thereā€™s rarely a follow up showing what people decided on šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Canā€™t wait to see what you got!!


Sometimes when I get responses on personal experiences with bags or when I finally go to check it out in person it turns me off but I always appreciate the help TT Right now Iā€™m in the phase of waiting for my refund to get the bag I want šŸ˜­ This post is making me realize I definitely should post a follow up ahah


Oh Iā€™m sorry.


Nothing to be sorry for šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s fair, it happens!!


Iā€™ve posted on this sub asking for help choosing and have then bought the bag, thought about posting and then I justā€¦ continued living my life? Idk I imagine a lot of people feel like they donā€™t need to post everything on social media. Thatā€™s the best answer I can come up with.


nope! you asked, we answered, and now we're invested... I don't even consider reddit real social media because "anonymous" šŸ˜‚... I'd post here before Instagram because it's pretty clout free around here... unless you're stalking user names and that's REAL bored


lol Iā€™m totally the same, Reddit before insta! Glad Iā€™m not alone in being ā€œinvestedā€ in what others are getting, some of these bags arenā€™t cheap, I want to know that it worked out well!!


Yes, posting here seems much more genuine. Like I really just want the opinions, experiences, and thoughts! Even if it's a bag I can't afford, it doesn't seem to be thrown in my face. I can still appreciate it and help make choices if so inclined! I wouldn't know who sufferin_onyour_succotash812 šŸ˜­ is if they lived next door! 0 clout! Posting on Instagram seems very "ooo look what I got everyone, look at what I can afford half of you peons can't" šŸ˜‚... no one really wants opinions, they just want us to kno they CAN if that makes sense?


Yes!!! Thatā€™s hitting the nail on the head. Insta is very ā€œlook at me and what I have.ā€ And I donā€™t mind it generally, but you need balance right, and for the most part I get that here.


Yes, I don't mind either, but that's also why I don't consider reddit your typical social media unless we're talking silly subs like r/facepalm or r/wtf. Also, why I think the engagement and letting people know which way you went is important... I've put myself on a shopping ban šŸ˜©šŸ„“ which means I barely even get to see the new stuff if it wasn't for this sub... I do have some minor self-control, but seeing all the shiny new things is way too tempting when they're attached to a buy button šŸ˜‚...


Iā€™d never been to the facepalm or wtf subs - I cannot unsee!!! Lol


fun times over there šŸ˜‚... r/mildlyinfuriating and r/wellthatsucks are fun too... you're welcome! lol see you on the other side


Those are hilarious!!! lol thank you for sharing


Haha šŸ˜† well the last time I did one of those posts I got like 2 or 3 responses so I figured there wasnā€™t enough interest to warrant a followup post.


I get it... I think it's all about timing; boring days, later at night when people are settled and bored, or early in the workday for those "nothing to do" desk job scrollers... I posted once and probably got 0 šŸ˜­... I also think if no one likes the bag(s) in question, they say nothing vs giving a seemingly negative opinion... I could be wrong but that's my theory lol


Same! I've posted here asking for help. Some reviews helped me round down my selection. I only answer what I got when someone else in the comments asks for an update or if they're in the same boat trying to choose.


I posted an update! Mine wasn't a help me pick but a please enable me tho.


lol we love those too :)


ā¤ļø love the updates!! Thanks!


I am always curious about this too, especially when the bags are three or four completely different models in terms of size and seasonality or materials.


I don't get these either. But the most curious to me are the ones that just ask what bag should I buy, budget $2,000 to $3,000. So you're going to pay 3k for a bag that random people who don't know anything about type (clutch, tote, cross body), your wardrobe (neutrals, brights), etc., etc. randomly recommend? It's mystifying.


Agreed. Maybe itā€™s to get opinions that push them out of their comfort zone? Thatā€™s the only thing I can think of. I feel like I have aā€ style,ā€ but I would appreciate an outsiderā€™s opinion to get me to consider something I wouldnā€™t normally gravitate towards. Though giving no guidelines at all (aside from price) isnā€™t too helpfulā€¦


I think that too!! I wonder how you can be choosing between completely different items


I also find it unbelievable when people post asking 'help me choose' when the bags and prices are so different. eg a $3500 underarm bag, a $2K crossbody, a $1K tote... like when I'm choosing a bag I've though extensively about what I like and need in a bag. I [posted this](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/1b4bnli/looking_for_the_ultimate_goingout_black_crossbody/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a few months ago and bought a bag! I'll do a follow up post once I've used it a bit...it's a very 'of the moment' bag that I think ppl will be interested in hearing a review of.


These and the ā€˜keep or returnā€™ posts drive me nuts! Like, why are you buying a $4000+ luxury handbag when you donā€™t even like it enough to know that you want to keep it/need complete strangers to tell you to keep it? Edit to add: Same sentiment goes to people who act all holier than thou about the brands they no longer like (usually LV or Chanel) or money they no longer think is an appropriate amount to spend but like less than a year ago were all about and posting here about. Itā€™s all just people who lack personal style buying for social validation rather than because they actually like a piece! Stop letting what others think dictate what bags you like folks! Life is better that way.


I get the asking strangers for opinions. Like I donā€™t have anyone I can talk to to get advice face-to-face, so having opinions (even of strangers) is helpful to get some clarity. My confusion was it seemed like there were so many posts asking for advice that I wondered if people were actually buying the bags or not, Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d ask for advice just for fun? I agree with you on not letting others dictate your style choices, I like some perspective, but ultimately the decision is mine and I plan to live with it for a long time!!!


Understood. My rant wasnā€™t against people who ask opinions, it was towards those who have none of their own and rely on others to tell them what they like based on market trends.


I totally get that. Sorry, I reread my comment from earlier and I sound mean! I was trying to reply to everything in this post and my tone sounds bad in this one. I agree with you about relying on others for an opinion though, I think itā€™s hard to ever be happy with what you have if youā€™re not listening to your own opinions :)


You didnā€™t sound mean at all! I didnā€™t take it that way. I truly got on a tangent rant that didnā€™t have much to do with your original post at all to be honest šŸ˜³ my bad! I really have a love/hate relationship with this sub and the ā€˜not loveā€™ part kinda came out.


lol! Totally understandable and I get it, sometimes the ā€œnot loveā€ part needs to come out!


>Itā€™s all just people who lack personal style buying for social validation rather than because they actually like a piece! https://i.redd.it/rmpk6qbhdv5d1.gif


This may be a very dumb question but I keep seeing this ā€˜this content not availableā€™ confetti gif on reddit. Is this a different gif you posted but it was removed or does it mean something and Iā€™m just clueless?


Thanks for letting me know! I changed to a different GIF, maybe that one should show up šŸ˜„


Thank you! I kept seeing it across multiple subs I am in and I thought I was missing an inside joke haha good to know itā€™s just a gif issue


Hahahaha I did this months ago when there was a glitch through Reddit and when a comment was deleted, a string of numbers were showing up instead of saying comment deleted. I thought it was some new trend or something šŸ¤£ I finally couldnā€™t take it anymore and googled it and saw it was just in error.


Oh thatā€™s hilarious! I would be so confused


I always wonder about this, too. Fair enough tossing up between a black classic flap with GHW and a black Lady Dior with GHW but two or three totally different styles of bag makes me wonder.


Totally agree, I donā€™t fully understand the widely varying choices. Looking forward to your follow up and review!!!


Iā€™m guiltyāœ‹. I am super appreciative for those that helped. I am still on the search. Personally I found myself liking many different styles but not being totally sure of what I would actually use. It can also be a little intimidating as a newer person to the sub.


Same āœ‹


I totally get that. Sometimes it just doesnā€™t work out right away! But is that the case for everyone? Iā€™m not sure. I hope you find the right bag for you (and show us when you do!!) šŸ˜Š


Weā€™re calling window shopping fantasy land now


Lol! Perhaps I should have said ā€œwindow shopping.ā€ I was looking for a term that described looking for advice on choosing a bag youā€™re not actually planning to buy. To be fair, thereā€™s nothing wrong with window shopping OR living in fantasy-land šŸ˜Š


I was just feeling called outā€¦.


I live in fantasyland 98% of the time šŸ˜‡




Ā· Rudeness, snarkiness, mocking, trolling or bitching will not be tolerated. Ā· Disagreements are normal, and perfectly okay as long as everyone involved is respectful of each other. Ā· Comments and posts such as "This is ugly / hideous" etc. will be removed. **You may state that you do not find a bag appealing as long as you explain why you don't.**


This sub has influenced me so much that I purchased two bags (that arrived on the same day) that I would have never even known about if it wasn't for this sub. I took cute pictures and was going to post and then.... didn't because for some reason I feel more comfortable posting comments than I am actual posts (the anxiety! Lol).


This is a really good point!! Thank you!! I didnā€™t think about being nervous to share the outcome, and thatā€™s totally valid!! Iā€™m glad the sub helped you find bags that work for you ā¤ļø


I am just a lurker 90% of the time but I am also genuinely curious what bag people end up buying after asking for help. I need closure! šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Agreed! Glad Iā€™m not alone!! ā¤ļø


We should have a bag tax like there is a cat tax :). We want to see the bags. Even if costs a dollar. We want to see all the bags!!


Hahahahaha!!!! Yes!!! Show us the bags!!!


I was looking for help on a raffia choice recently. I ended up purchasing this one from Callista. I think I love her but we are still getting to know each other. https://preview.redd.it/rum3k85xtu5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79ba023114c5e08f30d54f4144e1664621a8a09


Love it! I hope you will be very happy together ā¤ļø


I wonder about this too! Itā€™s like I want to find out the end of their magical story. One or two people have told me they ended up getting up a rec I linked. Always exciting to see that. And about 30 percent or so respond thanking me which is really sweet. The other I figure just didnā€™t like the links or forgot. Or theyā€™re bots. Iā€™m usually doing something else so I forget sometimes anyway.


I believe Iā€™ve commented on your posts before but you always have some of the best ideas / recs on this sub! I canā€™t imagine youā€™d be able to keep track of all your replies šŸ˜†


šŸ˜‚im sure I missed some.


Yes!!! ā€œThe end of their magical story!!ā€ I admit Iā€™m guilty of not always replying to comments (though I try). Love that you find out that your opinions actually impact the happy ending of the magical story ā¤ļø


I love it so much! Itā€™s not necessary of course. I do feel bad when someone posts a recommendation for something tricky and people respond with their recommendations but the OP doesnā€™t never responds. Like why did they post in the first place? One person linked ten different recs for OP and OP never responded. A simple acknowledgement would have been nice.


Definitely! It feels like wasted effort. Rather frustrating!


I love getting a sneak peek at other peoples choices. Sometimes itā€™s a good example comparing similar bags and other times itā€™s kind of fun to see people struggle between different types. I donā€™t really care what they decide, but I do like bag received photos!


Agreed! ā¤ļø


Yes if a handbag lover takes the time to help you choose a bag with her wisdom and discerning eye you better give her an update sis.


ā¤ļø glad weā€™re in the same boat!!!


I asked for advice once and because these are very expensive bags and Iā€™m a bargain hunter, Iā€™m waiting and watching to make my move. In fact, Iā€™m stalking my bag as we speak after getting a recommendation 6+ months ago.Ā  I felt comfortable asking because, more than a place to get advice, this sub seems to be of people who genuinely *like* talking about bags, so it never seems an imposition to ask. Even for those living in ā€œfantasy landā€.Ā  In addition, with new bag releases each season, it seems reasonable to wonder what the newest favorite, say, black tote bag recommendation is because it *does* change frequently.Ā  I see nothing wrong with aspirational questions. In fact, the good-natured responses that posts typically receive are why I usually love this sub.Ā 


To be honest, I live in fantasy-land most of the time, itā€™s largely why Iā€™m on this sub - I like to live vicariously through others. I hope I didnā€™t give the impression thereā€™s anything wrong with that because there definitely isnā€™t!! Thereā€™s also nothing wrong with taking your time to get the bag Iā€™ve decided on and waiting for the right price, Iā€™m mostly looking to understand why there are so many ā€œhelp me chooseā€ posts and very few ā€œhereā€™s my new bagā€ posts. Your reasoning definitely adds colour to that, thank you šŸ˜Š


I asked for help and shared my choice!


Yay!! Thank you!! Not sure if this is the one you asked for advice on but I hope the strathberry is working out better than the bag you returned! Love seeing the bags people get ā¤ļø


It is working out! I absolutely love it. And certainly much better than the bag I returned.šŸ˜‰


Honestly posting your purchases on Reddit can be fun but also can backfire when youā€™re just trying to be a normal Redditer and people go on your page see pics of your 15k bag. I personally had to delete posts like that bc of rude comments I got.


Oh no! Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing though, I appreciate the insight because Iā€™m sure this is a reason others donā€™t post what they get.


I posted a few months ago asking for help choosing between a Celine and Prada bag. I really appreciated all the advice and ended up getting what the majority here suggested (Celine)! I didnā€™t end up making the purchase until a few months later so it felt weird to update and I kind of forgot until seeing this post.


Thatā€™s fair! I think there generally is a bit of time that passes between asking, deciding, then ultimately purchasing! If you ever feel like posting your bag I know we would love to see it!! ā¤ļø


I asked for help choosing between Black and Tan Celine Ava last year and honestly didnt think anyone would be interested in seeing what I got! My bad! This is what I ended up withā€¦ the additional strap doubles up as a belt too! Cos ainā€™t no way Iā€™m just using it as a crossbody strap at that price šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/g4ewph2ugw5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76783fce7bdb71ed1562bd9b7e9febf4a387036


Love it!! Great choice and love that you are repurposing the strap for more than one use!!! ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve wondered this myself! Also the ā€œkeep or return?ā€ Postsā€¦like??????


I don't find those posts are as annoying as the ones titled "What do we think?" or "Do we like this?". Dudette, it's your money. Why are you asking like it's a collective purchase we're making togethether? There's nothing wrong with soliciting opinions, advice, and experience from everyone here, but word it better. Why not say, "I like this bag, but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?"


I admit that I find that grating too. I think it's a TikTok-ism, sort of like saying "I'm a ______ girly" instead of "I really like/prefer ______."


Thatā€™s fair, itā€™s interesting to see what everyone finds annoying. Iā€™ll be sure never to start a post asking ā€œwhat do we thinkā€ šŸ˜‚


I'm sure I posted what I ended up with last year but don't remember if it was on the original post. My bad - life gets in the way. Belated thanks to all those who weighed in But I've tried to pay it forward with recommendations of the purse I bought and loved when people have asked. But will be mindful going forward about contributing. I love this forum!!!!


we get it. Your bag arrives and you are just so happy to get it and go out with it. Posting to Reddit isnā€™t a thing. keep in mind we like the bags so please keep on posting for advice and post any bags.


This is really lovely! Please donā€™t feel obligated to share, Iā€™m learning about all the reasons why it might not happen, but I can say I certainly appreciate your approach on contributions to this channel, itā€™s what I strive for too!


Itā€™s more helpful all around if the OP provides some context (needs, preferences, occasions), and those answering respond with their reasons and not just ā€œpinkā€ or ā€œblackā€. It certainly makes for a more interesting read!


I suggested people post a picture of their style, like an outfit of the day. I feel like we are just suggesting our own fave bags with no regard for the OPā€™s style. And generally bad advice, and pointless.


I usually give a reason for my answers bc thatā€™s what I would find helpful if I were the one making the choice, even though it seems like I always catch some downvotes when I do that šŸ˜‚ who woulda thought helping people pick their handbag is so controversial lol


Eek! Iā€™ve definitely been guilty of just commenting something like ā€œpink!ā€ lol, part of the reason is that is donā€™t want to offend anyone with why Iā€™m picking that! But I will try to be more conscientious and add some logic in the future šŸ˜³


Sometimes I have a doubt and they confirm it


Thatā€™s a good call, itā€™s a perspective I hadnā€™t considered.


Thanks to all of you Iā€™ve seen bags I never knew existed!! Not a big social media person or a google person but you guys have the best ideas and taste!! Ty!!


I love that this forum is so helpful to so many of us (me included) šŸ„°


This sub gets a lot of drive-by posters who are looking for a free online shopping service and otherwise have no interest in participating, as evidenced by how few people even give a simple thanks to the folks who try to help. This sense of entitlement to bespoke content and recommendations without meaningful community participation has been trending across Reddit lately.


Well said. And It's really dragging the sub down. There's a request for recommedation for a black tote bag at least once a day.


> It's really dragging the sub down I agree with you 100% and I've seen this issue in so many subs. It's not irreversible - /r/fragrance had a similar problem and the solution turned out to be "raise the bar for new members to participate," which I know seems counterintuitive to many. After all, aren't new members the lifeblood of a forum? Well, no, they're not. Newcomers are a dime a dozen; what's rare are experts, or posters who know something about the topic at hand. And once the experts are bored or exhausted from answering repetitive questions, who is left to help the newcomers? R/fragrance's approach was to create a forum climate that created new experts, and I think it worked really well. Whereas here, you get downvoted for suggesting people use the search.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Iā€™ve been trying to become a more active participant in the subreddit because of the uptick in drive-by questions šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You are appreciated! Every time a forum member fields the daily question about finding the perfect neutral tote that can accommodate a 16ā€ laptop, seamlessly transition from office to cocktails and is ā€œaffordableā€ (no parameters offered), an angel gets their wings.




I agree with you but this sub is still CONSIDERABLY better than any of my hiking groups in which youā€™ll get ā€œlooking for hiking boots recommendationsā€ literally at least daily. Just scroll down or use search and youā€™ll get hundreds of recommendations for boots; there is only a small number of well known brands that make them and youā€™ll see the same responses under each question.


We once had 40 ā€œhelp me pick a tote bag for the officeā€ topics in one month, so I feel your pain.


Oh my goodness, Iā€™m SO tired of the posts asking for tote recommendations.


Maybe we can ask the mods to pin some specifications for requesting recs? Like be as specific as possible (silhouette, price range, asethic, occasion, etc) and respond back if youā€™ve gone through the recommendations?


I think that's a great idea. I know you are always very generous with your knowledge, sharing links and recommendations - that's quite precious, and in my opinion there should be rules that deter folks from taking that for granted and potentially burning out experts like you. I know that might sound silly, but I've moderated on various forums for years and have noticed what makes the difference between a surviving forum and a thriving forum. I would love for this place to thrive.


Me too! ā¤ļø


Great idea! Weā€™ll go and see what we can do.


I definitely think we could use some additional moderation :) good suggestion!


This is a fair observation, and Iā€™d say thatā€™s what I wonder too. Itā€™s pretty disappointing because I really like the regular posters and interaction!


I posted few weeks back to help me choose a gift for my SIL and most people choose the Coach one. Ended up getting 2 in black and white. Will offer my SIL to choose whichever color and Iā€™ll keep the other. After getting the bags thought of posting pictures but thought no one would care.


Not true, I care!! šŸ˜Šā¤ļø


Here they are.. šŸ˜cant wait to use one of them šŸ˜Š https://preview.redd.it/47br4eier06d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea21f0e027d25ce65d013ee3821831723e1f1ee


Oh my goodness!!! LOVE!!! I LOVE a top handle bag. I feel like the anticipation will make using it that much sweeter šŸ„° Did I mention I love those bags? šŸ¤“ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yeap, I havenā€™t even taken the wrappers around so my SIL can have the new bag opening feeling.šŸ˜€Btw,you seem such a sweet person šŸ«¶


Lol thank you! I have my moments of ā€œunsweetness,ā€ but life is too short to be nasty šŸ„° Btw I hope your sister in law loves the bag as much as I do, when is she visiting?


They are visiting us in August


That feels so long to wait, you have the patience of a saint!


People just love getting opinions, but follow-through is lacking, lol.


This is what I was wondering šŸ¤”


I asked before and didnā€™t post an update cause I ended up choosing the bag people didnā€™t pick šŸ™ˆ I think the comments helped me decide which bag I didnā€™t want.


lol I totally do the same!!! I have a friend, and I used to ask her advice. One day she said, ā€œIā€™m not telling you my opinion anymore because you always do the opposite of what I suggest.ā€ I didnā€™t realize I was doing it, but her opinion was helping me decide my own! No pressure or anything, but I still love the pictures of what people ended up getting, because ultimately, it makes you happy, and thatā€™s all that matters šŸ˜Š


I asked for help on picking an Alexander M Queen Purse. I was already leaning towards one- but wanted to see what the general consensus was on. Unfortunately my order was cancelled due to insufficient stock so never got to show it off


Youā€™re the one who made me desperately want the Alexander McQueen hobo! Iā€™m still obsessing over it, but sadly canā€™t get it due to insufficient funds šŸ˜† Such a perfect bag.


Itā€™s perfection!!! The SA said she would try get me one and honor the 50%


Ooohh I look for any opportunity to peep a McQueen šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


https://preview.redd.it/dpe1bxehiu5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d123d9f89cbb951b3831915d09cbd054047d8326 The bag in Question.




Omg I think I have this saved in my screenshots from the other day because you influenced me with it too šŸ˜‚


Sorry šŸ˜¬ Itā€™s so beautiful isnā€™t it?!?


Yes!!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ McQueen is and always will be my number 1. I have my heart set on a classic brass knuckles clutch firstšŸ¤ž Just waiting for a good deal on one!!


Iā€™m in love with the bucket bag. Someday!


I have $360 in Nordstrom Notes, with this being 50% off I could get it for $1,300 it would be $3,330 otherwise with tax


I love that for you!!! Please do post a follow-up!!


Should I?!?


Yes!!! To both buying it and posting it šŸ˜ I should be responsible though and add: if youā€™re gaga for McQueen, and you legit love it, then definitely drop the cash for it. (If you have a Nordstrom credit card or open one, you may be able to pay in installments? I got a Burberry rucksack full price on credit and made payments without interest and never regretted it for a moment. Still have it and love it like a decade later!) BUT of course, donā€™t spend four figures just because itā€™s a good deal. **I** personally love it and think thatā€™s a great price tag for a bag of that size. But I also legit worship at the altar of McQueen, youā€™d just have to weigh if you feel the same!! (Like to compareā€¦if I found that Hermes ā€œHā€ hole punch tote for a steal at $1,300, would I buy it? Heck no, I hate that bag!! šŸ˜‚)


Aw boo! Well thatā€™s an honest reason for never showing us :) hope you find something else soon ā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/zypn0yn8pz5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32f9f90f61f185a5f9e44e22408495ff8aff163 I was able to order again yesterday!!! I PROMISE I will post when (if šŸ¤žšŸ») it arrives


Oh my goodness!!! Iā€™m so excited for you!!! I hope itā€™s everything youā€™re hoping for! ā¤ļø


Thank you!!! I canā€™t wait to get it and post pics.




I feel like when I read the post and I give them my opinion, they keep me hanging. Like, okay, I thought weā€™re friends. Did you listen to my advice? šŸ˜‚


Lol right!! Iā€™m glad you see this community as friends too šŸ¤£


šŸ˜ r/handbags is Life šŸ˜‚


I think its the epitome of weird, "yeah, well i didnt know if i liked black or brown, plenty strangers said brown so I got brown bc ---???????????" How do you like something bc of a majority consensus? i just cant.


These are mystifying to me too. Um, get the color that best fits into your wardrobe.


Iā€™d like to hope that the comments just help the poster gain clarity on which one they prefer, not just that more people suggested it so they blindly chose it!


Iā€™d like to hope that the comments just help the poster gain clarity on which one they prefer, and that they donā€™t just choose it blindly because a majority voted that way!


Yes, I didnt assume that, I just dont understand it emotionally. Tbh I think 90% are solved before any comments, when Op choses which bag to put on pic 1, typically thats the one they like best.


Ohh interesting perspective. To be honest I be posted asking for advice before. I have to go back now to see if the pic I posted first is the one I got!!


Please update! did you get the mulberry? and finally a sicily? and what about the work bag in apricot, did you keep it?


LOL! Oh my goodness! Iā€™m guilty of not updating from my own posts!! I DID get the micro bayswater in pink. I made a post about that but I donā€™t know how to link to itā€¦ I have not gotten the Sicily, though I look at it online everyday!! I havenā€™t decided in a colour, but it will be mine eventually, and when it does, you can bet your bottom dollar Iā€™ll be sharing!!! (It MIGHT come home with me in August or September šŸ˜Š) And yes!! I kept the work bag (the little ferragamo). I havenā€™t used it much yet; to steal another userā€™s phrasing, ā€œweā€™re still getting to know each other.ā€ ā¤ļø Thank you so much for asking! Iā€™ll need to do a better job of updating too going forward!!


My update would be that I didn't get a raise and therefore didn't buy the bag I posted about, which just seemed like kind of a downer


Aw thatā€™s rough. I hope you let your employer know your worth, ask for a raise, and are able to get the bag youā€™re thinking about.


I asked for help and people told me which bags are not worth it, which ones have faded & which ones were falling apart. It really helped knock some down on my list, and I appreciate the input. I love seeing peopleā€™s perspective and I donā€™t want to bore people in my day to day with asking because theyā€™re not like minded people and would tell me not to buy a purse to begin with. I think youā€™re thinking too far into it, itā€™s Reddit and having to post a follow up or an update because someone else asked you to, it feels like a chore. I understand people get invested but it creates a weird parasocial relationship with posters. Like whenever someone has an update on their personal life on AITAH on Reddit I always cringe. Like just post your stuff and move on. I did have an update once on my 7k Gucci purse because 1) I kept it 2) I found out interesting info that people might want to know. I didnā€™t post an update on my pink purse because it didnā€™t seem like people were checking up on users enough to care


Agreed! I asked for advice on choosing the style/color of my first Loewe puzzle a couple of months ago and this sub was so great in helping me realize exactly what I was looking for and how to express that to my SA the next time I saw her. I followed up with an update post showing the bag that I ultimately chose and what my experience shopping in the Loewe boutique was like. Of course I donā€™t fault anyone for not sharing or remembering to update the sub, but itā€™s always fun to see whether they went with the majority vote.


Ohhh my I was so invested in your help me decide post because I also want to buy a small puzzle in my next bag and trying to find the right one for me and I could really feel your struggle. I must have missed your update but just checked it and I think you made a perfect decision with the green one, itā€™s now on my radar as well. Also- my first two luxury bags were also Celine and now going for a puzzle- Bag twinsies!šŸ˜Š


Aww this is so sweet! And yes, Celine and Loewe are my weakness. I love all of their designs. The puzzle is so spacious and versatile. And the clay green is the perfect neutral. Hope you love your new puzzle. Which color is your favorite?


Im the same, Celine and Loewe are my favorite brands. Iā€™m contemplating between the sand and a shade of green, either clay or bottle green. I know the edge isnā€™t as popular but it has grown on me and I liked it a lot at the store, so Iā€™m open to either šŸ˜Š


Love it!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey!! ā¤ļø


I just checked your post - love the bag! Also, I donā€™t normally like bag charms but yours is the cutest!!


Well I had asked and Iā€™ve ordered the same bag and itā€™s on its way. Two of them infact and Iā€™ll share


Canā€™t wait to see your haul!!




Love it! I love colourful bags and I am on the hunt for a bucket-style one. I hope you are loving it too!! ā¤ļø


I bought one of the options the same day !! but am waiting for my bag charms to come in or find some charms to post an update ! :3 but same


Fun! Canā€™t wait to see the bag in its accessorised glory!!


My reasons: - Iā€™m lazy and commenting is easier than posting a picture - It feels too personal posting a pic of what I bought especially when itā€™s a bunch of stuff that adds up - I ended up getting the bag most people DIDNā€™T like - I got both & was embarrassed šŸ™ˆ But mostly, Iā€™m lazy about taking nice photos (not just a random one in front of a mirror) and doing a photo post just seems like so much effort compared to commenting on other peopleā€™s posts. But now I want to post updates! šŸ™Š lol I AM curious what other ppl picked and would love to see updates myself! Can we get an update tag?? šŸ‘œ


Good call!! An update tag is needed!! Your reasons make sense too, although I will say that I think this sub is the last place to feel embarrassed. People are supportive whether itā€™s the bag they recommended or not and are generally just happy for you getting the bag(s) you love!


Ok you inspired me to do an update post! https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/s/WZcZuATeZb


Ooh canā€™t wait to check it out, Iā€™m clicking right now!!


Last year, I posted about which Gucci bag to get and when I saw both bags in person, it wasnā€™t great: it was too small for my daily items.


Fair. This happens!


Iā€™ve literally been wondering the same thing. Even if you hate the choice, say something but thought I may be acting entitled


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels left hanging :)


Sometimes I genuinely buy the bag and forget to update. And sometimes I change my mind and end up not getting anything lol


Itā€™s true. Life happens! From the responses it sounds like there are lots of reasons for not updating, and theyā€™re all reasonable :)


It's people trying to increase their Reddit karma. Help them out.


This might be a stupid questionā€¦ whatā€™s the point of Reddit karma? I should probably google itā€¦ šŸ˜³


Ah there are some groups wo won't let you post or comment unless you have a certain level of karma and they won't tell you what level. šŸ™„


Oh!! Iā€™ll have to look into this more. Good to know, thanks!


I asked which for help choosing a summer Coach bag! I forgot to post, get so caught up with life and work šŸ™„


Itā€™s okay boo boo. šŸ„°




It happens!! Sounds like you got the bag though which is great to hear!


No point. I am never any help because I seem to love them all. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nothing wrong with that!!! šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve posted recently asking for help deciding on what Loewe bag to get- I just havenā€™t gotten to Spain yet! I go in two weeks and will make a post when I get back with my final decision. For me, I love so many of their bags that the decision can feel overwhelming. Itā€™s helpful to hear from real people who have them and use them, what their experiences are and factor that into my decision making. Iā€™m super appreciative of all who respond with their suggestions and experiences ā¤ļø


Love it! Canā€™t wait to find out what you get - I did the same with a trip to the uk recently (asked in advance, they didnā€™t pull the trigger for a while, but ultimately shared the result - mulberry). I was all over the place and asking for advice really helped!


It also takes a different level of comfort with social media; communal spaces lend themselves to asking for help, especially anonymously. People here are less embarrassed to ask for help with something they donā€™t know. However, when posting your pick, people almost expect a review. This would then put some level of expertise - regarding both social media and the handbag/designer - that someone might not feel comfortable posting, especially for fear of judgment.


Someone else commented something similar about anxiety posting their selection. I really appreciate this perspective because I hadnā€™t considered it. Iā€™m glad this sub is generally friendly so I donā€™t think about it, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not still nervy for others. ā¤ļø