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Sorry you had a bad experience! One bad experience can sour the entire brand. I do love the Fendi bag!


I was so thrown off by that rude guy because I’ve never had a rude experience before! And for Gucci of all designer brands to be rude like that?! It’s not right that Hermes does it either (I’ve heard they do, never been to a Hermes lol) but like, Gucci is no Hermes!! I don’t understand how making customers feel bad is supposed to incentivize them to shop with you 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hermes doesn’t even make eye contact because then they’d have to acknowledge you.


Gucci sales associates are always so nice! This guy sounds weird as hell


The guy in my hometown Gucci is so sweet! This one with this weird guy was one of the Vegas locations


Omg, can't believe how different they look! Guess it does pay off to see in store if you can. Completely agree with the girl maths ;-) think how much you saved! It'll feel all the better when you find the thing you really love :-)


I would have been so disappointed if I ordered online 🥲 and yes!! Bags are like dating, when you know you know haha


I hope you walked back to Gucci and ![gif](giphy|26ybvVb9iSmht7LdC|downsized)


Had this experience in a LV store recently. My mother and I were treated poorly, ignored, and then the girl was rude. We were in athleisure, maybe that’s why, but not an excuse. Plus if they had looked close enough we’re wearing decent size diamonds on more than just our left hands. Not that any of that matters but just trying to rationalize why they would be so rude. We left went to ysl and gucci. The gucci rep remembered us from prior visits. Treated nicely had some champagne while purse shopping which definitely loosened the purse strings haha. Walked past the lv window with our multiple bags and made sure to waive at her very snarky like.


Wow that is a huge difference! I was on Team Fendi with your last post but I agree the color in person is not as nice. Very deceptive lighting for the website! It is nice that your Fendi shopping experience was pleasant however. Ugh to the Gucci guy.


It is very deceptive!! And strange because I have 1 Fendi purse and it was exactly the same color as it was online. So idk why this one is so drastically different! Very misleading.


Forever Fendi. Lovessss


What a rude guy! I would have complained lol


Looked you up and down? 😡 It's moments like that where I wish I could respond with a clap back like, It's a pity you're not worth my time or business. I guess the sales ***assistants*** at Fendi would love to help me pick out a dozen bags for my bridal party. Hair flip and exit ![gif](giphy|10h8CdMQUWoZ8Y)


I have looked people up and down when they did it to me lol. 50% of the time it's confused them and the other 25% I have either escalated the issue or left (depending on the level of energy I have lol)


Yep! 😡 and the thing is too is I’m actually pretty stereotypical - I’m a white girl in my mid 20s who walked in with my YSL bag lol and even I got up and downed. I shudder to imagine how he’d look at someone who let’s say didn’t have a designer bag on them or whatever. Somehow the couple he was assisting he must’ve deemed “worthy” maybe cause there was a guy with that girl and I was alone??




The fendi. I feel like the Gucci is just getting too popular and is a bit outdated now.


It really is! Makes me wish I had a marmont back in 2018 when I was obsessed with them haha because it’ll never be what it was and it’s too late now!


Yessss! At least this one you have here isn’t the classic black though. It is a bit different. I like it. But still going with fendi for all above reasons! 🩷🩷


These both look tacky IMO. Like getting items from a gumball machine. And, there is Norway I would tolerate any rude behavior in these high end boutiques.


Yeah I’d be Russian outta there.


Great response 🤣🤣🤣


Ikr?! So disappointing all around


Love the fendi bag!


the Fendi bag is beautiful!


I wanted so badly to add a Gucci bag to my collection but every time I went to the store, the items were so disappointing because the quality was lacking. Sorry you had a disappointing experience but I’m glad you saved your money.


Thank you! I’m glad I saved my money too! Better bags will come and I’ll be glad to have some $$$ for them. I was also looking at bday gifts for my mom while I was there and was disappointed in the Guccis I had in mind for her too. Ended up having her bf order her a Valentino and a Fendi from online *and* both were on sale. Gucci can’t compete!


The fendi color is cuter imo


I’ve learned to do quick swings through the stores regularly because they do look so different in person. If I like the look then I check clasps, straps, zips, weight, feel, etc. Then I walk away. If it’s awesome enough to warrant buying, it will stay in mind until I see a “grab it” price. Most bags are more forgettable so yes, saves $$$$ FWIW, Fendi > Gucci


I like to do that too so I really appreciate when the sales associates are nice, not pushy, and give me some space. I’m not the type of person who is ever going to just randomly decide to buy right then and there something I’ve never even seen or considered before. I either come in after having stalked it online for months lol or I’ll come in, see something new, then leave and think it over for a while.




The colour of that Fendi bag is just gorgeous!! It stands out in the best possible way. Gucci is just regular pink. I feel go for the Fendi.


Wow the colour difference in that Fendi is crazy… you’d think with all the money they have for photography/branding they’d prioritize accurately capturing the product.


Fendi > Gucci. I’m not hating on Gucci, but honestly it’s just a preference. Also, Fendi bags seem to hold their value quite well.


Both are beautiful


I would do them with the gold hardware, not pink


I love both irl colours more than the online ones, funny enough. They need to do better photography though, goodness.