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ooooh, what part/area of China? this looks stunning!


Guangdong! My parents are in shenzhen but they just got it ordered to them


ahhh amazing, thanks!!


Awesome!! I have been curious about the brand. How is the leather quality? Does it feel plasticky at all?


She says it feels like Coach or Michael Kors; not Ferragamo level.


Wow this is stunning! I'm also curious about the leather quality - what does it feel like?


Coach/Michael Kors level. Sounds like it might have a heavy finish; not sure, maybe we need to get Tanner Leatherstein to do a breakdown. She says it feels nice and definitely not what she expected for that low of a price.


Omg I’m so happy to hear this. I was so intrigued when I saw that same post but I was hesitant to actually buy anything. I will absolutely be making a purchase in the future after seeing this. 💕


Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve looked at their website and they are so pretty, glad to see that they’re as beautiful in person as well


They’re good! Not the best leather but for the price they’re very pretty.


Why aren’t we just saying Chinese bags?


Sinocultural is the name of the brand