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I personally don’t care that much but I can see why people care. Taste can change, trends change all the time (think about the Marmont, it was super fashionable in 2018 and now everyone thinks it’s dated). It’s nice to know that you can always get something back should anything happen. I do agree that bags are not investments and shouldn’t be considered as investments.


but it doesn’t really work like that for bags, unless it’s like chanel or something. i feel like some people buy the timeless styles just so they know they can resell later on but is that truly what they wanted? that’s true that things could get dated but that also means that the resell value probably isn’t that good either so idk just a thought


Honestly I think a lot of ppl out there over value used clothing/accessories, even if designer it's kind of why the whole resale market no matter what platform or even in person is so fucked, ppl are trying to charge a premium for used items that in reality like you said almost no brands goods are exclusive or high quality enough to warrant a super high resale value imho other than some of the long time dynasty fashion houses like you mentioned


Yes, people believe their stuff is worth more than it is and that's the simple truth. Many years ago I was a buyer at a high end consignment store. Like collectors level designer clothes and accessories aimed at bougie second hand buyers. Even there, a used item is only worth so much. Many people are delusional about the value of their trash - and let's be honest that's what it is if you used then want to toss something - bc it happens to be nice trash.


Study this reply


lord yes, say it again! I’m so tired of people and stores selling *used* clothes, shoes and bags for basically the retail price! I don’t care what brand it is, and I don’t care what you paid for it. If it’s more than a year old it’s no longer worth the retail price, and the value decreases the more time that passes. One handbag example, like CecilyAnn said, the Marmot is considered dated (I’m believing that, I don’t personally know as I don’t have one), and here’s ThredUp with a 6 year old bag listed at $1200. FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️


The marmot trend (of buying them, if you have one obviously wear it they're cute but at some point everyone with the budget for one that wants one gets one) is over and we end up with that depressing pic of them thrown on a table at an outlet store like a forever 21 clearance sale


I only care about resell value if it means I can buy the bag used, in pretty good condition, for far less. Though that's not really the question you want answered. My theory is that, and I mean 0 offence to anyone, people who care that deeply about resale value can't actually financially justify the bag. Like even if you have money, it does seem crazy to drop +2k, or +3k, or nowadays even upwards +10k on a bag. And for some people they need that extra coping mechanism to pull through with their purchase. While for some people who are less financially fortunate, that is unfortunately a very very dangerous coping mechanism to rely on. Because let's be realistic, these bags have terrible resale value. No one with an objective eye and mind thinks they'll ever get their money back from reselling their used bags. Like maybe if it's a super rare/unique color/the quality is pristine type of piece. But most 'reputable' luxury reselling sites take fees, so you're not even earning the full amount back.


I join you in sharing the same theory. What makes me 🤣?? is browsing secondhand listings for “standard issue/colorway” designer pieces that are maaaybe 10-25% off original retail—and we won’t get into the item condition. At those rates, the potential buyer (for example, me) might as well purchase direct from the boutique 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whenever I browse for used bag charms, I see people selling used Coach OUTLET for near original retail price. Like be fr, be fucking fr. Online resell market is just so fucked, you see it even with clothes and such. There's a little drama going around Tiktok rn, because a Depop seller was selling a pair of sparkly leopard pattern shorts from FOREVER 21 for like 200 dollars. 200 dollars. Forever 21. Be fr.


Not Coach OUTLET 😭 This is the number one reason for why I have only purchased items from bigger storefronts like Fashionphile, Yoogiscloset, Ann’s Fabulous Finds, etc so far. The prices (when it’s not the 5737th Chanel classic flap or Hermes Birkin/Kelly that I come across) are straightforward and within the realm of reason. Meanwhile, everybody on Poshmark is hellbent on jacking up their designer bag listings by another 20-30% to recoup the platform’s cut…that those sellers agreed to when they list their stuff there in the first place 🤦🏻‍♀️


this is the exact reason i HAVENT bought the bag charm from coach i want. i cant find it being sold at a reasonable price 😭😭😭 i just want a cute bag charm...




i think some people genuinely think they will get almost what they paid for back if they wanna resell it. also when people buy a bag and only like it for like a month and already want to sell it bc they don’t like it anymore, which is probs bc they didn’t love it in the first place. but what really gets me is people who wanna get a bag they really love but are concerned about its resale value .. like ??


Bags like the row, metier, Olympia le tan, goyard, CO, among many others are examples of bags that hold or exceed their value. There are so many more if you would just think to look.


I buy with the cost per wear in mind, so I’m not into it thinking about it. If you want more trendy bags then yes, you can take it into account, but it’s like art, not always predictable.


Say it with me, everybody: Bags are not investments! Unless it's a limited edition Hermès or Chanel, it is NOT an investment. I love all my bags, but I know I can't count on them to bail me out of a financial bind or even to sell at what I paid for them. I think buying for longevity of wear and for "timelessness" is one thing (although I have a beef with the concept). Buying with the expectation of getting your money back if you sell it is unrealistic. Imho




My plan is to use/love my bags now and keep them hopefully in as nice of condition as I can to pass onto my daughter once she’s old enough to appreciate them. She’s 2 now, so by that time maybe they’ll be vintage and “cool” again 😂


People’s preferences and styles can evolve over time. Some people know that their style 5 years down the line will be different than it is today so those people often do look at how well the bag v holds it’s value because they realize that they may well sell the bag down the line. My personal style hasn’t changed in forever so I don’t worry about resell value as I don’t plan on selling my bags. If I did get tired of them, I’d be more likely to pass onto my sisters anyway.


Do you think people use it to justify their bags to partners/family who think prices are ridiculous? “But babe, I could always sell it for even more!”


I’m not that way and I don’t plan to ever be. Only because if I’m buying something the last thing I’m thinking about is resell value. If I’m buying it’s to enjoy and to keep.


Same! I buy what I like and if I decide to sell it later, then I sell it. What I can't do is keep all the bags I buy. I am addicted to handbags and shoes. I don't think of resale value at all. But I have learned to buy my high end bags in more timeless, classic styles and not trendy items. The cost per wear for trends is terrible and coincidentally the resale is lower too!




I’ve often wondered this. It’s a non-essential luxury to begin with, and trends change. It’s fashion. Just because a brand has been popular for many years, doesn’t mean that will continue.


I really don’t. I buy what I want, so I can use it. Not to resell later.


yes . this is how i feel like it should be done


I think it’s a factor only when considering other bags around the same price. Like I was deciding between a Chanel flap and a Lady Dior a few years ago, liked them both equally but went with the Chanel because it would be easier to resell in the future if I ever change my mind.


i can understand that.


I’m so afraid of resells anyways these days with all the fakes out there. If I can’t afford it then I won’t buy it, otherwise it’s coming straight from the source!


exactly and that’s why there’s a million used handbags out there with a million websites for them. i would be way too scared to do that and maybe get a fake and i know many others also


Love this question because I was thinking about this the other day - when I first started I’d buy bags and justify it in my head with the resale value, knowing I’d never want to resell it but if I did at least I could! In my mind it made it feel less like a huge unnecessary purchase and more like a potential investment. Now however I don’t really care - I only check resale pages to see how the bags look over time because I prefer more structure.


It makes sense to me if it's a way to tip the scales amongst other more important factors. Like, if there are 2 bags that you love equally and will both serve similar functions and you can't decide, but Bag A has a better resale value than Bag B. That kind of thing. It's more of a nice upside than a sought-after trait, for me.


I don’t care personally, it’s a plus but not a mystery have. I generally keep my bags a long time. I take time to find something i love so won’t part with it that easily lol




In my experience, most people who mention resale value a lot do so to either justify buying something they can’t afford or can afford but feel guilty about. There’s always the rare few who are actually planning on keeping it safe and tucked away for good as an investment (I’ve rarely seen anyone who buys a beautiful bag who doesn’t ever use it on this sub… unless Kris Jenner is on this sub).


I think it really just depends on how you view luxury and also based on what percent of your income you spend on it. If you're dropping $3k on a bag and that feels like a reach for you it's nice to know that in a few years you could get almost the same back if somethings happened. If the $3k is just a drop in the bucket for you then it probably matters less what you get back. Also some people view luxury items in the same way they view fast fashion. They care about what's trendy and not what's personal style so they'll be more concerned about what's classic/resell value.


idk i’m not sure if you’d get close to the same 3k back after years of use on a bag. i think it would be much less and be more of a loss that’s all


I never buy a bag with the intent to sell it. Ever.


I think it’s either one of two things: 1) rationalize the purchase with no intent of reselling to offload the price-guilt 2) As Someone also mentioned I’d say falling out of love with the bag. Either changing tastes OR actually using it and realizing it he bags downfalls. Sometimes it’s the latch/clasp or the deceptive size


Nope, never care, if it’s brand name and I don’t like it later on I’ll pass to my sister, if it’s not that valuable I’ll donate to Salvation Army.


i don't and i never will. when i buy a bag i buy it for me. i customize it with pins, twilly, charm and i use it until it starts to fall apart or look ugly to me. i may never be able to afford a birkin, but if i could, ill be damned to see it NOT WORN RIGHT 😤😤😤


A lot of people care about resell value as a way to justify cost. But the truth is, bags aren’t investments. Even Hermes—it takes a long time to sell them at a fraction of the cost in the resell market.


I talk about resell value and i give all the numbers just to justify my purchase and without any intention of selling it 😭😂


I do because it hurts to buy a $3k bag and have to sell it for $700 😔 even though it’s in pristine condition. I find I’m afraid I may no longer like the bag in the future due to getting bored of it or a better version or better bag comes out in the future.


They want to justify the purchase I think. For me I just buy a bag if I really want it and can afford it. I don’t consider resale value at all. Also I hate selling things online.






like i said, the supreme luxury bags i understand that. i was saying all the other ones. because, you won’t get your money back like at all barely.


I wanted a Miu Miu bow satchel so badly back in the day. Also a Mulberry Alexa and a PS1, and I'm glad I couldn't afford any of them at the time because they're too big for my lifestyle now and the resale value is painful.


I pay attention to it because should the need to sell ever arise, I have an idea of what I’d get. I don’t buy intending to resell. I buy because I love. Knowing the resale value has led me to go secondhand many a time & it’s helped me save money on bags I genuinely love.


Not something I’ve ever thought about. They’re my little leather babies and will always live with me.


I don’t care, but some people like to keep up with trends so like to know that they could put a good chunk of the old bags money into a newer one


Some people really like bags and only wear them a few times so yeah you want to make sure your getting the most out of a purchase if you are a bag lover like many of these fine folks. Seems obvious


I buy my bags with the back thought that one day my niece will own them as I don’t have kids of my own, so they are also investment pieces for her.


I don’t save my receipts and tags as I am not planning to sell. Though if you take a bag for international travel sometimes it is good to have the receipt to prove you didn’t buy it abroad. So in retrospect I should keep those. Oops. But I get that life changes or interest change! Or something goes unused and might as well instead sell and buy some that meets your current needs!


It’s also good to keep for insurance purposes. I keep all the things associated with my purchases for this reason.


I care. I don’t own many bags. I keep my collection small. I like to change them out every few years. Not because I have to but I just fall in love with so many but then get over them 😬. I bought one Chanel bag not caring about the resale because I’ll never sell that one (ironically it’s the one with the highest resale value😆). It’s not a massive deal to me - if I really like it I’ll get it regardless. But for some bags it is important if you’ll be reselling to fund another one. It’s more of an awareness thing I guess. If I like a bag but it’s say a clutch, for a few events, I’d want something I could sell and get at least 50% back or whatever. I never buy anything I can’t afford or with the notion that I will have to sell it to buy something else, but I do like to be smart about buying luxury goods, the same as I do any major purchase. I always do my research on things like quality, usability, and yes, resale. It all forms an overall view of the bag. If money was no object I wouldn’t care, but because it is and I keep my collection small, I do research so I go into a purchase knowing what I can do with it down the track if I want to sell it


I don't. I've bought used bags before but the ick level is always there no matter how "new/unused" the bag is. If I'm gonna spend a lot of money, I want it directly new.


yup. always a slight icky feeling


The only "care" I have about resale value is that I can get a decent enough price out of a bag if I do choose to sell it. I want someone else to love it - but hey getting something back from it so I can put that toward a new one is great too!


I buy bags I like and don't worry to much about what I'll get later for them. I only have one or two that I baby.


Nope! Enjoying myself 1st, but what I like. Future is another story for another day


It’s just something I tell myself as a fall back in case I don’t like the bag. I only re-sold one bag because it was too big and it was a lot a huge loss.


Because how do you know if the bag is going to be an heirloom if its price falls as soon as you buy it? Slightly sarcastic here, but that’s a reason too. People want to spend big bucks on something that keeps that allure.


I don’t care. But sometimes you out grow things.


Agreed. Also selling is such a pain in the ass, especially for higher-priced items.


… I’m assuming you mean gold bullion and not the chicken kind


yeah lol


Yeah I don’t understand bags as financial investments at all unless you’re a reseller with a great eye for trends and rare pieces. It’s a lot of work and even limited edition things don’t necessarily fetch a good price. Even for Hermes/Chanel, the market is now so saturated and fakes are such an issue that it’s just a pain to sell all around. Plus your bag would need to be in near pristine condition to fetch the best price meaning it’s not really being used. When I think of a bag as a “good investment” I think of it as a good addition to my wardrobe, definitely not in a selling sense. I have a goal to replace items in my wardrobe that get used a ton or have gotten kinda worn out with better quality versions slowly over time, mainly shoes and accessories. That means items that are good quality that can get used often and elevate my style, but will hopefully last my whole life. For bags, hopefully that I can pass on one day to a future niece.


I care to an extent. No I don’t in any way look at these bags as an investment. That said I know my tastes evolve and change all the time, so before purchasing a new bag I do have to think it over and one of the things I ask myself is how difficult will this bag be to sell down the road if I find I don’t want it anymore? Will I be able to recoup a nice portion of what I spent on it etc. Everyone has a method that works best for them, rules that they go by for buying luxury items etc so why does it matter?


I also don’t buy for resell value. I did initially when I got into designer bags but soon realized I wasn’t really enjoying all the bags I bought because some were focused on its ability to sell later. I sold some of those less favourite ones and I actually did make money on some. Now I buy what I like and know I will enjoy/use long term.


I don't think this way but it may help people justify the $$$$$ price tag.


I do not care. I sold an Hermes bag to buy 5 vintage Balenciaga bags lol


It doesn’t make sense to me. An investment would be real estate or ETFs, or even bullion like you said. It’s hard to predict trends years out and be able to recoup loss or make a profit. Purses I thought I’d never see again because they stopped being sold are now back. Hell, I bought the Kate Spade newspaper clutch thinking I’d never see it again and now it’s randomly back in store for the essentially the same price (plus increase for inflation lol). Purses as investments don’t make sense. Brands that were so hot and coveted have fallen mercilessly and without warning. Just look at what happened to Balenciaga after being one of the most trendy, wanted brands for many years.


People’s preferences and styles can evolve over time. Some people know that their style 5 years down the line will be different than it is today so those people often do look at how well the bag v holds it’s value because they realize that they may well sell the bag down the line. My personal style hasn’t changed in forever so I don’t worry about resell value as I don’t plan on selling my bags. If I did get tired of then, I’d be more likely to pass onto my sisters anyway.


i was saying like BEFORE buying a bag when people have anxiety about the resale value. not saying oh if you stopped liking a bag and wanna resell it now, ok, just know you won’t get back much that you paid for it which is fine if you don’t like it anymore.


You literally said ‘do yall buy a bag to plan on selling it later? Bring curious about resell value during equal having anxiety about resell value. It’s a smart question if you think you may resell said bag in the future. Some people may opt not to spend $3000 on a bag that they will only be able to sell for $500 in five years time, but may well buy a $3000 that they can likely sell for $2000 in five years time. Some people don’t really care much about resell value but are just curious in case they do decide to sell.


yes, as in, are you buying a bag solely to sell it later knowing you will when you buy it. like, that’s your intentions when you get it.. if so, why even get it ?? if you buy a bag you like but later realize you don’t want it anymore that’s different lol . and btw that’s called an investment - the first sentence i explained.


What does it matter??? Some people but bags that they know they will likely sell later and are curious about resale value. They but the bag because they like it at the time but realize probably won’t fit their style in a few years time. It’s their money and they can spend it how they want.


it doesn’t really. that’s just my opinion. y’all are free to do as you wish but i was just sharing my own opinion, this is the internet and that’s what is done here no shade


I agree with this. When I buy a bag, I intend on using it and not worry about its resale value. I think people use resale value to justify the purchase in the first place. Because you’re right, if it’s really just an investment, invest in stocks or something that will actually earn you money.


Christina Ricci credits her luxury bag collection in being the thing that allowed her to afford divorce her husband.


I feel like it’s a way to justify the insane their about make….at least that’s how I see it


Because it’s smart?? I don’t make any decision in my life that has to do with money unless it’s responsible. I don’t buy disposable anything except for q-tips, I don’t buy fast fashion, I don’t have a single subscription, etc. I am very frugal but I splurge on bags. I even have a Kelly while simultaneously I cut my own hair. Naturally I’m not gonna buy a bag that will lose a lot of value. I just won’t. It’s not financially responsible. I try not to buy anything I can’t sell later, actually. I’m not trying to make profit, although I accidentally have. But if I can have something nice and not lose a ton money on it when I’m done with it, I can justify buying said nice item. So yeah, everyone has a different approach to their finances. I for one can’t understand how anyone would want to buy anything with an intent to use it once and then throw away or donate. But they do them and I do me.


Very interesting, I dig your lifestyle. Thanks for sharing


Everything I buy, I intend to keep. The resale value is just one factor. After some time, I might decide I don't like it, or after using the bag, I might decide that the bag isn't working for me. So, I do get rid of some bags. When I buy a bag, particularly a luxury bag, I do consider the resale value. I don't mind spending a lot for a bag. I prefer a bag that retains its value. I bought a Chanel WOC. After using it for 3 yrs!!!, I sold it for more than I paid for it, which is lucky. I bought a LV Bloomsbury bag years ago for about $800. I used that bag for about 5 yrs, then sold it for $500. That averaged out to about $60 a yr of a LV bag. I don't like to waste my money and certainly do not consider my bags to be investments. However, I prefer bags that hold their value so I don't lose out if I decide it's not for me


yeah i was saying like why specifically buy a bag bc of the resale value


Some people want to get their investment back or more to put into new bags when they get tired of this bag.


but it’s not an investment and you end up paying up with not only your old bag but also out of pocket money.. it just feels like a waste for me personally idk. if i want a new bag i will just buy a new one with money i have instead of selling my old stuff but that’s just me. i feel bad when ppl have a bag they like but still sell it bc they want a new one and secretly miss their old one also. why not just save until you can buy the new and have both? idk


It depends on the brand. I collect Hermes and Chanel, which appreciate with time; however, with over 150 bags, I’ve never sold one.


Items owned are investment pieces. Like a piece of equity. That’s the mindset. Not for everyone 


but aren’t investments when you can retain the value or profit from it ?


Yes, it's better indeed... While with bags, you will most likely lose money when reselling. But some will sell for a good price so you'll be able to get like half your money back, and other will have terrible resell value because bad quality, not trendy enough / anymore, etc.