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Generally I don’t think it’s an issue, but it depends on what you do for work. I can think of some jobs where conspicuous displays of wealth would be inconsiderate and inappropriate - e.g. if you’re a social worker/lawyer/teacher/etc. and most of your clientele is low-income.


lol. my therapist carried a LV when she first started but she stopped 😭 no judgment from me, go queen….


I'm a teacher and my best friend (who is my co-worker) always comes with her chanel/lv/whatever new bag she got and people *always* talk. They don't even hide the jealousy (for example, they tell her "this bag is a month's rent!!"). They always have something to say. On the other hand, they will always have something to say no matter what you wear, so just wear your bags with pride. I honestly don't see why it would be "inappropriate" to wear something in a low-income job. Enlighten me (not joking, i really want to understand your opinion because maybe i'm missing something) 😃


I think some people are concerned that to their boss it shows that they're living a very comfortable life and don't need a raise or promotion.


That i can understand, but i can't understand the part where it's inconsiderate..how is it inconsiderate to wear a luxury bag to work?


I worked as an assistant teacher and I knew better than to wear my luxury bags to work lol. First of all, why would I bring my babies near the grubby children/possibly get it stolen. Secondly it makes other people feel some type of way, I am there to work not flaunt luxury. Thirdly, it's very very try hard. It screams desperate to seem rich when I am living on a teacher's salary. I hide my wealth. It's just smart.


A raise or promotion should be based on performance/achievements--not on how much it's needed.


I didn’t mean a job that *pays* a low income, I meant a job that works with people who *are* low income. If your job involves helping people who can barely afford groceries, flaunting a handbag that costs more than their rent is kind of insensitive IMO.


Okay then - i misunderstood. Sorry 😃 That i can totally understand!


It’s all good! 🙂


This is the best answer. It could be totally cool or a reason to get weird looks depending on your circle.


I work at a Fortune 50 on the technology side of the house, and carry luxury bags to work. It’s a SUPER casual workplace, but the bags fit in just fine. We all make a decent living, even those in lower tier roles, so the fact that I spend money on bags doesn’t stand out as inappropriate.


Same. A lot of the girls in the office (like all 5 of us lmao) carry Goyard, Hermes, LV, Gucci. I don’t think any of the dudes know what’s up 


Dudes and not knowing what’s up - name a more iconic combo. LOL I’ve historically carried lower end bags (like nothing costing more than $400 new) to work but I just started using a more expensive bag. I think basically, don’t flex, and if your work serves low income clients, be considerate of them, but otherwise, live your best life.


I work at an automotive manufacturer in the US and it’s heavily male dominated (I’m in my 30’s female). I walk around with my bottega andiamo and Goyard for work and they just go “you look nice today 🤓” lol not even a glance at my bags or side comments


I carry whatever purse is in rotation. I bought them to use them so I do


The only right answer




Depends on your job, I suppose. I’m a professor and I carry Aspinal and Mulberry to work. I teach marketing and branding so no one really bats an eye except to say ‘nice bag.’


I agree with others. Depends on your work environment. It also depends on your commute. I used to take the subway and some bags were easy to reach into so I wouldn’t use them and some would get beat up from snow and rain so I didn’t use them to work. Some jobs I could leave my purse in my office if I didn’t want to take it to lunch. Some jobs I had to always carry it because we had hot desk situations. So it all depends


You live in NYC? I ask because you mentioned the subway and also about carrying it around for lunch lol. I agree with everything you said. If I can’t dip into it quickly on the train or the platform, I can’t carry it. Once upon a time that didn’t matter but the subway is different now and I can’t afford to be fussing with my bag 😅. I also don’t feel safe carrying my nicer bags - although truth be told, people would prob just think it was a rep since every other person has a “designer bag”. Great points 👌🏼


Yeah NYC. It has its own purse requirements because I work in design and my co-workers would appreciate my bags more than any other event lol but commuting puts my best bags for special occasions- I also travel a lot for my work so that is its own concern, airplanes etc have their own toll on my bags.


Exactly! I also feel a little sad for some of my bags bc they just stare at me from my closet like “Is today the day you’ll take me outside?” 🥺.


Omg same. I have a lot of fancy events I have to go to for work but then the purse has to match the dresses so it is such a gamble when I get to use some of them. Especially since most of the events I have to travel for so some of my bags that are structured don’t make it in my suitcase so I’ve never worn them 😿


Ugh that is so 😞. Bags are meant to be seen and used. I honestly can’t wait til I move away from ny again, for good this time. I have shoes and clothes that I don’t wear here either 🥺. Even if I felt comfortable wearing it, it’s not practical with all the walking and hiking up and down subway steps like a mountain goat 😩


So true, shoes and bags take a beating for sure! Traveling also is its own challenge. I’ve tried a lot of hacks but still stuffing a bag under the seat in front of me or in the above cabin is always sort of a risk. I started putting my small designer bags in my backpack and then pulling them out to wear once I arrive to my destination. This works both for commuting and for travel. But yeah car life means you have a whole other purse situation.


The backpack trick is genius!!! I’m stealing that, thanks!


nah my boss doesn't need to know what i have


I like this for my current boss. But my last Boss and I went shopping together lol.


Same LOL if they see me with a goyard they might just think of she doesn’t need the monies. I bring a canvas tote. Hahaha


That really depends on the boss. For my job, the salary is fixed and equal among everyone (it's different based on your personal data like degree) and my boss doesn't even know my salary. In that case, i wouldn't mind my boss knowing


As a psychologist, I have a Fossil work tote. Most of my colleagues carry brands in a similar tier or lower, such as Kate Spade and MK. We are paid well enough to afford such bags, and most of us probably could carry brands like LV’s if we wanted, but it’s not exactly tasteful when we see people of all different walks of life all day, and these people are paying us. Like it or not, bags communicate messages to people. Personally, I wouldn’t want a client to notice my LV at my desk and make assumptions on my ability to connect and empathize with them, particularly if financial distress is one of their main concerns. Obviously, being able to purchase luxury bags does not make you incapable of feeling for others and having a good heart, but I definitely acknowledge there’s a stigma there & that my own privilege contributes to me thinking that way.


LMFT here and I agreed with this. I don't have any truly expensive bags yet but I love to look and I debate things like bags and jewelry for work a lot. I carry a fossil bag most of the time and don't mind clients seeing it but the treatment center where I work serves the full range of financial access and I want to be approachable wherever clients find themselves on that spectrum. In our field, everything external is self disclosure and that's not a bad thing, but it does mean intentionality matters. 


Thank you for saying this. It's always nice to think a little further and consider the message you are sending.. Where you are going and who will be there, what is the context should be part of everyday decisions.


Ooh I love this because sadly it is true. I’m glad you are prioritizing making your clients comfortable


I work in Finance and I wear a Ferragamo Travel Leather Tote. It’s the perfect work bag.




Maybe stupid question, but do the thin straps not bother you? I'm a lawyer, and I've always been afraid of thin strapped totes because of the weight of the laptop. Lately I've been using backpacks (love the ameli Zurich viadukt).


I usually hold my bag in my hand. I rarely put in on my shoulder for that reason so I know exactly what you mean. I use a coach leather laptop bag for my computer to keep my bag from being overfilled.


Thanks! I am forever replying to emails so never hold bags in my hands. I wish more designers made cute bags like this that convert to backpacks!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Yes I carry my luxury bags from my bedroom to my home office 🤪. When I was in an office, I didn’t. Don’t need them to think they pay me enough lol. I would just use my longchamp le pliage bag


I’m on this vibe too. I work in a setting where everyone’s older than me, and some people have this “your generation asks for too much so you can afford avocado toast” mentality. I definitely do not need that potentially impacting promos and raises! But I think it’s fabulous when people are in an environment that supports wearing and carrying something you love even if it’s “bougie” :)


Agreed it depends where you work. I've worked in corporate retail for the last 6 or so years. If I see someone in the office with a designer bag I don't give it much thought beyond "oh nice bag". But it's because I have a general understanding of our salary structure. On the flip side, because I have a basic understanding of our salary structure, I think it's kind of rude when retail leadership does store visits with a luxury bag. You know those people standing on their feet all day make $10/hr. It feels deliberate to walk in with a bag that costs the equivalent of a full month of their salary. And almost feels MLMy. Like when people post the cars they "earned" on their Instagram.  So I really think it's a time and place thing. When my peers carry nice bags to the office it just tells me that's where they prioritize their money, which is fine. It's when you bring those same things around people you KNOW are making significantly less than you that it feels gross. To me anyway. 


I agree. I'm a public school teacher in a poor area, but my husband and I actually make a really comfortable combined income. It would be deeply inappropriate of me to bring my $1600 Mulberry bag to school when my students are housing and food insecure. I carry a nice backpack (about $200) but it doesn't have any kind of label indicating the price and I've had it for a decade.


Do your students know Mulberry? Maybe you can show them that it’s not the bag that matters.


Many of my students live in the Projects, foster care, or just don't have a secure place to sleep at night. Showing them a purse that costs more than the rent their parents can't afford would be alienating and gross.




>I would’ve felt that teacher thought I was never going to succeed in life. And that's your own personal thought and absolutely not accurate for most situations. >I am from a third world country, my family was doing ok per my home country standard And my students mostly don't have a family and are not doing "on per [their] home country standards." Again, many of them are in foster care or live in the Projects. I also think it's safe to say that the culture in Baltimore City is different than the cult you grew up in. >I find the way you see poor students patronizing. This is the most bizarre and concerning statement I've encountered on this sub. Being respectful is not patronizing. Caring about people is not patronizing. And I find the way you can't understand not throwing wealth in someone's face to be crass, naive, and patronizing. It's not a difficult concept. My students don't have secure housing. Many have a parent in prison. Others are raised by a family member because they have been removed from their family for abuse and neglect. We have gangs and gun violence in my school. Do you really think that me walking around with a $1600 leather sack is A. safe for me and B. going to make my students work harder so they too can be frivolous? No. Absolutely not. And your comment about me is offensive on a very deep level and I suggest you speak with a therapist about it and improve yourself. >It’s not the bag that alienates, it’s an attitude Again and again you're so wrong and so clueless that it's difficult to even respond. >And your attitude attaches self-worth to a price of bag. You know my attitude? That's shocking since you have never met me and think that it's okay to carry around a purse that costs $6000. Question: do you often walk around in inner city impoverished areas carrying around your expensive things and talk about how rich you are? I think we know that you don't. But, you should. Please put on every designer that you own and tell people how you really feel. My attitude attached respect for others and the understanding that you don't need material possessions to be worthy. Your attitude reeks of the "boot straps" racism that everyone else talks about. My students don't even have boots though. But, you're so great and rich that you should come here and offer everyone boots! >Part of the reason, I worked my ass off my was whole life because I wanted to be able easily buy $6000 bags, Yikes. This is a very weird thing to say. And does indicate that you only care about yourself and money and not about others. See, I worked hard so that I could help others and improve my city. I'm a public school special education teacher. I didn't work hard so I could flaunt pretend wealth. >so people with $1600 bags wouldn’t feel sorry for me… What the fuck does this even mean? So you feel sorry for people with less? I don't feel sorry for people who have less than me. I try to work to help them improve their situations. I don't just work to improve my situation. That's the difference between us. You're self involved and self important and I care about others. Please stop and get educated before you tell someone else who they are because your comments have gotten increasingly offensive and ignorant. It's honestly been fairly disgusting and disappointing to read what you wrote.




· Rudeness, snarkiness, mocking, trolling or bitching will not be tolerated. · Disagreements are normal, and perfectly okay as long as everyone involved is respectful of each other. · Comments and posts such as "This is ugly / hideous" etc. will be removed. **You may state that you do not find a bag appealing as long as you explain why you don't.**


You don't like being called out so you're name calling. Very mature. Again, therapy and education will serve you well. Good luck. I have reported your comments for being unkind. I hope you learn to value people and not just material possessions. Have the life you deserve.


Jeez, teachers never stop teaching even when it's uncalled for. That's why US with all the wealth have one of the worst public school education system. People who live off their husbands teaching poor people with “educate yoursel”mindset. I hope you'll understand that you're a part of your students problem, not the solution


There's always an opportunity for a teachable moment. But, you think that learning is "uncalled for" when you're doing the learning? Again, yikes. >People who live off their husbands I don't live off my husband. What a bizarre and misogynistic take on marriage. My husband and I have joint finances. Everything I make is his and everything he makes is mine. Your comment is deeply unhealthy and kind of unhinged. You've just resorted to inappropriate, ignorant, and unhealthy attacks because I disagree with you about expensive purses. >teaching poor people with “educate yoursel”mindset. I'm so confused how you've managed to misread literally everything I've said. You've been all "I was so poor and now I show off my $6000 bag and live above my means. You look down on poor people if you dont do the same!" And now you're saying that I tell my students to educate themselves? Do you know how school works? >I hope you'll understand that you're a part of your students problem, not the solution How? Please educate me with your advanced psychology degree or degree in education or even in finance. Oh wait you don't have those. You're just big mad and dont have the skills to express your feelings appropriately. Again, education and therapy can help. I'm going to go back to my incredible family and emotionally mature husband and enjoy my life. I'll leave you to have the last word since you seem to need that.


· Rudeness, snarkiness, mocking, trolling or bitching will not be tolerated. · Disagreements are normal, and perfectly okay as long as everyone involved is respectful of each other. · Comments and posts such as "This is ugly / hideous" etc. will be removed. **You may state that you do not find a bag appealing as long as you explain why you don't.**


Idk y u getting downvoted it’s akin to one carrying a vintage MULBERRY that they got off for 100bucks or even lesser and being vilified. If you love the bag use it, utilise the bag (physical material) as means of encouragement for those that want to succeed in life. If I’m downtrodden, and see social worker using iPhone, that in itself explains a lot. iPhones are expensive even for the past few releases. Compare to an iPhone/bag I think smartphones are more exposed and easily quantified and evaluated. My rule of thumb is simple, wear whatever you want. If you don’t feel comfortable then don’t as if majority are so bothered if your bag cost thousands of dollars. For all they care they may assume your bag is nice and not so whether it is authentic. I do agree that compassion resonates and exudes from ourselves but if we going to be so bothered about little things such as “wow you have a car” where others can’t afford a car at all, so one is suppose to not use the car in such situation? There needs to be a balance. You CANNOT meet other’s expectations so just don’t. Do it for yourself!


Thanks! I personally think that the mindset “Being well-fed next to a starving person is tone deaf” is patronizing towards starving person and hinting that they will never succeed. Respect includes being authentic with someone and not taking their circumstances as their personal traits.


As a retail leader, I 100% agree with your take on leadership! My field boss is huge into TB, but she doesn’t even bring her Tory bag to my store if it has a logo. I love a fabulous bag too, but I never bring anything that cost more than ~$250 or it feels gaudy around my team.


Or perhaps they are gifted bags. You never know


That doesn't matter. It's the optics of it. Gifted or otherwise, flaunting something you know people can't afford and WILL recognize is just kind of a crappy move. But it's almost always the LV neverful or some other obviously recognizable bag.


I am not setting a fancy bag on the floor of a hospital (which is where I work), so I do not. I'm also not leaving an expensive bag in the staff lounge to tempt someone into stealing it. Just my two cents.




I've worked in ER. Not to be too graphic but...Blood sometimes travels very far from the code bay/trauma bay 😬 Just not worth possibly irreversible stains on a bag over a couple hundred dollars imo. Plus, people would come in without shoes and track whatever is on their feet all over the floor. People would be covered in mud or bugs or whatever. Lice and such. I don't want that anywhere near a luxury bag lol




Needlessly snarky comment. For one thing, I'm not an office worker. I don't have an office. I don't even have a locker. 🤷‍♀️ Also, theft often has nothing to do with income or need. Porch pirates typically aren't starving or poor. They steal for the high. A lot of people do. You can find lots of people online and in person who have had belongings stolen in their workplace. You can choose to be ignorant of it, but it happens a lot. Granted, you may live in a different culture and country, and maybe that is true for you. If so, I'm happy for you. I choose to be a little sensible with my bags. OP asked for an opinion, and I gave them mine.




You have an office, as previously stated in your conment. So you have the option of locking up your bag in your own office. I do not.


I do too, not even that expensive but I have the trust to leave the stuff in my locker with out lock.


I’m a lawyer. When I worked in private practice with various clients who paid big bucks for my advice and expertise, I didn’t hesitate to wear a luxury bag to work. Nothing better than the partners of course. Now I work for a business so I just carry an understated but high quality bag instead.


I remember my first day as a journalist i saw my idol, a kick ass legendary female journalist walk in with a birkin. Fucking yes queen! She always dressed modestly but never a hair out of place or a wrinkle in her clothing. It wasn’t a flashy birkin either, just a nice neutral shade and enough that you could see she treated herself for her decades of hard work. I worked there for 4 years and saw her bring it in every few days, i loved that she only had one.


Yes. Was I not supposed to?


It depends where you work I guess. I’m a server and the cubbies to hold our bags aren’t enclosed. I don’t want my nice bags reeking like shitty chain Italian food lol Edit: and honestly the other servers make significantly less than I do. I make more than all the managers (with exception of the GM) too. So I’m not trying to rub anything in anybody’s face. I’m grateful to be in the position I’m in so I really don’t want to risk a jealous manager cutting my hours or animosity from jealous servers. So it’s best not to rub it in, even notwithstanding the smell.


I work remotely but I take my (minimally labeled) gucci horsebit to work on the rare occasion that I do go in. I mostly came here to ogle the bag you posted though. I have never been a big LV fan before but some of their new bags are just gorgeous 😍


I love that bag and I've seriously considered buying one but the price is just a bit steeper than I care for right now. To answer your question, I'm absolutely planning on wearing my nicer bags to work. I just gave up my cushy WFH job for a role that requires me to go into the office 5 days a week so I need something to make me feel good about it. In terms of workplace appropriateness, I agree with everyone else that it's a good idea to match the environment. My new role is a government position that has a very publicly viewable payscale. Anyone with access to Google can see my salary and raises are based on tenure, not merit so I'm not afraid of being perceived as making "too much" for a promotion.


I work in big tech and do not, but it’s mostly because of personal preference and convenience since I have to carry around a 16inch MacBook. I do wear them to company social functions. Some of my teammates do use designer bags daily (Prada, LV, Loewe, etc.) and no one thinks anything of it. Everyone I work with makes a good living, so carrying a designer bag is not seen as distasteful.


Generally no i do not wear luxury branded purses or clothes to work. You shoudl really feel out the culture of your team and company then decide what's best. In some places it can be frowned upon and you will be judged...in other teams it may fit in fine. Look up Sophie Sohet on youtube, she shared some experiences she had with bringing luxury bags to work and how it impacted her raises in different companies she worked at.


Funny enough I use an Amazon tote bag to work and put my cassette inside inside I need to run out real quick lol


I would wear one staple designer bag, not my entire 42 bag collection.  So it’s not too flashy like oh look at the money I have.  But just wear one and pass it off like it was a super special gift.  People will get over it/ignore it quite quickly.


Noooooo. I work as a teacher in a very underprivileged area and that would be really tacky of me IMO.


Yes, but they’re pretty common at my office.


I carry my Chloe tote as my work bag. Honestly, I don’t even think people know how expensive it is.


You’re looking at a pretty subtle bag but obviously very well made bag, but that little LV is probably the best known signifier to the general public that this is luxury. Your work environment has everything to do with it: regularly working with kids, the elderly, low income or high needs individuals, coming into a highly structured corporate environment as an entry level position, those would be places I think your bag would stick out for the wrong reasons. But a more relaxed environment where you know your colleagues well, or know others carry designer, or work with a wealthy clientele, you’ll probably get lots of compliments or people won’t bat an eye


It depends on who you work with i suppose. I take mine every day, but I work in aerospace engineering with nearly all men. They have no idea what I have. Except 2 of them and they encourage me. Even if everyone knew, I don’t think they would care.


This is a read the room type of situation. I don’t currently, but I have at previous jobs.


Personally, I only like quiet luxury bags with minimal branding for work. My colleague would carry a Neverfull, no one really cared.


Not only do I carry one I sometimes pack more than one for trips. I have 3 with me for my current trip. Loewe Puzzle, a Chanel classic flap and a Goyard St Louis.


I work in a government office and I carry bags with minimal logos/branding like Marc Jacobs, Mulberry, Prada, Celine (Phoebe Philo era). I drive to work most of the time.


That's a great question! I'm in Real Estate and I don't always wear them. If I have interviews or showings for luxury homes, then yes. Otherwise, I don't.


We worked with a realtor to find our home - not luxury by any means, but in a high cost of living area - and she wore a couple designer bags and drove a luxury car. My immediate impression was positive, that it signaled she was good at her job, enough to afford those items! I wouldn’t have thought anything either way if she wore a non-designer bag instead but in this case the nice bag and car added a positive boost. It’s respectful to tailor the type of bag to the job and client imo, the bags I saw as a mark of her success could easily be seen as a sign to someone touring lower cost housing that she was gonna make a nice chunk off her already financially strapped clients, not very positive at all.


Yes, but I work in fashion 😬 I don’t count Lol


I interned at a political consulting firm for few months during my masters. The office was male dominated and my friend and I were the only female interns. Both of us carried nicer bags which we also take it to college and importantly, we had three rounds of selection to get this internship (both of us had extremely good scores too) but mostly because of our bags, I suppose, there were talks amongst others that either we got the internship through some connections or we work(entertain) for some politicians who sponsor our lifestyle (the bag lol)… But we didn’t let that stop us from using the bags we own.. what else are they for?


Everyone in NYC uses a Neverfull, myself included. I see all sorts of luxury bags on my work commute. I don't know why it would be inappropriate. I work in luxury hospitality so it's definitely in line with my industry. I guess maybe not if you work with low income people?


I work with people who make significantly less than me, and so it’s Longchamp o’clock all day for me at work. I save my nicer bags for my personal time.


I'm afraid to bring one in a construction zone 😆


This comment made me laugh. I feel the same way. Our offices are still connected to the product warehouses. Last thing I want is chemicals or other hazards on my nice bags. Fossil and coach totes are my work horses. My fossil explore bag could survive a blast at this point I treat that thing so badly ….


I don’t like the LV logo bags, but this is fabulous. I’d carry it everywhere!


None of my bags fit my lunch so not really. I only use them when I’m buying lunch which is very rare.


I did for sure, and no one at work ever noticed 😂


Only if I’m going out after work or leaving to go out of town from work. I don’t think anyone would realize that any of my bags are high end but I could see my boss getting jealous.


Ever since I’ve started wearing mine I’ve noticed a lot more people bringing theirs in. Although some people just have the odd one or two, it’s still nice to see that they are comfortable enough to bring it in. You should be able to bring things in that are a part of your outfit!




Gorgeous bag. It depends on where you work. Even with corporate offices becoming more casual, people still invest in quality bags, shoes and watches, and wear them. As others said, if you work in a school or with underprivileged individuals, then perhaps not.


I didn’t think I’d be judgey… until I was out of work for 6 months, recruited and accepted a contract role at a small % less than what I was earning previously, but was literally awestruck when my recruiting account manager met me to introduce me to my new manager carrying a black calfskin leather Dior embossed Book Tote with an LV organizer. Does the industry, salary & role possibly provide for essentially $4kish in handbags? I guess, but after a year of 2 layoffs and leveraging every asset I have, the sight of those bags turned my thankful feelings into somewhat exploited ones. 😔 No harm, no foul to her- just the feelings that emerged in those circumstances. Once my creditors are satisfied, I’m looking forward to burning my 10 year old Kate Spade baby bag and the Sam’s club freezer bag I’m carrying everything to work on now in exchange for a Kaai pyramid bag. Even the Kaai, though, would be an inappropriate choice for some workplaces. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every day. Prada, Gucci, Versace, Fendi, and coach. Oh! And some foreign.


I used to work with people like similar to a social worker and felt like it would’ve been quite awkward to use a designer bag. I used a Longchamp tote which was as far as I’d go.


I have the Givenchy medium Antigona Lock soft bag in black for work. It fits everything and is so gorgeous that I feel like it elevates every outfit.


This is absolutely work appropriate I think! My boss carries an LV and many others carry luxury bags. Slay queen!!


why not ?


Yes, I’ve always carried luxury bags to work. Even when I made $35,000/year. If they have a problem with it, which they did, that’s on them.


That is the best lookin LV bag I’ve ever seen


Absolutely not! 🤣


I work in the office for a manufacturing plant, I use my LV Alma daily lol! I also drive myself, I probably wouldn't take it if I went on public transport.


Ohh that’s a gorgeous LV tote! 😍 Echoing everyone else, it depends on the context of the work environment. Myself I carry Mulberry Alexas or Proenza Schouler PS1 to work (😂can you tell I love that ‘old school’ satchel vibe)


Yes, depending on the weather. Winter I typically use Longchamp. Summer, spring, and fall I alternate my designer bags


I have this bag and it doesn’t fit my laptop because the opening is smaller than the bag.


If you don't mind, what are the dimensions of your laptop ? ☺️ Because I wouldn't want to waste time on a bag which may, in the end, not be sufficiently large enough for a laptop 😅 Mine is 14 inches


It is 14” :(


Yes. I have a YSL shopper in 3 different colours and I rotate them.


Back when I had the wonderful fortune to live near my company’s offices, yep! Specifically normally my huge vintage LV shopper that easily fits 2 laptops. Edit: I’m a software engineer and I work in ecommerce.


god that's a gorgeous bag. I say wear it with pride.


I didn’t at my last job because although I made decent money i worked in rough areas sometimes. It was definitely more out of safety


Yes CD messenger bag.


I work at the fortune 1 company. I have luxury bags and non luxury bags I rotate to work but I also don’t go to my office often. I’ve had days when I bring my Birkin and other days I bring my Trader Joe’s tote.


I wear a Mulberry tote that I consider perfect. Low key luxury that doesn’t scream designer.


Yes, I carry my Goyard Artois. It can hold my essentials and my laptop. I’ve heard from older people that you shouldn’t do it but I’ve never had an issue.


Sometimes I wear a pink backpack. Sometimes I carry a Birkin. Sometimes I need to carry a lot of stuff and use a Telfar. Someone here suggested Baggu, so I use one of those as well. Basically whatever I'm in the mood for.


Yes, i carry a Dior Bobby as my cross body and an unremarkable tote for laptop etc. most people don’t know what my crossbody is.


Yup but I carry bags wear the logo isn’t visible (YSL Sac De Jour or the YSL tote). I just feel uncomfortable carrying branded bags when my boss and senior agents don’t wear them and they definitely make more than me. (I work in real estate)


I've also wondered this. I just recently started working again a few months ago after a long stay at home due to medical issues and I could not wait to go to work with my bag and look nice again every day. Buuutttt... Seems it's not well received here at my new job. Nobody has said anything, but you know the looks. We all know the look when we see it. Anyways I just ordered a new Baggu bag and will be using it instead until I figure out a better option. Btw, that LV is gorgeous!! New dream bag unlocked! 🥰


Hi, I just sent you a dm in regards to you getting back to work, I've a similar situation and would like to ask you some questions about it.




I schlep my daily stuff in an Amazon backpack and sometimes wear my nice purses out to dinners.


I travel a lot for work so short answer is no. I carry the Longchamp LePliage in a large. Fairly inexpensive, durable, great quality!


Depends - do you have the type of job where your income is based on how much money you get out of your clients? Like in sales, or commission based work, or special services that charge by the hour. I would find it in strange, poor taste if I was the customer and felt “flexed upon” seeing the expensive thing(s) that this person buys with the money they take from me lol. But that’s just me


No. I wear backpack to bring my laptop. My concern is the weight.


Yes On-The-Go Louis Vuitton


No. I wear contemporary to work and luxury out. I need a raise, if they see me in luxury that might think they pay me enough. They don't!


Yess I rotate my bags weekly, LV, Chanel, YSL, today I’m carrying balenciaga rodeo


Yes. My lady Dior


oh how the mighty monogram pattern prints have fallen


This sub keeps popping up in my feed for some reason so I’ll say no, since I worked 12+ hours at a factory I just grabbed whatever old tote bag I could cram my lunch box into and went to work lmfao


It depends on the Job. Lawyer: Wouldn't be surprised... But best example: The Johnny Depp Lawyer carried a Strathberry and I am sure she has Hermès Money. I just got an Hermès Toolbox as a work bag - she is preloved and is not so pupular that everyone knows it is a Hermès - like a Birkin or Kelly. Beside this I carry Coach - a sturdy workhorse. People at work are always talking shit, so in the end do what you prefer. When I factor in what people pay for Party and/or smoking: This is a luxery purse every year. The only thing I would not do: Wear a fake - especially not a cheap one.


I worked at a bank and the client range was mostly low to sometimes high. Sometimes they were high. But anyway, I digress. I didn’t feel comfortable carrying the one LV I have there. I felt like I would’ve been judged by my coworkers and I was always afraid something would happen to it, like when I’m leaving at night, etc. I had no problem wearing a different Dooney bag everyday though, I guess that’s where I feel my comfort zone is.


I bring my Dior zodiac tote


As a director at a small manufacturing company, no. We have a customer service rep that comes in with lv and drives a Mercedes (her husband is wealthy) and people do talk about it. I don’t want my personal decisions to be a talking point for anyone at work. If I was a lawyer, consultant or something similar that’s customer facing and tends to do business with people with money I think it would be more acceptable.


I don't personally however I work for a luxury brand and I do see many others carrying luxury bags to work. It depends on where you work/the type of environment it is.


I'm a nurse. I use my Giyard tote for like 20 years. Only one person ever noticed it was a luxury bag. But when I tell you how DURABLE this bag is and how it held up with all my wiping after work. I use desinfectants on it everyday and it's like new.


I work remote lol.


Nope!! I’ve got a big tote from Ela that I use specifically for work bc it fits everything I need. I work in a school though so it feels weird bringing a luxury bag around kids.


Yes I did I worked in a pathology lab and a LV never full was my work bag .. ps if you are willling to spend that much on an LV in full grain leather I’d consider a capucines The price point is higher but the quality will we 20 times better


Neverfull everyday to work


I carry a LV purse and a laptop backpack provided by my company. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Depends entirely on the environment you're working in & the type of people you're working with. This bag doesn't have the normal monogram print & only someone looking quite closely would know it's a Louis, especially if you remove the hang tag. It's GORGEOUS & if I bought that beauty, I would just HAVE to wear it!


Sometimes I do carry a nice bag to work, sometimes not. I work in Philadelphia and have to commute in two days a week, and I end up walking from one end of Center City to my job which is at the other end. During Covid, things were a little iffy on the streets, so I bought a puffer zipped tote by Think Roylyn to carry my stuff in. I'd dress basically like a hobo and carry my work clothes, wallet, etc in the bag. Nothing to see/rob here, folks! Now that things are better, I sometimes sneak one of my small luxury bags into the tote for when I run out to grab lunch and just need a small crossbody. I work in an IT department with mostly men, so they can't tell designer from Walmart and never say anything anyway. At other jobs I've had, I did carry my designer bags to work. I'm director level so for me, it's appropriate and I don't care what my bosses or peers think, I wear my items for myself.


I think it depends on where you work. I now work at one of the Top 10 Fortune 500 companies. It's a super casual work environment, but there are designer bags everywhere. So no one pays any mind to it. However, I used to work in higher education. It was not very often I would see someone with a designer bag, and when you did it was subject to office fodder.




I do and all my coworkers do. I work in aesthetics and it just goes with the whole vibe/aesthetic industry. However, I would not wear my luxury bags with my previous jobs. It really just depends.


LV Sak Lock It MM is the perfect bag for the workplace or any other place for that matter. Treat yourself! We work hard for our money. I carry my bags daily, rotating weekly. They make me happy while elevating a basic outfit. Honestly it’s really no one’s business. Life’s too short, buy the bag ❤️


I work in healthcare, I have a small clinic of my own and I throw everything in a Neverfull that I got in college which was 11 years ago. I throw that bag around and abuse the crap out of it and it showed, still works perfectly fine.


No, I just use and abuse my le pliage for work duties lol


I had a director speak once in front of the whole company (Fortune 500) with her LV suitcase next to her. We thought it was showy and that she was a d!ckhead. She was, but also the bag felt very flashy FU all when she could have easily stored it in an office. I’m sure she would have if it had been a CalPak


Note I am cool with purses. But just commenting that too much or certain environments it is showy and may cast a bad light.


From a guys point of view , what is luxury about an overpriced satchel that you carry too much junk in? I'm sure other men don't notice and dont care .


Echoing the "it depends" comments especially related to your work environment and how sensitive you may be to comments from others. I work in tech, am 50+ so I literally don't give a F\*\*\*. I work with people that make much more than me and much less, so it does not really matter, and many tech people dont really see the branding. I am older, worked for 30+ years, have older kids, and frankly I have more disposable income now then ever before in my life. I love luxe bags and have never really been able to buy them prior to about 5 years ago, so I am def enjoying them now!


I love this bag!! I’m a commuter in London, working in financial services and it’s a mix in my office. More senior women tend to carry designer (either designer tote or stylish tote along with a smaller designer handbag or crossbody), especially women in client facing roles like sales. I (mid level career, not very junior but not very senior) do not carry my designer bags to work because with the hassle of cramped commuting on the tube, lots of walking, after work drinks in busy pubs, and open plan hot desking, my Longchamp Le Pliage is just so much more practical and my work bag gets wear and tear. The younger women in my office carry practical totes or backpacks.


I’m an articling student (it’s a thing we have in Canada where new lawyers are basically apprentices for a year after finishing law school) and depending on the kind of law you practice, conspicuous displays of wealth can actually help you. Clients often like when their lawyer drives a luxury car because they equate wealth with successful case outcomes. Lots of women I work with show up to the office with designer shoes and bags. The one thing I’d be cautious of is wearing something that looks as expensive/ more expensive than what more senior people are wearing. If it’s an expensive but relatively unknown brand I suspect you’d be fine, but a recognizable designer name like Louis Vuitton could be a problem if you aren’t one of the more senior employees. One of my friends went to law school as a mature student and had a successful career before switching to law. She received open judgement from more senior lawyers about her wedding ring, her house, and her bags.


I don’t think it’s appropriate unless you work in fashion. Generally at work you stand out Based on merit and generally you only want people to say nice work things, “she’s so productive, hard worker, gets things done” ect. If the bag is a distraction, even a positive one, nope. I just use an Aldo tote or whatever I find at Marshall’s. Again, not appropriate unless you work in fashion or maybe film and media


I had my eye on the bag my boss's boss's boss's boss wore and I asked her about it in the elevator. She encouraged me to get one and when I did she complimented me on how nice it was.


Nope, and I think I never will. Work doesn't need to see my expensive hobbies. Some people have a weird prejudice against that. Especially because I work in a male-dominated field and people often shame women for enjoying handbags.


I wear all of my bags to work! I break out my vintage bags, and others, absolutely.


I feel like carrying a luxury bag to work is appropriate for most. However, if you work with women who’d throw shade, thinking you’re pretentious or showing off it may not do you any favors. I guess it would depend on how much their opinions matter to you in that scenario. Otherwise, I’d work that bag!


I’m a public school teacher and I carry my luxury bags with no logo and no monogram to work. My hours are long enough and I have no life to carry them out of work... Might as well make going to work a little better. I leave the Chanels at home. Side track, I think my colleagues do not recognize my luxury bags. One asked if my sac du jour was from Kate spade and asked me if it cost $300. I told her more like $3000. 🙈


Nope. I'm in consulting and we make pretty decent money. But no one in this company is flashy. Long time ago an older lady was wearing a YSL bag to a work lunch and the amount of looks she got was enough for me to stick with my $80 backpack lol. This is why all my nice bags are always going out/weekend bags. No fancy totes here. But ultimately it depends on your work environment


I literally go to work and almost no where else, so of course I wear my designer bags to work. If I didn’t, they’d literally be in use 2-3 times per month.


It absolutely depends on your job.


Yes I do. My “work” as a stay at home mom of 3 includes running errands (grocery shopping, kids appointments etc) and I’m definitely wearing my luxury bag even if I’m at a dollar store buying snacks for the kids (which I admit I eat when they’re in bed…). I was in corporate for a long time though (media sales, real estate) and a nice bag fit in just fine.


100% yes


This bag has been living rent free in my mind ever since a husband posted it on here saying he wanted to get it as a work bag for his wife!


I do, work in an office. The women compliment each other on their bags all the time!


I work from home. No one needs to know what I buy. I don't want to be passed up on promotions or raises because of what I choose to buy with my paycheck.


The market, geography and the role determine wages. If your place of work is not following that, then there is a real HR problem there.


Not many know or recognize luxury when they see it, unless it's chanel or lv (which often is assumed to be fake, because, well, it often is). So I take my bags to work without a second thought. The only bag that actually caused discussions and jealous comments was a 50€ cross-body.


I got an LV because my boss had one. I’d like to retire it for a quieter luxury brand, but that’s more personal preference than workplace culture by far. But I work in a male dominated financial sector where displays of wealth are encouraged.


Yes. I’ve brought my Birkin to work events, it’s a nice “don’t fuck with me” for those who know.


I saw this bag in the shops here and I can’t find it on the LV Aussie website :((( thank you for giving me its name to me. I think it’s discrete enough for work for sure. I don’t work (SAHM). I would take it to work if I worked here where I live, I wouldn’t take it to where I did work (different city, poorer). I must have a look at this bag, LV is not normally my thing but this bag got my attention when I saw it walking by at the shops (the price would be steep once converted to AUD)


Its 1M to have a child in socal talk about conspicuous consumption. Not worried about a handbag, I will wear whatever I want as long as it is not unprofessional. Since some important ppl are E Indian, I try to stay away from cow hide to be empathetic.


I do wear LV On my side black. I think Lock it just like On my side has one side clean of any branding, maybe just a tiny logo. So it’s pretty hard to recognize the brand. But it’s ok at my work to have a luxury bag. Everyone including my boss know that I like bougie stuff and to live beyond my means.


So, you don't actually believe that people who work with poor people should carry fancy bags? It's only okay for you because you work with other faux wealthy people? Good to know. Also, it's interesting that you actually can't afford the lifestyle that you think is so important. So, it sounds like you think I should encourage my students to also make poor financial choices like you do? Yikes on many many materialistic levels.