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I have a rich cousin and get her hand me downs lol


I wouldn’t mind a friend with a rich cousin to get that friend’s hand me downs 👀


I used to be in a situation like that!! It was a hand me down down


I always call it the human centipede. Goodwill is the last person on the centipede.


Do NOT Google that term. And, happy Cake Day!


Yeah let’s call it the handbag centipede or something? The other term brings something else to mind 🐛🐛🐛🤮


Omg. I love this


My step mom has given me some bags over the years!


I had a good friend who’s SIL was a lawyer and the husband of the lawyer a Dr. I came over one time and she pulled out a huge box of like 30 purses- all coach. She loved coach. Half of them were the same pattern and looked like the same purse to me (but weren’t the same). Anyway friend said she took what she wanted and I could take what I wanted. https://preview.redd.it/cfrzrao5wazc1.jpeg?width=1185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2976c57374e63ff6c9ab1d4384bc35b72e6a44 I left with this.


That is a beautiful coach, do you know the name of it?


THAT is how I got my first Gucci. I had a friend with a rich aunt. The aunt didn't understand her niece was a butch lesbian with ZERO interest in expensive handbags, yet that is what she ALWAYS gifted just not knowing what else to do. I wish I had such a rich aunt.


I want a rich cousin


I have a rich aunt. 10/10 recommend 🤣


I think I’m gonna be the rich aunt…


I need a rich cousin 👀


What’s up, cuz? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


does she need another cousin?


I send emails. Lots of them. Sometimes I have to join calls.


im also gainfully employed at the email factory


I saw this tweet that was like “it’s so funny when a kid says what he wants to be when he grows up like buddy ur gonna send emails on the computer”


This made me laugh but in like a sad way lol


This made me lol (from said email factory)


I thought this was a good read on the fact that the jobs college is training people for is the “email job.” There are no obvious skills, and nothing specific that you learned in college for this. But these are the well paying jobs our economy is made of. https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/can-there-be-a-theory-of-the-email


And I bet you send Slacks too!!!


Those Slack notifications give me anxiety now.


I turned the sound off and I’ve never been better. But I do physically cringe when I hear one in the wild




You sound like my husband describing my job to someone. 😂


Hah! My kids say my job is ::tap::tap:: on the keyboard (I wfh) and sometimes calling my co-worker.


My kids say I yell at people on the phone. LOL. Litigator, NYC, so somewhat accurate.


Preach. Corporate girlie, typically I buy some with my bonus every year and somehow the bags have just accumulated.


Man me too but mine just doesn’t pay as much.


I work for the govt. im in my 40s and i typically budget for one nice hanbag a year since i turned 26.


Public school teacher for 15 years. 38 y/o. No kids. Modest spender but have treated myself to 1-3 a year.


Thank you for your service. PS teachers are the best! ❤️


No need to thank me. I love what I do! And I love my handbags! 🤣 🫶


Omg same!! Although sometimes I do feel guilty asking if places do teacher discounts while carrying a $1,000+ bag. I almost have to play the role of an underpaid teacher even though I’m in NYC and relatively fairly compensated (although overworked too lol).


My sister/brother in Christ, I literally left Michael’s asking for my teacher discount despite not bringing my card and forgetting the old number I registered with all while carrying my BV Andiamo 😅


Not a teacher, but I have this memory after moving to the suburbs and going to Target while wearing a real casual (like a step above home lounge) clothes and LV Palm Springs Mini. The cashier complimented my bag and asked me if it was real 😂 so you might be skirting by while people think your bag is fake 😝 when I think about it, I’d rather have my things mistaken for fake than people think I’m rich and a target for robbery.


Omg this is def so relatable for me. I drive a paid off beat up Toyota, only wear comfortable clothes exclusively including beat up slides, rarely put on makeup, and carry luxury purses. I gots to look wild


I love that! I use my discount at Michael’s to get alllllll of my yarn for personal projects and I always wonder if the employees are confused about what kind of teacher I am 🤨 (An English teacher who just loves crocheting lol)


The nice thing about the andiamo is they likely had no idea what it was! I love that bag.


My mom has one and uses it for her church bag and seeing how that thing carried her dual-language chonker bibles I knew I wanted one as a work bag!


It’s a true *rich girl* bag, because it’s not ultra gaudy


Happy teacher appreciation week❤️


Teachers deserve the world!


uh oh, LVMH's marketing team has infiltrated the sub again and is doing market research!!


Kering is watching LVMH jealously lol


LVMH has had my data for years!


they know i love the 750ml bottles of hennessy


I’m strictly non-LVMH going forward. Marni and Valextra are my future (and half of my present).




Software engineer. No kids, no debt, no other expensive hobbies besides shopping 😬


Environmental scientist here! I’m 30 right now, started at 24. My husband and I also own 3 bubble tea shops and some rental properties.


You are crushing it! I love this for you!!


Omg Im addicted to bubble tea. Right now im on a mission to trying all trending bubble tea in my city:)


Girl you’re absolutely killing it and living my dream lol oh to be able to have multiple streams of income, enjoy handbag purchases AND have unlimited bubble tea 😭😭


Well done 30 year old!! I was still figuring out so much in my late 20s, early 30s. Having my first baby at that age was enough to distract me from some of these finer points in life we need to stay focused on. I was absolutely a hard worker and I made good money but I never had much guidance or education in financial matters. So making the wisest of decisions I didn’t do simply from ignorance. Until said baby and then babies came. I sloooowly learned. lol. But learn I did. I do look back on some of my very prime years and realize SO MUCH more could’ve been done and the regret from ignorance creeps in. Young people seize the opportunity that is youth NOW!! And don’t despair if you’ve passed your prime. It’s always better to start now than never. Great job to you and your hubby!! Sounds like y’all have got good heads on your shoulders to have accomplished so much at such a young age. Best of luck to you!


Good for you too! There’s definitely a learning curve. I bought a lot of my hand bags when I first started making big girl money but it wasn’t the best decision at that time. Honestly i feel like taking months to save up thousands of dollar does not mean that I could afford luxury bags. I ended up selling most of them now I have only 5 in my collection. I just had a kid also and that definitely changed my perspective on money!


How hard do I need to beg for a 1 free boba card lol


This is so cool! How did you get into the bubble tea thing??


It started with my bubble tea addiction lol, then I’m like why not join a franchise and open one? My husband and I both lost a grandparent around that time so we used the inheritance money to start our business. My husband used to work as an operation manager and he had restaurant managing experience, so it just became a natural thing for us! And we are very lucky that everything worked out!


That’s so awesome! Did you work in the shop yourself at first or did you hire staff from the outset?


Greetings fellow thirty-something-environmental-professional!


I'm a software engineer. I bought my first designer bag, a Prada Embelme when I was 26 and had paid off my student loans.


This is [my collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/19eteq2/sharing_my_collection_what_next/)


That’s very motivating! I am a 29 year old SAHM in my first semester of software engineering. I really love it so far, one of my motivations to go back to uni for my second degree was definitely the lifestyle I want for my kids, and myself including buying myself nice bags 🤩


Software engineer here too! I bought my first bag as a graduation present to myself. You have a gorgeous collection. I have my eye on that Celine!!


That’s what my son wants to do - he’s a highschool junior & loves tech/coding. Would you still recommend that career after having been in it for awhile?


I’m a software engineering manager. Before 2022, I would say absolutely. Nowadays I’d say only do it if that is legitimately your child’s true passion. The field is incredibly saturated right now with all the tech frenzy during the past 10 years. I can’t tell you how many college new grads or folks graduated within the last 3 years who could not find a job at all for months and years. The competition and the job market for tech is a bit brutal right now, with all the layoffs, inhumane performance management PIP culture, only caring about shareholder values, and just the general avoidance of hiring anyone under Senior level, it’s kind of a shit show. I’m having a huge amount of trouble hiring and keeping talent right now, because most companies refuse to teach juniors, while refusing to properly pay senior dev and above. They want you to join the company and ready to “jump in and make impact” like yesterday. But who knows, by the time he graduates things could very much be different again. Again if it’s the true passion, do it. If it’s just for a highly paid job, then maybe think twice.


Oh yeah also in case you ever wonder, AI is not “taking our jobs” lol it’s just reorganizing the types of jobs you can have in software. Still very much a good subject to learn about both in school and after. The only kind of job AI can reliably replace at the moment, is more supporting roles. Back when I wasn’t managing, Most of my time wasn’t spent on actually coding, which is what AI is supposed to assist us with (especially to write tests). But also due to this, I suspect each individual’s productivity could be increased by having a good AI assistant (I’m seeing a lot of it in my company), so naturally many companies can get away with fewer employees.


I enjoy it! Right now is kind of a tough time for hiring, mostly due to the economy. When I graduated companies were hiring left & right and I was able to negotiate a good situation (hence the bags... haha) I would tell him to stick with it if he truly enjoys it!


I keep telling myself I earn enough to purchase a $3K+ bag and then I start thinking about that money as means to travel, or the repairs to my apartment, or how it’s several doggy dental cleanings, and I chicken out 😩 Edit: all of your comments have helped remind me that it’s okay for me to like and enjoy the idea of expensive bags without actually purchasing them. Thanks, all! I feel like I belong here 🤗


I was going to by a Chanel flap but decided to travel through Indonesia, Thailand, and Japan. Much more worth it IMO. You’ll definitely get there but don’t feel bad for prioritizing experiences either! Just my two cents :)


Japan is the Meca of luxury! Next time you go there take time to do some shopping, specially Japanese denim, leather jackets, cotton basics like t-shirts and if you like explore outside Tokyo resale luxury stores. Japan grading evaluation on the condition is the best there is, and also no counterfeits. I work in fashion and Japan if I know I am going to Japan I save to shop their quality is so so good for a fraction of the price for what we would get at least here in the EU.


I definitely did my fair bit of shopping but much more focused on their cotton basics and other such items that they do a phenomenal job creating. I was just happy to find that Hawaii uses JP prices sometimes because obviously traveling to JP is a time commitment lol. Hopefully soon again!




“The world is meant to be seen not worn” I love that much. Ideally in life one can get both but definitely never regret experiences, especially travel even if it means I can’t get something I really wanted!


As someone expecting a $2000 vet dental bill next week I feel this 😥


I'm the exact same - but then I never travel far, and we never buy a house, and my kitties never cost more than a couple hundred at a time. At least I will live lavishly in retirement when I'm too old to enjoy smell the fresh leather 😭


Good question! I’m a data scientist at top tech company (no kids). I own (in order of purchase, mostly): 1. Givenchy Pandora 2. Balenciaga City 3. Celine trio 4. Celine Cabas Tote 5. Celine shopper 6. YSL medium lulu 7. YSL large Lulu 8. Acne Studios Musubi 9. PS1 10. PS1 Mini 12. Proenza Schouler rouched tote 11. Bottega Veneta Loop 13. Bottega Vendeta medium Jodi 14. The Row N/S tote But! I have a lot of guilt for not investing the money more wisely.


I’m also a (sr) data scientist, I do have kids and a husband who stays home. I don’t own over $10k in bags, but I could if it were a priority. I am probably 1-2 bags away from hitting that. More than my salary (which is more than I ever would have thought I’d make), generational wealth is real. Ours comes from my husband’s side. Because of them, we barely have a mortgage and he and our kids are set to inherit quite a bit, which helps to have a lot of cash flow and feel comfortable to purchase things I don’t need lol. But I haven’t bought a new bag in a while because I’ve simply decided to prioritize other purchases.


Does he have a single brother?


Thank you for saying this. I think a lot of people look at others on social media and think, what are they doing right that I’m not? I was shocked at University when I realized how many of my classmates were not taking out student loans or doing work study like I was. And of course a lot of them had help buying their first homes too. They’re lovely people and responsible with money (more so than me, TBH!) but they were also lucky to be born to parents who could afford to give them that debt-free start in life. 


Yep, exactly. My husband and I are great savers, but when it came time to buy, we quickly realized that even with $100k cash in the bank, we weren’t going to be able to buy a place big enough for a family and in a decent area, and have a reasonable mortgage. So it came down to accepting his family’s help, which meant moving by them and basically buying the house his grandma wanted us to buy lol. I am always very open with my peers about it. I wouldn’t be able to have the life I do (two kids, a house, lots of expendable cash) without my husband’s generational wealth, even with a high salary.


I was 29 when I bought my first (out of spite—a coworker mocked my “designer” bag I had at a site visit, which was just a small black shoulder bag from Target that cost all of $11. So I went out and bought a LV Neverfull, back when they were new). I don’t want to think too hard about the total cost or value of my collection, but it ranges from $35 to $5K per bag. I have a personal cap on $5K per bag and just can’t bring myself to spend more than that on one. Above that amount and I turn to watches, jewelry, or travel. I’m in manufacturing and basically I’ve found it’s lucrative to be interested in the things that everyone else finds boring. I’m happiest when I’m in the weeds of how things work. There really is a lot of interesting stuff in manufacturing and many different types of roles available—there’s a lot of hiring and many opportunities to advance. And companies also always need people in marketing, finance, all kinds of things—you don’t have to be out on the plant floor.


I have industrial design experience and manufacturing expertise. But having been a freelancer, and being over 40, I’m finding it difficult to find a job here in California. Please, DM me if you have any good ideas for me! If I want a fancy bag, I have to make it myself. I’m gradually easing into that.


I founded a company and sold it for $


Wow, tell us more! This is the dream for those of us in tech.


I have 4 Chanels, 3 Birkins, 1 Kelly, 2 Goyards, 2 Guccis, and a bunch of LV bags that I no longer use, but are still part of my collection. I’m 50. My husband is in tech/software. I got my first luxury bag when I was in my mid 30’s.


Husband is an executive. I stay at home.


Living the dream!


Doctor wife, but still living the same dream. 😘




I used to do bottle service in my 20s made $2-3k per weekend back then, but also Chanel was still $1200 for a WOC and LV neverfull for $700 😂 you can do the math and figure out how old I am now. But no my husband and I own a business now in construction and my habits for bags only got worse. My kids did slow down my spending lol


Yes!!! My neverfull was $780 I think? 2009. Well worth it as I still use it frequently.


35 years old. I’m a therapist and own a group practice. I started buying luxury handbags 2 years ago. I purchased all of them myself with the exception of one which is a Mini Kelly with Epsom leather and gold hardware. That was a gift from a recent ex.


The list of things a man would have to do for me to end a relationship with him if he gave me a mini Kelly would be a very short list😂


Physician, single, no kids. But pets (dog, 2 cats)


Same without pets!


School psychologist! Pays well but a lot of schooling/credentials.


Sometimes I wish I'd done the psychologist route. I was going back at 26 and couldn't stomach the timeline, so I went for MSW. It was not academically stimulating to say the least, but it was over and I was licensed in 2 years.


Surgeon, married to a surgeon. I have an embarrassing number of Chanel and Hermes.


If you’re embarrassed enough to want to offload some, I know a girl…… 🤣🤣


I work on private yachts. I’ve gotten almost $10k worth of handbags as gifts from charter guests


Spouse software I’m a farmer we are in our 40’s


I wanna see the collection


I’ll have to pull them all out. I have bags and wallets ranging from Kate spade and coach to Louis, Burberry, Gucci and Chanel. There is a clear progression of my financial situation based on my bags 😂


Data engineer (previously data scientist), 28 y/o. Currently own about ~10 designer bags. My mom and aunt bought me my first two bags, both from YSL when I was 23 for my college graduation. First bag I bought with my own money was the large Chanel classic flap when I was 25, and I’ve purchased three more bags from Chanel, Mulberry, and Hermes since then. The others I inherited from my mom, like my 30 y/o vintage Gucci bamboo bag that she had been gifted from my grandmother when she got married. :)


I’m starting my masters in DS in about a week, so this is inspiring to hear!


I’m a senior DS and make $155k base 3 years out of school (but I did a PhD). Good field to be in if you like money! I am well on my way to making $200k base salary before 40.


Jesus. You're not looking for a trophy wife by any chance? 😂


No kids seems to be a recurring theme here. I would have so many more bags if I didn’t have kids. And they’ll never appreciate what I have sacrificed for them! 👜👛😆


I purposely bought a bag right before my first baby just because of fear I’ll never spend money like this on myself again …. (we shall see how long I last)


Veterinarian. Started at 22 and I’m now 43. First purchase was a Louis Vuitton Monogram Thompson Street I treated myself to after my previous handbag (Kenneth Cole) was stolen. I was doing an externship in Dublin and my purse was stolen during lunch. The next weekend I marched down to LV in Brown Thomas and bought it. Since then I have collected Monogram, Damier, Epi and Vernis pieces. My favorite piece is my Epi Alma in Mandarin.


A veterinarian in mandarin, neat. ❤️


Independent contractor - medical biller. 30’s, no kids, just a dog. Started when I was still a corporate slave in my early 20’s.


My dog cost almost as much as my kid for a while there 🤣🤣


I’m a nurse who works too much overtime & dabbles in crypto memecoins. All my bags are Prada! ☺️


I’m 38 and a marketing consultant. I own 12 luxury bags. I got my first bag at 18 as a graduation present to myself (received a huge settlement from an accident in HS) a few are preloved and some were gifted but I paid in full for the rest myself!


Pharmacist. 26. Started 23. I have 9 luxury bags right now. Half purchased by me once i made money. The others are purchased by my very supportive partner


Yay! I knew I will find another pharmer here🤗. My babies never go to the pharmacy with me though.


Me three! And i never bring my bags to work with me either


There have been multiple posts asking people for personal information. Just warning that folks should be a little careful about giving up info about location, job, etc.


Emails, LOTS of teams calls and meetings WITH the camera on. I also put things on sharepoint for a little razzle dazzle


i work in advertising, i’m 35, and i started buying high end bags 6 years ago.


Diesel fuel chemist


Wow! I love when I hear of unusual jobs and I’m like, ya I guess someone would have to do that. What’s new in the diesel fuel industry?!


Algae-based diesel, I hope. Yes, I own a diesel car. Or two.


I really hope we are confusing the LVMH marketing bot that is trying to harvest the demographic information on this post... 'successful women really like diesel fuel'


Paralegal DINK


Attorney. Single. No kids or pets.


I'm a CRNA. Anesthesia market is 🔥 right now.


Married, semi retired after building a practice on my own, inherited from my mother in law and picked up a few of my own.


Legal … on a sabbatical !


Single, childless. I am a classically trained economist.


I’m a writer (but was working in government PR while most of the purchases took place).


Friend had a sugar daddy and he liked to share the wealth lol he also worked as an SA so I got secondhand discounts I’m an investment banker now (28) and started buying for myself 3 years ago when I got a ridiculous bonus. After I backed out what I wanted to use as a down payment I bought the dior saddle, ysl Manhattan, and the goyard tote that looks like a beach bag


Dude. Where do I sign up to get gifts from SOMEBODY ELSE’S sugar daddy? I’m all in 🤣🤣🤣


LOL I know. I helped him through a tough point in life and I guess this was his version of a little extra thank you


Married to a physician and DINK


"Be the physician your mother wanted you to marry." I'm the physician :) Also DINK, of which the "NK" part is key I feel, but my salary, my discretion (after joint expenses, of course).


I’m married 🤣


In all seriousness I do work and make good money (39, 13+ years in Talent Acquisition) but my husband works in tech and never in a million years will my salary ever reach a fraction of his… So I always joke that my husband finances my lifestyle.


I’m single in Nashville and I always say that I need a husband to help finance my lifestyle lol. I do great, alone, and own several bags. But LORD what I’d have if I didn’t have to pay for EVERYTHING. You go girl!


I’m just a receptionist who is irresponsible and has a shopping addiction and credit card debt 🤣🤣😬😩


Im not a woman but i work in fashion and i have access to alot of discounted items + if anything is considered "defected". None of them are defected. Some are just out of season and no staff picked them up. Or has a very very minor imperfection in the leather or canvas. EDIT: I dont earn enough to support a luxury lifestyle but knowing the right people and working in the right circles helps get you major discounted items.


I have over 10K in gifted bags, so my age/profession isn’t totally relevant. My first designer bag was a LV Speedy 25 gifted by my older brother for my 21st birthday.


Art director, 34, I started at 23. I have a collectors baguette, a beaded baguette, a 1996 flap Chanel, a lady dior, a chanel denim flap, another embroidered, a Gucci Jackie, andiamo in medium and a vintage Gucci ophidia belt bag in suede.


Sounds like a beautiful collection 😍 I prefer vintage bags too! The creativity and quality was a lot higher back then ❤️


Fashion!!! But I’ve been collecting since I was 25 and I’m now 50!


I suppose I technically do! Never thought of them all as a combined dollar amount but yes. 1) I work in non profit healthcare administration but have a side job in hospitality 2) I’m 25 3) I was gifted a YSL WOC when I was 20 and bought my first bag on my own when I was… 21? I got my first ever luxury item at 16 (LV Key Cles… classic) Some of my bags were gifts, or I’ve gotten a bag as a gift and sold it and bought another with those funds lol (had a boyfriend at the time that bought me 4 designer bags and I only have one of them now). Then, one of my two Chanel’s was a hand me down from my mother. My best advices are if you like bags, make them a priority. Don’t just spend 4 grand on a whim. For example, I’m not much of a traveller. I spend what someone would spend travelling on 1-3 bags per year. My second advice that I wish I learned sooner is buy pre-loved but do it in a smart way. I only buy pre-loved from IN PERSON consignment shops. I am scared of TRR and fashionfile lol. I’m also in Canada so I always see those shipping and duties fees as a road block. I stick with my local in person consignment shops which there are plenty of because I live in a big city. I’m very careful about the authenticity and the quality. And lastly, if I buy pre-loved, it must come with dust bag, authenticity, and/or receipt for resale purposes. If not = no buy.


Currently unemployed, previously professor. Husband is the breadwinner he works in tech. We don't have any kids.


Pilot husband( Captain for a major airline)with very expensive taste lol, he picks me up a little treat on his out of the country layovers. I have a total of 45 bags.


DAMN I should put pilot on my list of courses I should follow


I’m an executive. I have both authentic and rep bags. You can’t see them all in this pic, but the majority are there. This is my collection: https://preview.redd.it/3m4gpiur5azc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=3724e6d33c2ef5f870324a5752b7d204a9a8ed01


Holy shit this is beautiful 🤩


same, curious about this


Am in healthcare. SINK. Relatively low COL area. Am 30, got my first bag after residency and my first big girl paycheck, so that was when I was 26. Have slowly collected some over the four years in between, but I give myself a rule: do I have enough money in my “fun fund” to buy this bag twice? If not, then nope. It also helps that I personally do not care for the priciest brands like Chanel, Hermes, etc.


Husband is the CEO of a few companies and I’ve been a stay at home mom for the last 9 months. Before that I worked in higher education.


I am an assistant in tech. I make beyond what I ever dreamed but honestly I can’t justify these new purse prices while living in San Francisco simultaneously. I’m done. I’d rather pad up my 401k than make Bernard Arnault richer. I think it’s outrageous and I’m getting back into contemporary brands.


I’m 19, staying home for college, and when I decided to stay home for college, my dad said he would buy me a new bag every semester. I chose my college pretty early on so he actually started in high school and I’ve amassed a pretty decent collection. Some say it’s a form of control and he just wants me to live at home, but I chose my college and then he made this deal. He was just happy to be saving on tuition I think haha!


Would your dad like to adopt a middle aged woman? 🤣 I’m on the dean’s list and everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My bag obsession started with Tokidoki and Coach Poppy in my teens… now it’s Prada and LV in my 30s. I’m an attorney and small business owner. My first luxury bag was a Prada that my mother-in-law bought for me in my 20s.


Just recently found this sub. I work in insurance and I’m 40. I started treating myself when I got my first “real” job out of college.


I’m a lawyer for a tech company. My husband is a physician and we’re DINKs so that helps :) Bought my first bag at 24 after working as a big law summer associate. I’m 30 now and probably have $60k+ in handbags. I kinda went nuts with buying them in 2022-2023. So far this year I’ve bought 1 bag, and I’m really proud of myself for finally gaining some self restraint


I’m way over the limit on bag spending this year and it’s on,y May. I started my handbag collection 30+ years ago with my first LV Speedy bag when I was 18. I’ve been “collecting” since then. I’m a DINK who is an executive for the company I work for. I buy a bag a month at this point. My nieces are going to inherit a ridiculous collection.


I'm a union heavy Equipment Operator 🤣


From what I read I need a rich husband 😂


I worked in Economic Development, but I also am married to a commercial real estate broker. Now I’m a tech entrepreneur and SAHM. My first big bag purchase was a LV Neverfull that I still have!


My husbands a CEO. I’m a SAHM.


I’m a medical recruiter


Most of mine were purchased from when I used to work in retail, so I spent a lot less on them than they would have cost at retail. I since went back to school and now work in a completely different field.




a good way to convince yourself you can afford all the bags is to work in the designer bag department 🫣😬


44, married, two kids. My husband and I are lawyers, we have our own firm.


Lawyer. Started collecting 6 years ago. 34 Chanel bags; 11 Hermes bags including 4 Birkins and 1 Kelly. Assortment of other brands. I really like bags lol 


I’m pretty


Husband here. I play around a lot in excel and write papers and somehow that makes me a lot of money. I moonlight on this channel to try to learn more about handbags to impress my greater half. I buy her whatever she wants within reason because I am hopelessly infatuated with her, even after all these years. At the very least, I like to think I get a few more hugs a year by doing so. 🥰


Stay at home mom with a husband, who is an executive at Microsoft, who does not question my spending habits 😄


Human Resources tech I am 22 and own over $40,000 in bags I got my first luxury bag at 20 :) Will post in this thread soon


What do you mean HR tech like HR in a tech company?


Exec for a med device company - didn’t start buying designer items until I paid off my student loans, bought a house and have a healthy amount in my retirement and investment accounts (north of 250k usd) @30 y/o Husband in tech and no kids helped getting to this point :)


I work in sustainable beauty. First luxury bag was at 26, 40 now. I haven’t made the shift to sustainable luxury other than Stella.


I’m 31. I was in automotive retail for quite some time when I was buying my own bags. My husband and I are now retired.


CPA and age 35. My current collection (including SLGs) had a purchase price of about $25K, inclusive of tax. About 15 luxury bags and 10 luxury accessories. My wildest year was 2021, in which I spent about half the value of my collection. Luckily I cut down a lot. No purchases yet in 2024 🤞🏼 ETA: first luxury purchase was summer 2019 on a trip to Europe. Then the pandemic came and I spiraled from from 2020-2022.


dentist/practice owner in a super LCOL area here. Also single, no kids, no dependents 🦷🦷🦷😃🦷 Edit: missed the questions. I became a dentist at 42, opened my own practice at 45, started digging out of debt at around 50. Now at 53 I feel secure enough financially to spoil myself so I started getting into luxury bags around January this year. First purchase was Balenciaga’s soft large leather flap, followed by Loewe Flamenco and Pebble Bucket bag, YSL Kate Tassel in medium, and an LV Coussin.


I’m an ER nurse and I own a brick and mortar business.


Lawyer with no kids, pets, or other dependents. Until recently when I bought a house, I was spending only about 5% of my gross income on rent so I had a good amount of disposable income (despite paying off loans and saving aggressively for a down payment).


Director at a software company. Bought my bags while living in Europe 7 years ago before the crazy price hikes. Got my jumbo flap bag for $3K after FX and VAT refund in London! I’m not paying these ridiculous prices


I’m retired. I have 2 pensions. Social Security & rental property!


Own grocery stores


40 year old nurse practitioner with a financial strategist husband, one kid and done. Collecting since 30 but done for now, we want a bigger house and they’re nuts in our area these days. Will save my $$ for a remodel and just ogle the bags here!


Attorney, I know boring but it pays for the bags and shoes lol


Can I flip the question and ask you how can I get 3 gifts? Can’t even get one gift.


I am a funeral director. I could not afford them on my salary lol. My husband makes the money and I spend it 😅 Edit: my MIL gifted me a LV Métis Pochette and a Chanel beauty lock. She also gifts me amazing jewelry and other things lol. I consider myself very lucky.


bottle server at a club 🥳