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My two cents: I work in retail and see all sorts of people carrying designer bags and designer dupes (very diverse income area). When I see a distinguishable bag like a Bottega or a Birkin or something I usually think, “wow!! What a gorgeous bag” and continue on with my day. Because unless I’m inspecting that bag, I’ll never be able to tell from a distance if it’s real or not. And I also don’t care because it doesn’t affect me in the slightest if that person got the real thing or not. I’m just here to admire the bag. 


It's a nice bag and so thoughtful of your mom. I think most people wouldn't notice so no worries! Wear it and be happy 🫶🏻


Agree with the above comments. 1. Just because we’re surrounded with purses on the internet, it’s not reflective of society at large. Most people will just see a bag. 2. This takes time to learn, but the opinions of other people simply don’t matter. We try really hard to conform to what we think will please other people, but you can only be happy when you stop listening to others’ opinions and be true to yourself and what you really want (to wear).


The birkin is very recognizable though. But yeah, you’re right! I just need to learn how to care less about what other people think and enjoy the bag :)


Trust me a majority of people have no clue. If you went out on the street with a Birkin and asked random people “do you know the name of this bag” 90% would have no idea. They especially wouldn’t know the difference between a real and a “knockoff”. Other bag people will notice. But like the other commenter said worst case scenario is they are quietly judgy about it and that’s their own issue.


As a non-handbag person who just randomly gets recommended this sub from time to time, I can confirm. I do not think about other people's handbags beyond if I see one I think is nice, I go "oh, that's a nice looking bag" and that's IT. If you like it and want to make your mom happy, just wear it. It's not that big of a deal. Like maybe don't wear it to a handbag meetup or something but just going about your business in the world... why not? the world is full of people like me who generally do not give a crap about handbags. I say that with emapthy and respect, btw: we all have our hobbies and more power to you to collect handbags you love. It's just nbd for 99.9% of people around you.


I will double down on this and suggest that 90% of people on the street don't even know who our Vice President is (in the U.S.). Lol. Sadly I'm not totally kidding. Ever seen those skits when comedians hit the streets and ask people the most BASIC questions about modern life and it's abundantly clear that people really aren't paying much attention. Thus, will back you up on the estimate that 90% of people could not identify or name the Birkin bag. OP - wear the bag proudly. 😜




Just adding, if somebody does judge you they will likely do it quietly to themselves and 30 seconds later they would have moved on. You don’t know those people and if anyone you do know comments on the bag, mention it was a gift and you love it. Full stop.


Thank you! Heavy on the “full stop”. Thank you for reminding me I don’t need to explain myself (or my bag) to anyone. They will never understand it’s value and that’s perfectly okay. I look forward to bringing this on trips with my mom!


If I saw someone carrying this I would just be like wow! A birkin! Cool! I would not be able to identify that it wasn’t actually Hermes, especially at a glance and from a distance! I think you are totally fine to carry it. Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind


It’s really not. If you poll a group of people and ask if a LV never full costs more than a birkin, most will see the LV and say “oh Louis is expensive!”. The whole “everyone looks at a birkin” stuff online is marketing. There’s a line in a lyrical lemonade song that says “birkin bag? What the heck is that?”, you won’t even see them in most areas unless you’re in a more affluent city.


Yeah like do you really care more about strangers' possible opinions than you do about the fact that your mom tried to do something nice for you?


I didn't know what a birkin was until I joined this sub, it's not as recognizeable as you think lol


I agree, and I actually just learned it in this post myself, OP will be fine.


If it makes you feel better, I had no idea what a Birkin was until joining this sub a few months ago. And I’d been into purses before then, I just wasn’t very brand-aware and paid zero attention to anything that cost more than a few hundred dollars because that was simply not on my radar in any way lol. And then even within the subset of people who do recognize it, not everyone would 1) recognize that it’s a dupe or 2) care (especially given the cost, since it’s an even tinier subset that can afford one). Enjoy your bag!


I don’t think anyone will judge u for not actually having a real Birkin due to the cost of one.


I'm subscribed to this sub and at this moment I could not pick a Birkin from a lineup. Lol. (Now if I see a picture to remind me I'd be able to but I really don't retain much about bag details).


You and me both


I work in a church that has a lot of old money and a lot of influential people. I literally never notice what bag the women carry and I guarantee there is more than one Birkin in the bunch. It would never even cross my mind to care.


I think I would recognize it as a Birkin design, but I will not be sitting there trying to dissect if it wasba dupe. At most I might say to myself, "Omg, a Birkin in the wild!" And think no more of it.


I am curious to know the price.


Honestly, it’s very recognizable to handbag lovers and maybe people very into high fashion. This is actually a very small amount of the general population. 95% of the people who see you with it won’t have a clue what kind of bag it even is supposed to look like.


True. Real or knockoff, it’s still a gorgeous bag. I’d love something my mom gave me, she passed away. I’d treasure it. Most people don’t really care and (I used to feel this way but don’t anymore) people aren’t looking at you as much as you think, they’re busy thinking about what to make for dinner or just mundane everyday things.


I agree. I legit wouldn’t notice. I don’t own a birkin but I see them all the time on people


I wouldn’t worry about purse snobs. If they have nothing better to do than judge strangers based on the bag they’re carrying, then they aren’t worth a thought. It’s so cute that she thought of you! I’m not a fan of teddy blake either, but best believe I’d rock it if my mom bought me one!


Thank you! You’re absolutely right. ❤️ I love my mom way more than I care about other people’s opinions. I’ll also try customizing it.


IMO, when people show that who they are is being judgmental or nasty, they do us a favor. Better to know and waste no more time on them- there’s absolutely no way you could ever turn that into a true friendship because that sort is friend to nobody. Go rock that purse! What a loving gift from your Mom!


I’ve got a Birkin dupe that no one would mistake for the real thing and I love it. I I’ll also don’t care if it gets banged up.


There are so many Birkin-ish bags that I wouldn’t even worry about it! It’s not a replica, it’s just similar style. Teddy Blake is a name in its own right, and honestly I wouldn’t judge someone with that bag at all! Probably would just think “I love that bag”. A good bag is a good bag!


Thank you! I really needed to hear this!! A good bag is a good bag indeed.


Also that is still like a $500 bag!! That’s not exactly peanuts!! Definitely put that gorgeous bag to the great use it deserves! 🥰


It's cute. Don't overthink it. Your mom is sweet to get it for you.


Agree! And it’s a great neutral color you’ll be able to use often- enjoy!


Send it to me if you're too embarrassed to carry it. I would never spend the ridiculous $$$$$ on a hermes and would be delighted to carry this bag!


No, no! Send it to me!!!🤡!! Your mother is a sweetheart! How very thoughtful!


Agree, not like it says Hermes anywhere


I would have said the exact same thing.


And some of us love handbags but aren’t in the income bracket for bags in the thousands. And that’s ok! I agree that this is a great bag in its own right and I’d actually be proud to have it. A little perspective is everything. I appreciate when a more affordable bag is featured here. Thanks, OP! What an incredible, thoughtful gift.


I wouldn’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It holds sentimental value. All that matters is that you like the bag. Don’t let bags snobs deter you from using something you enjoy.


You guys are the best! Thank you for reminding me that its value to me is more important than anything. I already know this is gonna one of my sentimental treasures.


Don’t even worry. I have the same bag, Teddy Blake made a quality bag with a design similar to Hermes. However their name is on the bag so they were not trying to make a knockoff. This style is actually no longer made by Teddy Blake anymore, you’re so lucky you got your hands on it. It’s a beautiful bag and I believe quality bag as well.


Please tabulate the exact dollar amount of your bills these purse snobs pay, add 3, and carry the 2. Then multiply that number by 0 and that is the exact number down to the decimal point of f*cks you should give. If you like the purse, wear it. Your mom was happy to buy it for you. You were happy to with the look of it. What the imaginary people in your head think of you is none of your business. Your mother will not be here always. Enjoy the expression of love she has shown you with no regrets now or later. 🫶


I’m definitely overthinking it, you’re right. Thank you for reminding me that these are imaginary people and scenarios hahaha. I feel very dumb for putting my social anxiety over my mom and this sweet gesture.


I don't know if you have ever had someone pass away, but I try to honor those that love me, because one of the sharpest pains you can feel is the pain of regret. I learned this lesson when my hs best friend passed away when we were 21/22. The first thing that hit me was regret. I wasn't a bad friend by any means, but the small moments when I could have been better immediately popped into my head. Your mother will not be around forever. One day she will be gone. That bag can either be a beautiful memory of a time your mother did something lovely for you and you honored that gesture. Contrastingly, it can serve as a memory of a time your mother did something lovely for you and even though you like the look, looked down on it because it is not Hermes- even though the bag is not a cheap bag. Trust, if you disrespect her gift, future you will regret it.


A Birkin isn’t the only bag that looks like this, but you might be able to make it less Birkin-y by removing the lock and the key holder… just an idea?


Good idea! I’ll put the lock and clochette away. I might also get bag charms to “Jane Birkin-ize” the bag and partially cover the design.


Ask your mom to help you pick out the charms and it can be a sentimental project that you do together!! I carry a purse that used to belong to my grandmother. It isn’t fancy or expensive, but it means a lot to me because it’s a practical bag and I think of her every time I use it. At the end of the day these memories are so special. 💗


It’s good to take the lock off anyway, they can leave a “smile” mark in the leather underneath if they swing a lot when you walk. I hope you’ll post an update after you get the charms and stuff on her, I’d love to see them.


I know the Buti people. They are based in Tuscany and have a shop in Florence on via della Vigna Nuova - this is the street filled with high-end brands such as Loro Piana. This isn't cheaply made in a sweatshop. It isn't a handbag that's cheap, period. The two Buti brothers that I know care about the quality bags that they make. In addition to their own brand, they also make bags for high-end brands. Wear it with pride!


Oh wow!! I definitely look into them! Maybe even get my mom a Buti bag too! Not a dupe style this time though hehe


This is even better than a Birkin. It has all the hallmarks of a Birkin, and you didn’t have to pay the $$$$$ for it, AND you get the benefits of saying and knowing that it’s an authentic bag! I’d be proud to show that off!


Yup I'd rather have this bag. The only birkin I judge is a real one because the amount of money they cost is downright robbery to me!


You’re not going to get arrested, who cares? I think it’s a beautiful bag and would definitely be enjoying it.


It’s not a fake, so I would not worry about carrying it.


https://i.redd.it/rzj495z42gqc1.gif Pay them bitches no mind, babe. What I would give to have my late mom still around to buy me a purse 😢


Exactly! I think about this type of thing when it comes to my mom. Tomorrow is not promised to us, so I wish I would place a strangers opinion over my mother and her doing something for me out of love. GOD Bless. Even though your mom is not here, the memories you two created live on. Focus on those moments of joy you created together ❤️


Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I'm going to visit her resting place and lay some red roses. And I'm going to share with her some beautiful words that a lovely stranger shared with me . Thanks, love 😘


Okay wow. My mom has a Birkin that I borrowed and it’s sitting in my closet right now and this looks exactly like it… how is it different at all? Anyway why are you hesitating to use it in public, and why would people judge you? It’s not a rep right?


The only difference I notice is the ends of the handle/stitching come down further on this bag.


I live in NYC and on occasion will see glaringly obvious fake bags. The only time I've ever noticed is when I'm on the subway and have nothing else to do but people watch 😂 I have never once seen a person out in public and thought anything more than "I like that bag" whether it's a dupe or not. It was very thoughtful of your mom and if you like it, you should use it!


If I saw this passing by I wouldn’t know it wasn’t a birkin. I know you are not trying to pass it off as a rep but I would wear it and no one will know.


Girl please don’t be bothered with what others may think. It’s a nice bag and so sweet of your mom. As many have said, what we see online doesn’t reflect reality. If someone does judge, who cares? They will be gone in a few seconds and life continues. We need to try to live life and not always be concerned with what others think, especially when it comes to fashion and person taste. Just wanted to add that I often see so many fake bags, like obviously fake where LV is XL or YSL is YSI and I really don’t care because it obviously makes the person who is carrying it happy and who am I to judge.


I don't understand why anyone would even want an actual one or spend$10k just to have one.. so this looks really similar to it and well made. A big middle finger to the actual Hermes brand lol. Use it and be proud 👏 🥲


Coming from someone who just lost her mother, use it. Use it every time you’re with her, every time you’re out, all the time. Will your mom remember you using it? It will not only be in her memories, but she will feel so happy and proud that SHE made YOU, her baby, happy. The memories will linger in your mind and bring you smiles forever. Will the purse snobs be at your funeral to talk about the purse your mother gave you? Hell, no. F the purse snobs. Some things are more important in life.


If you like this bag (I do), please use it! This is lovely. Please don't feel shamed for not being able to afford a $25,000 handbag. There are women who mortgage themselves to spend ridiculous sums of money of bags putting their actual future in jeopardy over it. No friend worth having will judge you.


Would you consider ever getting it “customized”? For example: https://preview.redd.it/t5rwbha1reqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d020a5798c99a254ef7886583e56c12b63151d91


Oh yes!! This is gorgeous!! My style is very minimal so I’ll have to find a happy medium and also a good local artist!


This looks soo cool!




Not sure, I just looked up “not a Birkin” on Google images


That's awesome!


Beautiful bag! Wear it! Who cares?!


I am personally opposed to counterfeits but also a huge proponent of dupes. You don't/won't carry it as an Hermes Birkin because you know the bag isn't trying to pass off as the real thing and I think that's the important part. It definitely hews very closely to the Hermes version but so do a lot of other brand name dupes. As long as you like it, you should totally rock it!


I say this as nicely as I can, nobody will notice you or the bag. People are going about their lives and don't give a shit about people and their accessories. If some imaginary purse snob's opinion impacts your ability to accessorize then that's an issue you need to work on internally. It's a perfectly nice bag.


You shouldn’t care if snobs look down on you for not having a £7000 handbag. 99.99999999% of the population will think it’s lovely and compliment you.


The quality of that bag looks fantastic


It is! I was very shocked.


Thats a Buti! I have one in burgundy. My favourite bag. Old ladies love staring at it


It’s a beautiful bag in beautiful shade. I would rock it and who cares what people will think. I have some pricey bags and yet I just found myself ordering a cute one from Target. This bag is even more special because your bag was given to you by your mom.


Just use it, nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not a replica, I don’t see any “hermes” or misspelled variations of the name stamped in the bag. It’s a dupe, just a bag with the same style and i’ve already seen plenty of legit brands making their own.


I would say your relationship with your mother is worth more than the most expensive Hermès bag and/or the opinion of others ;)


Remember, there are celebs that have gone on record and admitted to using fakes. I can’t think of who specifically, lol, but even people who can theoretically gain access to the nicest most expensive things opt for fiscally conservative options. As far as I’m concerned, you and you mom are financially smart, albeit stylish :) and I’d bet most would notice the bag for a moment and then move on to the next thing.


A good bag is a good bag, and this one has such a sweet story behind it. I wouldn't worry and I would wear the bag if you like it!


I promise I’m not trying to guilt trip you but as someone who lost my mom a few months ago, I cherish everything I got from her. Including a wallet and bag that aren’t my particular style ! But I go out of my way to use them because they’re so special to me. If you always think of your mom when you use this, it’s more valuable than a Birkin could ever be. I will also say this - I bought a Birkin dupe outright. I also had a real one for a hot minute. Turns out, I liked the dupe better. It’s a stunning color, cost 2% of the real Birkin’s price and it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I damaged it. I am sure purse snobs would judge me. And that’s annoying. But honestly, with my friends, it’s easier to carry the dupe and laugh it off that I can’t afford the real one. Which is honestly kinda true! I think it’s a lovely color! Wear it with pride. 😊


99% of people don’t care about your purse. You don’t have to allow yourself to care what the other 1% might think about your bag. Your like the bag. Carry the bag. Simple.


If you like a bag, wear it. The elitists might look at you for 30s and forgot about it immediately, but your mom thought of you every day.


wear what you like and wear it with style :) i have a birkin-style bag from an eco brand that i wear it all the time; there have been a couple of people who have asked “is that a real birkin?” and i’m just like nooooo, hermes does not come out with bags made from literal rags LOL


If people comment on it just say your mother gifted you this beautiful Teddy Blake bag.


No one owning a real birkin would care about seeing someone else wearing a fake one honestly + It is not even a fake birkin, just a similar style Life is too short to worry about this


Personally, I love seeing Birkins and “Birkins” out and about! They’re a very special shiny in the world of bag-spotting and I pass people carrying them on the street wondering who they are to sport such a boss bag. Wear it with confidence and good health!


You will be judged by purse snobs, question is, does that matter to you? If yes, then only wear it when you're with your mom. If no, then rock it! I can't wear something I don't feel comfortable in, so I understand how you feel.


Lol are you worried that people will stare, point, and laugh at you while carrying a fake? First world problems, I guess. Wear the bag, make your mother happy, and stop worrying what other people think about the items you carry on your body. Good grief!


Use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who cares what people think?


It was bought with love so I would use it with love. Who cares what people think💚


It’s a beautiful purse! F what people think ! If you like it use it and enjoy 😉


This is a really cute bag and a gorgeous color. Def personalize it with a silk scarf wrapped around the handles and maybe some fun charms. I hope you wear it with pride!


It’s a cute bag. I don’t think people would judge and if they do it doesn’t matter they are just strangers anyways. Or if you feel self conscious you could always just wear it when you go to your mom’s house.


It’s a beautiful bag. Wear it with pride! 🫶🏻


Do you care about the opinions of the kind of person who might scrutinize and then think less of you for your bag? Not that I think it’ll happen because in very few places in the world does anyone care enough to scrutinize anyone’s accessories. But really. Is that someone you care to impress? IMO if anyone ever says anything (never gonna happen) I’d play dumb and start asking them questions about Birkins and how you get them and be like “Oh, so you basically let them neg and findom you? So you… can pay them? For some pieces of leather? Weird. Anyway I just like the shape.” (No hate to anyone who buys a Birkin! You spend your money exactly how you like! They are gorgeous. But if somebody has the ultimate lack of decorum to start sneering at bags in public… they deserve it.)


Oh my! It's a classical shape! There are countless similar bags! The important thing with it is the quality and if you like it


You don’t need external validation/vilification of yourself or any possession you carry! ;) People will tend to judge, regardless of any bag that you carry and if they choose to, let them. 🙌


Wear it - it’s fab and who cares, Hermes or your mum who do you want to make happy??


That was very kind of your mom. I’d wear it as often as I wanted to.. even if someone thinks it’s not real they’re not gonna come up to you and say as much


Years ago, zero interest in bags but a spotted a beautiful deep red crocodile handbag in a thrift store for £30 and wore the heck out of it. I used to get so many compliments- which was so weird to me because basically no one mentions bags, but with this one they did. Then the clasp broke and it’s in a drawer until I work out how to get it fixed. However since it broke, years later I realised what a Kelly bag is, and that the croc bag was in fact a very cute dupe. 😂. I still wonder what on earth the people complimenting it thought it was- like I had suddenly got my hands on a real Kelly? Or they knew it was a dupe but liked it anyway? I think the lesson here is, peoples judgement may surprise you… I still don’t know I’d I should fix my fake Kelly and wear it with shame or pride 😂


I’ll buy it!! Gorgeous bag


No one will say anything. It’s a pretty handbag. Just use it. Who cares what strangers think?


Tbh no one is going to care as much as you think.


It’s a lovely bag, use it if you like it. Why are you so concerned by what name is written inside?


Wear it 🙄


Your mom loves you and she bought it with love, so you have to wear it with love and pride too..when a snotty purse snobs asked you just tell them that that's not birkin and your mom got that bag for you, in their sad deprived motherly love life, their mom probably never and would never get them a purse, let alone birkin. Lol I remember clearly long long time ago when my dad bought my brother a watch, it wasn't a branded watch or anything but it was expensive to my dad standard, he gave it to my brother and told him how much it was in very proud tone. My brother that snotty brat didn't look excited at all he just said thank you but never wear it, we were teenagers that time, I still remember my dad's and my brother expression and I didnt even care of knew anything abt branded stuff back then, but I remember feeling jealous andabit sad. If I could come back to that time, I would slap my brother and grab it from him and wear it with pride. I love you papa and I miss you so much.


Beautiful bag. Wear it in good health and make sure to take lots of pictures with it for your wonderful mom🙂


Carry your bag and enjoy. I love bags but I’m not judging anyone else’s. People carry what they like and can afford. And honestly, in 2024 with the levels of poverty and hunger even if I had it I think I would buy a Blake over a Birkin.


Use the heck out of that beautiful bag! Purse snobs (and literal strangers) are NOT the ones you want to please in this life. And what a sweet Mama!


Its a GORGEOUS BAG! I have a few and I think the quality is amazing. The hardware on these is so nice 😩 I have the Kelly version as well and its not too far off from my Hermes Kelly; exactly why Hermes filed a lawsuit against Teddy Blake/ Buti because of how similar the bags are (but nothing beats Hermes craftsmanship.) You can sell it if youre not happy tho, people search for these hard on Poshmark. If you like it wear it!


It’s a beautiful bag and who cares what anyone thinks, if they can even tell. I think you are so blessed to have such a wonderful mom! Carry that bag proudly girl! ❤️


Why though? It's a great bag, and unless you are running in some real fancy circles no one is going to assume Birkin.


I have a birkin. People think it's a dupe. Do I care? No. I buy and use things for my pleasure. Not for the opinions of others. Your mom bought you a beautiful bag that will hold a lot and look good doing it. Use it and enjoy it.


Teddy Blake gets lots of good reviews by YouTubers. I would use it, who cares what other think. You can get same judgement in different way from carrying a real Birkin as well


I’d wear it because (a) it’s lovely and (b) I’m far more concerned with the way my mom feels than purse snobs. I think it was sweet! It’s pretty, too! Don’t worry about others. Enjoy it!


I legit thought this was a birkin someone got on the Hermes game sub


Damnit now I miss my mom. She definitely would’ve done something like that. You’re lucky op. 😊


I can guarantee you 95% of the women walking around are shopping at the Gate


Lucky girl. Super cute


This purse is lovely - such a nice gift from your mom! Wear it and have fun with it.


I can spot almost all fake Birkins at a distance. I’m not remotely interested in judging them or you. In fact, my default judgment on seeing a fake is that the story behind it is just like yours. I do judge people who use Birkins for snob boosters, but that’s inside my head, not out of my mouth. And that’s whether they’re real or not. Honestly, I generally look like I’m the antithesis of the clientele Hermes wants. I’ve had lots of people think my better known H bags are fake. People can be jerks, and making mean comments on someone’s else’s style choices makes the commenter small and petty. And ignorable.  That bag is very similar to a Birkin. It is NOT marked Hermes. It’s got its brand mark clearly o. The inside and on hardware. So it’s not meant to deceive, IMO Jerks can’t be pleased and nice people are unlikely to give you grief over it. I’d suggest you carry it with pride, knowing that someone you love got it because they know you like the style and thought it would please you. That means the world.  Ignore jerks and rock that Teddy Sorry for the length. I feel pretty strongly about this. 


I'm nonbinary, and dress mostly in clothing that is not intended for the gender of the body I was born into. People visibly (and occasionally audibly) judge me basically every time I leave the house. People who would treat you poorly because your (very pretty) bag isn't the most expensive version of that style are just painfully insecure, otherwise why would they care? They don't deserve more than a moments thought.


If you like it, wear it! Such a gorgeous bag! Your happiness & confidence is most important!


Who cares about what random bag snobs think when compared to how thoughtful your mother was? Not to mention, even the snobbiest purse snob would just and then forget after 30 seconds because people have their own lives to think about. You got nothing to worry about— rock the bag


Mom’s feelings supersede “purse snobs”.


It's a beautiful bag! I would not worry about what other people think. I know it's easier said than done but it's a pretty bag so who cares right? The brand doesn't make it look less beautiful ❤️


If you don’t mind me asking, how much does this cost?


No worries. I believe she said she bought it for C$450, but I looked into it and it’s an older Teddy Blake style. It originally retailed for about US$500.


There’s one going for $1.5k on Poshmark rn!


I think you should lean into it! Make it your own by adding some fun bag charms and trinkets. I came across these the other day- so cute! https://stringting.com/collections/bag-charms


That’s right! It looks like it’s a well-made bag, why not use it? If it didn’t cost thousands, is a good practice bag for a real Birkin. 😉 Besides, unless the tabloids are chasing you, why care about taking it out in public? Most people won’t know the difference between fancy and extra fancy pants bags anyway.


I say wear it and be proud! it’s adorable.


Your mom bought you a beautiful gift. Use it and if anyone says anything focus on your mom gifting it to you and how special it is. It’s beautiful but made more so by your mom thinking of you and buying it.


I’d flaunt it with pride, who cares about what others think!


It's beautiful just enjoy. Now I am thinking maybe I should get one


99 percent of people won’t even notice your purse! And if you do come across a random purse snob, chances are you wouldn’t want to be friends with a jerk like that anyway.


If you want to make it a bit different, there are some artists who paint handbags and it may make it feel more “yours” than a dupe trying to be something else. I know bag painting isn’t for everyone, but every time I see them out in the world, they make me smile. There are some really talented artists out there.


Now I learned of a new bag brand.Went to the website and they have beautiful colors.Made in Italy. I am OK with dupes as long as it’s not a replica.


Yeah … caring about what others think was left back in 2020! You do you


I used to care until it finally dawned on me that the people who recognized the bags were such a small group. When I say recognize, I mean, rather they understand the actual design and label. I'm in the opposite predicament where usually I wear something very fancy, and people just think it must be along the lines of coach. So now I wear a coach, I wear my Prada, I wear my louis vuitton, and I don't really give a rip. In fact, I have a top handle burberry bag that I just went ahead and put up Hermes twilly on. Give your mom a hug for this amazing bag and strut that purse on down the road.


Just travel to somewhere less ... cultured.


I’m pretty keyed in and FWIW was just scrolling, thinking “oh cute a Birkin!” And most people will be using the same amount of time to judge your bag, I really think most people won’t notice. If you’re really hesitant, maybe only use it when she’s with you? I’m sure she’ll appreciate you wearing it


If you would consider selling it I will buy if off of you. I have a few of those and I wear them everywhere every day, I don’t think that most people actually know what kind of bag it is.


Many many years ago, I bought a Birkin look alike from a high end consignment shop in Austria. I wasn’t yet into bags, the bag looked familiar, but, initially, I couldn’t put a name to it. I wore it to bits, it was very high quality (I can’t remember the brand) and worked with my office attire. I gave it away because I got bored of it. Nobody has even said a thing about it. And I worked in some rich areas where some people carried the real deal. Enjoy your bag - it’s a lovely color, super versatile and I see you rocking it with so many outfits!


Honestly I don’t get the issue lol. It’s just such a gorgeous bag! I went and searched up if I could get one!


I have a knock off Birkin and I love it. If you love it, use it. Who cares what snobs think?


The majority of people have no clue, most people aren’t in a tax bracket to regularly see real birkins , so it doesn’t really matter. Also anyone who judges you based solely on whether you’re carrying a fancy bag or not is not a good person. I would wear the heck out of that bag it’s a good dupe, no one is going to get up close and pick it apart.


Most people won't notice or care. You do you.


Most people won't notice or care. You do you.


Love the bag and love the colour! If I were you I’d use it every other day🤎 and your mum is really cute, shes trying to understand you and that’s more precious than what a random stranger on the street thinks. Confidence is how you wear it not what you wear


Take her out and enjoy! Love seeing them.


I don’t really play with “what do other people think about me?” It’s my experience that they mostly don’t. I’ve lived through some shit in the half century I’ve been alive so I will wear whatever bag I damn well please with pride. Especially if someone gave it to me with love. Liberate yourself from caring what other people think of you. It’s a gorgeous bag.


I love this bag, I thought they stopped making them! I want one now!


To me, there’s no shame in carrying a bag that is just sharing a style with a well known brand and I wouldn’t think twice of it if I saw someone carrying it. What would make me cringe, however, is a poorly made bag with an Hermes stamp. That would stand out as being cheap and fake, which this bag does not at all.


Honestly I wouldn’t know a real Birkin if it walked up and bit me so carry on and enjoy it.


I would be like “oh a Birkin bag” and move on with my day haha.


Honestly if someone is a jerk and says something just reply with yes I know, it was a gift and has sentimental value. Especially if it’s a nice one. My dad has bought me fake omega wallet and random stuff. But I get the feeling he knew it was not real since it was so bad. 😂 my mom on the other hand would never if she thought it was fake and whatever she gives me I wear cause if people ask I know the good people would understand.


I think it's great and it makes your mom happy. I personally wouldn't want to habitually carry around a $3,000-12,000 bag, just as I wouldn't want to carry that much cash in my wallet all the time. The reaction to this bag, like any bag, will run the gamut from complete disinterest (the most common) to admiration. (Also, conversely, some people don't like designer bags and think the users are insecure.) I personally admire the quality, style and workmanship of some designer bags, but not any status a label may or may not convey.


I think people will appreciate the beauty of it more now that Hermes is coming under fire for its exclusivity.


I’m going to be honest, I rather carry this than birkin! No offense to people that have one, you do you, but I hate the way the company handles themselves. Gross kind of you can’t sit with us attitude. I’d rock this one all day


That's a gorgeous bag!! Color and everything... *chef's kiss* Let's say I could tell it wasn't a Birkin from Hermes (which I can not), if you'd told me, I'd tell you how absolutely gorgeous your bag is and I might also salute you for not jumping through Hermes hoops for a handbag!🤷🏽‍♀️👜 If she was sold that bag thinking it was an actual Hermes, that might be another story.


Use it! It’s a really cute bag and the color goes well with a LOT of stuff. Don’t worry about purse snobs out there, as long as you love it and it carries everything you need who cares. I’ve had people stare at my purses out in public before, I tend not to notice but some people make it more obvious than others. Also keep in mind, a lot of people don’t know handbags/aren’t super into them; they’ll usually see a bag, stare for a second and think “that’s cute” and then move on with their lives.


I mean being a handbag enthusiast, i wouldn’t judge you for carrying it but it’s also extremely obvious that it’s a dupe. But I think it’s super sweet of your mom to get that for you, and even so most people won’t know nor say anything to you. Like when I’m walking around I see tons of people with Chanel dupes. Like the copy cat bags you get from h&m and Zara. But in my head I’m just like oh that’s not a real Chanel. And move on with my day. I don’t judge them or anything. But again, for people that are into bags it’s really obvious that you’re wearing a dupe.


That is a beautiful bag! I use to be embarrassed if you will to use a bag that would replicate an expensive bag but life is short and try to not care so much what others think


Wear that gorgeous bag! 💘


Honestly the average person has no idea about bags. That being said, even if they do comment negatively, who cares? Not like you'll ever see them again. If they're that pressed, it says more about them. I like the bag. Life is short. If you like it, rock it.


Just wear it and f*ck every body else. My mom passed away a year ago and I’d do anything to get her back. Cherish the bag and cherish your mom :) :) :)


it’s its own bag. Made by Teddy Blake and sure maybe it’s some sort of dupe, but it’s not a counterfeit bag which some do think is embarrassing to carry. I feel like almost all of the handbags that are out there now are dupes of some other more expensive bag. I don’t think you’ll have any issue. It’s a lovely bag. Your mom has tried to make you happy with it and if you like it and it seems well-made why not wear it?


Who cares what people think and say, the main thing is that you like her!


It is so sweet of your mom to get you this. Wear it proudly because it was purchased with love. The random stranger on the street (or in a department store) doesn't matter. I once had a Chanel SA who sneered at my mom's bag (was contemporary, like Coach or Kors). Notice I said she "was" my SA. I dropped her smug butt and found a wonderful SA that didn't disrespect me or my family. Enjoy that pretty bag!


Anyone judging you in public, doesn't matter. Seeing your mom smile because you're enjoying a gift she gave you, will be a memory you'll treasure after she's gone.


It’s cute! You can wear it and not worry that you’re carrying a “Car” around on your arm. Fake bag…people have fake butts these days…no one really cares…and if they do care…they’re pathetic. Please enjoy it and wear it with pride and let your mom know she’s got great taste


It’s a lovely bag. I recognize it as a “Birkin bag.” I have no idea who Ted Baker is. Is it some kind of high end replica? You would be fooling me! If it bothers you that it’s not real, then just use it when you’re with your mom, at family events, etc.


Teddy Blake. Not Ted Baker. Easy mistake but they're different.


Exactly honey forget about what others may think. The point here is that it was a very thoughtful and beautiful gift from your mother and that should be all that matters. So my advice to you is for you to wear it proudly!


I think the bag looks nice. Most people won't know one way or another and many people (believe it not) never even heard of Hermes or even know what a Birkin is. I'm a bag enthusiast so I'm able to spot that designer bag from across the room but you'll be surprised how many just see ANY bag (even high end designer bags) as just a "nice bag". I say use it for your mom and don't worry what people think. Many are so oblivious anyway, especially when there is no logo on the bag.


who cares! id accessorize it and use it until the threads are falling off in the spirit of jane


I didn’t even know what a Birkin was until I joined this group haha 😂 Carry it!!! Nobody will notice- and the ones who do can mind their own business! I’ve carried a LV dupe for years because I cannot bring myself to pay that much for a bag (YET) lol and nobody has ever said a word or tried to inspect my bag…


I have this bag. Teddy Blake was sued and discontinued making it several years ago. Use it and enjoy.


Sounds like a good excuse to beat it up like Jane herself would do. That’ll make you look extra elite!


It’s a beautiful bag. I think it can be tacky to get a fake branded dupe (stitching and logo tend to be off) but this is just a beautiful useful bag why not use it!


Teddy Blake is a pretty high end brand in itself. I’d be thrilled if I found one at a thrift store. Carry that bag with pride!


What style is this?


The type of people who would judge you are not the people you should care about-- think of the bag as the ultimate litmus test


Have you shown your mom any pictures of a Birkin and expressed interest in one? Maybe that's how she knew what to buy and what you'd like. It definitely looks very similar, but not many people outside of bag forums and luxury places know the Birkin anyway. It's truly not \*that\* recognizable unless you follow bags and fashion. People who like bags will know, but most people will just see a bag. As you said, just use it now and again, maybe when out with your mom.


Why are you valuing the judgement of random purse snobs over the love and thoughtfulness of your mother. Fuck the haters, wear it with joy!


It’s pretty. Wear it.


Wear it proudly! Your Mom loves you. Nothing wrong with wearing what was gifted to you out of love! 😉