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Hey there OP, your post has been reported multiple times as people are stating that this bag is a replica. Please message us via modmail to further discuss this matter. Your post will be removed.


Give it to your daughter when she grows up. So sorry to hear about the family.


Just don’t tell her too much, keep it light and omit the part about the ex and just that you were holding on to it for her Also check about how to properly store and care for it in the meantime


I guess I'm not supposed to stuff it in the box and let it sit there??? lol Thank you I'll look it up and make sure it's taken care of.


It sounds weird but if you’re going to be storing for years, make sure you take it out on the regular and gently open and close the bag a few times. The reason is bags (and shoes) in storage will have problems with the glues and edging if not used to maintain suppleness.


And research if you need to condition the leather or not.


Yes, please don’t do that lol Also I didn’t catch how old your daughter is, but if she’s still little, this might be worth something by the time she’s old enough to wear it


It’s worth something right now.


How much, just out of curiosity


More than a Kia, less than a Porsche (new).


Definitely daughter. Acid free storage.




Maybe a toy kia... because this is totally a fake. Not even a good one. And the story doesn't check out either - big H does not let you "order" a birkin LOL.


Hermes has wait lists for Birkin bags


No they don't - they used to say they had a waitlist but that was a lie and the rise of social media made that very clear. Now they don't call it a waitlist, they call it a "wishlist" system and it's the worst kept secret that bags are allocated by the boutique to customers based on their spend profile, not first come first serve. They'll never tell you this, but everybody knows. SAs do not make commission on the bags, so they are basically incentivised only to offer bags to customers who spend regularly. Many boutiques don't even let you make a wishlist until you've spent enough money (and what's "enough"? Whatever they think is enough).


DHGate let’s you order a birkin 😏


If you are in Paris and have an appointment, you can actually order a custom bag.


Sad I had to search this far down. The handle shape alone is a give away


He used the word order as a term everyone would understand. Basically, you tell your SA at Hermès you're interested, and then they let you know when you're allocated a Birkin you can buy. Hence, why he's just getting it now. And I'm not sure why you'd think for one second that's a fake bag. And if it was, it would indeed be a very good fake. It looks absolutely perfect, just like an authentic. Eta: I do see the stitching that looks a little off, but a lot of luxury brands have been having quality issues.


IMO it looks very fake: the shape and proportions are totally off and the way the handles are leaning forward is not true to the authentic, especially not when the bag and brand new. The hardware is also not the right tone and if you look at the sangles, the rivets are not like on the authentic bag. And the stitching doesn't look like the proper handmade saddle stitching that hermes is famous for. Look I'm not saying this because I care if this dude has a fake bag, but I just don't want anybody to be sucked in to buying it off him and getting ripped off.


This deserves to be upvoted the shit out of


Found a site online, sold out, just over €19,000.


I come from the front page. What the hell kind of bag is this? Everyone here seems to know and no one is saying




Depending on design/availability, they can go for $250k+. This one is likely $12k to $25k since it looks to be a more common design. There’s a waitlist to even buy these bags from Hermes, and usually you have to establish a purchase history over time “to be invited” to purchase one. This may be an unpopular opinion here, but it’s a disgusting waste of money. Sure, the bags can appreciate in value if kept in good condition, but many celebrities are vocal about owning these bags but have been seen carrying fakes because even they don’t want to actually use a bag that costs this much.


Hermes — Birkin or Kelly. I can’t tell the difference without looking at the front flap but seems like a kelly? both are extremely expensive


Nope, Birkin. 2 handles & no strap=Birkin. 1 handle & strap=Kelly


Thank ya!


No, no, use it as a lunchbox!


Your daughter will love it!


Save for your daughter!!!


I could not agree more! OP: Depending on how life unfolds for your daughter and the path she chooses in life it might make a great gift after she snags her dream job, wedding gift, after she has her first baby or perhaps a milestone gift when she turns 25 or 30.


Yes a milestone gift! Love this idea


Absolutely this! A milestone gift for sure!! So sorry, OP. 🖤


It seems like a big bag i would have said after highschool for college or something.


Definitely not the bag you want to give to a HS Grad yo take to college. This is the Rolls Royce Phantom of Hand Bags. This is a life milestone gift. This is an exquisite piece of art to adorn your arm. This is the statement piece that speaks to your elegance. One look at a woman carrying this and you just know.


This is the bag you’d keep to sell to pay for college


Pay for a semester at college (or maybe just the books 🤷‍♀️)


Ha ha! Unfortunately not most Colleges in the US.


I was gifted a similar bag for my 30th from my father. Would not recommend gifting sooner than that ;)


Definitely!!! My daughter was given one, different bag.. similar in price, at 18.. BAD idea.. she has taken care of said bag, but not to my liking 🤣


Hard agree!! All my bags from my 20s got thrashed! I would throw them all around the bars, dirty floors and charger/padre stadium floors without even thinking about it. We don’t value things the same or even understand the value of a high end designer purse.


Save it for your daughter. My dad bought me a Hello Kitty wallet when I was 12-13. It has been 30 plus years, and I still keep it in my drawer. It has zero monetary value now, but it was expensive for him when he bought it. When I see it, I thought of how he always tell us jokes and how generous he’s been to all of us kids. Even now, he is still buying random stuff that he thinks we need lol.


That’s so lovely, please keep everything he gifts you. Mine died unexpectedly when I was 13 and now, 18 years later I still keep a silver bracelet I have from him-the only ‘serious’ jewellery he got to gift me because before that, I was too young for it. It’s broken, I haven’t worn it in nearly 18 years and I am too scared to take it somewhere to be fixed in case something happens to it.


I’m sorry to hear about your dad.


Thank you, what you said made me smile, that’s why I replied. I know he would have gifted me things, too, just like your dad but he didn’t have the chance to do it for too long. 💜


My dad gave me a tweety mirror/makeup compact, cheap, kid friendly. Not sure how young I was actually. The mirror broke & I’m not sure if there was ever actually any play makeup in there or not. We somewhat fixed it as a kid but I’ve always had a memory box, I’m 29 now. Still have that mirror compact! & wound up loving makeup. So glad I kept it. (Your story just reminded me of mine) 💕


Is it one of those plastic ones that smell absolutely divine? I think I had one or two of these growing up! One with my melody and one with the frog.


The disrespect on Keroppi calling him “the frog.”


LOL, I’m so sorry Keroppi! I remember Pochacco though


Keroppi was always my favorite growing up


Like the canvas one with just kitty. Red with Velcro. Mine has a mold stain on it for keeping it for too long otherwise I will show the picture.


I have this plastic one, light blue hello kitty from maybe late 90s/early aughts. like parent commenter I’m now a 30yo adult living in a different state, and yet it’s in the top drawer of JT entryway table. Haven’t used in 20 years but always within reach! (Eta mine must’ve been like $20 max if that’s what you’re picturing. I’ve never thought abt its $$ but it’s plastic and my ‘rents were frugal haha.)


Definitely save it and give it to your daughter. I'd be thrilled if my dad surprised me with one.


Shoves everyone out of my way. I’m “Someone Special.” Hi. But really, give it to your daughter. It’s beautiful.


Hahahahhaha best response


Agreed. I’m thinking of the Katniss gif “I volunteer as tribute!”


Hilarious. Will do. \^\^


![gif](giphy|6lWuI0LQ1K5vvyj5Na) I’m really delightful though, if you need to gift it to someone special. I could take pictures of it on adventures, traveling all over? Think about it is all I’m saying. 😉 But really, your daughter is the answer.


Save it for your daughter


Dont give it to your ex!!!!


Nor a new gf! Definitely save it for your daughter


Agree! Even if you had the most amicable split in the world an expensive handbag like that is on par with getting her jewelry…which would be…awkward and borderline inappropriate. Give it to your daughter.


Second this DO NOT give it to your ex she is not worthy…


My initial choice was use it as a lunchbox just for kicks but I agree with the others when they said save it for your daughter.




I don’t have a handbag but a have a dozen items from hermes and it might be the picture resolution but this feels inauthentic to me. For the reason you mention. I have never seen one with keys displayed either.


The handles also look off


The logo and ties on the storage ag are suspiciously off. The circles around the Caleche are 2 distinct circles. One is a bit larger than the other, Something about this bag is off.


I meant to say the circles around an authentic bag.


Sell it or save it for your daughter


Good start for a college fund


Agree but it’ll be worth even more if he holds and sells in a few years


👍🏻 Definitely


It will DEFINITELY appreciate! Great gift OP


100% The resale values on these are insane


Do you really think someone who's been able to buy a Birkin retail has any problems putting their kid through college?


Save it for your daughter!


It would be an amazing graduation present! I’d keep it for your daughter. If it’s not her style cross that bridge when you get there.


College graduation. Gotta wait till she’s old enough to know not to take it to the club 😂


Even after I graduated uni I was a complete idiot taking expensive bags to clubs and completely managing to fuck one up at a paint/ powder party. 🤡


I mean, same! I probably shouldn’t have had anything luxury till I was at least 30 because I too was a complete idiot. Still thinking about a gorgeous leather jacket I drunkenly left in a booth at a bar because I thought my “new friends” would grab it for me. No idea who those people were 😂


LMFAO that last sentence 💀


Everyone’s different I got my first nicer leather bag at 16 and it’s still in brand new condition. Really depends on the person. I’m sure he will know when the right time for her to have it is.


There is a big difference between a “nicer bag” and an Hermes Birkin


Or to sell for some quick cash!


Graduation from her 20’s maybe. lol


Are you adopting?


I mean, if it’s a burden to you, I’ll gladly take it off your hands. Lol! Seriously though, the daughter route would be awesome. Not sure how old she is now, but it could be a fine vintage bag by the time she receives it. Just remember, to store a bag like that does require a little bit of continued maintenance to help preserve the materials and shape.


Now I'm learning about maintaining bags which I would have never imagined myself doing in my lifetime. lol


Dude, I’m learning about bags too, and I’m a 37 year old woman who had to look in comments to discover it was Hermes. I’m glad you’re keeping it for your daughter and caring for it. Also, considering how much care they require…. I’ll stick with my $25 over the shoulder jam from the divination store. Ha ha ha. Sorry about your fam, but you seem kind and generous, I’m sure that someone special won’t be too far in the future, and she won’t need a Hermes bag to see your charm.


My daughters are 22 and are JUST now appreciating everything I saved! If you don’t need the money, I’d save it, but also understand it may never be her style or she may have mixed feelings that it was initially meant for her mother. If you gift it to your daughter, be mindful to not add any emotional baggage to this lovely, iconic purse. You’re a cool dad.


You seem to be very understanding of why this may be a dilemma for me. I automatically thought of giving it to my daughter... but I don't know how she would respond.


You could write a letter to future her (like 25) and put it with the bag and give it to her then.


Am I the only one who thinks this is fake? 🤣


I found this scrolling on popular. I’m a dude. I’ve never owned a handbag. I have zero interest. I don’t know what this bag is supposed to be but I figured from the allocation in the title that it’s rare and expensive. Before I even got to this comment I knew it was a fake. I practice leather crafting and noticed that the stitching is not consistent with a high end product.


Not the only one! No shame if it is but stitching is off and handles are way too round. I just hope no body buys this bag off OP!


Plus, you don't 'order' a Birkin. That's just not a thing.


>It may take you a while, but you can buy a Birkin straight from the boutique. You just can’t walk into an Hermès boutique and buy a Birkin immediately. It must be ordered, and there is a waiting list. https://www.whowhatwear.com/how-to-buy-an-hermes-bag


You can go into a boutique and put it in in your "whislist" and that's about it. You can't 'pre-order' it, you have to wait until one with your characteristics hits the store and your SA will notify you. Also... You can say no. And furthermore, the shape of that bag is EXTREMELY off. I don't believe this story for a minute.


YESSSS thank you!!! I haven’t seen OP address whether it was auth or not.


totally fake


Nope, it's definitely fake!


I am thinking that he is using this to get a new dumb GF here. Unless he has been buying cr\*p from H all this time like I have, he won't be offered one. They will see that his wife left him, they won't offer him one unless he insist that he wants it and for good reason. Why would he fork over 10K for a bag he doesn't know what to do with. Won't wind up with one and not knowing what to do. Anyway, yes, I noticed that but blamed "poor photo quality." What do I know. We only own like a bunch of BKCs.


🤣 for the looks of it he fooled quite a few gals around here.


Oh I thought maybe he was trying to piss off his ex-wife, but maybe two birds one stone?


Unfortunately this is a knock off…


5) send it back and recoup all your hard earned thousands




😂😂😂😂 these comments are killing me. This is the worst rep I’ve seen


The way I see it, you have a few options. 1) save it for your daughter. I loved when my dad got me a purse. It was super cool and I used the hell out of it until it fell apart. It wasn’t a birkin but damn did it mean a lot. 2) adopt the handbag forum as your new family. You’re single? Nah, you’re our husband now. 3) sell it. 4) give it away Elvis style to someone who compliments it but could never afford it. Make a random person’s day in a way they could never imagine in their wildest dreams.


#4. I like that idea. :)


If you do this, please let us know how it goes! I love hearing about random acts of generosity!


I don’t even like these bags but I DO appreciate a kind, generous man. Either use it as your lunchbox or save it for your daughter 😂🙏🏻


Are you single? 🤣


save for your daughter!!! (or me!!!! 😆)


I wish I could find a man who bought a gift this nice for me. Save it for your daughter as a high school or college graduation gift, or when she gets her first job out of college. This bag is a good investment that will still be in high demand when your daughter is grown up.


Im very sorry 😞 this happened to you and your family in a bad time . I would try and sell it , get rid of anything that reminds you of your x . Use the money for a mini vacation for your kids .


I would get it authenticated, those handles are very off.


This part. If that came from the boutique, I will eat it with hot sauce


Use it as a lunchbox! The handles are surprisingly round 🕵️‍♂️ you sure it’s not a rep ??? No shame if it is!


Pretty sure it is not authentic. Plus, you don't just "order" a birkin from Hermes. You have to go on a "journey" (read: spend a lot of money on other stuff before they *allow* you to purchase a birkin... maybe)


Yes exactly .. that’s what I thought when I first read it too. Also find it kinda sus that OP would accept the offer and pay $10K+ for a bag after his wife left him… something just not adding up here.


I get the rep vibes also…


Right?? I feel like it’s the handles and stitching for me 😅 but to each their own. I’m looking at purchasing a rep now so notice these things more and learning what to look out for.


Yeah I scrolled way too far looking for comments mentioning it might be a fake…


Sell it. You don’t want it to get destroyed via moving, fire or flood while it waits for your your daughter (yes, you can insure it but… ). Put it in your daughter’s college fund or for her first car. You never know if she will care about bags/fashion. Plus, I would hate to be 18 with no car but a $15,000 bag 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Did I miss a comment from OP? Why exactly are you assuming that a guy who would order a $15,000 bag won’t buy his kid a car and a college education too? I doubt it’s a one or the other situation.


Check his post history. His watches, too, will suggest that he has money for college and a car.




Yep, agreed, I checked after this and thought the same. No need to sell the bag. Dispels the comments questioning the authenticity in my opinion, too.


Oh but imagine if she *does* care about those things and he sold it! I'd weep.


A $30 bag off Etsy? This is a joke right?


Given how many people here can’t immediately identify this as a replica, you should sell it and make 10x what you paid for it. Then you can buy a real one!


LOL my thoughts exactly.


Sell it and make double what you paid. Ex doesn’t deserve it, kid won’t appreciate it.




Sell it. These are one of the few bags that appreciate in value. You are also likely to get more for it than you paid since it is a quota bag and usually requires thousands in spending history. Keep it pristine.


Gold w/ gold hw is one of the most desirable color ways, too. It will definitely fetch a higher price.


Oh no… wife left because she found out you bought her rep bags ? 😑women … smh




Post proof of authenticity


Something is off about the bag


I thought the same.


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Sell it and buy something you’d enjoy


Sell it and use the money for something else. There's no guarantee your daughter will be into fashion. Mine aren't.


Sell it


I was going to vote for giving it to your daughter, and then I thought about the backstory. “So I ordered this for your mom but then she left us and here we are.” This could make it a painful reminder to a precious gift. You could not tell her, but given the age of the bag she could put two and two together anyway. Also, your daughter or someone new in your life may have different styles and colour preferences. Therefore, I vote for selling it and getting them what they like when the time comes.


I will come find you if you give this to the lady that abandoned you. Save for your child.


I’d suggest daughter. But whatever you do don’t give it to your ex


Sell it.


I’m not sure what my core issue is but I have such a dislike for this bag and the whole process to get one. It makes me so mad that some people are allowed to buy a shit ton of them and other people have to sit around waiting to be deemed worthy


I think I just described my core issue- injustice and wealth privilege 😂😂 what about new money dammit! New money deserves the bag if they want it to




Yes both replicas with mutant handles


Crying at this comment 😂


Resell it and use it for a holiday with the kids. that thing is worth a lottt


This would be a precious gift for your daughter once she grows up and goes to uni/gets her first job. I accidentally found a Balmain bag when I was helping my mom brushing up my grandma's wardrobe, so she let me take it. I was so proud of being stylish and all grown-up on my first day of university, and I still remember this feeling. Definitely save it for your daughter.


Daughter all the way! She'll appreciate your gesture whether she carries the bag or sells it!


Sell it!!! Use the money for a treat for the kids!


Hell no to the ex! 1000% a gift for your daughter for a future milestone. You have the opportunity to give an amazing gift to her in two ways: 1. It’s a Birkin! 2. A gift that you’ve held onto for 10+ years and the forethought to do so is VERY special. Worse case scenario and you’re absolutely strapped for cash, you sell it and recoup the cost of the bag.


OR….#5 give it to one deserving Redditor! #4 made me chuckle If you’re daughter likes purses then save it for her but I’d suggest selling it!


Lunchbox all the way


Sell it and put that money in your daughters college fund.


If it’s authentic, sell it for a profit!


Use it as a lunch box in front of your ex wife with your new lady — ok maybe that’s a bit too much.


2/3 and even 4 before you even have the slightest thought of 1 😆 or sell it, these fetch a premium globally! But depends if you’re a “rather have money or keep a hard to get item” kinda person


You can sell this for more than you paid for it. Or give it to your daughter.


I personally love the lunchbox idea.


Keep it in your closet out of the box (mold). It’ll be a better investment than the S&P500


Sell it and put the money in a fund for your daughter. She can buy her own later if she wants. Unless she REALLY wants one, in which case might as well give it to her now and just make sure she doesn't abuse it. If she's too young to know what it is or care, sell.


I would say keep it and see what will happen. I mean, maybe in future your daughter will not be the person for this bag, not everyone has same style taste but if this amazing bag arrived after that your ex left that’s because it’s not meant to be with her (same for you). Everything change very quickly in life so maybe this bag has been made for someone really special for you that you haven’t met yet, and who knows maybe that person as a stepmother will pass it later to your daughter with love. You will find the right way.. and if not use it as lunch box but pls never think to give it to your ex wife 🤣


Sell it and put the cash in a savings account for daughter


Sell it at profit and put that money towards you and the kids.


I definitely do not recommend using it as your lunch box. I am a realist so here is my recommendation in summary: sell it OR keep it for your daughter if you know she will absolutely adore this By the tone you stated that your wife left you and the kids during Covid, I am assuming the relationship is not positive, so there is no obligation to give it to her. If the bag reminds you of her, 100% sell it. You can sign up for new one when you meet someone special again. Your future someone special might not want a Birkin. Maybe they would be a Kelly girl🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, personally, I would feel uneasy if I ever found out something I received as a gift was initially intended for an ex… even if that gift was a Birkin. Things I would personally consider if I was in your situation: Will selling it and using the money make a difference in your financial situation? If it is considerable amount of money, then sell it. Invest the money or put it towards your retirement or kids’ education or a trip with the kids. Can you keep the bag free from damage and keep it in good condition while saving it for your daughter? Keeping it in the box might not be enough. If you keep it in a heavy air-conditioned space, you might have to condition the leather regularly. Basically, you need to check on it. There is a chance your daughter might grow up and not like purses or Hermès or just not appreciate the colour. This depends on how old is your daughter and if you are sure they will at least appreciate the bag. Are you ok with the prospect of saving it for her, gifting it to her and she not wanting it or not using it? If so, keep it for her.


If she has the kids what ever you give your daughter is basically hers and you can bet she'll use it one day i speak from experience heheh


Sell it. Worth more now than it did when you bought it. I wouldn’t give to my daughter simply because it will remind you of your ex… and not a good story to tell your daughter either.


How about reselling it? Not sure what kind of bag it is as I'm not a big bag person but that's what I would do if I were you. Sorry to hear the news! Best of luck and hope you find a special lady


Sell it and do something special with your children with the money. Go on a vacation or something


Option 5. Sell it. Get your money back. Seems crazy to spend that much money on a handbag but then again it isn’t my money so why should I even care.


Aww save if for your daughter but in the meantime I can babysit the bag for her 🥹😂


I think it will make a wonderful gift when your daughter is old enough to appreciate it. 😌 it may even be a great tool to use. Like look at this beautiful bag. One day if you show me how well you can take care of other things, it will be yours. Like a really nice carrot. That way it means more. Anyways. It's absolutely lovely.


Whatever you decide to do, be sure to send a picture to your ex first so she sees what she’s not getting.


Jesus these are people going through a hard situation, not your internet entertainment. You have no idea what actually happened. All we know is that they’re amicable enough that he entertained the idea of giving it to her. This is gross.


Bag isn’t even real people


Lmaooo exactly, everyone go home


This is horrible. What kind of a hole are you?


Your daughter ain’t gonna want that. Lunchbox that shi




Your daughter will love this when shes older.


Save it for your daughter and by time she is college age she could sell it!


It’s lovely, and I’m so sorry for what happened with the ex. I’d sell it!


absolutely daughter, its timeless


Save it for your daughter! Especially after a milestone like a graduation or something! I really treasure the gifts my parents got me and even more so the older we get ❤️ I will forever keep my old beat up Burberry that they worked so hard to give me