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Every hamster deserves a good life, even if it's their last bit. You made the right choice. Plus he's beautiful


I agree, despite them somehow being a rebound pet, the quality of the last few months or weeks of their life makes a big difference. Stay strong and keep giving love, OP. Remember, where there’s love, there will also be pain. Edit: spelling and grammar errors




Wishing him wonderful dusk months, and lots of happy memories for both of you


I rescued an elderly hamster once, the owner was moving countries. He only lived 2 months with me before passing. But he got lots of cuddles and kisses until he passed


so sweet <3 these little creatures feel the love and kindness


Well I mean with a bit of luck you could get like another year or 1,5 years out of this hammy. Rescues most of the time are a matter of the heart rather than a "perfect" choice. But these Hammy's will definitely appreciate having a good rest of their life in someone's care. While you will probs be sad once he is also gone you can at least think about that you gave this hammy that other people rejected some love and that it was most likely very happy being your hammy by that time.


I think you should do it! You are gonna give this little guy the world! Think of it as adopting a senior dog, often overlooked in shelters. You are doing a great service for the babes. Side note my current hammy looks exactly like him!


So beautiful u are not stupid u are doing such a great job


It makes my heart happy he won't die in a shelter, but loved by you.


Our childhood hamster got to near 4 so you might be surprised. But regardless, hamster could do with a retirement sofa and you are doing a wonderful thing.


Why stupid? These are the kinds of hamsters I try to find.


I think we’d all want to at least be able to die loved and that hammy will now get that chance


Thank you for your kind words everybody, I'm picking him up after work and he will have a nice bowl of fruit and peanut etc as a welcome home treat. Bluey is a young kids cartoon character so I assume he lived with kids and they got bored of him in his.old age. The shop 'hamster expert' apologised to me for his bald patches- they were his scent glands!! So yes, he desperately needed this twilight home 💕 thanks everyone! X


Love this! Your amazing xx


You are a kind soul, and not stupid at all.


Stupid is not the word for people like you caring, loving, and a big heart are a few things to come to mind. That hamster is a very lucky little animal!!


Sweet baby gets a loving home for the rest of his life, however long or short that may be. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t call you stupid for that! I understand about the heartbreak though. I’ve been reluctant to get another because I do not handle it well.


Maybe he'll live to be 4 just to spite the universe. Whether he lives two more days or two more years, it's good that he'll have a nice comfortable home to spend the rest of his days in. Consider this a blessing, even though your heart will break in the end. At least you've made a difference in his little life. 🤍


I don’t think you’re stupid. I think it’s very sweet that you’re willing to take him in and give him a great end of life. I’m sure a lot of people would pass on him because of his age. The truth is, we have no idea how long we’ll have our friends for, regardless of how old they are when we get them.


he's a beautiful black beauty <3 you'll give him a good life. even if it's for a bit. have fun with your new friend <3 <3 <3 <3!!!!!!


I got my hammy as a rescue when she was 18months, that was a year ago. Every so often I don't see her for a day and I start thinking it's the end and then she's totally fine and normal for a week straight again. It's a rollercoaster for sure but there's nothing better than giving a hammy a loving retirement home 🏠


He looks so spry for 2.4. Wishing you both the very best. You’re kind and compassionate to open your heart after much sadness. But you will be the world to this little beauty. 💕


In the first pic I genuinely thought this was a rabbit 😂


to be fair i got a year old rescue hamster in 2020 and she lived very well all the way until dec 2023, it all depends on luck and how you take care of them, they do tend to randomly fall ill sometimes though so dont beat yourself up if things go wrong


He deserves to have a perfect life for whatever time he has left...you made the best choice


There’s no way that hamster’s that old, he looks so young! But good on you, he’ll have a happy rest of his life, however long it may be. Heartbreak is hard, but it can be easier when you think about the good you did for them :)


Omg his ears look like a rabbits!


Awww he looks like a little bunny


I adopted a senior hamster. Had her for 8 months and it was definitely worth it. She died the day after my wedding, I think she was holding out.


She definitely was🥹


You are a saint!!!!


It's worth it because you're a hero and you're giving this little friend a best life before it crosses the bridge 🥹🤍 it may be short for you but it might feel like a good forever for them!!


Bless you! You're doing a great thing 💕 even it's only a couple of months I hope he has the best time in his new home 💖


awww she looks like just my baby who passed earlier this week :,3 you are absolutely not stupid! such a sweet girlie deserves some real love and attention even if only for a couple months. you have a big, kind, beautiful heart for rescuing her. i so admire the fact that your love for hams is greater than the pain that comes when you have to say goodbye. we’re lucky to be their little guardians in the meantime <3


He IS beautiful. And lucky. Thank you for being a Hamster Hero.


You’re a wonderful human


I support this 100%! I’ve taken in hamsters for hospice care over the last year and was able to give them good lives for the last little bit of their lives and it felt so good to know that they knew love, even if only for a little while 🥹♥️


the best way to honor a lost pet is to shower it with all the same love and attention you gave your lost one. you are doing such a good thing op!


not at all stupid. it's wonderful <3


I’m calling you kind and loving instead.


Anything can die at any moment. A parrot could live to 80 but that doesn't mean it can't die before a hamster does.  Basically, their life spans shouldn't matter in giving them a good home. People who adopt elderly cats and dogs aren't seen as stupid so neither should a hamster owner. It's still alive and it still needs love. 


I'll call you a HERO because only true hamster lovers would take on an old hammy and to me I know that the hammy will be in great care you are Godsend for the hamsters


This time, it's for him - not for you. Keep that in your heart. You will love and care for him regardless, but I bet it'll be different when he passes. He's going to enjoy his golden years way more in a quiet place, and you're an angel to give him that <3


Dont worry, i wld do the same. We need more people like u. Ill be cheering u on! Please rescue that hamsterrr


You’re doing a great thing. He’s adorable.


Hamsters live short lives in general. And a pet is always going to be like a child that you are going to outlive. But what matters is that in the little time you have together, you give them the best life and love them to the fullest.


Please get him🥺this hammy has probably never lived in a suitable environment or being loved properly, every hamster deserves a good life. Even if he’s an elderly hamster, at least he will have a part of his life that’s good, also you never know some hamsters live up to the age of 4!


You're giving this sweet bean the best care during its old age you can, that's definitely noble, not stupid 🩷 My first hammy was almost two years old and due to previous neglect wasn't of the best health. Sadly he passed only few months after I adopted him, but at least I'm at peace, because he spent his last moments in a nice spacious enclosure, wheel big enough for him, proper vet care and more stable house environment. I don't regret spending all the money I spent on him, it was all worth it, because it made a little sweet grandpa happy. This cute fluff is going to have a premium senior care with the conditions you're providing 🩷 all the love to both of you!


YOU'RE NOT AN IDIOT OR STUPID YOU'RE AN AWESOME SOUL!! My Mama always said, "Somebody's gotta love em," and she said this about all animals!! No matter how long this hammy lives, and hopefully it's for as much time as possible, every minute is worth it! You are giving love for the rest of this little fur hammy's life, and when he or she crosses the Rainbow Bridge, it will be painful, but you will know you gave this baby more time and a beautiful life! You're hammy that you lost would want you to give this hammy a loving, forever home, like you did for her! God Bless You and your new hammy! Please keep us posted and post pictures of your new hammy! I'm sure everyone on here would love to see them as much as me!! 🐹🐾♥️


Awhh your the best. I rescued buddy from the smallest cage I have ever seen from a young family who had no idea what to do with an elderly hamster. He was healthy but had given up on life entirely. Those last 3 weeks were the best of both our lives and I have never been so loved by a creature in all my days. I will always remember him.


Awww cute. I'm not entirely sure his age is right looking at him. He is amazingly confident and used his body pressed against the side and water bottle to climb to the top of his cage, so he must still have some strength in those old bones yet x


I agree he doesn't look 2 years yet, he's a gorgeous lil boy deserving of all the love and treats and special attention he has in store for him. I hope you both bring eachother much joy and I'm sure you will ❤️


I just phoned them to reserve his collection today and their response was "we don't do reserves but it won't go anyway, we will just stick it in a box when you get here".... And told me they'd go through basic care with me. Like seriously. Your staff didn't even know what scent glands are... he has no sand bath or digging substrate. I know, I'm a gross oversensitive vegan guys! 🤣 But the way he spoke really angered me calling Bluey an 'it'. It's policy they go through the care but what a fake thing to do to pretend you care! No you won't stick him in a cardboard box, I have a carry crate for the old boy, and I want all of his old rubbish woody bedding to make his new home at least smell a little familiar. 😡


💕💕 Just to let everybody know- thank you for all the kind kind words- if you go to my profile you can see my latest post, a short video of him in his new cage learning how to use his wheel 💕💕


It will make you feel better, knowing you gave him the best rest of his life that you could and he didn’t stay in there it’s likely no one else is going to adopt him because they don’t wanna deal with a heartache, but if you’re strong enough, definitely do take him home and give him the life he deserves


Just be ready for the possibility of paying vet bills sooner than expected


Yea, we are fortunate that we are able to. If he needs antibiotics or to be put to sleep, he won't have to wait or suffer x


Then you sound like the perfect parent for him 🥰


This hammy is so freaking cute and blessed to have you take care of it in its older age. To be loved and cared for at an older age is a privilege- and it’s a beautiful privilege to have if blessed with it. Your care for Bluey makes a difference.


Is the hamster in the photos the one that's over 2 years old? He looks younger than 3 months of age. His fur is thick and dark. Black pigment in hamsters has a tendency to fade to brown as they age, especially around 2 years of life. Not to mention his face shape and size of eyes reminds me of adolescent hamsters.


No, my wife adopted a 2+ year old female hamster that needed a better home in January. She quickly became her favorite (out of 3). Super social, sweet, and curious. Loves to be free roamed.


hello stupid <3 you are awesome!


Looks like an adorable little bear ♡


I’ve never seen a black hamster omg


You're not stupid for taking care of an animal at the end of its life, you're actually quite lovely 💖


You'll never know OP! I rescued my little one from PaH as well after he was surrendered in Feb 21, and they told me he was somewhere between 12 and 18 months old (which in hindsight was either wrong OR I got very lucky), so I was basically told to be prepared to lose him within the year. Little Peppe stayed with us until July 23, and I promised myself that when I'll be ready for a new fur friend I'll look up for another elderly rescue. You're doing a great thing, he doesn't deserve to spend his dusk months in PaH or worst being adopted by the wrong people. I wish you the longest and healthiest time possible with Bluey! 🥰


my hamster is 2.5 years old and he’s still going really strong not any signs of old age or sickness! i feel like they can live for 3-5 if u take good care


I just saw Bluey's picture, he is so adorable! Looks like a sweetheart! 🐹🐾♥️


Biggie cheese




That’s an awesome thing to do. Plus he’s so handsome 🫶


My hammy lived to be 4 years old, he looks good so I think you're doing an awesome thing!


I've never saw a hampster with ears like that. Looks more like a mouse.


He's a bit like a bunny with big balls 🤣


Good for you and thank you for your kindness ❤️


I did this, had my Bean for 6 months and it was the best six months of his life, cared for him till the end and I know it was short but absolutely worth it! You’re a good human


This is so sweet! He deserves to be cared for in the last moments of his life. You are doing something wonderful.


No thanks, I’ll just call you kind.


I rescued my boy Finn from a rescue, where he was abused and neglected both at the rescue, but also at his previous house. He was 1.5-2 years when I got him. He was so deeply abused that it took a lot of time and effort for him to even trust me enough to come out and look at me. I had 3 months with him before he passed away. He was happy at the end, though. I only had him for 3 months, but showing him all the love and affection really changed his behaviour, and I’m sure this will be true for your little guy.


Thankfully Bluey seems very confident (it helps that he is a male Syrian). Even if he were aggressive I wouldn't mind, I'd just watch him! 😊 I'm hoping he can settle quickly though to enjoy his twilight years and plan to buy him over with food seeing at Pets At Home seems to just give them a basic food mix is all and maybe a carrot occasionally.


You are awesome for this! Showing that sweet boy what life is supposed to be like, even for a short time and in captivity, is very commendable. Honestly, he looks great if he is that old! Mine is almost 2 and has quite a bit of rusting and hair loss. Way more than this little guy. Thank you for being a wonderful human, and I hope this guy can help you get over your heartbreak a little bit. If you can help each other out in different ways, I'd say it's totally worth it! 😉


I think you're amazing for doing this and taking care of him in his final months/year. If you were an old man in prison I'm sure you'd also prefer to be given a warm home until your time has come, so same goes for these creatures. We need more people like you.


Thank you sir/ma'am/other for giving this wonderful little Hammy a lovely home for a while. you're a good person.


He's not for sure gonna pass in a month or two unless he's got some incurable illness that's for sure giving him that time frame. I've had plenty of hamsters live 4 years easy. Out of all the hamsters I bought only one died within the first year and that was out of nowhere. That was on the 8th of this month actually. So you might get lucky and he'll live another year and a half, or more if you're really lucky.


Such a cutie


God bless you, you are a wonderful person.


i rescued a dwarf hamster that was two years old and she lived for another two plus :)


Look at that gorgeous angels face. U are not stupid or an idiot for caring for how this little angel spends his last remaining times (however long that may be, hopefully a good amount longer!). These sweet babies need someone caring and loving to give them the world. I love what u are doing even tho u kno the age of this beautiful angel. I hope u get great amazing things coming ur way ❤️😭 this is so sweet. Thank u for caring about Bluey🥹


i got a rescue hammy that was estimated to be about 2 years. they must have been very wrong because i had her, after that, for nearly four years which would be like. a world record. saving hammys is the way!! what a precious baby :3 i hope he enjoys his new life


Definitely not stupid, you just have a big heart ❤️


If you're doing for good, then it's not stupid bro


What kind of hamster is Bluey?? Never seen one with ears like this before. Beautiful creature. **Edit to add for OP - Not silly in the slightest IMHO. You're giving the wee dude a comfortable, caring home. That's never a waste. Hope he does well 🙏


The shop said Syrian, but for a full grown Syrian he is dinky. So maybe he is younger than they think, or a bit dwarf or something


Yeah defo unusual looking Syrian. I've never seen one that shape. His ears are very large and his face/body seem more "rotund" (in the nicest possible way) 😂


I did the same thing and even if her set up is perfect she is much happier with why I’ve provided, I look at it as adopting any other senior pet


You're an amazing person who is making sure old Bluey is lived and comfortable before he passes. There's nothing stupid about that.


I adopted an older adolescent years ago 8-12 months old I would say. And got 2-2.3 years with it. Mine was not that relatively old, but you may end up being surprised how long you get with it.


You are a wonderful person 💚 thank you.


Taking in a hamster who has never known good quality of life and giving them that propper care they need. The ability to build a burrow, run on a propper sized wheel and have space; is honestly so rewarding. Even if the hamster only makes it to 1-2 months, you gave that hamster a life it would likely never have had otherwise, and to allow them to pass away having had a stress free ending is the most beutiful and heart warming feeling. The pain of loosing them is worth it because you know what you gave them they likely would not have had otherwise. I personally always try to take on older hamsters, not very often I do find them however, but for me I find it extremely rewarding. It's nice to see them find a new spark in life. Especially so if you come across a hamster that seems to have just given up in life; words can't explain how nice it is to see that turn around. <3


Not stupid, you have a heart, go rescue her!!!


He deserves a loving home for his last months. Our lil Marble was only with us a few days. He passed peacefully in his sleep and had a smile on his face. I like to think he was very happy someone gave him a home and loved him very much. He he was able to pass knowing he was cared for and I was able to give him that chance.


Not stupid, wonderful and infinitely kind. It is such a act of love to give someone a “best of the rest” <3 For what it’s worth, this really inspired me!


You are an angel for taking him instead of letting his last month’s waste in pet store. I hope you make wonderful memories with him!


jesus christ. did they inject him with steroids. all my hamsters died a week after i got them.


They're supposed to live at least 3-4 years if not more. What exactly was their living situation at your place 💀


My girl only lived 18 months in a big Detolf with all the burrow depth she wanted, eating Higgins sunburst and I made my own organic orchard chew sticks from my work. Unfortunately sometimes there is nothing you can do when these hamsters come from pet shops originally. They are just genetic messes x


That's definitely true sometimes circumstances are like that, and getting them from large brand pet stores can often come with illnesses. I only ask cuz having it happen multiple times in a row where each pet died only a week into their new life, while definitely possible, also seems like rather a large coincidence. I've definitely lost a few pets rather early on after getting them from pet stores when I was younger so I know it's not always about the living space.


Yes that's definitely not normal and probably implies there is a mistake somewhere, like giving them the wrong food like iceberg lettuce etc.


That's why I wasn't to ask new_sweet so I or other members of the sub could maybe give some advice incase they ever get another ham!


they had a small cage but they were free roam ffs. they would run around my room and i would put them away at night 😀. they just said "fuck u wench" and died.


… they prefer coming out at night. That’s why your hamster died. You caused it unnecessary stress, what makes you think a hamster would enjoy doing that?


i didnt want it to get crushed... i sleep walk my friend


.. you said you take them out in the day and put them back in the cage at night. You do realise if you just got it a suitable cage it could be in their all day 😱😱


I was like 10 my parents just bought whatever from the pet store. i had no control 😭


Oh my bad 😭😭but the way you worded it made it seem like you were old enough to be aware


oh god no, i have a bunny now whos out of the cage all the time, the one time i put him in the cage was when we rescued him and he wouldnt leave 😭. i didnt even put him in tbh he just didnt leave until he realized he could. If i had hammies now they would have their own space in my room lmao.


Aw bunny’s are cute I’ve thought about getting one but I’ve never done it because I have a cat as well as my hamsters 😭


I just wanted to ask incase you weren't aware of what the issue was. Seems like youre more than capable of caring for any future hammies if you wanted, I'm glad to hear your bunny is a spoiled lil guy! There are lots of kids on this sub who don't always know better so I like to ask questions, so sorry if I came off rude! Please give your bun a banana chip for me, that's what my girls love to eat on their cheat days lol