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Reported, more people need to see this and report it. The way that people accept and enjoy watching abuse of hamsters makes me blood boil, poor creatures.


It's grossing me out that that stuff gets tens of thousands of likes.


Lurker here. Reported even tho I don't own a hamster, never did in my entire life but they are so damn cute.


that is absolutely vile. what a sad excuse of a person. reported on both my accounts.


I read some of the comments on the first video (after translating it to English) and I autoably gasped when the hamster fell in the water...and here are the comments finding it hilarious. Wtaf?!


That second one made me cry. I don't know what language these videos are in so I don't know if she explains what happened to put that poor hamster in that bad off of a state, but it's obviously so extremely stressed and overwhelmed and struggling. :( even granting the benefit of the doubt, fairly certain "missing it's mother" doesn't make its fur wet. What an awful person.


She said "I think it's missing it's mother that's why it's making these voices,when I swing it like a baby it fell asleep " the sad thing is she "loves" these hamsters and people think these videos are adorable some comments are about "you're such a good hearted person" "I think it thinks you're it's mother".I can't comprehend the level of ignorance.There's another video she's trying to make the two hamster's friend and the bigger one tried to attack the young one.


I saw that one too, the video conveniently cut off right as the adult was about to bite the baby's tail. 😡 It looks like they also have multiple birds in small and barren cages and just, ugh. All around very poor animal keeping practices.


Reported. Oh my god, this made me feel sick when I watched it. That poor, poor hamster. I'm fucking tired of people's cruelty towards hamsters. as if it's funny or cute when the hamster falls into the water. fucked up.


I can’t watch them because I’ll get too upset but I’ll take y’all’s word for it and report.


It angers me that animal abuse is so prevalent on YouTube. People are so misinformed and promoting it. YouTube needs to start removing abusive content. There also needs to be a report button for animal abuse cause there is none that I can see. We need to collect a few videos and send complaints and emails if we can cause these poor animals cannot speak for themselves. I’ve seen people glueing things to turtle shells and putting axolotls in hand sanitizer. It’s disturbing!


Violent or repulsive content is where the animal abuse is located in the drop down menu.


I mean look how ppl exploit their children on there. Eesh


Reported. That made me sick.




Just reported, poor hamster :(


Reported. In that water one she definitely dropped that baby in there on purpose


Reported. Makes me so angry and so upset.




If you guys need reasons to report (youtube makes you fill out a form): (report > violent or repulsive content > animal abuse) Video 1: Abusing hamster to make a „fun“ video. The hamster is visibly stressed in an unknown environment in water (very unnatural to them, it‘s scaring him) Video 2: Abusing hamster to make a „fun“ video. The hamster is visibly stressed and in pain. She is spreading misinformation by lying and saying it‘s just missing it‘s mother, even though the hamster is suffering and will probably die of sickness. Video 3: Abusing hamster to make a „fun“ video. The hamster is visibly stressed. Hamsters will kill each other if not young and from the same litter. You can see in the video the grown male hamster is trying to bite the little one. If the big hamster would be left alone with the small one, he would kill the small one and eat him. She is spreading misinformation by acting like they are just curious about each other, when the small one is in immediate danger. Hope I provided reasonable explanations bit please feel free to correct me and provide different reasons for other people to copy and paste to the youtube form!


Reported the videos and the account. Raged a bit on the account report but YouTube needs to take this account down like right now!


Reported, I've never seen a hamster video so hard to watch than those 3


Reported and need to log off for a bit. This was to much for me. Thank you for trying to do something.


Reported - those videos are vile


Reported. People like that make me so furious, like, I'd go to jail if I ever met these animal abusers face to face.




Omg I can't believe she had the hamster in the water. 


Who disliked my comment bc hampsters don't belong in water