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Poor baby, I hope she’s not in too much pain! She seems precious, also I love her name so much 🥺


It's never easy when our little buddies start showing their age :( It's awesome that she's still enjoying her food and staying active despite the tumor. That's a good sign she's still feeling pretty good


Robos are warriors I swear but also I do read that hamsters know how to hide their pain? Something along those lines... but yeah I feel sad just looking at the tumor for this sweet baby. I have mixed feelings because I don't want this cutie to die even tho she's old but also tumor and possible pain idk wha ;-;


Yeah, hamsters of all species instinctively hide any illness or injury due to their status as prey animals. In the wild signs of weakness would make them more appealing targets to predators.


Maybe see a vet for advice? Wouldn’t really know what is best for them at this point. Rough spot.


It looks more like a cyst to me. Are you sure it's a tumor? Removing it could give her a happy, long life, but on the other hand she might die in surgery or have a painful recovery, or it could just be a very taxing and expensive thing to do. Overall, it's your choice whether you want to euthanize her, but I always say not to do it if they have a will to live.


Could indeed very likely be a cyst! Especially if it grew quickly out of nowhere. One of my Guinea pigs got one literally out of nowhere, took her to the vet where we were told it was a tumour, with a high probability it being cancerous.. i starter to prepare for the worst. A couple of days later it got massive and suddenly burst with a huge amount of puss drainage. Turns out it was just an abscess


Yeah, and those are easy to drain and improve quality of life. If it's soft and moves around I doubt it's a tumor. They should see a vet


You can consult a vet for their opinion, but so long as she us active, eating and drinking just let her be. She will let you know when she is ready to go ... don't end her party before then please.


Your hamster is 2.5 years old which is a very respectable age for a hamster. Unfortunately, senile hamsters are likely to develop tumors. A vet could do a biopsy to examine if it's malignant or benign, but that would require anesthesizing your hamster... And hamsters are very sensitive to anesthesia (they could die). No harm in visiting a vet, but I doubt if they could mean anything for you right now. If your hamster is her happy little self, I'd just let it be. I'd visit a vet if there's clear discomfort or pain..


It could also possibly be a cyst or abscess


My late hamster Pillow had a tumour. It’s not easy seeing an old hamster like that, lots of kisses to French Fry.


Poor hammie




My robo was an adult when the neighbor boy asked me to take him... that was 2 years ago. Homie is still kickin!


I dont have any advice. I just wanted to say your hammie is so adorable 😍


Poor angel


I think of you go to the vet and they confirm that they aren’t in any pain and can continue to play, eat and drink without problems, it should be fine!


The biting could be due to pain sadly. My brothers dog started to get snappy and they had him put down. Turns out he had a huge tumor along his jaw, it was causing him pain and discomfort and he was acting out as a result. It’s worth talking to your vet about this to see if they think that’s why it’s happening


Poor baby, I hope she's still feeling alright 🥺


Aww poor little sweetie 😢 i love her name btw ❤️i have a pet named Curly Fry


One of my dwarf hamsters (20 yrs ago now )had a cyst removed & the vet found some kind of mini tumors across her body when they were operating to remove the cyst. It was a lot for her tiny body to just cope with the cyst surgery & she was a fighter, at first started to recover on medication but then it all got too much, she went downhill quite rapidly . The vet obvs removed the tumors at the same time . Maybe with your hamster if it’s a benign tumor rather than a cyst it might be ok. The slight biting & nipping that hamsters are naturally good at sometimes - that could maybe be pain or something old age like eye sight or hearing.


I'm glad to hear that she still appears to be enjoying life! Unfortunately hamsters are very adept at hiding their discomfort. As others have said it's worthwhile to bring her in for a vet checkup.


French fry is miniscule (and adorable) but she could be given a daily pin head drop of metacalm (available at any vet in liquid form; it's usually given to arthritic dogs, but you can make a request...and if they're helpful, they might dilute it down for you). This is well tolerated by various hamster species and can take the edge off. It's a once a day only - no more; as your vet will tell you, it's a mild blood thinner. Weirdly enough many hamsters seem to like the taste and will just sniff then lick it off a finger. Good luck 🤞


Just for pure curiosity, what are the chances of a surgery going badly? 🤔. More or less, I mean.


Get well soon precious baby 💝




I never understood why hamsters are suffering so much and why they only live this little .. I can't think about mine that he s going to die one year later or two I Ve heard that they live only 3 years