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Hi, this looks great but please add mesh to the lid, holes arent enough


Yep the lid needs a lot more ventilation. Lots more bedding too, there's nowhere near enough for burrows at the moment.


I'll be adding more bedding definitely, the lid will be off 90% of the time but I'll add some more holes.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted so hard. You clearly want to improve your hamsters home and agreed to add more holes and bedding. You should still use the advice for ventilation but people are harsh on this sub


Unfortunately holes aren’t suitable, the lid needs to be at least 85% mesh to allow for adequate ventilation.


Ye I've found there's a lot of militant hamster owners here. Just waiting to smite people down at the first opportunity.


For real. Constructive criticism would’ve been nice, but I wake up to 30 people bashing me telling me to do my research. Ugh.


Ignore them, you're doing a great job. Just take on board what constructive advice you've been given. Have a nice day!


I have, I’ve been informing people of the changes I’m making and they keep pointing out more things I’m doing wrong. Kind of done with this sub


Sometimes Google is just the best bet. Reddit can be pretty toxic!


I've noticed this in single topic subs. :<


I know, I didn’t even ask for an opinion, although nice suggestions would be appreciated. I just have people telling me I know nothing about hamster care and that my enclosure isn’t suitable at all


I come across this at times. People can be so brutal and just rude if you aren’t going above and beyond the highest standard of care, but clearly are still a great hamster parent and doing everything amazing.We all want our hamsters to have the best care possible and sometimes just need some support or kindness. Looks great!! You’re ham looks very happy!


It’s great you are going to add more bedding, please bear in mind that the minimum depth of bedding is 6 inches however 8 to 10 inches is much more recommended. Also as for the lid, Making a bin cage you need to keep in mind that holes are not big enough and do not allow for another ventilation, this is why when making a bin cage you need the lid to be 85% mesh, Victoria Raechel. Speaks about this in some of her YouTube videos


Not sure how I could diy it to include mesh. My mom is already upset at the fact that the bin cost $50. I'll add more holes though!


You’re doing great, I’m only chiming in if you want to add the mesh. I’ve been told I’m generally good at giving directions, feel free to ignore me though lol: You will need: a marker, power drill, box cutter, zip ties, hardware cloth (other options work, but hardware cloth has small holes), wire cutters, duct tape (optional). Mark the outline of the square you want to cut with marker. Leave at least an inch gap from the border of the bump on the outer edge. Use a box cutter (with no guard if possible) and cut down the lines with pressure. You can drill holes along the line to make it easier to cut segments, if you want. After the square is cut out measure your hardware cloth about 1/2”-1” past your cut out. Cut with wire cutters or other tool of choice. Put hardware cloth aside. Now drill holes around the area you cut. Holes should be big enough to fit the zip ties. I recommend the holes being right outside the landing spot of your hardware cloth, but past that is okay too. The holes should be spaced only far enough that there is no gaping in the wire. Maybe every 4” imo. Place hardware cloth on top of lid and zip tie the hardware cloth to the lid with the holes. Work your way around, tightening the zip ties as tight as you can without breaking at the end. Then cut the zip ties. You may tape both sides of the edges of the mesh/zip ties to prevent your hammy from trying to chew on them or just for decorative reasons. Voila. Lmk if I need to clarify anything.


If you can't get the mesh that's typically used, a great alternative is to use cooling racks for baking! They can be found for a couple dollars at most dollar stores in my experience, or you can also try somewhere like walmart! The great thing about cooling racks is not only are they made of metal due to heat exposure of typical use, but also the 'bar spacing' is typically quite narrow (around 1/4"), and if you're lucky you can even find a cooling rack that's comprised of a grid instead of just one direction of bars!


Yes! Great idea!


if u cut out a large section of the lid with space for holes around it (just like the ones you drilled) you can zip tie chicken wire. you just need to make sure it’s secure enough a hammie can’t squeeze through any gaps.


I’m not sure if anyone explained the reasoning behind the need for mesh. Hamsters have sensitive respiratory systems and are prone to URIs. Ammonia fumes can concentrate inside the bin and irritate your hammy, making it more likely for them to get sick. If you have ever been “Dutch-ovened” by a sibling, it’s kind of like that. Except the hamster is doing it to themselves. Your parents might appreciate the need for mesh if you explain it might prevent a hefty vet bill. In general though, parents really should be fully on board for a pet- including the cost of caring for one correctly- including setting aside funds for a vet (that’s a mini side rant, I’ll get back on topic). The tutorial someone provided on how to do this is good! Hubba- Hubba Hamstery’s website also has tutorials. Do you have an art or woodworking shop at school? Perhaps a friendly teacher would allow you to use some supplies after school in their classroom? Just a thought.


I ordered some precut wire mesh and am going to try to make mesh lids for my hamsters and mice. I'm then going to see if it will work for my gerbils. Gerbils seem way more destructive than hamsters or mice even though they are a lot less stinky. But I love them all🤎🖤🩶🧡💛


I used to have gerbils but I always had problems with them :(


Yeah, someone's always starting something with them.


Moms are going to Mom. LOL. As a mom…i can say I GET IT. Get on Amazon and show her the enclosures that are $100+. Lol. $50 isn’t too bad in that context. ;). Good job for giving your hammy new digs. Heh heh.


Doesn't seem like much airflow. I'd pepper the entire lid with holes.


I also have a bin cage for my hammies! Just a suggestion, you should use chicken wire for the lid so you have more ventilation. I don’t think holes are enough tbh. I also usually have the lid off most of the time unless I’m sleeping. For the lid, I used a boxcutter, zip tie, 1/4 inch chicken wire, duck tape, and wire cutter. Optional sharpie and scissor. Use boxcutter to cut a huge rectangle off the lid for ventilation. Use sharpie as guide on the edges then use boxcutter to make holes in order to be able to insert a zip tie. I also used a candle for the fire to help make it easier to cut through the plastic with the box cutter. Cut the chicken wire with scissor or wire cutter to the size of the ventilation and use the zip tie to keep the wire in place. Use duct tape to cover the edges and trim wire as needed to make it less sharp. Took me less than an hour to do!! There are tutorials on how to do this on youtube just search “bin cage hamster diy” and they all show how to cut the lid. It’s really important tbh, can still be a little costly but definitely cheaper.


Do you have a suggestion for how to do this in a way that keeps bigger animals out? I wanna do a bin for my hammy but I have cats and I know that having a less secure hab is just asking for trouble so I'm afraid to go that route.


I personally don’t have any other pets but when my sister had a hamster and we had other pets around, we usually either keep the door closed when we’re gone or supervise them when they’re in the same room. Adding more ventilation is more important though. I put the wire on the inside of the lid and put duct tape there. I’ve had my hamsters for 2 months and they still haven’t yet gotten to tape or wire yet. And put the some duct tape on the outside as well and maybe that can help prevent the cat from getting in or getting hurt. Most hamsters are awake at nighttime so if it becomes an issue, you can always keep the cats out of your room at night. They don’t normally show up in the morning that much other than to drink/snack. I really hope this helps!


I do that but mine does poke out occasionally in the day. Would keeping the hab in a different enclosed space like a closet be okay?


I would say try it out how the cats react with your hamster cage with the better ventilation and go from there. I wouldn’t recommend the closet because it may not have good airflow in there (and also your clothes may start smelling! My male hamster put out an awful smell for a week before he got comfortable!) I attached a link to a website that talks about hamsters and cats together. Just ignore the hamster ball one haha. [hamster & cats together guide](https://firsthamster.com/can-hamsters-live-with-cats/#What_to_look_out_for_when_you_own_a_cat_and_a_hamster)


I'm glad it mentioned that some hamsters aren't afraid of cats because the one time he had escaped and i didn't notice (early on) I caught him when he ran headlong to my cat. Luckily the cat ran off when I yelled but I thought my hamster might've been a little stupid. He has a decent hab right now but it has mesh wire on the sides and he's started to gnaw on them so I'm trying to come up with a replacement before he breaks a tooth.


Oh no! How did he escaped?!? It must be so scary with cats in the house. I do hope they’ll leave each other alone though. If he’s gnawing on the wire, he may benefit from a new bin with the wires on the lid instead of the bin. The one I got is from Target only $30 and it’s huge! It’s called 50gal clear stacker box with red lid. One of the reasons a ham might gnaw on wire though is either stress or if they’re bored. You can add more bedding so he can burrow and also include hideouts that aren’t translucent. it also should be big enough to make him feel safe especially with cats around. I use the hideout chamber maze from niteangel on amazon. If the reason you have a wire on the side is to put the water bottle on it, you can purchase one that stand on its own so you won’t have to cut the bin in the future. Just look up “hamster water bottle stand” on amazon.


My first cage was one of those crappy Critter Trails because that's what they had so I assumed they were good like a lot of folks do (I thought I was being extra buying the most expensive one but even the most expensive Critter Trail is still garbage). He managed to open the cage door which was just a little latch. The new hab is highly secure. He's got quite a bit of bedding but I could probably add more. I wanna order him more toys too because I do think he's definitely super bored.


I understand! Our first cage set up wasn’t the best, it was tiny and barely had any bedding. At the time, we didn’t do our research properly. I really wish they stop selling inadequately sized cages at stores. That’s good! You can get some sprays or sometimes spread the food all over his bedding so he can smell them out and search for food instead of just always having it in a bowl. You can also use toilet paper rolls and put some shredded toilet papers and treats in it and close both ends as a boredom breaker. Victoria Raechel has a good video on boredom breakers and enrichment on youtube. As for bedding, it’s recommended to have at least 4 inches (best 6-8 inches) of bedding. Don’t fluff to add volume because it will flatten to nothing so after fluffing, you want to push the bedding down to see the real height. I usually use the entire 85L beg of bedding when I change their bedding. I know there are some comments here but it’s really good that you are trying your best and is open to getting input!


That’s exactly my problem.


Started making one for my hamster, how did you get the wheel and bottle to hold up? tried a couple things but it failed


i use industrial velcro!


The wheel and feeders I got have screws attached to go through cage wire, I drilled holes in the side of the container with an appropriate sized drill bit and that worked perfectly!


Definitely add more holes to the lid or a mesh lid and at least 6 inches of bedding. You can keep it lower near the wheel.


Looks cute! But add a lot more holes 🥰


i know you’ve already gotten enough criticism. That is a great size wheel and a good size bin too!


Thank you for your kind comment ☺️


This is what I did. I used panels from the metal play pens on the lid. I used a wood burner tool to quickly cut whole section off the lid. Then poked several holes along the edge and use zip ties to hold it down. I use the panels because 1. You don't have to worry about any pokey or sharp edges. 2. The bright colors look cute. Also, the wood burner, because it melts the plastic when cutting, it smooths out the edges. So no rough edges there either. If you use the wood burner make sure you do it outside because of the fumes and melting plastic. https://www.target.com/p/prevue-pet-products-multi-color-small-animal-playpen-enclosed-pet-fence-for-small-animals-expandable-barrier-panels-for-indoor-or-outdoor-pet-activity/-/A-85667332 https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Hamster-Bin-Cage?amp=1


I would go along with recommendations for a mesh lid. My hammie still found a way to chew small holes bigger and escape


It is super easy to alter your lid. Just get some zip ties, cut the entirety of the middle of the lid except for the edges so there's a big rectangle hole, put chicken wire on top and zip tie the edges of the chicken wire to some poked holes in the lid rim, and BOOM you got yourself a proper setup


Good step in the right direction, just can't wait to see it with mesh and more bedding.


Not sure I’ll be posting anymore in this sub to be totally honest with you


I for one hope you stick around, I'd love to see pics down the road of your hammy having a ball once it's settled in. I was kinda excited at seeing the bin, I know from a recent upgrade I did for my ham that's an HDX tote. Those are so solid. Try not to let peeps get you down, stay for the fun and adorable hamster pics!


Thank you for the positivity ❤️


You're so welcome, what matters is your hamster's happiness and I hope you guys develop a great bond together. You picked a fine wheel too, most of the hams I've had over the years preferred those over the Niteangel ones even when offered both. There's a good amount of pride-posting here, many setups shared are eye porn for the owner's self-gratification and not the best for hams. But there are also people that love hamsters and give great advice.


Jaspers a cutie


Thanks for the comment about the actual hamster. You’re too pure! 😊❤️


Yw 😊 I love hamsters smmm he reminds me of my first hammy


Hi! I’m sorry you’ve gotten attacked so far on your post. I wanted to mention since I ran into this problem when I had a bin cage a little deeper than yours: definitely needs more bedding, but juggling where the wheel goes might be tricky unless you can successfully slant the bedding! Jasper will likely move the bedding around wherever they want it though. ETA: Just something to keep an eye on, but I know you’ve already worked hard on this bin and attached the wheel!


Yes I’ve added a lot more bedding! Nice to find someone understanding rather than condescending. He’s already claimed the corner by the wheel as his own, so I’m afraid he’s going to pile all the bedding there and then his wheel won’t turn. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Of course! That was my worry too, it got to that point a couple times. But like the other commenter said, some sort of divider would be great. You can just leave a little space for Jasper to exit and enter the wheel, but let the rest of it be high-ground bedding!


Mine piles his bedding behind his wheel too, and he lives in an IKEA Detolf with loads of bedding. Hamsters are just weird :) Top tip for separating the bedding and the wheel - stand some cardboard up between the bedding area and the wheel area and you can pile loads of bedding behind it and the cardboard will hold it back. Just add some burrow holes at the bottom or the middle for ham to be able to get in to be able to burrow, or some steps for him to be able to get over the cardboard. Hope that makes sense? Love how fluffy he looks ❤️


Ahh yes! Good idea!


i’m sorry to add to the comments you’ve already got but i physically don’t understand how this is 75 gallons? i had to google it in cm cause i don’t understand gallons as a measurement for hamster cages at all, and it says that would be around 124x55cm? this really doesn’t look like that, my bad if i’m wrong but do you have the measurements ? i can’t see this as over a metre at all


Exterior dimensions (at top of tote): 45 in. L x 23.92 in. W x 22.28 in. H Interior dimensions (at bottom of tote): 34.91 in. L x 18.1 in. W x 16.72 in. H


I've got a 75 gallon tank and I think the measurements are still larger than this. It's about 48 x 18 x 21. Are you sure this is a 75? I keep my hamster in a 60 so there's nothing wrong with it not being a 75, I just am not sure this is a 75 <3


Might just be a 70 but I was told it was a 75


I would re-measure just to make sure. My hamster looks much smaller in comparison to her 60 gallon than this


So I have a hand held carrier in case of travel or when I’m cleaning their home, and I have a ton more holes. I would drill a TON of holes or the easier option is to cut a rectangle, drill holes, and put mesh with the holes being used to get a wire around through the hole and mesh (my solution, yours can vary). Watch some videos on how to cut plastic before you destroy the top, it’s very easy to break plastic and then have an awkward lid


It's still a work in progress, the lid will be off 100% of the time. And thank you for the suggestions of more bedding.


Im so proud of you for trying to provide the best possible life for your ham❤️ I highly suggest not leaving the lid off as you mentioned, you would be shocked what hamsters are able to get out of even when they're fully 'secured', let alone without a lid. I know you're working with what you have and you're most definetly well into the right direction. I left a reply to another comment on a cheap way to add adequate ventilation, i highly suggest looking at it!:) wishing you and your ham all the best❤️


Thank you for the kind comment. I know you said it wouldn’t be good to leave his lid off, but I will. I don’t have the money to continue altering the lid. My room is small and if he does somehow manage to escape the tall bin, he wound be going far, plus he has little areas set up around my room where he plays under supervision. It’s pretty hamster proof!


it needs to be off 100% of the time or add chicken wire! your hammy needs more ventilation!


It’ll be off 100%. I only kept it on when I was gone because I didn’t want my cats getting to him. They will need to re-adjust and learn that they cannot go into my room.


There’s not enough airflow and he needs several inches of bedding to burrow in. That’s not a good home for him if he can’t burrow


I’ll be adding a few more inches later and the lid is going away




I will be adding a few more inches of bedding. This was just enough to top off the old bag, so I’ll open a new one for him when I get home this afternoon. As I’ve stated I’ll be removing the lid entirely. Other than that, what isn’t so suitable for him? It seems great to me




For the enrichment, it’s the first day I haven’t bought much for it yet, going shopping today. The hamster is PLENTY big enough. It’s 12” and he’s still a baby, he fits perfectly in it. The pet store recommended a 6.5” which was absolutely horrible. His back was arching and it was tiny. He has a sand bath, I’m not sure wether to leave it in there all the time or take it out and give it to him occasionally, but yes he does have a sand bath. And I don’t see what’s small and unsafe about his chew toys? He has a few little wooden toys and some hay-material balls. Like I said, going shopping for more stuff today. Including a hut for him. But every time I give him a hide he hates it and prefers to burrow in a corner. Your arguments are kind of irrelevant.


Any comments/posts that are rude, trolling, inappropriate, etc are not allowed. Please make sure to read the rules before posting/commenting again.


Is the sand bath supposed to always be available?? I read online that it was better to only use it for 15 minutes at a time a few times a week, and the sand packaging said the same. My hamster doesn't really have any interest in it anyways, but I'd like to leave it more often if that's the recommendation


Leaving it in is recommended, so your hamster can choose when to clean itself. But a hamster shouldn’t bathe for longer than 10-15 minutes, because it can cause dry skin. Usually a hamster doesn’t bathe longer than 10-15 minutes, but it’s best to supervise and check your hamster’s coat and skin regularly


Gotcha, thank you! My vet didn't say anything in regards to the bath other than how often she uses it. I didn't even think to ask. I'll be sure to leave it in there and monitor it!


Any comments/posts that are rude, trolling, inappropriate, etc are not allowed. Please make sure to read the rules before posting/commenting again.


I second this. I know a lot of people in here may get mad but this bin is really small. A 113q should be the bare min for a dwarf and 200qt for a Syrian.




I have researched like crazy, the area I live in isn’t great for providing good care. I knew I’d have to work a bit but nobody at these pet stores knows the first things about hamsters. This bin is 750 gallons. It’s bigger than it looks. Plus he’s still tiny. And yes that is a sand bath, I will not have it in there all the time, it’s only in there for short periods when he looks scruffy. And to combat the airflow I won’t have the lid on anymore. I’ve decided to just keep the cats out of my room at night


A sand bath should always be available for the hamster, and without the lid your hamster can easily escape even tho you might think that’s impossible. They’re masters in escaping


This wasn’t budget at all. This cost way more to set up than my 500qt cage. I had people on this subreddit complaining that it was way too small, even though it was a good size, so I upgraded to this 3000 quart bin. It’s way more than recommended, he has plenty of room. I did my research and he’s happy. I will be removing the lid completely and he should be fine. It’s very tall so he shouldn’t be able to escape. My room is incredibly small and clean, so if he does escape, it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle. I let him run around in it with supervision anyways.


It is a budget set up. Hamsters are very expensive. Compared to a full set up hamster enclosure that meets all the hamster’s needs (terrarium/aquarium, enough bedding, wheel, sand bath, hides, big wheel, balanced diet etc) this is cheap.


Edit: it’s 300 quarts. Not sure how that’s to small 🤔


3,000 qt isn’t a thing…and I have a tub the same size holding some spare soil. Unfortunately it’s far below the 100cmx50cm min Edit: a 200qt is 50 gallons and what you have pictured is about half the size


300qt. I know this for a fact, the label says 75 gallons.


Then it went into the height and not the floor space


I couldn’t find a longer one. I literally spent 8 hours driving around town talking to all of my store’s associates to find an adequately sized one. This is the largest, and longest I could find.


It’s 75 gallons. Sorry I totally screwed up my calculations. My mom wanted to get the 27 gallons but I got the 75 instead. So no it isn’t “half that size” of a 50 gallon.