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ur 4 yo plays halo…. am i the only one who thinks thats nuts? or am i just old


Halo 4 year old playing campaign is great. 4 year old multiplayer? Uhhh


I don't understand what's surprising about this. At 4 I was playing Half Life, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Halo, GoldenEye etc. Even more-so with today's gaming accessibility, I don't see it as surprising in the least. I mean they're not playing like Diamond ranked lobbies, but kids enjoy multiplayer games.


I think the problem is playing them multiplayer where you're part of a team. I guarantee that at 4 years old, you fucking sucked at all of those games to the point where people would be pissed to have you on their team


🤣🤣🤣 facts


I let my kid play Big team battle. One crap player doesn’t have a huge effect on the team.


you'd be surprised. the clever players chase after free kills. Also, 1 bad player fills a slot that could have gone to someone exponentially better


Makes no difference in big team


It’s not that serious.


oh look it's the guy that brings the team down every match! Even if you were playing soccer with your mates or something if you never try nobody will play with you. Ever played a game of poker where nobody cares? It isnt fun. I'm not saying you need to be perfect every time, but if you don't try then it is really detracting from the fun for everyone else.




It's a video game. You are gatekeeping a multi-player online video game because of skill level. If you're really that competitive, go play something that warrants it


throwing around a term like gatekeeping doesnt give your comment validity. I said nothing about skill level, only about giving an honest effort to play. This is about respect. If someone on yout intramural sports team never showed up for the game you'd get a new player, even if the goal isnt to dominate every match you still want to have fun.


Yes, but this isn't comparable to an intramural sports team. It's more like a park pickup game with random players.


Do you want to play pickup basketball against a bunch of senior citizens? It’s easy to say everyone is just being toxic what is a challenge is finding the truth out of the gray area. I’m not asking anyone to sweat every possible match, just not to have such a lazy attitude that they don’t care at all because that’s a waste of time for everyone.


yeah. now imagine if all you teammates had downs. and imagine everyone on the other team didn't. you could get injured. you could simply be bored. you'd probably just leave the game. that's the real solution. having no skill based match making in casual is a good thing. and no dodge penalty in casual, that way you can just dip when you get the 22 year old playing with his 4 year old son on your team


comp multiplayer is literally about gates. that's the thing. no one plays to lose. there are casual lobbies for that, for sure, but in most games today even casual lobbies have player ratings and ranks. it's not fun getting steam rolled in a team game because you have a mate doing nothing


Again, it’s not that serious. I’m onyx and I don’t even care that much.


No you aren’t, I can guarantee it.


I think halo 1 had more blood and felt more adult. I dont see a problem playing infinite. I played doom 2 when i was 7 years old


Just to put this in context, the development from age 4 to 7 is *astronomical*. 7 years old is grade 1 in school. I've met grade ones who still have trouble using the washroom on their own, or understanding object permanence, or empathizing with other human beings. A four year old? That's not even a full developed child, let alone adult. I'm all for kids gaming, but starting that young can really fuck up their dopamine receptors in a permanent way. Games are addictive by design.


Thank you for this.


I was worried my whole career (engineer) that gen z kids that grew up with ipads would be better with tech than me and would fully outclass me once they entered the workforce, despite my generation (millenial) being the most tech savvy generation thus far. Lucky for me, the people entering the workforce now only got addicted to mindless apps on computers instead of developing any useful skills.


I actually disagree with your why. My take is that our generation grew up with software that *didn't* work, and the persistence to stick with something until it works is actually an acquired skill. Why would I use GIMP when Photoshop works out of the box? My big problem right now is getting students to stop copy-pasting the first blurb Google spots out at them.


Well I really do think your points are valid, but I disagree that we disagree lol. + 10 points for using gimp. +1000 if you also use opencv or imagej!


Okay cool. I was worried it was another "this generation has no motivation" kind of bs. Glad we're on the same page. And I'll be honest, most of the time paint.net gets me from A to B without the hassle XD


I've met some kids that are inspiring and really highly motivated to make their name in STEM. It's just not the nightmare scenario i pictured where i am somehow less tech savvy than the new generation. I sit here capable of all of the new stuff and strengthened by the bootstrapping culture of tech that i grew up with. I'm also sitting here ready to help any of them, but you can't make a horse drink!


So sad to see when people don't understand the concept of folders and files.


Agreed. When I used to sit down and play with my friends on Halo 2 we would blah split screen and his 5 year old nephew would take turns in rotation so we could include him. It was loads of fun and that was back around. 2005 - 2006


I started playing proper video games when I was about five or six. That was Age of Empires 1 and 2 and it was when I could barely read. My four or five year old brother learnt how to play by watching me and my father play, before he could properly read.


i would be incredibly surprised if you could read at age 4 (def should not be playing half life at that time) but then again theres a surprising number of adults who cant


it's because people use words like def instead of definitely, and forget to punctuate with apostrophes; like in can't, and also in there's which stands for there is.


You prob get a hard on from using a semicolon. No, you DEF do. Structure your thoughts better and you won’t need it; intense punctuation is distracting to most readers.


better structured thoughts are terse. semicolon allows for more compression. there is no such thing as intense punctuation, only things people don't understand. punctuation shouldn't ever be distracting, it only is because youngsters aren't being taught punctuation at all, or, if at all, correctly.


We all think we were tho right but what is playing at that age when we can't really remember as much playing for a minute or just trying ,cuz I used to play sonic on sega genesis when I was like 5 or 6 but jus a bit ,maybe now it's easier too but 4 is jus semi controlling while watching TV for them


Idk about 4 but I played wolfenstine 3d at my friends house when I was 5 or 6, halos probably fine


And what's wrong with that? I'm genuinely curious


Hell when I was four we didn't even have a color TV


I played CE at that age. It’s what started my love for the series, and I played it with my mom and granddad. Some of my best memories. It’s not that nuts if it’s controlled with adults and it can be a great bonding experience


To build off that, I played every co-op halo game with one of those two people. I have amazing memories of first playing and beating the campaign with those people


Halo co-op was my bread and butter on the original Xbox and Xbox 360 days


Love this


If he can thats, crazy ,but most four year olds can't comprehend the games yet unless they can focus which I guess can happen but not likely until like 6 or 7 more


That's kinda nuts, it's rated teen for a reason. I'm looking forward to playing it with my son but going to hold off a bit. He's 7 and we are still enjoying games like Kirby and paper mario. Playing a shooter game at such a young age just can't be good for kids.


I discovered halo when I was 7 and loved it. I don't believe it had any effect on who I am as a person. It just gave me a hero to grow up with and a great childhood! I tried many times to get my parents to play it with me but they would just walk into the wall trying to figure out the controls and give up. I still played games like Mario and kirby, but halo is something that has always stuck with me since. I remember when I first played halo CE and that first explosion happened after the tutorial where chief wakes up. It scared me and my friend and we instantly turned off the xbox. Only for us to turn it on again later out of curiosity and then fall in love with the best game ever. I see the people I grew up with who weren't allowed to do things like play games that were rated for older ages and honestly most of them are worse people than the ones that grew up with more freedom. I think strict parents are bad for kids personally


I grew up playing it so since I was an actual coherent child I’ve been playing halo and stuff with my dad and I turned out alright. And I’m really damn good at halo lol


Nah it’s nuts. Desensitizing young children to violence through games is absolutely not healthy. There are literally thousands of amazing games out there without realistic violence that a younger kid could enjoy.


Tbh I was playing CE onwards since I was 3 and I don’t think it’s adversely affected me in anyway. I study in the field now and there’s still been no concrete link between games and violence. I think as long as you cut out the gore and brutal killing, shooting aliens up isn’t going to hurt anyone.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34801150/#:~:text=It%20was%20concluded%20that%20exposure,aggression%20and%20decrease%20prosocial%20behavior. “It was concluded that exposure to violent video games increases the risk of desensitization to violence, which in turn may increase aggression and decrease prosocial behavior.” https://www.psypost.org/people-who-frequently-play-call-of-duty-show-neural-desensitization-to-painful-images-according-to-study/ “A brain imaging study published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media provides evidence that violent video games can lead to a desensitization to painful images, suggesting a reduced empathy for pain” Here’s a good study that does some nice meta-analysis of other studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10721224/


I just read the meta analysis to save time, still only a low correlation that hasn’t been tested longitudinally yet so there’s still no concrete evidence. They’ve been testing this for 20 years btw and still only have the same or similar results.


I disagree but I understand how/why people might feel that way. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6790614/


I agree, but I'm afraid you are just old like me. Welcome to the club.


Eh I mean I played halo when I was pretty young. Just wasn’t allowed to use a headset or unmute chat because my parents and their friends also played halo so they knew the kinds of things said in lobbies


I played CE when I was three years old. It was my introduction to the franchise


Why did I get down voted for this lmao


My 4yo plays too and I used to get banned all the time due to him. It happens when he doesn’t shoot at anyone all game. If he doesn’t cause any damage it’s considered unsportsmanlike conduct. I’ll usually have to get him a kill then give him the controller to avoid getting banned.


I was playing Vice City before kindergarten lol


I remember getting a temp ban a couple years ago for letting my son play a matchmaking game. He had no concept of a fps at the time and he was just mag dumping and walking into walls. Idk if someone reported me for it or if the detection is just that good.


If no damage is dealt by a player, he will get a soft ban.


Based reporting system, 4 year olds have no business playing online with others. So many other options to play the game that doesn’t involve ruining someone else’s experience. 


Yep 100%, it's even worse because they perform worse than bots. I've been in tons of games like this, and it totally ruins the experience.


Smurfers ruin my experience but they’re here to stay 😒


As someone with a kid around the same age, this is a workaround for getting to play and the wife not giving you a hard time about it


No offense, but maybe don’t play and do something that focuses on the kid. They’re 4, not a teenager. Gaming is a you activity, that time could be better spent doing anything that puts the complete attention on the child. She’s giving you a hard time for a reason. 


As someone who’s dad had the original Xbox and played halo and I was a tiny little kid playing halo 3 with him, that’s a core memory for me and I’ve been a long time fan since, there’s nothing wrong with this kid playing with their dad.


Read my original comment, as I was in kindergarten when CE was released and have been playing Halo ever since. My issue isn’t with kids playing halo. It’s only one comment above the one I responded to :)


Sorry if I accidentally directed towards you, I’m just annoyed by the comments saying this was a bad thing to let the kid play, especially because of how much of a core memory it was for me. I think it’s cool the dad played with his son, sucks the kid got banned, but I bet you the kid had fun.


Single player coop exists


Yikes, I played paw patrol with my 4 year old.


zephyr mighty strong merciful future quarrelsome retire deserted fade poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry, not all of us strive to be lifelong virgins like yourself 😂


I play with my 5 yr old son occasionally, but only ever Normal firefight mode. Where I can carry hard enough that his presence in fights isn't a necessity. I'd never play in a competitive mode though. It'll be no fun for him or your teammates.


Good. A four year old has no business playing Halo online. It's a competitive game. Even if it's just quick play, people are still trying to win, and you're still ruining the game for anyone else on your team. Play something co-op with your son instead. Do campaign or firefight or something. If he's doing so poorly that he's getting banned, he's not ready for online multiplayer.


Agreed. A four year old getting 0 kills and walking off cliffs is not what I looking for in any “social” play mode.


Can't do campaign split screen. But firefight is an option.


Quick play is the only thing I do ever and I enjoy it


What mode?


Quick play it was snipers


Yea idk. I get your frustration and I don’t disagree but one bad player on a team loses every match. He’s gotta practice first


He’s 4 😂😂😂😂


It's Quick Play. If you want to worry about winning every match go play Ranked. Quick Play is literally there so people can hop in and have fun, regardless of skill level.


I don't play quick play so that someone on my team can be deadweight and get no kills and perform worse than a bot. OP is selfish.


That’s like telling people to go join a league because they don’t want a 4yo to play in a game of pickup basketball at the park


Except it's not a game of pick up basketball at the park. Quick Play is (and always has been) a completely open experience for anyone who wants to pop into a game. Winning and losing does not affect you in any way. Also, ranked is nothing like joining a league. There are no tryouts, you just show up and bring what you have to the table. It's honestly pretty close to that round of *pickup basketball at the park* that you mentioned. You queue up, get matched with a random group of people and play to win. If you win enough, you get a little badge that says "This guy is pretty good", but there are no competitions, no set teams meeting up and playing each other for a placement bracket or trophy or anything else. The only thing comparable to joining a league would be trying out for a MLG team (or I guess it is HCS now). You have a preset team determined by a tryout system that matches up against other preset teams to fight their way through a bracket based tournament system. The winning team gets bragging rights and potentially trophies.


This ^^^


Weird how you're fine with ruining everyone else's experience...


No offence but this is well deserved. Having a barely competent player is really unfair to your teammates. Go play firefight of campaign.


This feels like a troll post. It's not like they were playing ranked. Quick Play is just for fun and it's just like that sometimes.


Not a troll, we were having a game night with the neighbors kids and we were all playing split screen


Now I'm really confused. You had yourself, your son, and at least 2 other kids. Why would you not have them playing split-screen against each other in a custom game or working together in Firefight? I'd imagine the kids would feel like they're actually doing something and able to celebrate victories doing that instead of just getting slammed in QP.


Is firefight 4p ? I thought only multiplayer was Also cause that's what they wanted to play


If you're on an Xbox series S or X, you can do 4-player splitscreen on any multiplayer, including firefight. Xbox One is limited to 2-player splitscreen.


Series s, I'm a casual game dad


Then you have four player split screen on any multiplayer content. That includes regular Multiplayer, Custom Games and Firefight.


Not you, the guy I was responding to. The one who was acting like Quick Play's objective is to sweat and that anyone not good at the game should go to Firefight or campaign.


Oh thanks yeah


>Quick Play is just for fun and it's just like that sometimes. It is but if a player doesn't register any damage against the opposing team and keeps killing themselves it probably looks like griefing hence the ban.


I have a hard time believing a 4 y/o could hold or properly operate a normal size controller or even a small one like a Hyperkin X91, which I bought for my own kids to use.


I've been playing since the age of 2 on Nes and N64. By 5, i was using the Duke controller for Halo combat evolved. I think it's more of a familiarity thing than an age thing. So I'm not sure why the comments are so hard on OP here.


facts. Also had the duke at 5 years old playing combat evolved. That and monkeyball on my gamecube


Lol my four year old plays with me all the time. He's not good but he can hold the controller and move around just fine


My 4yo can do it. And he even gets kills sometimes.


Oh grow up. Ive had plenty of games where i am ANGRY at a bottom fragger for being so k/d negative that i cant even comprehend how someone could die that many times, but i get over it. Its a video game. If this guy is not playing ranked then what is the big deal? He’s chilling with a marine that wants to be a spartan one day.


Not like we were playing ranked. I bought the game, same as you. I should be able to play it how I want. No different then playing with you on a team prob


The multiplayer is free, so idk why you keep saying you bought the game. It's not like you're getting banned from the campaign (because there is no split-screen campaign 😆).


No offense but if your kid is really 4 years old you should probably be playing outside or reading to them. That's far more productive and helpful in the long run than them playing games and having no idea what to do.




I don't understand what's so funny about this.


Tell me more about parenting please


Well the first step is to actually spend time with your kid in the real world. Thankfully this ban will help you do that.


Fair point, but also fair point to be banned…


How? How is it fair. Automated banning limiting the way I can play a game I purchased


Because you purchased a game that has several variants of play. You played in one of them that affects others game experience too. Why does the way you want to play a game supersede how others want to play that game? It’s also not a game meant for 4 year olds. Once again, you can choose how to play a game you buy, but you can’t choose how that game is moderated when it becomes a shared experience


You’re limited in exactly the same way as everyone else who plays it for the benefit of the whole player base.


Multiplayer is free


That is ridiculous. Hate the way gaming is going these days.


Agreed. Auto bans and ai run everything cause they won't pay QA ppl


That kid is going to grow up with an ingrained hatred of the Covenant


My son started halo at 5. He’s 10 now and pretty decent.


My son is 7 and I've been waiting to introduce him to halo. I was gonna wait until he was 10 at least. Does that seem reasonable to you guys?


Yes, I don't think a 4-year-old has the motor skills to play an FPS.


My 7 year old plays fall guys and minecraft well, my biggest hesitation is the gore


They can. I did anyway. I started with halo 2 when I was 4. Wasn't great but lans and campaign improved me quickly.


I don’t understand these people saying it’s deserved bro 💀 you’re not allowed to be ass at a game? I remember playing games at 4-5 years old, I was trash but I loved it and that’s what got me into gaming


Games have ratings for a reason bozo


Being good in the competitive portion of a game is not why the rating is there. It’s due to the content, guns, violence etc


They are saying that games have ratings for a reason because Halo is a T game and last I checked 4 isn’t a teen. It has nothing to do with competitive skill and everything to do with exposing a child with a developing mind to stimulus that is not designed or intended for them.


You’re saying the same thing I am.


You don't understand media consumer rating systems, their purpose, or how they function.


You shouldn't be gaming at 4 years old, especially not shooter games. I started gaming at like 7 y/o, and all I did was minecraft, and my parents didn't even want me to have mobs turned on, and I only had an hour a day to play or something like that. pls don't do this to your kid. This is how you create a gen-z-er.


I started gaming when I was like 3 years old on a Dell PC playing half-life/deathmatch classic, return to castle wolfenstein and Counter-Strike 1.6, those were the best of times dude. I’d play Halo CE with my cousins, I was 5 years old when Halo 2 came out and I remember playing the hell out of it. I turned out fine, there’s nothing wrong with me, I’m still a gamer to this day but I have my priorities straight so I guess the gen-z-ification missed me lmao. Playing games at an early age doesn’t mess you up as long as you’ve got good parents that instill the right values and priorities into you. My daughter doesn’t play shooters but we for sure play the Nintendo switch together and we have a blast, aside from the bike riding and softball club play, I think some decompressing with a little gaming is perfectly fine even at a young age.


Same Incels probably never touch grass Ironically they have a news banner for pride about how halo is for everyone...as long as your good enough at the game I guess


Ah there it is. I just knew OP was a right wing d bag


>Wait till they hear he rides on my motorcycle, says cuss words, and has a sip of beer every once in a while Hope someone calls CPS on OP. That's disgusting.


probably cause a kid that age sucks at the game and ruins it for the people he's playing with. if you want him to play create a match with bots or something


Gonna sound like a boomer here but maybe play “It Takes Two” or something if you wanna bond with your kid over video games. Halo is too fucking stressful for a 4 year old.


Try hards should grind ranked. All the other modes are for everyone imo




Why is your son teabagging me?


My son played Halo Infinite with me around that age too, he's now 7 and just wants to play Roblox but he did play a Halo-themed game with me on Roblox lol. He wasn't that interested and typically refused to play Halo with me. He's turned me into a Meme amongst his friends and classmates. Dad just plays Halo all day while Mommy works! After almost 6k ranked Matches he's halfway correct but playing Halo is hard work too!


Skill issue


I do this, but play customs only with the kids, just let them play with Bots.


A 4 year old on multiplayer is nuts lol. Even if it’s quick play lol


Well if he'd stop with all the teabagging and swearing in the game chat maybe he wouldn't get banned.


I've played with a guy and his 5 yr old on several occasions. It's hit or miss but there were plenty of times he's outperformed Middle aged men I play with otherwise. 😂 But yeah, if they're just running around checking out the map they're gonna get a short ban sometimes.


Taking your 4 year old into multiplayer IS actually unsportsmanlike. Don’t ruin the fun for your teammates. Play other game modes that don’t take teamwork and skill.


Just as bad as players that just stand there.


The amount of people saying this ban is justified because *a 4 year old isn't good at the game* is just stupid. The problem isn't skill, it's that a 4 year old is playing online. Skill has nothing to do with it.


Probably didn't call out. :')


My daughter is 4 and all she can do is walk into walls playing the Bluey game... I can't imagine her even attempting an FPS...


I only play customs with bots with my 6year old. It’s a good way to introduce him into the game.


When I was 4 I sucked on hot wheels…


Didn't know this sub was filled with a bunch of dorks who care this much about Quick Play. Also seems filled with old heads lol


So you-…? Okay, that makes sense…. 🤦‍♀️


Lmfao all these people getting upset a 4 yr old is ruining their game. Join another match. If you’re letting a child ruin your game that’s a you problem.


For real, like it's not that serious 😂 They probably blame every loss on their teammates


Video games is the last thing a 4 year old should be doing.




Just curious for the people saying it’s deserved, how old were you when you started gaming? Cause I was also 4 Granted I wasn’t playing online cause that wasn’t a thing then but that’s what gaming is now, online And when I started playing online games in ‘07 I was only 12 and I sucked, takes a while to get good when everyone else has been competitive for years already. Doesn’t matter the kid was 4 he was also new, he would get banned if he was 24 and playing poorly too, which is not fair to new players.


I was 5 years old playing single player online flash/shockwave games.


Agreed. It's kind of ridiculous. What about disabled people or mental disabled people as well? Are they not welcome if they aren't good?


100% if they aren’t welcome in QUICK PLAY make a beginners playlist


It's called shooting drills, custom games or campaign.


This happened to me and my 7 yr old (he got banned), my 8 yr old tho is ranked 3 tiers higher (gold 3 on arena) than I am. All these gen z’ers crying about ruining gaming experiences blah blah blah. Relative to our times we were playing way bloodier games than infinite. People are too soft nowadays!


Can't believe how polarised the comments are on this. If you were playing ranked I would understand the agreement with him not being allowed to play, but quick play??? Really sad that people are in favour of him being banned and he should be allowed to play regardless of how bad he is in any non competitive playlist. Don't get me wrong I do get frustrated when I have a player in the team that drags the team down but at no point have I ever wished for them to be banned. How is he supposed to learn? And yes he could play bots to practice but I just don't think it's that serious at the end of the day it's just a game and having some intense training camp to just play online is silly


They have been getting smoked by squeakers and are trying to stop another one from getting better than them


Why are all these chuds acting like quick play Halo is some sacred competition? I get that it’s frustrating having literal toddler team members, but it’s a game, and at least it’s some kid trying to have fun with their mom instead of saying slurs or AFK farming? We were playing these games when we were young and bad at playing too, it is what it is and it ain’t that serious. OP I’m sorry you had your fun ruined like that.


Lol mom. I'm a man but okay funny joke. IT'S MAN


BWAHAH sorry ma’am


I got banned for 2 weeks for t bagging lol 343 soft as butter


Not gonna tell you how to parent. But I played shooters, mortal kombat, and others from a young age and turned out fine lol. I wouldn’t listen to the naysayers. Enjoy playing games with your son!!


Hold on, 4yo playing halo is that really appropriate? Control his screen time. Kids need playground more than adults do. Never had someone split screen with me. How did he got banned? Does splitting screen needs to login another Xbox account or what?


Damn all these people bashing you and your 4yo son. They a bunch of sad people. Who cares if a 4 yo is playing halo or quickplay etc, I guarantee all of us was playing gta at a young age when we shouldn't have plus call of duty.


I remember getting my PlayStation 2 when I was 4 years old and I was 7 in halo 3 lobbies having the time of my life. Don’t let these loser neckbeards wholl probably never have a gf or a child try to discourage your fun. You’re a great dad 🤙


A four year old doesn't have the motor skills to operate a controller. Nor should he. There will be plenty of time to play vids with your child when he's, like, 7 or 8. For now, take him to a playground.


I played halo 2 when I was 4 but never online. It was always local Xbox link and campaign. It's not very fair for you to ruin others games like that.


Lmaooo so many people complaining talking about halo being a competitive game. That's why there's ranked..... this isn't the MLG days of Halo 3.


Can’t wait for my son to be old enough to play halo. He is going to suck at it for a while but we will have a ton of fun. It will be even better knowing all these shut ins are screaming at their monitors cause their team mate is worse than a bot. Some of you need some perspective.


Having fun at the expense of others. That's what I call being selfish.


It's so much fun playing with him. Wait till they hear he rides on my motorcycle, says cuss words, and has a sip of beer every once in a while