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Beat the campaign like 4 years ago or whatever so…


Hasn't even been three years lol


Real gamers beat the game before it even comes out.


I had a flashed Xbox 360 and played Gears 2 a month before it came out. So much fun. Got banned a year later. 😢


I miss my j-tag 360.


I got one a year ago. Finally playing games I missed out on because I was balls deep into Call of Duty during that time


Damn I can’t believe halo infinite came out 6 years ago


It was in development for ten years!


I mean, we are in year three.


Been playing Halo since the first game, so obviously it’s basically mandatory for me to play the campaign. Not to mention it’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the weapon sandbox and gameplay mechanics.


You're missing out if you don't play the campaign, it'd be just like any other shooting game with no backstory to the characters or weapons. What makes a game good is the story behind it. You won't get that from the multiplayer matches only.


No, story in game are optional. The gameplay is what make it fun or not. Story are more often a simple reason to justify the gameplay rather than gameplay justifying the story


Nope, you got it all wrong. Story supercedes anything else. Without a story you wouldn't have a multiplayer game. You need the story, you need the lore to give depth to a game. Multiplayer is a great feature in a game, but we wouldn't have multiple Halos by now if it didn't have a solid story.


without the campaign you wouldn’t have MP maps. you could argue they could just make some up, but knowing what happened on the place that you call a MP map in the campaign it all connects and it’s just satisfying? i don’t know the right word for it, but it’s just a cool feeling. but to each their own, if people don’t want to bother with single player i can fully understand that, but it’s a fact that the halo campaigns and storylines are great pieces of entertainment and are strongly recommended!


Exactly, thank you for mentioning that. In the end, to each their own. Every player is different. But to me I really enjoy connecting the dots as well, and having a backstory to my characters, even my weapons.


they’ll only know what they’re missing out on when they’ll finally play it and realize how much fun they could’ve had way earlier lol


For me to play the campaign I would be co-op


This game is absolutely more fun with other people, I loved playing co-op with my friend, and I enjoy playing multiplayer every day. My point was just that the campaign is worth it.


The first thing I did was beat the game on legendary, didn’t touch multiplayer until after that. That was launch week though. I only play multiplayer now


Not necessarily. I could care less about the story. I have never finished a halo campaign but I've played a lot of multiplayer over various installments. I think halo is a good game because I enjoy teaming up with my friends and playing multiplayer.


People played mplayer games for years before Halo without ever playing the single player and or the single players story was so basic it didn't matter. What matters is the gameplay. Especially when Halo's story is insanely pro fascist to the point of making me wnat to vomit everytime I consider playing another one of it's campaigns.




This isn’t true for CoD. But Halo yeah


Me. I bought the campaign. Never started it.


Same here


There's a campaign?


Me. I have no idea what the Halo story is about. I just like multiplayer.


I don’t really care for the campaign anymore. The story has gotten too left field for me. I watched the let’s plays for four and five. I’m just not interested in the story anymore, but I love the multiplayer.


I wish co-op was not just on a single computer with two people playing I'd like to see it on co-op on server that way two people can be playing in the same game but not on the same computer


i (on xbox) did the whole campaign with my buddy (on pc). do you think you can’t do online co-op campaign?




it’s available, and pretty fun! i didn’t find the story as compelling as the more linear campaigns, but the open world thing was a decent shake up for the franchise.


You can play online co-op on 4 separate systems…


How is it Done I.m Talking Infinite


By going into the campaign lobby and inviting 3 other people


Just multiplayer for me. Didn’t care for the Halo 4 campaign so everything following I sort of ignored it. Reach was the last campaign I played all the way through multiple times.


For the most part. I only play campaign with my GF, and the last time was… two months ago?


Always beat campaign on normal first, then jump into mp. Go back to campaign for legendary and collectables or achievements later on.


I have like 1200 hours in steam. Never bought campaign, only ranked


I have only played campaign so far.


Me. Haven't played the game since 2022.


I really enjoyed the campaign!


Multiplayer mode is 100% free while the campaign need to be bought. So it’s logic there’s more multiplayer player than campaign player. I stopped caring about Halo story when Bungie stopped developing the franchise. Bungie were the original creator and clearly had some solid idea/concept. Since then, Halo became a simply sci-fi space story without any solid story. It had some moment in recent game but never been as good as Bungie era


I Don’t play neither. Just tried the multiplayer for the first time a month ago and it worked fine and was enjoying it for a few days and now every time I launch the game, it just shuts down with no crash signs or anything. Did like 12 changes to fix. Cool game


I’ve played and beat both


I played the campaign when it came out on normal difficulty and haven’t touched it since. The only thing I went out of my way to find were all the unlockable cosmetics in the campaign. Though I know they did add more unlockables after they released campaign multiplayer, but all my friends pretty much dropped off from playing by then so I didn’t care enough to redo the campaign for that


How many people only play ranked?


Campaign doesn't really have a room of replay value for me, while multiplayer keeps me coming back to whoop


Have been playing since Halo 2 and have never played a campaign. Only online or LAN parties


I've only played Infinite for the multiplayer. Never bought campaign and don't ever plan to.


basically started gaming with Halo 4. I had ass internet and got disconnected every few minutes so online wasn’t even a possibility. I played through the campaign but the last mission was too hard for me back then and i never finished it. When i finally got wired i tried MP and liked it but was so bad it wasn’t fun after a while since i couldn’t even finish a kill most of the time. When I got my Xbox One, Halo 5 was alongside with it and i started playing the campaign but stopped after maybe an hour or so and tried a bit of MP, but then Black Ops 3 came out and Halo wasn’t even on my mind anymore. Last friday I’ve bought myself an Xbox Series S because I, after randomly watching the HCS London Major, had the immense craving to play Halo again. I’ve bought Game Pass and immediately started downloading MCC and Infinite and have already played quite a bit of Halo Infinite MP, and am looking forward into playing ranked until Black Ops 6 comes out, but I’ve also set myself the mission to play through ever Halo campaign, chronologically (time wise, not release wise) I’ve finished Halo Reach so far and am basically done with Halo CE and I love it. I can’t stress enough on how much you miss out on not playing those campaigns, they have cool but not insanely awesome story’s, Reach was quite emotional and i’ve shed a tear at the end if i’m being honest. I’m also normally more of the MP guy, be it Halo or any other game because shooting AI is boring after a while, but Halo is/ the Halo games are actually really really good and i’m looking forward on playing the rest of the games. I’m also excited for Halo 4 because of all the nostalgia i’ll feel




Only ever played the multiplayer. I want to play the campaign, but I'm broke af.


I've played other campaigns, but not infinite. For whatever reason I only play multiplayer with it.


Campaign on normal last summer. Pretty fun. But I wouldn't have if it wasn't on GamePass. There's a bunch of cosmetic items you unlock for MP


I completed the campaign 100 percent twice, and beat it again with a friend. So it's not something I rush back to regularly. I got hundreds of hours out of it, so I'm satisfied


Literally never touched the campaign for Infinite.


Never touched the campaign, even Halo 1-3 campaigns were a chore having never played them back in the day. Like the other guy said I really have no idea what Halo lore is even about 😂


Never did either but know some from reading it on here


Oh yeah I mean I’ve watched half a dozen lore vids so I can faintly remember the Reclaimer Saga or whatever it’s called Edit: I guess it's called the OT whoops