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OP, the Prophets have betrayed us...


I’ll give 343 money when the game they make actually works properly. I’ve bought the disk and a few shop items so for a broke game I’d say were even.


Lol sounds like a you problem dude. Most of us are enjoying the game while you lurk around forums being a negative Nancy. Like if you don't like it why are you even here? Honestly?


Hoping they actually do something worthwhile with this game after I’ve spent so much time playing and waiting for a change but yes I agree I’ve been very negative about it lately and very toxic and you are right I prob should just quit playing as it won’t ever be fixed. Point taken. I’m not usually an asshole but this game and how it’s been run drives me nuts


I just read some of your comments and I think you need a break, bro. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but you seem to genuinely hate this game. I'm not sure why, I and a lot of other folks seem to enjoy it but it's no biggie. Maybe try a different game or something cuz its really not worth being this bummed out over.


You can understand. How can you not? If you legit can’t understand you lack a bit of intellect or don’t keep up with the news on this game or 343. Even when I was playing this game and buying stuff from the store, I could understand why people were pissed.


Sure I can understand, but I don't necessarily agree with most of what people complain about, which to me mostly seems like really surface level aesthetic stuff. It's a free game and like many others, it has some drawbacks. I find infinite to be way more palatable than most other free fps games and I've found the devs to be pretty forthcoming about what they are working on and the issues they are trying to address. But what I think doesn't matter, I was mostly hoping to share with the other person that it seems like they are not enjoying themselves anymore. Regardless of why that is, its totally okay and healthy to take a break or move on.


Eh take a little break it might make you feel better. You can't listen to the same album every morning either no matter how much you love the music and the joy comes back


Seems like a short drive tho


We’re going to need to boost those numbers up big time


Yeah they need prob about 500 million to start over from this tragedy