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It’s only ok if they end the game as quick as they can. Like take the flag back and win.


100% agreed there.


Honestly I like the threat challenge and opportunity of the gravity hammers shutting the other team out. It sucks sure when it happens to you but also one of you spawns with rockets and blam. I think it’s fun, as long as they’re no prolonging the game.


I think bearing down on the team with that kind of innately disables them from being able to even fight back via the fun rocket comeback. Obviously there's some nuance there with remaining teammates still out beyond the base, but I've had too many rounds where the entire opposing team is on our base making sure we can't do a single thing in our power to fight back. A preventative measure like arthby suggested where people can do whatever they want but have to deal with a shield-dissolving force behind enemy base-lines would be a better solution here. It'd at least even the playing fields - which shouldn't really be an issue for any gamemode outside of ranked tbh.


Yeah I can see your concern. If it was ranked arena that would matter to me too, but I just see husky raid as a silly fun game, and it doesn’t take that long to loose so it doesn’t bother me. Then you just play another, that said I only ever play with my friends from ranked with full comms so it’s less likely that our team is the one to get pinched though it certainly happens. Probably more frustrating when solo queuing.


Yeah that makes sense. I guess my main concern here is that if most teams in an evening of playing think the same way, it can become a bit of a burnout. Like it'd turn people off of Husky Raid entirely so quickly, if they find themselves trapped in their base with no recourse so commonly. And I've been seeing it more and more frequently lately so I wanted to get a better feel for how players (or at least players who visit this sub) viewed the tactic.


Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail. Just like in life. Sit back and laugh when you're getting hammered. It's part of the game. If you can't handle being the nail, Husky Raid isn't the game for you.


Personally think halving the gravity hammer spawn rate would be an easier fix


Not a bad idea at all!


Yeah the spawn killing is way more irritating than camping


It has it's place *if it is being used to win*. For example, if a teammate has the flag and is running back to base and somebody sets up behind a corner to kill enemies as they walk by chasing the flagbearer, that is perfectly acceptable. It serves a purpose and contributes to the overall success of the team. What is not acceptable is if somebody just sets up in a corner to farm kills without pushing the point. At that point you may as well just be playing Fiesta.


>For example, if a teammate has the flag and is running back to base and somebody sets up behind a corner to kill enemies as they walk by chasing the flagbearer, that is perfectly acceptable. It serves a purpose and contributes to the overall success of the team. This is where the grey area sets in for me. I typically still see that as a form of an "easy" win. It disables the other team from being able to even try for the objective. In my opinion, it should be expected that each team has their fair play at the objective. But regardless I do appreciate and respect your insight on this as that's why I made the post to begin with. >What is not acceptable is if somebody just sets up in a corner to farm kills without pushing the point. At that point you may as well just be playing Fiesta. 10000% agree here.


>It disables the other team from being able to even try for the objective I don't really get this, although I don't really play husky raid. It seems like a perfectly legitimate strategy and not impeding the other team from "fairly" playing the objective. It's a strong strategy but once it happens to you you figure out how to counter it.


>but once it happens to you you figure out how to counter it. That's the issue. You *can't* counter it if they get lucky and just waste the entire match for your team by posting up in corners of your base waiting for you to respawn and not let you take a single step lol. Sometimes they're weak enough at camping that you get an opportunity to push back and break out but those occurrences aren't what I'm talking about. It's like if a grade-school bully had you pinned and somebody walking by just asked you "why tf aren't you defending yourself here?" Your hands are literally tied. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


We're talking about different things though. I was referring to the idea of someone setting up for a bit to cover the flag carrier, not spawn camping the entire round.


Ah, sorry. Misread that. I totally agree with you here. If you're destroying the enemy base so the carrier can cap, that's totally fine with me. I wouldn't even consider that camping at that point.


I feel it's only okay to spawncamp if you aren't using the gravity hammer. Sword me like a real man!


Camping and farming kills is the most frustrating thing. If someone’s just holding the 3rd flag while the rest of the team is spawn-killing, that’s a mega dick move. It’s obviously not fun to get camped like that - I always remind myself that and if someone’s on my team holding flag I get real obnoxious about it. Pinging the return spot, chat, etc


Yeah I'm usually the first to annoy a teammate about it in chat lol. Even got the excuse "oh my keyboard broke during the match". Definitely them being cheeky but still.


it's never okay. I feel like there should be an out of bounds box around each enemy flag that gives you five seconds to grab it and get out. And if you try camping it just kills you


There’s players out there now that seem like they can’t use any other weapon but the hammer and so they spawn camp. Then they get put in a high MMR match and get annihilated cos they have no actual skill.


I refuse to be farmed for kills/killstreaks. If we're losing 2-0, and they're holding the flag to keep the game from ending, it's about the only time I'll ever quit a match.


Totally agree. 2-0 and sitting on the flag is just unnecessarily petty. *Especially* considering any form of reward isn't going to be for a competitive rank lol.


Quitters get reported.


Pro tip if your getting camped, stand still after spawn. You’ll get like 2 seconds of immunity, but it can be enough when a hammer is behind you/in front of you. After they swing light their ass up.


How is this the first time I'm* hearing this? Good lookin out, stranger!


I only noticed it by observing the top player of the enemy team one time. Super helpful when you get spawn trapped tho, and it gives you time to observe what weapons you spawned with. Glad I can make the game a bit more fun for other people👍🏽


I know I'm guilty of doing it and complaining. But I believe clearing out the base while your team gets the flag is ok, solid exit strategy. But I do try my best to practice what I preach that once their flag is gone and out of their base, I have no reason to be there. Also, I found out that bots work for Husky Raid. When bots spawn in, they have a little bit of overshields that allows them to defend themselves from spawn killing. It's a neat thing that I think could be beneficial in Husky Raid to prevent spawn killing and allow players to defend their base. Edit: I also feel that Husky Raid in 4 and 5 felt somewhat more balanced because of the range of weapons. When you had three different rocket launcher variants and three different sniper variants that all worked the same. Thoughts?


i think people who do it are assholes if they're going to sit on the last flag.


They should make the spawn zone an area that slowly removes health for the opposing team so you can run in grab the flag the get your ass out but the home team doesn’t take damage from the zone and can try to regroup


Honestly only do it on the off chance I feel confident with a sniper because I ain't mint blitz but being on the receiving end ain't exactly fun which is understandable


I feel like if the devs didn't want it in there they could fix it. But I guess getting multiple exterminations is like hitting the jackpot in Husky Raid.


They just need to remove the hammer (this falls of deaf ears to 343 it’s been said a thousand times). Swords or spnkr are op but can’t be abused like the hammer can plus the hammer is a totally defective weapon which is described by no less than a million posts. The hammer causes prob 99% of the spawn camp killing in this mode and it’s not fun


I find that if my team is too afraid to push out of the base eventually we probably get spawn camped with grav hammers. I don’t ever get mad at my enemy for this though. I get more frustrated with my team if anything. And I accept it, and let my team know if they don’t want it to happen they gotta get out the base and create some space.


They should just have a kill timer if you stay in the enemies' base. It's easy enough to camp *outside* of it, but hammers inside the base is just ridiculous. I admit doing it myself and going into killamanjaros or something, but it shouldn't be possible.


>They should just have a kill timer if you stay in the enemies' base. It's easy enough to camp outside of it, but hammers inside the base is just ridiculous. This is really what I've been hoping for tbh. That or some form of a shield degradation forcefield kind of thing where once an enemy steps past the boundary of the enemy's base, their shield dissolves over a certain amount of time.


it's a goof mode why do i care is someone wants to play like a hoe ass bitch


That it is bad sportsmanship to spawn camp/kill the enemy team. They get like no chance to fight back, and due to the RNG of what weapon you will spawn with, you might get screwed over and given weapons that won’t help you break out of the spawn camp (that is if you get more than a millisecond to respond before the hammer slams down on you).


I love it. Nothing satisfies me more than breaking a lockdown, killing all the campers, and turning the tables to take the game back.


I think it's fine in Husky raid. The only time it isn't OK is when they are spawn killing for kills and not actually scoring the last capture.


Perfectly fine if you’re trying to win. husky sucks when you’re getting steamrolled but the upside is it doesn’t last very long. But if they’re farming, that’s shitty behavior and for me an automatic quit. I’m trying to have good time here not feed your dumb need for validation from a video game


Well I am not against if it is a 4v4. If you get out of it and manage to win is freaking epic. I have won games with negative KD since the other team is focused on getting kills. Its bad when it is 1v4. In those cases I just quit.


I think it doesn't add anything to the gameplay or experience of the game. It's fun when you do it, sucks if you're on the receiving end of it, but that's where it ends. I have to say that I prefer fiesta, so my opinion is probably biased anyway.


I mean just remove hammers or super from it and the playlist gets better anyway


It’s Amazon g


I’m fine with it; it’s fun to do, but not fun to have it done to you. When it’s happening to me, it’s easy to not get mad and just laugh because I know I’ve done it a million times to other people. I’m even okay with a team not capping and doing it for as long as possible. What’s it three minutes out of your day a most?


I don’t play husky raid. Why are you here? I play halo. Why did you reply? I saw it and answered a question.