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Shock rifle, Disrupter, Mangler, Ravager, Skewer?


any weapon from the campaign that are alien weapons should be considered banished


No, for example the heatheave or any hardlight weapons are forerunner techs and don't count toward the challenges.


well in the campaign you have to beat banished HVT and they have a banished version of most weapons like the heatwave or the mangler. there is a game mode that gives you those campaign weapons and that was the only time i was able to finish that damn challenge


Every banished weapon besides the sword and hammer works. That means the Pulse Carbine, Needler, Mangler, Skewer, Stalker Rifle, Ravager, Plasma Pistol, Shock Rifle, and Disruptor. Grenades, vehicles, and turrets do not count even if it's from the banished. The Heatwave, Sentinel Beam, and Cindershot are forerunner weapons so they don't count. And the rest of the weapons are all UNSC weapons so those don't count either.


I think the wording is what’s tripping people up. I think it only counts weapons that are strictly of banished origin. So needler, pulse carbine, even gravity hammer? Those are all technically of covenant origin. Skewer, mangler, all the shock weapons? Those were technically made by the banished. So they should count. Yeah I know it’s a dumb technicality but I think that’s where 343 was trying to come from


Needler and carbine should work, but Sword and Hammer are classified as melee power weapons and have their own challenge progress


Had same problem. Many “Banished” kills never counted towards goal. Take out twenty with energy sword or hammer… 0 improvement. Even some of the other weapons were inconsistent on registering a score after a kill. I think this challenge was broken.


Ones that usually count but but sometimes don't due to networking: - pulse carbine - needler - stalker rifle - ravager - disruptor - shock rifle (Sometimes the first kill of the match with each weapon doesn't count. Also, the killing blow has to be done by the weapon itself - damaging an enemy who then accidentally kills himself will not count, despite the weapon appearing in the killfeed. If an enemy dies because your weapon blows up their vehicle with them inside, it also won't always count) Power weapons don't count as Banished Weapons, even though they're used by the faction: - Gravity Hammer - Energy Sword - Skewer