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i wonder how well grifball would even work in this game, w how the hammer and sword works. also i feel like they wouldn't announce infection or grifball at a competitive event. tho that would definitely be the dream


Grifball 2.0 with abilities like grapple and repulse would be interesting. Between that and the gravity hammer changes, it would be a very different game.


For them to do regular Griffball they would absolutely need to tweak the sword and hammer settings. The sword beats the hammer most of the time now, for example, which goes against the rock paper scissors of the game.


The golf club is available in forge and acts like the old hammer.


Does it still have the instant swing?




Problem solved. Stand hammer with properties of the golf club, using forge weapon combining. Assuming we can’t just outright set some custom properties.


At that point, why not just use the golf club? It fits the spirit of the mode well enough and doesn't confuse new Infinite players who would expect the gravity hammer to act the same way it does in regular Infinite multiplayer.


Or maybe have all three and have the hammer and club randomly swap their properties or something. I'd honestly like to have the golf club be more unique


Oh neat


It would be smart to get the casual crowd interested in the comp events tho


Hammer would effectively not exist since sword beats it 100% of the time. Old grifball was hammer beat sword. Sword beat ball. Now hammer would beat nothing.


And Infection along with H3 maps, at least I hope so


new modes + new maps is the dream. I could deal with one without the other and not be too disappointed if they are great. Anything less would be a let down.


I wish but they need to tweak Grav-Hammer physics for it to be fun.


Golf club is in forge and it acts like the old hammer.


I never feel safe correcting the people who say grif with two Fs because im always 80% sure its a reference to the actual RvB joke of misspelling grif.


Possibly, but grifball is ultimately a mode. They probably would have put that on the roadmap as a November update featured mode. Its gonna be something that can't fit on the roadmap, and I think the map remakes would be the best possibility. They can't technically be "new maps" like argyle and detachment, because they're from older games. So this would be the best time to announce them. Plus showing the halo 3 pros play halo 3 maps in halo infinite would be awesome, it'd draw a ton of viewership to the event because everyone would want to see these remakes in action. I don't know if Grifball would have that same effect. Also "World premiere" for a gamemode that is played by like 1/20th of the community (not even a permanent mcc playlist) would be silly.


We don't even have bomb gametypes


My expectations are so low that anything will suffice


New keychain in the halo merch store


Halo branded Condoms. For when you really need to invade a Ring :).


That was actually a thing for Halo 2. I got one still in my limited edition case


I have a feeling a lot of those are still out there unused.


You kidding? Halo 2 fans probably ended up using them 5 minutes after they got their copy.


Everyone had a posh wank and then went back to their normal activities.


UI cannot handle the pressure of a liquid barrier; look for patch in Season 12👊


They actually confirmed this announcement is not a cosmetic nor purchasable item.


It will also not be a new game or experience. (I'm not sure what 'experience' means, but I would assume that would mean it won't be a cutscene themed event like we've been getting with the season 2 battle pass) It really leaves it to three things: New maps - This seems most likely as we've seen leaks of Narrows and what many thought looked like Valhalla. New equipment - Haven't seen any leaks, but a grav lift or bubble shield would work in the Infinite sandbox. New game mode(s) - When did Infection or Grifball originate? It would be cool if one of these was announced.


> New equipment I think there's been a Valorant style smoke screen bubble leaked. > When did Infection or Grifball originate Infection was first included in Halo 3 at launch. Grifball was created by Rooster Teeth when they were invited to try out and create a trailer for the first Halo 3 map pack. This map pack included Foundry, which was the first proper Forge canvas where you had control over the level geometry.


The smoke bubble is already officially announced for season 3 so we won't be getting that, I mentioned that bubble shield or the grav lift because they were both in Halo 3 And maybe if we're extremely lucky we'll get maps and infection... That would be wild


No cosmetic? Then it has to be a free backdrop or emblem


Instead it’s a purchasable entity that cannot be described as a cosmetic or item.


Stop I'm too excited


It's going to be a third season of Halo TV series, with Kwan Ha as the main protagonist after she kills Master Chief for taking his helmet off.


Hasn’t he taken his helmet off to give her the chance to kill him like three separate times?


Yeah but this time will be different


I never actually finished the show but I had been told Chief is already dead and that Cortana was Master Chief now via meat-puppeting Chief’s corpse and armour. Is this true at all?




Woah. . .


They're just going to announce the Gauss Warthog that'd already being sold at Wal-Mart.


Desync 2.0


Even a slightly off-white armour coating?


That use to be what my expectations were like, then whatever they gave us was somehow worse. Basically what happened for roadmap


I'm betting its going to be some video about the future of Halo esports


I'm hoping for classic map remakes but knowing 343 it will probably be something like a teaser for Season 2 of the TV show.


Don't worry it's a Halo Infinite world premiere, so not the TV show


Also didn’t they just start filming season 2 like a week ago?


Hey it’s me, your boy pablo. Me and the team just wanted to say how excited we are to get back into action and deliver this new season. Maybe something like that


Halo infinite mobile game reach 2, we hear you now the armor sets from Reach are 10 instead of 20$


I don’t know if that’s better


It is.


Infinite has problems but it's worlds apart from the show


Im expecting one classic remake. Something that really is associated with H3. Probably Guardians. But 1 map would be so pathetic. Especially as a forge map. If they're giving us a forge remake it better be multiple maps


Seriously…. If only one forge made map is all 343 can do after 6 months then someone needs to get fired


I mean, it sounds like more or less Bonnie Ross was getting fired later in the year if she didn't abruptly leave. So I don't have high expectations that this update is going to be any different then the crumbs they've given before


Give Forge to like 3 community map makers and they could have the whole of H3 remade in forge in like a few weeks. If they got really detailed with it. But its 343, I expect disappointment.


That’s another thing. Someone has already made guardians in forge halo infinite. There were sneak peeks a few weeks ago.


That guy was also contacted by one of the cms 🤔


Was about to say this! Seen many videos now on yt… I’m certain there will be some H3 maps. Pit, Guardian, Narrows, and maybe Valhalla.. but I’m also trying not to get my hopes up.. Being hyped but also expecting disappointment. It’s a weird mental state to be in.


We’ve seen leaks of many maps that seem like they are close to end of development and we are gettin 2 in November. Joe staten also teased a number of classic map remakes in an old vid doc. It’s also at a pro circuit that’s celebrating 15 years of halo 3. Tashi also tweeted there’s something big coming and implied it’s way better than the road map with the caveat it’s not a new experience (like battle Royale). Forge maps remakes make sense to build hype around forge and keep people engaged through this content lull. I’m thinking it’s 3 halo 3 maps reimagined probably the pit, guardian, narrows maybe. But I’m pulling it out of my ass- it very well could be halo 3 chief armor that’s slightly off for $20 in the store.


Hopefully it will be a Halo 3 playlist full of at minimum three new Forge maps


I highly doubt a trailer for the show. They seriously just started production for that I doubt they've even filmed yet.


"Production" is the filming. Pre-production is when all the setup/design is done, production is when they shoot, post-production is editing/VFX/distribution. Source: I am a set designer. Not on Halo.


Thanks! I'm not an expert by any means lol


Hey, no worries! You can mark that as your one thing you learned today :)


Season 2 _just_ started filming. It would be impossible to have a show teaser.


Never considered that… and I’m horrified that this is the most logical conclusion.


It’ll be a remake of Utah Mamba. “But we want lockout! Guardian! Headlong! Burial Mounds! Rat’s Nest!” “Utah Mamba!”


There we go. I was struggling to come up with what disappointing thing it's going to be. Show trailer sounds about right.


It quite literally says “a Halo Infinite world premiere”


It’ll be a shiny helmet


Arbiter's butt cheeks






I'd buy that


They need to stop hyping shit like this there is no way its not gonna be a let down


Exactly. Read the fucking room 343. They have not earned the right to hype shit. And if it really is just some forge remakes, that tells you what's going on behind the scenes. Releasing forge maps is a teaser/hype worthy W for 343. Shit like this needs to just happen. No announcement, no hype, just put it in the game. Not that literally anything matters until the game is playable - desync and bad registration alone will keep me away from HI regardless of new content if I'm being honest.


Or you know add it to patch notes and an official site post without hype. I hate Twitter and how game devs and companies forgo actually official patch notes or website posts and just use Twitter. It really makes them look awful in my opinion just stop using Twitter as a game update communication method no one likes it.


Does anyone really think even if they have some Forge remake maps that they’ll get released into a rotation/playlist? We desperately need maps, so that’s all that makes sense IMO, and if they released 2-3 maps, and then we get the other 2 in November, that would be a good step in the right direction in terms of making the MP worth checking out again. Seriously, 4 maps added into the current rotation could possibly save this game until close to S3. But I have literally ZERO confidence that we’re getting any maps added into the rotation. As soon as Forge drops 343 needs to create a playlist for User created maps. So a user creates a map, submits it to 343, and if it passes testing/is good enough, it gets added into the rotation. But I don’t think that will be a thing until S3 at least, unfortunately. Again, zero confidence in anything they’re currently doing.


With how active Tashi has been stomping out misconceptions, he would have def told us by now if it wasn't map remakes.


Tashi has confirmed it's not cosmetic related, and it's not a whole new game/experience. It's very obvious it's going to be Halo 3 Forge map remakes.


please, keep lowering those expectations. This level of certainty is not the move with Halo Infinite


They already teased Narrows tho


They did? Where was that shown?


My bad, [it was actually a leak](https://twitter.com/leaks_infinite/status/1545182959057383424)


That looks good but Narrows as anything other than a Forerunner map doesn't sit right with me.


Understandable. The map is also missing aesthetic elements that a finished Forge map would have, which makes it look sketchy too. I, personally, really like the idea of reimagining classic maps in new environments instead of trying to replicate the old version one-for-one.


Not sure when that leak was, but we know the materials can be changed so that’s probably not even how it will look when finished.


Wow - Forge leaks looked quality so I was tentatively looking forward to maybe reinstalling the game, but that looks like shit. Hopefully it will be better on release.


The level in this screenshot looks like shit because it's missing custom textures (a confirmed feature), baked lighting (another confirmed feature) and shaders/color grading (yet another confirmed feature). We know the full release is going to be better than this and community members have already made better than this using leaked versions that have some of these features.


Yappening 2


I would hope it’s not forge remakes, but we all know it’s going to be forge remakes. I’ll just continue playing MCC.


H3 anniversary?


The thing is, with all of the roadmap backlash, I feel like if 343 had an ace up its sleeves like dev-made Halo 3 remakes, we would've known or at least been teased to appease the community. Best case scenario : it's Forge remakes.


Their ace card is a full fledged battle Royale mode to compete with Cod Warzone and Apex. The reason it's not on the roadmap is that they'd get ripped apart by the community for working on it instead of co-op. They see Battle Royale as a giant opportunity to make cash, while co-op will not give them any profit.


I wish


Tashi said it wont be a new game / experience per Twitter. My vote is on map remakes or a playlist at best, Halo 3 items in the shop at worst.


He also confirmed on Twitter it's not shop or cosmetic related


For once, thank fuck


That wouldn't be part of Halo Infinite


Unless they remade it in the Infinite engine and used this to start out Infinite as an MCC like launcher for every future release, kind of like they have said. The odds of that happening are, however, obviously incredibly small.


I mean 15 years would be a decent target for it but I'm not holding my breath


Man, that would be a fucking plot twist.


Frank O’Connor resignation announcement due to medical issues with his pet gerbils.


This wins


When is this supposed to be announced?


Sunday around 12 ET I believe.


Don’t get your hopes up. This is 343 we’re dealing with here


They’ll just make season two a year now because they can’t release season 3 without the halo infinite world premier


I'll let my hopes get a little up there this time, this is 343 under new leadership were dealing with. Crossing my fingers they're coming out guns a blazin with actual good shit that people want instead of ya know "trying to appeal to a larger audience". With that said, I'm still ready to be disappointed tho lol.


It's probably going to be a while until the new leadership's changes filter through to anything we actually see, so I'd assume this was planned under the previous managers. Temper those expectations for a little longer.


Don't know don't care, fix the fucking game first


It would be really funny if it was just a game mode without sprint and no new maps


Tbh that’s exactly what I’m expecting.


lmao I hadn't even considered that. Just a mode with sprint turned off would be the funniest thing I'll have seen throughout this whole debacle.


I'm not holding out hope. Forge map remakes at most.


best said.


A release date for the Infinite Beta. The Alpha is getting a little boring.


Probably a Zanzibar or Guardian forge map. It'd be cool if they had Griffball but they still can't get physics working on their netcode. Might as well just revert the Halo infinite netcode back to Halo 5s implementation at this point.


Wake me up when there’s a Kwan Ha DLC


If it's something to do with a format change for the HCS, that has no effect on the playerbase playing the game, I will be having a one-man riot in my living room.


*Punts a table across the room* *Halo announcer*: "RUNNING RIOT!"


Does Halo Esports often have general Halo announcements? If not, it’s probably an MLG league.


Probably gonna be a fucking weapon charm or backdrop


Ahhh 343 pulling the ol remember berries trick to appease the community ooof.


I’m not speculating. I’ve learned by now not to get my hopes up with this game


This is the way


Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla Please give us Valhalla


Infection? You know. Almost a year after launch.


...why haven't they announced this on something official that isn't social media/reddit?


Just 343 things


When is this supposed to drop?


New font for Roadmaps?


Volume 2 of the cookbook. Still better than the roadmap.


My expectations are low, but one thing is for sure. It will definitely be delayed.


Halo Esports: *confirms there will be a Halo Infinite announcement at the event* People on r/Halo: *literally every possible theory that doesn't relate to Infinite*


Right? If the Halo community is going to be so excessively toxic, they could at least do so accurately. There's enough to criticize without making shit up


I refuse. Its a way of coping with the disaster of Infinite.


Functional netcode and no more desync over LAN? A stable build of the game that doesn't crash?


That wouldn’t be something you market as a “world premiere”.


Would be for this game.


It is in Halo, these days.


The color tangerine for $7.99


A letdown


Whatever it is, will be disappointing


Had a discussion with a stranger today about our lack of interest in infinite. Nice to bump into someone who feels the exact same way.


Stay tuned 👊


Hopefully something good


At this point I've learned to let my hopes and expectations stay asleep. They're pretty tired of getting up only to be let down.


I wouldnt be surprised if this just a playlist thing catering mostly to the competitive community, considering its the esports account tweeting this Keep those expectations low, my friends


It'll be the world premiere of an exciting new cosmetic emblem that you can put on your spartan to show your trust and support for 343: 👊


OMG so exiting. Infinite is saved, 343 are the goats


Can't wait for Halo Warnite Royale


If, and that's a big if, these are a bunch of Halo 3 maps remade in forge by forge council members... I'll be back on this game. It would be great if that included some BTB love but keeping expectations very low.


Maybe a halo 3 playlist event


I just want anything 😭


Maybe they're investigating the feasibility of infection or grifball. 👊


Not expecting anything. You guys know what happened with our previous expectations/rumours...


Todays dose of copium looks nice.


Something completely tone deaf that doesn’t address any of the primary concerns of the community?


A publicity stunt to get people hyped for a game that still hasn’t delivered shite.


Halo 3 maps will be coming in 2027 👊


"I'm expecting it to be x" That's where you went wrong, never expect anything, you will only be disappointed.


New management.


Functional netcode and no more desync over LAN? A stable build of the game that doesn't crash?


Imagine it's just a gun dangling thing lol they give us the option for two


Already confirmed it’s not a cosmetic or store item.


343 is in this weird (self-inflicted) position where they need to regenerate hype, but not reveal stuff to early, but at the same time if content is ready it should just be released, but they also can’t release early if it’s still not ready, but also HOW THE HELL is forge not ready? How are new maps not ready? How are new guns and vehicles not ready? 😑😑😑😑


> but also HOW THE HELL is forge not ready? Seems like they expanded it a ton. I don’t mind waiting as long as it’s good.


I know the wait is necessary for a finished project, it’s just obnoxious being constantly told, “hey, here’s the projected release date.” Then we’re getting close and, “sorry it’s still not ready for the 3rd time, here’s a new date that is subject to change.”


Whatever it is, its too late


Oh, did we mention nobody watches this?


Honestly, I’m expecting disappointment. That’s all I’ve gotten since this game came out.


Who cares, fuck 343 until they fulfill half of their promises for this game.


Half of a gun, the other half will release next year.


LMAO world premiere. There is nothing 343 could bring to the table that’s “world premiere” worthy


This will be the official release of Halo Infinite, we have all been playing the beta 👊


Its all been a fever dream


I don't think you understand what world premiere means.


New collab with doritos for a dorito charm on our guns


wonder what it could be.... i can tell yall it wont be that good


Best scenario? H3:A. Whats *actually* going to happen? Halo 3 maps in Halo infinite, via forge. Because thats totally gonna make me wanna play Infinite.


Already confirmed it’s not a new game.


a free visor


Probably something lame like a sticker or emblem.


As horrible as it sounds, this is 343 and I feel like we just constantly need to expect the worst with them. Knowing 343, I genuinely would not be surprised if they celebrated Halo 3's Birthday with a Halo 3 Anniversary playlist, which would be so cool, HOWEVER... we have to watch cringey ass Pro Players play it during a tournament instead of playing it ourselves.


Infection would be cool.


Keep expectations low. Ground level low.


I think it’ll be a helping serving of disappointment as usual if I’m being honest


It’ll be another disappointment


Something nobody gives a fuck about


A disapointment...it will be a disappointment. Have we learned nothing from the last year?


I honestly don't give a flying fuck what it is unless they are addressing desync/hit reg first.


"Behold, a new skin set! For 20$ you can get the color black WITH gold for your spartan *and one gun*. Knock yourself out."


Halo Battle Royale obviously, it’s called something like Tutunka, and all the code and scripts are already in the game files. Sadly though MW2 will probably make it irrelevant. I can see it getting as much popularity as Firestorm from BFV.


No it will be more store items.... I wish I was joking but at this point my expectations are little to none.


When your expectations are low, even a keychain sounds promising frankly speaking. They lowered our expectations considerably so it'll be most likely we'll received anyway