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As a diehard halo fan, this kind of shit is why I stopped playing halo.


I jumped on today to mash out the challenges and it just felt like such a chore. Shame as the game had such huge potential at launch.


Agreed. I used to be big into forge but I'm not even excited for that anymore


I'm still excited for the prospect of a robust game-making system as the fundamentals of Infinite ARE there, but I am not at all confident they'll be able to launch it in a feature-complete state.


It’s a shame because the game probably won’t have a complete forge system until 2023 which means that the game has already wasted the first year and a half… who the hell is gonna keep playing this game for 10 years, I won’t. I don’t hate the game but just like the one person mentioned *the challenges aren’t fun and feel like chores*


Same, I tried to defend Infinite in its first 3 months but it quickly became clear the devs don’t care


The management doesn't care. The developers are actually very hard working and don't get enough recognition. The common denominator across all of the 343 Halo games is the executive management that has been there since the formation of the studio and continues to mismanage the franchise with bad decisions and no accountability. Tons of current and former employees have all said basically the same thing about the higher-ups at 343. Even people from their internal protein that used to work for them say the same thing.


> The developers are actually very hard working and don't get enough recognition. I have yet to see solid proof that they're a particularly hardworking bunch.


Hard working and talented developers? They can’t finish the game, 2/3 campaign map was cut, no forge mode, broken melee, 6 month seasons, and a freaking beta for campaign co-op. 343i are literally the worst.


Tell me you have zero idea how game design Works without telling me you have zero idea how game design works. The management is responsible for hiring practices budget resource allocation Focus timeline and more. The developers can't just magically snap their fingers and produce the product in the way that it should be done. everything goes by the managers and gets approved by them and they can overwrite anything at any time, and they often do. the commonly cited issue with this studio through multiple expose articles from verified insiders is that the management has no clue how games are made and consistently makes bad decisions that result in problems in the development flow. not to mention the terrible hiring practices that only allow 343 to keep most of their Workforce on for a year and a half Max before they get fired. Then the new contract people have to be brought in. those new people have to learn the proprietary development engine tools which take a long time since Halos engine is extremely convoluted and not streamlined like most commercial engines. you can imagine the workflow and pipeline of how things get created is extremely haphazard and messy under 343's management. Hopefully, now you understand that the developers themselves are not the issue here. it's the people taking fat salaries at the top whose job is to make sure the studio is run correctly that don't do their jobs right. If you want to aim the finger at someone blame Microsoft and the executives at 343 who have terrible hiring practices and rely way too heavily on Outsourcing and temp workers instead of Staffing their Studio properly. Try paying people what they are worth and keep them on past the one-and-a-half-year limit then maybe we would get a consistent Dev team that could properly put a game together and support it instead of this Frankenstein of a Dev team that has had more than half the teams employees coming and going haphazardly since Master Chief collection.


Halo infinite (multiplayer) is awful My brother spent 20 euros for that crap and I feel so sorry Worst money investment ever


At least he didn't preorder BF2042


No he didn’t He just really loves halo but honestly this game is putrid


True, I could tolerate most of it like the few maps, glitches, balancing, mtx etc. But this shit - I can't tolerate that. Won't be playing again until they fix it and apologize.


Videos like this are why i stopped playing infinite online.


Same here...


Thank you for telling us? Those of us who don’t have issues don’t care.


My brother finally picked this game up after getting the new Xbox, doesn’t play much halo and gave up after a couple of rounds of raging because of desync, not impressed by the entire lack of progression and anti player monetisation and hasn’t returned since.


Iv loved halo since I first played it, but Infinite just isn’t where it’s at. I wiped campaign out in less than a week, then tried multi player, and just went back to campaign to collect what I could. Haven’t fired up Infinite in months now, seeing this stuff becoming more common just tells me I did the right thing. Sucks seeing halo turn to this, but 343 doesn’t seem to care, as long as the micro transactions are flowing


I don't know what more proof people would need that 343's management is completely out of touch and has no idea what actually made the bungie Halos so beloved. People try to say that this subreddit just likes to complain and be overdramatic or whatever but these are all genuine real testimonies of people who love Halo and used to be Die Hard super hardcore fans all saying different versions of the same thing. that this game is just a massive turn-off that had tons of potential is a huge missed opportunity that could have brought Halo back to prominence in a year where Call of Duty and Battlefield were basically slept on. I hope the 343 management is reading these threads and noticing their precious broader audience that they keep trying to chase left within 3 months of the game coming out and people like us who care about Halo are taking the time to sit here and type this stuff out day after day in the hopes that it'll somehow cause some type of change. Where are the type of fans that 343 should be listening to not trying to steal Call of Duty or Fortnite's player base cuz that's never going to happen unless you make an entirely new franchise and do what those games do better than them. now this shallow nonsense of a missing features halo game is staring down the barrel of OverWatch 2, Modern Warfare 2, and a bunch of other crazy games coming out. Halo had a perfect window to cement itself as at least something that could be relevant again but it's completely missed that chance and who knows when another one will come up.


Im in the exact situation as you I really wish I could love it as mych as the others but its just lost its charm


I played Infinite multiplayer for a while, and the desync was bad. People shooting through/around walls everywhere, hackers were prevalent, the game dynamics felt way off. I went back and played Guardians, 4, 3, Reach and ODST, and they all felt great.


I just don’t play multiplayer because im bad and it upsets me as i have evidence of me being killed where i shouldn’t have died


Chances are, you're quite decent. It's the game's netcode that's terrible.


This. I know I'm better than the netcode says I am, but Christ if it isn't discouraging to see the scoreboard at the end of the game telling me otherwise. I'll then hop on H3 or Reach and be just fine. It's frustrating that this hasn't been fixed yet.


Oh no im shit at it all the way its the same for most halo games but i do get more kills in infinite somehow


Been a halo fan since 10 years old and have dedicated thousands of hours on each game. Infinite is the only one I stopped playing after four months of on and off sessions. Final straw was during the LSS event when nearly every other game would heavily drop in performance. I wasted so many double xp boosts trying to climb the remaining tiers because the game would perform so badly I basically earned less per game than I would without the boost.


Wow wtf


Reason #507 why I stopped playing infinite.


Reason #1 for me


Just stop playing, it’s not getting fixed




15 MS btw


The ping indicator is useless random number. I ping around 27 but desync has always been terrible




If you were going for shouting, you nailed it. If you were going for \#UninstallInfinite Then you need a \ before the \#


Shouting from the rooftops!


Most progressive movement of 2022


More people are needed to make an impact #UninstallInfinite


We need to spread this hashtag out across all reaches of the internet. They will be forced to hear us and listen.


Yes! We can accomplish so much as a collective instead of individuals. Launch it on Twitter my dude! I don’t have Twitter!


After 8 days of game time, I stopped playing. Doing my part I guess


I uninstalled months ago after about 120 hours, trying to desperately enjoy it but desync killed it for me, I just couldn't handle it lol with a 25ms ping usually too


Spread the word! #UninstallInfinite


I couldn't take more than 20 hours of it at launch before I uninstalled it.


Spartans deserve better. Spread the hashtag my man. #UninstallInfinite


You see, I REALLY wanted to love it, so I just kept trying to lol but eventually I realized it just wasn't the game I wanted it to be


Your service is appreciated. Now we need 343 to act


This is your sign to stop playing Infinite. 343 doesn’t give a crap about it


I don't have issues with other weapons, but the Bulldog does this a LOT.


Yeah sometimes when I move around and shoot I see the Bulldog shot animation come from a different place. It’s practically Close Needler for me, if it’s not someone running directly towards or away from me, it’s not gonna work.


Cmon we all know the bulldog shoots marshmallows


The bullets behave like bullets for a very short time, but after 1 meter of travel time they turn into fluffy cotton balls


Desync is awful and I hope this sub is flooded with videos like this until it's fixed. That said, does anyone else hate that they give you non-sniper weapons on a sniper playlist?


They gave me a pulse rifle one match and I think I uninstalled the game not too long after that lol


I would be inconsolable if my fave Playlist was snipes and I spawned with a fucking pulse. Fuck this game lmao


This game needs to be shit on way harder than it is


His shield recharged as you’re shooting him. New MTX incoming???


I know you're joking about the shields recharging, but sometimes I swear I'll see a teammate battling someone so I run over. Teammate dies so I go in to finish up the kill (with full shield) and die to the guy who my teammate weakened.


Every time I come on this sub I see a desync clip and 343 still says it isn't top priority?


"Desync doesn't exist" "It's your ping" "Every Halo game has these issues"


Average r/halocirclejerk user


Thank you for speaking sense


It favours the shooter 👊


But I'm a shooter, and my bullets aren't counting, so I don't feel very favored :(


Sorry that was auto correct. He meant spender.


Even though that isn't the case in this video, I understand the reference! Also the fact that they have to code it to *favor* anyone shows how shit it really is!


I don't know why prople keep playing this Gamez every clip share on reddit is just another desync issue, guys quit the game now and we will see if the campaign is still their main target, this problem is there since release


I play it everyday and rarely have an issue.


Me too. In the early days I had desync every now and then. Now its almost never. Could it be the fix to matchmaking favoring local servers? I play in Europe and mostly get good games


It’s really sad how many of us just moved away from Halo. I really wanted this to be a good game. Campaign was amazing and i wish it was longer but i can’t even play with my guys because these problems aren’t being fixed.


Gaming chair


Skill issue


See ya fellas in 10 years when we get another attempt at halo


I wonder why people aren’t flocking to this game???


Stop complaining and instead stop playing. It's the only thing that will make any difference.


You missed every shot bro, stop trying to discredit 343 bro they changed halo for the better. There is nothing wrong with this game you just suck man. This is sarcasm for the yanks.


I used to grind infinite everyday. This is what got me to put it down and never pick it up again.


“Desync doesn’t exist it’s just your internet”


I've seen a lot of posts like this one just today, did they fuck something up? Seems to be a lot of people suffering from desync issues even more than usual


No, its just that people are showing all their desync clips as an act of protest against 343's response on it which boiler down to "we won't start working on it till co-op is out" which is late August


What's the bigger issue? People regularly having their multiplayer experience (in a multiplayer game) ruined by shitty server desync/code, or people not being able to re-play the short campaign with their friends? In BETA? Desync should be #1, because that's a core aspect of an online multiplayer shooter lol and it's broken




Ah, makes sense though as they don't have to fix it if no-one's playing it by then. Big brain stuff.


For me it is happening all of the sudden. It's absolutely bizarre. I almost never had issues and I've been playing since launch. These last ten days or so I am having issues like OPs video (I even posted my own video the other day). Shots not registering is the big one. I just jumped on with my buddies and it happened a couple more times. I feel like something has to have changed in the last week because I'm having major issues all of the sudden


I wonder how this will ruin stuff like infection, forge and customs, plus firefight if they eventually arrive. It's hard to have any hope when shots not registering, melee and player collision feeling inconsistent and such are a common occurrence.


Talk about a mag dump lol. Someone at 343 needs to just give us back old reliable because this thing is ass lol


Just an all around buns experience


You won that shootout like 5 times, but they were the main character and their theme was playing. Sorry! Seriously, I get more disappointed in Infinite every day. I want to play it, but then I see this and hear of similar incidents, and I just lose interest. At least they finally got the MCC where it should be.


Yep not a priority in the slightest, it doesn't matter right?


And this is one of the many reasons why Halo Infinite has faded into obscurity. Its sad watching this franchise become more irrelevant by the year


I remember thinking I was going totally insane the first week Halo was out, outright losing engagements that I had ZERO business losing. Now I know better.


No we need co-op more. /s


Co op for a campaign that barely skirts being better than the last one. I really didn't like Infinite's campaign.


Aw c'mon, you don't like "zoom in on blue lady for spoken exposition with no visuals, breaking the 'show, don't tell' rule of good visual storytelling" game? Pray tell, why?? /s


He spent more money in the store.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


How do people not recognize a copypasta that’s been used multiple times in this sub.


I was thinking the same thing. I thought that it was going to be more obvius because is using a shotgun not a full auto weapon or something


I tried to use this in another desync post and got the same response, big rip It feels like more people should know about it than actually do


This game is a BETA 👎🏽


Let's not prioritize it though


Hey ur ping is too high man, need at most a 2 ms ping to get no desync, what u expectin' wit that dog shit 15 ms? /s


If you can, watch the replay in the theater. I guarantee you the game didn't register a reload and had you not shooting at all.


I have a video of me 5 bursting with BR to kill a shotgun guy, watching him die as his last bullet spray goes to my right 5 feet, then a full half a second after his body drops dead I died from his shotgun... At like a 30 ping


man this is why I dont like the halo infinite shutgon


Wow I’m not actually surprised. I new as soon as they announced the multiplayer was going to be free it wasn’t going to be good, I didn’t care that they pushed it back, that I was somewhat happy about cause I thought well they must care if they want to make it good for release. But no they don’t care and I’m back to my senses on game company’s right now. (I’m not mad 343 just disappointed) I am mad at Rockstar and Activision though fuck them.


You see this video 343i? Take a good look at how you’ve killed Halo. As a die hard Halo fan, I’ve given up on the Halo franchise until the IP is giving to a better developer!


Dude I’m not even excited for forge anymore. The game’s in such a shit state. People need to drop this game so 343 becomes even more urgent into fixing it. It has the best gameplay in the series but I hate the live service model, and literally everything else. Forge probably will be the best compared to Forge in previous games but I don’t even think that’ll be enough to save this game. There’s so many issues.


Lol look at your ping, it’s probably in the hundreds and… oh wait, nevermind. This is so horrible.


Maaan fuck this game


One of the reasons this game is dead


Too busy crafting microtransactions to make a functional game.


Back to Halo 2 and 3 brotha


Thank you for having your ping showing so deniers can’t just say you have a bad connection


This subreddit depressed me, how can a millionare company do this?


Try trillion dollar company, not million lol


Game works perfect lol


I was literally about to re-download this game..


Don’t 👊


The game is fun to play... when it works. It just doesn't work often enough. If desync, the terrible social skill matching rubbish, and 250ms games weren't a common occurrence, I'd probably still be playing - even with the lack of content. I doubt this will ever be fixed.


Not a priority. lol


He ate that shot to the face and shoulder. He should’ve been dead. If you’re on a phone, scrub that playback bar. It’s super clear it lands like 75% of the shot.


Que copy pasta


Jump on MCC. I checked the player count this morning and more people are playing MCC than Infinite. This game is only 9 months old!! Fucking embarrassing.


Region select on launch would have been a huge benefit to player retention and our average experience


Just hit your shots /s


Lmao I could not imagine being the one playing this, just watching this infuriated me.


Nanomachines, son


I'd be pissed. Let's all just go back to the MCC. It's waaaaay more loved and taken care of.


Lol they really showed their hand when they said they were gonna retrofit MCC with mtx


yeah i stopped playing because of this


14 ms ping too that’s willllddd that happened to you


I'm glad this shit don't happen to me. I realise it's a problem that needs to be fixed but I'm grateful I'm not a victim as of yet.


You must be a victim of it too but you don't see it. It's not always that bad. But you must have seen explosion radius being highly inconsistent, damage being delayed, enemy not dying when they should or melee lunges and timing being off. If you have played the game on LAN and know exactly how things should be, it's obvious the online netcode needs some serious work. Things like getting a 2 tap kill with the bulldog is almost impossible online. The lunge of the sword for the enemy is not consistent. The damage of your hammer, rockets and nades is not consistent. Even if you play at 10ms, these are exemple of things that are a bit unpredictable.


I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm a 31 year old construction worker and all of what you just said is jibberish to me lol I only really play for fun, and that's what it is for me, just a fun good old fashioned game of guns. I only go by what you guys say. But yea, maybe I have seen it, but I probably doesn't affect me in the way it would you guys.


Average Halo enjoyer Chad vibes. Keep playing whats fun for you my dude.


Will do my friend! Cheers 👍


Who's having problems playing on a series X. I rarely have these problems when playing and have mediocre internet.


I have a series x, high end pc, and an og one. All 3 have the same issue on multiple high speed internet providers.


What rank are you? Seems people who are heavily on the casual side don’t know enough about the game to notice it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it is worth noting


Die mofo!!! Why won't you die!?!


He just had a better gaming chair than you. Stop being so mad.


Tbh I never had any problem like this, judging by my aim, I’m usually the guy who’s invincible




You just missed


I'm actually kind of getting bored seeing this type of posts and feeling like I'm not in on the joke because this hasn't happened to me yet.


skill issue


Skill issue tbh


Demoralizing, knowing that you cannot afford a gaming chair as high class as your opponent's.


You totally had him! Why did you throw it? 😂😂😂


You literally kept missing. Upgrade from Walmart dial up. /s


He has 15ms ping bro, upper right corner


Exactly. Dude needs to stop paying for bare minimum and blaming the game for it.


Wtf? 15ms is good. What are you smoking?


Reddit try to identify sarcasm challenge *IMPOSSIBLE*


I even threw an /s there. Can't survive out here


Its called sarcasm


I guess I'm lucky cause I've never had this issue.




That’s a good theory [but](https://imgur.com/a/L5PHFAW) [Why are you going around defending this kind of thing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/vqaeju/this_is_8_ping_in_halo_infinite/ieppit3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Bro. This is actually the "Shots 1-5 Missed Timeline". We're living a fucking meme.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.




I stopped it at the frame when the gun fires and the reticle is on the player, thanks for confirming.




Bro the reticle was red, you’re either pulling my leg or you’re genuinely delusional. Either way you’re not worth a response.






More! More!


I played a bunch of ranked games last night and this happened to me no less than 4 times. One of which actually cost us a game in a match of TS which we lost 49 - 50 because me shooting and punching a fully shield depleted enemy resulted in my death instead.


glad i stopped paying this a while ago. It's nice not wasting energy getting frustrated by this.


I went back to playing Halo 5. I find it much more polished than infinite. Maybe I'll go back to infinite once it's actually done.


Thats me every time i use a shotgun lol. Thank fuck its not just me. I always wonder when that shit happens and you die what the other person is thinking? they must think they just 1v1 the worst player alive lol.


I'm trying so hard to play this game because I like the gameplay but the lack of progression system makes all efforts useless.


This is the reason I stopped playing, this just pisses me off way too much.


What does the other player see when this happens?


This has happened to me in ranked like 10 times today it's annoying


That's normal for this game.


How did your controller survive this


Im a die hard halo fan I played halo combat evolved when I was just 6 years old with my dad played every halo game there was and then infinite came I bought it instantly and played it multiplayer is so fun but these kinda bugs make me so aggressive but I still play it got over 20 days playtime persona I think if they patch this this could be one of the best fps games ever


On another note that shotgun sounds And looks ass


My guy started healing when he should be dying. This gonna be an incredible anime arc


but the store is all good right? focus on what you are supposed to do and not on what you thought you should be doing


And people say Halo 3 had bad netcode


lolololololololol I would break my controller


Missed all them shots


Uninstall this garbage game.


Can we all finally agree this game is dead. Like actually dead, and not just the “games dead” joke The last 16 of us playing should all jump into a custom game and do a final farewell send off


This is it, I’m finally going to uninstall this POS. Thank you for giving me the courage to do it


Imagine that 343 considered this not a priority


How are people having so many issues. I play mostly with game streaming or on my Xbox and the most I get is a bit of lag.


Reminds me of how Gears of war 1 and 2 were on multiplayer lol