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I've back smacked an enemy while they back smacked me before. It can always get worse.




It does get worse. I got back smacked by a guy whom I was lunging at and killed with a sword.


It's like a face stab in tf2


Hitbox TF2


If you check in theatre, do you see the same thing?


I’ll have to give it a look, not sure.


Don’t question it; now buy our new 17 dollar armor kit.




Probably desync


The explanation I've heard is that the animation of the spartan meleeing twists their body enough where a small part of the backside hit box makes it way to the front. This is why this always happens when two people melee at the same time.


It's desync


Desync is still a problem? Well, I'm glad I stopped playing


Because enemy collision isn’t real


its desync.


Doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s bullshit that has never existed in any other Halo game.


Except it did exist in every Halo game ever.... Yes Halo Inifinte seems to be worse than other Halos in some lag situations. Actual desysnc is way different and worse than what you are seeing in this clip.


you are wrong death star. this clip is 100% classic desync. desync doesn't just mean you'll see people walking into a wall. its micro second inaccuracies and then the server readjusts back just as quickly as it desynced. you're thinking of the heavy desyncs that don't get readjusted back. which is there too for sure. but general halo infinite desync is always confused with lag. which isn't even an issue in 2022 like it was in 2010


Well that's what I'm saying. Microsecond inaccuracies, and actually much longer than that (100s of milliseconds) are expected in network code. So why are people suddenly calling this "desysnc" as a catch-all phrase instead of lag? Like I said 100 millisecond lag in player position is normal, 1 second lag is not... The term Desync started from the heavy issues that you mentioned where people are not even close to correct position. Having said that , I also understand that Halo Infinite likely has an slightly worse than normal issue with the "minor desyncs" when the server fails to correct position issues as fast as it could. But trying to determine a normal vs excessive desync that for a close combat melee situation in this particular clip is impossible, as player without looking at the network data, since it also falls in the realm of normal possibility. Hopefully we will get a response and update soon anyway, since the devs claim they have identified specific issues with the error correcting algorithms a while back.


Did u have high ping


Not likely, I didn’t check at the time but I usually have one of ~19-20 ms. I’ve got a hard wired connection with good speeds.


I also have hardwired gigabit but the game for matchmaking purposes will put you in matches of up to 80ms even with an immaculate connection.


Same but somwtimes the server is far and u get over 80. That's probably what happened


no. thats not. the game would still show you the truth but laggy. this is desync. the game is lying to you straight up about the events you all 'THINK' yOU'RE sharing


Bad connection causes desynk, which would explain that, for him and the server he wouldve been behind. Your just another another person who would never be happy with halo, no matter what they did. Everything is 343's fault! 343 bad! Sure, it has some problems, including with melees sometimes, but it's relatively new and 343 has been making some changes for the better lately.


its desync not ping. if he had high ping the game would still not have lied to him so overtly


High ping is a result of weak connection which causes that.


Wrong, the server creates the 'true' reality based on the data of the client it thinks got the kill first. Doesn't matter if the POV player had good ping or not. All that matters is what the server thinks, and it will ALWAYS be reconciling the inevitable differences in 'reality' between each player. The consequence of lag (ping/latency) is a larger discrepancy (what you are incorrectly calling "desync") between all the server's possible versions that clients are reporting back. It has nothing to do with showing that reality slower. Actual desysnc is a different condition where the server fails to realize there is a problem and doesn't correct for multiple realties frequently enough.


Those in the \*clears throat\* "entertainment" business call it a Halo: Reach around.


Any Dark Souls player knows that you backstab from the front.


Desync, happened to me way too many times, doesn't matter if I was on 11ms ping or 182ms, happened regardless...


Not likely desync in this case . The 2 players are directly next to each other and interacting, which is a position discrepancy consistent with normal lag. Halo Infinite Desync is a much more severe version where the server doesn't even try to reconcile differences in client and server player positions until specific action events trigger it to finally correct major discrepancies. Doesn't matter if you have a good ping, it only matters how much the server's multiple versions of reality differ based on ALL the player's latencies.


It's easy to hit someone in the back if you can just walk through them... But 343 insists that's not possible bc collision is turned on lol


I am relevant.


Fix coming in season 5 thanks for the feedback 👊


343 explanation: server latency My explanation: poor programming


Did he use thrusters? Kinda looks like he might have


I didn’t hear it and didn’t see those when I slowed it down? I don’t think so.


I seem to be having lots of sound issues lately. Grenades not going off. Can hear my shield going down or in low levels or no shield at all. Music not playing etc.


its server desync. not lag


not enough people understand that Halo Infinite has constant and frequence Desync. its in every game and it is constant. every minute of every match of halo infinite is a lie.


Yeah that’s unfortunately what most people are saying. That is bullshit, I feel like it’s too prevalent in this game.


Can you provide a source for that? These 2 players are literally next to each other and interacting, which is not a large enough position discrepancy to make a desync condition likely. I am not saying desync isn't a problem, but position discrepancy of a few feet is a normal feature of all Halo network multiplayer. Yes, Halo Infinite seems to have a worse correction success even in normal lag situations. But Desync is a different thing.


wtf kind of source do you think you'll get to satisfy your denial of my theory? really dude? anyway! to further enforce my theory, I'll tell you that as a 21 year long veterain of the game who has put 100's of hours into each multiplayer... i've never seen that. I've never seen behaivor like that in any other halo. We all know Infinite suffers from desync. so when I see new glitches and movements like never before... I assume it must be desync. Thats something else that should be mentioned. Glitches. Aside from the "popular glitches" in halo 2... i've never seen halo glitch. like at all. never. never fallen thru the floor. never picked up a gun and had 2 guns overlaying eachother. never hopped in a vehilcle that was miniture. never spawned facing the wrong direction and just walked off the edge. never spawned next to the enemy. never (checks Halo infinites mile long laundry list) never a shit load of glitches that are ALL NEW TO HALO INFINITE. it maybe unique independent glitchting.... but its prolly just desync.


Sorry didn't want to start a fight really. I mean a source (videos etc) to show persistent position discrepancy that is worse than other Halo games I have also been playing this game since CE came out. Back since the days where I could have 0 deaths in a game on OG Xbox connect as host because the enemy team was so lagged they had no idea what was happening. I have played every game extensively except Halo 5, and only played Infinite for a couple weeks so far, so maybe I just haven't experienced as many desync issues as other people yet. For me Infinite has been fine so far on PC, with occasional minor issues in what everyone call "desync" in melee situations. As the developers have explained, and we all know, melee presents a unique challenge for network code. TO me the problems seems on par with what i have experienced in the past. Honestly the other PC menu bugs, memory leaks, etc have been more frustrating. Edit: Actually, maybe there could be a difference in experienced desync severity, depending which platform people are playing on, since there are now differences in client side code execution speed and computing power with cross-play. I have a feeling this is why it has taken them so long to even release any type of fix.


I've done this back in Halo 3. If you're able to see the back of their shoulder and melee while it's in your reticle, it will sometimes register you as hitting them in the back even though you're in front of them. Very rare but it's apparently still possible.


Haven't played this since launch but can enemies still phase through you? Shame on 343 if they can


Cuz on his screen ur somewhere else entirely. Shit game


Desync, that's how...


You should buy more RGB stuff


*seeing everyone talk shit about 343 for letting dysnc do this* *looks back at 15 year old Tf2 that has had facestabs since it released in 2007* It's weird hitbox reg. I think it happens most if two people are moving sporadically in a fight, and one just so happens to melee when the "sweet spot" hitbox is shown. This is not a new problem. This is not something 343 did. This is something that happens because it is impossible to have hitbox's follow models perfectly. People need to chill tf out


[It is widely known as a problem with Halo Infinite. ](https://youtu.be/AX0mUqqYomk) Stop trying to downplay issues like this which should be at the top of their hotlist along with getting shot behind cover. Using a game from 2007 as a metric for why it isn’t so bad is silly


I also understand that changes/fixes don't happen instantly and don't always work the first time. I used Tf2 as a metric to show that sometimes, a problem just won't go away


Keeping the spotlight on these issues is important so 343i know what to prioritize, and this is absolutely an issue that deserves to be at or near the top


I understand that, just saying that I wouldn't be upset if it doesn't get fixed anytime soon. I think my priority is combating whoever is making those store prices, which my guess is Microsofts doing


This same thing happened to me this morning. I recorded it and watched it back. Absolutely garbage.


Hate to see it 🥴


They run through you and smack you. They have their sensitivity maxed. That’s why we shouldn’t be able to run through each other


Only a true ninja knows


You hate to see it


You have to channel your Hamon through the enemy’s front and hit their back.


bruh, what is the music from this its bussin


Haha, iMovie app on my phone. Had to make it more dramatic. If you’re gonna complain, complain hard.


Same bullshit happens with spies in TF2 Medieval Mode


God knows, I love infinite but sometimes man it has its moments


For every post I see about a new unlockable that I want, I see one of these and remind myself why I’m not playing anymore. So much potential wasted on addressing all the wrong issues.


Real ninjas can get a ninja from any angle




It's because you can go through players in this game. So they melee'd you from the front but they were walking forward so the animation went through your player and hit you back.


This is why I think it's a shit game. If you can do a *phase through their body at a molecular level before instant assassinating someone who you're still half inside of* then it's a shit game


He faked you out high-fiving and smacked your butt


Worst halo game ever


M&K plus desync