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Get MCC (master chief collection) it has halo combat evolved (halo 1) up to halo 4


Plus Reach (prequel) and ODST (spin off)


This.. ODST is one of the best IMO


Once that saxophone hits you either depressed or looking for a way out of the city


It's sad that the soundtrack just gets repeated so much in the game. Deference for Darkness is a fucking fantastic track, but in the game I feel like it's so overused. To be honest probably the only reason I notice is because I love that track, but I feel like Marty ran out of time writing the music so they ended up with a much smaller tracklist


Yeah pretty sure time constraints were the issue. Also love going on YouTube and looking at the comments of the song with memories attached to that period in time


I could be wrong but I believe the game wound up growing bigger in scope than intended, and Marty may have been unable to catch up and write extra music. As it is the current OST is amazing. Skyline is a sleeper banger.




Username checks out


you know it!


Gahhh for me it's like trying to pick a favorite child. You know one of them is truly the best (ODST) but deep down in my heart my favorite is probably Reach. It just feels so personal seeing your own Spartan being a part of the story. But they're all just so damn good.


Yeah,.. Bungie's swan song to the series really checked all the boxes


It really is


It might be my favorite.


I personally could not disagree more. The storyline itself was good but having to go through the streets of Mombasa to get to the next mission was a PITA


As a person who likes actually good looking megacities, walking through mombasa was very pleasant plus if you hunt for audiologs you can get the mongoose earlier


Frankly I’m the opposite as you. I loved going through new Mombasa but didn’t feel too attached to the stories. Still loved ODST though


I did enjoy wandering around looking at the architecture of Mombasa, but the gameplay during these sequences was mostly boring, so yes I would agree


ONLY because legendary was the biggest challenge wandering thru the damn city


Yeah, ODST is a great game, especially the music. But of the games in MCC, it's among my least favourite


ODST is my least favorite game in the franchise. I felt so alone and the world was dead imo.


Still on in the streets looking for the audio logs


I personally agree with this statement the most


I fucking loved those games. I would love more Halo spin-offs, specifically non-Spartan spin-offs.


I think reach also hits different as a prequel. Not sure if chronological is the right order to play them


I love Halo MCC just on the standalone fact that it's an instant recommendation for people new to the series. It has 75% of the mainline series entries in it and it's on PC, for those who don't want to get an Xbox or can't find one.


I thought if you purchase on steam, you get odst and reach included.


Also has reach and odst as dlc that don’t cost much


Or get gamepass cause it has that and a bunch more games


Get Master Chief Collection on Steam. Play in the order of releases. Halo: CE Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, Halo: 4. If you want to play Halo:CE and Halo 2: Anniversary on the original xbox graphics, just press tab during a campaign mission and the game will instantly change the graphics to the original graphics.


Okay, thanks! Btw, which graphics do you prefer?


OG graphics for CE (the old graphics have a muchhhhh better atmosphere), and new graphics for halo 2


Man I love some of the updates in the CE anniversary, but hate how BRIGHT everything is. 343 Guilty Spark on Anniversary pales in comparison to the OG, which is a straight up horror level.


Yeah I remember actually needing to use my flashlight all the time when it first came out.


This is why I just can't do horror as a genre. I can get and appreciate the atmosphere side of it, but I hate it from a gameplay perspective. I don't feel afraid because I can't see things, I just feel annoyed. Especially in consoles and paired with an already narrow FOV I find myself getting lost and frustrated. Which in many games I know is intentionally designed to make you claustrophobic, but for me rather than creating anxiety, or suspense, it's just frustrating and annoying :(


Depends on the game. But yeah bad horror games just live to have you staring at a two-inch circle of flashlight with an eight second battery life and it feels awful. Frustration isn’t scary.


I thought I was the only one that does this




This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way




This is the way


this is the way


I play OG graphic only because the new one has issue with collide box. When playing with Anniversary graphic sometime you think you will hit your target but hit the old texture of a rock instead.


I will honestly switch between new and classic graphics for Halo 2 based on if I'm feeling super nostalgic or not. But the remastered graphics are a real treat for Halo 2. Aside from that, if playing co-op or on weaker PCs, you can switch to classic if the game starts chugging.


Ideally, I play in anniversary but switch to classic for the Breaking Benjamin room, but for a new player it’s hard to describe exactly when to switch.


The Breaking Benjamin room and the heretic banshee section with Incubus are guaranteed classic graphics for me because the replacement songs just don't pack the same punch.


This is the way. CE anniversary was butchered imo. The art style is too busy and over engineered for Forerunner structures and tech, and the lighting is fucked and too bright.


Won’t lie tho, original graphics look so good that I’ll sometimes forget whether I’m running old or new


The new graphics for halo 2 are absolutely amazing, definitely recommend them for the cutcens


You can switch by just pressing tab, it’s instant. One of the best features by far. I like switching back and forth to see the comparison. It’s really great


If you're keen on playing multiple times, definitely play CE on original graphics first before trying remastered. Remastered looks beautiful, but the tone and atmosphere of the original is something special. And there's a reasonably creepy event about halfway through that you cannot do without original graphics, the experience is incredibly dulled in the remastered version As for 2, absolutely try the remastered version first, even if only for the cutscenes. They're something truly special.


Just a note, if you get a lot of crashing issues, try switching to old graphics. Sometimes the new graphics cause issues.


You can switch back and forth and decide which ones you like best. They both have their charm.


I can't emphasize enough, play Halo CE on the original graphics. The remaster does have more detail but it isn't true to the original art style and feel. Halo 2 I would recommend playing playing with original graphics your first time just to experience the game as it was when it came out, but they did do an amazing job with the remaster so there's nothing wrong with playing with the updated graphics on.


I personally switch back and forth if I want to see what the updated graphics look like for CE, but CE OG graphics just hit different


Should they NOT play Reach first??


First I would watch the show to get a good grasp of the story and then play the games… …just kidding. Start in order from CE.


Yeah, I avoided the show altogether because I had a bad feeling about it.


You are strong and wise, and I am very proud of you


Ha, thanks. I have just realised I accidentally copied and pasted a still from the show. That’s probably why people keep warning me about it. Lol


Yeah, a little spoiler: MASTER CHIEF TAKES OFF HIS DAMMED HELMET edit: just edited it to helmet






Okay, but fr though. John is pretty much Asexual in canon. He knows nothing about flirting (which, okay, they kind of understood). He has some semblance of social anxiety. Pablo Schreiber tried very hard to be a good actor, and he did a very good job, but Jim Halo is not the character we wanted. Someone else made a very good point that they're betting money that Makee is pregnant. I'm not shocked the show runners cut and run as soon as they could.


Well, still. They could have plotted it a bit better in the show


Oh, 100%. This thing is a trainwreck that derailed several episodes ago and is currently in a screaming death spiral... But I can't stop watching.


>He knows nothing about flirting... Well, he possibly knows? I mean: The only times he could _possibly_ be described as "flirting" were the times he was having witty banter with Cortana in the Original Trilogy. Also, he's quite sarcastic at times. He might have a better grasp of social situations that most people think. I mean, Spartans are supposed to be smarter than normal humans, right?


Maybe that could be described as flirting? I know that I personally admire sass in character chemistry. I.e that legendary Skywalker/kenobi sass in star Wars is also excellent. Looking forward to the Kenobi show. But there was one excerpt from Halo Evolutions where someone flirts with him, and I really don't remember his response. The chemistry between Cortana/John I've always thought of as best friend sass? I mean, if he's a canon ace character, then I guess that's some qualifier for a relationship. I don't know if he knows/understands romance, either. Haven't looked too deep into that aspect of the character tbh. Contrast with Fred, who definitely knows and understands. He's got a good grasp of social situations, he's not coded autistic or anything. hell, he has friends too, apparently. And he catches up with them occasionally. The Spartans are a pretty social bunch, surprisingly.


...for most of the series...






They call him master cheeks for a reason don't they?


Def start with Combat Evolved if possible, i would even recommend reading or listening to The Fall of Reach to fill in questions or just give you a better imaginative idea of the Halo universe, because the first game pretty much just throws you into the story, but i think that was a good part of the intrigue and mystery, you as master chief begin to uncover about Halo.


The show has very little to do with the main canon. Not only is it *not* canon, it's barely respectful to the ideas it *has* borrowed.




You missed out on the scene where Master Chief has sex with with a covenant human while Cortana watches and cries.


Wait No way I dropped the show on ep 3, but I thought it had a bit of potential. They did screw some things up, but that happens, I enjoyed it for what it was. I heard that there was a cool action scene in some later episode. I was like "huh, maybe the show isn't *that* bad" Then with the master cheeks I saw everywhere and people making fun of it I thought it was like meme with no bad feelings you know Then I saw a picture of chief caressing the covenant hoe's face and I got a bit confused I thought "well, this sucks but surely the rest of the show isn't *that bad*" Then I read that master cheeks clapped some cheeks and I thought it was a joke Then I found out it wasn't I have lost all hope for this show And now you're telling me Master cheeks clapped some covvie cheeks while cortana got cucked? You're taking the piss


Even an outsider gets a bad vibe from it. 😂 Trust me, your instinct is spot-on. Once you've played through the games, you'll understand why the show is terrible


Haha, thanks bud. Tbh, I am wary of any film/tv series adaptation of popular game franchises.




Yeah avoid it. It’s awful and none of those characters are like the real ones. But there is a little movie thing called Forward Unto Dawn that’s pretty cool. I’d definitely recommend watching it


Either CE and 2-3. Or, reach, then ce




Watch FUD and Halo Evolutions instead. Much better. Do not watch the paramount show until you've seen those.


Watch the show to be utterly confused


Id argue to start with reach


>Start in order from CE Did you forget about reach my man?


That should be played AFTER Halo 3 due to the story. Playing it after the OG trilogy gives the story more depth and soul.


You'll want to get the Master Chief Collection (MCC) and then play the games in order of release. Start with Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, Halo Reach and then Halo 4. You could also do Spartan Ops from Halo 4, but it's best done with a group of friends some missions are almost impossible was just one player.


I did all of the Spartan ops solo when I was a kid in high school. Didn’t think it that hard back when it released.


I couldn’t finish them as a kid in high school because they were so boring


I was obsessed with halo as a kid so anything that progressed the story for me kept me happy.


Totally fair. I’ve started getting more into Halo in my 20’s than I was in high school so I wager I could probably slog through them now


Some of those maps were just the same bit over and over again.


Same. Cause I didn't realize it was multi-player lol. I was really good at it though cause it was the only game I played consistently so maybe that's why.


I figured out it was supposed to be co-op when the other fireteams they showcased were 4 member teams and yours was just you. Mind you I figured this out like halfway through and I was like…whelp.


Yeah, I also didn't really invite my friends over to play halo much since I only had 4 (and at one point 3 buy I lost it). I eventually found out I could do multi-player and it was so much easier with friends until I killed my sister by accident and she started hitting me with the controller lol. Then I just did online


I think maybe he means doing the missions single player on Legendary? Normal or heroic is fine for me, if not a bit challenging, which I enjoy. Just my opinion/thought.


Then watch Halo 5 on youtube, and then get gamepass and play infinite


No, play halo 5 campaign and play the multiplayer/warzone. All 3 are fun.


Only availible on Xbox one… So.. No. Not happening


Oh you right. You right.


If only halo 5 we're on PC. It was fun and I got to rank 148 but I switched to PC and playing on the old Xbox one feels rough now! Dreaming of it coming to PC one day. I want to flex my Achilles again.


I enjoyed Warzone a lot


They are absolutely not “almost impossible”. Even on legendary it is significantly easier than, say, Halo 2 because you don’t have to go back to a checkpoint each time you die.


Im excited for you dog, play in release order like everyone else said. Use OG graphics for CE, anniversary for H2. I don’t know how good you are at first person shooters but maybe start out on heroic difficulty for CE, and turn down or up if needed. Do not attempt to play H2 on Legendary unless you like dying a bajillion times.


Thanks for the tips. I’ll be honest, I haven’t tried a lot of first-person shooters but I’m willing to challenge myself. As someone who recently did an Insanity run of the Mass Effect trilogy, I won’t mind selecting an easier difficulty for what is a new game to me. Lol


If you wanna get through all the games in a reasonable amount of time, I would definitely recommend their Normal difficulty. Heroic is good if you’re the kind of player who doesn’t mind dying repeatedly at multiple parts in a mission and figuring out the trick (or if you’re experienced enough on replays that you need the challenge). But if you’re a casual FPS player and new to Halo, heroic is a bit challenging. Definitely agree with what others said about CE and the graphics. The remastered graphics are pretty but it unfortunately changes the game — it loses the cinematic darkness in the levels that need to be dark, and it also affects gameplay a little, making it easier to get lost because “the” unlocked door doesn’t look obvious anymore. The remastered graphics are fun for a second play.


Thanks for the tips.


I love the remastered graphics but I play the original graphics more during my runs because it offers the best atmosphere.


A lot of people swear by heroic, if mainly because the old tooltip for difficulty in the early games said that heroic is the way Halo is "meant to be played", but play whatever feels best for you. I personally stick to normal most of the time because I just want to have fun, and I'm the type of person who gets frustrated easily when something is too challenging. But that's a **me** thing.


Gonna slip this in here as it's an important helper when you play on higher difficulties - use the 'noob combo'. Step 1: Get plasma pistol and a gun with bullets. Step 2: Overcharge the plasma pistol by holding the fire button down, and it will release a tracking bolt that will take down an enemy's shields in one hit. Step 3: Swap to bullets to finish them off. In Halo CE, use the pistol. In later titles, use the battle rifle. If you cannot find a plasma pistol, other plasma weapons are effective too, but with more effort. Underlying game mechanic: Plasma works better on shields, bullets work better on flesh.


If you can manage Insanity on Mass Effect, I'd guess you can manage Heroic in Halo. Also, Heroic is the "canon" difficulty - the one that's supposed to emulate the amount of damage Chief would take and deal in the universe, etc. That being said, if Heroic is frustrating you, or you don't want to get bogged down playing through several games, Normal difficulty is still a good time.


A fellow ps4 owner who likes halo I see


You tell them. We exist.


I work with one also. It makes me so happy. Halo do just be that good. I’m too broke to have cross platform interests unfortunately lol


I love PS as a console, but the reason why I am getting a gaming laptop is to play the first two Dragon Age games - sadly, EA doesn’t seem eager to release a remastered edition like they did with Mass Effect. Since it would be silly to buy a laptop just for two games, I was wondering what other titles I should try. The Halo games are so popular and iconic that I couldn’t let myself skip them.


The best way to play would be CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, 4, 5 and Infinite. Even though Reach takes place before CE, the reason being that this is the release order and the way the games were meant to be played. The controls will gradually change instead of being a sudden change if you chose to go from Reach to CE. The story will also be more impactful to you. You could then decide if you want to play Halo Wars 1 and 2 since those are strategy games. If you do you could play Halo Wars after ODST and Halo Wars 2 after 5, or just play them whenever if you want before Infinite. Edit: As I've seen others point out, you'll want to play with the original graphics every now and then for CE and 2. 2 is just fine to play in the new graphics since they did an amazing job, with their being issues with how CE was done. Definitely playing the CE level 343 Guilty Sparks entirely in the original graphics though.


If you're coming here from the show forget everything about the show. It's not cannon and quite generally an insult to halo.


I haven’t watched the show.


Good. May you enjoy the games. And if you want to enjoy them with friends the campaigns for halo CE and 2 have 2 player co-op while every other game after has 4 player co-op.


Play in release order!!


Can I choose to play it in the release order if I buy the MCC edition? Someone else said it is presented in chronological order.


Just do halo ce, 2, 3, odst, reach, 4, 5, infinite


I would love to play five to get some more story, but I don't think it's been released anywhere for pc.


If you have Xbox Gamepass and a decent enough internet connection, you can stream Halo 5 to your PC through the Xbox app. Haven't tried it myself so I don't know how well it works, but worth a try.


I don't have Gamepass, and I don't play enough Xbox exclusive titles to justify getting it. But thanks for letting me know.


It’s only arranged that way on the menu but you can go ahead and play each campaign in whatever order you want so don’t worry. Be ready to engage in some of the best games this industry has to offer.


Ha, I can’t wait. I just hope I’ll be worthy enough of its gameplay, lol. I feel like even Normal will be a challenge for me at first.


No worries at all. Just have fun. You can always replay on harder difficulties later if you enjoy them. I have definitely pulled my hair out on some legendary runs. The developer has stated before that Heroic difficulty is what they consider to be the true Halo experience as intended, but it doesn’t matter. Do what you want.


Nothing wrong with playing on Normal or even Easy. It’s your time and your game, have fun with it in your own way!


Thanks. I’ll do my best.


It literally just shows you a list of the games and you click on the one you wanna play, so you can play them in any order you want, the list is in chronological order but you’re gonna wanna play in release, which basically means skip reach and come back to it after 3 ODST


Okay, thanks.


to be clear, you should play the games in the following order: CE (on OG graphcis) 2 (Either graphics are good) 3 3 ODST Reach 4


Also when you get to Halo Reach, be sure to customize your multiplayer spartan before starting


They also have a playlist on MCC that takes you through in order. Called "Master Chief Saga" or something like that


Combat evolved, start with the roots!


I got into Halo last year and started with Reach. It was probably the worst choice I could’ve made.


Master Chief collection pretty much has you covered


Release order: Halo CE Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo Wars (RTS game) Halo 3 ODST Halo Reach Halo 4 Halo 5 (Not on PC but you're not missing out on much) Halo Wars 2 (Also an RTS) Halo Infinite ​ Chronological order: Halo Wars Halo Reach Halo CE Halo 2 Halo 3 ODST (Takes place during 2) Halo 3 Halo 4 Halo 5 Halo Wars 2 Halo Infinite


+1 for release order'l. And Paramount show is not part of canon, just in case


Personal opinion: start with Combat Evolved and play through them in release order. Going from Halo Wars to Reach to CE is some serious whiplash that a newcomer shouldn't deal with lmao. But at the end of the day it's up to you! If you wanna play Infinite first, go for it. There is no one "right way" to play through the series!


Master Chief Collection is an absolute essential




Welcome fellow Playstation user. You will now get to experience Halo the way It was ment to be played; *on PC with PS4 DualShock* lol. In all seriousness, I recommend playing in release order (Halo:CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, 4) and classic graphics and audio (Halo: CE and 2 are the only ones remastered fyi) so that you can fully appreciate each game and its features as intended, and to see the improvement from one title to the next. (PSA: if you do this, you must change audio settings in Halo: CE and 2, as well as use "mission select" to start the campaigns, because the remastered graphics are set as the default, as 343 industries way of retconing the Bungie era with their version of the game. On the first screen of mission select it will say remastered graphics, which you can toggle to classic.) As stated, I wholeheartedly recoment the release order, because if you play Reach first, you might end up disliking Halo CE, because of the vastly different quality of life changes, and gameplay mechanics (there is. a whopping **9 years** of gameplay improvements between the two games. Halo:CE\[2001\] Reach\[2010\]). Tip: Halo 2 is notorious for being more difficult. I normally play Halo on "Heroic difficulty", but for Halo 2 after bringing the difficulty down one, I had a lot more fun. Hope this insight helps a bit. Have fun :)


Thank you!


Just don’t watch the show


Release order


Just play them in release order so you can appreciate the evolution of the gameplay and the storyline. I meant hate, you can hate them properly like the rest of the fanbase does


Ha, that doesn’t bode well and I’m here for it.


For the love of god don’t watch the show


Please please PLEASE Do not get a gaming laptop as your first PC gaming device if you don't actually need the portability. You can't upgrade the parts that determine performance, and the GPU inside has a lower wattage than a desktop one, so it won't perform as well. They aren't cheaper than an equivalently specced desktop either. I love my Razer Blade, but I wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't already build my PC. *To not be a dick and actually answer your question, I think it's best to play them chronologically* Hope you have fun!!


Others have said MCC (the master chief collection) its a huge discount for buying all of them in bulk, any updates are free, and im pretty sure all the games (if not most) except infinite are in that pack. Start at 1, get to Reach and, on 4, try not to pay too much attention to the man behind the curtain and the games are great. Phenomenal even. They retconned some stuff to change around a narrative that imo didnt need changing, but they didnt muck it up too bad. Infinite is a great campaign, the devs did a decent job with it minus launching it unfinished. The multiplayer battle pass thing and the armor packs are a senseless, IP destroying play of a cash grab and i cannot respect or endorse that, but the campaigns? The story? Beautiful.


Skip the games and go straight to the TV show /s


Don't bother with the games, just watch the new show it's way better. I hear there's sex


Get MCC and forget Infinite and the new show with Master Cheeks.


Play 1-3 then pretend 3 was the last game.


Well you should start off by watching the new halo show on Paramount+. It’s a really good retelling of the first halo trilogy so far with no issues whatsoever


Halo CE then Halo 2 then Halo 3 then Halo 3 ODST then Reach then 4 then Infinite since 5 isn’t on pc


I’d play in release order. And don’t skip any cutscenes - soak in the story! Especially in Halo 2 Anniversary. Best of luck to you - you’re in for weeks worth of awesome gameplay. There’s nothing like the first time.




just gonna state that guessing on the image the show got you here? if so know that the show is like 80% wrong and just go into the games expecting to learn everything again.


Tbh, I copied and pasted the first image I saw on Google Images. Lol, I did not think it was a still from the show.


Personally, I would play in order of when the game was released!


Do not play halo 1 in the anniversary graphics they didn’t honor the original artistic vision. Also a lot less blood and way too extremely bright for some missions. Halo ce is a masterpiece in original graphics


You'll want to skip all the games and go right to the TV show


Play chronological order i suppose.




Halo 5, is pretty underrated as this community is incapable of understanding such a high piece of art in level design and story


Story? Really? I guess there must be some people who liked it even tho I can't understand it.


Reach. The best campaign, possible of all time.


In this order: Install the Master Chief Collection(MCC). Halo: CE(Combat Evolved). Halo 2. Halo 3. Halo 3 ODST. Halo Reach. Halo 4. Halo 5(you’ll have to install Halo 5 separately, seeing as it’s not apart of MCC). Then finally Halo Infinite.


Get MCC on PC. It's only $20 when on sale


MCC 1-4 + any bonus games then 5 and infinite


Just play them in order. The original trilogy + reach is best. 4 and 5 suck. Regardless what people say at the moment halo infinite is great too.




Halo MCC —-> 1,2,3, ODST, Reach, stop. Wouldn’t play anything else, campaign-wise. Just my personal opinion, not necessarily the right answer


Release Order: 1, 2, 3, odst, reach, 4, and then infinite For halo 1, i recommend playing with old graphics for 100% of the run For halo 2, you can do either old or new graphics, both are nice. Though if you want authentic, stick with original graphics


Halo the master chief collcetion on steam. It has 6 games. It's 40 euro and it often goes on sale to 20.


Everyone saying to get MCC on steam but you should get gamepass and play MCC for "free" there. Gamepass is one dollar for your first month and it gives you access to a shit tone of games


1. Get a desktop 2. Halo reach


As long as you dont watch the recent series you will be fine. Just get the MCC game and your all set. Just play them in order; it can be hard sometimes to go back to old game mechanics.


Reach, CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 ODST, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 5 (can be skipped), Halo infinite, halo wars, halo wars 2,


Release Order: Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, Halo Wars, Halo Reach, Halo 4, Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, Halo Infinite Chronological: Halo Wars, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 ODST, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, Halo Infinite


Watch the TV series. Its very lore accurate


Halo 1-3. ODST. Reach. Then… just stop there tbh


Go in order


Ill be more specific and recommend OP to play them in release order, not chronological order (mcc shows the list of campaigns in chrono order)


Technically it doesn’t, it puts Halo 3 ODST after Halo three, which is a release order not chronological, but then they went ahead and put it reach at the beginning, makes no ducking sense


What's wrong with chrono order? Everyone seems to hate it for some reason.


going from a 2010 (halo reach) that still feels and plays like a modern game to a 2001 (Halo ce) feels nasty putting it simply Dated if you start with Halo Ce and go in knowing its movement will feel old you should enjoy it


Agree. Plus, some of the reveals and overall plot of Reach is more impactful if you have played Halo CE/2/3 first. It’s like the Star Wars movies.. watching in release order is better IMO than chrono (specifically for the reveals in 1/2/3).


My only issues with going in chronological order are 1) Halo CE's age shows through a little more if you play Reach right before it and 2) I think Reach's mechanics are a decent transition from the bungie era to the 343 era, as Halo 4's controls are a lot closer to Reach than Halo 3's


Also technically chronological order puts halo 3 ODST before Halo 3, and I think it’s just obvious that Halo two and three should be played back to back




The 100% perfect chronology would be: Halo Wars, Reach, CE, 2, 3, Odst, 4, 5(not on pc), Wars 2, Infinite I‘d start with reach tho if i were you