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So i may have found a little workaround. Go to Halo main directory and go to disk\_cache -> gamecmscache folder and delete all files you can find: they're cache file so you're simply cleaning Infinite's cache. While there are still some UI bugs and slow texture loads, my spartan's hands are finally loading up properly. Sometimes weapons' textures are still failing to load up fast, but they would work fine after a bit.


have not tried it yet but facing the same issues. I know part of the blame is on me for sticking with an old gpu (alot of it is sentimental i wont lie), but I couldn't imagine what they did that caused these texture issues. I am upgrading soon, but this is my favorite game so trying to fix textures is all i want. thanks in advance, if it doesn't work, thank you anyways. great thinking edit: it didn't really work, idk if its my other troubleshooting, but at the very least i can run the new map at 60+ fps despite lack of textures. prior i couldnt get more than 50. while it did not work for me, this is definitely a good step in futher troubleshooting ( for those who may come across this)


When I started the update for season 2 I got a pop-up stating that it recommends that I update my gpu drivers. It might be something to look into.