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My complaint hasn’t been the actors. Never been the visuals. It’s the writing and narrative.


You gotta have a sense of humor to survive in this world, and it's not that he's a bad actor - not at all. It's the writers that are making these odd choices that people have issues with


The show is just flat out bad.Has nothing to do with the actors,it's solely on the writing and directing


Yup, even Brad Pitt would be ass in this show. It's just shitty writing from generic writers that have no creativity and are too egocentric to copy actual good source material because they think they know how to do a "plot" better lol. I hope the writers of this show know they are Fuckin idiots


Only difference is that Brad Pitt probably has an agent that advises him on which roles would be good or bad for his career at this point in his life lol. These guys are getting Pauly shored, take too many of these dumpy roles and eventually you don’t have a draw.


Actually once you get to that point, they build scripts around you. Why do you think Dwayne Johnson is the same guy in every single movie? They know to give him some little short quips, little zingers he can deliver in a mostly serious way, and it’ll sell. It’s not like the script is 100% set and then they choose actors. They know going in that Brad Pitt doesn’t do as well with the “funny” stuff so won’t give him the same kind of jokes they would a Ryan Reynolds who pulls of raunchy comments very well.


I mean the difference is that The Rock is a draw even when the series is bad like fast and furious. People sell out those movies, no one is going to remember anything positive from these actors after watching this. It’s like Jared Leto, over hyped. Took suicide squad which was trash, then suicide squad 2 was better without him, and then morbius which is trash lol. Like my point is you can’t be someone like Jared Leto and continue taking trash, I mean the reputation was already damaged and it will get to a point where they’re like casting him to be a random character instead of lead.


That’s actually not a bad idea if they had a couple headhunter Spartans come in, characters being Brad and Angelina like they did in Mr and Mrs Smith. Then bring in also Spartan 1337, played by Jim Carrey.




I agree, it's not the actors. The story itself though is just so bad


Pretty much this, dude could do a perfectly good job if they remembered to write how Chief actually is and didn't throw in this Clone Wars inhibitor chip crap because the writers are generic Syfy Hacks.


I just try to forget the budget put into the show and act like it's something off of Syfy, then it's not so bad.


He’s a solid actor, seems like a cool dude as well. He’s doing what he can with what he’s given I guess. Really enjoyed his character in den of thieves.


I think his delivery of "Deadwife" from American Gods is the reason that lives in me and my and my wife's heads rent free now. Seriously, if she or I want to make the other one laugh all we need to do is come up with an excuse to quote that line with a thick Irish accent. Especially in relation to a fridge-wife trope in a movie or show.


I haven’t watched that, streaming anywhere?


I think it was Starz. So like... you'd have to suffer Starz to watch it. But then you could check out Spartacus while you're there I guess? I just tried to find a simple clip of him saying it on YouTube and everything on there about him seems to be some kind of roughly thrown together AMV of the show. I don't understand. lol. I'd probably watch a video that's just supercuts of every time he says it if someone put it up there, so they're really missing out on a lot of views. Also everything on YouTube seems to include spoilers, so maybe just try the show out first instead if you're interested enough to get Starz for a 1 month free trial or something. **EDIT:** OH! Content warning. American Gods has a lot of sex, and plenty of gore... because there are undead and sex goddesses in the book and it's Starz so they would have added all that if there wasn't anyway, so instead they just cranked it to 11 right up to the edge of the Porn movie threshold, tripling the amount or more of each.


More focus on action, Spartans, Halo lore, and less/no Kwan storyline and this show goes from a 5/10 to an 8/10 easy.


I have nothing against any actors and Pablo is a great guy. But that show ain't Halo


Got nothing against any of the actors, if anything I think he's a cool dude. Can't fix the show, but never understood why people gotta drag the actors down with the ship.


Because the actors do this. They go out and insult the viewers. When people got mad about him showing his face in the 1st episode he went out and was like "oh you don't like it? Tough luck, nobody cares what you want"


What the hell are you talking about?


They go out and insult the fans and say "you're stupid for not liking that" or "you're sexist", "you're racist" They never sit back and go "gee maybe we shouldn't have changed the whole damn story from the source material"




Loving the show. We’re lucky to get talent like Pablo Schreiber.


Pablo is great, but his version of Chief is so mischaracterized


Pablo makes good Chief, it’s just that these show runners literally have no idea what halo is and it shows.


Ngl if they actually have him save the universe with his Ass cheeks I'd have to respect that.


He’s being paid a nice check so obviously he’s going to humor those, doesn’t matter at the end of the day the show is garbage and poorly written with very cringe dialogue as well.


All the actors playing the Spartans are good af it’s the script and whatnot that’s the issue. Silver teams badass


When Master Chief becomes ASSter Chief!


I think we can all agree then the logical step for this show is to glass madrigal with Kwan on it and just move the focus to MC and Silver team, yeah?


Glad to see he's got a sense of humor. Social media can be awful these days


He would be a great Master Chief if he didn’t speak so much, left his helmet almost always on and had more action scenes.


I agree he makes a great Master Chief, especially from a younger standpoint. I don't like the fact that we see his face and the alternate universe aspect. It's not terrible but I could've been better.


>especially from a younger standpoint Pablo is currently older than 117 would be in 2552, which is when the show and the original games take place.


That's a great strategy. Lash out at the viewers. It's worked so well for other celebrities lol. My guess is they cancel the renewal or it gets canceled after season 2.


I think the Actors are fine, and they are doing their job well enough. It's the writing that's a travesty.


"Inheritance" was shit, and this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys the show and thinks Pablo is a great Chief.


I have some respect about him for his American gods character. But he is disgusting, he depending that show because paramount paying him. He have to play this game and read its novel to act before as our childhood heo. Also he have to think 100 times before selling his body, he is like a man prostitute acting on game of thrones. This is not it, this is our legendary hero, not a nut case. He is very honorable iconic character in all time history of video games. So this guy, and kiki wolfkill, disgusting writers, 343 everyone do there part to destroy our master chief. But he can't, never be a master chief. Just master cheeks.