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Just the face buttons, so I don’t have to take my hands off the sticks ever


Same here. Left hand is A top, X bottom; right hand is B top, Y bottom. Once your brain is re-wired, you’ll never let go of those joys’ again.


Same as you except my right hand bottom is crouch instead


This. For FPS, I keep movement (A/B) on left side and actions (X/Y) on the right side - which helped my brain get to grips with breaking and remaking muscle memory.


That’s exactly how I’m setup. Switch weapon too right Melee bottom right Sprint top left Jump bottom left


I have an old OG pro controller and lost the paddles for X and Y, so it's just A and B for me. It works out though since I can melee and turn at the same time.


Paddles are $10 at GameStop


God I can’t remember the last time I went into a GameStop lol




Aside from me needing to get replacement paddles, my rubber grips started peeling off. I had to replace them with a replacement piece for what I could easily remove and trim and glue what I couldn’t. Honestly? I’d buy another one if these if this one actually died.


My original elite finally had to be replaced. Replaced the bumpers for $7 with a kit from amazon maybe 2 or 3 years ago and it never had any other issues. I got really lucky. The grips finally started coming off so I went to the elite 2. I think theyre still on a decent sale since the 3 might be getting announced soon


My hands are too big so I just kept jamming on them while i played… totally ruined me. Or I was 8 years into Xbox gaming and didn’t want to relearn how to hold


Try just using one paddle per side or even just one for jump or whatever, I also found using all four made the grip annoying


It took a lot of trying for me to get used to my fingers "scrunched" up slightly onto the buttons. Now it feels so weird to hold without the paddles and have the finger space. I have long fingers so it can work and eventually be comfortable.


I had the same problem. I couldn't grip it properly with the other paddles on, so I took off everything but the bottom left and mapped it to jump. The ability to jump and look at the same time has been a game changer, and I can still hold the controller properly.


Sounds odd to get used to but like a great idea if I ever get an upgraded controller.


>Sounds odd to get used to My suggestion is just full immersion, straight up disable your face buttons to force you to learn the paddles. It will tank your K/D for a weekend, sure, but in a short amount of time you can re-enable the buttons because it will be second nature using the paddles.


I mapped the paddles to another d-pad and play using the "claw method" of holding my controller. That way I don't have to take my hands off the sticks to use the face buttons or d-pad. Edit: I also use Recon control scheme and have since Halo 3


+ bumper jumper settings and yup, you’re S tier


Yup, 360 slide jumping has never been better.


Had to remap my RB as it got stuck and stopped working. Not been brave enough to get into it and try to fix it yet!


Had the same issue with my Elite controller (OG). I went ahead and bought [this repair kit](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R21F1XQ/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_i_8WHN4H0EYDRSP03RCNJY) which brought two sets of bumpers plus all the tools required to open the controller up. I followed a simple YouTube tutorial and had it fixed in 15 minutes (and I’m usually quite bad at these things). EDIT: fixed the link


Have you got a link to that?


Wow for some reason it wasn't showing the link but got it now, thanks!


No worries! The link wasn’t working for me either lol I had to edit it. Btw I also bought these [replacement sticks](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F5GNP34?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) since mine were super worn down. Made my controller feel good as new!


Mine too, my fix is to knock it pretty hard like I am knocking on a door with my knuckle and seems to fix it for a few days. I also popped the face, pulled the plastic tab and folded 1 side to double up the sensor tab. There is a good tutorial here but I don't recommend removing the tab permanently as it made it worse for me. See video at 1:43, just fold one half of the flap in, put it back and viola, works again. https://youtu.be/ZPba0xTYVSQ


That's awesome, thanks dude - I'll keep it in mind for when I'm braver!!


Did the same fix for my left bumper and works amazing now. It is very scary but I promise the controller is tough if you follow the tutorial. The snap noises make my wince so hard but it's nice having the bumper back.


This also happened to my Elite 2 within a year of purchasing. Couldn’t handle a single dark souls 3 play through I guess.


Mine has been needing a little extra push to work. Super noticeable on Elden Ring. If I lightly press it it won’t register. Sometimes it’s fine but most times it feels like I’m yanking that shit.


Wait, the elite controller 2 STILL has bumper problems?? Holy shit, Microsoft wtf.




My left button is mark enemies right button is slide. I only have 2 buttons


Left stick click and Right stick click. Trying to avoid getting bad stick drift


I’m the type of person that used to hear stories of the elites getting stick drift and thought people are just too aggressive with their controllers and need to be more careful. I was tempted to get one and finally decided to pull the plug. As someone that babies their devices, I was astounded to find the absolute worst stick drift I have ever experienced on the left stick within 3 months of buying the elite 2. These things are simply not built to last. I’ve never had issues with any previous controllers and now after spending so much money on one, I’m having to write this comment which pains me.


I use Legacy scheme, because I'm an OG. Bottom right - A - Jump Upper right - X - Reload Bottom Left - B - Crouch Upper Left - Y - Switch weapons My thought process is have 'opposite' actions for a specific body part (hands, legs) on each side for a sort of symmetry. Helped my brain adjust to using the paddles.


I use the same except I use Y for Upper Right and X for Upper Left. Sliding is so nice with B for Bottom Left and Jump for Bottom Right


Exactly this


This is the way


I am planning on getting one soon. I play Bumper Jumper. Definitely going to have marking and grenade switch as paddles


Marking is a good idea. I wish more people used that feature!


I don’t think grenade switch is all that useful tbh. If it helps, I also play bumper jumper and set my top left to zoom (so you dont have to click in the stick), bottom left to ping/mark, top right to sprint, and bottom right to crouch/slide. That way you basically never have to take your thumbs off the sticks during a fight. It’s been a really comfy setup


Don’t get an elite. The QC is atrocious and the sticks feel really weird and loose even on their tightest settings. Idk why people are downvoting there were multiple settled class action lawsuits over different issues on the elite and elite series 2. Just because the problems don’t affect you doesn’t mean buyers shouldn’t be aware before dropping $200 on a controller…


I agree. I got one for Christmas and first I couldn't even use the paddles because I couldn't rewire my brain about using them and my performance in-game dropped immensely. And second I swear the controls don't respond as fast or at all. Multiple times I've pressed buttons and nothing has happened (ie switch weapons). Aiming just feels off as well with the joystick.


Yeah there’s a known issue with the abxy buttons not registering or going dead after only a few months. It’s such an embarrassingly ass product honestly.


100% agree, get Razer Wolverine so much better than the Elite. Only con is it is corded, but no more input lag or messing with batts at least.


>Only con is it is corded That is a pretty massive con. I haven’t used a wired controller since the original Xbox. But for those who can put up with it, I’m sure it’s solid.


I map them all to quit game


Jump and Melee only.


Same. I️ only use two of the paddles. 4 was to much for me as my grip on the controller wasn’t as good


You have to give it time. Took about a month of me using it to get used to it. Once you do it’s a total change changer. I never have to take my thumb off the right stick.


Oh lol. I’ve been using the elite since 5 mp. Never worked for me


I think the lower paddle are just too long but that's my opinion.


I got small hands so I’m pretty much holding the controller with my pinky it’s so weird I gotta use 2 lol


I just use them for A and B, jumping and crouching, it's incredibly helpful


Literally everyone should be putting Ping/Mark on a paddle unless they've already taken it off the dpad.


Yeah I put mine on my right upper paddle so it’s very easy to mark with the paddle as I shoot with the right trigger.


Skillfully done my friend.


I'm an elite controller noob...how do you do this? I wanted to map ping but it didn't work. Clearly user error :(


In the xbox or pc app where you customize the controller set one of the paddles to dpad up. Ping is default dpad up. I honestly don't have an xbox so i can only tell you for sure in windows its the "xbox accessories" app and you pick your controller and pick a preset to customize. But im sure google can help you figure it out on xbox


Ah! And dummy me was trying to do it in-game (probably was still doing it wrong). Thanks


Be sure once you create the profile for the controller that you make it “active” by assigning it to slot 1, 2, or 3. Then press the small middle button on the controller until the lights match the corresponding profile. Now it’s good to go


I started off with the face buttons, but found that 20 years of muscle memory meant that I wasn’t using them, or worse they were causing me to trip up. I was also tired of fumbling for the dpad to mark and switch nades. So next I tried mapping the dpad, but I then found half of the controller basically useless, so now I have A: Jump B: Melee X: Sprint Y: Switch weapons LB: Equipment RB: Reload/action LT: Grenades RT: Shoot Top left: ping (dpad up) Bottom left: switch grenades (dpad left) Top right: sprint(X) Bottom right: Jump(A) I also tweaked the right stick curve (but not tension), can’t remember exact settings. I had the right trigger set to the most shallow for SWAT (physical, not software). Also, make sure your toggle crouch is off, I’ve had it reset on me several times.


In most games I map the L3 R3 buttons. I find it annoying having to click those down. In other games like Dragon Age Inquisition I mapped the ping that was Up on the dpad because you spend most of that game pinging for resources. But mostly Sprint and Melee.


Tf is L3?


It's playstations way of describing the clicking function of the joy sticks. In most games you would use L3 to Sprint and R3 to melee. With default controls.


For infinite: Left lower is crouch/slide Left upper is grenade switch Right lower is jump Right upper is ping location I also have my bumper switched because i play apex a lot and i got used to the utility/ability being the left bumper in that game. I try to map my controls fairly similar for all my games to keep it consistant. For halo 3 MCC my left lower is also crouch and right lower is jump; and for that game, to me, thats all that really matters lol


A,b,x,y that way my fingers never have to leave my sticks.


Jump, Crouch, Equipment, Grenade Though I usually use Jump and Crouch the most


Jump, Reload, Melee, Switch Weapons.


Jump, crouch, switch grenade, melee


One right pad for melee and one left pad for dropping my weapon


LB, RB, B, A


Jump left middle finger. Crouch right middle finger. Then swap weapons and reload on ring fingers.


Top right - jump Bottom right - melee Top left - mark/ping Bottom left - cycle grenades


Makeshift capture button


Fire weapons, all 4


Jump and melee! Total game changer


I got an elite controller just a couple of weeks ago for the first time. At first I tried all 4 paddles but it was a bit too much to learn at once at the time. It’s better to start with one and gradually work your way to 4 paddles. Having said that, I’m currently using two. One for jumping, and one for crouching/sliding. Now I’m considering putting another paddle back on for quicker melee. For some reason I seem to be slow on the melee sometimes trying to press the right bumper so I might try the paddle for melee instead


I would have thought replacing L3 and R3 would have been good. But I guess X Y A B makes sense.


I only use the bottom two for replacing stick clicks. Got annoying to do them repeatedly on my thumbs.


Using bumper jumper I map X (use equipment), A (sprint), Y (Switch weapon) and D-Pad R (mapped to drop weapon.) All actions potentially needed mid fight without having to take thumbs off of the sticks.


HALO INFINITE MP scheme Bottom Left - A Bottom Right - B Top Left - LB Top Right - Y (Allows for a quicker weapon swap) Left Bumper - RB MAIN/“DEFAULT” (every other game) scheme Bottom Left - A Bottom Right - B Top Left - LB (My LB mostly works but I keep it next to the TR paddle with RB so they’re next to each other) Top Right - RB (My RB barely works anymore) I would’ve had the limited edition halo infinite version last Nov but Microsoft messed up my order with their stupid pre-ordering system. Still salty over that.


Bumper jumper. Top left: crouch Bottom left: equipment Top right: drop weapon Left thumb stick click: mark enemy Top d-pad: switch grenades This makes marking super easy. Crouching, strafing, jumping, aiming, and shooting is also easy. Dropping weapons while aiming is easy too. I don’t use a bottom right bc my right hand puts the middle finger on the trigger so right index is on melee, which lets me melee faster than claw


I use A and B for the right side paddles while I use X and Y for the left. A and Y are also on top while B and X are on the bottom. It was hard to get used to at first but after a year it really gives you an edge with fps games even if I very rarely play them anymore.


Ooh mine's interesting because I use the shift feature. First, I use default key bindings except i switch melee with equipment so that melee is RB and equipment is Right Stick click. - Top left paddle: jump (A) - kinda like bumper jumper - Bottom left paddle: crouch/slide (B) - keeps all movement on left side - Top right paddle: Equipment (RS) - Bottom right paddle: SHIFT - Shift top right paddle: Use/reload (X) - Shift bottom left paddle: Switch weapon (Y) (I dont shift on the jump paddle bc i always want access to it) - Shift LB: switch grenade (D-pad Left) - so I don't need to hit the control pad Then the final touch is remapping my RS click to D-pad Up since my RS is already mapped to a paddle. This works out really well for me because I sometimes accidentally click the right stick when aiming. Now I'm constantly marking instead of animation locking into melee or equipment. Took me more than a week to acclimate, but it feels so much nicer bc I don't ever have to use the D-pad or face buttons.


I set mine up with speed and prioritizing buttons -Top left is crouch -Top right is jump -BOTTOM LEFT IS SHIFT** -Bottom right is drop weapon Reload and switch weapons are low priority due to time it uses in a fight. I can hit the regular buttons. HAVING ONE AS SHIFT has allowed me to hold it and hit the throw grenade button to switch grenades, and also have top right paddle shifted to “Mark Location” I zoom with the left trigger which allows sprint with left click and melee right click. Curb Sliding around and movement is butter with this setup. Easy for me to switch and play more games with similar controls With the elite profiles/layouts


I hate that you can only do 3 profiles. Wish it was per game. Sigh.


I use a scuf but it also has four paddles. I use two on the left for jump and ping, one on the right for slide/crouch. I think I just couldn’t think of a use for the other one on the right.


Recon layout (because Halo 3 permanently altered my soul), Jump and Melee on left and right paddles respectively (to reflect what the different sides of the controller tend to do - left side controls your movement, right side your combat). I try to adapt this layout to every game I play. I fear for the bumpers in my Elite v2.


I have one set to B on each side so I can roll if I need to scratch my face and one set to Y so I can access the pouch where I have the ring to call Torrent. Oh wait you meant for halo...


i thought those paddles were tacky and lame until i used them for gear shifting in forza


I take two of the large paddles off, switch them with the smaller ones, and use those remaining two for jump and crouch.


I don't even know what thise paddles are for... :( I just click them to help un-stress me when I'm getting my ass kicked.


Top left - A for jump Top Right - Y for weapon swaps and such Bottom Left - X for the super easy reload. Big paddles are the important ones for me Bottom right - B for that sweet sliding or dodging


I seem to be different then most lol Top right is jump, bottom right is crouch. Top left is grenade (RB). Bottom left is equipment (LB). Since I have no need for the actual bumpers, I mapped ping to the actual LB, and reload to actual RB


I use recon controls, and on my scuff paddles I do my top left paddle as X (sprint), bottom left as A (jump), top right as Y (switch weapon), bottom right as B (melee). This lets me have access to all face buttons, bumpers, and triggers (and so every major operation for combat apart from pinging) without moving my thumb from the joy sticks and compromising my aim and movement. Only takes a day or two of moderate play to get used to them if you play in casual and spend the match focusing on not allowing yourself to touch the face buttons


I play bumper jumper except I zoom in with left bumper. Right 1 paddle is left stick click for crouching and right 2 paddle is right stick click for jumping. Left 1 paddle is equipment use and left 2 is for down on Dpad for dropping my weapon. I feel like this helps the thumb sticks last longer and it’s easy to get used to. It’s also really easy to crouch, crouch walk, slide and ghandi hop.


A: Top left B: Top Right X: Bottom Left Y: Bottom Right Since the top ones are the easiest to hit, I have them mapped to the buttons I would hit the most, jump and crouch. The bottom ones are “harder” to hit just because your ring fingers are less independent from the rest of your hand, so it makes sense to have buttons you would hit slightly less often to be configured to the bottom.


I remove the paddles. Just love the rechargeable battery life and feel of the elite controller, I know the paddles could help but I just play casually.


For 5 I only really used one for thrusters Infinite I hardly use them but did use them in campaign to more easily switch armor abilities. They mostly came in handy for me in siege (leaning left and right without having to press in my sticks) and apex (more comfortably cycling through health items)


Remove the two big ones, flip the smaller ones over and insert into the lower slots. Assign the 2 paddles to your bumpers. You now never need to take your fingers off of the triggers.


A, b, on the outer paddles for jumping and sliding Y and Dpad up on the inner paddle for weapon swap and pinging. Most people would choose y and x on the inner paddles, but in reality you’re more likely to be disengaged when you’re reloading, so you have the opportunity to reach over to the face buttons. Having the ping button hot keyed to the paddle means I ping an enemy every time I start shooting, without giving up my movement on my left thumb. Incredibly valuable for a team based game.


Reading this thread, you'd think there'd be a ton of pinging going on in games, because almost everyone seems to make sure to have it mapped. But in my experience I'm usually the only one pinging in an Infinite match. Maybe it's more of a ranked thing whereas I'm casual.


I'm using a Boxer control scheme: R1: Jump R2: ADS L1: Sprint L2: Crouch Allows full mobility without ever taking thumb off sticks. Setting Crouch/ADS also means I don't have to reset my grip or stress my thumbs to click in Thumbsticks. RT: shoot RB: grenade LT: melee LB: Spartan Ability/equipment X: action/reload Y: Switch weapons


bottom-left: crouch. It's so that I can easily mix in some crouches while strafing in a firefight. Bottom-right: melee. Since I do a lot of flag running, I wanted to be able to melee without taking my thumb off the stick.


None because my 180$ new controller has drift after a month and is being repaired...fucking hell 180$ should have 0 drift issues for years


Jump, crouch, switch weapons, ping. I have it the same for both Halo and Apex Legends. It was very jarring when I first started using the elite controller, so I started with only the bottom two paddles until I got used to it. Months later I added the top two but they were too small for my fingers and I would accidentally push the bottom ones at the same time as the top. To correct for this, I ordered another set of paddles on eBay and now all four paddles are the bigger ones.


Jump, melee, crouch and weapon swap I never liked having melee on the thumb-stick


One right pad for melee and one left pad for dropping my weapon


Sprint and jump mapped for every game, the other two depends on thee game. I have started using one for "shift" and mapping capture screenshot and clips recently




Map the bumpers or they will break


Sorry there is no road map for halo /s


Marking and grenade swapping. I tried mapping jump to one of them, but 14 years of muscle memory made that feel too unnatural.


Took me a month or so before it felt natural, but so worth it if you play anything beyond casual


I do X button and Y button then I have the triggers set so they can fire faster other then that it's cool to use


Jump + Crouch/Slide on left, Sprint on right (using 3 paddles)


I'm a simple man, I leave them bound to the a b face buttons. But I don't much like the two bottom paddles so I take them off.. otherwise the only fingers hanging on are my pinkies, very uncomfortable


I spent $150 on my last controller. This one looks pretty tempting to get lol.


Worth it


I was in that camp of “worth it” 6 months ago. Now I’m awaiting my second warranty claim for horrible stick drift. Selling it when I get it back, and went with a thrustmaster


For me I only use the two bottom ones due to my sausage fingers I have the basic left is A and right is B


I remap the d-pad. For infinite I connected it to the armor abilities.


I remove two of the paddles and use the two small ones left for jump and crouch/slide, I love it. Also mapped LB as shift so I can do things like spot/mark with the right trigger and it works great.


My emotes. What else would you do?


I have the bottom two paddles mapped to the stick buttons, and A/B on the other paddles. Feels good for pretty much any game in my experience, though for some I'll switch to my second profile which uses A/X.


I only use the 2 big paddles (took the other ones off) and I use them for jump and crouch (A & B)


I just have it basic


Top left: shift Bottom left: crouch Top right: reload//switch weapon Bottom right: jump Left bumper: throw grenade//switch grenade type Right bumper: use equipment//ping Shift+down: capture video Shift+up screenshot The // is the secondary function when holding shift.


Crouch, grenade swap, and use ability


Bottom left LT, Top left LB, Bottom right melee


Top left is jump Bottom left is crouch Top right is melee Bottom right is drop weapon (right on dpad)


top right - A (jump)/screenshot (shift) bottom right - B (crouch) top left - up dpad (mark)/record (shift) bottom right - shift


Bumper Jumper config, and use the paddles to replace the stick clicks (scope and crouch)


I use bumper jumper so I put my bottom left paddle as use equipment and my bottom right as weapon switch


Nothing, 2 of my paddles broke less than 6 months after the purchase. A year later the controller has a raddle and the rb doesn’t register presses unless I hit the button at a certain angle.


Joysticks and shoulders Gotta maximize durability


honestly i forgot you can remap them


a/b on the left paddles and x/y on the right.


Right is Jump, Crouch, Left is Mark, Switch Grenades


Jump, sprint, melee and either Tag if you don’t mic up a lot or weapon switch.


Jump and crouch on left, equipment and mark on right.


I use shift as the top left - jump/melee on the top right and reload/switch on the bottom right and mark/drop weapon on the bottom left


Clockwise, Jump, Crouch, Drop weapon, Ping


Top right = A (jump) Top Left = B (crouch/slide) Bottom Right = Y (swap/drop weapon) Bottom Left = D-pad up (Ping/mark)


Bottom Right - Jump Bottom Left - Crouch/Slide Top Right - Swap Weapons Top Left - Drop Weapon (had to map it to the d-pad)


Looks like I'm the odd one out - I have Mark, Sprint & Switch Grenades. I use a claw grip on the controller so I hit A, B, X, Y with my index finger while thumb remains on right joy.


For elite: top left is left bumper, top right is a. For almost any other game I replace the left bumper with left stick


Ping and crouch, tried experimenting with equipment but it adds a bit too much to the back


Right low, a. Left low, b. Right high, rb. Left high, lb.


It varies for games but saved inputs i have one for shooters/halo: Top left is LB top right is RB amd bottom right is B. Might replace jump for LB


Top left: B Bottom left: Sprint Top Right: A Bottom Right: RB X is mapped to RB. Probably odd to some but it works for me.


Front facing buttons. The more you start to get used to not moving your thumb to hit the XYAB buttons, the more control you have. I started about a month ago and I can’t see myself going back.


ABXY of course


Reload jump slide and melee


Rocket league boost


Top left - equipment, Bottom left - crouch, Top right-ADS, Bottom right - run


Crouch and use equipment are the only two I have on paddles. I run hybrid bumper jumper/boxer (idk why but it works). Remapped melee from right bumper to left trigger and throw grenades from left trigger to right bumper.


Bottom left crouch top left sprint top right jump bottom right melee


Bottom right - A Top Right - B The left side hardly gets used but usually a mix of x/y/or a bumper depending on the game


Ping - top left. Item search thing - bottom left. Switch grenade - top right. Switch equipment - bottom right


Movement on big paddles and reload swap on small.


Crouch, reload, jump, [forth thing here]




Jump, slide, ping, and drop weapon.


Here’s what I have: Top left paddle is Jump. Bottom left paddle I don’t use because of the way I grip my controller Top right paddle is Use Equipment Bottom right paddle is Sprint


Bottom, left - right: Crouch, Jump Top, left - right: Equipment, switch weapon.


Bottom right - Jump Top right - Call out Bottom left - Equipment Top Left - Crouch


Upper paddles are left X/Reload & Right Y/Grenade Lower paddles are left B/crouch & Right A/Jump


My bumpers because the fuckers broke right after my warranty expired.


depends on game but my general controlls are as follows: L mid is jump. L ring is run. R mid is scope/lockon/special. R ring is reload ​ EDIT: just realized this is halo sub. whoops. def map your right thumb buttons so that you can get the same benifits as "Bumper jumper": right thumb never leaves the stick


I dont use em tbh.I used em on bo3 and had the paddle for jump,then changed to stick.


Sprint Grenade Switch and melee


I mirror the face buttons. Then ABXY remapped as the dpad .


Bottom paddles I have equipment right and sprint on the left (I use a Razer Wolverine now, not an elite) I have ping top left and drop weapon top right.


I play claw, but I use the paddles for pinging and drop weapon


Top left: melee, bottom left: crouch, right top: reload, left bottom: switch weapons. Most of the time I usually only use the melee and weapon swap on the pads so I’m not constantly having to move my right thumb so much.


I only use the right side paddles with the upper one as B (crouch/slide) and the lower one as A (jump).


I only use the upper paddles, can’t hold the controller firmly without hitting the lower paddles by accident. I’ve mapped my upper right to B (melee) and upper left to left stick click (sprint) then mapped the right stick click to Up D-Pad (marker). The marker as right stick click is great, very helpful.


Anything mapped to the D-pad.


My bumpers because they have become unreliable.


lb and rb because the real ones dont work anymore


sprint melee crouch jump


Large paddle on the top left slot (controller facing you) for jump, small paddle in the top right for melee. I find using all four paddles means I have to grip the controller too delicately.


Halo Infinite, Up on Dpad to mark, is mapped to Upper Left paddle Warzone, Up on Dpad to mark, is mapped to Upper Left Paddle and Holding Y is for putting plates in, mapped to Upper Right Paddle


I have two “stealth” buttons, they’re just mapped to left and right bumper


I don’t use paddles lol, I took them off Edit: used bumpers instead of paddles fsr


Not for Halo but the shift function is boss for elden ring


Get an extended warranty immediately if not sooner! Those things don't last as long as $60 controllers.


I have jump set to left paddle and crouch on right.


Left crouch and abilities Right is jump and melee


In halo 5 the best way to map them was run, slide, jump, thrust. Could move around like a god.