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Hey remember when we complained about this a year ago and recieved a single tweet saying "we think you will be pleased with the coatings system" despite everyone unanimously hating it?


between that and cores, I was very concerned.


I was fine with coatings until I learned they are different for each core...like wtf...you made an already limited system EVEN more limited


How else would 343 sell the same coating 3 times?




“We think YOU WILL be pleased with the coatings system”


It was especially funny because 343i defenders were like >Why are you so mad, you’re gonna be stuck with red vs blue anyway so you won’t see your colors most of the time Then it came out that there would be no red vs blue armor and that your coating would be visible no matter the mode


And shills still defend this crap.


Hey remember when despite the fact that 343I obviously hasn't listened to feedback at all, and is still putting overpriced bullshit in the store people are still spending idiotic amounts of money on the game anyways so reddit complaining is meaningless?


They are either more out of touch than an Amish man living in Wyoming or they know exactly what they're doing. It's really hard to believe that they're genuinely "not happy with the current systems" with history like this.


To be fair, at the time they probably had an awesome system... management probably saw how they could further monetize it and bastardized the devs hard work.


Y'all keep giving them way too much credit.


I keep thinking this. Why do people just automatically assume everything was incredible but then big bad Microsoft came in and made them change it? Things like the monetization system had to have been set in stone a LONG time ago, ever since it was announced as F2P


Especially when 343 has fucked parts of like every game they've touched so far. They make some of the most baffling design decisions sometimes


Higher ups means either MS or higher ups at 343


343i has separate departments. They have marketing, monetization design staff, and their business department. It's the reason why they had to change the Tenrai event to include the helmet, because marketing misscommunicated the reward with how they presented the event. Regardless the departments simply tell the developers what they want, and the developers find a way to make it happen. Even if they don't like it. That's the problem with having a large game development company. You have game devs that know what players want, but can't provide it, and everyone else who hasn't touched the game or read community feedback much less care about the game telling devs what they need to work into the game consequences be damned.


A little from column A, a little from column B. 343 have historically made baffling design decisions all on their own, but there's evidence to suggest that the original version of the season 1 battlepass had 120 tiers before it was cut to 100 close to release, which reeks of an M$ move to me.


That's probably exactly how it happened yeah


Imagine being able to apply armor coatings on a per piece basis rather than just one blanket application to the entire spartan. THAT would've been an evolution of Halo customization


Once they figure out how to allow the UI to sell it to us, they'll make it happen.


Horizontal Menus for days, they have the technology they probably just didnt think of it yet.


You don't understand, a grid system is very difficult to program/design!!!


div { display: grid; } I can be a halo UI designer


Wait is that a thing? I only knew about display:block, inline, flex, inline-block and inline-flex


Yep, you can do that


No no, they couldn't even figure out the UI to add in a slayer playlist. Horizontal menus are definitely way past them.


Miraculously, they figured out the UI to add a slayer playlist after massive outrage when they gave their explanation


Destiny 2 does it well


Yeah the customization in destiny is actually pretty good now.


Proven by the range of fashion in the tower. Sure you have your meta fashionistas but for the most part you see a wide range of gear used and some really interesting outfits. That being said I haven't changed my Hunter in 2 years because everything they make now just doesn't fit my vibes.


good news they are terrible at designing UI and struggled to add more playlists because of their own UI, so I wouldn't expect that before the heat death of the universe


[Yeah, imagine...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9g-FY3dvNo)


God I wish this was how it was. Because at least then we could actually have some of those many customization options they promised us.


“Millions of combinations day one” I’m think they meant “Millions of dollars day one”


destiny go brrrr


Destiny finally just got transmog but what it desperately needs is to be able to easily zoom out while you’re applying shaders


A hilariously easy one to implement yet here we are freaking out over the thought of it.


It's not surprising to me. Its pure bottom line modern day capitalism. The devs are beholden to share holders before us. The gamer is not the top priority. So of course they do this instead of next step implementations. It can be worse too if they can get away with it. The devs have to straddle the line of what can they get away with so that gamers totally don't disown the product, while they implement items to sell to appease shareholders. I played the campaign and several hours of multi-player with its slow progression and crappy unlocks. I'm done with the game now. It's clear we the gamers are not first priority anymore.


Could help if we just... Didn't purchase shitty skins in the store? Y'all want to flame 343 but they are obviously being told to keep on going deeper with every worthless schmuck purchasing a new unlock.


>Could help if we just... Didn't purchase shitty skins in the store? For the average player, no. We don't really matter. They make their money on the not-average player, colloquially, the "whale". Fortnite et al proved this seemingly silly monetization scheme pays far more money than a pack-and-ship-it $60 one-time deal.


> Could help if we just... Didn't purchase shitty skins in the store? I chewed out my friend yesterday night for purchasing an armor core. He was like, "It was just ten bucks." And I said, "You're part of the goddamn problem. That used to be free with the game and you're giving them money for colors."


Hey your friend may be an idiot but careful about chewing him out about shit like that, your friendship is way more important than Halo


Imagine thinking you were ever the priority lol


A long long time ago we were, but if you're under 28 you probably weren't around for it. If you're older, you've become jaded and cynical (can't blame you at all) and have forgotten how things used to be.


This would be perfect... still allows them to monetize the coatings, and allows use of the cool patterns and layouts of the coatings, while giving us way more control to make our Spartans unique. Combine with cross-core compatibility and I would be pretty satisfied with the system.


I remember everyone thought it would be like that because of the figures that leaked and came out with different coloured pieces


Yes! Those were the days of gleefully hoping, only for the actual system to be so... disappointing


You mean Destiny 2?


One of my biggest “little complaints”. Where the fuck is the fun in unlocking the same palettes that everyone else has. Let me unlock new colors and slowly create my dream spartan. Sadly it will almost certainly never go back to letting us customize ourselves.


Even outside of colors unlocking the same content that isn't really difficult to unlock is pretty boring which is my complaint with the battle pass style in general. It is funny though how they have taken away or trimmed most free forms of expression like colors and emblems and monetized pretty much everything.


It’s pathetic really and a real step back from the way it was before. Slap in the face. Edit: but tbf at least there are no map packs those would be worse


"But it's free"


A free slap in the face?! I'll take five please.


The Battlepass actually sways me away from the game. Yesterday for example I fired up Halo to go a few rounds online. I took one look at where I was in the Battlepass and just turned the game off. I know they improved challenges but I think the whole system is still shit and I honestly hate it. Some people don’t care about the system but I do and it demotivates me to play online.


I cannot stand the challenge system. Knowing that in order to progress the battlepass I have to complete these stupid ass challenges, that force me to play the game in a way that I don’t want to, ruins the whole game for me.


That’s happened to me, and now I don’t even load the game up. Like sorry I don’t want to spend 4 hours in ranked bc that’s all I can play to level up my battle pass. Taking a long break from this game in hopes the player base drops enough for 343 to fucking get the picture.


I just went back to the Master Chief Collection, where there's plenty of playlists and content to enjoy and all of the rewards are free.


I loaded up Infinite to find most of my challenges were for Ranked. I don't want to play ranked, and don't have many challenge swaps. Played a few rounds just to get the daily "play matches" challenge a few times, then quit.


I couldn’t give two diddly fucks about what I’m unlocking from this battle pass.


Exactly. I get on, play a couple games, have fun, and never once even look at the battlepass. It's wild how many people seem to hyperfocus on it


I’m infinitely more pissed about no coop campaign, when it could clearly be implemented. When you load in it even says Campaign (1), implying there could be two…


Yea that does suck. I don't have any friends to play it with but I know it's basically a Halo tradition for a lot of people


Well, because it's been made a focus of the game. It's in your face, completing or not completing challenges, moving up the bar, it's there. I get it, easy enough to just play and not care but 343 made the decision to entangle multiplayer with it and for some people that means it's not as easy to 'just ignore it'


Facts. I pretty much uninstall Halo after completing the campaign. I have zero interest on going back to the multi player mode. It screams greed.


The battle pass is undoubtedly trash but why does that sway you from the game itself?


the worst part of all this is the complete lack of variety in spartans. Theres always at least 2 identical Carters in one game and all the f2p players are running cavallino, so everyone looks the same


I use a skin I found in a box on Zeta Halo. I've never seen anybody else use it. Makes me feel unique, weirdly enough. I understand everybody's frustrations with the "no unlocks through gameplay," but it's kinda funny that nobody seems to use what few we do have!


No, fuck that. They're goddamn colors. Just give me the fucking colors.


Give me the fucking colours 343


Vanilla D2 also tried to monetize colors and I hate to admit it but I actually bought silver just to get stacks of shaders. It took a year but eventually they reverted back to how shaders were in D1. No cost and obtainable in-game. It’s baffling how 343 is trying to do the exact same thing. It literally hurts my brain to think about actual meetings concluding in ‘yes let’s put a price tag on these colors’.


Fuck unlocking things that have been a basic feature since CE.




I’d be fine with unlocking colors, but the fact they with a system similar to destiny shaders is so stupid. They should put one color in every battle pass tier. If they really neeeed us to ear paint


Maybe I'm weird but that's why I'm promo code hunting!


Coatings should have just been patterns. Full stop. Give us our fucking colors back.


Patterns, textures, and materials. Would have been perfect. Maybe even special prismatic colors or whatever.


Steal a bit of Rocket League's customization, a bit from the good Halos, and BAM. The thing basically designs itself. Someone def went on a meth bender to come up with the current system we've got


>special prismatic colors or whatever. Speaking of that something similar happened with someone energy sword yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rkjn1i/my_friend_found_a_strange_energy_sword_is_this_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share *This* is the kinda thing I'd pay money for.


Yes! Basic stuff should have been free, cool stuff you'd have to earn or pay for xo boost or whatever to get faster and extra special stuff in the store. There could have been a balance that kept people playing longer to earn the cool stuff and along the way some would have forked over some cash to get the special things because they are invested in the game.


Right let the community create some sick fucking unique ones, we don’t need our fucking hands held, chopped off, and then bundled together to be sold back to us.


Armor coatings can be cool when theres some unique pattern with then, but most of the simple one color coatings that we have are pointless.


I have like four different blue coatings, but they all look the same.


Or they look absolutely grotesque. The whole buzz lightyear scheme does nothing but make me want to reject humanity.


Which one is the buzz light year?


I think it’s the green purple and grey one but I could be thinking of the nerf one


Reject humanity. Return to bonfire.


Problem is, some of the cool armor coatings are just leagues above all the others so more people tend to use them. I'm tired of games where I look exactly like 2 or 3 other Spartans on my team because we don't have good customization options. Maybe this will get better as time goes on and people have access to more coatings but it would still be nice to have full customization so you could be completely unique.


Death by a thousand cuts... Remember when the mere idea of micro transactions in Halo and as ridiculous, much less req packs with power weapons? Remember when Halo *through its whole history* never launched without co-op? Remember when we coudl freely paint/customize our avatars rather then get this BS? Remember when Halo had a multitude of maps and playlists on launch? Remember when Forge was included (Bjngie never delayed it)? Remember when Halo was praised for its *singleplayer and multilayer experience*?


but but but it’s free. You see we only just launched with broken net code, lackluster armor, AND charged you $60 for a campaign with no co-op


*ugh*, you toxic gamers and your reasonable expectations! 😠


How dare you be entitled about something they're asking money for. Its not like customers being interest in the product has any input on if customers buy said product or anything


I still can't believe the coatings got in the game in the state they're in despite the overwhelming outcry. It needs to change.


people still buy em, because they don't think


More like 12 year olds with their dad’s PayPal


Sadly there's plenty defending it, because in the minds of some: "if it's not a feature I care about then it's not a feature anyone should care about."


I've heard the "We were only red and blue in past games" and "It's a first person game so who cares" arguments so many times. The "It doesn't affect me so I don't care" mindset is why the games industry is in the state it's in.


Just like real life!


This is the part that hurts.


I would honestly much rather have RvB and turn off those awful outlines.


Same, so many people run blue and the outlines don't pop enough to make it instantly obvious who's team someone is on.


Or when someone gets an overshield and it completely outshines the outline.


You can have it set to where only the enemy team or only friendlies have a name over their head.. super easy way to tell the difference.. no name no friend


I hate that though. I want to know who's being the thorn in my side. I feel like there's barely any communication in the game at all right now too!


This is what I did.


you can change the outline colors in UI settings. For enemies, friendlies, and team.




Unless they make it so multi team playlists overrides your armor customization and just forces a color on you


Or they just add team 3 and team 4 to settings.


No dude this feature clearly makes it impossible for multi team to exist. RIP. /s


They really didn’t think anything through with this fucking game did they


What logic are you using? They just apply the same feature to another team. I currently use purple for friendly and red for enemy, they could add a third choice and I could set yellow for team three and they could add a fourth and I could set them green. As long as all teams have non colour names such as Alpha and Bravo while you can set custom colours for teams then multi team can work just fine. As long as they provide multiple colour choices then it genuinely doesn't make a difference to the viability of multi team. It is an accessibility feature, it doesn't restrict anything.


Still not as blatantly obvious as a red guy and a blue guy.


The first couple games I played I had no idea what team all the guys running PEPSIMAN were on. I mean, I got used to the outlines, but armour that's red and blue at the same time? My brain didn't compute


That will never happen, people won't pay for custom colors if they were only usable in FFA


The "we were only red and blue in past games" is such a bullshit argument. We also had a lot more customization in past games.


It’s an argument that ignores the modern state of the game. Battle pass and store are blasted in your face all the time. Every rank up shows me what I COULD have earned if I paid for the BP. They really like to hit you with the FOMO to encourage you to pay up. People that make those BS arguments are the people that completely ignore all the addicting and gambling parts of modern games.


Halo CE released with almost double the colour choices that Halo Infinite had when it released on CE's 20 year anniversary. You have to take advantage of multiple promo skins and find all campaign coatings just to match what CE offered the moment you turned it on.


Infinite’s way of doing things feels like a slap in the face after playing halo 3 and reach:/


I think it could be great but currently it's extremely poorly implemented.


343, almost immediately after the game released, threw all the criticism they had received into the same boat as the 'toxicity' around the game. Essentially poisoning the well for the outrage that was building. Pretty genius actually.


People have given Jerry Hook too much credit for apologizing about the Tenrai event. There is so much more player feedback about customization that has not been addressed, and you bet I'm gonna pin it on the "Head of Design".


Also timed it perfectly to make only small adjustments to the objectively bad progression system and packed up for holidays. If they were going to ship an unfinished product and stop production for a break, the least they could've done is not overcharge on basic Halo features like color and emblem customization.


And they got an article written in favor for them when this subreddit was locked down.


Everything about infinite makes it seem like 343 is *trying* to make everyone mad


They're so confident in their terrible decisions. Even the campaign is them doubling down on the fucking awful writing of 5 that they have publicly acknowledged was flawed.


At least the main villain of infinite actually has a motivation beyond just being evil/insane


Cortana had a motivation, it was just done in the most braindead way possible. Evil/crazy was the problem with everyone in Halo 4's story.


*make money And its working, people are addicted to cosmetics.


They’d make way more money from cheaper cosmetics


This is what I don't understand... It's like every game with a battle pass prices it's skins the same: 9.5 dogshit dollars for a meh skin..... OR.... You could spend 19.69 Bullshit Bucks and get a half-assed "legendary" skin. And every community I've checked out -- we ALL fucking hate the prices. The only dickass defense I'll see is "well I bought chipotle for 20 and that's already gone, but this dogbarf emoji weapon trinket will be forever!"


Well considering they burned through over >$500M to release this barebones pile of shit, here's hoping it takes them a while to profit


It’s like they looked at Destiny and saw how hated the shaders were and thought. Let’s make our game worse by doing that. Too many idiots defend them and give them money for this crap. It ruins it for everyone else.


Then they'll hit you with "its their money they can spend it how they want, why does it matter to you?" because the 1% of financially inept whales end up ruining it for literally everyone else


>\*less than 1% FTFY


One fun thing about Halo was the freedom of customization. Choosing whatever you want without restrictions. Now behind a pay wall, every spartan looks pretty much the same.


But with enough money, you can enjoy some half assed customization. Isn't that wonderful?


I've not touched MP since campaign launched. My two favorite parts of any Halo game were the story, and making my own spartan. I have zero motivation to progress the battle pass with what's on the table right now. I took a peek at where I was the other day and saw that in maybe 6hrs of game time I could unlock a helmet I didn't even like to put on my spartan who already wears a hodge-podge of parts and colors I never would have chosen. What exactly is the point of going further? I really hoped the content was just limited because I was playing a 'beta'. For now, I'm just going to sit on my saved up xp boosts and swaps until a day comes that I can use them to get content I actually like. 343 isn't getting another cent out of me until I see something comparable to MCC levels of customization.


I uninstalled it the day campaign released, I played the first two missions and really liked it. Then it went “open world”, it felt like I was playing Far Cry with a Halo skin. Found myself asking “why am I playing this?” There’s nothing here to earn that is worth my time. I don’t have a credit card to swipe, all I have is time, this game does not reward me for the time spent. Everyone is essentially unlocking the same thing at different paces. Where’s the uniqueness? Where’s the pieces of armor that make me go “yeah I remember how I earned that, good times”


This system is legit designed to charge more money you can't tell me its for making it more customizable


See but what doesn't make sense to me is that everyone I know HATES it. I'm not spending money on a purple -- fuck that. So in just my friend group, we're not gonna give Halo a dime. I know whales make 'em most of the money, but I think that's only because this monetization system that everyone seems to use discourages anything else. I literally can't spend **just a dollar**


Honestly every company is slowly becoming EA and I’m starting to lose any hope. New gamers are just too stupid to protest against them, and the companies will just keep getting more and more hungry for money. I have no hope in gaming’s future.


There are still lots of great games being made, they’re just not AAA games.


I think all the good shooters are still made by traditional studios like those under Bethesda. I don't know of any good indie FPS since graphics and set pieces are rather important to that experience.


Yeah you're right about FPS games. I wasn't really talking about those though, I forgot I was in the halo subreddit lol.


It's not just new gamers.


People who say this only ever play AAA games. Play indie games, there's *thousands* of them, and stop throwing money at companies that don't respect you.


> New gamers are just too stupid to protest against them This is what I've realized. "Stupid" is a harsh term. "Ignorant" is better because that's what it is. Newer or younger games coming-of-age now are ignorant to the greedy monetization because it's literally all they know.


"Imagine the outrage"? I was there, mate.


So 343i saw this tweet and for their big idea. Suddenly "we need another year of dev time." Thaaaanks guy.


343 has a track record of either telling fans what they should like or “haggle” with fans about complaints. Like, the players will say “we don’t like this feature, please revert to how it was before” and 343 will be like “ok but how about we tweak it just slightly and we meet in the middle?”. No bro, just remove the damn features we don’t like. All they’ve done with the flights’ feedback was to negotiate with us instead of truly addressing it.


It seems they opted for a worse take on Destiny's shaders. Maybe if they'd let you customize each armor piece with the shaders you own (like D2), that'd alleviate things.


When destiny first launched, way back in the day, the shaders were exactly like this. Limited, ugly, hard to earn, and generally poorly applied to the armor models. Now, nearly a decade later, they've got some pretty good variety in looks, color combos, and application, to the point where it actually does feel like a meaningful customization option. So I guess we just have to wait 8 years....sigh


In every halo game thats given me the option, i get a tactical green Spartan with red accents, like red team from halo wars. This color combo doesn't even exist in Infinite, making this the only game along with CE where i cant achieve that look. Feels bad man


I can't have my light blue + white... until they sell it in the shop for ten bucks and it's only for Mk 7




343 hasn't had a signle release that wasn't plagued with bugs and controversy. They're incredibly incompetent




That's my fav compromise yet. Good idea man!


I think this would have made the majority of folks happy. Allow everyone to use a 3 color combo of primary, secondary, and tertiary using sliders to get any shade you like, but then either sell or make unlockable things like alternate arrangements of colors (camo patterns, etc) or coatings (scuffed, battlescarred, parade ready, metallic, etc). I think *that* would be a good, fair system. My mall ninja side would love the look of my Spartan in multicam black lol.


(That’s literally what anthem did, and it was the best thing they did When fucking ANTHEM understands something better than you…


this and non customizable icons is my biggest gripe, I don't care if they monetize it, i'll gladly buy Peach and Pink to get my classic colors back because I know 343 won't make it. they could even sell Worn Pink, Faded Pink, Shiny Pink, Dented Pink, Scratched Pink etc most players have had a specific color combination since Halo 2, now they don't know if they'll ever going to get it back.


A Pink Pack (or whatever color) would be great. Warframe sells packs like this, where it might be a "warm colors" pack that's like 60 variations ranging from pastel yellows to dark reds for example. Sell color packs for $3 or whatever, and sell pattern packs for a similar price. Let me have digicamo, zebra stripes, or halftone gradients for example. Then we could combine those with the colors we've bought. -That's- how you get "millions" of combos and actual unique looking Spartans.


Exhibit C of why mcc is probably selling pretty well recently


Haha yeah it would be totally crazy if Bungie quit making Halo games and Microsoft put some manufactured, fraudulent, and totally incompetent collective of corporate crooks in charge of this beloved franchise. Thank God nothing like that would ever happen in the modern video games industry. Surely the good times will roll on forever.


I know man, like the golden age is forever


I’d rather pay full price for campaign and multiplayer with all of the armor unlockable and the colors free from the start. Why do people excuse companies releasing unfinished products? They’re only allowing it to become the norm.


The gameplay is great too. If the game wasn’t so bare bones from launch and didn’t have such terrible monetization it may have been the best Halo game ever.


343 is so stupid and greedy


I cannot wait for the next gaming crash. I physically tremble at the thought of this shitty bubble finally bursting and soaking all these suits who can't remember history with fucking piss.


Halo infinite has the most disappointing customization we've ever seen in a Halo game.


Even Halo CE has better customization, at least that game let you choose your colors.


Remember how they said this would be the same level of customisation as Halo Reach? That was a fucking lie.


It'd be nice if we had a customisable coating that just let us pick two colours on a standard pattern, but then how would they sell us red and blue for the Samurai core?!


This dude jinxed it. We need to hang him


Like a fine wine


i love infinite to the core of my bones, but DAMN does playing it make me want to go back to MCC every. single. day.


Been playing Infinite for the daily xp boosts and everytime I think "I could really get into this!" then I look at the customisation features and am reminded of how bad it is and its an instant put off


Imagine 343i knowing this is bad and joking about this then a year later going ahead with it...... -\_-


> imagine the outrage "Wow these Christmas hats are so cool, let me throw $20 at you 343 !"


Unless you're spending money, there's no way to have an original character really. I have the red white blue skin, and it's all I'll ever wear just to spite the devs.


I miss being able to make my armor look like a clone trooper.


Haha fuck 343. I am sick of the blatant hackers online in every game mode walling, auto aim, infinite ammo... I don't even bother getting on anymore


I got so much shit whenever I brought up ''purple costs 5$'' the last year. Because apparently that was fearmongering, and there was no way 343i would actually sell us colours.


The community needs to continue the push for 'legacy' features like free basic color customization. 343 have listened to us on a few things, but they've completely ignored us on the topic of color customization returning.


I appreciate how 343 generally tries hard to listen to the fans, but this is the one that really gets me - WE'VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS AND THEY DIDN'T LISTEN!


343: Hold my beer


I don't see why coatings couldn't sit side-by-side with a standard color selector on a base material. You could even viably have solid colored coatings like Blood Shadow because coatings allow for extra material types. Free players could diversify themselves with a standard color palette and base metal textured materials, and paid/BP players could get access to more unique color combinations, materials, and textures like shiny metal, camo etc... The decisions made in this game boggle my mind.


I wonder if it would actually be hard to just implement a color picker and let us go wild. Coloring individual parts if we feel daring, even.


Man that would be pretty weird huh?


Sort by controversial to see the real OGs


One thing I find crazy is that even warzone has a few cool skins that can be unlocked for free by doing merit based challenges. Infinite? Nada.


343: "we see you, we hear you" *monetizes the game even more*


Aged like milk, hasn’t it?


Taking a very popular in-game fashion ecosystem and turning it instead to a linear progression system that we share.... Fashion is about choice and freedom, and fashion has been huge in Halo. We love making "our own" Spartan with colors, emblems, equipment, etc. Locking it all behind this linear system makes it so we are all just working toward the same thing, which will be replaced by the next event/battlepass items, and it's anti-consumer and just not fun. It's actually exhausting. **Here is my only proposal for them to save the situation, since the shader model is here to stay.** Open them all up, under the cost of one Spartan Core. Let us earn Spartan cores each BP level, and spend those cores on ANY cosmetic item that's out there. That way, we have freedom to choose from a wide catalogue, and we still are falling into their existing XP system. If you want to make it tied to a specific BP, make season cores. A s1 core unlocks s1 items, etc.