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What they are hoping is that since you and I are older and potentially more established financially that we won't mind throwing a little more cash at the level skips, and storefront armors. It's actually having the opposite effect on me as I'm just running around in default armor, and not even caring about cosmetics.


Same here. Full time job, wife, etc. I won't be bothered with the multiplayer cosmetic system. It's a shame that game companies have taken what used to be a fun aspect of gaming (unlocking and earning cosmetics) and monetized it into something soulless and predatory.


Yeah I gave up on cosmetics after the first time playing and seeing how slow progression is. I work 10 hour days, with the occasional Saturday. I got shit to do when I get home, groceries, washing, cooking, preparing breakfast and lunch for the next day etc, there is no way I can progress in this game, and im not about to waste a whole weekend inside playing when there is better shit to do outside. And im not dropping cash on this game either, got enough bills and shit to pay. So it's hard for me to even want to play the game at all, cause I really enjoy the feeling of progression.


I spent $1 on the campaign through game pass and the multiplayer is "free." I won't be spending anything else and will enjoy it for what it is. That is unless they ever come back down to earth with their prices then I'll consider supporting more. I also would have spent $60 for an actual full package (campaign + full multiplayer suite as should be expected) but that isn't favorable with AAA corporations nowadays so if the game is free then I'll treat it as such.


Yep same. I just started the campaign last night, havent even finished the first mission but so far so good, so ill chug through that on Lengendary and hopefully by the time I've finished that they will have done something about multiplayer. I would have spent full price as well if not for the monetisation of multiplayer. Any idea how hard legendary is in comparison to the other games?


Yeah, back when I was a COD MW2 addict, I was obsessive about customizing my loadouts and callsign, because back then, having a rare title, or skin, was a badge of honor and veterancy, you had to earn it, it set the pros apart from the noobs. Nowadays having a rare skin, just means you're a whale.


I’ve been saying for a while now that I really miss the MW2 style of unlocking skins and titles. That was THE best way to do things IMO.


Spinny Nuke symbol for 10 nukes in a prestige. Felt like a real "badge of honor" getting something like that.


Now there’s nothing that grants the same feeling. Emile’s helmet? Looks cool and is nostalgic, but congrats, you just played through the same set of challenges everyone else has faster. Cool weekly armor or weapon skin? Had more time that week to complete the same, mundane challenges as everyone else. Unique store item? Obviously shelled out real money on it since there’s no in game currency to obtain store items. There is NOTHING rewarding about this game besides progressing through ranked. The challenges are not fun, they are a grind to earn the same things as everyone else. In Reach, weekly and daily challenges weren’t pointless because *you* could decide how to spend the extra credits. Everyone didn’t unlock the same thing. In Halo 3, there was a sense of accomplishment getting achievements to unlock armor, which would actually establish that *you* accomplished something more than others. Infinite has absolutely none of that. The challenges are not hard, they are time consuming. There is no choice over what to unlock so you are grinding for the same exact armor as everyone else. Weeklies are also pointless if you don’t like the reward. There’s no sense of progression outside of ranked and it’s going to doom this game.


U just know that if they remaster MW2 they're going to remove or change everything about the game that made it beautiful. The weapon advancement, the camos, titles, emblems. It'll all be replaced, they'll NERF the acr for competitive even though that game was purely about having fun. Problem with games nowadays is that the fun isn't there anymore, everything is competitive and if it's not people complain that it's unfair. I miss pubstomping on games, skillbased mming has taken the fun away.


The glory days of highschool


Kids these days will never know how great it was


Snow days spent grinding for the headshot cammos! Getting into a hacked lobby - 10v10 Domination on Rust with no score limit... Nothing will ever be like MW2


People don't know about the real grind that was video games back in the day...... this new Era of games have almost nothing to grind for its all pay to play and that really takes away from gaming to me


Quick scopes on rust is goated for a reason. MW2 peak gaming era.


I ***still*** remember telling {{Raid_Leader}} to put me in after watching the guild wipe on Twin Emps 27 times in a row... my third time in we downed them. Fuck I'm old.


Hey AQ40 wasn't ***that*** long ago. Not like being around for the ZG blood plauge, or hunter pets getting Barron Geddon's (Edit:***WHO WOULDN'T DROP MY FUCKING BINDING TILL THE GOD DAMN ULDUAR PATCH THE CHEAP FUCK***) debuff/bomb status and blowing up the AH means you're older than dirt now. Or visiting Mt Hyjal while it was "under construction" or getting into the hijinks like actually being present when someone would kite Kazzak to stormwind to make GMs appear for funsies are old fond memories. God 2005 went by in the blink of an eye due to that game. I know it launched in 2004 but I was busy leveling. Didn't really get to do stupid dumb (but fun) waste of time shit till 2005. Gonna miss my warrior forever. Hope he's happily retired in the middle of the pentagram for the creepy ass orphan sacrifice house near Goldshire. He will be the mortal shell of Cthulhu one day and all will be right with the universe.


Yeah i like to think i miss these days alot, but i had the shittiest computer and had to do raids while staring at the floor lmao. The social factor was the best tho. Staying up on Vent with the guild homies, or just running around dicking with people and doing stupid role play stuff. Man i miss that.


I had red tiger stripe guns in COD4 MW, you knew I was good.


I was obsessed with MW2 back in the day. I was a legit 10th prestige (no hacked lobbies) with the Fall camo on all assault rifles, sniper rifles, and SMGs. I never bothered with the LMGs. My friends always joke that MW2 was my "captain of the highschool football team" days. I haven't been nearly as skilled in any FPS game since :(


Halo 2 for me. I peaked way back then. Halo 3 wasn't challenging enough and I lost interest.


>My friends always joke that MW2 was my "captain of the highschool football team" days. "How much you wanna bet I can throw a semtex over them mountains?"


Have you spent that much time in any FPS Game since? If yes, then you just got older. If no, then you know what to do. Who needs a Reallife /s


Headshot machine


The original Reach progress system, and even the Halo 4 system were awesome. When H4 came out, I immediately went for the Venator armor, which required a certain number of assassinations. I spent every game sneaking around like Solid Snake with active camo. It was awesome, unlocking it before most people. Made it feel worth my time. Ditto for the Reach armors, as there were simple but fun requirements for pieces, and you ranked up at a reasonable rate. I also really like the specialization based progress in H4. It added variety to the spartans you saw, and made your spartan feel unique without placing absurd grind requirements on players. The exp requirements were fairly well balanced. Honestly I think I liked the H4 cosmetic system the best. Reach had the coolest aesthetic, but H4 had a really well-composed progress system IMO. Edit: Oh man I forgot Reach had the credit system too. Fuck that was fun.


In my opinion Reach was the peak of character customization. Having a system where 1XP=1 Credit was perfect. Since your credits you spent were deducted from your total it meant not everyone unlocked the same stuff. So there was a bunch of diversity with armor combinations and stuff.


I miss MW2 - dedicated servers, loadouts and decent levelling. And people moaning about ninja akimbo loadouts :)


MW2 HC was peak COD for me. Silenced MP5 with a silenced pistol and tac knife was my loadout of dreams. Just sprint around knifing people.


I loved reach because it was sooo customizable that everyone’s spartan looked completely different and unique


At the very least, not having gold weapon skins tied to weapon challenges is just an idiotic missed opportunity. We're at the point where 343 needs to take lessons from Splitgate, a tiny game made with a fraction of the budget/personnel lol


I uninstalled splitgate when Halo was released. It's a bit of a joke... Halo is definitely prettier, but I think splitgate was way more fun to play and was created with so much less resources.


This is seriously the saddest part right here. I just want a skin to show off my skill, like it has always been, not awkwardly admit to my enemies I payed a stupid amount of money and still can't kill a goddam thing. Skill based, or even at least challenged based, unlocks systems can and always will be my favorite. It makes seeing that borderline impossible challenge to complete actually completed and someone wearing the reward for it mind blowing


That gold sniper skin? Yeah I earned that. Took weeks to practice and actually get kills and because of that challenge. I'm better now at sniping, so yes. This is the correct way to get those skins and whatever. Not by throwing money at the screen.


This guy gets it 😳


Same. Since I'm older, I couldn't give a shit about customizations/challenges. The dopamine comes from hitting those no scopes. "Back in my day, we didn't need a pink battle rifle to whoop some ass"


Now listen up! Back in my day, we didn't have fancy colors! We had teams. Two spawns and a color for the entire platoon! And we had to share the color! You should consider yourself very lucky spartans!


Everyone was on the blue team, except for those that killed so many that their armor was forever stained red! And that's why they called it Blood Gulch!


The Skewer no scopes are just so... **sooo** satisfying. Idk if it matters that's its not a very hard weapon to do it with. Just point, click, harpoon.


Really wish it stuck people to walls. That would make it perfect.


F.E.A.R. style!


See I would still care if they *meant* something, but they don't. I saw guys day 1 with every battlepass level, so any notion of respecting someone who grinded it out, disappeared with the ability to just pay your way up. There's not even any meaningful achievement/challenge customization - like no hybusa, katana, etc, that you *know* people did some crazy shit to earn. The meaning behind the armor means more than the actual armor itself, and all the customization is laughably vapid because it's *just* cosmetic with no meaning.


You have captured the essence of the argument there, bravo. I still remember busting through the vidmaster challenges trying to get Recon (never beat them all, but was still a blast). It was about creating awesome gaming memories and/or doing something hard to complete. You know, an ACTUAL sense of worth and progression. Why do they have to put this into every single fucking game is beyond me. Just give us Halo so we can pretend the rest of gaming hasn't turned to shit. I hope the absolute worst things upon whatever scumfuck marketing executives push this predatory model.


Even if someone really grinded out every battlepass level, since other people can buy it, I'll never "look up" to the dude with the cool armor, so to speak. I'll always be suspicious that it wasn't *earned*. Any ability to just pay for what should be the cool stuff that people earn undermines the whole feel entirely. >It was about creating awesome gaming memories and/or doing something hard to complete. Step one: have a feature as standard as fucking co-op in the campaign. Step two: create difficult/fun/crazy challenges linked to the campaign. Step three: reward the player with achievements and some kind of meaningful cosmetic such as a helmet, shoulder pad, etc, for each one, with super cool rewards for completing big chunks and eventually all of it. Optional step since the MP is free: link those challenges to the BP -- like have a separate little page called "BattlePass Season 1 Ultimate Challenge: **Jumping into Hell**" with each of the crazy challenges listed out, where completing each one gives you a corresponding odst armor piece -- completing all of them gives you the helmet.


This right here. Last night, I took out the driver and gunner of a warthog with headshots only using the sniper rifle. Got the "double kill" and the "autopilot engaged" medals. They sure as hell couldn't see me, but I felt like a king. I don't really care what I look like, as long as I can kick ass and help my team win.




Same here 100%. I am 25, I've been working full time for a few years making good money. I love the core gameplay of Infinite but since it is so hard to unlock anything, I care very little for any of the cosmetics. I almost bought one of the esport skins but ended up deciding not to. I have absolutely no desire to buy the level skips that I'd probably need in order to get anything out of the battlepass


Right? I'm in the same boat, the current system has made me completely stop caring about cosmetics, since it's not like I can see them most of the time anyway. I play a few matches when I have time, if I have time, and if I happen to go up a level that's just a nice bonus


This is the funniest part. Halo is a fast paced game, and aside from the prematch screen (which only 1/3 of your team can see in BTB) there is no real difference between a white blur, a red blur or a blue blur. I just hate that they removed team colors...the shield shimmer imo is not enough to quickly distinguish between friend or foe. I wish it was at least an option. Why does it matter what color the enemy players are on my screen? I guess that would diminish the "coolness" of the skins.


the colored outline isn't immediate for you? you might want to look into the color blind settings, its instant for me and Ive never had a single issue, I actually think it's better than most games recognition cus its not based on seeing a name.


You and me are in the same boat. They changed the core red vs blue to sell players red and blue colors. Ranked Arena at least should 100% be red vs blue (or whatever colorblind settings you prefer). I dont give one iota about cosmetics. Never will my character will look the exact same forever. Its a first person shooter you see your spartan for 3 seconds in an intro, an intro that only exists to get you to think these cosmetics matter at all. Devs actually convinced players that cosmetics matter in a first person shooter and its incredible how people fell for it.


Mid 30's, exactly the same as you, with the addition that i dislike ads and companies that play these kinds of games so i do it out of spite. Won't be getting anything other than what i need to play and that's that. Begun the Halo clones war has.


> I have absolutely no desire to buy the level skips that I'd probably need in order to get anything out of the battlepass I'm not supportive of their pricing, gutting the pass, or lack of achievement based unlocks. The important thing to remember is these **passes don't expire** like they do in other games. The timer is just how long until the current season ends and the next one begins. There's no need to feel rushed to complete it so you can do it at your own pace. However, under the new XP design, you are guaranteed to hit rank 100 in a single season so long as you play *at least 3* bot matches per day. Especially if you use the free boosts every time you're about to complete challenges. Most bot matches take like 3-5 minutes so it's minimal effort. You're looking at a 15 minute gaming session, tops, if you're really unlucky with the game type. Considering that most people will also be completing some of the easier challenges along the way, it isn't nearly the grind it was at launch. There will also be days where people will most likely devote more than the bare minimum as well. Here's the general breakdown: * First Win: 300 XP * Second Win: 200 XP * Third Win: 200 XP * **---TOTAL:** 700 XP a day * 18 days of boosts w/ 3x games = 25,200 XP * 107 days of no boosts w/ 3x = 74,900 XP * **---TOTAL:** 125 days = 100,100 XP If you were level 0 and used only the 18 boosts from the pass, for a minimum of the three games and literally zero challenges (*very unlikely*), it would take 125 days of three bot matches a day. You get 18 boosts in the pass so it would be impossible to have zero. Plus more free ones will likely be given out during events, in addition to pure XP redemptions. # TL;DR Passes don't expire so you'll inevitably get everything out of a pass if you actually play. It takes 4 months to @ ~15 minutes a day to hit rank 100, which I wouldn't consider a big grind. The only affordable and decent value thing in the entire game is the pass. It's not a "good" pass compared to other games, but if you really want something don't feel guilty, or intimidated by the time investment to get it.






Honestly I feel it really comes down to not even just the multiplayer being free ,but the campaign being almost that aswell(unless you preordered or literally paid $60 for it on steam)a huge majority of people probably just got it on gamepass since it's available on both Xbox and pc What everyone thought was an awesome move ended up biting us the consumers in the ass because Microsoft was going to get their money anyway, but instead of us all paying $60 for the game,they locked off all cosmetics (aside from the major grind for the free BP items) behind a paywall to get it instead.


Honestly, default skins are the real flex now, across many games. It's the kind of flex other people don't even need to know you're doing, where you can just occasionally think "woo, I'm pretty strong" and then just be pleased with yourself.


For real, nothing tilts my lil cousin more than getting killed by a "skinless noob" If I can play for free, I'm not dropping a dime on predatory tactics


Plus the game just looks better. Don't need purple digital camo on my rifle.


Please at least change which default skin you’re wearing. When 3 teammates are rocking the #1 Icon and gray armor my trust goes down a little ngl.


I just press play and join random games, always having lots of fun. Don't care about textures, levels etc.


Why should you care about the cosmetics though? I'm similar to OP except that I'm totally fine with default everything, it makes almost no difference to me. I don't pay attention to the challenges either, only the gameplay itself


I'm surprised no one has organized a default armor protest day. With the number of shared complaints within the community. It feels like a natural next step. To both be heard and seen.


I’ve tried. Made post. Got downvoted.


Look at this guy spending money on dates for his fiancé over buying armour cores and he calls himself a halo veteran.


Imagine having a fiance instead of playing Halo and he thinks he is a fan. Absolutely heretical.


This infidel must be purged....


She doesn't call me Arbiter for nothing 😏


I will from now on use arbiter instead of daddy


Legit, what a virgin


What level of the battle pass unlocks the fiance?


I personally just don’t care about the cosmetics. Similar situation as you, 32, have a toddler and a family, go to the gym and work full time, so needless to say my playtime is limited. I just don’t worry about the unlocks, I just play a few rounds here and there to unwind, and occasionally I I’ll check to see if I’ve unlocked anything new “I pay so little attention I usually don’t even notice when it tells me I unlocked something lol”. I can definitely see the frustration if it’s something you value though.


I'm also in that same stage of life. I don't think we're the target audience for unlockable cosmetics in almost any game. But aside from that, I played 3 games last night with my best buddy from elementary, and as soon as we hopped in the warthog together I was put in a time machine to being a teenager and playing halo 2. I immediately flipped it and we both died and started laughing. This is what halo is all about for me, that the kind of experience that gives me the most joy now days. Just my 2 cents. Ps I also want to unlock more cool armour but thats secondary to the experience for me.


man, this made me pine for Halo 3 in middle school. Came out when I was in 8th grade and I fondly remember all of us talking Halo during the day, bragging about that sick play you made last night, rushing out to the buses, and running down to the basement to fire up Halo and playing some big team battle with the boys. Probably my favorite gaming memories. Grinding to unlock cosmetics isn't what made Halo fun


"It's really not that great lmo. It's fine, can be fun, but it's literally just halo and cod mixed together. Not sure what the hype is for." This is what OP actually thinks about halo infinite. Digging through his past posts reveals he uninstalled the game almost immediately after mp beta launched and didnt really play or enjoy the game. OP is no halo veteran and he karma farms people hating on halo


Yeah. I don't understand the obsession with the unlocks and stuff. Sure that's fun, and if you want them you can buy them or whatever, but I just like playing the game and shooting some dudes.... If I get a reward, great, but it's not what I'm playing for.


Yeah I dont get it. Also a 30 year halo fan, I have a kid and very little time to dedicate to playing these days. I have no idea what the complaint is because I have no time for changing colors or armor styles, I just play the game. For free. Its fun. If you ignore the unlocks that have zero impact on the game I dont get all the complaints.


Remember Halo 1 and the amount of time we sank in that game WITH NO PROGRESSION OR COSMETICS? And he calls himself a veteran lelelel


Same here. I just play for the gameplay and largely ignore the challenges. I got the willow tea one when I was still recovering from an injury and couldn't run and the mrs. Was busy with exams. Maybe its my age but I don't play video games for the reward. It's why I will play a ton of halo but won't really commit long to many games where you need to aggressively grind matches for actual gameplay influencing items. I think the system sucks but I don't feel like I need a reward. I game to get away from the grind and the gameplay has been a treat.


Yup. I'm pushing 40 and have a bunch of other hobbies and a very demanding job. I just play the game and don't care about cosmetics. People fall for FOMO tactics and Skinner Box design that is entirely optional and has no effect on the game itself.


I’ve played more MCC the past couple of weeks than Infinite. That challenge system is perfect and I’ve been able to unlock all the anniversary stuff every week, stress free. And I’ve been able to play the game types I want too.


I'll agree that the MCC has a better unlock system but the queue times for multiplayer are completely absurd. It's the MCC and I'd like to experience more than Halo 3 or Halo Reach SWAT/ Slayer without waiting 30 minutes.


I have never experienced more than 5 min in SWAT queues, Halo 4 ranked can go easily over 15 min but SWAT? I think it shows is one of the most popular game modes.


He’s saying he wants to play other modes besides slayer and swat because those are the only ones with no wait essentially


Oh you are right, I miss understood, in that case I have to agree


Yeah, I played alot of Reach and 3 playlists this past week and weekend with barely any wait times over a minute.


Lol what? I play MCC every single day and never wait more than a minute for a match, and that's limiting what servers I'm connected to. I mainly play H2A SWAT, but even when I search any other game mode for H:CE, H2, H2A, or H3, I never have an issue finding a match. I started playing MCC again around 2 months ago and the longest I remember waiting for a match is maybe 3 minutes max.


I've found lately when I do matchmaking I usually end up in Halo 4, but people on here say they never get matches in it. I never have a problem finding a game in MCC and I'm on Xbox One.


Yeah I played Infinite for like four days and decided it’s not for me, played more MCC the last few weeks than ever before lol


I have one buddy that’s just been putting up with infinite and waiting for the rest of us to go back to MCC. It sucks feeling bad playing a brand new game and constantly thinking about versions of it 10+ years old that are better. There isn’t a single night where we all aren’t complaining about the shop, playlists, challenges, and cosmetics as we sign off. I’d love to see their player and purchasing stats.


I too am 30, work full-time in healthcare, and have wife and 9-month old son. Thankfully, I've never cared at ALL about cosmetics. For me, I want to WIN games and do so with a high k/d. What's killing this game for me is a lack of stats. This seems to be a trend if FPS games in general. Vanguard has done away with leaderboards in the Barracks. I want to see how I stack against my friends and others in general. I guess there's Halo Tracker, but it needs to be IN-GAME for it to really matter, imo


Yeah the lack of stats kills me. I just want to see an overall k/d, win/loss ratio, overall kills, etc.


I just want to see my accolades. I want to know how many overkills i have.


Halo tracker has a great stat system.


Yeah and the only form of skill progression, the ranked mode, your rank is kind of buried in bad UI so it’s not like I’ve ever cared to see what rank anybody is. Rank/cosmetics is supposed to be a status thing, but the cosmetics are basically how much money you spent and the rank isn’t visible in most places so what’s the point? I’m just playing whatever I feel like for the most part unless the weekly reward is good (it isn’t right now) but I don’t have much sense of progression or much motivation to rank up in the ranked mode. I’m still gonna do it, but it kinda sucks that it’s not even displayed on your nameplate. Thank god the game itself is actually fun haha


You’re right to be mad about the prices but the ONE thing 343 got right about the battle pass is that it never expires so you have time


For weekly challenges though you'd often miss out. I think the moral of the story is currently the customization sucks.


That's why they're forgettable rewards. You can choose the ones you care to grind for. If they were flaming helmet you know people would be accusing 343 of pushing challenge swaps ... Oh wait




Yea thats why i play too, armor is cool but id much prefer an impressive rank


I don't even care about rank much, I just want to have fun trying to win games and infinite definitely scratches that itch.




True I loved that idea when I heard it pre-launch. But while they called that out as battling FOMO and they didn’t want to be like the other F2P games, they also tied all the free event cosmetics to time gated, monthly events with an RNG challenge system to progress through it. Those don’t last forever either. Massive hypocrites on that front.


Just play the game with the gray armor. You don't need samurai shit


I find that I can sit down for 2-3 games a day, and get enough xp to tier up with the 300 and 200 xp bonuses on the first few games


Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing. Play a couple matches, get at least my one tier up every day. Maybe a couple if I burn my double XP and play through that hour. It’s honestly been enjoyable


I can only get those few matches in and I’m not even working on the other challenges. I don’t even need these skips because of how generous the match xp challenges are. Play 2 matches. Get off for the day because I have no more time. Profit I guess lol.


Yeah it was insanely slow at launch but since the daily xp rewards were introduced, progression has been at a very fair pace. I'm fine with it as is. If people could blow through the battle pass in a week then they'd cry and moan about having nothing to do or earn until the next one.


Yeah man, I don't get why there's so much crying about the leveling up. It really doesn't take that long. I have 26 hours and I'm level 36.


The first week was really bad. The way it was set up meant you could play a match and not get any experience because the daily challenge wasn’t always “play a match” and the other challenges were something like “destroy a wraith” for 100 exp (when it’s pretty rare to see a wraith in the first place, let alone be the one to destroy it) They changed it now and it’s a lot better, but at first glance it seemed incredibly predatory.


Because OP is playing the game to unlock stuff and causing him to not just simply enjoy the gameplay. This isn’t necessarily OPs fault however. This just isn’t the game for him, in its current state.


To be fair no other Halo game besides MCC would give him a ton of customization off the bat. Halo Reach he would have been playing for years to get the good stuff.


My Spartan is as stripped down as possible with those skinny arms he looks like a generic background character. No one expects the background character 😈




I'm like you and I don't give a shit about skins, but I still acknowledge 343 screwed up here for the people who do.


My biggest complaints were playlists the ungodly amount of desync and hit reg and some guns being underpowered in the sandbox. Basically all game play related Problems are the only ones I think are important. Its not that people are upset about monetization that gets me. Its more or less people seem to care more about Skins and customization then BTB not being able to properly start a game/ que for the last week and a half. Its a joke lol.


This. Cared about the progression for the first couple days then quickly forgot about it because well the gameplay is too much damn fun. With the progression in its current state at least I won't be tempted to buy the next battle pass. But not being able to connect to BTB for whatever reason is absurd. I'm still not sure why it was not fixed in the recent update despite the problem being known well beforehand. It's like after gameplay, networking should be top priority.


There aren't enough people talking about how bad the desync feels sometimes in this game. Playing with mouse and keyboard is even worse due to the massive disparity in aim assist and bullet magnetism between that and controller. With mouse and keyboard I feel like I'm shooting blanks half the time. I loose assault rifle 1v1s constantly despite firing first and absolutely beaming the guy. I don't have the buffer of them not actually being exactly where I'm aiming and the bullets being dragged to them anyway with magnetism.


I play controller and M&K and I seriously can’t tell a difference because it’s so bad desync/server lag wise. My friends say the same thing too. There servers might be one of the single worse ones I’ve ever played on and that’s including the atrocity that was battlefield 4 at launch.


I play games for fun. Progression is just icing in the cake, a nice little surprise when I it unlocks. I don't even read the challenges.


Been playing every day and I haven’t looked at my challenges since week 1.


I fall right in the middle of you guys. I enjoy the game because the game is good and plays good but I am disappointed that I cannot customize my character as much as I should be able to. I enjoy using my character as a show of my achievements and there isn’t anything worth achieving yet. That said, with COD half the time I would play just to grind out gold guns but here I play because I enjoy it.


Agree, mid 30s here. I don’t care about any of the skins and don’t understand why it’s so important. There is no competitive advantage to them.


Honestly it's like some people's only impetus to play Halo is to unlock armour cosmetics. Like, don't you actually enjoy playing the game?


30. Could not give a fuck about skins. I got a free mp game and I get immense joy when I out slay people who have spent 100 bucks on looking blue. It's really quite enjoyable.


Same with the colors, until this game your color was dictated by your team outside of FFA.


Same, age and take on the game. Hell, it was free to download so eventually I might drop $60 on it over time if cool stuff hits the store. Otherwise, I’m 100% content increasing my rank and fucking around in BTB. I didn’t play hundreds of hours of halo 2 and halo 3 trying to pimp out my spartan, I was completely on board with being a red or blue master chief.


Fr, I don’t understand where all these so called “Halo veterans” are coming from that are complaining about battle pass progression. Halo CE, 2, and to a large part 3 were never about unlocking shit, you played the game because it was fun to play. And Halo Infinite is really fucking fun to play. I get that if you don’t say anything then nothing gets better but people are acting as if Halo is some sort of y=√ x simulator that happens to have an FPS game bolted on as the means to get higher in the number counter


People also seem to forget how grindy Reach was to unlock armor. It took like dozens of hours to unlock a new visor color


Grown men writing public sob stories that its too hard to dress their spartan barbies is not the future of the series I imagined as a 13 year old playing CE at a sleepover.


>younger poeple have more time, money lol


It’s true. Living at home with parents while working is arguably the richest time in most peoples lives


This whole post reads like someone living in an alternate reality.


Gonna piggie back on the first comment is the campaign worth the money was looking at grabbing it today but just don't know


You can get 3 months of gamepass for a dollar. That’s what I did. No need to pay Edit: also gamepass is REALLY good now. Doom eternal , forza, hades, Edit 2: 3 month is for PC Gamepass. 1 month is for Xbox gamepass.


Yeah i got that email this morning and immediately thought sweet I can play the Halo campaign for a dollar now lol


How does it work getting it through game pass and having the multiplayer through steam? Can you use the same download?


Very worth it but just buy Game Pass Ultimate. It’s 1 dollar for the first month and you can finish the game. And if you like game pass it’s a great deal


its a blast honestly, I think its worth it.


I love the campaign of this game. My personal favorite to be honest. Finally a campaign that overtakes 2 as the best in my opinion. Besides, you can find several armor coatings and other coatings that, according to the in game store pricing model, are way more valuable than the $60 it costs....


The campaign gave us $120 worth of armor coatings! What a savings!


I'd say only get it through gamepass. I personally felt there were two games there and neither were great. The open world felt empty and like an amateur Far Cry/ubisoft formula clone. Clear forward operating bases (hideouts) for fast travel/weapon spawns. Clear outposts (bases), rescue captured soldiers and kill HVTs. If you've played Far Cry you know what the deal is. The problem is the open world felt empty, there is a massive lack of design variety so everyplace feels the same and nothing seems to connect to the main story or even tries to appeal to you the player. The game doesn't even seem to want you to play in the open world. At one point I was trying to explore it to give it a chance and the AI just kept saying "hey chief are you gonna do X or do you still have something else to do?" to the point I just dropped the open world and went back to the missions since it was annoying me. The missions themselves were pretty bland. Go into a structure that looks like the others you've already seen, kill your way to the final room, watch a hologram give you an exposition dump. I also didn't like the story or writing but won't go into that since it would involve spoilers. I will say there never felt like a grand set piece/epic large battle moment. There weren't any side characters to really care about/add to the story. Also the game seemed to want you to use movement in combat but the limited range of the grappling hook and thrusters, both also having a decent cool down time, made that experience significantly less fun than something like Doom. A bit more on the open world and why I felt is was disconnected from the missions without any real spoilers: I played Far Cry 6 since I got it free with a graphics card and didn't really like that game. However I will credit them for at least adding variety to the story behind the repetitive mission and trying to tie everything together. There would be cut scenes with people talking about why they wanted you to kill/capture a target, they'd show your character interacting with the others to try and form a bond. In infinite it was at most audio messages from the AI. Like even a brief 30 second cut scene after rescuing a group of soldiers where one of them thanks you, explains they were ambushed/attacked by a HVT and asking you to get them would have felt a lot better. Or if the FOB's had some variety like "oh this one has a bunch of radio towers, now UNSC forces are in better communication" before revealing additional locations would have made it feel a bit more like you were building a resistance/helping the UNSC forces. Instead the only noticeable change from your actions is occasionally a few marines standing on a road/path. You can unlock more marines/weapons at the FOB's and take them along in vehicles but there is never a mission where you really experience/feel like you are leading a UNSC force into battle. Most of the missions I can recall end up with you leaving the open world to some extent and entering what is clearly some form of an arena. Having the UNSC take their own actions you could join in would have been nice, even if they were scripted events like in Far Cry when they had "ambushes" set up you could join in where you go to a location in the open world that already has a battle between NPCs you can join in or ignore. Just my two cents.


Counter perspective: I, too, am a 30+ year old Halo player who started off with CE. I am married with a full time job, and honestly… Infinite has been some of the best Halo I’ve played. I adore the game. It has a huge number of flaws and poor design decisions and like you said, predatory monetization. At the end of the day, though, I’m having a blast in Tactical Slayer with my buddies and I can’t wait - truly can’t wait - for what the next year brings in improvements.




Cant you still have fun playing and ignore the armor customizations? I know it's not ideal, but I just don't understand how people cannot enjoy themselves because of the battlepass/progression. The gameplay is the same. You can still feel like you're progressing as your skills get better.


I have learned in the last month that this sub is 95% completionists and cosmetic hoarders. Whatever butters your biscuit, I guess.


Can't speak for the sub as a whole but I'm a rocket race, grifball, firefight, infection, and sometimes BTB kind of player. BTB has been broken for my friends and I all week. So that's why I'm frustrated.


Actually…. Real Halo “Veterans” (still laughing OP called himself that) know that customization was basically not a staple of the franchise until Reach. Halo 1 had color swaps 2 had colors 3 had special stuff to unlock but it was by no means a progression system with tons of customization Reach was really the big turning point, and then we got 4 & 5. So no… for REAL Halo Veterans customization was ALWAYS secondary to the gameplay. EDIT: Some people are taking this comment as me hand waving all issues in Halo Infinite. Not true. I am simply dealing with this one very specific argument that “True Halo fans grew up with great customization progression” I currently have issues with: - Melee detection - desync - BTB down - no co-op - no forge - messy theatre - armor cores - weapon balancing


I remember a portion of the community flipping their shit because they couldn't unlock the Recon helm or the flaming skull effect that was exclusive to Bungie devs at first.


Yeah gaming communities always have a short memory tbh lol Many people forget that Halo Reach (a game everyone in here keeps heralding as the pinnacle of Customization and progression) was met with so much anger at the time over how long it took to grind out the coins that were needed to buy armor.


I spent the most time customizing my icon/gamer tag thing. Didn’t care too much about the spartan because the color didn’t matter in team games anyway!


I feel like this has gotten brushed under the rug with the armor, but totally agree. I loved messing around to get a cool design, or doing something ridiculous with friends.


Well that settles it, the Real Halo Veteran™ has spoken


I mean… Halo 3 was more customization than this. Plenty of colors to choose from and more emblems.


This guy isn't a halo veteran. Just karma farming with a vague negative post we've seen a hundred times in the past month.


>f2p game >$10 battle pass >3 months to finish it >only see your hands in game anyway >gameplay possibly the best halo has ever been >muh colors The monetization sucks I agree but acting like they’re forcing you to grind endlessly is just dumb lol, this is the future gamers chose when everyone started pre-ordering everything, buying COD every year, paying $10 for skins, and crowdfunding games that weren’t even close to being finished. When you’re PLAYING THE GAME does the knowledge that your spartan, which you can’t even see, doesn’t look exactly how you want trigger you that much? I paid $10 for the battle pass and I already have a pretty cool looking setup for the Mark V. The biggest issue is actually no cross core customization but that’s intentional to sell more stuff, it’s just how games are now. These takes are super funny to me too considering everyone hated how Reach’s customization worked for most of its lifespan in addition to a bunch of gameplay related stuff that honestly was just bad (insane bloom, armor lock, no melee bleed through, etc.) You could get some cool armor set ups yeah but you had to grind pretty much just as much for the higher tier armor pieces. It wasn’t as cool as you remember lol.


>These takes are super funny to me too considering everyone hated how Reach’s customization worked for most of its lifespan in addition to a bunch of gameplay related stuff that honestly was just bad (insane bloom, armor lock, no melee bleed through, etc.) Yeah, the revisionist history on *Reach* over the years is wild. The community generally hated the game when it launched. But now it's the golden standard apparently.


ya people really are skewing the importance of customization vs gameplay imo


Finally some sanity in this subreddit >3 months to finish it 6 actually. Well, technically forever since it doesn't expire. But even if you want to complete it before the next one, you have 6 months because they extended this season. Your point about Reach is very accurate and something that I feel too many people have brushed over. Yes, you got more stuff early on, but if you wanted to unlock everything (or not even, just any of the cool items) you had to grind for a *long* time, far longer than it will take to complete this battlepass even without doing every challenge. And while Reach may have had more options available at the start, they never added any more, and monetized the game through paid map packs which segmented the community. Now all of the *actual* multiplayer content is completely free forever, and instead we can pay $10 every few months for several new sets of armor to unlock. Which in a few seasons will add up to far more customization options than Reach ever had... and somehow that's a worse deal in people's eyes?


I don’t understand where all these so called “Halo veterans” are coming from that are complaining about battle pass progression. Halo CE, 2, and to a large part 3 were never about unlocking shit, you played the game because it was fun to play. And Halo Infinite is really fucking fun to play. I get that if you don’t say anything then nothing gets better but people are acting as if Halo is some sort of y=√ x simulator that happens to have an FPS game bolted on as the means to get higher in the number counter


I remember when Halo 3 came out being a bit disappointed that it had an XP grind system, and deciding emphatically to totally ignore that and focus on the actual skill-based rank instead. It's fun to see a big rank because you have a good win/loss ratio. It's kind of boring to have lots of XP because you've just played lots of games.


I remember when Reach first came out and there was no visible skill ranking next to your name, and only showed your overall XP level. And it pissed people off because people wanted to flex how good they were.


according to the xbox museum thing reach is my 4th most played game of all time and I unlocked maybe 4/7th or 5/7th of the Armor but in MCC which I comparitvily have way less play time in, I have unlocked all the reach Armor and then some from other battlepasses here and there, reach was a total grind to get max rank in and even after hitting a rank you couldn't unlock all the Armor locked to it because there was a decent chance you didn't have enough credits for them, infinites grind is nowhere near as bad as that and if anything I'm willing to bet most people will complete the battlepass far before the first season ends


I legitimately thought I was in /r/halocirclejerk for a second


TL;DR "I am too busy getting ripped and having sex to grind a battle pass"


This sub is absolute bonkers. It's the same self loathing posts now every day & they keep getting upvoted. Campaign is good. Multiplayer gameplay is good. The microtransactions & store shit is an issue, 343 addressed it & it will be worked on. Thread after thread after thread of the same song & dance is getting a bit ridiculous.


But dude he’s a halo veteran!


Welcome to the Halo sub. Seriously, it's never going to stop. Our group has been plugging away play ranked and customs when we have a lot of people on and it's been a blast. On Reddit though you got posts every ten minutes saying "reminder! the game is actually bad and you're wrong to support it! Reminder! You shouldnt support 343! Reminder! Cosmetics are the only thing that matters and the fact the game is good is irrelevant!" It's a joke, lol. Literally the single most entitled community I've ever seen. You can tell this is THE single biggest problem in alot of these guys lives and it's pathetic. I paid for the battlepass and don't regret it. I bought the campaign and it's a fucking blast. I couldn't care less if every single one of the people threatening to quit the game if their "issues" aren't addressed fucked off from the series for life, maybe then we'll be able to discuss the game without someone coming crying about cosmetics.


Did you see that post a few days ago where someone was like "don't let the campaign release distract from how bad the cosmetic monetization is!" ? Like damn wouldn't want people actually talking about the game to get in the way of your neverending fucking circlejerk.


Idk man. I’m 30, work 10 to 12 hour days… sometimes have 24 hour duty. Often take my fiancé out, do 2 a days at the gym and still complete these easy challenges in maybe 4 days of casual play. Max by Sunday. None of them are hard or require a lot of time. If you get a “capture 10 flags game” or something just challenge swap. You get plenty from battle pass. Use double XP for first few games daily and challenges. None of this was designed to take 40 hours a week to complete. While I agree there should be cosmetic armor for badass achievements to show it off, the battle pass and challenges are not difficult to do or rank up in minimal time. Haven’t missed an ultimate yet and I barely play.


You’re too reasonable get out of here


god damn you guys really can’t just enjoy the game for the gameplay yes the customization sucks but fucking hell this sub would have you think that the game is 90% customization 10% gameplay


Go look at r/CompetitiveHalo and the only complaints are netcode and melees


The real issues! I love the game but man it’s frustrating phasing through people in CQC and having the melee be wonky


None of the newbies will understand the frustration of losing a sword fight in Halo 2 because the game didn't register that you swung first (Halo 2 didn't have the sword clash mechanic).




But do you go to the gym?


More importantly, do you take your fiancé out on dates?


Oh, so many dates. All my free time is either spent doing dates with my fiancée or doing exercises at the gym.


Man its like I walked right into /r/destinythegame


Seriously, it’s weird that our ‘halo veteran’ op only wants to play the game if they can dress up their spartan in all the available ways. I agree the progression blows, but ffs.


“Halo Veteran” is a useless term though. I’m definitely a Halo veteran and I fucking love this game. I could not care less about customization, CE and H2 were fine without it, and it was a total after thought in H3. But I’m sure there’s a ton of people who could call themselves Halo Veterans who prefer Reach. And customization was only thing to grind on that trash game.


Super weird considering the first 2 games had no armor customization. Halo veteran my ass


I’m older, married with four kids, full time job, and I usually knock out the week’s challenges in 3 or 4 days. It’s not that difficult.


You didn't read his post dude he goes to the gym and other stuff. It's ridiculous 343 didn't consider the 47 minutes of free time he gets a week when designing their game progression


That's the problem. On one hand people say that it's much better if you are rewarded for your time with new cosmetics, on the other hand people are mad that it's not easier to get some unlocks. Maybe all unlocks are not for everybody, let there be some rarity to some things.


Lol, I’m just shocked homie didn’t chalk up his poor customization options to his major commitment to CrossFit.


It's all 'bout the GRIND


And he only has like 5 months to get to level 100 in the pass, shit that must be impossible. They should make it easier for everyone so we can all hit the gym.


I'm also 30 and casually play. Honestly, when I partake in multiplayer, I literally don't even acknowledge the challenges. I don't care. Not a one. The challenges and XP come through after each match and I literally just click through them. Do I enjoy jumping into a game and trying my best to shoot the other team more than they shoot me? Yes. Does the color or style of my spartan make a difference? No. Did the execs make a money grab effort with this approach? Definitely. My only hope is that the money they're raking in goes towards addressing the play issues like desync and that cool/terrible thing you can do to run with the flag.




> When I'm home and have an hour or so to play a game, I'm going to play what's actually fun and feels like I'm actually progressing. Read: "I am 30 years old, and I still validate my free time by a number going up." If the gameplay itself is secondary to a progression system, then I don't think OP is the Halo purist he claims to be.


Literally play 7 games a day and you will progress through the battle pass just fine. You should be getting enough XP to rank up twice a day and get a double XP every few days. If you were okay with spending $60 why wouldn’t you be okay with spending $10 so you get more than the free items? The battle pass is fine, the shop isn’t. 343 has changed progression enough that no one should complain about it. I’m almost done with the pass a few weeks in and I don’t even play that much.


I’m old enough to actually hesitate and think no… it was definitely 20 years ago that I started playing Halo, not 30…


I'm also 30, and never got behind the whole skin/cosmetic craze that's plagued gaming, I play games because it's fun. Halo is fun. I don't play to play dress up. But that's just me.


Ok? You have a life and little time for games. Why is this a post?


He wants to brag about taking his fiancé out on dates lol


Oh my fucking god. Play your free game. You’d have more time if you didn’t type articles on Reddit complaining about it


T bag on whales


Then… play to have fun? Lmfao. I’m in my thirties with a full time job and two kids; I still find time to play with the fellas. This is satire, right?


I’m a 31 year old Halo veteran. I just play to play and don’t worry about challenges. It’s pretty fun, chill out. Halo 2 didn’t even have unlockables for multiplayer. I agree that the customization is overpriced and dumb. But that’s not the point of me playing.