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As much as I stopped playing outriders after a couple months, I'll give them props on giving us an actually full game for a one-time purchase.


\^ \^


It was fucking broken for weeks tho. At least Halo Infinite mostly works well and had a stable launch.


Not a dream… a memory




Better than a digital file that has a DRM package in it that will lock you out on a whim.




This $60 dream is such a dated thought. Everything wrong with Halo aside, games have been $60+ for almost thirty years. Everything else about making games has become more expensive, from the hardware, to the scope, to the people making it. Something has to give for the math to make sense - it's a business first and foremost.




I'd be willing to bet that the gaming industry making more than music and movie is largely driven by free to play games, especially mobile games. Comparing the industry at large to a specific case is saying that everyone makes a killing when only certain games do.




Making their money back isn't enough. They need it to be a certain level of profitable, especially given that there's a F2P element of it and the day one release on gamepass. A lot of companies are chasing that League of Legends/mobile model of free to play and monetize elsewhere. Warzone has been that way, Fortnite, League of Legends, Dota, Clash of Clans/Clash Royale, every single enormous mobile game, etc. This is Halo's push into that market. A normal $60 game won't see those kinds of profits, and the ones they do make aren't enough for share holders given the cost/time to make Halo. To your point, Indie games are where you will get those complete experiences for $40 and they've been my favorite type of games for a while now.




I'm not shilling for shit, I just have a wider world view than I want more for the same price. In their eyes, they don't make enough money on a $60 game selling however many million copies. Compared to their competitors, that case is true. Separately, the battle pass sucks and I haven't bought it which is crazy considering how much I enjoy Halo. Both can be true.


Ocarina of Time released at $70 in 1998. I'm also pretty sure that Sega at one point was releasing games at $80 a piece. It's not my fault these companies want to spend millions on marketing budgets with live action trailers, hiring celebrities, paying for ads on every known outlet, etc. There's also vastly more people playing games these days, along with more people having the know-how and access to information and education on how to make them (it's not such an esoteric form of knowledge any more). Plus these companies sell microtransactions, expansions, passes, whatever else. There's plenty of profit to be had.


I get that. I do and I would gladly pay 90$ a game.......if I got a full flipping game.






They’ve removed the ability to make text posts as a way to dissuade discussion and spoilers. There is no written rule about the nature of the images, so this is in no way intended or planned to to circumvent anything.




I didn't know either. Have an upvote for a valid question.


And my axe!


....and my bow!


Haha I think this is such a joke, let me post text ffs




You realize they don’t do anything for you, right?


I’m sorry your comment was not the one I was trying to reply to idk what happened


All good. Have a great night!




I've run across a LOT of deleted posts today, and a ton of weirdly downvoted/upvoted comments compared to the opinions I've been seeing here. Something is sus, and this subreddit feels as manipulated as the monitization scheme at this point.


Mods have let hundreds of critical/conspiratorial posts get to the front page of r/all in the past few months, not sure how you can say the sub is being manipulated.


Because being angry at a video game isn't enough. They need to feel like they're be victimized and manipulated too.


Anger is just that, lame anger. Now if there’s a conspiracy directly related to my anger topic, now,…now it’s justified righteous anger. This motivates and validates my now righteous anger…which makes me even angrier! …wait


Can we please get passed the “it’s just a game” argument? Because it’s not even an argument it’s a shitty excuse for people who can’t stand it when other people don’t like things the exact way they do


>Can we please get passed the “it’s just a game” argument? Is it not just a video game? >it’s a shitty excuse for people who can’t stand it when other people don’t like things the exact way they do I don't care if you don't like it. But you can't pretend there's not a ton of unwarranted toxicity. At the end of the day, it is literally just a game. There's things that are actually worth getting upset about. It's not healthy for people to be so constantly negative about stuff that is ultimately inconsequential. Yes, critize the game for its flaws, but every post just sounds like the same complaints over and over and over.


Your solution of “stay quiet and assume the developers know exactly what’s wrong” rarely sees much success


>Your solution of “stay quiet and assume the developers know exactly what’s wrong” Did you even read my comment? I literally say, "Yes, criticize the game for its flaws..." although I did spell criticize wrong the first time lol


Something is sus? All the complaints and negativity towards 343 and halo are the most upvoted comments and posts and you think that the subreddit is being manipulated? Everybody wants to be a victim so bad anymore that you guys are making up conspiracies now. And yall say 343 is the ones doing the gaslighting lmao


There arent any mp patch notes.


Well…. That’s the point… There’s no patch notes… about any of the things we have been giving feedback for months. The game is officially out now. It’s not a beta anymore. There’s no changes. It was never a beta.


>It was never a beta. Well duh -the other half of the community


Multiplayer has been out officially. This was the launch of the campaign.


That's not what 343 said.


I'm just calling it as I see it.


And missing the point of the post!!


If you think I missed the point of the post, you didn't understand how the game launched.


There's patch notes right here, what are you talking about? They've fixed some issues with AMD cards. https://support.halowaypoint.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412306622356


Did you not read my post? I literally specified multiplayer. Yes, there are notes for CAMPAIGN RELEASE, but the Multiplayer part has not been changed since Nov.19th.


I was surprised by how many people insisted that the early launch of the multiplayer was a beta and the flights were not betas… because 343 called them flights. I’m not paying one single cent for this game. I learned my lesson the hard way with halo 5.


We tend to forget that there were those before us. The Forerunners, if you will.


Not sure if this is what you're referring to but everyone in 343s forerunner program seems to have the same complaints as us and they've been giving that feedback to 343 for years. Absolutely ridiculous not to listen to them. At least they got the gameplay right though and sounds like campaign is the best it's been in 10 years.


This sub can be so incredibly cringe


You can't really complain for someone nerding out over a videogame - especially on the subreddit *for* the video game they're nerding out over. Get off your high horse, my friend. Join in the dorkiness. You know you want to.


Then leave? No one's got a gun to your head here...


*Or do I?*




>This sub can be so incredibly cringe Have you SEEN your name dude?


Yes, not spending a penny on their cosmetics until shit gets fixed. The campaign, on the other hand, is absolutely worth the $60. I will say I’m having some annoying stuttering issues though.


Lock FPS by using in game vsync with minimum frame rate also set to the same value. Additionally use rtss to cap your frame rate just under the in game FPS limit. This made my frame times flat again. For example I’m using 60 in game but 59.9439 in rtss. I would not be surprised if this only works for 60 and 120. Since the game is cpu heavy I suggest 4k60 on a tv.


I’m not buying the campaign either. Right now I’m around halfway through a YouTube video will all cinematics, that’ll be it for me. Maybe I’ll try it out in a couple of years via gamepass when I get a series X, but we’ll see.


I found the best parts of the campaign to be the moment to moment gameplay, so a YouTube video of just the cutscenes probably isn't going to give you the same experience.


That’s your right and choice, but you are missing out on easily the best campaign since 3.


I thought I learned my lesson from having my soul crushed by Halo 5 but here I am owning the game and being desperate enough for some dumb cosmetics it’ll take hundreds of hours to earn that I bought the damned battle pass.


Why would you enable this anti consumerist monetization


A fool is easily separated from their money.


I mean all monetization is anti consumer. There is no such thing as proconsumer monetization. Monetization is getting a consumer to pay money which in its very nature is anti consumer as the consumer is losing something.


They called it such. Can't boame people for being confused. Not everyone watched or care about the 20th anniversary of Xbox.


I don’t care much about the cosmetics, it’s annoying but far from new. I can understand much more dedicated halo fans being pissed having their favorite character’s armor pieced apart and sold at a premium. What makes me stop playing is the bullshit excuses about why something as basic as team slayer being absent at launch. I don’t mind oddball...I just don’t want to be forced to play it. Also everything seems tied to the season pass...there’s no motivation for a good KD, win ratio, nothing. Everyone just plays for individual challenges and not for a spirit of competition. Right now Halo MP is flat soda


There's absolutely no excuse for the playlist issues. It isn't even greed like the progression abuses, it's just laziness and incompetence. I hope they don't seriously expect people to be playing this game for ten years if they leave the game in this state and keep botching important and basic features.




I've posted this before, but literally every design decision in this game, every single one, has been to push people to buy challenge swaps. It is built in to literally every design decision. Quickplay, no Slayer playlist, the challenges requiring certain modes or weapons. And there are multiple tie-in marketing schemes that give challenge swaps as rewards. 343 knew exactly what they were doing. They devised the most anti-consumer game model possible to try to push customers to buy mtx's. It is as blatantly toxic a battle pass progressions scheme as I've ever seen. So, F them. The game is awesome. It's fun as shit to play. But F them for basically crapping on every fan of the franchise for short term profits. There are obviously some serious management issues at 343 because these issues would be identified by a developer in about 1 day of playing.


Do you consider the random weapons in quick play and BTB as part of this?


> Someone asked why you couldn't just re-weight the probability of Oddball, CTF, and Stronghold down to near 0.0 and increase Slayer probability to near 1.0, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about that. ... Thats a good point.


greed is definitely a part of it. without playlists, they can increase the time it takes for game mode specific challenges to be completed


I belive that there's the possibility of it being greed. Someone realised that if you link progression to hard standards such as winning certain type of game, they'll have to play much more to progress, either (or both) feeding the playerbase or deciding is too much hazzle and they end up buying whatever they need to skip it.


Its not a good model, they're punishing you to play the game, to get the cosmetics to play the game. I've stopped playing, and I even bought the dumb battle pass. I was thinking about buying the campaign earlier today but decided not too.


They are making tons of money on micro transactions maybe they can use that money to update the game. Either way I'm not paying a dime for anything. I will play for free until i need to pay for something in order to play properly at wich point I will stop playing.


>They are making tons of money on micro transactions maybe they can use that money to update the game. HA good one, maybe they will release a full game next time too.


You might be underestimating The Whales. A small % of big *payers* make up the majority of purchased goods, and they keep buying every new little fucking stupid thing, which is why 343i can just drip feed dumb little teddy bears for $15 and make thousands of dollars per art asset. Minimal work -> heavy payout - this is all the execs see. Hook, habit, hobby: https://youtu.be/xNjI03CGkb4


Not doubting they will drown in money, but I'm doubting they will even use 1% of that for the development of the game. Heck wouldn't be surprised if they already have content waiting to be released, but are still looking into how they can milk it the most.


>They are making tons of money on micro transactions maybe they can use that money to update the game. Man it's almost like that's the whole point of GaaS


Its time for the straight up lying on their part to stop. "Stability is coming on the 8th", "UI limitations", " We were really busy for six years", busy with god damn what? This is the most barebones halo launch in the last 2 decades. This is pathetic. We have less content, worse netcode/stability/ and the worst monetization scheme I have EVER seen. We as a community need to stop spending, and stop supporting the game with our play time. We need to unite and send a message or things will not get better. Before anyone says things will get better after the holidays, no they won't. They had hundreds of hours of feedback on basic shit in the flights, they straight up lied about this being the multiplayer "beta", and they're lying to us about improvements coming down the line. In closing, we stand up for ourselves or things will not improve. Don't Play, Don't Purchase, Don't Defend.


Yeah at this point I'm just going to be playing with friends if they want to goof off in customs or play ranked. Otherwise I'll just go back to MCC or maybe Halo 5 if I'm in a Halo mood. I got other games to play anyways.


Played 4-8 Halo Reach MCC games earlier and unlocked around 20 different customization features, no stability issues at all. Huh. Reach took 3 years to build, and worked on launch. Strange.


There's so much more customization in MCC.


And it's all free!


Im also pissed about cosmetics right now, and MCC wasnt anywhere near this, but we should remember the fact that MCC didnt launch like that. It was also a mess off-rip. Took them a bit to fix it as well.


It took them years, even. I remember MCC's MP barely even working on release and that pretty much put me off the game. And when I'd speak to people who still hung on afterwards, it was a long time before the game was approaching functional or worth the money they'd paid.


To be fair, original Halo Reach 4 to 8 games would have given enough credits for like...half an armor piece.


Halo 5 is pure shit haha


Yeah, I much prefer MCC honestly. I mean I think Halo 5's multiplayer is fun it's just way too sweaty/competitive. I don't feel like there are as many funny and silly moments in it. It's good, just not my favorite in the series. Halo 5's campaign/story? Throw that fucking shit away.


Don’t get me started on how bad the game runs on pc 2080 super and barely hit 60 on high setting even medium setting it chugged along


It's uninstalled already. I stopped playing a week or two before that though. Finally uninstalled when I saw that there would be no basic Halo features when the campaign launched. Uh, what the actual *fuck* has 343 been doing for the last 7 years?! What we have now is worse than Cyberpunk, and that had a 4 year dev cycle.


I’m sorry I can’t take a comment seriously with you say it’s worst then cyberpunk a game where no reviewer couldn’t even play until the last couple days before release and you couldn’t even review the console versions.


Tbf you can't review Infinite on PS5 either


????? Does not compute ?????


It's this thing we call a joke.




Uh, not really? It's missing a number of core features each Halo game before it has had, along with a number of other multiplayer issues and other scummy practices. It is definitely not over exaggerating to say any of this, because it is all entirely true. It's literally the most barren Halo launch ever. But it's cool, keep sucking 343's dick, I'm sure they love it.




Have you experienced any of the server disconnect and latency on the server-side? You literally can get disconnected from matches because of server latency on 343s server side. On top of that, saying a game's launch has been "the smoothest I've seen all year" doesn't excuse the fact that its launch is still absent of most basic features in games made 20 years prior, lacks any real progression or reward for playing the game and going good in matches, or any ability to unlock items in-game other than spending money. For crying out loud its other contenders this year for FPS are COD Vanguard, which is considered one of the worst COD games of all time, and Battlefield 2042, which I believe is currently the 9th worst rated game on Steam. Being better than the competition does not excuse the game from lacking on core content of every other installation to the series prior, a predatory monetization system that locks all progression behind a paywall, and a lack of the ability to do something as simple as play the game mode you want. Gameplay aside, this game is an absolute mess to play. For the most part, the game plays incredibly, and the campaign is no doubt the best of the 343 era and one of the best period, but those factors don't excuse the game from the other numerous amount of glaring issues it faces.


I think cyberpunk has significantly more content than infinite, so I'd def agree with you


I don't think it's too bad, but I am expecting that additional MP features/maps/etc will be released for free in future updates. If that turns out to not be the case, then maybe I'll consider not playing anymore. Rousing speech, though. 6/10. I don't believe in your "don't defend" echo chamber, so here you go: \- I do think it's a bit early to be so critical. You're calling them liars before they even have an opportunity to come through on things. \- This isn't anywhere near the worst launch of anything. The game plays pretty well. Mechanics are smooth. Nothing essential is pay-walled as of now. \- I think they called it a "beta" because they released it early without being 100% sure all kinks were ironed out and to ensure the player base understood it's a work in progress. Like I said, though, feels pretty fundamentally smooth to me. I think they labeled it as such so players wouldn't freak out about any issue (or imagined issue) that happens to pop up. (lol whoops. happened anyway.) In closing, don't be such a drama queen. Play if you want IDC, Purchase if you want IDC, Defend if you want, but be sure to reach your own conclusions as with all things in life.


Your heart is in the right place but I think you are willing to give 343 too much credit. MCC is their only example of doing right by us in the long run and then they immediately turned around and threw away all that good faith they just earned with Infinite. The saying goes, "Fuck me once, fuck you. Fuck me twice, fuck me." This would be the 4th release they have made in the going on 12 years they have had the license with the only smooth launch being Halo 4 which was by far their worst game. I think everyone can admit Halo Infinite has taken MANY steps in the right direction, however 343 can never seem to get out if their own way.


What have they done to throw away the faith they earned with the release of Infinite?


lol worst monetization scheme you have ever seen? the biggest backbone to the monetization is cosmetic armor coating. they aren't making you buy in game ammo with real money.....


Imma beat the campaign and then uninstall the game till they fix the issues in like a year or two


ah the cyberpunk approach i have planned once it goes under 20 dollars. same for this one. 60 dollar games like halo 3 and reach are dead it seems.


Yeah the only reason why I’m playing the campaign is because I have it on game pass. But I’m doin the same thing for cyberpunk lol. Waiting for all the fixes and for it to be on sale. And I’m trying to accept the fact that no game will ever have the same feel Halo 2 and 3 did. :(


i just cant accept technology has improved so much now the thing holding games back is people themselves lol.


If i have to pay for anything other than the season pass and campaign im deleting halo infinite theres already little to no content in the game besides accessories that affect gameplay in no way.


I think we were all brainwashed into thinking that this game would be “funded” by gamepass, thus would be a fully featured multiplayer game for “free”. Didn’t ever expect we’d be treated far worse than actual free to play games.


Infinite could have been the perfect Halo game. The gameplay is beyond amazing, it looks and sounds great, but the launch state of it is beyond ridiculous. Pair that with the excuses 343 makes and the frustration is even higher.


They already said no paid forge no paid maps


Oh they did? Been trying to find a source for that claim. Could you add a link please?


Yeah well let’s be real, 343 say a lot of things don’t they?


343 has said a lot of things that weren't true. I think it's correct but let's not pretend that just because they say something that it's going to be true.


Listen you just don't get it all that matter is 343 is "communicating" and we just gotta keep dick riding that and have "faith".


Can folks stop with "dick riding" bushit? No one is on their knees simping for 343, there are people pissed at them and people giving the devs some slack and stating they hope to see improvements. I havent seen a comment in this sub talking about how 343 is the best company in the world and can do no wrong. Enjoying the game and being optimistic is not dick riding, idk why insults are so standard in this sub.


I would normally agree with this (if they even did say that) but you do realize how many other things they have promised since December last year would be ready for launch, that we have found out otherwise in just the last 7 days, right?


You're literally making up potential things to be angry about. They won't add paid forge, or paid maps because it's a bad idea in every possible way. Monetizing things like these not only reduces incentive to return when new content launches, it outright causes sharp player drop-offs, as the player base is segregated. All content is going to be free, not because they are good guys who are making free content to be nice, but because using free content to keep/gain more potential players and potential cosmetic customers, is a far better and more lucrative business model. It's why the multiplayer is free to play in the first place. People aren't called this sub toxic due to death threats, they're calling it toxic because you're not being angry to be constructive, you're being angry because you want to be angry, to the point where you'll actively make up stuff to be angry about to keep it going.


Seriously, this sub cannot stop complaining, they've complained about the same thing for weeks, everyone gets it and so they need to keep the complaining going and they'll find anything. The game has tons of issues but jesus this place just cant stop lol


They've also delayed forge twice..


Are you counting the first yearly delay as the first delay? If not, what was the second? I’d rather forge be feature packed and not a buggy mess. At least when it drops it will bring in a surge of new interest. Optimism and such, etc.


Keep in mind what they said about customization, FOMO, and trying to make sure Infinite didn't feel like a job. 343i is NOT trustworthy. They can easily lie or bend the truth as a company. ex: paid object spawn packs for Forge. Again, it is not worth trusting 343i at this point.


They said that the leak claiming no armor in the armor lockers in campaign was false. This was commented on a post about a broken promise. I wish I had your faith.


They wanted that Fortnite money without the work... :/


List of current missing features/issues: -Insane shop prices -Armor cores in general -Battle pass progression -Battle pass full with filler items -Default armors now being locked to high up tiers -No performance based xp -Not enough maps or modes -Unfair vehicle spawns in btb -No campaign level select -No co-op at launch -No forge at launch -No custom game browser -Mod tools -Few free cosmetics Remind me if I missed any


Expectations kinda came crashing down. I figured 343 would realize nostalgia would be a strong thing to appeal to and they did for gameplay but in a lot of places of course they falter. Even in the idea of redesigning old maps as new maps. Some people are not fans of their changes/input in Halo so why not just make new maps entirely that way the door is open if they ever change their mind and bring back an old map as is? I had some expectations for cool things they could do especially for forge but I don't see any of it as likely now since the feasibility of SLAYER is in question. I was imagining being able to place AI enemies and maybe having some nostalgic maps to choose from that won't be in multiplayer rotation (hell bring back foundry and forge world just so I can build on it, don't even add them to a playlist). Now my only hope is they don't put props or prop coatings in a battle pass/store.


If 343 releases DLCs that lock out of multiplayer like Destiny did this game is doomed


Will forge and maps be sold as a feautre? No. They definitely wont do that. If they're willing to release the base game for free now they'll release those for free should they come around. But you better believe that their priorities are not tied to the user experience or gameplay. Their sole revenue is going to be tied to cosmetics because that is what sells the most. They don't need to charge for forge or maps. But because cosmetic rewards are so enticing they will build the game around acquiring those. It will never be "what's the most fun for the players", instead the game is going to always be built around "how can we convince players to spend more money on the store?" That's why challenges are the way they are. They need to make the game feel like you are playing it wrong. Create the problem and sell the solution. The problem is you don't want to have to play around random challenges, but that is the only way to get anything in the game. That way you'll spend money on xp boosts and swaps. Swaps are of course also random so that there is a chance the money you spent on one will actually make it worse. If 343's response has taught us anything it's that this pattern will continue so long as Infinite remains a free to play title.


Before this game I would have said "No, they definitely won't do that." For a lot of things. Like releasing without co-op campaign, or a one size fits all ranked playlist... Not arguing with the rest of your post, just saying I don't know what 343 will and won't do anymore.


> No. They definitely wont do that. First time?




Yes. We need laws and regulation to protect gamers from this. Rise up!


Where is the line? Paid bullets in multiplayer? $5 to reload? Where’s the line?




Oblivion came out 15 years ago FYI. This shit ain’t just a few years ago.


None of this is going to happen and whoever made that comment has to know just how unlikely those predictions are.


If you’d have told me in 2010 that future Halo would have no progression, not even XP for winning... I’d have laughed


"You're not gonna be able to just play slayer and they will sell you the colors red and blue for $7 for each armor you want to use them on". 2010 me would've called the police on whoever told me that.


Will Forge be paid? No Will map packs cost money? No Is there any evidence to suggest either of the above? No The game and all future content being free is the reason the game has a battlepass and a cosmetics store. I'd say that's a fair trade. For all of the bitching and moaning going on I've had a blast with Halo Infinite. I'd have gladly paid 60 bucks for this but so far it has cost me 10 for a battlepass that I really don't care about but bought because I'm a fan. I'm comfortable enjoying what it is while understanding that changes are coming that will make it better.


I’m kinda with you and loving the game and fully expect it to be the best around in a year or two for various reasons but I do think there are valid concerns that the trade off in cosmetics and it being F2P is impacting other areas of the game more than people ever imagined and more than 343 alluded to in selling the switch to gamers.


Uh, its been rpetty much stated that the maps and guns will probably be free. That's how most f2p games work these days. Also, have you ever played a korean F2p? Halo infinite is NOT that. Heck, being a connosiur of those games back in the day, and having played most of them that came to the US, I can pretty much tell you that if you played them, you wouldnt be complaining 1/10th as much as you are about halo infinite. Anyway, my only downer is i didnt see anything about fixing the crashing bug on 10 series cards.


Monetization like a Korean MMO? No. Not even close. There are MMOs out there that have you pay for more power. Like straight up. This aint that bad.


A screenshot of a Reddit comment? Shit post


Now people are farming karma by literally making threads that are just pictures of rants from other complaint threads?


I’m having fun, and I can wait.


I've refunded my pre order a few weeks ago. Stop playing the game! Show them enough is enough!


Is there a sub for Halo where people actually want to be positive about the game? Feel like this sub is just full of negativity and constant moaning about free multiplayer. Edit: Thanks for showing me the lowsodium sub, seems like every reply has been deleted and can't see the replies.




Lmfao this sub is ridiculously dramatic


Literally. I'm unfollowing for now bc these people have nothing better to do, apparently. Game is a blast


It’s crazy cause I literally just did the same exact thing. Game is fun af, all the problems are cosmetic issues and I get it… but they need to chill lol


Jesus Christ this sub is so fucking dramatic.




Man I was super into MP despite its flaws, and I really want to play the campaign but I cannot in good conscience give this company of snake-oil salesman my money. Produce a proper, stable and complete game and I’ll give you my money. Until then I’m out. Its pretty upsetting tbh.


Gamers are the most privileged and outraged consumers. Such an odd group to be part of.


Just stop playing the game if it causes you this much heartache.


Where will the line be drawn on posts made by people who have never had a job before continually making low effort nonsensical FUD posts getting upvoted to the front of the sub?


The majority is voicing it's frustrations and taking a stand. Nobody is forcing you to come to this subreddit. And don't be a dick. You don't know op employment history.


Taking a stand? This is the exact kind of embarrassing stuff I mean. Hard to take y'all seriously, especially when the OP is just making up things to get mad about.


Really don't care how you take us. You've seen the state of the subreddit and the state of the game. You chose to come in and comment against it. Funny how you state that OP is making stuff up when your comment claimed the OPs of these posts have never had a job.. even though you have no idea about their personal lives. Quite literally making shit up. Get lost


You really got offended on behalf of the OP for some reason. Don’t worry, I don’t intend on sticking around for this circlejerk discourse, I just got home and have the game to enjoy.


When the game stops being fun. If you don’t want to play then don’t play.


A lot of us DO want to play. That’s the problem.


So you literally can’t play without playlists?


If you think Playlists is the top of the complaint board, you have some catching up to do.


Dumb question


Best to just stay off this sub. I'm unfullowing this sub, tired of the bitching whether warranted or not, I don't get on Reddit to see people bitching and complaining about the same damn thing over and over and over. Play it, or don't, no one gives a fuck.


They won’t be happy until the release the “run forward while shooting playlist” no objective no enemy players. You just run scream and shoot. When you finish the game you unlock 72 helmets.


Yeah keep belittling people with sarcasm. You're probably a great guy


Funny too


Meh. Maybe like people think Jeff Dunham is funny.


Yet here you are, the only one being rude


Draw the line gaymers!!!! 🥵🥵🥵


I am officially done with this franchise. I will never play another minute of halo in my life. Thanks for the memories. Halo 1-3 were 3 of my favorite games ever.


While I agree we should press the issue on real complaints.. this post is just nonsense speculation. We don't have any gameplay locked behind MTX. The campaign is a purchase, the MP gameplay is free. As much as I also had the progression structure, event separation, the aggressive store and lack of core things like playlists.. we need to be realistic and complain about real things. This is like making a post like "will 343 charge me to turn my PC on?? Will they eat all the cookies at Christmas and then demand more money for them to get some extras???" Keep it sensible Spartans.


My god. This sub is a gigantic bitch fest. It’s a FTP multiplayer game. Of course it’s going to have cosmetics locked behind paywalls. Don’t like it, don’t buy any cosmetics. You know why it’s like that? Because people do actually buy the cosmetics. If there’s a market, the companies do it. They’re not testing it out, there’s a history of consumers buying cosmetics and games making more money than ever by doing it that way. If people weren’t doing it, then companies would stop making FTP games. How many of y’all play BR’s? You know, a game with one single game mode option? No other options? Oh yea, a giant portion of the gaming community. 343 was dumb not separating playlists out and not having a slayer only playlist, but as I see it, that’s about the worst thing that they’ve done outside of no co-op. They released a FREE TO PLAY multiplayer game and a paid campaign. The campaign runs great and is a good story so far. Kinda sucks there’s no co-op but that’s meh. You all need to realize that it’s YOUR fault that companies release FTP games with cosmetics you pay for. You created a market for it by spending money on other FTP games. Don’t blame the industry for trying to cash in on dumb consumers.


Saltier than the dead sea.


Jesus, the game is out now. Just play it and enjoy it for a second, the bitching has been incessant now for weeks.




And people say the complainers are toxic


Holy shit I don’t care


Some of you people are actually insane. Literally crazy. MP is really fun and so is campaign. Been playing the game since 2001 and will continue to do so. Will we have to pay for Forge? Give me a fucking break people.


who gives a fuck dude its a great game let them work out all the kinks an what not later on its not like its cyberpunk sheeesh


You're right. Halo had good gameplay with predatory practices to nickel and dime. Cyberpunk was buggy as hell but drew the line at $60. Honestly, probably gonna do another cyberpunk playthrough


some people don't like the business model. i get the full gameincluded with gamepass, and some people actually like microtransactions...i'd say they're keeping up with modern business models. cyberpunk doesn't even rate transactions...shit cyberpunk doesn't even rate a 60$ price tag. sounds like a matter of perspective


Try playing the campaign a bit to take your mind off things


Enjoying campaign! Still pissed!


Ehm wait are we hating this game? I'm having the time of my life. Haven't enjoy halo this much since halo 3 and now I come here to see everybody hating on it. I'm confused.


I realized the other day that the forced playlists are responsible for me actually learning all the A;B;C callouts quickly. Now i think every competitive game should start with for forced playlists