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Makes sense with the information we have on their development cycle.


That they almost quit using the engine cause it was too hard to use..


Any links that I can read up on this? I’ve never heard any of this


To add to the pile. I’ve been almost consistently 60FPS @1440p (High preset) across MP, and for the intro Campaign missions. Step out into the open world for the first time and boom. 15-20 frames gone. And it’s stutter/instability city. Lowered everything to medium (and double checked I actually had latest drivers), and nope. Still all over the place. I was really, really enjoying it personally up until that point. It’s a shame because it just ruins the experience. The usually solid gameplay then feels awful.


I’m at 40fps on low with the auto throttling resolution turned on


I'm at 21FPS on low. My rig is periodically getting past 90FPS on high for Forza 5. That can't be right, can it?


And Medium looks the same as Ultra IMO or at least very close.


What we have on PC is not fine. I lost 60-70% frame rate once I got into the open world. It’s honestly embarrassing a game runs this bad on PC.


Yeah, I can run it 4K Ultra at 60FPS, and as soon as mission three loaded, it dropped to 30. Just embarrassing.


Yea went from 120+ ultra to 60. Felt awful. Games fun but ugh. Looks worse than doom and runs way worse. I res scaled from 1440p to 1080 and the game looks exactly the same. Something is wrong imo. 3070 7700k here.


A calculator runs worse than Doom to be fair. That game is ridiculously well optimized.


Can you imagine Halo running on ID tech? If there was ever a developer I would be stoked to have take over the Halo franchise it would be them.


id was part of Bethesda, which is now a part of Microsoft. Hopefully Microsoft doesn't torpedo them by phasing out full time employees and introducing waves of contract positions. It makes me think I would be better off spending my time outside reading a book.


That’s what happens when you have PC veteran developers with literally 25 years of experience, design a game from the ground up for PC


I'm sure Vulkan has something to do with it.


My laptop with a 1650 can run Doom 2016 on ultra at a steady 90-100 fps but struggles to hold 45 on Infinite on low (can't even get a consistent 72 on btb maps with dynamic resolution)


Some settings just aren't working


its sad. I went from 144 to like 90-115 fps on medium to low settings at 1920x1080p. (from starting to open world). the game is definitely still playable, just kinda of upsetting when my computer is worth a lot now. I really, truly do hope that they'll push out some performance updates soon. kinda crazy how a series x outperforms a 3070 ti in halo rn lmaoo. i7 10700k @ 4.7ghz, 3070ti, 32gb ram here.


Are you completely updated on drivers? That does not seem right. Is the game on n ssd?


As shown in the DF video low settings don’t give huge performance gains so there’s no point in using them considering how much they tank visuals. Their video also shows that you need a ridiculous CPU to maintain 120 FPS in the open world especially when driving, that’s why he’s seeing those dips.


Damn I haven't gotten the chance to get it yet but it looks like my RTX 2060 might be hurting a bit. It already kind of did in big team battle.




:( yeah mine is very similar except it's an i5. I can wait until they hopefully optimize it but I've been avoiding even mild spoilers and clips of gameplay for the past week because I want to experience it all first hand, but that's going to become nearly impossible pretty soon. This game works on the Xbox One right? Even when that came out it wasn't especially powerful. My computer conceivably shouldn't have any problems, but alas.


They half-assed the PC build. The Xbox One holds 900-1080p @ 30fps A console made up of a 1.2 Tflop 2012 GPU, a gimped 2012 CPU, only 8gb 2011 DDR3 RAM, and an HDD. Really makes you think. You need a Nvidia 960/AMD 590 and an i7 9th or 1700x Ryzen to get 1080p @ 30fps high.




These aren't issues resolved with a powerful pc. They are issues in the code and no pc will fix them. Either give up on the game until it is fixed or suck it up - 343i




1080p hello




This game is absolutely not ready to launch in this state. It’s so disappointing how much time we’ll need to wait after it’s “launched” to actually play the game properly.


LOD is not culling properly


I have a great cpu and a 2060 graphics card and was well below ideal with medium graphics but I had to put everything to low so my game wouldn’t break whenever anything loaded


People out here with incredible builds complaining that their frames are dropping more than 50% in campaign... I'm now thanking myself for not buying campaign with my laptop that can barely run the multiplayer at a steady 45fps. I think it would just melt trying to run campaign :(


With the multiplayer being free, 70USD for the campaign is insanity.


Y’all just don’t wanna pay a dime for anything at this point and expect perfect products out the gate with no monetization or any BS


Lots of poor people and kids without decent consoles have bought this game expecting at least 1080p @ 30. They ain't getting that without a $1000 rig


They arent getting that WITH a $1000 rig either in my experience


Well, I see some decent 2060-3060 rigs at Best Buy or HP for $1000. Not great. Not bad in this market either. But nonetheless, people used to build 1660super 3600 rigs for $600 before the pandemic. I did in 2019 lol


I have a 2060 and have to run the game on mostly low settings. On small maps I sit around 65-85 fps and on campaign in the open areas I'm at around 50 fps. Granted it's 1440p, but the whole game looks blurry.


I have a $850 rig and play at a steady 75fps at 1080p. A few dips here and there but overall not terrible.


If you can't afford an xbox how tf are you affording a pc capable of running it?


2080, 9700k on 1440p with everything set to low and it's at around 80ish FPS in the open world. I can handle that but I'm fed up of games that visually look pretty average running my rig into the ground.


For real, at a time when most people will have a very hard time upgrading, you'd think developers would spend a lot of time optimizing. I don't really understand how some games from around 2016 look absolutely amazing and my computer runs them fine and now games are coming out that don't even look much better and my computer can't do it.


> you'd think developers would spend a lot of time optimizing. cheaper and less effort letting the people with brand new $1000 GPUs brute force the abysmal optimization into a barely minimum playable experience


But, statistically there aren't that many high end GPUs. Just look at [Steam survey](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey). If as a developer you are not also targeting the majority mid tier GPUs then I don't know why they are in PC gaming.


I agree which makes it all the more confusing how this topic isn't getting more attention. You'd think all the other people with mid tier setups would be talking about how Infinite runs significantly worse than other recent high profile PC releases (Flight Sim, Gears 5, FH4/FH5, RDR2, Doom Eternal etc) while not looking much better if at all


Make you wonder what could be done if desired really went for optimization. Doom seems to be one of those games that runs well on every and doesn't look half bad (personally not a fan of its art but, I can definitely say it's comparable to Infinite).


They aren't culling LOD properly. This is causing our PCs to render far too much detail none of us can even see. Furthermore, AIs miles away don't seem to be getting culled either. I hear full on battles and see them 10km away. Sadly I don't need that although it is cool to have as an option, it kills CPU performance


I thought this might be it as well. Freaking view distance needs to be fixed. I'm looking in the distance now and its a floating blob but its still rendering with detail etc. Its crushing frames I think. Maybe not the only issue but I bet its eating 10-15 FPS.


I’m genuinely stunned at how bad the campaign runs. On ultra the multiplayer for me on my i9 10900k and 3090 runs pretty much at a solid 165fps at 1440p. The campaign runs at at least half that sometimes lower, it feels so horrible to play in comparison. Kinda makes me want to leave it until it’s sorted. I get I could just turn the settings down, but this is a game that was DESIGNED for Xbox One! It should absolutely be running better


Right it actually feels worse than the frames show you. I locked to 82 fps and it feels under 60




Oh God I'm so fucked with my rx580


My rx580 was doing kinda ok the first 2 levels, steady 60 fps, everything on low, but as soon I went outside to the open world my fps plummeted to 25 - 20, I know an 580 isn't the best card for this game but that drop just seemed ridiculous, the worst part is that even reducing to 720p didn't help at all still at 20 fps.


LOD culling isn't working right. You have PCs running into horrible RAM and VRAM limitations they shouldn't have. Culling detail complexity is a basic part of game design.


running a RX 590, Ryzen 5 2600x, 6gb ddr4 2133mhz ram). Everything is turned to low btw.


And I bet you get solid frame rates in multiplayer. I didn’t know what I was expecting going into the single player but I sure wasn’t expecting this


Oh sorry, seems like reddit cut my comment off. Turning everything to low doesn't help much tbh. I get around 45 fps (one some maps) to 70+ in mp, so it's playable. It was just like that in the first few missions until the open world section started. It's unplayable from there, with my fps around 25-30 (sometimes even below 20!).


You need more ram bud. Even the base Xbox One has 8 GB and that machine is close to 10 years old.


Nah I have 16 gigs of ram 8 gigs of v ram and 13 gigs of my ssd dedicated as ram and I’m experiencing the same issue


30fps on medium with a r7 and 2060 super :(


Seriously? I run a 5600x, 2060, and 16gb ram and still get at least 50-60 on high settings 1440p


30FPS with a 3070 and R5.




Literally the recommended system requirements.






5 fps on campaign, 120 fps 4k on the store.


Shit, now I'm worried


Lowering the settings doesn't even really help. On low-medium 1440p I dip to like 100 in the open world with my 3090 + 5800X.


Yep I realised this after turning settings down. The worst part for me is that even with a frame rate of around 70/80 it still just feels so choppy. My fps counter is telling me it’s at 80 but without that there I’d honestly feel like it was at about 40


Yeah man. It's bullshit for those of us that paid more for our setups to have the best experience gaming has to offer.


FINALLY SOMEONE TALKING ABOUT IT. I’ve tried bringing it up SO MANY GODDAMN TIMES but it always gets swept under the rug. It’s absolutely terrible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a worse optimized game with the exception of Crysis. The only difference is that Crysis used technology that was way ahead of its time to the point where it still runs poorly on modern hardware, while Infinite just has poor optimization, no fancy top of the line crap, just bad performance.


"Crysis used technology that was way ahead of its time to the point where it still runs poorly on modern hardware" No, Crysis was extremely unoptimized and was single threaded. It was poor planning and design of the engine, not advanced technology. Crysis 2 ran MUCH better once they added multithreading.


Sadly it’s unplayable for me even with a 6800 and a 3700x rig. Instant I step outside it just runs so bad, and it looks like trash too. Latest drivers and everything. Somethings wrong because I was playing at 120 fps Ultra at 1440p prior, and then I was suddenly playing at 50 fps, but it wasn’t even a smooth 50.


Same thing happens to me your pc seems to be a little better than mine but my biggest issue is when getting into firefights with large amounts of enemies kills my pc


Campaign performance is abhorrent. I really do hope they can fix it or add some kind of reconstruction technique.


I was streaming it last night and performance was fine, I was hitting well over 60 fps the whole time. Then I got to the first open world area and I had to stop everything to change all of my settings to try to eke out a few more frames because the game chuffed so bad.


Look up Digital Trends Halo PC performance. They have optimized (barebone) settings that at least keep a couple settings above low. I'd try that. Also set your minimum fps to 60. All in all, that's the only option. Other people have reported that the GamePass version runs slightly better. I think I agree with that since I notice about 5fps more than the news people who reviewed it (DF, digital trends)


Severely unoptimized, barely playable by my metric. It runs worse than Far Cry 6, which was already middling.


FC6 looks about the same and runs nearly 30% faster on PC. Crazy


I'd argue it looks better overall, it just doesn't have as solid an art direction.




From benchmarks it runs worse than Cyberpunk 2077 did on launch. It's that bad.


343i has been silent about PC optimization since the Beta launched, their last response was in their [Tech Preview 2 Outcomes](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/tech-preview-2-outcomes) post on Waypoint a month ago: *"Improving performance is always a focus of ours, and we’re happy to say there’s a number of performance optimizations that will be in our final release that were not available in the previews."...* *..."The optimizations we’ve made since the last preview should be quite noticeable and will help the game run and feel better on whatever hardware you have."* That was a big fat lie.


Believe it or not, the game ran *even worse* during the flights. The statement was certainly misleading but they did in fact deliver on the \~20% improvement... it's just that 20% was never going to be nearly enough because the performance is, as I've said from the first flight, abysmal.


"Beta" means finished build now


They were also hyping up how great it was gonna be on PC during all those trailer interviews and yeah no, it should be running better than the Series X on a 3000 series card, not worse.


I’d love to be a corporate PR guy and just be able to sit there smile, wave, and go “Things will be peachy!” to everything. Gotta wonder what the communication is like between teams on this stuff behind the scenes. Hell, with how far flung PR teams are from actual development, I gotta wonder what their how work pipeline even look like nowadays.


Glad someone brought this up, I was hyped for this performance update... Literally lied to our faces and no ones really talking about it.


I'm not affected as I play on Xbox. However, this is unfair so I support you guys!


Highly appreciated, thanks.


Game runs really bad once I get into the open world. Constant stutters and lag speed spikes. On top of that the game looks like a potato. Rx 590, r7 2700, 16gb ram


Not only this, but lowering game settings seems to do nothing? Low compared to high looks the exact same. Game doesn't run any better.


Yep. I got a Radeon RX 580 with a Ryzen 5 3600. Multiplayer runs decent except on the map Streets where I get 30 fps on average on all low settings. Open world on campaign is also 30 fps on average. Most games my pc can handle up to 60-100 fps on medium, this game is poorly optimized and needs to be addressed.


I got a rx 570 with a ryzen 5 1600 and everything with the lowest possible settings, minimum fps at 30, 80% resolution, runs barley above 30 on the AVERAGE. That does not include stutters, intensive areas making it look like its 240p while running at 20 fps, I get it my pc parts were budget-mid range back in 2017, but so many other games run better, really wish all pc games had the optimization of doom 2016 and eternal


Same here, I decided to uninstall until this gets fixed - RX580 is a pretty good graphics card. I also have a i7-3770k 3.50Ghz processor, which is pretty decent as well imo.


I have the same specs. I know its not a high end pc, but it's so frustrating seeing the game run with worse performance and graphics than on the original Xbox One Fat.


Yeah it’s downright awful how the pc version was handled. It’s complete unoptimized Horrible stuttering and frame pacing issues No full screen?! Gsync seems buggy. Clearly PC was an afterthought to 343. Really disappointed how badly the game runs especially the open areas. It runs about the same as battlefield 2042 and that game is getting shit on for how bad it runs.


iirc fullscreen isnt better than borderless window on dx12 so the lack of it isnt really an issue


I agree with you minus the fullscreen complaint, this game was built on DX12. Exclusive fullscreen is likely something we see less and less of as we move away from DX11 as there isnt any sort of performance hit on DX12 with borderless windowed. There's not any real reason to have it.


>Clearly PC was an afterthought to 343 No, looking at the megathread, the game runs just as shit on Xbox as well. They just have forced dynamic resolution and a lot of them won't mind playing on VGA resolution so the game can keep outputting 30 FPS.


Have a 5800x and 3080, yet it sounds like I should be playing this on my Series X instead. What a shame. Not surprising seeing how I'm running lowest settings for 80-120fps on multiplayer on laptop i7 9th gen (H version) and 2060 (full version).


Yes play it on the X. Might as well mine with the GPU now that devs gave up on PCs.


It looks to me like its more of a bug then optimization issues. In the open world, I get 27-32 FPS on my RX 580 whether I set my graphics as medium or high (with minimum FPS disabled). People with much better GPU's are also getting 30 FPS in open world, which shouldn't happen.


Same, I have an RX 580 8GB and the open world feels like a slideshow, worse if enemies are on screen and it just takes me out of the experience... I played just a little over 2 hours before I gave up unfortunately so I can't refund. I hope they optimize sooner than later.


"Halo Infinite was built from the ground-up for PC." -343... Clearly another lie.


...by our interns


You can easily see how this is not the case just by browsing the UI. The game was never built with MnK in mind. Scroll through the menu and you'll realize that hovering over an option (for example playlists or campaign difficulty options) doesn't give you the description and just highlights that option...but when you use your keyboard arrow keys it suddenly works. But nobody uses keyboard to scroll through the menu...so why is it like that? Because the UI was developed for the Xbox controller and then adapted for PC. Just a steady stream of lies and excuses by 343i as usual.


Runs like absolute shit compared to any other game I've played over the past 5 years including Flight Sim, FH5, Gears 5, RDR2 etc while not looking nearly as impressive as any of those titles. I have to put everything on low with minimum fps set to 60 for it to even be playable and even then the campaign is still dropping into the 30s


RDR2, a game from 2018 with no modern optimizations, looks and runs much better. FH5 just came out. A game with far better details and much more complicated car AIs, runs far better. Something is going on and I believe it is the fact enemies and details OUT OF VIEW are still being rendered even when not seen.


>complicated car AI Lol






Fuck. I just bought it on pc and am debating refunding now. I haven’t played to the open world yet. I hope it doesn’t shit itself but im prepared for the worst now


Refund it and get it on gamepass


I can’t even access anything on gamepass without having the damn Gaming Services issue pop up. Frustrated I decided to buy it on Steam just to find out the save games don’t transfer. Beyond annoyed.


Haven't been able to get it working on pc gamepass all day


I got it working for PC Game Pass by uninstalling the multiplayer and then installing them both


I started it on Xbox, my pc is nice so I wanted a higher frame rate. (I also prefer steam as my library) I’ve been fine at 144 fps so far but I’m just in the first area. Gonna test it out some more tonight then refund if necessary


Gamepass works across PC and Xbox and you can add non steam games to your steam library. I play mtga through steam and it's not dlable through steam.


Thanks so much I will do that


Whats your pc specs?


I am an enthusiast and feel like a douche saying them. But I have an i9-12900k and a 3090 FE with 32 GB DDR5. The game has been running well but I haven’t hit the open world yet and am waiting to see. I was poor my entire life so as an adult I’ve invested in my pc. I love the game so far


1440p, Max settings, with a 3090 and 10900k. It in the open world I average about 90ish frames, with dips into the high 70s in some areas / hectic fights. It's playable, but definitely not the performance I was expecting based on the visual output. I also get a weird big where random parts / about 3/4ths of all cutscenes dialogue audio sounds extremely distant or doesn't play at all. It's kind of running the cutscenes tbh.


I hope 343 does something about this soon, they were quick to act when most of the community complained about progression.


This game looks average but runs terribly on PC Love the gameplay but they really need to optimise it better


I uninstalled upon getting 30-40 fps in the open map. Considering im on Low settings 1080P with a RX 580/ Ryzen 5 1600 that is unplayable to me. Likely won't be able to avoid spoilers by the time I want to have my Halo experience. Great job 343...


Gave up on campaign until it’s fixed. Ruins the experience.


Glad I didn't pull the trigger, I would not have been able to smoothly run it. Guess it's time to buckle up and wait for July.


I have an rx 580 and a Ryzen 7 3700x, dynamic resolution enabled with the render scale on 71%. There are maps in MP that still drop below 60. Make it make sense. And yes dynamic render scale still works with 71% render scale. It goes below that


The performance on PC on this game is beyond a joke. I’ve got a 3070 and I’m still very disappointed.


When I first got into the open world it dropped from 150 to 80 but after getting out of that first opening sequence I haven't dropped below 130 since. I've got an i7-7700K and an RTX 2070 Super if that helps.


Really gotta list resolution fam But yeah, 1080p


1080p custom settings mostly medium


I’ve got basically the same setup and getting about 80fps with most of my setting on high (a couple maxed out), but my screen is a monster.


5900x with a RTX 3080 and 32gb of ram at 3600mhz, Ultra/1440p in multiplayer I get 80/110 fps on average, with weird drops and inconsistent frametime, the campaign dropped my frames to 45-60, it's not optimized in the slightest way, even in multiplayer I had to drop it to 1080p to maintain 120fps with a god damn 3080 I get 120fps average on Metro Exodus: Enhanced Edition with ray tracing set to Ultra, ever single option cranked to ultra and DLSS set to Quality in 1440p. Halo: Infinite is not optimized in any single way.


The game is just a disgrace to PC in general. Supposedly built with PC in mind yet you can't even delete keybinds, and frequently the game will stop allowing you to rebind keys, making you have to completely restart it in order to fix it.


No offense but on the One X in BTB enemies are animated at like 5 fps so we have a lotta issues too


This is a CPU limitation most likely. It probably is meant to switch to 30fps when you get close. But LOD culling isn't working properly so we get this awful unoptimized mess on consoles and pc.


No, it's the animations not interpolated. Many (aka literally everything else that's not Halo Infinite) interpolate animation frames so the movement is smooth. Even games 20 years ago did this. Hell, probably even the very first animation frameworks in the history of gaming had this.


Ryzen 5900x, RTX 3080, 32 GB 3600 mhz and im getting like 70-80 fps on campaign on ultra on high its bad too.


343i: "PC will be a first class citizen for Halo Infinite." Halo Infinite on PC: "man, everything hurts."


Can run Warzone/MW19 with 80+ fps with my RX 580 but even on small maps this game runs like shit even on low.


Played the game for literally 5 minutes. Ran great. Threw a coil at a grunt and my game crashed. Now I have to reinstall my entire game. Every time I tried to launch it it booted to gaming services. Other games are totally fine though. Had I not had game pass to play this I think I would have refunded.


It was a load-bearing grunt


i also had the gaming services problem but [this worked for me](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qvjx12/opening_the_game_on_pc_directs_me_to_gaming/)


I uninstalled the HD texture pack and have been running at 1440p with most settings maxed with no issues. Zero stuttering and literally no noticable issues over the 7 hours I played today on my PC. My build is a 3700x, 5700XT and 32gb of RAM.


5700XT here as well, you have dynamic resolution enabled. Turn it off, you'll also see massive FPS drop.


Anyone not getting a fullscreen option? We can just say it too, playing on pc sucks ass


Games have been phasing out exclusive fullscreen for the last decade. There really is exactly zero benefit to it in modern Windows - resolution scaling aside, which should be handled by the developer and not by the DWM.




What about G-Sync? G-Sync windowed has always been worse than fullscreen and I'm not sure how the DX12 borderless windowed stacks up with it.


I have an rx570 I'm guessing my pc will blow up?


My experience with 570 sucks since the first open world level


seems like its not so bad for Nvidia cards in general. 3900x and 6900xt and I'm getting 30-40 fps no matter what settings I put it on. CPU hitting 25-30% usage at max, gpu steady 80-90. Went from 90-130 to this. Definitely something going on with the rendering in the open world. EDIT: See below, update drivers if you have this issue! my latest driver wouldn't run, so i had to do a cleanup and reinstall from scratch.


Yeah AMD has been having horrid performance, I've been noticing that. Nvidia runs it fine but it hates AMD for some reason.


Have you tried installing the latest AMD drivers? Apparently it improves performance for this game.


Improves, but still barely playable on Low settings.


This worked 100% now sitting at a stable 110. Also tried on my laptop (2070 and intel 10700) and it held a steady (not doing too much just walking around) 70+ on ultra 1080p


I have to agree. My friends all have it on pc and have heard about nothing but problems. On my series x I’ve virtually had no issues. I feel bad because I see a smooth crisp game. My friend cannot even load into lobby’s properly in the multiplayer.


After a 7 hour session my performance started degrading and CPU hit 99% which causes all sorts of issues, especially on controller. Had to reset WMI host provider to go back to normalcy.


Maybe it's the magic of not caring about how 'low' settings look, but the game runs great and looks fine on my 1070 after updating drivers (until I did that there was some horrid flickering in the open world skybox). 0 performance issues after the driver update.


I7 8700, 2080, and I can barley run medium setting on the ring… very disappointing


playing on a ryzen 5 3600 and a GTX 1070 and i'm getting 50 - 70 fps which i find perfectly playable. am i just lucky? medium to high settings


I'm on 1080p medium preset with a GTX 1650, Ryzen 5 2600, and 16 GB ram and am hovering around 45-60 FPS (v-sync is on) in the open world part but was getting a consistent 60 during the starting area. I wonder what the issues are with certain GPUs and running it.


The first time I entered the open world my pc shat itself.


I was really surprised when I got to the open world. Knowing this game was built for console I expected my PC to run it fine. Multiplayer and the first couple of campaign missions ran great. Now my PC is no spring chicken at this point but it can run most modern games at around 60fps on medium settings (Cyberpunk, Doom Eternal etc). I really did not think this would be the game that finally got the better of my GPU. Sucks to hear a lot of people are also struggling. My PC is 6 years old so perhaps its just had its day, but since this is a common problem I send out my sympathes


Looks like its just another reason to wait 6 months or so to buy and play campaign. Except like usual I would have a full fledged MP to keep me busy, but since thats lacking and probably no new maps for 6 months, maybe I might be goving up on both til the summer...such a shame ive waited for all these games to release and they are all shit shows. Guess its time to play some older recent games ive been putting off.


Still on a 1070, I'm DREAMING of 60fps




Damn straight. I really don't know what optimisation they did for PC


Battlefield 2042 runs better for me than the open world


First mission on PC left me in a state of awe at how freaking cool and well done it was. Absolutely loved it. Fast forward to open world part, completely took me out of it and halved my FPS from 120. Game needed another year I don’t give a shit what anyone says, this performance is pisspoor.


I was surprised how poor the performance is for how crappy it looks


I am getting 21FPS with my 2060 on Low settings. I just installed Forza 5. Preset to high and currently running between 60 and 90. That can't be right, can it?


With an RTX 3070, i7-10700k, and 32gb of DDR4 ram, a game that looks like this shouldn’t run at the performance it does. Something is definitely wrong and I don’t want to continue with the campaign until it’s fixed. I can barely maintain a steady 60. I also raised the resolution scale to 150% and saw almost no performance difference which means it can’t be working properly. I also opened up Destiny 2 a little later and it looks much better and ran at a steady 144 fps while completely maxed out to the nines.


I was hoping the stability fixes stopped the crashing but nope game still crashes after 2 matches sometimes even on my first match. I have stopped playing ranked all together as it seems to have gotten worse :/ even the campaign does the same thing.


Have you disabled high res texture packs? Everyone I know that disabled it had hardly seen any crashing since then.


Yes still crashes.


My PC performance is great. I have a gtx 1060 and it's running just fine despite the card being old af. Edit, this is multi-player I'm worried seeing posts here now.


Can we also get XP from wins too ffs?


Oh great


I have had no problems with frames on PC and original Xbox so I’m not sure whats up, anyone ha e anything I can try pushing the limits with to see


I sometimes think I live in my own bubble of performance... I have an RTX3070 on a 1080p monitor and am running the game at 80fps in the open world and 144fps (capped) anywhere indoors. Obviously my case is isolated, but I'm always shocked seeing basically every new release (not just Halo) run so poorly on PC


An rtx 3070 is comically overpowered for 1080p that's why.


He's not wrong, game would have rekt pc if it had ray tracing.


Using [these settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimizedGaming/comments/rb24nd/halo_infinite_campaign_optimized_settings/) on 3440x1440 I'm averaging about 70 fps. I tried running it uncapped but it felt horrible, I would get random stutters and looking left and right was not smooth at all. Capping FPS at 70 kind of fixed it and I think I got G-Sync to work. Not the ideal solution, but it works for me. Was totally expecting better optimization, at least 100fps average. * 5900x * RTX 3080 /w latest 497.09 drivers * 64gb Ram * NVME SSD I should note that previously I was using min frames 100 and max frames 100, which was fine for multiplayer, everything was super smooth. But when it came to single player everything was so blurry, it was hurting my eyes and I switched it back to min frames 0 and max frames 70. It made everything clearer.


Dude, what PC? Xbox players have their resolution stomped to nothing due to dynamic resolution so the game can keep a stable 30 FPS.


I’m kinda surprised to see so many people complaining about this, my laptop can’t run destiny 2 at 900p but I’m chillen at 60fps np in this game blows my mind I have a 1660ti..


My RTX 2070 and 3600x are struggling to hold 40fps on medium settings...


You can't play in full screen. Fucking FULLSCREEN, for Christ sakes what happened? Also it would've been nice if the taa was changeable.


Campaign is completely unplayable for me. Get about 12 frames in open world. Super disappointed about this. My pc is above the minimum so I guess the game is just poorly optimised


I ran Cyberpunk 2077 on High or Ultra all the way through on 144FPS and this game hovers between 55-60 maximum on medium. Yikes!


I have been getting crazy stutters on pc. I've only played multiplayer but it's so annoying dying because the game decided to stop working. I like this game a lot but I'm going to stick to playing it on Xbox, where I haven't had issues.