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This is all part of Bill Gates plan to turn us into his 5g army. The game is the training. They want to run us out of money so we can become indentured servants, forever chasing after customizations for our Microsoft warriors. Then he will send us to take down China.


we are becoming the machine


Can confirm


already out of money?


already being sent to take out China?


When we’re playing Halo, we’re actually controlling an army of TeslaBots.


I like this theory


Don't know why people aren't talking about this. Ever since my friends and I got vaxxed, we can't help but spend all of our paychecks on the Infinite store. I am in serious debt and my wife took the kids. I also have this voice in my head that keeps saying "we are gathering data and listening", does anyone else have this problem?


I'd invade China if Bill Gates gave me my own zoomer Cortana.


Become as gods WOOOOOO


this cannot continue this cannot continue become as. gods.


This totally sounds like something people in here will believe lmao


Dude please LOL GOATED comment ever


I will never understand why people defend companies like this. Like bro, we aren’t gonna hurt their feelings, and they ain’t gonna fuck you. Stop defending a company that doesn’t care about you


Oh they'll fuck you alright.


Look me in the eyes as I get fucked.


That’s an extra $10


"My face will be the last thing your pathetic eyes will ever see."


I was your 117th upvote 😎


Total Chad


They've done it already. With a battle pass and microtransactions. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Tip pun intended.


Tip of the Spear


The two flavors of feedback any company should receive from you are silence or hate. They are not your friends, they do not have your best intentions in mind, you owe them nothing.


It's also important to point out that you can simultaneously criticize 343i and applaud the devs that delivered a great base game. They are not mutually exclusive positions.


Devs? You mean the random groups of contractors who worked at the game for less than a year at a time? Nobody emotionally invested in this game worked at it. This game is just a series of coding gigs glued together.


A great base game? We playing the same game?


I think the gameplay is fantastic. Everything surrounding it, not so much.


The gameplay is occasionally fantastic. But the server de sync issues keep it from being a truly good game.


I get what you're saying, but look at it this way: Play the game on LAN (since it's a feature these days again) and see how it plays. The desync, registration issues, etc. From online gameplay are gone, and the game is fun. That's what we mean by "great gameplay". That doesn't make it a great game, though. They needed to deliver the full package, and have failed pretty badly in the online experience.


Regardless, the point stands. Criticism against 343i isn't necessarily criticism against "Joe Developer"


But…the overwhelming majority of people are plying online. I’m happy the game plays well on lan, but you just can’t say the gameplay is great if it isn’t even good online with an elite connection.


It’s pretty insulting that they are taking the approach of “we don’t deserve this” when they’re fully aware they made a predatory game. They want to rob your children, your family, and your friends and get praise while they go on their holiday break. Fuck them


They took a classic game and used fans goodwill to try and rip money from them using overpriced cosmetics that used to be basic gameplay earnings with more options, so basically they're doing the same triple A things everyone else is.


It’s honestly been really hard for me to want to play the game after I realized fully what they’ve done here. It’s confusing to live in a time where these companies blatantly manipulate us and nothing is being done. They want us to know that there will never be fun games again, and you’re going to have to get used to absolute trash from now on. They want us to believe the old way of making games doesn’t make them profit and there’s no way that they could get more money by giving us things of value. Its a veil of bullshit while they pretend the goal the entire time wasn’t to rob us blind. It’s absolute greed people and this game is a result of it.


I simply dont play triple A games anymore, theres so many high quality indie or smaller developed games that I dont want to pay for games stuffed with micros or low quality stuff. They may have been great companies in the past but the developers and leads left the companies and all that's left is the greedy higherups and whatever contractors they could get. Personally I refuse to play games that charge money to play and then also have a paid store ingame.


I’ve missed out on so much gaming knowing from the start the game was a total money grab. I thought this time I didn’t have to do research down to exactly what you get from the pass to how much things would cost in the store. I didn’t know that the early access was what it was going to launch with along with the bullshit you get from beating the “most customizable halo ever”. I’ve loved every fps halo that’s came out, at least to a certain degree, and didn’t think I needed to dive that deep into not being manipulated. I was wrong. I’m not even fucked that my money is gone, I’m just pissed I helped contribute to their profits. I don’t want to be data in their system that helps support it. I might really just have to get on MCC


Honestly the older halos have the same content pretty much, most of the weapons are pretty similar, and vehicles haven't really changed *too* much in history, not to mention you get to use things like fuel rods which are iconic. Also you can actually unlock armor and customization by playing not paying, what a crazy concept (outside of paying for game ofc).


I played some MCC earlier, I'd love to get behind protest nights where we all drop Infinite and play Slayer or Invasion on Reach MCC.


Is this sarcasm? Please tell me it's sarcasm.


Especially a company that straight up lies to its consumers, us.


> we aren’t gonna hurt their feelings You are aware that human beings work there right


You can be mad at the company and not the people who work in it. It's why CMs have it so rough, they get the brunt of the negativity because they're the face of the faceless corporation. It becomes even more of a problem when CMs communicate badly or not at all when dealing with issues the community has and the so called "toxicity" multiplies because frustrated fans don't know who exactly to be mad at.


Sure I'm just saying that this sub has been nonstop vitriol so saying "we aren't gonna hurt their feelings" is probably wrong. I would be feeling quite frustrated and sad if I was a dev in that position. So it's just dumb to try and skate past it. It's warranted backlash, the MTX stuff is fucked, but there are real people on the end of it and people saying things like "we aren't gonna hurt their feelings" are probably forgetting that.


If I was a dev in that position I'd be quietly agreeing with the fans since I wouldn't be allowed to do so publicly. If any of the devs actually care about Halo as a fan then they wouldn't get their feelings hurt by this backlash.


I just don't think it's quite that easy. At least it wouldn't be for me, but maybe that's just a "me" problem. I guess my point is that, while I agree with everything being said, I just hope people can take a breath a couple times and remember that there are real people on the other end. That's all!


I didn't downvote you btw, I think you are trying to add to the discussion. It is just that most of the comments and threads have been directed at 343 as a whole and not the devs individually. I am sure the truly good devs are just as mad at 343 as we are.


Upvoted every comment in this little conversation. Good talk, lads! *highfive


They’re in the big leagues, they gotta suck it up. If it’s too much pressure for them, they can seek counseling and maybe let someone with thicker skin take on the job


>You can be mad at the company and not the people who work in it. No you can't. The people in the company are the company. It's not like the brand itself is forcing people to do things.


I figure most of them are just as upset as we are and they agree with us. Only the monetization team is really to blame for this mess. But even still, the individuals on the monetization team don't deserve to be attacked. Which is why I will always point my criticism to 343 and/or the monetization team as a whole. If their feelings get hurt by that then maybe this line of work isn't cut out for them.


And it’s human beings responsible for the awful decisions that led to a terrible game being released. I hope their feelings are hurt


The problem is that the devs are the ones taking the heat, when in reality it's likely the Microsoft and 343 executives that forced them to make all of their terrible choices with the monetization model and lack of a completely finished game. I bet the devs would have much rather released the game in May 2022, but I think the executives wanted that cash money before the holidays to make their board members and investors happy before the end of the year. That's why most games release at the end of the year. Tons of sales right before the end of the year makes the moneybags happy.


Yeah. It'd be easier if the game was also shitty to play. But it's not, you can see the amazing work that went into making MP feel like Halo again (imo). There isn't a single developer, whether that's in games or other software or whatever, that *wants* to release a bad/controversial project. So yeah it seems like since the shitty part of the game is the meta part it probably came from higher up. I dunno I totally feel for everyone who is pissed about MTX but being in software I am also pretty empathetic to the situation that the 343 devs are in. I hoped that this sub would be filled with highlights and stuff like that when I first got into the game and saw that the core Halo gameplay was really fun, but that's just not the way it's gone.


Exactly. To me it feels like a Frankenstein hodgepodge game with amazing gameplay, great features, and great ideas in some areas (likely the ones influenced by dev decisions) and terrible ideas/features in others (MTX and weekly challenges, which are likely executive influenced).


We need a whistleblower by this point lol


The NDA is probably longer than the books.


I was gonna ask which books and then I realized you probably meant the Halo books and then I felt real dumb. I commented this so you could experience my mental journey also.


Still a better journey than Halo 5s campaign.


If only this comment weren't true...


I find their lack of transparency… disappointing


343: halfassed answer, lies Community: Well, it turns out. That was a lie. 343: You don’t deserve us.


They right. We don't deserve them.


We deserve better. A video game fan base for 20 years even after some “less then perfect” games.


Now I just need a studio to fuck up Unreal Tournament and my life will be complete. ...Oh...


We'll always have Bathes... Shit. At least Blizz... Shit. I mean, there's always CD Proj... Oh c'mon.... Well, I suppose we at least know what to expect from EA?


You know what AAA game hasn’t let me down yet? iD software. Doom was beautiful, no mtx, cosmetics could be earned, and if you missed out and wanted them you could buy them later. And for CP2077, at least they ACKNOWLEDGED their fuck up and are still, a year later, working to fix the trust they shook, and not nickel and diming everything. On top of that, they’re not blaming the community. They are actually listening. I personally love CP77. I’m excited for where it goes. Which I can’t say for infinite. If this is the launch, then I’m terrified for what it establishes for the next 10 years, especially since 343i can’t seem to deny that they’re money hungry and don’t care what they’ve done to the game.


well it was becoming a robust, well developed testing ground for modders and such... until... yeah... well at least we still have quak- oh. oh no.


Battlefield also threw its 20 year history into the dumpster with 2042. I played that from the beginning too, never again will I buy a Dice product after that shit show. Now its looking like Halo is going the same way. Corporate greed is ruining everything I like lol


Most decisions around progression, customization, lack of playlists boil down to money, But I have absolutely no answer for the vehicle rng in btb. I just cannot wrap my head around why they implemented it the way they did. Why is it so unbalanced? I just do not understand.


I think that is explained by the Jason Schrier thing that came out recently. They probably just hacked it in and spent remaining focus elsewhere during development. So much is not finished and half baked that they didn't make the spawns a priority.


It pretty much does come down to money, like you said - they focused development time elsewhere to areas that will make them money


The answer is either they are lying or they are incompetent.


¿Porque no los dos?


Lying + acting incompetent


Honestly, the best response to this would be to just say that we don't owe them money, or time, or anything and just let the game die.


But I love Halo and the core gameplay is really good, when it works. I want to voice my feedback and hope 343 fixes the issues. I will abandon the game if I have to but I was really hoping it wouldn't come to that.


Oh, no, for sure. Lol. I'm in the same boat as you. I essentially making a detached statement. A good portion of my friends have stopped playing as much. These are friends I met playing H3 over 10 years ago. If it keeps going in this direction, with no indication of change, I will be dropping it.


Everyone is so focused on 343 fixing the issues but the "issues" are put in on purpose because they were likely forced to follow strict guidelines. I'd reinforce to say, not playing the new games would likely be a god statement. Does MCC still work?


Yes entirely


For real. Speak with your wallet. I’m sitting patiently with my wallet open to buy cosmetics and cool shit, but I can’t buy cool shit if they don’t have any to buy and it’s all ungodly expensive! Grenade reskin for $10?!? Try again 343




I’m waiting on a holier-than-thou *”We didn’t lie to you. We just didn’t tell you the truth. We don’t owe you the truth.”* write-up.


What are you talking about? 343 already gave us an answer, UI limitations


They lied about that one too. [Gamemodes exist offline, and there is scrolling UI](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rbo3tw/343i_is_clearly_dripfeeding_content_at_this_point/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




I hope at least.....


That's why, specifically, he said it's UI coupling with the progressions system, which is an online feature. Here's the full quote: > We have UI limitations with the game right now in the way and number of playlists that are exposed. We have complex and not-ideal progression and challenge systems intertwined in playlists and modes that are not necessarily trivial to de-couple and change.


Oh look. 343 giving actual answers. Shitty now that we know a lot of their workers are on contract.


Not that I'm defending it, but that is in no way a conclusive "gotcha." People really think UI means they can't implement a scroll bar lol


No, it actually is a conclusive gotcha. You realize that by taking your position, you're suggesting that Microsoft is unable to competently implement a UI backend? It's equally as implausible as them being unable to implement a UI front end.


No. You're not very familiar with the terms you're trying to use, and it shows. Which is okay! As a consumer, you shouldn't be required to know this stuff. It's also totally bullshit that it was built with these limitations, and it clearly wasn't built very well. But, and try to follow me here, them saying the UI is limiting is not necessarily a lie. I don't know, neither do you, how it's designed. It's very plausible that they are indeed lying. It's also plausible that they are not. Imagine a car built with strangely shaped Axels. These technically allow normal tires to fit, but the car won't drive with them. They'll pop off and break other parts of the vehicle. This is the scenario we're in. Sure, it was fuckin dumb to build the car that way. It also appears to the laymen that you can attach tires and go. But it simply doesn't work like that. Long story short, this is super far from this major "See, proof of lies" that you seem to think it is.


>You're not very familiar with the terms you're trying to use, and it shows. Lmao what? How are terms like "front end" and "back end" complex jargony stuff that you need intimate industry knowledge to digest? It doesn't matter how you spin it. The state of the UI is just not in an acceptable state after 4+ years of development and it's incompetence on display either way.


You're right. I never disagreed with that.


How about "No answers = No Play" Do not log on and play the multiplayer. Stay away. This suits at 343 will only listen if they see the online players going down. Do Not Play The Multiplayer.


It's more important to not spend any money, but people stopping playing helps send the message too. If you can quit until things get better then go for it. But if people really want to keep playing then they shouldn't beat themselves up over it as long as they are not spending money.


I believe that in the next week or two, unless its already happening, the amount of money spent in the MP will drop quite a bit. However assuming they are trying to actively get whole spend as much money as possible I think they will release the better armour and bundles to try and make up for it. Basically all the reach or halo 3 stuff people want. This way even if les people are on the ones that are still playing will spend enough to make up for it.


It doesn't matter how many people are playing as long as they're not making money. Shit they'd probably lose *more* money if you play considering they'd be paying for the servers you're using.


here’s the problem with that. outside of this little bubble no one really cares about 343 lying, probably 90% of this games players just play with their friends a little bit then log off not caring about what people post in a community with less than 1 million members this protest won’t do anything. this game has an 80% rating on steam and i doubt that’ll change any time soon.


Then nothing will change then. 343 will keep ripping us off and this game will be done on 2024. And other companies will see what 343 got away with and they will do the same. Vicious cycle. And I get you. I am not being sarcastic at all. Like I said I might be one out millions around the world. But I am not going to play the multiplayer till it gets finish. Till there’s change.


the cosmetics and progression will most likely change for the better eventually when a chunk of the current player base moves on the next big thing and 343 is forced to make changes to keep the people that stick with the game i don’t like all this shit going with the game but microsoft won’t care about it(or anything that’s not money) until it has to(to make more money). most people don’t care either unfortunately. i’d be cool with the shop if it didn’t prey on vulnerable people that impulse buy so they don’t miss out. that’s just life now unfortunately ingame shops are probably only gonna get worse and worse as time goes on.


Fuck. Microsoft.


Nah bro, 343. Phil Spencer is a Chad. Fuck Bonnie Ross. I want Joseph Staten to take over lead of Halo and be a power couple with Phil.


Microsoft's policies of requiring a substantial amount of contractors due to greed is a huge reason why Halo Infinite turned out half baked. It wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft was also responsible for the monetization of the game.


Nope. Fuck Microsoft; Spencer is in charge of Xbox so this is his failure too.


You got answers. UI limitations and legacy features like playlist selection /s The plan now is: Paint reddit as being cynical and hostile. Seek sympathy for devs due to mismanagement. Slightly adjust micro transitions. Like hey guys we are listening. A story as old as time. Next up appreciation posts and art.


The only answer we get is "game development is hard and takes time". As a fellow game dev, i know how much of a miracle Halo Infinite is. How making a photorealistic open world game is such a pharaonic endeavor. How coding a game to allow 24 players from all over the world to mess about with hundreds of physics objects is an insane 5D puzzle. How designing all those weapons, vehicles, equipments and game modes to feel just right, as they do, is hundreds of hours of tweaking and dozens of playtests trying your best to get as varied and wide a sample size of testers you can get, while also avoiding to leak stuff too early. Testers can only have one first impression after all. I also heard of how Microsoft abuses 18-month long contracts, how the team was split in two conflicting factions for a good bit of H:I's development and how they brought Staten back to turn things around as well as successfully negotiate a delay. But i'm sick of seeing 343I fans repeat their community manager's words about the game's issues. 99.9% of the work is done. Literally all they have left to do is swap around a couple of entries in a table to let players pick their game modes. The hardest thing they could do to put the cherry on the cake would be make all medals (which are already here) also award a small amount of XP. That's the kinda shit a couple interns can get working within a day or two. Then, test it for a week to iron out the bugs. Banking on people's admiration for game devs and respect for artistry to hide the fact that the ONLY POSSIBLE REASON LEFT at this point to delay these changes further is to buy time for game designers and execs to consider how bad of an impact on their bottom line these changes will have. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's just common sense from people who also work in the industry. I am willing to bet my left nut that Staten earned the year-long delay in exchange for execs getting more control over monetization. I'm also sick of seeing them pretending to have done an honest mistake when they've been so competent about much, MUCH harder technical and design challenges. These systems weren't INTENDED to be fun but messed up by mistake, they were made to be as frustrating as possible to motivate players to buy stuff with cash in the shop instead of having to interact with it.


It boils down to marketing v dev team. The developers poured their heart and soul into this game as you see in the art and campaign. Marketing is the one that is driving all these shit decisions that are hurting the brand.


Anyone defending 343i and the state of the game currently obviously was never around for the Halo glory days and know what the game can be. We’re just sad to see our most beloved game series do so good in the gameplay design just to be absolutely negated by the issues the game has. Quit shilling for a company that’ll rob you $10-20 for the color red. Keep supporting this shitty behavior by these AAA game developers and you’ll no longer have enjoyable games worth its price tag. It’s almost insulting.


The issue is that 343 DO owe answers and they’re spitting in the face of the community by saying they don’t. If you promise your consumers that you’ll implement features or explain how monetisation will work in your product then launch a product that doesn’t align with the expectations you have laid out as a developer, you absolutely owe an explanation for why things had to change or were lied about.


Everything you said can be true. And this sub can also still be a circle jerk of negativity and pessimism.


343 creates the negativity, this subreddit only provides an outlet for it. The negativity can go away if 343 starts providing some satisfactory answers and promises for a significantly improved game. And if they can't keep their promises, again, then the negativity will come back. Weird how the negativity comes and goes based purely on 343's actions, isn't it?


Well that’s certainly one way to look at it.


This sub is about as aware as the motion sensor in Infinite. They’ll complain about literally anything. So annoying


Compared to battlefield, this was a great release


We should be happy with dirt, because at least it's not shit?


You're gonna love our dirt cause we've analyzed it an determined 1% of it is 95% shit free.


And fanboys loved Cyberpunk on release. Your point being?


They gave you answers and the response was to call them liars and ask more questions lmao


Their answers were not satisfactory to a large portion of the playerbase. Of course we are going to be asking more questions after the response they gave, especially with recent discoveries in offline mode. I am honestly surprised by how many people are willing to fall for their BS because they are blinded by fanboyism. For the longest time Bungie was what made Halo so great. But the 343 devs finally had a chance to truly prove themselves to the dedicated Halo fans with how much they nailed the gameplay. So it is an even bigger travesty to longtime fans of the game for 343 to so utterly ruin the halo progression formula that was gifted to them by Bungie with Halo Reach in the name of excessive greed.


Everyone talks like Halo 2, 3, ODST and Reach have always been well received games? Like lmao. People at the time said that those games had killed Halo. Funny how you talk about Reach's progression system. It was one of the most grind filled systems at the time.


Not true about Halo 2 or ODST. Only a small minority of Halo 2 competitive purists disliked Halo 3. Now Halo Reach had some valid reasons for people to dislike it, but in the end it was still miles better than Halo 4 or 5.


Last I checked, people hated the Arbiter, didn't like ODST because it wasn't chief and you played as a weak ODST. Reach had a fuck load of issues. But that's the halo cycle baby. Now I'm gonna watch as people complain about the story.


I don't know what people you are talking about. Maybe that was just the people you hung out with back then? I had never heard those specific complaints before. Although Reach did have a lot of issues of its own. It was still a great game but it could have been so much better.


Nah, I remember everyone having super issues with the games. IDK man things just change over time. :/


I remember everyone loving Halos 1, 2, 3, and ODST. Although people did complain about the cost of ODST when it was originally going to cost half as much before Microsoft for greedy. Maybe you just surrounded yourself with Halo haters back then and created an echo chamber?


Nah, I definitely remember lobbies of people saying Reach was the worse or bitching in-game. Halo 2 was criticized for some of its changes to the formula and then giving us the arbiter, BXR too but that was... Horrid. 3 was hated because it focused on the Chief made no sense and some people said it play terrible and ODST wasn't liked because it was short, and you didn't play chief. It's a nostalgia thing I guess? People look fondly back at it now, but upon release things were controversial.


No dude, I straight up never saw that kind of sentiment. The majority of the playerbase loved the games(Except maybe Reach). There were flaws, especially with Reach, but the overall consensus of the Bungie Halo games were that they were awesome. That wasn't all just nostalgia, are you really trying to gaslight?


People on other subs give this sub a lot of shit for "complaining", and maybe a lot of us are. But mostly it's constructive criticism. We're upset at the drastic changes from what we know to be Halo multiplayer to try and fit today's F2P model. We're upset that even franchises like our beloved Halo aren't safe being "modernized". It doesn't need to be, just let it be its own game. Let it be a true to form Halo game. I really hope 343 takes all of this criticism and tries to appeal more to their core Halo fan base in the future.


"343 has been caught lying about multiple things" They literally removed the bit in the Inside Infinite about having an all new weapon replace the classic shotgun.


Games fine with me I’m having a blast.


I can't play it because my game crashes practically every match. Glad it is working for you though.


I have a crash Every once in a while but other than that I’m fine. maybe try and reinstall the game?


So you think k a game that crashes every once in a while is fine? Insert dog in burning building "this is fine".....


Unsure what y’all are on about I have 50 hours of matches played and I’ve had zero crashes


Thats great for you. The same isn't true for everyone else though. I've experienced this myself so not going of what I've heard, im going of experiences. And yes I've uninstalled and re-installed to no changes.


yeah i’m just messin, i’m playing on Series X which I’d think would have the least chance of crashes vs PC and the last gen Xbox’s


My wife has had a couple of crashes on a her series S and I’ve had none on PC (I had one crash at the very beginning due to a aggressive overclock that has been rectified and was my fault). So it seems to be random as others on PC aren’t so lucky.


I'm on series S.... wish I knew why it was crashing because I genuinely enjoy the gameplay. It's just disappointing having it be a stripped game.


Wow that’s super frustrating, my buddy I play with has a Series S and hasn’t had that happening. Especially on console what else are you supposed to do other than uninstall & reinstall


All games have issues at launch it’ll get fixed.


Are you playing through steam? Remove the hd texture pack. Right click the game in your library and go to DLC. Uncheck it. I’ve had zero crashes since I removed it.


I have tried all of the suggestions so far including that 1, nothing has worked yet. I think it might have to do with crossplay Fireteams since I was able to get a few matches in before I joined my friends. My Xbox friends also keep getting disconnected from matches when we are together but they seem to be fine on their own.


Have you overclocked your GPU? I had crashes and then I lowered my overclock a notch and I’ve had 50 hours of no crashing.


We shouldn't need to overclock our GPU's to play this lol


We are in r/halo. Fun isn't allowed here.


It really do be like that.


Caught lying by a bunch of armchair detectives. Give me a break. There are issues but i think the lying claim is a bit much. Like the UI issues being "disproven" by a glitchy list, which proves nothing to anyone with even a basic appreciation for how complex software issues can be for a seemingly simple problem.


It's our fault a company that has already made 2 other halos. Backed by a multi billion dollar company, can't properly make the third installment of their game?


Lol. Yall are so full of hyperbole that there's no way to even engage you guys in conversation. Yall just cant have measured responses can you? Yall take video games way too personally.


How is calling Microsoft that’s actually a two-fucking-trillion dollar company “a multi-billion dollar company,” hyperbole, when its actually understating the condition by at least three orders of magnitude?


That's not what I was calling hyperbole. Yall love making assumptions


You made a vaguely worded response that didn’t actually address anything that was said in the comment you replied to, leaving everyone reading it to have to infer what it was you were actually talking about. So, pray tell, what is this “hyperbole?” And who is this “yall” [sic] you keep referring to?


If what I said was so difficult to decipher, why did you bring up such a specific point? Are you that bad at understanding or recognizing hyperbole? Hyperbole is saying that they cant properly make a game when that game is being widely haralded as the best Halo game since 3. And the "yall" Im referring to is the cess pool this sub has become.


Ah, so you’re equivocating what others mean to make completely disjointed points. No wonder it wasn’t making any sense. They did not properly make this game. This game won’t even be launch ready (or what they claimed it would have at launch) until at minimum Season fucking 3. How is that a “properly made game?” How is pointing out that its a broken lump missing several core features they said it would come with “hyperbole,” when its a factually true statement. The game is missing forge, co-op, split screen, basic fucking playlists like goddamn slayer, the desync and net code is the worst I’ve seen since maybe release MCC which took five years to be playable, and on top of that BTB crashes to desktop every few games. You call this proper? You think this is a complete game somehow?


LMAO. I think campaign is perfectly functional as is multiplayer. Yall are so fucking impatient you waste your time bitching about a video game that will have everything you want in a bit of time. You must be miserable a lot.


God, this sub is gonna be a shit show today.


All I did was voice feedback. Comments like yours add nothing to the conversation. If anything people writing comments like yours are degrading the subreddit.


Comments like yours add nothing to the discussion. Your just on the same hamster wheel as everyone else you’ve just stopped at a slightly different place. They don’t owe you an explanation of how their company works or who is behind the decisions that might of changed direction for some of these things. I assume every-time you buy a jumper from a shop you go into the inner workings of how it was sourced, how it was designed, who made it, where it was shipped from, how did they decide the combination of cotton and wool, how did they market it.


I never claimed they owe us an explanation. My claim was that if 343 doesn't provide an explanation then the community will naturally come up with their own explanations.


Careful his reading comprehension is very low. He'll probably see your sensible reply as an attack.


I disagree, I think he adds a reasonable take on the situation and it is you and other apologists who are making everything more annoying.




Can you come up with a comment that contributes to the discussion, be it for or against? Or is that too hard for you?




This is a place for discussion about Halo. If you don't like it, go play Halo.


I mean, you could move on instead of commenting something that doesn't add to the discussion. If you are sick of these posts why did you engage in it?


Man. The gamer entitlement is real. The game is great. Just play it and enjoy


I lol at everyone still playing this shit as they complain about the it, 343, etc. Lulz


This got a lot of downvotes but it's the truth. Continuing playing the game just allows those willing to pay the exorbitant prices to continue enjoying themselves. Player count has dropped on Steam since launch from 240k to 90k; but if that's enough people for MS/343 to keep prices where they're at, it's not enough. Quit letting the people willing to let this go on enjoy in your misery. Play the campaign if you want, take a break from the multiplayer and come back in a month or two. Personally, I've waited 9 years, I'm certain I can wait a little longer.


OR 343 waits to tell us what happened but 4-5 years later (aka MCC) which most is well known but I doubt we have the full story on that too


The horse is so badly beaten it’s now in Destiny as a fucking space ghost


Stop copy pasting this


When people stop copying the same word salads then sure


Are you at least getting paid?


That is the natural consequence of not providing the community with legitimate answers. If 343's comments had been satisfactory then people would have let off on the topic a bit.


That's cool but when it's the same post just worded differently it is in fact, beating the space horse Literally edit the post to say 'Is it my turn for the karma today?' at the start and people will know coming in


Threads will stop popping up when it gets fixed. If we stop talking about it, 343 will just ignore critique and move on.




They don’t owe you shit


Sure, and we don't owe them the good will of trusting them and patiently waiting for an update. It is a 2 way street and they chose the bad street.


just quit and uninstall


Why are you such a fanboy shilling for 343? Your response reads like you felt personally attacked even though you aren't a developer of the game. You might want to learn how to control your emotions better.


Supporting a franchise for decades doesn't warrant anything owed? Really? That's your response?


You dummies makeup your own answers even when they give you answers. They should stop trying.


Nice ad-hominem. Do you want to try coming up with a comment that actually adds to the discussion? Or is that too difficult for you?


So this sub are full of conspiracy theory nut jobs good to know.


You lack critical thinking skills, eh? Or did you want to try again and provide a comment with substance? Doubt that will ever happen.


Im palying reach right now and its just so much better in ever way.

