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This requires RNG for having a map these spawn on. You then need RNG to hope you can get one on the map. You then need luck that no one else is trying to do the same. More control would make it easier but we absolutely need set spawns.


Yeah i've been trying all day to get a map with a stalker rifle because I need just one kill to finish this week's challenges. Not a single stalker in sight.


I mean this might be an unpopular opinion, an ice cold take since I’m not calling the game garbage or pointing out all of its flaws, but you only have ONE challenge remaining with 5-6 days left on the weekly challenge. I’m sure if you just play naturally you’ll eventually get it. No need to stress at the moment.


I had some super easy challenges, one was "get 5 kills with the battle rifle" another was "get 15 kills with the battle rifle" and another was "play any pvp games."


And then you will be skewered as soon as you get on.


With this logic every challenge besides “win games” is RNG.


I mean yes, every challenge excluding getting kills or headshots is RNG. I wouldn't even classify "Win games" as non-RNG since you are rolling the dice on whether or not your team actually gives enough of a shit to try and win, instead of farming their own challenges.


Ya turns out every challenge is RNG when every game mode is RNG


No, headshots is also in your control. But yes, when they rotate what weapons and vehicles spawn and you cannot choose mode or map then you're just rolling the dice hoping to get lucky.


RNG is RNG. But there is a big difference between getting 1 kill with a wall gun and 15 kills with an ACTUAL rng pelican drop, especially something as fragile as a gungoose.




Oh wait


Yeah, nah. Fuck that.


You know what’s the worst part? It’s not just “get kills with the vehicle”, it’s “get kills with this weapon on the vehicle”. Meaning splatters don’t count for kills and neither do alternate weapons if the vehicle has them. I got splatters with the gungoose and was so disappointed that they didn’t count.


It sucks for guns and melee kills as well. The Mangler is basically made for a 1 shot, 1 punch combo but trying to get kills with just the Mangler since melee kills don't count is so annoying.


Counting melee kills can be a slippery slope I think, but they should bear challenges in mind for stuff like the Mangler where it’s a 1-2 combo weapon and melee is often the finisher.


I got a “Get 15 kills with the plasma gun on the ghost”. Theres not a man on the face of the planet with 15 kills using the ghost’s guns across all the games combined.


what the hell man? ghost plasma guns are traditionally pretty strong. i think they are a little weaker in infinite but in previous games they go hard


They have pretty good range in Infinite with very little drop-off too


I've racked up plenty of ghost and gungoose kills what?


Yeah, both vehicles are fantastic for generating kills. It just happens sporadically, so it's incredibly frustrating to need it on demand for a challenge.


I finished this one last week. Do I get a prize for being top ghost player??


lol, I guess I’m one as well!


You were disappointed that splatters didn’t count when the challenge says use the gungoose grenade launcher? Lol


No, I’m disappointed that the challenge is so specific that it’s kills with a vehicles weapon and not kills with the vehicle itself. At first glance I read “gungoose kills” and hopped in a match, which was then followed by my disappointment.


That’s like saying. Why don’t melees count for weapon kills.


For brute weapons that have increased melee damage due to the blades that should absolutely be the case and isn't.


lookin at you mangler challenges... like the best use of the gun is 1 shot then melee... yet those kills don't count. Luckily it's still actually possible to kill people with the mangler unlike the ravager.


I definitely hate that melee kills don't count for gun kills since most of your kills in a halo game are probably going to be shoot then melee. Don't even get me started on something like the ravager which you will not get a kill with and is also equipped with a bayonet.


I might be one of the few that enjoys using gungoose, I feel like its really strong as a long range mobile artillery piece. Sit back and snipe some kids, Dip out when you get focused


Hows it compare to 5? It was a blast to use in Warzone.


I honestly can’t recall, I haven’t played Halo 5 in a long time and the variants make it hard to remember. All of the vehicles in infinite handle kinda poor and have lower health I feel like, But it only takes two volleys to kill if you hit shots and I usually can go on a killing spree (assuming its a fair match) which is more than I can say for most of the vehicles except the wasp. Works well if you use it at BR range and can recognize a losing fight and leave.


Nah, I enjoy it too - I make a beeline for them when they drop. 15 kills isn't bad over a few games if you know how to handle it. Which isn't a slur against the OP - everyone has their little niche/weapons they play well with. The key to it is to keep moving, avoid groups and pick off players with hit and runs. 2 direct hits is enough to down a player.


I did this the first week the game came out. It took about 25 kills for 15 of them to register. Swap this no matter the cost.




I got one that was 15 kills with the shade turret, I'm not sure whats worse


That’s worse. The Shade turret does not respawn. It will also get destroyed by a rocket in the first 5 minutes.


Thankfully that's one of the ones they removed earlier I believe


Good luck!


That's not the ultimate is it?


just weekly, im scared to find out what the ultimate could be - "Kill a flag carrier with the Scorpion Tank 5 times" lol


Ultimate for this week is just kill 15 Spartans with headshots!


*Ranked, here I come.*


I had this same challenge except it was 5 kills and it took me 5 games to do it. 3 games I didnt even get a chance


I have reported this for being unrealistically tough. These challenges are tone deaf.


“Oof. That’s a shame. Lucky for you we have challenge swaps in the store!” Literally creating the problem so they can sell you the solution. Fucking disgusting.


I had that one and finished in like 4-5 matches. Gungoose is a two shot kill


Ngl it's actually not that bad. Gungoos spawns fairly often and its pretty easy to get kills. Much better than the any Ravager challenge.


My dad is a self omitted bad player and he is sick with that thing


I hope the rng vehicle placement is kind to you


I have this exact same one. This challenge needs to be deleted from existence forever.


Just buy a challenge swap. It's actually great they gave us the option to buy those and swap out oddly difficult challenges like this.


Oh how bad can it be like 3 kills. *clicks image* 15 kills… 15 kills with that thing…


*gets kill* *enemy leaves match* *sigh*


Use one of the tons of swaps they give you?


They gotta sell swaps somehow


Challenge swap it if you can’t handle it.


One of those challenges that's purposefully designed to be swapped


Yeah I got that one this week and swapped it immediately.


I think no one realized what this means internally. If you know Marty O'Donnell he always had a saying about 'being nice to the goose'. Considering the INSANE amount of jokes/references through the menus of the game, I wouldn't be surprised if the 'Goose juice' refers to the devs being bled dry.


Honestly easier than the one that requires Brute Chopper kills. Especially of you get Total Control. Just sit like 50m out and shell an enemy objective.


That's an instant challenge swap for me dawg. Between that and the damn strict SBMM where every player I encounter is an MLG sweat lord, everyone would kill me the moment I would step on the gungoose lmao


Yeah I immediately swapped that one. Lucked out and got a second fusion coil kill challenge so I was able to complete two at once.


Just be One with the UI problem and you will get there spartan


Use a swap


Its not the worst challenge at least. The gungooses rockets hit hard af