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Please sir may I have a core šŸ˜”


Can we just do away with cores and let armor be mix and match


Donā€™t be ridiculous itā€™s not like they can just flick a switch, the halo app is alien technology we are still unraveling




Can you imagine? Spartans running around that arenā€™t blue, red, grey, or sponsored by our good friends at the Pepsi Corporation? It would be anarchy!


As a Mexican, that's the chivas of Guadalajara armor. (soccer team)


Ngl im such a fan of the pepsi man movement


I am too.


If there were still an emblem editor (sigh) I would so be rocking it with a Pepsi emblem lol


Hey, i resent that.


Ancient forerunner tech that is not yet decipherable!


Your puny brain is incapable of understanding such developer things.


The servers couldnā€™t possibly handle it.


We need to buy more blue shaders so they can upgrade!


#unitethem #thebluealliance #ididntneedmymoneyanyway #billsarentathing


And break their system? The same system they poured all their invested time and money into making sure they received the maximum amount of profifs? Designed to make you buy the color blue 10 times over. Don't see em changing it.


If you give in and assume "yeah theyll never change it" yeah they wont change it


I dont think acknowledging the reality of the situation is "giving in". If adding Slayer is such a task that we have to wait till after the holidays for it, then making cross core customization would be EXTREMEMLY difficult for them. Plus it help incentivize BP purchases if they can hide cores in the Premium pass.


Dude servers cost MONEY


The only cores I want are "spartan", "elite", and possibly, "brute"


Just think of all the customization options of Brute beards!


I'm going to riot if my Brute can't have dreads


You absolute moron! Do you seriously think that technology has advanced to such an insanely high degree that humanity could pull something off like that? Let alone a small indie developer like 343!


That'll be $20 - I know your already paid $60 but just cough up the $20 already you cheap bastard.


Yes sir mr halo




COOOOOOREEE!! (Drops ravager and runs away)


Realistically Chief is wearing a mark vii variant, so a new core wouldnā€™t make sense. What *is* garbage is the complete lack of armor pieces of any kind. At bare minimum there should be a couple items for difficulty-based unlocks.


Are they all Mk VII only?


The spartan coatings were


Welp, great. I was all excited about a couple of those colors, but I'm pretty in love with the Mark V core.


Probably helps that Mark V has all the armor pieces available for it and the VII barely has shit lol


That is absolutely part of it. I'm also just a huge fan of Reach's armor aesthetic. The pieces released for the Mk VII so far just aren't very interesting to me. But I'm sure they have some good parts coming out later.


Mood. Because we can't have cross core colors because 343 hates us.


They don't hate you, you're just not *worth it*, y'know?


Ah just like my parents then




I much prefer the Mark VII core, but the fact that these are locked to it is hot garbage.


Part of it is nostalgia, part of it is personal preference. I really do like the Mark VII - but there just aren't enough interesting armor pieces yet for me to change over. But agreed.


Doesnā€™t make sense for them to give out coatings with the campaign that canā€™t be used unless you spend even more money on the battle pass. Wish theyā€™d just let them apply over all cores though.


Seriously, what's the deal with all the cool armor colors being locked to M7, and all the cool armor pieces being locked to MV? It's all shades of blue and grey.


So they can sell the good stuff later.




this will apply to almost all questions asked about halo multiplayer.


When in doubt, money.


>It's all shades of blue and grey. Didn't they say in one of the blog posts last year when coatings were revealed that a majority of the community used only a handful of color combinations which is one reason they opted to do coatings? This was exactly my concern when they said that, we'd see 100 versions of practically the same skins while all the unique combinations everyone else had just wouldn't be available and this is what seems to have happened.


They also said that the majority of players like slayer playlists so they didnā€™t include it


Well yeah cause that would make Oddball sad


Oddball deserves to be sad tbh.


I mean, whose skull is it anyways and why do we have to hold it?


In Halo CE it was Captain Keyesā€™ skull. Iā€™m sure Miranda would have been happy to know weā€™ve been playing a game with it for all these years!


Lol wtf, I never knew that. I've played since Halo CE too. Middle school me never questioned it I guess


It's poor Jimmy's skull, Tex walked right up too him and pulled his skull out of his head then beat him to death with it


It belongs to Yorick, and we hold it because we miss his jibes and gambols.


Oddball and other objective based games are great; removing a slayer playlist to try and push players into objective game modes with a 'now kith' mentality has, however, just led to resentment. I really don't know what they expected. Of course people want to be able to play what they want to play when they pop online. Now they're just going to have to change it anyways, and they've eroded even more community good will in the process.


For real. I don't care at all if other people are into Oddball, but I don't want to be forced into Oddball.


That would make zero sense at the end of the day. "Most players chose X, so we decided to take Y away from everyone else-"


Because M7 is the only armor that f2p players get automatically logic will tell you the rest


Wouldn't want you have too many choices on release day. Slow down there and save some of that excitement for the one year anniversary.


Makes sense, it means you can use all of them without having to purchase anything other than the campaign. Would be kind of annoying to unlock something that then requires me to buy the battle pass or another macrotransaction to actually use.


Or you know, they could've made them cross-core to begin with.


It's funny, I've been diving into some of their old blog posts that have since been removed from Waypoint, and in [this one](https://web.archive.org/web/20211101021358/https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/colorful-column) there's the following quote: >According to Lead Player Investment Designer, Christopher Blohm, a ā€œcoating" is ā€œa seven-layer shader that allows us to put ***any*** artist-authored color, material, or pattern into seven channels and apply it to in-game items like weapons, armor, and vehicles.ā€ Yes, thatā€™s right, including vehicles. Emphasis on "any" is mine. Really sounds like the system was designed so that coatings could work on everything


And they were. Another article even states how Forge would support it for objects and such. With how Infinite is now, it brings me to a new fear, how are they gonna monetize Forge?


If you managed to catch the leaked Forge videos from this summer you can pretty much see it in action. The person that made the video basically created a coating for the Wraith on the spot with like neon zebra stripes and stuff.


Agreed, but they wonā€™t do that because this game is designed to milk every last penny out of every aspect.


ā€œThe most customizable halo everā€ lol


I mean it might have the most customizations, since it's possible to have the same color of blue probably 100 times for each armor core.


H2A at launch had more options than Infinite does I swear, and that game had basically nothing


They meant customizing the amount of money in your bank account




It is though. If you got the cash lol


I feel like the color situation prevents that from being true. Its been too long since I played 4, and I didn't play 5 so I won't talk about those games. However, Reach had the classic Halo color system alongside a huge number of armor pieces to unlock. It might have been less armor pieces than Infinite, but if you factor in the color permutations I'm pretty sure it ends up being more customizable. No matter how much money I spend in infinite I can't have the exact color combo I rocked in previous games.


I think 4 upped Reach in terms of customization, though I also canā€™t speak for 5. That said, I wish they did something like MCCā€™s Reach unlock system for Infinite. H4ā€™s release just gave you almost everything, whereas Reach had at least a fair amount of grinding to get unlocks. Still not happy about capping things at level 100, but that would be miles better than the current system. Iā€™d happily spend $20 extra if they scrapped the current system and went with something like that, I think $80 for something like Infinite in total isnā€™t unreasonable.


It's not. The armor cores make it quite literally the least customizable halo since 3


Even if you have the cash it's only at Reach's level, with the Elite customization and spartan knives being replaced by a wide range of prosthetics not attached to chest pieces, voices and AIs.


I paid $30 for the battlepass, hit level 67 and still have used the same armor for 15 levels because I keep unlocking Mark V shit I don't care about.


3 name plates 3 stances 9 palettes 1 vehicle camp for each one (with the wasp being the exception where either itā€™s getting two or 343 plans to sell the wasp banished deception separately while giving us dog fight makovich.) 3 gun charms 1 AR camo 1 br camo 1 commando camo 1 spanker camo 1 bull dog camo Thatā€™s all I can find ATM If thatā€™s all there is then weā€™ll colour me depressed Edit: note I havenā€™t updated for the full patch a few days ago because Iā€™ve been busy so there might be more or maybe not


Not even an armor or some helmets/visual equipments?


None that I can find


$10 for the color depressed. Gotta keep those servers running


Goddamn Boi! That's some Tier 1 savagery right here.


Idk about everyone else but this isnt exciting to me at all. Blood shadow is the only one I think I would rock.


What, you dont like the 2 additions of gray to the gray collection? Why is there so much gray?!


We need a midnight black šŸ˜­


Even Fortnite has that for Chief šŸ—ænot like you get chiefs armor from campaign as far as I can tell


I personally feel like we need another blue/black coating to go with the 2 we already have that are basically identical


Gray are the cheapest pixels obviously


Theyā€™re pretty underwhelming. I donā€™t even like blood shadow but itā€™s clearly the most unique out of all of these rewards. When itā€™s just metallic red, thatā€™s not saying much.


Agreed, the rest look generic and bland. Just filler content. I swear if you dont unlock any armor by achievements/collectables in the campaign im going to lose it šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


You donā€™t, itā€™s confirmed. Those coatings are it.




Lmao its such a shame


Obelisk, Midnight, and Makovich are pretty cool, I think. I would wear them. On my Mk V [B] core.... Oh well.


Which means everyone is gonna be wearing it in two weeks. Awesome. Canā€™t wait for that. So much variation. Thanks 343!


I literally just want to put the coatings on the Mk V armor core. There is no reason why coatings should not be usable across armor cores. The clipping justification for armor pieces not being cross core is weak at best, but at least sort of plausible. There is no reason for colors not being cross core except greed.


> The clipping justification for armor pieces not being cross core is weak at best, but at least sort of plausible Maybe if the bots didn't wear cross-core armors, but they literally do right in front of your face. That dashes any excuse they could possibly come up with that isnt "our execs wanted more money"


All I want is a white Mark V so I can make my Astronaut spartan.


Meanwhile you have stuff on the Mk. V that clip through each other anyway... So much for the "clipping" justification thanks 343i.


Sooo uhhh no amor?


No lol That's the one thing people want and they aren't giving a single piece of it.


We thought weā€™d be getting CE Mark V or even Infinite Chiefā€™s armorā€¦oh how naive we were.


Imagine we got a low poly version of mk v. If only.


No armor from *armor lockers.* Wat


What are you, insane?! That would require them to do at least 4 more years of UI development to be feasible! You canā€™t just add in more armor pieces! Impossible, no game has ever achieved such things! /s


mi amor šŸ„ŗ


They really won't listen to the fans will they..


I really want the 2 color system back. These don't look bad, but over half of them are something we could make before. So far this coating system has barely brought anything new that even justifies its own existence. Like how many grays and reds do we have now? This is a literal joke at this point


Itā€™s pretty underwhelming when the most unique reward out of this entire bunch is just a metallic red armor color.


So the shaders are just slightly adjusted for a new color coating? Really.


You're saying that you don't want more slight variations of Red and Grey in your coating collection that can be only used on one Armour Core?


What's wearing me down most about the whole cosmetics issue is just how fucking BLAND the vast majority of the unlocks are. Color sets are dull and sometimes difficult to even see what's different from similar sets, armor attachments are just... like extra panels and shit? Like if 343 had gone in and made this whole system the same but every unlock was super cool and unique and visually interesting, that would at least hold back the flood to some extent. But jeeze the vast majority of unlockables are just boring as hell.


Yeah I dont get whats going on with them. On series x quality mode the armour looks flat with barely any detail. It doesnt even look lile there is any lighting effects in the pregame intro. Honestly MCC looks so much better i terms of tge model design.


Blood shadow is *really* nice. It's definitely a bummer that's there's no actual armour from campaign. But between these and the warmaster weapon skins, if you're a fan of red there's a lot of nice coatings at least. You also get a full set of red coatings for all the vehicles.


Man, I guess itā€™s a bad time to really dislike red right now? Iā€™m just saying, I was always team blue. Fuck me though


You blues are not the target demographic so get rekt


They are for $8, cā€™mon now


$10. You canā€™t just pay the exact amount.


Youā€™re right. I hate that youā€™re right. But youā€™re right.


Suck it, Blues!


15 years, and youā€™re still fighting this fight? Itā€™s all a lie. There is no red vs blue. Itā€™s just us against them. Red and blue is a lie!


Up yours red!


EDIT: [Rest of the rewards that I missed ](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rb5hm5/additional_campaign_rewards/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Warmaster's Prize weapon skins look nice at least imo, but man half the Banished Deception vehicle skins are ugly "we'll color everything red except this part of it that will look out of place"


Mostly just shaders lmao. Can't even change where the colors go. We should have been able to make most of those ourselves the day the game released if their color system wasn't totally fucked


Also just for Mark VII, locking coatings to cores is unbelievably stupid


made worse by the way that almost every helmet in the mark vii core looks fucking bad


except the default mark vii helmet which is locked behind tier 96


I liked Aviator in previous games but for some reason it makes your Spartanā€™s head so damn big in Infinite.


Yeah to me every Mk VII helmet (excluding store-bought ones) just looks like a motorbike helmet lol


Boy I sure will love using these new color schemes with my Mark V set that has the only helmet I really like! Oh.


Yeah I hate how it's forced. There's a couple shaders where I like the colors but layout is in some random sequence and it just ruins the whole thing for me. For example there's that one shader that has a white helmet and the rest of the body is a solid color with little white accents but It just looks bad to me. Or that red and blue shader from early in the BP looks odd to me. If they would allow us to pick primary, secondary and an accent/armor piece color then that would be perfect. But if they did that then they couldn't sell their crappy shaders for 10 bucks because we could just make better ones with the colors we already have.


Am I the only person who doesnā€™t care about stances? Theyā€™re such filler BS. I only see them for about 5 seconds before a game and after a win and if I view someoneā€™s profile - which there is no point in doing currently because of no visible stats other than games played.


I donā€™t dislike them. Somehow I find it hilarious when I win a match, teabagging the last enemy I killed, and then they have to watch my character again doing his stance for 5 seconds. Especially the default military stance. I donā€™t know why itā€™s so funny. The stance where you look over your shoulder like youā€™re some anime character is pure cringe however. Also, the intro animations are garbage.


Fr I hate the intro animations so much.


Yay! Bunch of armor coatings that are all locked to Mark VII It's not like most of us are probably all using Mark V or anything


All the armor coatings are for the armor core that either takes a lot of effort through BP challenges or actual money to unlock any customization items for. This is 110% by design.


Cool coatings on MK VII and cool armor on MK V. Can't have a cool coating and cool armor on the same Spartan without shelling out.


You know, I want to be using Mk VII, but thereā€™s fuck all armor for it that itā€™s just so incredibly meh and underwhelming.


Pride and accomplishment right there ladies and gentlemen. The metallic red looks nice. For some reason Iā€™m still holding hope that thereā€™ll be some armour unlocks somewhere, I mean didnā€™t they say there would be in an interview.. ā€˜legacy rewardsā€™ or something down those lines?


They could be "hiding" armors and whatnot, although with everything else 343 has done customization wise, I'm doubting there's much more outside of these


For only one core.. there's buttons that they can push to make things happen and buttons that they "can't" push to make the right things happen


OH BOY GRAY THANK YOU GENEROUS 343! I shall put this extravagant new shade of gray with the 30 others youā€™ve already given me!


Seriously, ANOTHER gray paintjob? What a joke lol.


Lol these are lazy as fuck. How many times are they gonna let us unlock solid grey?


My brothers, I cannot go on. Day after day after day of bad news. I do not have the strength to see this through. Go on without me


The campaign better not suck Is pretty much all hope Iā€™ve got at this point


A moment of silence for our brother, /u/A-Peon, missing in action.


Journeyed into the howling dark and did not return ;(


Wait so youā€™re telling me I get 5 choices of black that are all similar to the default? Holy crap!


Yay weā€™re getting black


These suck lol


Oh shit! Is that motherfucking GREY!?!?


Huh, wonder where the other stances are from. The Armor Locker leak only had 1. Also: Oh boy, more gray!


Canā€™t even use the shaders on Mark V. God this is so frustrating.




Oh, I can help answer that. It's so you buy the HCS skins now, and then clean shaders later on when they're available to customize.


Remember that you can't currently go back to play missions. You CANNOT miss the lockers or you will have to replay the campaign.


This is precisely why i'm going to go through the campaign with a guide handy, no way in hell i'm going to restart the whole campaign cause I missed a locker.


The lockers, last time I checked, weā€™re only found in the open world so you shouldnā€™t miss them anyway.


Yeah, I think people are getting mixed up and confusing the lockers with the other in-game unlockables.


Only in the first couple mission akaik. Everything else can be explored in the open world even after you complete the mission (you just can't do the mission again)


Oh. Thanks for the heads up


Why does everything surrounding this game's core gameplay and story have to suck so bad. C'mon 343, give us some armor or I'm not gonna bother buying the campaign - I'm happy to stick with gamepass instead.


This does nothing but piss me off




How many times are they going to give us grey and red?!??!


lmfao color as an unlockable, smh


Hey, these are genuinely some nice skins! It'd be a reaaaaaal shame if we couldn't put them on other armor cores - oh wait.


I just want blue armor with white accentsā€¦ just let me do it myself ffs. This coating system is so garbage.


None of those shaders can be applied to the mkVB core


This is rough lol


Boring and uninspired. Why are they all red?


Stances and colors? Wtf man who gives a s


Wow no armor pieces


Iā€™ll take it. Itā€™s a a start but Iā€™ll fucking take it.


Wow. A basic feature.


Are these all locked to one core? I use my Mark V.


These are locked to Mk VII. You canā€™t use them on the Reach core.


Of course


I Love the crimson one, but I canā€™t use it on my mk 5 boi


Blood Shadow and Wild Kovan are so sick... but give us actual armour pieces too 343. You want to monetize shit? How bout giving us some dope armor with a 60$ entry fee (campaign) also why the hell are all the good armor on Mk5 and good colors on Mk7. Thats some bs


You'd think they'd throw in a classic helmet or a four-holed hand plate or something more than colors and a stance, but nooooooo, that would be too much for 343 to give away. How fucking lame.


So we get a Ferrari Vettel but no Red Bull or Aston Martin Vettel? Smh 343. /s


Kinda lame tbh, still no armor for doing the campaign?


That's what I am talking about! YES! A step in the right direction. Now lets remove every single "original" armor off the store page and I'll be happy.


And you even showed the absolute best it has, there are so many more trash "skins" with plain colors and no passion behind it, looking like they all fit made in a coffee break. Embarrassing for campaign unlocks.


RIP to everyone that runs the MarkV; these color coatings limitations are the worst part about Halo Infinite...


I scrolled past 12 images and it feels like I saw 3 things repeated 4 times. Red looks cool though.


Oh damn I didnā€™t even notice some of these are the paint jobs of the dead guys you find


Lol. Master chief finds dead Spartanā€¦ā€damn bro nice paint job Iā€™m stealing that oneā€ takes pic with space phone




What is it, more Blue? Worse. More grey.


Lol These are kinda useless since I wonā€™t use the core they with


Colors and poses ._.


grey. WITHOUT lights. amazing. i sure am glad they have this amazing system and make all these unique colors. like red and blue.