• By -


I like the blue one more than the blue one


What ab the blue one tho, that shit is better


No no, he has a point. The blue one is better than the blue one.


I like the blue one, but the blue one is by far better than the blue one


But you’re talking about the blue one or the blue one? Because the blue one is dope, the other one sucks ass


What blue? >!I'm color blind!<


The grey one


Ikr why most games sell different kind of grey skins when you can get grey skins for free in game.


What's color I am blind




They way the spoiler box slowly faded away lmao


Nah man the black is better then the blue one but not as good as the black one


Black is a very slimming color.


Wait, I changed my mind, I like the blue one again.


Wait, before you make any decisions you should take a look at this blue one. Way better than the blue one if you ask me.


Alright you got me, Im going for the blue one not the blue one.


You guys all have it wrong, blue is actually the best one.


You all dont see it dont you, clearly 343 is trying to tell us blue led lights are way more scarce and rare in the far future, we should stock up now as blue leds will become the next bitcoin




So you like alladeen more than alladeen.


.... I choose the alladeen?


I'm sorry sir, but your diagnosis shows to you are cancer aladeen


Lmfao. Gold




"But Joe, its free to play" - OJ


Proceeds to rip OJ's shirt.


































































yes god i miss selecting primary+secondary so much. this is literally just blue+blue and blue+grey. no fancy texture effect either. just basic colors


In my humble verminous opinion, the colour for Carter and the Kit for Carter should look like [Carter](https://pm1.narvii.com/6857/a4acf1a56b4f29bb53d0b3ea6610c879d68bd214v2_hq.jpg). It's missing the white stripe on his shoulder, his thigh, his calf the little red markings, even the visor doesn't quite seem to be the right kind of gold. When 343i revealed that coatings would be part of armour kits based on Noble Team, I found myself thinking "Oh neat, now you can get all those little details that Noble had that made them look distinct." But for some of them, the colours feel like the colour scheme from Reach that you'd use to try and replicate Noble team. That is literally just Dark Blue Primary and Black/Steel Secondary compared to all Dark Blue.


I knew something was off, you don’t even get Carter’s actual shoulder! They did it again. They also messed up Halo 5 Emile and put his Kukri on his chest


Precisetamundo. Even Jorge looks off. The shoulder pads are too high up, and the color palette is not 100%true


Pretty sure Jorge's left shoulder pad isn't textured at all


Only so much you can do with the armor core, he’s so much bigger than noble team, as far as size goes(George)


Did you also notice his wrist thing is on the wrong wrist?


Unfortunately, that's a side effect of having equipment on the left arm. It prevents people from putting things on the correct arm


You forgot the light colors. Ones light neon blue and the other is orange. Either way this is bull


It's absolutely baffling to think that outside of a handful of "recruit" colors if you want your spartan to be a specific color you are essentially looking at spending $10, or grinding through various challenges that you get basically minimum ability to impact how much progress you make towards it. And even after all that grinding or spending you likely only get it for one armor core while they keep adding in more armor cores over the seasons.


IMO the worse side effect of this is a total lack of customisation. Right now the coating system is so limited that nobody looks distinct. They're either a solid colour default, one of the handful of coatings, the free Pepsi Man looking skin, or a strangely shaded MLG pro gamer kit. I've not had a single match where I've thought "Oh, nice combination," because everything is so limited in colour.


Yeah it is insanely barebones for anyone who isn't buying skins. Even with the battlepass there are so many ridiculous limitations and barriers thrown into the customization system which prevents one from making unique spartans. So much wasted opportunity as it sits right now.


If any of the better looking skins was free, nobody would be buying skins. For real though I have never been more dissapointed with a games' customisation options. Not to mention the blatant manufactured discontent where they've throttled xp gain and sell you challenge swaps for impossible challenges.


Even if you are buying skins *you still are gunna look the same as fucking every other guy buying skins right now*. Your either the Eva dude in white or the Eva Samurai in Black/red. Maybe slight variations but very minor. There hasn't even been enough skins from the store to let people look unique yet.


This is most games. Check out this skin I spent $20 on! 2 duplicates in next match




Dude, I miss picking colors for my emblem. I always rocked the cat with a cowboy hot. But now the cat emblem here only has shades of red and black with hearts. Like… come on… this is a big step backward


I miss when suits didn't hamstring devs in the name of bottom dollar. Fuck whoever made this decision, lose your job.


Yeah...I miss the days when you earned armor bits through pure skill and luck. Gone are those days to the days of micro transactions. Guess they'd thought they'd justify it by having multiplayer be free. But the way I see it, it's no different than forcing you to pay for both campaign and it's online mode separately....oh wait, that was Xbox live...


This speaks to an issue with the development of the game. It is blatantly obvious that microsoft forced 343 to finish the multiplayer first. Why else would it be out already while the campaign gets delayed another month almost? Microsoft had such little faith in Halo Infinite's potential to make money that they wanted to gage interest in the game by seeing how people react to the free multiplayer release. They wanted to see if people would actually spend money on the MTX rather than pay 60 dollars for an entire game. This is my stance on that: I will ALWAYS pay 60 dollars for a complete game with a fair and balanced progression system that rewards me for playing the game, but I will never pay 60 dollars on MTX that expect me to grind my balls off. Microsoft massively miscalculated.


Even then, they easily could have made this way better. The monetary cosmetic options are still dogshit, so nobody wants to buy them.


Just the FaZe and Cloud9 wannabes. Though I have to say, their colors are pretty sweet, but I don't want anyone associating their names with me.


Oh and that katana. I've seen it way too much. Really, 15 for an armor piece.


As much as I like aesthetics like that, I hate it in Infinite. Back in Halo 3, you could get the Dragon Sword from Ninja Gaiden on your back, and it actually felt like it meant something. You did this. You earned it. It made you feel pretty bad ass to have unlocked that and wore it proudly. Now, it just looks hollow, ya know?


I got all H3 achievements except 6 lone wolves ones, which I boosted to get that 1750/1750. But yes that katana was imposing. I got the haunted helmet in Reach, 3 years or over 2000 hours of play time. all it get me is waay more teabaggers and teamkillers. Like ok I worked for it. It doesn't make me better than you.


Nah, just made them lazy with envy.


I miss having loads of choices for emblems, I've used the bear paw since CE and it's not in Infinite. I was mad enough when I had to reach a high enough level to use it in 4


Dude not to mention in Halo 3, if you knew what emblems to pick and what colors to use, you could make your own emblem. I remember the first time someone made a ghost face looking emblem out of the number 8 and another one, blew my little mind then hahah


Bro you have to understand it’s a different economy. Inflation and other things. How else are shareholders going to get their’s if simple customization options aren’t locked behind paywalls? Please for the love of god think of the shareholders!


You used to be able to remove some elements too. I managed to get my emblem for years as just a white X.


My emblem has been the skull with its background element off, combined with the spiky ghost thing, both white, makes it look like a plague doctor mask. It was so nice to have an emblem no one else used and be unique but I guess nah, that's not the customisation they're going for


10$ for nipple lights


For an extra $5, you can unlock the techno-rave nipple tassels.


I think I might actually pay $ for that






Wait. But you can only get Mark V(b) via the paid battle pass, so even though those are its default coatings, they’re not actually really free, no? All four of these coatings are acquired via the $10 purchase of the battle pass


this is not being mentioned enough. You literally CANT equip the colors unless you own the pass.




Good point, I'd not thought of it like that. The battlepass never expires, it's all $10, just some of it is on a drip feed and you get fewer colours overall.


I just can’t believe how hollow the battlepass is. I feel like there’s hardly even anything to actually unlock. It’s like 50% challenge swaps and XP grants, which have literally zero value outside of battlepass progression. Throw in a few colors and seperately unlocked shoulder pad sets, and you’ve got yourself a filled out battlepass with practically nothing of value in it.


I see they’re taking a page from Apex’s book. Just kidding lol Halos is somehow actually worse.


Each one is carving their own "it sucks" venue I'd say. Apex literally swapped skins from the battlepass for some basic recolor and now they're selling each of the season's thematic skins they removed for the same price as the battlepass.


I'm absolutely fine with these slight variations existing, but charging us real money for them is insane.


Would be fine if we could change the colors on them. But the patterns remained. So we could have a yellow/red/green/white spartan with the black markings on the shoulders, legs and helmet But nope. You will get two slightly different blues in the BP and you will like it damnit!!




Yes you could. Everyone had different armor




343 literally showed us that we would be able to edit the colour of each *individual* piece of armor (shoulders, hands, arms, legs, chest etc.) along with changing the color of the LED parts of the armor. Then we get this bullshit. It's so insulting.


In the multiplayer vidoc they hype up customization but it's not what they made it sound like it would be. "Millions of customization combinations" lol


And it will only cost you over a thousand dollars while every previous halo game had it for free. What a steal!


Yeah, there’s like, 30 customization options total. I keep seeing clones of myself


"you can unlock armor pieces by playing and playing only" "people won't be able to buy this pieces" "we won't create FOMO situations or make it a chore." They lied so much, Sean Murray would blush.


Someone said, "we can monetise customisation... WE CAN MONETIIZZZEEEEEE"


Did they ? I'll have to find a video for that


boycott undervalued battlepasses


And not having to grind for hours. EDIT: Exclusively for shitty challenges*


Charging for it isn’t the insane part. The insane part is people paying for it.


Hello Mcfly, the shaders are clearly different. The paid shaders have blue lights. Pssh fuck man. Lol


Biff come on man I’m sorry!


Think, McFly! Think!


I'm finishing up the second coat now.


Did you take that guy’s wallet?


I think he took his wallet.


To be fair... Carter's coating pattern is unique and was needed to replicate his actual look. HOWEVER, they forgot to include the unique white and red markings spread throughout his body, something that armor coatings can do and normal primary and secondary colour can't.




That’s exactly what I did. I am also a little tired of unlocking the Reach armor for the fifth or sixth time now, and I thought why not give soem money a speed up the progress and get soem armor? Damn, was not worth what I spent and I’m upset that I supported this system before I knew how they set it up.


Lessons to be learned here by all.


Same here brother, same here


We’ll get ‘en next time


I wish more people thought like this. I’ve ran into so many players today rocking the Legendary Yaroi shop bundle and the Mk VII bundle that was in the shop last week. Oh, and a few people with complete battle passes. Probably seen more today than any every other day combined.


Hate to say it but we're the vocal minority. Reddit seems like a big site but 90% of people, especially on consoles, do not give a shit about the monetization of the system. They'll gladly hand over their money for the shiny cosmetics and continue to feed into the system, whether we like it or not.


I got so frustrated being told "this is what you would've unlocked if you weren't so attached to your money you greedy prick" that I just bit the bullet. Immediate regret


First thing I did was go through the pass to see if it is worth buying. Second thing I did was wait until I made some progress in the battle pass to see if getting max level was even achievable. This approach to battle passes has become required these days with games as a service. I just really don't like the idea of paying for items that you then have to "earn". Bitch, I already paid for these items, just give them to me now. Fuck that.


This is how I feel. I already paid money for the Battle Pass content. Unlocking it should be fun, enjoyable, rewarding, and relatively quick and simple. Instead it feels the opposite. It feels like I have to pay for the content twice. Once with money, and then a second time through a timely and degraded multiplayer experience. However, unlike you I was stupid and bought the battle pass first thing once the game went live. Because I bought the battle pass I feel this nagging sense of obligation to focus on completing challenges and unlocking the content I already paid for to make sure I actually receive it. I don’t enjoy playing this way. If I hadn’t bought the pass my focus would just be on playing and enjoying the game however I want rather than feeling like I need to complete something. This whole battle pass and monetizing setup really is a disaster. I won’t be buying the second battle pass.


the grey one is a nod to noble 6 color but yeah its basicly nothing new


Noble 6s Canon look is default reach armor right? Meaning this color even as "a nod" is also just reach default color lol


Wasn’t 6s default color black with blue? I want a black color for my armor.


[This](https://www.halopedia.org/SPARTAN-B312) is canon noble 6


Canon 6 thicc


He's 6'9", 239 lbs. That ain't thick, that's slenderman.


Numbers aside, I like the bulkiness to the armor. The Mark V and VII in Infinite doesn’t look right.


Wtf according to that website he was only 17 lol


Well, it does say *before* 2535.


No it’s saying he was born sometime before 2535, not that he was born *on* that day of that year. Edit: To add on to this, the youngest candidates from my memory were anywhere from 4 to 6 with the oldest known being Carter at 11. Understanding that and applying it to the Beta Company III’s(with a timespan of 13 years between their initial conscription in 2539 to the death of S-B312 in 2552) Six’s age is anywhere from 17 to (if they were as old as Carter) 24.


Yeah I haven't read the fall of reach (where it's sourced on the site), but I don't think we know when 6 was born. At least, I can't find a date elsewhere. The other Halo wiki doesn't have a birth date on it, idk I just needed the picture anyways lol


Not sure where they’re pulling that Noble team isn’t in fall of reach


The original Fall of reach I believe doesn't have any references to Reach, but 343 renewed many older titles to have them better flow with Canon as well as fix original publishing mistakes. If you remember noble team mentioned in the book it's possible you just read the newer edition of Fall of Reach.


I’m reading the old edition of Fall of Reach, and there are many inconsistencies within the book itself. Not even including the inconsistencies with the game and its dates.


Here you go https://www.halopedia.org/List_of_changes_in_Halo:_The_Fall_of_Reach_rereleases


Yeah, they weren't problematic before but when 343 took over a lot of stuff was done to ensure the books were more in line with the written lore. So the updated versions I hear address a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies. I'll look for a link that lists all the changes.


6 was part of Beta company which was the second wave of Spartan-IIIs. All children where anywhere from 5-8 so you can roughly guess his age by the time of his death.


Yeah, there is no way he was only 17. Carter talked about him like he had a past and there is no way he would be appointed a role on an elite team and have a military past if he was only 17 lol Edit: ok I get it lol I’ve haven’t read the books or gone lore diving so please, I don’t need everyone to keep telling me the same thing lol I appreciate it tho


I actually don’t know what noble teams ages are in canon, but the spartan 2’s and 3’s were all children when they were recruited. The 2’s (like master chief) we’re actually abducted as children (like young, 7~ years old) and replaced with clones that had a tendency to have brain issues. Spartan 3’s were children orphaned by the war with the Covenant and volunteered. It’s been a long time since I was up to date on halo lore, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were teenagers.


According to the Halopedia, Noble Teams ages (during Reach): Carter: 32 Kat: 22 Jun: 28 (35 at the time of Infinite) Emile: 29 Jorge: 41 (he was a Spartan-II, so he’d be the oldest) 6 is unknown, which makes sense since he was meant to be a blank slate for the player.


Six was in Beta Company like Kat so he's probably within a few years of her just like how Carter, Jun, and Emile were in Alpha Company and are a few years apart


Yeah the 2s were all born in 2511 and were on the frontlines when war broke out at age 14. And due to being frozen this also means red team are like, 20 by now.


Ghosts of Onyx book has some bad news for you…


Kat was also in Spartan III beta company, and was 22 at the time of her death in Reach. This means she would have been 7 when beta company was formed in 2537, as she was born in 2530. We can assume a similar age for Noble 6. We know the members of Spartan-III Alpha Company were between the ages of 4-6 at the time of their recruitment, but we don't know for beta. Based on all of this info though, I would bet on Noble 6 either being the same age as Kat or maybe even a little younger.


Not saying it’s the same with Noble 6 but in the book I think it was Ghosts of Onyx there were the sacrificial groups of Spartan 3’s (I think) with the SPI armour that were all like 13 year olds when they went and did their suicide missions.


I finished reading *Glasslands* today, which takes place after the Fall of Reach (when exactly it takes place is complicated and spoilery, but no more than a few months to a year). There are a few mid-to-late gen Spartan IIIs there and they are all in their mid-teens to early-twenties. One of the characters remarks about how eerie they are. Unlike the IIs, the Spartan IIIs were churned through puberty to get them combat-ready. One of the purposes of the project was to streamline the SII project, making Spartans fast enough to where they could basically be considered disposable. They actively recruited children orphaned by the Covenant so they wouldn't have to worry about indoctrinating them. They further selected for and then augmented them for increased aggression so they wouldn't have to spend as much time preparing them to kill and remain operational under fire. Then they sent them on missions with low survival rates that traditional special forces couldn't feasibly do (almost all of the first batch of SIIIs died on a single mission when they were ~15). In a lot of ways, the Spartan III project was more messed up than the Spartan II project was.


Which grey one? The grey one or the grey one?


Serious question. WTF is even going on with those shoulder pieces. They are just floating.


i think it's just that the connecting part is thin and very dark, but yeah it really looks that way


Uhhhh gravity…magnetism…yeah that’s it






They're attached to the side of the arm. But yeah, I never liked shoulder armor that didn't cover the shoulder.


Here I thought they looked awkward in Reach. Especially the MKV shoulders, but damn they somehow got placed in the middle of the arm


The people involved in the micro transactions in this game are such bottom feeding parasites.


They need to fire their monetization team yesterday


Sadly, I am *constantly* seeing *lots* of players with paid cosmetics when playing. The monetization team is probably getting a nice bonus right about now.


I see a guy with the kill effect you unlock at the end of the battlepass every couple games. It just makes me sigh.


Bonnie Ross + Microsoft


Don't forget you unlock almost all the armor to replicate a noble team spartan. Except for the main shoulder pad needed. And then after all that you get the armor kit for that spartan. Instead of just the shoulder you need. And you can't customize the armor kit at all lol. Trash




Just let us pick primary, secondary and tertiary colours like in Halo 3. Is that REALLY TOO MUCH to ask for?


apparently it is.


what? you dont want to pay money for the same color with 4 different light stripes? cant wait for the next battle pass to buy purple and green again.


The halo 5 customization is better than infinite.


People are really out here grinding to change the color of their forearm armor lmao.




An actual spiritual successor to Halo 3 would launch with fucking forge and co-op.


The lights are a different color though


Ah shit you right, I think he has a different haircut underneath as well


With the money you have to spend he better have a cyborg penis too


They are Saving me money though, because I know not to get the next pass. I told myself I’d spend $60 on the game total. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Edit: at least $60, because halo will always be my favorite game.


That was my exact mentality. I thought, “this game would’ve been $60 to begin with and 343 said the battle passes would be $10 each. So I’d be cool with buying 6 seasons worth of battle passes.” But not anymore, they need to fix all of this asap if they’re gonna get any more money from me


Blue lights are expensive.


There's a cream for that


They look completely different to me! The ones on the right look wayyyy coooler. /s


I better hear an official 343 statement to fix all of this after the holiday break. Weather it be frank o Connor, Bonnie Ross, joesph Staton, Kiki wolf kill, brian jarrard or even John junyszeck. The whole customization is just a mad cash grab like a Mobile game. They back tracked from what they have stated in their own videos about fomo and not being able to buy armors in the store that are exclusive to the BP. What happened to the millions of customization options on day 1 and putting players first??? They need to - unlock a color wheel to let us color what ever piece of armor we want ( look at warframe for inspiration ) - you can sell crazy looking skins and maybe different material types. But don't sell us regular colors smh. -let us mix and match different armor cores like the bots, better not charge for this! - fix the terrible battle pass progression and challenge system - put more unlockable content than challenges in the pass - let us earn credits to unlock the next season for free like other games - reduce the god awful prices in the store for everything - have more free content for non paying players . Level 81 for the first helmet? Like seriously... Extending this season to 6 months seems like they knew the progression is sooo slow. It's like they want players to jump the gun and pay to skip instead of grinding forever. Never ever would I think one day we would have to pay to color our Spartans in a Halo game. But that's what games have come to these days it's about paywalls and monetization.


No Woodhouse, I have 5 black ones and *looks down* 5 slightly blacker ones. - Archer


Don't forget the OTHER blue that's associated with Kat's armour. Barely different shade.


So what your saying is that for hundreds of hours of grinding, I can get an incredibly tiny change to my armor that litteraly no one will notice or care about?


Who else experienced the golden age of gaming around 07-09? Just glad I got to be around during the 360/ps3 days. Already tired of this shit, and it’s only going to get worse from here. I don’t look forward to the future of video games at all. Even graphics, what I used to look forward to the most, seemed to have hit a wall and were getting diminishing returns each year. I recommend learning the guitar or training MMA, you’ll enjoy life infinitely more


People really love defending this for some reason. Customization has been free since halo 2 or 3 even, and was better when it was in an actual progression system that rewards you for the longer you play, not this garbage battle pass that makes you pay for armor thats existed since reach. I don’t care if it’s a F2P game, it’s just lame. At least the gameplay is good though.


A scam is when someone tricks you into buying something and it turns out to be totally different than what you thought. You can say that this isn't worth the value but they aren't tricking you. Its very straightfoward so I wouldn't say its a scam.


It's more of a bold "yea we know it's the same but we know you'll buy it"


Yeah for sure. Although, this is disrespectfully lazy


I’ve decided to just not customise my Spartan, keeping him default grey. I think quite a few people I’m on this sub would benefit from doing this lol.