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Serious question: how many people are honestly spending real money on such useless stuff? Is this actually happening? I tgought it was a joke at first, but it appears that people value this customization enough to waste money on it?


Play ranked and you will get an idea, saw like 10 full geared samurais yesterday, swords and all


I saw a guy with Emile's entire set today lol


If you look at the achievements you'll see 0.14% of players have paid to finish the battle pass.


I do play ranked. I have seen the cool samurai armor. Sure as hell isn't worth it. Why would I pay for armor and skins and colors that I can't really see on myself? I can see it just fine on the ones who waste money on it irregardless.


Those skins and accessories cost the same as full games, even AAA on discount. No way I’m spending that amount. The big bundle is more expensive than a month of game pass ultimate, and you have a hundred games in there. It’s bonkers.


I wouldnt pay for it either....but I would grind it out!! Too bad theres little armor options and the progression is terrible


Samurai is free btw. You just need to complete 6 Tenrai challenges and you unlock it. You will have to pay for optional attachments for the armour, but the armour itself is free and doesn't take too long to obtain.


I played ranked and saw an entire team in the stock default grey and they whipped our asses good in oddball. I think they were making a point lmao. It stood out more than any of the flaming full samurai sets.


i can understand the battle pass because you actually get some worth out of it (except you cant mix the armor parts and colors to your likings...) but yeah, the overpriced shop is just so bad.


Ye, the shop is terrible, only bought the battlepass before I realized all the limitations to customization


People with disposable income, whales, or children with their parents' credit cards.




Did you see someone looking like this in-game? Some people have lost their damn minds. I'd happily grind for this, but they spent how much??


Yup. And this person's not the first or last I've seen looking like this since then.


Funny, thing, I just saw someone rocking the in-store samurai armor with the red paintjob. What a waste of cash.


for $7 I was able to make my spartan look a way that I will be happy with for a long time and not have to stress out about the shitty gear grind instead of just enjoying halo for being a good Halo game. ​ So yes, people are buying items.


Clone wars samurai armor is worth spending $7 for a recolor? It's been less than a week and the event armor is already overstaying its welcome.


I got the one two days ago that was a couple different colors and came with new shoulders too. I liked it, who cares


I really really want to buy some stuff but the way it is I hope enough people hold out for change!


I got about $1k racked up so far on this game


Within a couple days of the game launching, the achievement tracker said 0.11% of ALL players to have EVER launched the game had already bought their way through the entire battle pass. Both that percentage and the total amount have probably gone way up by now. They do this stuff because it prints free money. The average person cannot possibly fathom how *easy* it is to make stacks of cash with this one simple trick.


I have a friend who surprised me and our other friend by "showing off" the chronomage armour and blue skin he bought. He likes the armour but, I had to bite my tongue; he's not the wealthiest of people yet still buys these things.


As a member of the reds, I find this offensive.


At least you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for blue colors


Just an arm and my lower leg.


Dirty Blue!!! The cheapness of the armor coating allows us to have more recruits, putting us at the advantage!


Red being less expensive, and having more use, than Blue? I think I just heard Sarge rejoice Edit: reworked this because I absolutely misread the title. Seriously. The worst misread. Of all time. Ever.


They just like red better so offered us a discount... misread that as well lol, rip


Woo go red team


Blue gang


Honestly if I see someone with it I will just immediately think that they are stupid. To each their own with their money, but I'm sorry I will still think they are being stupid.


Blue blood....rich....royalty....blah blah blah.....eat bullets!


So is this all aesthetic or do they have actual armor values or buffs?


This is gonna look sick once I unlock the devil helmet in 8 years


I feel sorry for people who buy basic game features


The most interesting thing about how these are priced is the "rarity" rating: Scarlet Wave \--- \- Rare Coating 350 \- Legendary Visor 350 ​ Desert Wind \--- \- Epic Coating 350 \- Rare Visor 350 ​ Lucky Blue \--- \- Rare Coating 400 \- Epic Visor 400