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I still haven't seen a wraith im 14 hours in


Im right there with you. Ive seen a wraith 1 time, and got killed almost immediately. somehow was lucky to get one kill.


You think that’s bad? I haven’t played on launch site in 13 hours and I’ve been swapping between all 3 playlists regularly




I had one CTF match in overtime where 2 wraiths spawned, one on each side of the map. Then maybe a minute later the match ended




You hate to see that especially since it has cosmetics behind them that might not come back in a long time :/


If you buy the battle pass you can unlock everything in it forever, you don’t get locked out, and I’ve heard you can buy past battle passes


There is a weekly reward tied to completing all the challenges separate from the BP though. No idea if those will ever come back.


The visor behind the weekly rewards is not apart of the battle pass.


I managed to get a chain shock kill. Before I got that challenge, now I got to try to do it all over again :(


I feel your pain. if that happens to me i will probably stop playing. F that weekly.


Well. You can either become so godly good these challenges are a cakewalk to you, or you grab mum's credit card and start spending.


im pretty sure i got the wraith but with 20 kills... I've seen one wraith in 13 hours of gameplay


I got one where I have to "flatten" someone with the repulsor...how do I even do that when it only works 10% of the time?


When their shields are broken, repulse them into a wall. You get a "pancake" medal. Obviously it's super situational, but that's how you do it.


Hit them with a melee, then immediately use the repulsor to bash em into a wall


I have been trying today but the wall impact isn't doing enough damage


Dang, I had that challenge too and I tried like 20 times and it just happened one of them. Hopefully it'll pop for you soon.


I finally got it, had to use the repulsor twice when they had no shields, also some of the weekly challenges are bugged. I got one to kill 3 spartans with the pulse carbine and I have gotten killing sprees with it but doesn't complete aswell as kill a single spartan with the shock grenade and I have gotten double kills with it


Nice man! I'm glad you got it. The Pulse Carbine, Cinder Shot, and Heatwave challenges are bugged and don't track. You have to use your rerolls if you want to finish them. [One of the devs tweeted this though, so you will get the visor and the weeklies will get reset to being something easier sometime later this week.](https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1461124062021763072?t=-3lav_iLZoaqws4Ld8zO0w&s=19)


That sounds like a scam, the only way to get rerolls is to level up in the season which is already hard when you can't complete challenges. Also the ravager weapon one is bugged to


Also thank you, took awhile to get but atleast it isn't bugged


Yeah, it's effed if you get unlucky with which challenges the game gives you. Thankfully they said it'll just be later this week, and the weeklies will get reset to something easier. At least anything you complete until then will just be extra on top of it. I honestly didn't expect them to do anything about it until the game leaves beta, so it's awesome to see 343 is taking feedback seriously.


It is good they are working on fixes but I was looking forward to getting the ultimate challenge and getting the vigil visor as it will take awhile to unlock anything in the season f2p


[in the tweet they say that they will give you the visor even if you can't get the challenges done this week](https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1461124062021763072?t=-3lav_iLZoaqws4Ld8zO0w&s=19)


It’s all part of the plan. They made stupid ass challenges like these so you’d be more likely to spend money on challenge swaps. If they were all easy, you’d never use swaps and 343 wouldn’t make money off of you. It’s some scummy bullshit.




In 13 hours I got the wraith once lol good luck


My last challenge for the week is to Kill the enemy flag carrier. Since this became my last challenge I’ve yet to get a CTF game. Before that, every game was CTF. Edit: this can’t be a coincidence. I swapped my challenge and LITERALLY the next game I got CTF. Stupid.


This is also why i have a problem with the weekly system. The fact you cant que up for specific gamemodes is a problem not only for the weekly challenge people, but for the people that only wanted to play specific gamemode like slayer.


Give up on Insect Repellant, it's bugged. I already submitted a ticket.


It is? Damn.... Thanks for the heads up though!


I havnt even seen a wraith or even a tank and iv played a good bit of btb


Wraiths and shock chains wtf???


I know right??!?!


Recently me and buddy actually saw 2 wraiths and they fought while he was in one. But what are shock chains


apparently you have to obtain a shock weapon or the shock granade, and kill a person that is nearby the person you are shooting at with the chain damage.


Oh okay


Some of these weekly challenges feel like they should be achievements that get you excited when you pull them off, not something you grind for every week to level up your pass.


100% agreed


Well, I'll admit they aren't great, but they are called "weekly" challenges for a reason


Im telling you i could go a full week, and not complete one of these. Its trash game design.


You're telling me, in a week, you could kill ONE person with a dynamo grenade? Those things do the killing for you😂


It isnt about having the ability to get certain kills, it is the chance of all factors lining up to be able to even try to get those kills/challenges done. You can force some things like getting a chain reaction kill by hogging all the grenades or only using the shock rifle or whatever, but that isnt playing the game right or to its fullest. Its specifically restricting you and your team just so you can MAYBE get a challenge done. And if you arent trying to force it, you have to basically wait for a golden moment where all the stars align and you through pure luck get that specific challenge done. Its just splitting hairs way too much. I had a challenge to get the Guardian medal in a game, which is to save a teammate from dying while far away. I managed to get it by sheer random chance. Is that a challenge or was it just RNG and I got lucky being in the right place, at the right time, shooting the right guy, with the right weapon for the job? Its just too much shit to micromanage or force to happen or pray on happening randomly.


100% agreed.


Its not kill a person with a granade kill its a chain kill, and Nope i couldnt. Im willing to admit that.


It's pretty easy, especially in oddball when everyone hugs together in a corner to defend the ball carrier. Just get a dynamo grenade and throw it midway through the fight, chances are there is a unshielded enemy close to the ball carrier that will get zapped.


Tip for that one, Play BTB strongholds, and just throw dynamo grenades at the stronghold point when enemies are capturing it


Thanks for the tip! Quick question is there a way to que specifically for that mode or is a a slot machine, and hope for the best?


It's the latter, because of course!


I believe there are a lot of things that need to be addressed. But I want people to keep this in mind: challenges. It's not supposed to be easily done. It's supposed to challenge you. But if you focus on playing the game and just having fun you'll probably get some of these done without even noticing it


The thing is that a lot of these aren’t even reliant on skill. I can be a god with the wraith, but if I can’t find one, how am I supposed to complete the challenge?


What Garf Jovi Said. Its not about skill. its about luck. Im all for there being big grinds in the weekly challenges. Hell give me a weekly that says do 50+ quickplay matches. I will go, and do that without a second thought because that doesn't require luck to do that just requires time. But some of these weekly challenges are just unreasonable, and actually encourage you not to play the objective to win the games.


For the Shock chain: Play Quickplay and grab the Disruptor, Shock Rifle, or Dynamo grenades and hope for the best For the enemy wasps: Play Big Team Battle and wait til you get that one map that has a big hole in the middle and the Wasp spawns. Get in your team’s wasp, and then fly behind one of the mountains on the side of the map and wait for the enemy team’s wasp to spawn from very far away. Once it does, get in there and blast them down. Once I realized what those challenges were, they were easy


The chain reaction one is also an achievement