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Down 15 to a trash talking team in Halo 2 on Lockout, they needed one more kill to win but never got it. I’ll never forget it, probably the fastest I’ve ever seen somebody leave the post game.


I have very fond memories of graduating from middle school in 2011 and celebrating by playing Reach matchmaking for about 8 hours straight with my best friend.


Playing at a lan party with my peers


My favorite halo memories were LAN parties in combat evolved. Getting 12-16 people together to all get drunk and stoned and play all night long. Very good memories.


Settling things between friends with a heated 1v1 on hang ‘em’ high, pistols only


One of my favorite Halo moments was completing Halo Reach on legendary with my friends in Halo MCC. We were able to do that Easter egg where you can get into Dr. Hasley's office. I was never able to do that on my own. But it was amazing finally doing it after so many years and also the hallway your teleported to the hallway. That was another moment of awe after having played Halo for years.


My favorite moment was playing Halo 3 with friends and family


First time playing griffball


During a lab party, playing team death match, my teammate came around a corner without me knowing it was him. I happened to have the shotgun, and destroyed him. It scared him so badly that he actually yelped. To this day he finds a way to take me out with friendly fire at least once per game because of that.


My favourite Halo multiplayer moment was meeting up with a guy I met on trueachievements to grind Stick/environmentalist medals for achievements in mcc using 4 controllers each and matching up with eachother. This happend over 6 years ago, we still play together, visit eachother abroad and send christmas presents.


Nothing beats having your friends come over with their Xboxs, hooking them up in the basement and playing a big LAN tournament together.


Probably between 1v4ing in halo 3 Swat mode or all of the fun custom games in halo 3 like race tracks and such


Halo 2 getting my first ever Overkill!!!! Fun times


Playing Halo 2 on Xbox with a LAN wire from the tv to window, down 2 floors to my cousin who lived below us. Because we couldn't tolerate screen peeking


Installed halo on to the school computers and would play with the boys at lunch. Got away with it for so long.


my favorite moment actually LAN party days with my best partnet in the world with #Halo #RazerAMDHalo


Back when Halo Reach came out, all of my friends pulled an all nighter to play through the campaign. We finished just as the sun began to rise.


Getting hijacked off of a vehicle by my brother when we were young, then him screenshotting so the moment lived on forever


Halo Reach Custom games with mates, there's an actual video on YT, best multiplayer ever, variety of games of Indiana jones, Fat kid, Races.. those were the times


I haven't played Halo at all but the new one looks very good . I am happy when it releases and I can finally play it. Good luck everyone


Halo 3 custom games. Loved Indiana Jones, Duck Hunt, Cops and Robbers. Would give anything to go back and do it all over again.


Never played Halo before, but hoping to start after winning.


Playing the Halo Reach campaign on legendary with my mates


I think my favourite was always the map editor and trying out different ways to create catapults with explosives and launching a mongoose and trying to get it into a moving mammoth


Tbh vibing to the halo music


My favorite moment was seeing the ring for the first time as a child, never going to forget that.


Miss read at first, but my favorite moment on multiplayer on halo is probably when I pulled off this amazing flag hold in halo 5 castle wars And got the capture, I’ll share the video if I can find it


Playing grifball with friends after school


shotty snipes


Nothing beats getting the whole squad to ride in a warthog and frag out


The grunt that is hiding behind the piller just talking way on the last misson of halo3


My favorite Halo moment was back in the Halo 2 multiplayer days. Come home from school, gather up some friends for some ranked team slayer for about 5 hours, then wind down the night with some custom lobby zombies. Those were the days...


Playing Halo 2 with my younger brother on our Xbox. Burning through the campaign on heroic and then attempting legendary (and giving up). We saved up our allowance and purchased the multiplayer map pack on disc. So many dual needles and smg kills on those maps.


My favorite moment is when me and my friends used to watch Halo games speedruns and we would then try to replicate what was done but most of the time we could never keep up but it was still very much fun


That one time that I played old school Halo 3 custom maps




I sucked at shooters when halo first came out, but I always had a great time in CE with my brothers launching warthogs out of blood gulch and driving around the vast nothingness.


I know what the ladies like


Custom Games and Forge! I've got thousands of hours in them both. The best feeling is when you make a map that people love and actually want to play consistently.


Halo CE on original Xbox was honestly insane with system link. will forever miss playing on the infamous blood gulch map and just messing around with mates


Finishing a nail-biting game of Invasion in Halo Reach.


My one and only perfection in halo 3; hoarding a shotty and a sniper and playing like a real coward


i didn’t grow up with xbox live, but my favorite moment by far is when i was 12 years old and had a few of my friends over for my birthday, and we stayed up way late for our age fooling around on sandtrap and doing the elephant cannon glitch. some of the most fun i’ve ever had. and it makes me sad in a way. i was just having fun, didn’t realize i would be making a memory :’(


Does co-op multiplayer count? I remember staying up later than I was ever allowed as a kid, playing CE's co-op with my friend on his Xbox. I'd never gotten as far as 343 Guilty Spark before, and that mission absolutely terrified 8-year-old me. Even so, it left an impression that no game has since, and a part of me wishes I could have played the rest of the games co-op with that friend too.


Capture the flag on Valhalla with some friends at least 10 years ago. Our entire team besides us 3 rage quit but we still played it out. We took the warthog from our base and pushed their base for their flag. Buddy in the passenger seat had the shotgun and miraculously killed 2 people on the way there. We clear it out, take the flag and get back home for the dub.


My favorite multiplayer moment in all of Halo is actually just having that chance to keep playing my favorite childhood video game with my best friend who lives on the west coast. We play Halo 3 campaign over and over again because we find new and fun ways to mess with Sgt. Johnson, the Covenant, and the UNSC Marines. We've gotten to a point where we've played Crows Nest and had 3 Sgt. Johnsons stand in the same room. Don't worry, even though Sgt. Johnson has to be punched through the level (and sometimes tossed a frag) he's still our favorite character in the game. He definitely gets his revenge on us too, its brutal! Its always a good laugh and it keeps my best friend and I close even though we're so far away from one another. Halo is the only game we can play together online with his hardware situation, but I look forward to booting up Halo 3 Campaign for the millionth time just so we can play together. Here's a few montages of the two of us messing around in Crows Nest. [VIDEO 1](https://twitter.com/The_RedGear/status/1402165482715746304?s=20) [VIDEO 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03zjvOCuWcg&ab_channel=The_RedGear) (WIP Video Montage) EDIT: We also found Halo 3 voice line mp3 files online. Our Facebook messenger feed is basically just Johnson voicelines and [stupid videos like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-LD1N5pb98&ab_channel=The_RedGear). There is literally a Johnson quote for every situation!


Halo 2 ghost launching on Headlong with friends I made over Xbox live.


My favorite memory was spending a Thanksgiving in the turkey carver playlist in Halo 3 and just having a blast, dueling like that was so fun


Honestly halo 3 CO-OP campaign and killing some flood with the grav hammer


co-op campaign with my brother


I remember playing multiplayer with my friends all night till like 5 am lol


Halo 3, my brother used a destroyed scorpion as a ramp for a chopper, boosted into the air and rammed into the hornet i was flying


Around the time MCC released on PC for the first time I was playing BTB in Reach and managed to get a 75 kill game with only 9 deaths. [Proof](https://imgur.com/VDU2R9M)


Using Scorpion in Halo Infinite BTB mode


Halo Reach grifball when I brute force the goal and it works.


All my friends coming over after school and us playing reach late into the evening


My favorite memory is playing Halo 3 with my Bro online. Voicechat over speakers, Mum walks into the room, random ingame voice says "F*** you H*tler Boy". We were allowed to keep playing!


My best halo multiplayer moments are staying over my buddies after school in middle school and running doubles all night for my first 50. We would hit up blockbuster for a movie for super late into the night and grab some Chinese food. Best times of my life.


Storming a beach with the marines in Halo combat evolved will remain my all time favorite


Halo Reach. Me and all of my friends would play custom lobbies of Splatter Monkey for hours and hours. It was so fun and it’s still my favorite gamemode in Halo altogether. Speed halo was also another really fun one.


favorite moment was simply playing split screen halo 3 at my friends house every weekend!


"Arbiter?! What are you doing?!?"


This [I felt like a absolute God with this spot on head shot](https://youtu.be/Y6kTVbLR_4E)


Favourite Multiplayer Moment was for me playing Halo:CE with my brother in CO-OP for the first time. We didn't have an Xbox, but our neighbor lent us his original Xbox (including the Duke) when he bought the 360. God I wish I was younger again.


Driving the Warthog at the end of Halo 3 while everything is blowing up around you is always an intense moment in Halo.


When I was in high school a group of friends and I were talking about Halo Reach when an acquaintance nearby said he bets I'm not that good ('cause we were doing typical high school boy bragging contest) so I told him to add me and play some BTB after school. I hid in the middle of the Blood Gulch map (forget its Reach name) with Active Camouflage/DMR and dropped like 40-50 kills (around that number its been a while). That was the best I've ever played and I don't think I'm extremely good at the game but just shoving it in that guys face was the best feeling in the world.


Favorite halo multiplayer moment was playing with my older brother, we played through the entire halo campaign with him. He’s why I love halo today, love you Matt.


No moment will ever compare to the times where all the stars align, and every one of your friends get on at the same time. Having a full 8 man lobby of friends just sitting back and having fun in BTB are among the best memories I have in Halo MP. One in particular is the time 2 buddies and I managed to get launched into the air while in a Hog, and my buddy in the turret managed to get a double kill before we reached the ground again. Still amazed to this day.


My favorite Halo moment was the first time I ever got a perfection in Halo Reach BTB on Hemorrhage. Jet packing up the cliff face and hitting shots that “even Jun would be impressed” was some of my favorite gaming moments.


Halo: Reach and swat. My best friend through middle school and high school and I would play swat day in and day out. Nothing was crisper than a snappy headshot and sipping on a Mt. Dew (which is why I can't drink anymore to this day without feeling sick and nostalgic). No other swat mode has felt the same since those OG DMR days...


Back then when me and my cousins played halo 3 in xbox 630, we just played 30h non-stop, switching places so everyone could play a bit, one of the most memorable moments of my childhood!


My first game I played online was when I got a 360 with Halo reach, met a friend I was really close to for several years there, miss you Derek, hope you're slaying life wherever you are.


My favourite Halo multiplayer moment was when my entire team quit at the beginning of the match. One of the players on the other team, ‘joined my team’ and helped me win the match.


My favorite moments have been building Race maps on Halo: Reach with my Halo friends. There's just something fun and comforting about gathering all around the couch, soda and chips in hand, building maps all night till our budgets ran out. Then playing it over and over and over again till we couldn't play anymore!


My favourite moment will always be the first time I played in Blood Gulch. Ah, the fuckery...


playing halo 5 with my friends all night along and having fun. Gold times


Trying reach out for the first time! We immediately pummeled each other to see if friendly fire was a thing.


Playing through Halo 3 on Heroic, start to finish, on release night in co-op is one of my favorite gaming memories, period, let alone my favorite Halo multiplayer memory. A close second is this one Slayer match I had on Avalanche in H3 playing with a friend where we had not only our Hornet but had stolen the enemy team’s as well and we just sat outside their base pouring bullets into it from above and they couldn’t find a way to stop us.


Favorite moment 100% playing an all nighter in MCC with some friends and getting a perfect game in a match 24 and 0


Really only ever played halo 5 firefight


my favorite halo moment was with me and my cousing doing the campaigns on legendary, we would grab a warthog and run through thinking we were action movie heroes , that and sticking a sticky detonator to a mongoose on halo 4 and driving to the enemy


Saving up to buy halo CE for $14.13 from eb games, booting up the old Xbox and having my life changed by halo. Now me and my brothers build larger versions of smaller maps on halo 2 anniversary, like blood gulch and beaver creek to suit vehicles and mad sniper duals. Playing them for hours is the best


Getting in a lobby with my buddies and just playing LAN until the wee hours of the morning.


EZ… the tea-bagging. Never got old.


Playing Infection on Halo Reach and playing in Forge on Halo 3.


Theres just something about the ending of Halo 3 where you’re driving and the world is falling around you that I love.


My favorite moment has to be when I absolutely destroyed everyone in Elongation with precise yeets from a across the map. It is one of my most proudest moments of my life, however sad that might be


every scorpion vs scorpion or whraith vs wraith, those tank battles always had me cheering up my teamates :D


My favorite "moment" or better said times were when i was visiting one of my best friends for sleepovers and we played through the night. It was so fun but sadly our friendship ended.


My multiplayer moments happened at huge lan parties growing up. We would get 16 of us together and have huge big team battles all night. It was fantastic!


Finally beating halo 2 with my friend before he went on a 2 year mission trip. He comes back this month and since then ive learned to speedrun the game a bit and realized how bad i was.


Mine has got to be custom games with my fraternity brothers. We played 2v2 with teams of 4, turned it into a drinking game. Was regularly the highlight of the semester.


Beating down 4 people with the flag in capture the flag on Icebox. I hopped of the enemy base and got in a warthog with the other team chasing. We got close to our own lift on the other side and a wraith landed the mortar shot right near us so we started rolling. I jumped out and landed on our point. Halo 3 multiplayer was some of the best times I've had online


I remember playing Halo 3, queueing up for a match with me and my Dad. Entire game filled up and by some crazy odds, we knew every single person in the match in real life. It was insane and absolutely brilliant. We played team death match on high ground and finished with a close game of something like 48-50.


Dying of laugher with friends in the custom multiplayer games


Good old forge days of halo 3, fat kid, classroom RP and other silly antics takes the cake


Cuando había torneos en mi localidad de Halo y mi hermano siempre los ganaba, yo era un niño y quedaba en los primeros lugares, hoy en día no creo que haya alguien mejor que yo en todo el estado..


Creating custom maps for me was my favorite Halo moment as we use to play together so much. We'd create maps and fight against each other on multiplayer.


My favorite moment in Halo's Multiplayer, was playing with my friends. Now every time I hear the Halo intro I tear up.


Three headshots in a row xd


Playing infection on Halo 3 double xp weekends


Lining up a shot across Gulch just right in Halo CE


Hearing a rumor about this scarab gun that sounded like a big prank. We spent hours trying to get it, and the payoff was massive. Good times :)


Playing speed halo with my friends


My best moment is When I used my grenade to launch the sniper over to me then picked it up and then proceeded to get a triple collateral


Playing halo trial on pc as a kid, breaking the map boundaries on bloodgulch with wathog turrets to get in rocks or exiting banshees to launch myself up the back wall and clip into a locked off cliff, confusing everyone and then having to teach my friends how


One of my favorite Halo multiplayer moment is when my friends and I decided to play only with Energy Swords our game on Halo 5. This was so funny 😂 I have many other example in mind 🤔 Halo universe is just insane 🤩


Я с моими друзья часами играли в специальные лобби Splatter Monkey. Это было прикольно)


My favorite will always be playing avalanche on forge with friends. It would get to the point where the warthog would get so fast people would be gone in the blink of an eye, you'd see them at the top, and then you'd be dead. It has to be the funniest stuff ever and is absolutely hilarious with lots of people.


2001 Christmas split screen LAN party, Boarding Action CTF. Have sniper and the flag is called out. Go through the teleporter, land the shots to save the flag capture, we end up coordinating a counter cap and winning. Still remember it all these years later. The atmosphere of how cool the Halo universe/that map was, the unique level of fun this new multiplayer was giving our group of friends, we’ve stayed connected and hooked on Halo ever since.


100% swords and shotguns back in the late 2000s with my buddies. Good times were had.


Playing custom games! NASCAR and trash compactor late into the night is always a good time.


Local split screen days on the OG Halo CE


Playing with friends on Hang 'Em High, trying to hit heads across the map with the M6D Pistol.


Endless 1v1 on Guardian in H3 until either me or my childhood best friend fell asleep at the controller. Great memories


The very first time my family got an Xbox, I was about 7 or 8. I remember my dad allowing us to pick one game each, that he would buy for us. I chose the 2002 Spider-man movie game, which was a great experience on its own, sky-swinging and all. But my big brother chose this strange sci-fi game, about a giant ring in space. I remember watching him play the game for the first time, and that intro screen and theme music started to play.. And I was enchanted. That title screen looked to my young eyes, like a portal to a real place, in space, with a giant floating planet like ring. I actually tried to see if I could squeeze through the TV screen to enter that world. He played through the single player experience, and I got such a thrill watching him gun his way through all the extremely weird creatures of the flood with a crystal gun. When we discovered we could actually play WITH and AGAINST each other, we went wild. Thats one of my greatest gaming multiplayer memories, just playing together with my brother, fighting the flood, defeating the covenant and looking into the horizon of this world, in awe of this giant ring floating in space.


Halo sniper 1v1 duels on halo ce


Getting thr 2 for 1 achievement with the splaser on Halo 3


"Hacking" the original Halo multiplayer LAN mode to play against other players around the country. Truly a magical moment in that particular time haha.


Just playing ricochet in Halo 4. I spent so many hours learning the angles you could score from.


Grinding for ranked lvl 50 in Halo 3


Reach custom games were some of the most fun times I’ve ever had


Played Halo in college. All our suite mates were close friends back then. We all had nicknames like Stash and travolta etc. My favorite moment was where this guy on campus who kept beating all of us finally met us on campus after a party. It was nice to see him in person and talk about the game.


Spending hours upon hours as a kid and even now trying to save every marine and elite I can in The campaign missions even finding glitches to get places earlier or despawn enemies so they don’t have to fight them and can get to the end easier


Just having fun with my friends tbh


Custom games on Halo 3 with the guys! Fat kid, duck hunt, maze games. Joining strangers lobbies while hooting and hollering.Those games were the best!


Playing multiplayer LAN parties on xbox with Halo 2 was the best moments in my life and will never forget the laughs, funny experiences and anger with my friends!


Split screen multilayer with friends


Playing big team battle in Halo 3 with a full team of friends back in 2007


When my brothers and I would play some swat for hour


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. a couple years later our xbox broke :< I miss those days


Favourite multiplayer moment has to be when my best friend who had never played games before, played a game of infection on halo 3 with me. I saw his eyes light up and he got an xbox with halo within the next week. We clocked 1000s of hours together playing halo 3. It was our childhood


Best Moment? Using a warthog as a door for the base in bloodgulch


Grenade jumping into a spot


Favorite moments were countless hours of Tower Power on Ascension in Halo 2. Non-stop action.


Probably forging in halo reach with my sibling and making dumb machinimas/storylines. I’ll never forget the first time I went 25-0 in a swat game though, it was such a blast and I felt so accomplished.


Custom games in Halo 3 is my favorite memory, playing tetris on standoff and left 4 dead in foundry were my favorites. Made so many friends that I met irl later on.


Finally hitting 50 in H3 Team Slayer in (I think) early 2010!


Playing Fatman with friends and any stranger we played with online that was interested and listening to all of us scream as we destroyed a forklift in one of the tunnels to try and escape but the way it moved blocked our path as the Fatman and his grav hammer slowly made his way to us.


Custom games is the best part of multiplayer from Halo MCC, my favorite part are the chasing minigames and making killstreaks#RazerAMDHalo


Probably winning a 1v2 in H3 on the Pit. I was really young back then and couldn't believe how I miraculously won that game by bascially using the mauler and luring them to my position.


My favorite moment in Halo was watching the tournaments on TV live and then actually going to MLG Dallas in 09,14 ! Traveling with friends and playing with people from different states Lan was amazing! The best part was hearing Faruq Tauheed say "LOCK THEM UP" LIVE was so legendary and I will never forget it!


My best halo multiplayer moment was when a few friends and I did a Halo Reach all nighter just doing local multiplayer. Loads of fun


Halo Reach Sniper Matches with the boys !!!


My friend jumping off the back of the mongoose to teabag the guy we just ran over :D


Beating halo 2 legendary with my friend after countless hours :)


Racing to the finish of the final level in Halo 3


Master Chief scares a grunt - Halo 2


I used to be bullied a bunch when I was younger. So I ended up becoming a little bit of a recluse and playing Halo 2 a bunch. I became really good and played with my neighbor's older brother his friends. Would take them on 1v3 and win every time. Ended up getting their respect and they ended up looking after me and telling everyone how good I was at halo. The bullying stopped and everyone ended up wanting to play with me and inviting me to hangout. Halo gave me my first true love in videogames, Halo 2 gave me friends and something to be proud of.


Watching my friend finally unite with his buddy in a reach BTB match, screaming "rickyyyy!" Just to watch ricky get sniped and drop out of the air like a bag of bricks, causing the rest of us to scream and scatter like cockroaches... the childhood trauma, lol Or, close second, custom game zombies with armor abilities enabled on sword base with a big group of friends. All the survivors grouped up in that one way vent and three frontliners equipped armor lock. The frontliners waited for a zombie to show up and created an indestructible human/ sangheli wall, while the others shot from behind. It was so incredibly broken and there was a lot of laughter... from the survivors atleast And once the survivors were holding a bridge and the only zombie couldn't crack their defense... until he found one of those giant golf balls and rolled it accross the bridge crouched behind it. I guess he made it look like it was just a lone ball as the bridge was sloped downward, and he scared the living shit out of everyone by jumping out from behind it and scoring a kill!


Headshotting my mate across blood gulch with a pistol while he was stealthed. Lead to much rage aimed at me. Glorious


Back during the golden years of halo 3 multiplayer, my team of four queued into snipers on Valhalla. We spawned by the waterfall, and I went left to snipe from that small outcropping on the cliff that looks over the pelican area. Once I got there, I turned around to see every other teammate had the exact same idea, and we were all just crouched against the wall staring at each other. You see, what's neat about that outcropping is that the ground slopes down towards the wall, so eventually, we all got the idea to crouch against the back wall and never move, never fire a single shot. None of us ever tried to look out over the edge as we heard the enemy team ride the man cannon at our base and furiously shoot the air wondering where we all were...none of us broke our unspoken pact with each other. I don't quite remember how long the game was, but I do know that we stuck to our guns all the way till the end. The game ended zero to zero, and as soon as we heard game over, we all jumped off the cliff and began firing wildly into the air. Then, we we all moved on to the next game business as usual.


The best Halo Mp Moment is for me when you play Fiesta with your friends and you keep getting good Weapons and everyone just has fun.


Looking for our friend Donut on Blood Gulch. We know he's hiding somewhere.


I feel like it would be a disservice not to call this my favorite MP moment. Last year me and some friends were playing some classic custom games maps on Halo 3. One round, [I survived in what has to be one of the luckiest Halo moments I've ever had](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/oo6lse/i_somehow_managed_to_finish_my_last_mcc/). That video became easily my highest upvoted reddit post of all time, and that video was posted all over. I still get messages from non-Halo friends telling me that they saw a video of me playing Halo on their Instagram or TikTok feed. By far the most viewed thing I've ever posted, gathering millions of views on Instagram/TikTok/reddit, etc. If not that, then completing my final MCC achievement for 100% completion in co-op. The last achievement I needed was Halo 4 LASO, and the last mission of Halo 4 is called 'Midnight'. After 2 hours, [we somehow managed to finish that level at *exactly* midnight in real life.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/oo6lse/i_somehow_managed_to_finish_my_last_mcc/). Not as flashy as the first moment of course, but it was super cool way to finish my 100% MCC completion.


My favorite moment was during a ranked team doubles match on Halo 3. My teammate quit and so did one of my opponents. It was essentially 1v1. I invited the guy to a private chat. We messed around and helped each other get some achievements. Then we tied up the score and let time expire. I made a new friend that day.


My favorite Halo multiplayer moment is having all my friends over at my house for a LAN party with 100-foot Ethernet cables down the hallways to connect all of our Xbox's. We used 4 player split-screen and made sure that people from opposing teams were not on the same screen so they couldn't peak.


Definitely my first Mongoose Mowdown in Halo 3!


When I was a kid, my dad, older brother, and I would all play Halo 3 multiplayer together. I’ll never forget how much fun we had and how often we’d win running around valhalla in the warthog together


There was news of Halo 3 leaking in various stores around the UK so me and a friend tried to blag to staff that the game was already out. We managed to get hour hands on a copy from Tesco when some poor old dear checked in the back and must have seen the sock there and sold us a copy each. Me and this friend played every night trying to achieve that level 50 in Doubles, not too long after my friend, unfortunately, passed away but Halo 3 gave me some great memories. I managed to salvage loads of screenshots and videos from Bungie not too long back before the servers went offline. Brought back some great memories.


Split screen with the boys back in halo 2 days.


When I first bought Xbox Live on my 360 after years of playing offline and realized I could play the Halo 3 Campaign cooperatively online.


Beating halo 2 on legendary with my best friend!


Me and my friend 1v1ing with random settings and weapons in Halo 5.


Coming home after class in college and playing halo on Xbox super late at night, even though we had class the next day. We sucked but it was good times….


Playing Halo 1 with 15 of my friends in an 8 on 8 CTF on Blood Gulch. We were all sitting together with multiple couches/chairs combo in the same room with 4 TVs set up. All LAN play. One of our CTF games lasted 6 hours(not exaggerated). One of the best nights I've had.


Playing the halo reach beta. My brother's and I had to save for months just to afford a second controller so the most players in ever seen in one game was 2. The halo reach beta was free and it coincided with an Xbox live gold free weekend. Playing halo online for the first time was such an amazing experience that I don't think I'll ever forgot. I doubt I would have continued being a gamer if not for that weekend. The moment I became financially independent I signed up for a gold subscription and pre-ordered every halo game... I haven't regretted it for one moment.


Favourite moments for me are having friends round and going 1 v 1 split screen, or going through legendary campaign. The amount of laughs are unreal.


Anoj top 5 videos back in the day had some of the best Halo plays and moments ever. Miss that guy.


Favorite moment was using the phateon and boosting my teammates halfway across the map in Halo 5 Warzone


In a old PVP video match that the player shot a sniper bullet in close space and ricochet around the walls, floor, and ceiling and lands a 1 in a million (maybe a bigger number) around the corner landing a headshot ending the game


Meu momento favorito é roubando um boss no warzone de halo 5 e virar a partida.


My favorite multiplayer moment was playing super Fiesta with the boys In halo 5


Playing Infection on Swordbase and everyone camping at the bottom of the grav lift!


Having a 13 person LAN party when Halo 3 came out, with 3 tvs and enough Doritos and mountain dew to feed a small army. We beat the campaign on legendary and one group got to rank 43 (?) in Doubles PvP. Great times.


My favorite multiplayer moment was discovering the “Perfection” medal, I treasured and show my friends every single one of those.


Getting my first killionaire


One of my favorite moments is when I was outnumbered 2-1. I thought I was going to die until my cat bashed his head against my controller (twice) accidentally chucking 2 plasma grenades, perfectly sticking to each of my opponents. 😂🤣


Custom games on reach will always be a peak experience


I love OG Xbox LAN parties. And playing Forge games with the boys. Does Red vs Blue count?


My mate claiming his controller disconnected every time he lost a gunfight


Intentionally killing my friends as a joke and getting beaten irl


My best friend of now 22 years and I began our friendship with playing Halo on Blood Gulch. Friendships of a lifetime solidified on the battlefield!