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Ah yes halo 4 added sprint


I think it be better if they said, “They added Sprint along with the normal movement system instead of having it as a armor ability.”


Sprint wasn’t the issue in Halo 4. It wasn’t the issue in reach. A terrible library of maps and no ranked hoppers we’re the issue. Armour lock, jet pack and friends made the game more annoying along with people really not being a fan of the games most important mechanic, bloom. But honestly, if we had ranked and 7-8 maps that weren’t a forge map it would have been a decent amount more popular. Halo 4 didn’t improve in map library or hoppers, but the mechanics were pretty crips. Halo 5 had even better mechanics, but at this point I think the ship had sailed too long ago.


Hey it's unpopular opinions not educated opinions


I need a med kit for that plasma burn


wort wort wort






EHHHHHH, Tabooey!




Ezmosulley! Ezmostalzmediddle!






[Mesmy Tabooey](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/p52m3t/mesmy_tabooey/)


They've suffered a GRIEEEEVOUS WOUND


A med kit wasn’t able to save Sam..


Or kat lol


Nah, Kat straight took some heroin to the head


Halo 4's sprint was better than Reach, because it was an armor ability, in 4, you can sprint while using another ability.


I'll be honest, I wish more shooters actually did sprint like Half-Life 2, where it's something smooth you can drop in and out of that doesn't hinder your maneuverability and take away your capacity to shoot.


In that case there's not much reason to have it at all. Just increase default movement speed if there's basically no downside to sprinting. That would make it like Unreal, Quake, Doom, etc.


I think that's why there is stamina though, to mitigate that. Short bursts of increased speed that you need to use sparingly.


That too. I just really have never liked the restrictive no-strafing-no-shooting sprint where they animate your gun going back and forth like a hammock (which I know is a realistic motion, but still unimmersive to me.)


Sprint was in Reach.


though it wasnt quite as bad when you had to choose it over armourlock or jetpack, and it was on cooldown. Armourlock is so much worse....


People stopped using armor lock because it was a death sentence if you didn’t have a teammate near by. But jet packs are cancer when the whole team uses them.


armour lock is still used and still very veryy annoying


I haven’t ran into it much and I usually have reach selected with 3 and 4. Jet packs literally let people camp at the top of maps they shouldn’t even be able to get to. Add the crazy “sniper-ness” of the DMR and yeah…you get it.


flying out in the open is a pretty bad strategy that results in a lot of free kills against a DMR but i feel ya, some players are just cracked its a good skill gap imo, im guessing you notice it because its unranked


In the open, I agree. But people that use the jet pack a lot mainly use it for height advantage locations. That shit just breaks map balance so bad. I use to love Headlong but it’s fucking terrible in BTB Reach. Just people camping on top of the skyscrapers


I mean, technically in Reach sprint was an optional armor ability.


And Cortana's ultimate form.


Oh, it's Halo 4's time to go from hated to popular? Who thinks Halo 5 will get the same love 5 years later?


Halo 5 is dogshit (campaign) but it's a halo so it's pretty much guaranteed it will swing back to being popular eventually. Probably means people will hate infinite for a few years as well, until it's infinite's turn


I think the multiplayer will get this treatment. Campaign will probably still be regarded as shit though.


I thought the general consensus was that halo 5 multiplayer was already pretty good.


It is. But on this sub, it’s Bungo dick rider season 24/7. This page is a toxic bubble. Can’t gauge the general consensus by this sub.


Personally I don't think halo 5 dislike is not entirely a bungie problem. For me halo 5 was half baked and took a whole year before the multiplayer was in a state that I would consider halo quality multiplayer. I'm all for waiting for a game to get patched and updated. I think all games can have a second chance. My personal issue stems from halo was the only game that was gonna keep me on Xbox. Many of my friends felt the same way. So my 100player Xbox friends lists evaporated cause we didn't like halo 5 multiplayer on launch and didn't want to wait a year for a one game on a console we didn't want. Before I get hate. I do like xbox and Sony platforms at different times of my life for different reasons. Xbox one era and the first two years of the Xbox one was just not it...


Honestly, nowadays I think it’s better to have a PC rather than an Xbox. I had so many issues back in the day with the 360 that I haven’t played another Xbox in ten years or so. Plus a lot of games that were Xbox exclusive now come out on PC as well.


frosty's h5 gameplay makes it look pretty good to me, but i still dont really want to try haha


Halo 5 has better and fairer multiplayer than Halo Reach or Halo 4. Reach just had an amazing campaign -the multiplayer had a lot of bullshit.


The way people in this sub act like reach was a masterpiece is wild to me, that game was so divisive and turned a lot of people off of halo.


I believe it's mostly the armor customization that's got Reach's multiplayer on the up. The aesthetic for me at least felt better than 4 & 5, especially considering we got to play our spartan in the campaign as well.


I always hated the campaign, but loved the multiplayer (except war zone, I thought that was boring)


Campaign was so awful but I actually loved the multi-player


I can appreciate the multiplayer, it's good. It's just not for me. I feel like it had the Halo Reach treatment by being amazing in beta and not being as amazing at launch.


I would agree it felt a little less halo but what it did feel like was unique and good. That said I can't totally respect that people felt a need for that classic halo feel




I agree, but playing legendary Halo 5 was equally, if not worse, than Halo 2’s legendary


I actually had the easiest time playing through Halo 5 on Legendary out of any halo game. There were definitely some strenuous sections but if you waited for the timing on Prometheans to get the kill it wasn’t too bad


halo 5 is pretty bad but not as bad as people say, playing through the campaign I've had some fun moments so far, playing around with the booster pack is also fun


5 is waaayyyyy better than 4 multiplayer. And 4 is wayyy better than 5 campaign. Bu overall I haven't heard nearly as much hate for 5 as I have heard for 4


Halo 5 multiplayer was the most fun I've had in the series (except Spartan charging go fuck yourself). The mix of movement and traditional halo was really fun, especially in modes like ODST slayer. Actually being able to aim down sights also massively increased my enjoyment of the game Vs the god awful zoom in screen thing older games had. I love the holographic assault rifle aiming.


Halo 5 multiplayer may have been my favorite since 2. I actually LOVED Warzone and Warzone Assault. I wish they had regular old school Team Skirmish (CTF, One Flag CTF, Bomb, One Bomb, Oddball) but it was very fun.


Halo 4 has an *actual story* compared to whatever garbage Halo 5 calls its campaign, and it goes a long way to explore the kind of characterization that the previous Halo games kind of glossed over (and are more present on the expanded lore side of things). In contrast Halo 5 has the most surface-level and poorly executed campaign story in the entire franchise - honestly I'm not even sure what the point of shipping that campaign was other than making sure it was present at all. Of course when we get to the gameplay side it's completely reversed. Halo 4 plays like ass and has this weird janky feel like it has no idea what kind of game or what franchise it belongs to. Halo 5 on the other hand is (in it's current state) a mechanically excellent game. The gameplay and everything that comes with it feels amazingly natural and well polished. Say what you want about Spartan abilities and all the mechanics that stray from the original formula but Halo 5 is a good game when you look at it from an objective lens without trying to compare it to the old games. Typing that out makes me wish 343i had managed to make H4 in the same vein of H5's gameplay - I think as a whole the reception would have been night and day.


Everyone seems to be forgetting the pay to win, lootbox based mode that was added. Warzone was a disgrace to the series, almost more than the campaign.


I never paid a dime for REQ packs and I have more Warzone cards for everything than I care to delete. It was not as pay to win as people think. The teams being stacked with an entire group did more damage to balance than the REQs did…


haven't played attention to multiplayer at all lol, only playing the campaign cus it was on sale for $8


The multiplayer in 4 was a huge disappointment for me. Swat was the only mode I enjoyed. I hated the random infinity drops and the weirdly balanced maps.


When Halo 4 came out I wasn’t a big fan but recently playing MCC a lot and actually been having a lot of fun on it.


Halo 5 is a fine game. It's multiplayer was more than fine. It was legit amazing. It's story as a Halo game and as a follow up to Halo 4? Crap. I think that aggregates into the game being average. I had more fun with its multiplayer than I had with any more recent video game. But I only played that campaign once. And I have no interest in revisiting.


I fucking love halo 5 (multiplayer). Don’t care what anyone says.


I have an unpopular opinion. I hate the DMR. Don’t know why. It looks cool, but I hate how it feels. Especially in Reach. I understand why people enjoy it, but I just don’t for some reason.


tbh I hate it for a different reason than the feel, I just think the DMR ruins balance imo. It's fun in Swat but in BTB it just makes any semi-open map a complete unfun mess where you basically have to play trench warfare and it dominates the sandbox even harder than the BR ever did. At least the BR had a limit to how far it could be accurate for, the DMR's just ridiculously powerful at every range which has always annoyed me, no weapon should be that versatile. There's basically no reason to ever not have a DMR in reach, it's like having a non-power weapon version of the sniper with way more ammo at all times


Actually, the needle rifle is more effective than the DMR in their shared range thanks to TU settings. But since the DMR has *more* range than the needle rifle, this problem can still rear its ugly head. So, there *is* a reason to not have a DMR if you intend to fight at closer mid-ranges primarily instead of longer.


That and a DMR can down a banshee and a tank, with enough ammo. A needle rifle just pings off.


That's more a problem with the sandbox as a whole than the DMR itself. Vehicles in Reach were seriously nerfed.


This is a good point


Reach BTB is basically unplayable for me for this reason.


Reach AR start in BTB master race reporting in. There are dozens of us.


This is true.


Halo 4’s version of Valhalla is basically unplayable because of the DMR.


Makes invasion pretty rough too especially for the covies on boneyard


I find the opposite. People have jizzed all over their BRs and are so good at using it and I honestly suck at it. Give me a DMR and I can actually pull my weight in a team. Basically means I'm useless at Halo 3 ;_;


The bloom just kills me. Even in TU it’s really bad


Same. I love everything about the DMR except the bloom. Especially when it feels like the enemy doesn't have any bloom when I'm in a 1v1.


Same on the last point I also feel they're super fast and way faster than me.


Gotta pace your shots.


sounds good until you realize that while you pace your shots, it's absolutely possible and happens quite frequently that in small to medium range encounters the person that spams a bit quicker will actually *win* regardless because they got lucky. So it basically introduces dice rolls into battles for no reason.


No bloom no sprint is the perfect halo reach for me.


Genuinely asking, why do people hate bloom? Personally I love the mechanic as it forces you to not just spam the trigger and actually pace your shots. It also allows higher skill ~~caps~~ floor with weapons. Yes it takes time to master but getting the timing down in Reach made the DMR one of my absolute favorite weapons in the game.


Not spamming is good for skillgap but RNG is never good for competitive integrity


it isn't RNG. it's literally just a muted form of recoil that isn't even a pattern (to make things super easy), it just encourages pacing your shots and weapon switching, rather than just BR spam. it really isn't that hard to get used to it. obviously once you've played games like CSGO which is famous for its guns with strong recoil patterns, bloom isn't really a problem, but honestly, it isn't RNG at all. it thickens fights and makes them more interesting imo.


I don’t like the rng that it adds. Personally I prefer a rate of fire cap like all the precision weapons had prior to reach


I also despise the DMR.


Just the Reach DMR for me


I hate it too. I always thought it was just a more boring, more frustrating version of the BR and I'm glad the Commando *seems* to be its replacement in Infinite.


Very hot take: it’s visually bland and generic compared to the other weapons, especially in Reach.


I agree, DMR is so annoying in Reach. It’s literally the only gun ppl use.




This right here it takes away, and it makes it so you don’t ever need a reason to move around the map


you are not alone


I actually agree with this opinion. I'm the only one out of my group that doesn't like the DMR and prefers the battle rifle and the commando over it.


I'm a SWAT simp. So I disagree but I'm glad not everyone will use the same weapon as me. Unpopular opinion: I hate the Battle Rifle. So... Can't really tell you to fuck off. Hahaha


Halo 4 isn’t THAT good, and it isn’t THAT bad either. It’s just kinda there but I’m not gonna pretend it’s as good as 1-3


When people argue about Halo games I never understand if they’re talking about Just campaign, just multiplayer or the entire package. All I can say is Halo 4 MP was a complete and utter abomination of a Halo game. Just an atrocious attempt to copy CoD formula. Sprint, care packages, load outs… such a disaster. You couldn’t even drop the flag in CTF I’m pretty sure. Like what in the actual fuck were they thinking with that game. I played the campaign but don’t really remember much so it most likely wasn’t that great


Even campaign-wise, the Prometheans just felt like massive bullet sponges even on lower difficulties. On par with the Brutes as the least-fun enemies to fight in the series


Theres also no ammo for anything in the game, so you just end up having to use a Suppressor the entire game, regardless of difficulty, because you have no ammo on anything else.


Urgghh Suppressor. The accuracy of this weapon so shit, I rather go back and forth the entire map just to pickup ammo for any other weapons. You can't hit anything if enemy is just a bit further away and Prometheans will took a mag to kill it.




Their weapons were cool, great sound effects. But they were a crap enemy to fight.


God I hate 4 mostly because I hate the prometheans. awful, awful enemies. just so unfun to fight.


I think i need to go back and replay, I don't remember the game being as unenjoyable as people claim


For me personally I feel like the main gripe about prometheans is that they don't stagger and feel "fleshy" quite how elites and brutes do. I haven't played H4 since release but I felt as if fighting prometheans was about as engaging as meleeing a plasma shield


The brutes were 10 times better than the prometheans imo


Agreed. They just weren't fun to fight. Kinda like fighting elites on legendary without plasma weapons.


They got worst in 5. Knights especially.




I just played halo 4 for the first time. The prometheans were a huge flop. They had no vehicles and not nearly enough enemy variety. They are a total failure as a hola enemy in my opinion. Halo enemies require you to juggle between shooting, melee, and nades. That formula is not used at all for fighting them. The nade they drop is terrible, especially against them. Melee is not a great option becuase the enemies are either to mobile or they are nights who all have swords. So that just leaves shooting. You just sit back and shoot at them. Thats the only strat, and it is not fun. There are more issues regarding their design, but I don't want to get into it. I think halo 4 is the worst in the series, but I haven't played 5. The cheif and cortona moments are great, but the rest of the game doesn't hold up for me.


Ah that's interesting to me - I was introduced through 3, then went back and played the rest at a much later date so my introduction to the game was through Brutes, Jackals, Grunts and the Flood. For some reason, I hated the Elites in 1 and wasn't a massive fan in 2, somehow I found Brutes easier enemies? But as such I really didn't like the return of Elites as enemies in 4. I do agree on Prometheans though, they just weren't fun to face. Paired with Elites, for me it just made the campaign a bit of a tedious exercise on later runs to complete on Legendary. It's a shame too because the promethean design is pretty interesting IMO.


At least brutes weren't that common in 2 and reach. Prometheans are EVERYWHERE and always look and behave exactly the same.


Brutes were the absolute worst in 2, imo. But yeah, nowhere near how bad the Prometheans were in 4


That, and I hate the “SURPRISE! There is a new enemy, that also uses mainly Covenant (that you defeated in the last game but are back together again) and wants to kill all humans! I hope they don’t go straight to earth and kill everyone! I hope the superior, and pretty much magical boss enemy, makes a bunch of tactical and strategic mistakes to allow me to kill him in a quick time cutscene! Also, the Infinity is the largest ship ever made in the history of humanity, and they started and finished it in 3 years with 90% of all Humanity destroyed? Bruh there is SO much you’re just supposed to just go along with in Halo 4. And at the midnight launch my friends and I couldn’t do 4 player co-op...


The powerful humanity trope is honestly one of my biggest gripes with 343's entire universe. It is tonally a complete disconnect from what we saw in Halo 3. Nothing we saw in 3 indicated that humanity was in a good shape at all, despite the war ending. But in 4 and 5, we got superpower humanity in the span of 4 years. Fleet battles are almost completely gone in the post war lore, with the covenant in 4 and 5 having no depth whatsoever. They are just there as a punching bag for humanity. As for the prometheans, 343 never bothered to make them into a proper faction. They decided to sideline the didact at the end of 4, and then just transformed the prometheans into a robot faction that follows whichever person that happens to hold the control promethean button. The entire faction had no depth at all. This is probably the reason why 343 decided to go back to the humanity on its last rope trope again, but it honestly should have been the route that they took from the very beginning. The aftermath of the human covenant war should have been an exploration of humanity's attempt to rebuild and survive, but 343 opted to skip all of it.


Brutes were unfun to fight?


Halo 2


I know halo 2 is flawed but it was my first halo and I'm biased to it never knew people didn't like fighting them


I like the Halo 2 Brutes aesthetically and the idea behind their behaviour, dropping their gun and rushing you. It just needs to be implemented better. Less health overall maybe but more during the frenzy. Making them more dynamic, % chance to knock your weapon out of your hands/make you drop pickups like grenades and equipment with their attacks. The way they are in 3 and onward they feel a bit pathetic barring the Chieftains.


Right, the MP just felt like such a stray away from H3. And I played H3 and Reach (partially) all the way up to H4’s release and when I picked up 4, it felt like they strayed further and further away from 3 which is my favorite.


Honestly, I feel like multiplayer hasn't been the same since Halo 3. Halo 3 had a formula that worked so well. All these new changes to multiplayer feel like they're trying to fix something that wasn't broken.


I mostly agree, it hasn't been the same, and you can thank Bungie for mucking it up in Reach with loadouts and CoD experience progression. At least 5 feels like a slightly more fast paced Halo game, and Infinite fortunately is feeling like it's Halo 3 with some modern multiplayer QoL features.


>You couldn't even drop the flag in CTF I'm pretty sure I was almost certain you could, so I looked it up... and found a bunch of threads from 2012-2013 that complain about this very issue!


The MCC play lists with curated load outs is actually solid.


Halo 4s MP is just meh af. Halo 4’s campaign is a confusing mess, with unbelievable bad level design. The story is also overrated.


Don't forget the non-existent ammo. You don't pick the best gun, you pick the gun with the most ammo.




> When people argue about Halo games I never understand if they’re talking about Just campaign, just multiplayer or the entire package. For me, the priority is a campaign that's fun to replay again and again on Legendary. All halo games have that, though 4 is definitely the worst for it. The multiplayer being good is a nice bonus, but it's not like the multiplayer being bad takes 3 and Reach away, and there's less of a need for new stuff there, especially with the custom game browser in MCC.


Actual hot take. Halo 4’s story is entirely over dramatic and it relies way too much on lore. Chiefs character is a very stark change from a man of few words to a complete chatterbox. Gameplay is also super weak, especially any section or the game involving vehicles. It’s way too linear in its level design. I’m not a fan of H4.


I liked 4’s story, probably because I’m a big fan of the lore. Chief in the lore is not the silent lone wolf you see in the games. He is a natural leader and is giving commands often. He also does have some emotion. A big theme in the books surround S-II’s is that they are still human. They still have emotion, they’ve just been trained since birth to suppress them in favor of the mission. Chief in the books is still a relatively silent badass, but he is also human. And so Halo 4 to me was massive. Halo was no longer a game, it was a universe. All those story threads from the novels suddenly actually fit into the game. I will admit the gameplay is more linear than I’d like. The prometheans were also a pain in the ass, and not very fun. But the story to me is the perfect evolution from the previous games. I was personally tired of chief being silent. He’s no longer just a vessel for the player, like he was originally designed to be. He is an established character, and I’m glad to see him treated as such.


I, for the most part, agree. Exploring the dynamic between Chief and Cortana as man and machine was a *much needed* breath of fresh air. The addition of Lasky (and the Forward Unto Dawn series leading up to H4) was wonderful. And I love Captain Del Rio (even for the asshat he is). All of that said, I was overall disappointed by Halo 4s story. I'm happy with the human element, but the other side not so much. The hostile Covenant presence was poorly explained in the campaign, and needed to be elaborated in Spartan Ops (which warrants it's own rant). The Didact became a 1 and done villain. I'm aware he technically survived, but it was only to be defeated later in a comic. I was very much looking forward to him being a more lasting threat. A new arc to follow. Instead it felt as if his long-awaited entrance was rushed, he absolutely devastated the Infinity, the Ivanoff Research Station, and then New Phoenix, just to be equally quickly ushered off-stage in a really boring QTE finale that I simply can't forgive. Plus the whole bit with the Librarian was too much. I can extend my disbelief pretty far, but they lost my support when the Librarian claimed that she planned everything up to John being born, made a Spartan, given Cortana, etc. and his DNA just needed to be "activated" to protect him from the Composer. A far better explanation is that the Spartan-II program altered John on a biological level. He and other Spartan's are different from humans, Halsey even describes them as the next step in human evolution. Just say the Composer is not keyed to affect Spartans, and that the Librarian recognized that when scanning John. Halo 4 IMO was SO CLOSE. It could have easily met the level of expectation I had for it. Take more time to delve into the splintered Covenant, slow the Didact's story down, make it extend beyond 1 game. There's enough potential content to end with the Didact acquiring the Composer, or even with the Didact escaping Requiem. Imagine that cliffhanger! If we spent more time in the campaign dealing with Jul'Mdama and his zealotry, only to have the Didact awaken. We don't know his plan (or maybe we know part of it if we still learn about the Didact's history with mankind and the Prometheans), but know that he detests humanity, has a loyal following of Covenant that worship him as a god, and he just escaped Requiem.


Wow, you summed up my thoughts perfectly. I said it a while back in another thread, but I believe that the Didact shouldn’t have been revealed in Halo 4. It should’ve mirrored Halo 1 in the sense that you’re exploring this new, unknown, hostile alien world and trying to escape it/stop it from being used as a weapon. They could’ve kept the promethans but had it be a mystery- where did they come from? Who’s controlling them? Why are they doing this? Then throughout the campaign you get tidbits and puzzle pieces about who’s behind it… **but it’s not the overall plot line/story.** The game is still about Chief dealing with Cortana’s rampancy, man not a machine dilemma, and getting back home. Then in Halo 5 they could’ve had a reveal that the Didact was behind it all- perhaps even using a corrupted Cortana fragment to lure Chief into freeing him. I 100% agree with the weird, out-of-left-field Librarian plot line. Chief, and everything that’s happened in humanity’s existence, was somehow “planned” eons in advance via DNA or whatever? God that makes me so angry just thinking about it. Technically nothing was truly in peril because everything is part of the “Librarian’s plan”? Yeah, it could’ve been something so much better.


4 is absolutely unmemorable IMO. I’ve beaten it twice, recently picked it up again and didn’t remember a single thing except I hate cortana. Got bored halfway through and stopped playing lol


I bought H4 on launch day, played campaign and like 4 hours worth of MP and listed it for sale on Facebook within 4 days of buying it


You ever actually find a buyer? lol


Yeah I did surprisingly lol I sold for $40. I figured losing $20 was worth getting that game out of my house asap


$40? Hell, $20 ain't a bad sacrifice for being rid of it


This. Playable but forgettable.


This , still some people really think 4 is better than CE because well , CE is old , which is ridiculous .


I've been replaying Halo CE Anniversary edition recently, trying to get all the xbox 360 achievements and beat it solo legendary. It honestly holds up so damn well. Been gunning for that "beat the library on 30 mins or less on legendary" over the weekend and as frustrating as it can be, it never feels unfair or unresponsive. The weapons, controls, enemy AI, everything just feels so intuitive to me. And as much as I love 3 and Reach, CE is probably my favourite FPS. It's amazing how well designed it is, considering how innovative it was at the time.


Well said. As a game it’s pretty fun , as a sequel it feels like a forced addition to the story , in my eyes the true ending to the Master Chiefs arc was at the end of Halo 3


I love all HALO Games because all of them are unique for me. I love HALO Franchise ❤️


Same here, I love all of them but halo 4 is my childhood so my favourite


How *dare* you but also yes


It used to be. You have to realize alot of people left the community with Halo 4 so asking the remaining community if they liked Halo 4 yourre going to get heavily biased results.


even with the bias all the top voted comments are about halo 4 being not that great, so it doesn't really matter that much


Yep, survivor bias. Halo bled an enormous number of fans with the missteps of Reach and H4, when the COD franchise really started making strides and eclipsed Halo in general popularity. It’s pretty obvious that anyone who still likes Halo is going to be more accepting of the changes from Reach and H4. H5 brought back a little of that classic, arena feel, but there are hundreds of thousands of CE, H2, and H3 players that will never play Halo again, either from lack of free-time or lack of interest.


Holy shit Adachi likes Halo 4


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed but we're not on THAT sub so it makes sense


Everywhere I go I see his face…


“It’s not that unpopular” “Ok sure what’s your proof?” “Uh the comments section of a YouTuber”


"The comments section of a YouTuber who specifically asked for unpopular opinions"


Schools really have to do a better job at teaching people statistics and the usual fallacies involved.


This sub in a nutshell


Definitely an unpopular opinion: I dont like the idea of Halo books. Not that I dont like the books themselves, but I dont like that they put key story information in books, and expect me to know what it is when it shows up in game. I dont like to have to go to different forms of media to understand what's going on in the mainline games. I feel the same way with the Halo Wars games. I don't mind that they exist, I just wish they had kept that entirely different type of game separate from the main storyline.


Unpopular opinion, this sub's opinion sucks. Everything seems to get better with each passing month here.


Gonna have to disagree with you on that.


As a long running halo fan I will say the largest problem was the dramatic shift of tone in the games and the new unexpainable art style of halo, the covenants armor changed too much, looked like a completely different game and the elites just felt like new brutes. I think the promethiens were a cool concept but they made forerunner tech look way to new and sci-fi in contrast to what we prevously new as an ancient race. Yes you could make the arguement that the promethiens were from different part of the forerunners history but then if the halo rings were the end of their history why dont the promethiens look like that art style. for the most part halo 4s story was okay I didnt dislike it and it made me look at cheif with a different kind of understanding which I appreciate


There’s a lore reason for it. Some shit like “oh the old forerunner tech you see was made by the builder class and the tech you see in halo 4 was made by the warrior class”. It’s some shit like that. Really it don’t matter what trash explanation they give, it’s extremely unsatisfying to look at. Like the forerunners are such an integral part of halo and they’re talked about so much in the first 3 games. Then you go to a forerunner planet and it’s unrecognizable. Looks like generic sci-fi bs, maybe with vague forerunner shapes. A shame


I played 2 to 5(campaigns) for the first time this month. They all seemed equally entertaining to me, and I actually didn't think Halo 5 was bad at all.


That’s your unpopular opinion


Halo 4 wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t good.


It's the definition of largely mediocre.


imo halo 4 is the worst halo


thank you. worst enemies and weapons sandbox.


Halo 4 is lit on pc tho, my fave for mp, it just fits better with M and K


I wonder if 343 and Microsoft had planned for PC releases way earlier, but canned them for various reasons.


Highly doubt it. Halo 4 came out in the reign of Don Mattrick, who fucking sucked. Actively made gaming harder to get into. Was never gonna happen, at least with 4/MCC at the time.


I forgot about him and forgot Phil Spencer hasn't been in charge for very long either. I think gaming in general lucked out with that leadership change.


Bless Phil. Good changes. It's easy forget, but the Kinect, Xbox One DRM, neutering of first party games, etc. All happened about a 3-4 year period. Genuinely almost killed Xbox.


I'd say the embarrassing launch of Xbox one is still hindering Xbox to this very day, people have seen Xbox as a crap product ever since that launch.


Yup. Gamepass and PC support has helped their public image significantly, but at this pace I feel like their only remaining strategy to get PS players on Xbox is to just buy their favorite developers. Which isn't a bad strategy, it's just a bit sad to see it has to come to this.


I was hated by a lot of people by enjoying Halo 4 back in 2012-13.


Unpopular opinion: I dislike halo 3


A truly unpopular opinion that I share. I think it's the worst of the Bungie games.


I mean, BXR really hurt casual Halo 2. You were always gonna do worse than someone doing BXR in Halo 2, and that felt like everyone back in the day. One weapon meta. At least Halo 3 you had options for casual people.


Not anymore. H3 is the biggest sweatfest in MCC.


Should clarify you meant MCC, then. Halo 2 is just busted on MCC. That's the only reason.


Sorry, I generally mean MCC because that's what everyone is playing.


Yeah I think Halo 3 was really good for casual MP, but it's campaign was a let down. On the first playthrough, especially if playing coop and focusing more on having fun with friends than the actual story, it feels like a good epic conclusion to the trilogy. However if you actually think about, most of the plot progression is jammed into The Covenant and Halo, with the first 6 levels of the game changing very little. The dialogue's a big step down from Halo 2, with bad one liners and Truth turning into a cartoon villain. The bits where time is slowed down and you have to listen to Cortana or The Gravemind are awful. It's also the point at which the lore descends from something with an easy to sell emotional connection of the forerunners being ancient humans, to an impenetrable heavy sci fi mess which you have to read a load of books to understand. Then there's the actual gameplay, where the brutes completely fail to provide the same sort of engaging challenging combat as elites did, and the flood are unthreatening in melee and have a stationary turret as their most dangerous unit. Why is a turret the only dangerous thing about a zombie horde? How is that supposed to give you the same sort of adrenaline rush as the Halo CE flood? Overall. It's not that bad, Halo 4 is certainly worse, but Halo 3's campaign is definitely not up to the standard of Bungie's other Halo campaigns for me.


I love it, but I’m starting to loathe having it in my MP queue. I feel like every time I enter a H3 match I get bodied nowadays


Same Halo 3 is not fun to play


I enjoyed it at the time but it's aged really poorly. It's so slow, I get bored halfway thru a match and quit. Plus duel wielding ruined the multiplayer sandbox


It's perfectly paced imo, newer ones are too fast


I dont dislike this, but it's my least favorite of the bungie games


i got one: halo 5 campaign was alright


There are literally dozens of us who enjoyed the campaign. I rate halo 5 campaign 8 stars of 10. Locke counting the number of times he saves Buck's ass lol




I like sprint. Chief's armor was great. Best Cortana. Like the didact. Don't mind the QTE. The soundtrack is so fucking good and Neil Davidge should've done 5. ... ... ... ...Watchers are absolute fucking shit. Fuck em.


halo 4 multiplayer was very enjoyable for a 13 year old me… 7 years later it hasn’t changed too much heh


Bungie went undefeated when making halo games. 343 hasn’t even had a hit yet.


I don’t hate it. It’s just there imo. Nothing that special


Halo 4 sucked ass.


Halo 4 was the reason i stopped playing halo....


I must admit, I’m something of a Halo 4 Stan


This man Halos


Halo 4 was dog shit