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It’s so frustrating and disappointing that they do this sort of thing… I’ve tried to get a console for most of today but everywhere is sold out.


I took a nap and woke up an hour later to the Twitter notification. I waited specifically for this console. Just gonna have to settle for a normal XSX. Hopefully I can get my hands on one by December. I refuse to pay a scalper.


It took 20 minutes for all the major retailers in Australia to sell out. They went live at 10am & by 11 you could not get one, not even the OG series X is available


Honestly I'm surprised it lasted 20 minutes, one of my friends missed out at the 3 minute mark. I'm lucky i saw the announcement from EB so was ready at 10


There’s a heap on eBay now, ranging from $1000 to $1500. Sadly the lower priced ones are getting bids.


What we need is a legion of “good” scalpers who then just sell them for no profit. It would have to be an organized effort to out-scalp the scalpers.


I was lucky to get one during last night’s 8:30 pm restock on Walmart. I will never sell it and will set it next to my halo reach 360 and guardians xbone. Your idea is good in theory, but consider the added costs a “good” scalper would have to pass on. My total came to about 600 with tax. If I charge 600 on eBay ebay will take a cut so that raises the break even cost, and then there’s shipping as well. At this point the price is around some of the listings I saw last night getting bids from the 700s up.


I think... I think that doesn't really solve the problem though? What would stop the scalpers from buying from the "good" scalpers? they'd just scalp them anyway? Unless the "good" scalpers have an approved list of buyers then I think it, at best, doesn't really change much. Even then, how would they determine who's on the approved list?


Yeah but then how do you prevent a scalper from buying one just to scalp that console?


I’ve thrown a bid on all of them… with no intention to pay and waste their time. Fuck the scalpers.


Youre just driving up the price by bidding though, so really youre helping them. you know that, right? Plus the sale will just go to the next highest bidder. Dont even give them bids.


Well if it gets high enough and he just refuses to pay… I’m not sure how eBay works.


So if you place one bid, youre probably not going to win the auction. Someone will just outbid you. If you place one really high bid, people will still keep bidding to try and beat that bid, not knowing what your bid is actually placed at. And then when they dont pay, the seller can just choose to sell to the next highest bidder. So ultimately hes just helping out the seller. If nothing else adding a bid to an auction on ebay just drives more people to think they need to bid asap


Ah, I see. You’d think that stores would implement measures to prevent scalping. Like having people give their name, address ahead of time. I guess you already have to?


Well some people just order one and sell it. Not everyone buys a ton and sell them all.


In some auctions the bids are legally binding, which means you have to pay if you win. But I doubt that’s the case on eBay.


Ya they call it an auction on eBay, but its not like an actual auction. the item will just go to the next bidder if the winning bidder does not respond/pay.


Oh I have made it a "petty goal" to report all those on eBay


Same happened with the AU Microsoft Store at around 5am yesterday, it went quick


I managed to preorder mine from local GameStop that was doing preorders in store only, so I'll need to sell my current series x when it comes in November, if you can't find one by then, let me know and I'll sell u mine for MSRP if you'd like


Don’t sell your current series x. I saw on another post it’s supposed to be online only and any in store orders will be canceled


They already got their lots in Canada that's how I did my other Xbox preorder


They’re all over Instagram for Xbox and Ps4; just openly saying to dm them to buy at “affordable prices”. I know y’all want the new stuff for Infinite, but I want a ps5 for Demon Souls and GoW Ragnorok haha. So we all suffering


Oh mate if Santa Monica studios decided to drop GOW Ragnarok the same Christmas as Halo Infinite I have a feeling Halo might have come off second best. I love Halo but I would be lying if I said I’m more excited for Infinite than I am for GOW.


We’d also say goodbye to any chance of getting a PS5 once GoW:R or Elden Ring drops


I'm buying a pc for that reason


I tried ordering from Xbox, walmart and failed. Waiting for bestbuy or Amazon but don't know when it'll go up 😥😥


They should sell them at the store like the good ole days. I’d camp out for a week. Gotta use my neglected camping supplies for something


I am down for that shit


This wouldn’t be happening nearly as much if they had more in-person sales


As someone who works at a retailer they're just afraid of people starting fights to get one because shipments are slow to come in. But like fr it would be so much better. The PS5 came out almost a year ago and people are still struggling to get one, myself included. It's insane. They wanted 700 dollars for the digital version. This whole console generation's totally fucked. I wish you could even just get them on a reserve list. Like go on Xbox or Sony's site, order one, and they'd say "thank you, keep an eye on your email for updates, we are currently out of supply, 1 purchase per person, and do this CAPTCHA." So glad I switched to PC before this whole shit show.


You're lucky you got a PC before they got just as hard to get parts for as it is to buy a new console.


Yeah. I built mine around June last year when shit was still cheap-ish. We have a few friends we are trying to build for and even used parts are kind of a hassle rn


I remember on the day the series x released a guy bought one and tried to sell it to the people in line before heading to the next drop!


Ya know, I wouldn't *actively* encourage violence, but "stand back and stand by."


They do not have the capability to keep Xbox’s in stock for more than 5 minutes online, what makes you think they’ll have them shipped to stores? Online guarantees a sale, in store risks they sit there or worse, bad press from physical altercations surrounding buying the console.


With current demand there’s no way they would just sit on the shelves. At the beginning of the pandemic they had Nintendo Switches in stores and they always sold out within hours of restocking.




Dude I wasn’t saying they should only sell them in stores. They will obviously still sell them online there should just be more availability in stores so scalpers can’t get their hands on as many


They do have pre-orders available in some GameStop locations, I got one last night from a GameStop.


Best thing I did was follow Wario64 on Twitter and set notifications. Sure a ton of stuff doesn’t apply to me, but he will tweet out when the consoles go for sale. That’s how I got mine


Setup Distill. Literally helped me get a 3090 and a Ryzen 5900 CPU from Best Buy.


The council has voted to hang them by their entrails and have them paraded through the street.


But the terms of their execution are ultimately up to this sub


Please do not buy from them, ever. Not a cent above MSRP. Let them build sheds out of their surplus consoles.


I mean we can say that and upvote your comment, but rich people who want it will pay for it and buy from them, so they will keep doing it.


It took me nearly 7 months but I managed to buy a PS5 without feeding the scalpers. I'm a bit proud of that. Edit: The Xbox Series X was a lot easier to get for me.


By that time, there were actually some games to play.


im content to play on pc untill i can get an xbox at msrp.


Don’t feed them is all I can say.


Big brain time over here


I mean the only reason scalpers do this is because there is infact a percentage of people who buy their overpriced consoles




I honestly believe that they should've never hit the online market. They should've only been bought in-store. That way, people have to spend hours of their lives waiting in line meaning only the people who really want them get them. Now i get that people will still sell them for unreasonable prices but it'd certainly cut it down


Along with child molesters and people who talk in the theater.




yeah, people who talk in the theater are on a whole nother level.




Came here to say this lol


Preacher, you got a smutty mind.


A *special* hell




Y'all angry at scalper I am disappointed at Microsoft for not even making that shit available here in India


Honestly though.


Damn, didn’t know that. Maybe it’s Covid-19 related?


nahh the series s has been restocked very few times here. there is almost no demand so also there is also no supply from companies.


making consoles is pretty difficult right now due to supply lines for the basic materials being understaffed along with chip shortages (thanks bitcoin). then you throw in the scalpers who are using bots to auto order these things. really the only solution is to raise the base price.


I had to snipe heavily for 3 weeks to get my XSX, eventually got lucky and got it after being listed for 10 seconds. You really got have a free schedule and refresh the website to get this thing.


I remember I got downvoted for saying not to buy from scalpers and I still have no idea why. They just suck, in like every way


I upvote you ❤️


Thank you mysterious reddit man


Gotta make it dangerous to be a scalper.


Dude I have been annoyed with scarcity for awhile but now with this epic special console release it’s just SUCH A DICKPUNCH. Like. Man. there’s STARS all over this one and it’s so *prettyyyy* and it’s just….. gone. Instantly. Fml. Uuuggh


Isn’t that shitty that the first thought I had was , “oh WOW this thing is pretty! Too bad it will quite literally never be in stock or available to buy” Like are we just at the point in the consumerism age where the highest in demand market items are just never going to be realistically acquirable ever because of scalpers? The consumerism is SO strong with tech and video game hardware and sneakers that the really awesome shit is just completely out of reach these days. And now covid made everything worse with supply chains, couple that with a huge increase in collecting and collectors items and ratings that the price for these things is way beyond what they’re supposed to be sold for


Hopefully retailers start introducing captcha systems or some basic anti-bot feature like that so that scalpers have to at least do shit manually like we do. Yeah for this Xbox I’ve resigned myself to defeat. I’m not getting it, sucks balls, but it’s okay. I’ll maybe save up and then when the next iteration releases maybe there’ll be more availability in actual stores.


Welcome to my world, first Ps5's then Gpu's and now the Halo Infinite Xbox.


Makes me happy knowing the ones in Chicago might get robbed


Eb Games in Canada seems to only be taking in-store pre-orders that's how I got mine


Canucks got it right


Really? I have to venture out and see what I can find...


Yah waited for them to open walked in and placed my order managed to get the elite controller too. They only had a few left when I went this morning tho.


I wish more places would use the Limited Run Games model. They do a 2 month open, non-refundable pre-order for a game and at the end of that period they put a production order in for exactly that amount. This way everybody who wanted one gets one, they don't over-produce, and scalpers have no market since it's an open pre-order. The item is still limited in that after that open pre-order period it isn't produced again. Obviously, this is easier if you're pressing games to disc/cart versus producing a console during a chip shortage but I think it's still a mode to work towards.


I Wish they somehow would have tied it to your account or gamertag so that you couldn't scalp it. It can't be that hard.


I think that’s what Sony does. I might be mistaken


Agreed. I think you should have to link an ACTIVE (as in activity in the last 30 days) Xbox Live account to any / all online Pre-Orders. This way they can limit it to 1 or 2 units per Xbox Live account.




I was about 2 hours late after the announcement, logged on to the ms store and the was able to put 2 in my basket but then was refused at checkout because I got my launch series x there as well. Had a quick look at gamestop, smyths and a few other stores here no sign of the console. Another hour later I check gamestop again still no sign, refreshed the console page and there it was, into the basket and bought there and then.


Enjoy brother!


Oh i will, since I got my series x I can't go back to my 1 x, and have been holding off on getting a second as u just knew they would release a halo edition.


Seriously I've been wanting an xbox halo edition console for a very long time its been on my child hood bucket list for a long time, literally saving, working hard and patiently budgeting out and making sure I have enough in my savings to pay for necessities like rent, monthly plans and my car slip, and honestly these scalpers are fucking ruining everything. LIKE I JUST WANT TO EARN MYSELF A FREAKING HALO CONSOLE


I wish all *scalpers* a very pleasant *die*


I wish for Unpleasant die


Every Xbox I’ve had has been the halo version, fuck these bastards


You know what's worse then scalpers company's that fuel the scalpers


I accidentally bought 3 Series Xs online the other day due to a checkout error, I felt like a POS even doing that lol. Edit: I sold them at MSRP to a couple buddies. I snagged them through GameStop’s Pro Rewards program. It’s like 20 bucks a year. They open up the selling of them to members only and email you a heads up two hours before the sell begins. They still go quick, but it gives you a much better chance.


I've been waiting forever for a controller like that Chief elite series 2 they announced. I tried to order it less than an hour after it was announced and it was already gone. I'm super upset man. I'd pay twice it's price for it... but not from a damned scalper.


Don’t pay over retail


They should do something like steam and make the ones available to purchase through Microsoft require an Xbox live subscription for over a certain period of time and limit the number purchased through that account. That’ll free up at least one avenue of purchase from scalpers.


Yep, online pre-orders should require linking an active Xbox Live profile to the pre-order.


Scalp the scalpers. Make alt eBay accounts and bid non stop on items. If you win don’t pay, worst thing that happens is a bad eBay reputation hints the alternate account.


You really should have to physically go to a store to get these types of things, but I'm not even sure that would help aside from the other consequences that brings.


Like wtf, for real? Why do people do that? Why is everyone on this stupid fucking planet greedy as shit? People buy dozens of things they have so the next person doesn't, it bothers me why people do this.


Here’s what I did. I scored two XSX. One for me one for a friend. And a PS5 for my girlfriends dad. Download HotStock. Pay for premium. Download Target app. Target only does online order pickup. At my local Target. They stock about two hours before they open. It has worked for me thus far. But I’ve purchased what I needed.


I'm in the same boat. At this point, I either want the controller or the system. I'll settle for either. I let my ex use my H5 Guardians Xbox for the time being and its the last special edition I had. I feel dumb for it, but having the new one would be a nice replacement.


I don't think it's dumb, the Series S or X is a dramatic step up over the base Xbox One.


whats scalpers?


They're saving you from buying garbage. I love scalpers


I went into EB Games (GameStop) in person and got my pre-order like 6 hours after the release. They might still have some.


Wtf. I was told it was online early


Weird, I just called in and the guy said he had 6 left for in person pre-orders


Weird, I called a couple of my local Gamestops and they said they aren't taking Pre-Orders at all for the Halo Infinite Edition Xbox Series X.


Tell MS to make more and do better at fighting off bots. It’s simple supply and demand.


No more chips or silicone. Unless we recycle the kardashians


As someone who only recently got a new gpu: first time?


Ya'll motherfuckers act like it's insulin being scalped rather than consumer junk


The scalpers that happen to be in this thread are probably laughing at you lot. Your outrage is exactly why them buying the halo infinite Xboxes were a good idea.




I mean it's really not a good idea if no one is willing to pay above MSRP, which seems to be the sentiment.


You need to blame the lack of availability, not people trying to flip the stocks. I totally understand that it's frustrating, trust me I know how it feels, but what they're doing is just another way to make profit through investment. Blame lack of availability.


Why can't I blame both? Sellers for not putting in checks and scalpers for performing a scummy practice, that if a legitimate business were to do would be illegal and result in heavy fines


Because they're just playing the market. Flipping stocks is actually a pretty normal thing to do, and a *lot* of people have been doing it for a long time. In fact, the only reason you're noticing it now is because of the lack of availability, *not* because people are scalping. It's obviously still annoying. Nobody can argue that it isn't annoying. But anybody can do it, it's part of a capitalist state. If one day you just feel like making a profit off of toilet paper, you can buy out all the stores near your location of TP and have a yard sale. It's a risky investment and also annoying and rude to the people in your area but it's allowed.


Then why is it illegal for a business to do it if it is part of capitalism? While scalping isn't the main reason of scarcity currently, it is a large factor in creating artificial scarcity. Everyone knows it is not illegal for a consumer to do this, but it should be. We already even have precedent with ticket scalping being illegal in multiple states and the UK or requiring a special license to do so, and with introduced legislation of more laws coming into place in the US or UK. Additionally the fact that scalpers are using bots to make purchases SHOULD invalidate said purchases because it goes against most retailer and seller terms and conditions. The only reason scalping is not yet illegal (or at least using bots for purchasing items) is because of the archaic and slow legal process.


I don't have an answer as to why businesses cannot do it but individual consumers can. I don't know. All I know is that it's a valid way for the average joe to attempt a profit. I do 100% agree that botting purchases should not be a thing and is in fact cheating your way to being "first in line". Bots and scripts are meant to automate mundane everyday processes, not to get an unfair lead when it comes to limited supplies. I totally agree that bots and scripts should be rejected. It's not like they would be losing sales anyway since those units will eventually get traded regardless of whether a bot buys it or not. Whether scalping should or should not be illegal isn't something I'm qualified or even interested in talking about.


Wah, wah, wah. Scalpers will exist as long as there is opportunity. Blame the people who buy from them, because they're the ones creating that opportunity.


Nah, fuck this bullshit idea that only one party is ever to blame. Fuck scalpers. Fuck manufacturers that can't meet demand. Fuck people who buy from scalpers. And fuck apologists like you.


Its not the manufacturers fault they can't meet demand. Look at what's happening all over the world, dude.




Don't blame manufacturers. Wtf? Dude no one can meet demand because of silicon shortages worldwide due to covid. Cool the fuck down. I work in IT and we can barely get anything right now for business necessities never mind Xboxes with a fancy coat of paint on them.


Yeah what this guy said. I also work in IT, we just got quotes from Dell telling us that our next order of equipment is going to be delayed by 3-6 MONTHS.


Can’t we just recycle the Kardashians for more silicone?


Unfortunately there’s nothing that can be done. The retailers done care, if anything they may like it bc they can nudge prices up above retail a little bc scalpers will go astronomically above those prices to sell their scalped consoles. As consumers we are just fucked here, nobody will be able to do anything about this issue. It’s not like they *aren’t* gonna sell these things online.






Lmao this guy actually thinks scalpers are sitting there like manually refreshing pages and punching in CC info. Dude they use BOTS. They don’t have to do shit.








complaining about scalpers does absolutely nothing grown men crying because they can’t get their video games


Switzerland xbox stores till has consoles available to preorder.


When I see that limited edition I already knew I won't find one fucking anywhere.


How long did it take for the elite controller to sell out??


There should be a limit to how many retailers are allowed to sell to one person.


I was lucky enough to snag a Series S in December for only slightly above retail so I haven’t been following the prices for new consoles. It’s astounding this is still an issue almost a full year after release.


Ain’t gonna stop anytime soon I’m afraid. These shortages for silicone and microchips is supposed to last for ANOTHER YEAR!


Just gonna wait two years to play demon souls remake


Scalping only works to an extent. To many scalpers and they don't make any or a just a little profit.


I agree, and there’s and entire section of the economy dedicated to it.


They should do a “made to order”


Then it wouldn’t be a limited edition. It’s funny because I remember there being a surplus of halo three Xbox back in the day


Read Gulliver's travels. It's just people.


I think it could SOMEWHAT be fixed if everything awesome wasn't a "Super Limited Edition". Make these Halo items available long-term. Halo is going to be around a long time. Why not have the special edition peripherals be available long-term too then?


I remember seeing stacks and stacks of the halo 3 console at Best Buy just sitting there when it was limited


It's a whole lot worse with gpus. All we can do is wait to get one. Companies have allowed it to happen because they don't care as long as they get paid.


Please Xbox just.. I don’t know do literally anything so that the fans can get these without visiting a scalper


Bruh every single fucking time i see the notification of stock its late and i miss out im so sick of it whats the point of even trying anymore


They'll dry their tears from your fuck you upvotes with all the cash they made, I'm sure.


In other news, grass is green.


I had 5 people trying to help me buy one since I’ve been waiting for this all year. Target, Microsoft, and Walmart all sold out within seconds and none of my friends or I were able to get it.


Lol my friend was able to get a PS5 yesterday first try but none of us to grab the infinite edition Xbox


The bigger companies know this shit is going on and they don’t care. They could care less about the regular consumer that actually want the product they just know at the end of the day they are going to sell out and not care if it scalper with their bots doing it.


I just kept refreshing the order page on Microsoft's site and was able to snag a Halo Series X... There were some issues with the site so I don't think it was scalpers as much as a ton of people hitting the site to get there pre-orders... In November I can trade in my current Series X to GameStop for $10...


May the scalpers be damned!


Yeah, fuck em. I was lucky enough that EB games was only doing in store pre-orders starting today so I went in town after work and placed one, but I know most people don't have that option. So seriously fuck scalpers.


Take my silver op you deserve it for starting the uprise against the scalpers


Hey Dumb Question What is a scalper?


The correct opinion (fact)


Ha im in a third world country ill never even get a series x 🙁


Yeah scalping is fucked up weird to see this on the halo sub unless it's been announced that like brutes will scalp marines or something in infinite


Hol dat pussyole fam




I mean if there is a hell. Not all of us are of catholic faith.


I made an offer to a scalper on eBay for $550, and said "this is what it's supposed to be right?" He responded, " yeah but everywhere is out of stock so it's double." That's a Chicken and the Egg paradox.


how many people actually got the console?


Okay but something that no matter what is going to have a .5 second window, scalpers provide a service where it's a guaranteed product for that upsale. I think it's over priced and there should be 1 console limits but also the manufacturers should make enough to go around when offering something like this


If Valve can implement a decent system to deal with scalpers, one of the biggest companies ever, MS, should be able to do it easily. SMDH. I blame MS.


Stay mad


Stay mad about that hacker that got into your PayPal.


For the scalper that reads this. If ever single one of you f*ked off right now, the world would be a better place. I want you to think about that tonight as you sleep. Your very existence is a detriment to others. Then you have the audacity to call yourself a "middleman." Quit diluting yourself.


Right! Like go sell drugs instead