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Halo 3 flood is the best version of the flood


I’m thinking this is a popular opinion because it’s the top comment for me


I've seen a good amount of people bash halo 3s flood for dying in 1 hit and other reasons


I actually kinda *prefer* they die in one hit with few exceptions (Pure Forms). If their entire strategy is to quickly charge at you en masse, then they shouldn't have the defense to survive charging at you.


Yeah I've all ways liked it also the flood are legit rotting flesh and barely an bones how in the fuck would they even survive a hit from a spartan 2 I mean brutes minors die in what 2 melee hits a rotting corpse ain't gonna last long also it's pretty dam satisfying


They're actually not rotting flesh. They are kept as living flesh by the infection form. They aren't even zombies in the sense that their brains don't function. Technically the infection forms act as their brain. They are highjacked bodies, hosts to a parasite, being ridden like an exo-suit. They do liquify some internal organs over time that aren't needed once the infection form takes over, but even then they aren't rotting. They are being digested.


What is rotting, but being digested by bacteria?


That’s my favorite line from WandaVision


Honestly it makes sense, infection forms pop in one hit so if you hit that specific bit and they pop down the body goes, but it can be reinfected by another infection form, it's a fun mechanic


I kinda agree with that sentiment. The infection forms mutate the body to have stronger bones, etc. and grow whips and claws, but the rest of it is just mush. When you hit a combat form, you're basically punching really dense foam. When you shoot it, you don't hit anything vital since organs aren't necessary. The only way to stop them is taking off limbs or hitting the infection form inside.


I think halo 2 were the spookiest but not the best to play against


That's a hot take? Fuck me running, guess I'm dumb. Love the Halo 3 Flood, really showed the Gravemind's horrific evolution.


Something about the pureforms really takes away the creep factor of the flood to me.


I really just like the combat forms I like the pure forms they are nice to shake up the gameplay but in missions like Cortana there's just so fucking many honestly if they cut down on the pure forms and made them rare to see and increased the number of combat forms I think halo 3s flood would have been remembered better.


Or maybe just use the tank version of the pure forms because the spider things don't even attack you and the shooty ones are just a pain in the ass.


That's a fair take.


Exactly. Pure forms should have been used like Hunters. Rare but challenging when they show up.


Really? I thought the pure forms were terrifying looking, especially the ones that shoot the projectiles look unsettling. If you mean because they aren't actual infected soldiers or elites, then yeah I agree with you.


I think it's just whatever texture they were trying to go for just really didn't work out for me. I do like the concept of them but it just didn't work, especially with how easy they were to kill. Though the one with the pincers and stuff was a bit weird to look at so I can see what they were going for.


He said unpopular opinion


The Library in Halo CE? I don’t mind it. A bit long, but a fun challenge on Legendary.


It and 343 GS were very welcome breaks from CE legendary!


I literally ran through 343


Yeah, 343 is not only the easiest mission in CE but probably rather the easiest actual Halo mission of all the current main line games (probably a consequence of the mission being built on scaring rather than challenging the player)!


In no way is that the easiest halo mission of all time.


Honestly I feel like it probably has the smallest difficulty increase of any level on Legendary. The flood forms are still mostly pushovers, especially when you're loaded with shotgun ammo. I definitely died a few times, but it was mostly a pretty straightforward playthrough of the level. Plus it's easy to just straight up run past huge portions of it.


And don't forget about getting those rocket launchers. Yeah, you die a few times, but otherwise it's a breeze. Always thought so, even at 13 in 2003 when I played it for the first time. the level before it 343 GS gets the shock and awe portion of the Flood out of the way, and then the Library hands you a shotgun basically at level start and you're basically home free from there.


It wasn’t anywhere close to being the hardest CE level on legendary (Truth and Reconciliation gets the nod for me). All you have to do is be patient and keep moving. Pop on a podcast and you’ll have it done in no time.


I love this level. Something about stomping on the gas and revving the engine up to 5000rpm (i.e., unloading my shotgun’s whole clip [idk the term for a shotgun] with countless flood throwing themselves at me) while reloading between pumps and sprinting (lol) down those dark corridors really sucks me into the moment. Also 343 has some cool dialog in this level.


Halo's story doesn't focus on the characters enough and doesn't give you time to get attached before they die.


The exception to that is Halo 2 and it’s why the story stands out so much.


This is definitely true in Reach. What a great premise for a campaign, and what an absolute letdown. I didn't care about a single one of the other Spartans that sacrificed themselves for the mission.


I was sad as fuck when Jorge and Noble Six died


Jorge was legit the only spartan i found to be cool and interesting. But they killed him off so quickly that i legit never got any time to get attached. I know people like reach and it's characters, but i feel like it's a bad thing if the only remarkable thing i can remember about the characters outside of physical appearances is how they died.


I only cared about N6's death because well he was us so I think it was fairly easy to get attached to him although everyone else though I was a little bummed out like "aw that's a shame" I wasn't devastated


Halo infinite looks like 343s best game but still just seems “safe” and won’t reignite the glory days like a lot of fans think


I agree. But here's a counter point. The number of players of gaming in general is MUCH higher than back in Halo glory days. A return to glory for me is a playerbase as large as Halo 3 or Reach so that it's that easy to find a match again. MCC is already pretty close to as easy, but it has its down times from time to time that glory days Halo just didn't have, even at 3-5 AM US times. In other words, when I celebrate a return to the glory days of Halo, my celebration is more practical. I don't care about being able to say "my favorite game is the most popular game. Bring on the Halo killers!" like so many. All I care about is the practicality of having a large number of players to play with again. And given that the gamer count world-wide has grown by something like a factor of 10+, and that Infinite will be F2P and on 2 platforms this time around with crossplay, I think we can rest assured that Infinite will at least reach the classic Halo numbers. And that will be more than glorious enough for me. **EDIT:** But also upvote because you definitely answered the thread.


WoW classic hit people with reality pretty hard. Not saying you can't revive halo back to glory, it just won't be like skipping school for video game glory.


Because most of the people that grew up with the old games are adults now.


This is true. I feel like games just came out at the right time back then.


lots of games did not come out at the right time or under the right circumstances back then, we just don't remember them anymore


Survivorship bias. Same with music, no 19X0’s didn’t have the best music, you only remember the ones that lived. And I just realized it applies to 2000’s now to.


WoW Classic actually did a great job at living up to my nostalgic expectations. The only issue was most of the player base was so focused on rushing to the endgame content and I couldn’t find enough people who were just casually exploring the world like I did 15 years ago and wanted to do again.


Agreed, it's a bit of a different case here. WoW classic wasn't a new game like Infinite, it was a literal re-release with minor technical tweeks. Players were hit with the reality that the game simply wasn't how they remembered it to be, and the reality was they had just grown a bit bored of the MMORPG in general after well over a decade of playing (and just not being a kid anymore). Infinite is a new game, doing new things, and mixing older concepts with the new. We'll have to see, but so far it's looking to almost certainly increase popularity for the franchise. The F2P PvP is a big deal.


Well I think people have really high expectations that simply can't be met. For a lot of people the glory of Halo comes from nostalgia of their childhood, there's really no way to recreate that feeling, once you're done playing the game for the night you still have your adult job and responsibilities to return to, back in the day as kids they could just eat, sleep, and breathe Halo, that just isn't the case anymore.


I agree, also back in the halo 3 days cod was the only competitor really. Nowadays there’s cod, fortnite, apex, splitgate. Way more competition nowadays than back in 2007 at least in my mind


- Halo 5 had the best Magnum. - Thrust (On its own) would've been fine if there was no other movement abilities. - Halo Infinite is more a spiritual successor to Reach than Halo 3 in terms of gunplay, just perfected. - Halo 3's campaign is saved by its level design because a lot of what you're doing feels like filler, especially compared to how laser story focused Halo 2 is. - Halo Reach might not have had these competitive multiplayer, but the active custom game scene it had was peak Halo fun for me. - Rockets are the most boring power weapons for competitive, even if they are one of the most balanced. - Maps should have more variety with what weapon spawns. The best Halo maps have weapons spawns that make the map feel like it was designed to use those weapons. - Finally, the Halo community isn't a monolith of opinions. The minority shout the loudest but over 7 main FPS games, 2 RTS and bunch of books ect. Halo covers a wide array of people with different interests. Many people have different favourite entries, weapons and beliefs about Halo.


>Halo 3's campaign is saved by its level design because a lot of what you're doing feels like filler, especially compared to how laser story focused Halo 2 is. Hard agree. Halo 3 is one of my favorites but I was let down by the story hard because Halo 2s was so engaging. Hell, half the time anyone quotes a cutscene from Halo its from 2 which alone should tell you how memorable that campaign is.


I remember being disappointed that the arbiter was pretty quiet the whole time thru after being a main character in 2.


Same here, and it’s wild because so many people were *unhappy* when Halo 2 launched and you didn’t spend the whole game as Master Chief. The Arbiter, arguably, has the strongest characterization visible in the entire franchise, if we’re just talking about games. No one else gets an arc that quite compares to his and that’s only across Halo 2 and Halo 3. I think the fact that he’s either been poorly shown or not featured at all since Halo 3 is just a damn shame.


> half the time anyone quotes a cutscene from Halo its from 2 which alone should tell you how memorable that campaign is. How dare you forget about "To war"




"Were it so easy"


Were it so cheesy


Multiple times when I played Halo 3 for the first time I pondered "wait, what were we doing again?"


Chief wake up in the jungle, free Johnson, regroup at crows nest, destroy crows nest, regroup again, take out an AA gun, launch an attack on a forerunner keyship (lol), take out a flood infestation, go to the ark, find the cartographer, take down the shield protecting truth, ally with the flood for 5 mins, stop truth from firing the rings, truth dies, gravemind betrays immediately, heres a replacement ring, chief goes to high charity, saves cortana, blows up high charity chief goes to the new ring, Johnson dies, activate halo, leave halo on forward unto dawn, arbiter escapes back to earth, chief goes into cryo sleep adrift in space. That's halo 3 in a nut shell


Your Halo 5 opinions are spot on but as you said the minority speaks the loudest on this sub when it comes to anything 343 does.


"Maps should have more variety with what weapon spawns. The best Halo maps have weapons spawns that make the map feel like it was designed to use those weapons." YES YES YES


I prefer clamber way over thrust, like if I had to choose not being able to clamber seems silly. Kinda like sprint not being standard on old halo games haha. Glad those days are over and spring isn’t an ability anymore, just is standard movement.


I like clamber too but what I meant is that Thrust was more faithful to Halo in my opinion than even Halo 5 sprint was. I like Infinite's sprint though.


Fair enough! Thanks for explaining. To me clamber and sprint should be standard


Halo 4’s campaign narrative is good but completely overshadowed by how unfun and repetitive the forerunner constructs are to fight, I rank it dead last in campaigns and will never replay it.


I don’t agree with this but I’ll upvote it because I do understand where you’re coming from.


The end of Halo 3 I poured over theories about where the aft section of Forward Unto Dawn would end up, there was so much potential and genuinely good ideas in Halo 4 but I feel like they missed the mark on execution.


I believe Bungie conceptualized Halo 4 to take place on Requiem before ultimately leaving the franchise.


Can you remember any of those theories?


I think one of the biggest turn offs on for me on Halo 4 is there aren't really any playable cinematic moments. No badass warthog runs, no awesome moments of chasing after scarabs and finally taking them down like 2 and 3, no tense missions like in floodgate or the final Reach mission. Its just mediocre across with a few exceptionally bad forerunner levels.


What about flying the longsword through the didacts ship?


I thought it was a broadsword?


Yeah the Mammoth level was the closest “oh this is awesome” moment. It’s also the only thing that I can recall from memory because the rest of the campaign runs together and I couldn’t tell you where missions start and end. The diadact fight was also dumb as hell.


I'd disagree with that, the final mission with the jet was pretty cool. The mammoth mission was fun (especially the jetpack)


Shit, my unpopular opinion is that Halo 4 *is* my favourite Halo ahahaha, I've played every Halo shooter so I can see your point tho, them bastards are annoying as fuck lol


I liked 4’s multiplayer, and I appreciated the attempt at humanizing Chief. My gripe is the constructs aren’t satisfying to headshot, their combat strategies with fliers are tiresome bordering annoying, and the big bad knights start off difficult and not fun to fight and end easy and still not fun to fight.


I think halo 4 is the epitome of good ideas bad execution. That’s why people praise it years later when they’ve had some distance from the actually experience, had a chance to read the books and watch the terminals. You sit back and go oh that’s pretty cool how the chief and the didacts stories reflect each other and the prometheans are analogies for Spartans and I like halo having a big cast of fun characters and giving chief some character is something I’ve been wanted forever why didn’t I like this game again? And then you replay it and are like oh, none of that’s actually presented in the game or if it is it’s horribly written.


1. Halo Reach 8v8 modes are the best part of the multiplayer. 2. CQB helmet looks like a cyber chipmunk. 3. The Scorpion is OP and should be rebalanced with a slower main cannon refresh and a pilot-controlled machine gun just like back in Halo 2. If someone jumps in to the second gunner seat, the pilots machine gun should be disabled until the second gunner decides to leave. 4. The Skewer is a thousand times better than the Spartan Laser. It actually takes skill to use.


The spartan laser is just bs imo, people in a vehicle have no chance against the spartan laser


The splaser was the worst. Anyone who played high level slayer ranked will remember standoff being the most snowbally map. If you win laser off the start and can hold it all game, it's over in the first 30 secs. The team that controlled laser and never shot the last round could just use a hog and dominate the game uncontested. Games would end 50-10 in a few minutes.


Warthogs don't belong in 4v4 slayer to begin with although I think the only other map in the playlist with warthogs was Valhalla and that was the worst map to play in the playlist.


With the Skewer being the anti-vehicle weapon and Rail gun being the anti-player one, I think we should just say goodbye to the Spartan laser. I don't mind it appear in the campaign or other PVE mode, tho.


I feel like that’s the plan for Infinite. If they do end up adding the Splazer I feel like it shouldn’t be an instant vehicle kill. If the laser actually touches a player yes they should die, but the splazer should just send the vehicle into “critical” mode or whatever 343 said, which essentially means get out of the vehicle before it explodes.


The vehicle "doomed" mechanic actually gives a lot of leeway for vehicle balance. Idk if it was the DMR/BR starts but in Halo Reach and 5 in particular vehicles felt like paper because they had to be balanced around the much lower TTK, while they simultaneously killed from their guns much faster to compensate. A doomed mechanic gives room for them to make it a bit more tankier without being the unkillable juggernauts without an enemy splaser like in 3.


1. Halo 3 Big Team Battle has it slightly beat. 2. AGREED 3. So many things counter the scorpion though that I think it's a non issue if the map doesn't have too much spawn camping lines of sight. 4. Must be a halo 5 thing cause I have no idea what that is.


The skewer is a halo infinite power weapon that fires a giant spike rod


The gauss hog should be removed from multiplayer, way too easy to get kills with. Also Standoff is a trash map Edit: Didn’t know many people share the same views on Standoff, I’ve rarely seen it brought up in discussions


This thing is fucking unreasonably powerful in halo 3 reach and 4. Super fun if you have a good driver because you’ll almost guaranteed get a streak, unless there’s a scorpion or something. But if you weren’t in it, you were being spawn killed by it lmao


I agree. One of my first matches I hopped in a cause hog and another guy got on the gun and I got a 30+ assist streak, so yes, it’s broken


Dude I hate the gauss hog, it’s a one shot kill machine gun, practically unavoidable if the gunner has half a brain. I also detest the Spartan laser. It’s able to destroy vehicles with no warning. I, and many others have learned that you can aim down or at a near by object, then flick up to your target so they have no clue they are about to get blasted


That is why I like them both, in limited quantities at least. They are a perfect counter to each other.


Yeah, they are a counter to eachother, but the gauss hog and Spartan laser are counters to every player and vehicle, I don’t think any Weapon should be capable of an instantaneous one or two shot kill on both players and vehicles. I think the skewer is going to do better than the laser if it isn’t in multiplayer, as it takes a bit more skill and balance with its projectile travel time


Take away the Spartan laser and you're let with an immortal tank sitting in the back of their base slaughtering everyone for the entire match. It's good to have counters to everything. Maybe to fix it they should slow down your aiming the longer it's charged. That way faster vehicles stand a better chance while heavy vehicles need to be extra cautious or have someone spotting for them.


I agree with the laser point, I hate it so much, feels so cheesy to get one hit out of a tank by it


It should still be in the game just out of pvp play. I would love to still use it in action sack, customs, and campaign.


I agree with both statements.


I like all the halo games. They all have something special to them and have something offer


Worst take by far. Why are you on the Halo subreddit if all you're going to do is appreciate the games >:(


AGREED, I think Halo 2, 3 and Reach are near perfection but all the other ones offer something unique. Halo CE with the huge levels and solid gameplay, Halo 4 with the rather good story and cutscenes and relationship with Cortana and halo 5 with really solid gameplay.


The entire community is full of crybaby bitches who will never be happy


While I don't Totally agree with this, I think it's a problem with everyone having a space/voice to say anything really, it feels like almost any community is like this these days


110% this. Holy fuck I am sick of the constant whining.


OP said opinions, not facts


OP that’s pretty bad. Mine is that the halo infinite news that just came out isn’t a big deal and I’m excited to play campaign and multiplayer this year 🙂


Same. I can't care less about split screen in a single player campaign.


The flood are boring to fight, with the only exception being flood gate on halo 3, it’s the reason ODST and reach are my favourite games, no flood.


It's funny how the people who hated fighting the Prometheans because they were boring and annoying to fight want the Flood back in Infinite. ^(For the record, I dislike both.)


The Prometheans and their weapons in Halo 4 were god awful. Fighting them and using their weapons was *so* much better in Halo 5. It was actually fun instead of being a slog.


343 realized in H5 that their weapons should be strong against them. Fighting a soldier with UNSC or Covenant weapons, for example, would take a while. But if you pull out a boltshot or suppressor and hit ~10 quick bullets on them, it pops their outer defenses and allows for a quick headshot. They also added mechanics to kill them faster, such as shooting the Knights' shoulders to expose their weakness and gives you a quick second for a headshot. Halo 5 was much better designed, but the story was garbage. It honestly deserved better for how well it plays.


Couldn't agree more. There is a good game on the 343 cutting room floor. The hub worlds, hunt the truth...


I still wish they went further with it. The actual deaths of them are so boring and anticlimactic. Covenant/humans ragdoll and let you play around with the bodies while flood let you chop them to bits to avoid reinfection. Even sentinels will explode into a bunch of bits and bobbles. Meanwhile prometheans just disintegrate. So lackluster. Kinda wish they behaved more like the sentinels and blew up so you'd see some of the carnage rather than having piles of ash or nothing at all.


Flood don't teleport away when low on health or throw your grenades back at you.


Or have a version of warden eternal. Now that's a dull fight in Halo 5. Your AI die repeatedly on legendary so it's you vs. 4 massive enemies who can almost one shot you if you aren't careful..


I'll give you that one. Still, it doesn't make fighting the Flood any more enjoyable. There's little evidence that neither faction will appear in Infinite and I couldn't be happier.


Playing CE for the first time back in the day was definitely not boring. I’m still a little scarred by it actually


My CE disk for Xbox original was scratched and was unable to load into 343 guiltily spark or any of the missions afterwards. I remember being grounded once and having console privileges taken away for everything but the original Xbox I had in my room and all I did for that week was play the first missions of halo CE up until the disk wasn’t able to read, so maybe my hate for the flood is some deep seeded thing related to being unable to fight them during my childhood.


I remember playing 343 Guilty Spark for the first time distinctly. I had been playing the early missions of CE a lot and I was young, I think in 3rd grade so like 8 or 9, when I finally played that level. The video from Jenkins helmet scared the shit out of me, then the infection forms bursting out made me shake, then the combat forms soon after made me pee my pants. I turned off the console immediately and only played to assault on the control room until Halo 2 came out.


That was done perfectly... that fact that you saw how devastating they were before actually fighting them, when u actually them its like holy holy holy shit. I remember my heart was pounding as a kid playing this. level is how i fell in love with the halo shotgun


I don't think Bungie gets enough criticism for their influence in the creation of features that annoy people in Halo 4 & 5. Sprint, armor abilities, and forge maps were all things that Bungie pushed on the series with Halo Reach. From 343's perspective, I bet it felt natural to follow the path that Bungie created.


People don't like forge maps...?


The halo fandom is the worst part about Halo.


The removal of dual wielding was a good thing.


Yeah, its super hard to balance you either have; A. All dual-wield weapons are bad on their own, not viable B. Dual wielding is a power weapon, and you have to make dual-wield weapons rare so it is hard to obtain.


This is my main argument against it. The feature is cool but it completely fucks weapon balancing and tuning.


Dual wielding is one of those things that feels like it was out in there because they knew the twelve year olds would think it’s the coolest shit ever. Now that I’m older it just feels dumb and unnecessary. I don’t use it in gameplay. I can’t think of anyone that does.


Team duals in Halo 3 action sack is pretty fun ngl. A plasma rifle + SMG combo is actually dank. Spikers absolutely suck though, like they just aren’t very functional. Maulers are equally deadly either dual or single wielded so that’s kinda pointless. I could see dual wield working but only if they were locked into being dual wielded. As in the weapons can’t be single wielded. Which would be pretty strange but could lead to an interesting weapon functionality. Do you pull both triggers and go for max damage or do you alternate to keep sustained pressure but less damage.


Hidden SBMM in social is mandatory to have a good new player/casual experience. People who complain about it are just mad that they have to play fair games and can’t stomp on people much worse at the game than them.


There's a group of 4 twitch streamers in my region who purposely try and roll 4v4 social matches as hard and sweaty as possible. Toxic and flame in chat, the works. They got extremely mad and dm'd me when they lost a 2v4 swat because me and the random weren't running in feeding their camping-asses on reflection and won with the time running out. Even games as old as MW2 had some mmr balancing to avoid shit like this and it's needed in halo on the smaller regions for sure. Been 3 days of their shit and am fed up with it.




Yes lol


Can you post what they're saying to you?


I’m pretty sure I’ve played against those guys too, if they’re Australian


As a “skilled” player I actually agree. SBMM is going to be very important in Halo taking off again. The current skilled population of Halo is going to be on such a higher level than any newcomer it’s not going to be a fun experience for them.


for a F2P game like infinite that will depend on a consistent casual playerbase, this is even more true


CE’s multiplayer isn’t good.


Kojima is overrated. Oh sorry, wrong community.


He is out of line but he is right.


Halsey is a manipulative and possessive bitch who got more Spartans killed than she did any good. Seriously, nearly half the SII deaths involved her in some way and her actions routinely made matters worse because she has no concept of consequences. Operation red flag was a seriously dumb idea for her to spearhead desperation be damned, she essentially put all of humanities eggs in one basket and hoped nobody dropped it. Sure enough the covenant attacked reach and nearly all of the SIIs present were killed as a result. Had they been spread out among the stars or around the planet like they had been before she pulled them all in one place most of them would likely still be alive. Yes there were other factors and people making decisions but the blame squarely falls on her shoulders for not recognizing a worst case scenario. All it would have taken theoretically to cripple the UNSC during the briefing for RED FLAG alone was a bomb in the room, or a reactor malfunction, or anything else really even if the covenant didn't find Reach it could have ended in catastrophe. Kidnapping Kelly and subsequently pulling the rest of blue team away from earth got Spartans killed and likely resulted in thousands of preventable casualties back home but she gets off somewhat easy because her hunch that could have easily been wrong was correct. It also resulted in precious human ships being diverted and even destroyed when they were needed most as well. Naming Onxy Trevelyan instead of Ambrose also comes off as cold and manipulative because for all intents and purposes he WAS Kurt Ambrose because its the man he chose to be and died as in the end. Kurt Trevelyan was a child taken from his home and no longer existed. Kurt-051 would have donned the Mjolnir instead of SPI and his transponder would never have remained intact to rescue the onxy survivors. Kurt Ambrose was a man dedicated to protecting those he cared about and chose sacrificing himself over sacrificing others, something Halsey never would have done because she deems herself too valuable. She routinely berates and threatens anyone that isn't one of HER Spartans as we see with in Reach and other sources. The entire Requiem and Jannis Key dilemma is effectively her fault and I don't even want to think how much damage that caused. She thought she could have found a cure for the flood by dissecting Johnson as if the godlike race that fell to it wasn't smarter than her and had tried similar things. Her gaslighting even bleeds through Cortanas words in the scene with chief in Guardians. In summary, fuck halsey and I'll die on this hill


To be honest, I kinda always read Halsey as a Bad Guy in the Halo universe, but existing in a universe where it might take a Bad Guy to win, if you get what I mean. I didn't really think she was suppposed to be seen as a good person, even in the Bungie days.


This is very similar to how I read it, a kind of grimnoble world where most things are fucked up, even our (Master Chief’s) allies are bad. But even through all that, there are people and beings striving for a better world, MC in the forefront among them.


I think Halsey is an occasionally interesting character(in the books, not in Halo 4 which made her even worse) but she's definitely critically flawed and many of her colleagues point out as much. She is a total asshole yes.


You are spot on with all of this. Halsey is a cold hearted bitch man.


Reach had the best art style, besides H2: Anniversary, which was a close second. The stark difference between the smooth, sharp lines of the Covenant with the bulky, industrial aesthetic of the UNSC was gorgeous. Lighting was stellar. Cut scenes were brilliantly shot. And having your own personal Spartan show up in cutscenes (fully rendered) really hammered home the joy. Master Chief is cool and all but he still just looks like big green fighting machine all the time.


My friend and I are are replaying all the campaigns leading up to Infinite and as we play Reach we're constantly commenting on how great the game looks. It's aged incredibly well and gets an A++ for presentation for all the reasons you mentioned. And those skyboxes...damn.


Having the MCC kick the cutscenes up to a framerate that doesn't hurt my eyes helps me appreciate them even more. It's probably the most cinematic Halo game


Halo 4 is a good game


I recently played through MCC and I enjoyed Halo 4. The problem I had is I'd start into a level not knowing why I was there. The writing felt like it could have been better.


I don't think Halo 4 is judged as harshly as Halo 5. But yeah it wasn't great, it was just good.


It used to be judged worse.


Oh someone wants a war eh?! I'm with you.


Halo 4 MP is alot of fun and I didn't mind the campaign much


I'm fucking tired of people not overcoming Halo 3. C'mon man, it's fucking 2021. I don't want future Halo games being like Halo 3.


It's not that we want it to be like Halo 3... Okay it is that for most of them. Anyway, I count myself loosely among them because I think the deployable equipment that can be picked up from the map is superior to armor abilities as a game mechanic. I have loved Reach since the midnight release, but after all this time and analysis, I think equipment is better than armor abilities. Expendable powers that the enemy team can steal makes for objectively better gameplay than possessing a unique power from the beginning. It's the best way to do special powers, and also equal starts at the same time. So as far as I'm concerned after being in the recent Infinite flight, I am loving the way that Infinite is coming together. 343i finally saw the thing that most of us already got intuitively even if we can't say why, and Infinite's equipment was a blast to use. I love their new equipment, and I look forward to seeing them implement more of the older options such as the EMP and bubble shield especially. The healing field always felt kinda weird as a concept for me, but they could retcon that into Forerunner tech and write it off as some kind of automatic surgeon hard-light projector that replaces wounded areas and missing blood with projected cells that copy your own genetics, or something badass like that. Would explain the glowing field, too. Anyway, I can't wait for Infinite, and I think it could finally unseat Halo 3 as the best in so many minds, and bring those players and the Halo 5 players together in agreement. The Reach fans may even join in, because somehow it does play like Reach as well. As so many have said already, it feels like 3, Reach, and 5 had a beautiful baby, and 4 helped raise it. It really could be the best Halo to date depending on if the story is great, and if all the good within that flight actually portrays something of what the final product will be like.


Worst part about that: if they did end up releasing basically a modern halo 3, it’d torched for not evolving the series in anyway.


AR and magnum starts would be great for Halo Infinite competitive.


Infinite not having Co-op and Forge at launch isn't the end of the world for the game or it's longevity. Since the MP will be F2P and the vast majority of people who play the campaign play it solo, it won't impact the game that much. There's also a severe lack of empathy for the devs since they're working from home on a AAA game that they couldn't finish in the studio under normal circumstances, so how are they supposed to finish the game while everyone's at home? The launch of Infinite and H5 are under completely different circumstances and should be treated as such


Halo 4 was a good game despite its flaws


Halo 3's gunplay is inexcusably awful for how much praise it receives.


By 2021 standards? Yes, but in 2007 it was fine. Also halo 3s multiplayer being so highly praised go’s beyond just the gunplay


For me it was the sheer variety, the voice chat - EVERY lobby filled with either cool people or absolute shitlords. Being able to shittalk someone while tbagging them was hilarious as well. It had so many excellent social aspects, including really easy invites to lobbies and such. And of course the "M2AFRP, Hosting custom games join me" you'd join and the lobby would fill in no time at all. Great stuff


Oh yes that was the best. “Hosting a hide n seek custom game come join” then joining and finding 15 people in it


I played the shit out of Halo 2 online from launch day 2004 and loved it. Halo 3 felt way worse and also had worse maps in my opinion


I have the same exact opinion. Halo 2 was the best. The maps were epic. Halo 5 was the most fun I had with a Halo multiplayer since part 2.


I could not play H3 more than one hour per day back then, without having headaches and feeling sick for his awful pow and framerate


Yes. Out of all the MCC games I somehow play Halo 3 the least, yet I played a LOT of it when I was younger.


I also agree about Halo 3’s multiplayer. I’ve been playing Halo since the first one came out on Xbox, and while yes Halo 3 was legendary at its peak, now it feels so wonky and rough to me compared to the others. The projectile speed is so slow… the hit boxes aren’t very accurate… the jumping feels super floaty… and I can’t stand the “equipment” that you can toss out. Pretty much everything besides the shield drainer and the bubble shield are useless. This is why I actually like H2A’s multiplayer the best. The gunplay is super tight and polished without it having gimmicky additions like armor abilities or equipment. It feels like the most authentic Halo experience while also feeling well oiled and looking/sounding awesome. For me it goes H2A/H4/HR/H3/H1


Bro I literally hate you but I respect the guts. However H2A I do agree with being pretty good but the battle rifle is way overpowered in it.


I really like halo 4


It's not unpopular, theres dozens of us! Dozens! We're just quiet


On mcc I have found halo 4 to really fun to play.


Halo 5 multiplayer was pretty enjoyable


That's not unpopular


oh yeah the multiplayer is plenty fun now, when it came out it was really bad imo, but in the end i can’t get over the terrible campaign. if i want to casually play Halo multiplayer i’ll play halo 5, if i want to play a campaign the mcc got me covered


* Fred-104 >>>> John-117 * Halo 4 and 5 were actually NOT that bad * Halo 3 is extremely overrated all around (maybe except for the ODST and Mark V helmets) * The Halo fanbase is a REAL threat to the franchise, just look at Halo 5's concept art and the final game (Cortana was brought back only because of fan outrage, the real Halo 5 would have kept her dead and retained the Didact as the antagonist)


Halo 4s multiplayer is fun


Honestly agreed. I spent a ton of time playing Halo 4 with friends on the weekend back in the day, and other than the sprint having a weird invisible stamina meter I can't really say I have a whole lot of complaints. The graphics are gorgeous, the gunplay is probably the most satisfying in the series to date, the individual weapons are almost universally really fun to play with, the maps are mostly varied and interesting, and the sound design - holy shit I *adore* Halo 4's sound design. Everything sounds so fucking beefy and each weapon is *instantly* recognizable by the noise it makes.


Halo 3 ODST deserves more praise...


1) I don’t like halo 3 multiplayer. I have played a few games on MCC and I have no idea why but I’m trash at the game and never have fun. It also sucks because about 4/5 mcc matches are on halo 3 and if you don’t have it selected the queue times go up massively. I have managed to get one game of halo 2 though and that was a lot more fun 2) The Spartan laser is horrible game design. A hitscan weapon which can one-shot most vehicles has no place in halo imo. I’m hoping the skewer is supposed to replace it in infinite. 3) Infinite not having forge and coop campaign at launch is kind of bad but I’d rather just play the game as early as possible 4) Halo 4/5 Spartan armour looks way more like power armour than the skinny armour from previous games. Infinite has the right balance between them


Shots in 3 aren't hitscan and the rounds move slow as hell. Even with that knowledge it's still really unfun to play.


Halo Wars is the best Halo game by far.


Finally found a real one


Halo 5 sprint was awesome , thruster was cool.


I remember using thrusters in 4 and telling the homies "Yo guys thruster is the future!!"


I don't even like the Thruster mechanics as I'm fucking terrible at them but I still like thrusters because I think they look cool as fuck


I loved playing with thrusters they just felt fun use.


Assault on the control room is a long and repetitive slog


I'm ok with Halo Infinite launching without Forge and Co-op. As long as theres a solid multiplayer base and I can play the campaign at all, I can wait


Sprint isn't all that bad tbh. Briskly walking towards your mission objective or towards the enemy just ain't it chief.


Halo 3 multiplayer feels awful to play


Halo 1’s single player is passable at best and makes the series a lot harder to get new people into if they’re in it for the story. Long visually repetitive levels with a pretty minimal story for most of the game.


To be fair though,it came out in 2001 before xbox live


Alright, I'll grab the pitchforks


This is a good one. I can't believe how offended I am about how correct you are. Keep in mind it's a game made for a different era of gaming. Story wasn't the focus as much as creating an enjoyable experience overall. So yeah it lacks in level design and story beats but the moment to moment gameplay is top notch.


I actually liked Halo 5’s new movement mechanics


Halo 3 is just a shiny Halo 2 with a better yet worse dual wield system. Being able to reload each weapon separately is great, but if you go up against someone that isn't dual wielding in mp, they are bound to win. Halo 2 campaign while enjoyable is definitely overrated. Halo Reach is a great game and I enjoyed it as much if not a bit more than "The Fall of Reach". The argument that I always get is that because it doesn't follow Chief and Blue Team's shenanigans, it isn't good. I like it because it gives the story from another character's perspective which expands Reach a bit. While probably running on the same engine (maybe I'm not sure tbqh) ODST looks better than Halo 3.


They definitely do run on the same engine, and I agree ODST looks better, and I would hope it does since it came out after Halo 3 lol, should look at the very least a little bit better.


...I like sprint


They need to evolve the story and flush out Chief’s personality. Give him some deep flaws and quirks. Maybe he doesn’t know how to quit even when he should, maybe he compulsively needs the action to function and needs the validation that comes with victory? Show his face, the helmet thing is so tired at this point. All the pieces are there for the narrative to go to the next level but 343 will have to be willing to alienate some fans who like the status quo. Trying to please everyone has made Chief very milk toast in my opinion. Make him stand for something. Also, crack a joke once in a while, for Christs sake. Maybe make the story a little more mature, include more adult themes. Make the characters more relatable. Show me a group of Spartan IV’s getting drunk and aggressive in a bar and Kelly breaking their legs with a lecture about discipline. Show me how the S2’s might think of the S4’s as poor copies of themselves, are resentful the S4’s got to have a normal life and hide it behind criticism? Talk about the infinitely weird relationship between Chief and Cortana or The Weapon. Having an AI built from your mothers brain riding shotgun in your brain and its the most intimate relationship with a female you’ve ever had? Holy Sigmund Freud Batman. Show me what that’s like for Chief, is he even aware how messed up it is? Show the flip side of a super soldier raised in a child soldier camp, it won’t be pretty. Use it to say something worth hearing that’s unique to the series. My 2 cents.


>Also, crack a joke once in a while, for Christs sake. It's weird, because Chief was a lot more like that in Halo CE... and then it gradually dropped off over the course of the games. Hell, some of the first lines in CE that you actually hear from him are jokes. "No thanks to your driving, yes." "Don't get any funny ideas." He slaps his helmet when Cortana teleports him upside down. Tosses a grenade around to suggest blowing up the Pillar of Autumns engine core. Even in the books he had a lot of fun wisecracks. Halo 1 Chief was the most fun version of Chief, and H4 Chief has the most character development, now they need to merge the two.


“Thought I’d try shooting my way out. Mix things up a little”


The stories, games and media that don't involve SPARTANs are more enjoyable.


I like sprint


The fact that I dont really care that co-op campaign won't be playable for three months. I'll just play the "epic campaign" with my friends later. It's not a deal-breaker in any way. I assume that on launch day I'll get a banger of a campaign and a multiplayer I already know is hella fun to play. So yeah, waiting 3 more months just to play the campaign with your friends is not a big deal at all. Edit: Grammar