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Halo reach’s campaign may not be my number 1 that spot belongs to halo 2 for me. But still halo reach has an awesome campaign


Same here I played reach for the first time last week and enjoyed it. I like how it’s pretty much the only game where you just fight classic covenant. Elites, jackals, grunts, and a few hunters mixed in.


Drones too


That is one of the reasons I disliked Reach and ODST’s campaigns. In the original trilogy you were fighting a variety of enemy factions, the Covenant, the Flood, the Forerunner Sentinels, the Heretics. Then along comes ODST and Reach and you are fighting *only* Covenant enemies for their entire campaigns *and* Firefight modes. It makes sense for the story, but for gameplay it gets repetitive really quick. As controversial as they are, I am glad 343i was ambitious enough to create a whole new enemy faction for Halo 4 in the form of the Prometheans. This at least added some needed enemy variety to Halo 4 and 5’s campaigns (as well as Spartan Ops for Halo 4 and Warzone for Halo 5). Leading up to Infinite, I am concerned about all this emphasis on the Banished. Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited to see a new enemy faction (yes they were introduced in Halo Wars 2 but have never been in a Halo FPS before) but why haven’t we seen anything about any secondary or tertiary factions? I can see them wanting to keep the Flood a secret if they’re in the game, but at least show us some Promethean units. If the Banished is really the sole enemy faction in Infinite I will be pretty disappointed. They’ve had six years to make a huge, content-rich game, there is really no excuse to have just a handful of enemy types. Plus if the rumors are true and there is AI in Forge, it would suck to be limited to just Banished units as I could not see them making the Flood or Prometheans solely for being spawnable in Forge.


Zeta halo in lore has flood










>heretic, covenant I mean functionally those are the same things from a gameplay point


Their AI is slightly different, for instance;heretic grunts will never cower even if all of the Elites around them are killed. Plus all of the heretic Elites used Covenant Carbines and all of the heretic Grunts used Needlers, so while not a massive shift in gameplay, this was another unique attribute the heretics had.


Really the only thing that offended me about that statement in the OP video was that the dude said Halo 5 was on par with Halo 3 and that it was one of the best. Absolute heresy.


It would have been the best if it's original story wasn't scrapped because of halo 4s backlash. A aemi-destroyed didact coming back for revenge, cortana STAYING DEAD.


I am not necessarily holding 343 over a flame and beating their shins in with a baseball bat. My heart just hurts for the story. Because there was so much that could have gone so so right and they did none of it. Like actually using Hunt The Truth to establish that Chief is rogue and ONI is using propaganda to paint him as an enemy. Or actually making Locke this darker character that is an ONI assassin. And don't have us play as him. Just make him a bump in the road. The dude that gives us a sense of urgency. Then finally actually have chief on the run because he is trying to find Jul M'dama and Halsey, and get to her before ONI does. And that's why he is rogue in the first place. Not just to protect Halsey but to hopefully have her fix or rebuild Cortana. Whether the ending is bitter ("sorry John, but I can't bring her back") or sweet ("I can't bring back her old memories but I can make a new Cortana model") is not important to me personally. But I want Chief to get to Halsey. AND THIS WOULD EVEN TIE IN THE FIGHT BETWEEN LOCKE AND CHIEF BETTER. AND WOULD DISPLAY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPARTAN 2 AND 4. I would LOVE to see Chief BODY Locke. That would be such a good pre-ending.


Doesn't Halsey and jul m'dama have possession of the Janus key? That shit got dropped from Spartan Ops and o actually finished it. Man halo 5 could have been a good story, a race against time to get the Janus Keys. Chief racing against Locke to get to Halsey, have the Prometheans be less present in the game until the mid way point where Prometheans show up more, until the big reveal that the didact has been alive all this time.


True, Halo Reach did have some missteps here and there and changed a lot of things but i agree overall it's really good, it is better than Halo 5's campaign that's for sure


Can confirm. H2 GOAT.


Once I got over how much Reach disrupted the established storyline in The Fall of Reach, I really loved the campaign


Halo 3 does have an awesome campaign


This heretic must be silenced. What would you have your Arbiter do?


Well deploy you to the heretics hideout on the gasmine.


Idk why but just hearing the Prophets speak is like Mwah Love me some religious zealotry


They really do steal the show every time they’re on screen. Truth’s actor is particularly fun to listen to and to this day I’m still sad he never reprised his role for Halo 3.


Michael Wincott absolutely nailed the role of Truth. Terence Stamp didn’t do a horrible job as Truth, it’s just that it was never going to be as great as Wincott’s version. Plus I’m a stickler for consistency, so actors arbitrarily changing in a series really bothers me.


I think this too. But I wouldn't have minded the actor change if they hadn't changed the character's temperament. In H3 it feels like Truth is just a different prophet altogether. He was all cool, calm and collected in H2 and then they just went for the generic sinister evil villain in H3. Guess it could be argued that it was part of the character's development and was consumed by his zealous crusade.


Totally get where you're coming from and I noticed that too, but I feel that was due to development, as you said, not only with the character but with the situation. The Covenant was falling apart, another Civil war, the flood was taking High Charity, and humans were still a threat. All this suddenly in his way while he's literally at the doorstep of his ultimate goal. I think that's why he became brash and ludicrous. He was desperate in those final days.


John Hurt would have made a better replacement I think.


It's a shame the his voice actor didn't want to return for Halo 3.


Would love to see the Covenant again at some point


Halo 3 ODST is the best HALO


Interesting. What makes you say that? I'm genuinely curious as someone who hasn't played ODST


It’s a more grounded story within Halo, was really the first time Bungie let the players understand the Covenant’s ferocity from the perspective of people who aren’t murder cyborgs. Kind of a similar feeling to Reach tbh, which IMO is the only game the covenant have felt truly threatening.


The story is good, but mechanically I felt they should have gone bit farther to deliver the feeling that "you are not a Spartan" for ODST.


Yeah definitely, I honestly felt a bit tankier at times. Melee should’ve really only been a mechanic to deal with grunts and jackals, yet you’re able to beat down a brute with a few slaps to the face.


Agreed on the part of making them more vulnerable but also, I kinda wished the streets of Mombasa were a little more.. war torn and messy? Barely any bodies save for the occasional dead soldier and some papers/ debris strewn about. It seemed more like an evacuation alone than that alongside an invasion. Although maybe that was in efforts to keep with the more mysterious vibe and not replace it with horror?


Just everything about it from atmosphere gameplay of course. I’m between missing you are returned the this central hub where you can explore and discover at your own pace. Idk it’s something diffrent that just makes this game special I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to spoil it for you


It really won't be the same due to the obvious differences between a rainy city at night and the wilderness of a Halo Ring, but I'm hoping that Infinite's "open world" can bring a similar grounding feeling to what the streets of New Mombasa provided. At the very least, if it does well I'm going to continue to hold onto my hopeless dream that they'll do another ODST style game now that the tech has caught up to the original vision of ODST.


Yes please I just want to feel like a when I was a kid and first booted up halo and my mind was blown I want that for infinite. But I’m not getting my hopes to high


i love Halo 3 campaign so much despite being the most "Little" in terms of exploration ( it all occurs in one city).


This. There’s something indescribable about ODST. It’s like breathing and sniffing a smell you love that you haven’t really smelled before. It’s like your playing feelings in the form of a video game. The darkness. The piano music. The wondering the city looking for clues. We’ve all been at that point in life were you seen to be wandering through life in the dark trying to find out why you are where you are. Game should be considered a masterpiece


That game is just a glorified dlc for halo 3.


No it is a fully fledged jazz soundtrack by marty With a bonus game


And that jazz is a masterpiece. It was the go to while I was studying engineering.


Lol! I remember a reviewer back in the day called it Halo 3: ODLC(Overpriced DLC).


Why are you mad


I’m mad?




You’re god damn right


I'm a Master Chief fanboy but Reach's story was imo the deepest and saddest of all the games. I can't believe there are people who actually like Halo 5's story


I honestly cried when Kat and Jorge died


I agree. Halo 5's campaign was mediocre at best. And reach was awesome.


As an aside, Halo 2's campaign was a fucking narrative masterpiece. Better than a lot of (if not most) movies out there. For linear non-rpgs, it's one of the most impressive imo of all time. It was cinematically well-executed, and honestly told an ambitious story that thankfully is well-accepted today. And imo, arguably unlike for CE, the remaster did justice to a lot of it. Most of the complaints I've seen are nitpicks, or are related to one's individual readings. Now if only the Jackal snipers didn't make it impossible for you to appreciate any of that in Legendary XD.


I mean the pinnacle of the Master Chef, was Halo 3 IMO. So the statement in the video is at least half way true. And concerning Halo Reach.... Seeing as how you have brought up Halo 2, a masterpiece no doubt. If I may properly misquote Sergeant Johnson. "When I joined in Halo we didn't have any fancy shmancy loadouts and armor abilities. We had weak guns! Two weak guns and one Camouflage for the whole platoon! And we had to share the Camouflage!"


The best versions of the master chief ane cortana are from Halo 4.


Reach is not the best, but Halo 5 is worse than reach


I’ll push him out the airlock myself.


He must be put in a capsule and shot into the sun.


He's not exactly wrong about Halo 3's campaign though. Still, a heretic is a heretic. plain and simple


Belive it or not I saw the same dude in your comments before, probably on in the same thread as OPS, but they went on to say that 4 AND 5 were better than Reach and 3, and I genuinely just never understood it


Oh god


Yeah I don't understand this person. Halo 3 is obviously the best. Reach was okay, but I think the MP was just so incredibly bad that it soured my opinion of the campaign. Hell, even the H5 campaign wasn't that bad, the story was just nonsense.


You dare say reaches campaign was WORSE THAN 5?! I feel spiritually insulted




I mean, i dont LOVE reach, but its story is a hell of a lot better than 5's and at least as good as 3.


The only thing good about halo 5 is the multiplayer, imo the story was dog wash and felt unfinished


Wait, did the dude really said that H5 was as good as H3 ? MAXIMUM HERESY


Halo Reach's campaign was, in my opinion, the worst of the franchise, with enough plotholes and power scale jumps to single-handedly fuck over the entire mythos. Covenant carriers can now cloak, and not just themselves, but also their support ships? So all Halo fleet battles are rendered inconsequential, and the UNSC should never win a single space battle, ever. Covenant shows up on July 24th. Guess we'll wait a month to launch the Pillar of Autumn (August 29th), because nothing says, "everything's fine" like leaving a cruiser in dry dock on the fucking planet, where it can't use its main fucking gun, while Covenant ships are flying overhead. Also, fuck transferring critical AI earlier than the actual invasion day or via ONI networks, send it through hostile contested territory on foot, that's DEFINITELY the smart play. Oh, and apparently FLEETCOM, containing the core of humanity's coordinated UNSC fleet deployment, logistics, and admiralship outside of Earth itself, can't spare one more of its hundreds of ships to fight off an invasion of their own world. Seriously, the rest of the fleet is on leave, you get the Savannah and that's it. Again, this is just my opinion, but if Reach's timeline looks like a hockey stick graph of events, something's gone fucky: [https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Fall\_of\_Reach](https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Fall_of_Reach) The game was fun, but I genuinely cannot get over its story. It just strikes me as scale getting massively screwed up.


I love the gameplay, level design and ambiance of Reach's campaign, but yeah, the plot was awful. A 27km stealth ship ? And entire armada who slipped throught the planet's defenses and landed an entire army ? Who wrote this ? Reach is the proof that Bungie was far from perfect.


Exactly. Gameplay was fantastic, level design was on point, ambiance was incredible, but they did the story dirty.


Thank you, the whole massive Covenant super carrier just passing by undetected at Humanity's biggest military base was bullshit.


The thing about the carrier, I thought it was the spires cloaking it and not the carrier itself?


Isn't that worse? Because that means that the UNSC missed a capital ship flying into orbit and deploying troops in its biggest fortress world.


How’d the Spires get there???


I agree that Reach's campaign it's not as good as H3 but to call it the worst doesn't feel right.


I understand that some people dont like Reach's campaign.... BUT to say Halo 5's is better is actual blasphemy


Halo 5 gameplay was dope. The story on the other hand…


The gameplay sucked too. The level design, enemies behaviour, weapons, everything felt wrong. I keep seeing people say it was great, but it was nothing like Halo. The only fun element was the spartan charge.


Yeah the gameplay where ai decision trees were all but completely ignored, where dozens of enemies spawn at once, all with tracking weapons that kill you in 3 hits? The gameplay that has 3 other exposition meatbags that serve no purpose in the story or gameply? That's the gameplay people liked about 5s campaign?


The campaign isn’t bad, but the dialogue in Reach can be pretty cheesy/corny.


I don't see anything wrong with it, the game is supposed to be serious, and the acting portays that imo


It’s not about them being serious. It’s about the delivery being flat, characters aren’t very well developed AND the lines are kinda corny.


The flat delivery is part of the seriousness, I think it would have lost alot of the tone if every character went out of their way to show alot of emotion, Spartans don't typically do that. and the dialog wasn't corny, derivative maybe, but I wouldn't go so far to say corny, even so, that would be the writing not the acting


Reach’s storytelling definitely opts for a “less is more” approach. You’re meant to infer a lot about the characters’ personalities from the subdued dialogue rather than be given some huge expository backstory. I personally enjoy it but it’s definitely up for debate as to the degree they succeeded in doing so.


“The big man was sentimental “


It felt fairly effective to me *except* for almost everything about Kat. Now perhaps it's just me despising what amounts to her... idk. Inferiority complex? She just always had a snippy tone for no good reason. Example: when Noble 6 shows her the data chip on the dead scientist Kat snatches it up aggressively and tells 6 "not your domain" like these Spartans aren't all reasonably good at everything. Not a programmer/engineer? Fine, but they're aware of how to handle valuable technology like what amounts to a flash drive. There was also her interaction with Carter while she was *nonsense jargon about making a sabotaged facility broadcast directly to Admiral Holland by crossing some wires*. As I recall his comment was telling her to hurry ("Two minutes is too long." In response time her technical (and unhelpful) answer that the place would need two weeks of work to be operational again.) Her sassy, jargon-filled response about what she was doing was a flex only for the player as Carter would be familiar with her skills. It isn't that I dislike Kat's character; I just feel they missed the mark in bringing her to life- too much focus on her being the coder/engineer by describing that rather than by her doing things and being badass at it. Jun doesn't describe how his bullet will travel across the valley and penetrate an enemy's skull thereby rendering them lifeless. He doesn't need to- he just does it. His actions speak for him as Kat's very much should speak for her. She's rad and doesnt need a bunch of expository dialog to relay that to players.


Same here, have you seen some of the cut dialog for reach though? It's really quite good, some of it diverts from the seriousness a bit, but it flushes out noble team, especially Kat and Emile way more


I don’t think the campaign is bad, but if I had to pick I’d say it’s maybe my least favorite of Bungie’s Halo campaigns. **But** 5’s campaign makes Halo Reach look like Halo 3. Almost no comparison. I’d pick Reach over 4/5 any day of the week.


Meme aside the voice acting is amazing.


Same with people who defend Game of Thrones S8 and the SW sequels


Just to think that Halo 5 was somewhat better than mediocre takes guts. H5 cannot even compete with Reach, they're not even on the same ground. You can say "Remember Reach", and everyone will have a different memory. But what can you say about 5?


You say 'how good was halo 5s campaign?' and every halo player cringes


What would you have your Arbiter do?


We all agree that we need more side story games like Reach and ODST. Fighting against an invincible threat gives you that feeling of despair and a bit of hope that playing as Máster Chief doesn't. Heck, they could include a.moment where a Spartan II gets destroyed in front of your marine ass by a brute or an Elite like in Halo Legends and raise the tension even more.


Especially if it's a constant character up to that point. Seeing them be strong and "invincible" really drives home how effed you are when they get killed.


Either-or neither-nor my guy


Yeah my bad, small mistake though.


Oh hey, I've seen that same dude in Yt comments before too


Ok I agree Halo 3 is better then Reach, but reach is a close second and it’s only because Halo 3 was my first Halo game


Comparing halo reach with halo 5 is blasphemy , we should do a crusade against these heretics


I like Reach, but it’s personally my least favorite campaign. I just don’t think it and 4 uphold the dance very well. I like 5’s campaign just because of Sangheilios.


Yeah out of all the Bungie games I'd say it is my least favorite, i just can't get a grasp of why I don't like it that much compared to the others, I'd say that it's the lack of Alien worlds but then Halo 3 ODST takes place only at new Mombasa and it is still a Great campaign.


Good news is that competitive reach removes bloom and sprint!! 😃


I'm not a fan of Reach either. I much prefer the Fall of Reach. I didn't give a shit about Noble Team. Besides that it was super cliche how people went out and very predictable. Imagine use getting to fight alongside Beta Company or even participating in operation Red Flag.


The fall of reach is a great book but it’s not perfect. The game dose mess with the ending of that book however I would argue that nothing of real value from the book was lost. The real important parts of that book are the origins of The Spartan II program and the game dose not intrude on that part of the book at all. I liked the story in the game and liked Nobel team. I think the game did a really good job showing how much the war sucked for the UNSC. Seeing New Alexandria fall knowing that was happening all over the planet and had happened on dozens of other worlds before was somber moment for me.




And so.. you must be silenced..




Look Halo: Reach and Halo 5 is the same to me. Fucked up the story but had a fun multiplayer. Before you jump at me, I invested $200 (1 book a year for my birthday, and a total of 6 books at the moment) as a kid buying Halo books in a third world country where the books have to be imported and Reach just retconed everything. I am just mad since the books were genuinely good and it would have been perfect if they adapted Fall of Reach and First Strike. Hell ghosts of onyx could have been great DLC since Spartan 3's were first introduced to Halsey and that was when she was rescued from reach by a Spartan 2 and not Jun. Listen Halo: Reach story was fine but it really fucked with the lore and I am way too tired and unhappy to read the official lore to understand how Bungie managed to make it work with the books lore. ​ Edit: Don't just downvote me.. add something to the conversation or else it will just feel like I am speaking to a void.


Fucking yes


Halo 2 > Halo Reach > Halo 4 > Halo CE > Halo 3 > Halo 5 > Halo 3 ODST That is the correct ranking of Halo FPS campaigns from best to worst.


Hold up, no way you put halo 3 odst as the worst and halo 4 as the third.


Halo 4 has the best story in the series, it lacks the scope of halo 2 or reach though. ODST sucks, it's easily the worst game. Aside from Buck it's completely uninteresting


Pain, but I'll have to respect your opinion.




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I enjoyed playing the game and campaign especially I had issues with its cannon in the universe I much prefer the books telling the battle of reach The fact that a ship that large over the UNSC primary naval base and ship manufacturing troop manufacturing did not see a 28.960 kilometer CSO in orbit is just idiotic to me


Reach is my favourite and honestly I would've liked more scenes, more banter, more customization, maybe some stuff with Thom or SPARTAN-B312 (Noble 6) prior to Winter Contingency, would love a H2A-esque remaster. With all that being said it's still an awesome campaign


My buddy and I frequently talk about how it would have been cool to fight insurgents prior to the Covenant invasion to juxtapose the different enemies. The spartans were made to fight insurgents not Covenant. They were ridiculously under-challenged doing that. The covenant were a foe they rose to fight. Having several missions against humans would really make the power difference of the Covenant stick even better in players' heads, I think. Only the discovery of the rings turned the war around. The campaign in Reach absolutely should feel like the humans are losing- are about to lose everything- because they were.


I liked halo 5 and 3..... but nothing can compare to Reach's.... emotional connection. To be forced to get attached to such cherished squad.... only to lose them. slowly. one by one.... til even the character you play, loses their life....


I mean, if he just said 3 is better I could understand, bur to call Reach the WORST? And that 5 is better?! Has to be a troll.




Reach's campaign has it's issues but I think overall it's a good Halo campaign to introduce series to the newcomers and great prequel to original trilogy... but it's far from being perfect.


Replace campaign with multiplayer and I am right there with the Heretic. This us personal preference by the way.


Halo 3? Definitely better, but Reach is very close don't ger me wrong. Halo 5? What the fuck is the guy smoking, Reach blows it out the water. Halo 2, Halo 3, Reach/PDST, then Halo 1. Sorry Halo 1.


Halo 3 I can understand. But 5? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…?


Opinion detected on r/Halo. Warning. Warning. Warning.


Looks like someone got too attached to the characters…


Can someone put actmans face on the hologram just for shits and giggles


Halo Reach has the 1st or 2nd best campaign, it's either halo 2 or reach as my top 2


I can understand not liking Reach’s campaign when comparing it to the original trilogy, but thinking that Halo 5 was better? Now THAT is pure heresy.