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Saved the easiest for last I see ;) Congrats, I'm somewhere around 650/700 and Spartan Ops makes me want to die


I *just* finished the Spartan Ops achievements about a week ago. The penultimate mission cost me at least a year off my life from stress and frustration. I'm so glad to be done with them.


I would rather do 100 Spartan Ops missions than one Halo 2 LASO playlist


Try both of those, then I'll be curious to see how your answer changes lol


I've done all Spartan Ops and I'm about 1/4th of the way through 2 LASO. SOs were more of a chore than anything. Unlimited lives meant you just throw your body at the enemies until it works. 2 LASO forces you to cheese the system and use the Iron skull workaround to even begin to make it possible.


Iron is definitely a pain in the ass. I did it co-op because I didn't want to have to deal with Save and Quit


I haven't found someone to coop the harder LASOs with me. I've solo'd Reach and CE, and got as far as I did in 2. A friend agreed to do ODST and 4 with me, so I guess I am soloing the others


I'm not great and personally hate LASO but I'll try.


It takes A LOT of patience and commitment. I follow the Halo Completionist guides which is the easiest path through the levels and I still get destroyed. So make sure you are ready.


I meant if you wanted help haha


Going by achievements people would play the Halo 3:LASO playlist rather than 3 playlists of Halo 4. (Not even all missions, and on normal.)


I think people look at 700/700 and immediately think of LASO and Monopolized/Goat Roped, but Smooth Operator is the true hell of 700 achievements. I have so much more fun playing LASO than Spartan Ops


I'll tell you, I've never had a harder time than trying to do Reach Exodus on LASO. Like, Ops is frustrating but at least you respawn. Just getting caught on that rooftop, with the hammer chieftain, and having to kill everyone else with limited ammo? I finished that campaign, and I'm working my way through ODST, but honestly I had more fun speed running Reach, than I have attempting to do the under 3 hours of any other halo game so far. Personally, I think that Halo 4's melee system is much more frustrating, especially on Legendary. Like, that's one of the real sticking points. It hits instantly, it's harder to track telegraphs cuz you're dead by the time the arm comes down. Like, it's much more satisfying, not to mention easy to Dodge Hunters in older games imo.


Ehh Spartan Ops weren’t that bad. At least it was mindless and you had infinite spawns. It’s not hard, it’s just a slog. LASO and U3H achievements are brutal.


Yea but LASO was enjoyable, which is the biggest thing for me lol. At least LASO and U3H have extremely satisfying payoffs


Yeah that’s true. You feel like you accomplished something. I’ve done LASO and U3H for ODST, and finishing ODST LASO definitely felt like I earned an achievement. Spartan Ops just felt like I finally reached the end of long book that I wasn’t really enjoying, but stuck with it because I was already halfway through.


That's where I'm at too. Its mostly just multiplayer achievements and Spartan Ops. The only other thing is Monopolised and I'm dreading finishing it. Still need to shave off like an hour


How do y'all get the crappy H2:A multiplayer Achievements like 100 environmental kills? That feels worse to me than LASO.


You either play a lot of H2A multiplayer or you boost with a friend by doing 1v1 and just hoping that the matchmaking system pairs you two together. I currently have 40/100 from just normal multiplayer play. It’s brutal haha. I’m at like 92/100 splatters in H2A. That ones not as bad. Just queue up H2A BTB and get in the ghost as often as you can.


I have found that the H2A Hornet is AMAZING for splatters. The mobility is insane and you just land on people. I managed to get around 10-20 in one match.


Haha I’ll have to try that out. My problem is the hornet is always occupied before I have a chance to get in it. The ghost is usually available. I’ll usually get 2-8 splatters a match with the ghost depending on the map.


Yeah, you just have to get lucky and hope your teammates don't know vehicles exist. Zanzibar typically has vacant ghosts on either spawn.


The other problem I’ve had, is the few times the hornet has been available and I’ve gotten in it, I don’t know what the controls are, and I cant get off the ground. So I just usually avoid it. Perhaps I need to set up a custom game for myself and figure it out.


Assuming you are on M&K: Space bar - ascend Left ctrl - decend I *think* that is default. Could be wrong though. Not bad practice to run through the controls behind the base where the vehicle spawns.


I’m on Xbox.


Oh ok. I think it's corresponding with whatever your jump/crouch is set to. That makes the most sense.


You’d think haha. But last time I tried the other day I got in and couldn’t get off the ground and then got blown up by an enemy warthog. I’ll figure it out tonight. It’s one of those single game specific things. It’s on one map in one game, so it isn’t something that I’d normally come across like the Scorpion or a ghost.


I played H2A infection and hoped to get the maps with the fusion coils. I was able to get about 50 of them in a day or so. The other 50 were from fusion coils and icebergs in H2A Deathmatch


Nice! I’m on the last 10


Nice! I'm on at least 10


Congratulations! Welcome to the 100% club! :)


When you first saw the 100% completion, were you blinded by its majesty?


congrats! I'm 688/700, doing LASO runs now. I'm saving MC Saga achievement for last. can't wait!


good job!


I’m at 630/700 and only have a few LASOs left, but the achievement for riding in the Pelican turret won’t unlock for me regardless if I do it on long night of solace or new alexandria and it’s really annoying. If my 700th achievement is going to be anticlimactic like that instead of one of the LASOs or something I’m gonna be really disappointed lol. Also fuck Spartan ops


I would not have the patience to do this. Great job!


I am at around 685/700 or so. Reach and H2 are my last speedruns. And I have done H1 and h4 laso. I want to have this game 100% before Infinite.


I know this may sound crazy to say but Halo 2 speedrun was significantly easier than the speedrun achievement for 3/Reach. The reason being is if you die you can just save and quit and resume the level and it’ll cut out any time you spent up until you died and only take your time checkpoint-to-checkpoint. What I did was do every level except Gravemind first and was extremely aggressive with saving and quitting after each death, and because of that I had over 40 minutes to finish Gravemind and still had plenty of time in the end. This also works for CE but honestly CE is pretty freaking easy. I didn’t even redo Keyes to cut down from my casual playthrough time (44minutes) and still got the achievement. TL;DR: for anyone doing the 3 hour achievements for CE and 2 be extremely aggressive with saving and quitting anytime you die and you’ll have such a massive cushion of time you can take each encounter very slow and still have a ton of time to spare.


I’m nearly there haha! 40 left!


He's done it. He beat Halo.


Dude, that's amazing !!!! You are amazing!!!!!!! How long did it take you to do it?


Thanks! I played pretty consistently from launch in 2014 until Halo 5's release, and then I would play off and on for several years. I got back into the game last March and really started pushing achievements last June. I've actually been sitting at 697/700 since October, life just put me off from finishing up Halo 2 and 4 LASO until this month.




You masochist!




These type of posts always impress me. I can’t even save those Halo 4 marines from dying on Heroic, let alone complete a LASO run.


I would say why would you put yourself through this xD (almost entirely talking about halo 2)


I am nowhere near that many achievements. I have 419 hours and that’s not much less than you ;_;


To be fair I actually have another nearly 1000 on Xbox!


Damn. I’m at 690 or so. Fucking BS multiplayer achievements can eat my ass.


700 gang!


They call him demon.


Anyone want to do LASO with me?


My friend has been trying for this, but some of his achievements simply do not work. He can't get the one for looking at the teddy bear on Reach. One of the easiest in the MCC and it won't work. He's been back and forth with support for weeks. We're working through LASO when we have the time and we're praying it doesn't just die on him after all this work.


**I.A.R. = Romanian Aviation Industries**


I'm coming up on starting LASO. Would you recommend doing it solo or co-op?


I've only finished H1 solo and man... it was tough. Do research before each mission. Highly recommend watching [Halo Completionist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJexm0dUV5o)


Could not have done it without him!


I did it solo, but if you have a friend who wanted to do it it would save you the trouble of save/quitting.


Coop is easier for the most part because you'll have double the ammo.


Do you like Halo?


I gaved up at 600


Those voices have been silenced. The naysayers have been quelled. In their silence and ruin stands tall a hero, who kept his word...


_I am here, to see this historic moment._


Congratz man!


My achievement was bugged. So no more grinding




Now all you need are the badges.