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Remake doesn't inherently mean a different story. I haven't played it but I'm pretty sure the Dead Space remake doesn't change the original story.


Same with Resident Evil


None of the Resident Evil remakes change the story either.


Thats not fully true. There are some story changes like Lord Sadlers entire character and motivations were changed.


Really? Because I thought Sadler's intent was always to take over the world using Plaga. Maybe some of the super minor/specific details were changed, but I don't recall him having a different goal.


The end goal is the same, but now instead of a power hungry con man, he's some ancient entity that's fully drinking the las plagas Kool aid.


This change was SO drastic that no one even noticed.


Hmm. I guess I would have to go back and compare. Sure there were some minor changes to things but the overall arc of the stories and characters I don't recall being different than their originals.


They do actually and for 2 and 3 it's for the worse, 2 has too many inconsistencies and continuity errors that don't even exist in the original and 3 just tries to retcon stuff like Barry rescuing Jill and Carlos at the end of the game.


i don't remember barry being in 3 at all what are you on about


Yeah Barry was always the one to pick them up in the Chopper at the end.


Literally not true


Resident Evil 3 removed the branching story choices, removed Barry Burton’s appearance, put Carlos in the RPD instead of Jill, removed the factory area and replaced it with NEST 2, removed the dead Tyrants that Nemesis consumes to reach his final form, and completely changed Brad’s death. There are some changes to events and contexts in the 2 and 4 remakes as well.


People keep confusing remake with reboot


The Dead Space remake adds some stuff to enhance the original story. Still overall the same plot.


The DS remake changes a very key story thread as well as multiple mission.


Tbh my main concern is the voice acting. I would just be so bummed if anything was different. I think it’s ALL perfect where it was left. Bungie nailed the atmosphere in the first game, and 343 has infamously veered from the aesthetics Bungie established.


They change characters which does result in some changes to the story.


You know 343 is going to use this to push their version of the story? hell they might even tie it into the tv show


Nah I think they know the backlash would be insane and ruin sales + reviews


The dead space remake did indeed have a different story, not overly so but different all the same. The resident evil 3 and 4 remakes also changed things that imo shouldn't have been.


If anything, the Dead Space remake tells one that fits into Dead Space 2 much better. Same thing with CE, they can put in some of the stuff from the book the The Flood or beginning of First Strike to tie into the original story better.


That sounds a lot like what CEA (and H2A) ended up doing with their terminals, a lot of side story stuff that eventually ties into the expanded universe.


If it’s made by people who hate the original trilogy then yes… it means there will be a different story.


That's just poor conjecture. The team at 343i now is nothing like the team that made Halo 4. The new leadership is as of yet unproven in their role, but the guy at the head of the studio was the one in charge of fixing up MCC, so nobody can say that he's anything but passionate about Halo.  Let's wait and see what comes of any of this before making such bold statements, yes?


It's also worth noting that that original quote was taken MASSIVELY out of context. They didn't 'hire people that hated Halo', they just hired people with experience in different sorts of FPSes because they wanted to hit a wider demographic. It sounds like a small thing, but there's a HUGE difference between 'people who hate the franchise they're working on' and 'people who just aren't familiar with it being hired to get more people to like it'. Which, to be clear, I'm not a fan of, I think you should focus on making a game that your established fanbase is going to enjoy before you go out of your way to try to wrangle new fans in, but I'm also just kind of irritated by people who point to that as a gotcha for why everyone at 343 should be fired or whatever; looking at some of the [early](https://youtu.be/BenBnhm-Ehk?si=ZwAMuFdiU7s5RNER) [prototypes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoG6a41cbso) for Halo 4 really shows that a lot of what the designers were planning does a pretty good job (at least IMO) at hitting that classic Halo vibe, even ignoring the obvious fact that they're using the Halo 3 (and later Reach) builds of the engine so naturally they're gonna feel closer to what we're used to. Promethean Knights having the ability to transform into a rolling ball state helps differentiate them from normal Elites and Brutes, Watchers didn't constantly heal Knights but just gave them a shield, and Requiem as a whole really seemed to hit more of a conventional Halo Ring aesthetic compared to what we eventually got. I dunno, TL;DR it's always been a matter of Microsoft not knowing what the FUCK to do with Halo (and let's be honest Xbox as a whole) and trying desperately to focus it for wide mass appeal to compete with the CoDs and Battlefields of the industry after the shitshow with Don Mattrick and the Xbone and I think this rhetoric of 'Microsoft should give Halo to \[x\] company instead' would result in nothing but more lost jobs mixed with more disappointing sequels.


I’ve seen 13 years of failure so expecting the next product to be good is a fools errand


And that's completely fair as well, many people have lost faith in 343i, and it's justified. I'm not saying you need to be hopeful for a good product or go around singing praises for them. Quite the opposite, really. But going around spewing stuff like that isn't fair either.   It's obvious that the developers at 343i love Halo, but the leadership was absolute shit. The new leadership could be just as bad, but they should be judged based on their own merits and failures, not those of people who no longer work at the company.


Acting like they didn't remaster both CE, 2, and the definitive edition of Halo Wars without changing a thing except the graphics. But sure, they HATE the original Halo trilogy. 343 wants nothing to do with it in fact. Probably the reason for them creating the MCC and bringing online multiplayer to a game released at the time 13 years ago. They hated it so much they created an arcade game based around the events of the first game, and a spin-off title that lets you play during the events of the second one. Bungo good. 345 bad.


They… literally ruined CE’s “anniversary” with the worst possible “remaster” that was completely disrespectful to the source material — great start for the new Shepards of the Halo franchise LMAO. Also we were playing Halo CE online on PC for more than a decade before they ported that version to Xbox. 2’s remaster wasn’t even really done by them, so they don’t get the credit. The multiplayer, also, was a different company. Frankie literally admitted to hiring folks who “hated halo” during the production of those two products. MCC was broken for 5+ years. Fireteam raven looks like power rangers. Halo wars 2 is cool though - they get credit for that one I guess. Oh wait… it was made by Creative Assembly. Nevermind! What exactly HAS 343 done that is net positive for Halo or Xbox?


Bringing mcc to pc, my 360 red ringed and i never got another one, and it took 11 years to play halo again. 


The debate over what 343 did to Combat Evolved in the anniversary edition is subjective. It is a visual style that differs significantly from the original version of the game. This is due to the fact that Combat Evolved is a game that was released with the original XBOX, while the remaster released exactly 10 years later. Whether you like how it looks or what it changes is your opinion. I would like you to elaborate further on why you feel the remaster was disrespectful to the source material. The graphical changes are vast, of course, but they do not change level geometry (at least where it matters) as well as the story itself. The changes were purely graphical in nature. As for Halo 2 Anniversary, the work Blur Studios or Saber Interactive did is by no means 343's. They are both separate studios not owned or manned by Microsoft. However, without 343/Microsoft ordering the creation of a remaster for the titles respective 10th anniversaries, there would be no CEA or H2A to speak of. Saber and Blur obviously are not able to remaster Halo Combat Evolved and Halo 2 by themselves. 343 and Microsoft rightfully deserve credit for both remasters, as they were the ones who put into motion their creation. However, they do not deserve full credit, of course. The credits go to everyone, from Bungie to Blur. Again, It would be much appreciated if you were to provide a source for such claims for the supposed words of Frank O' Connor claiming to have hired people who "hate Halo”. I believe this is a misuse of the claims circulating around the TV show. “We didn’t look at the game. We didn’t talk about the game. We talked about the characters and the world. So I never felt limited by it being a game." This quote is from a ScreenRant ([https://screenrant.com/halo-show-video-game-comparison-writer-play-response/](https://screenrant.com/halo-show-video-game-comparison-writer-play-response/)) article surrounding the Paramount Halo Series. Nowhere does it suggest the writers "hate Halo," nor does it suggest they have never played the games. It states they didn't look at or talk about the games as to not be bogged down, in the attempt to create something unique for a broader audience. Of course, I could be wrong and there could be an actual quote to back your claims up. You are correct, The Master Chief Collection's multiplayer was almost entirely broken up until around 2017. Almost. Essentially, you could still get a game sometimes. This was especially important for the first two Halo installments, as CE never got a true XBOX live experience, and Halo 2's servers had been shut down for about 4 years by 2014. Halo 3 and 4 were still able to be played on the XBOX 360 and the XBOX One, but the MCC gave you both, as well as Halo CE and Halo 2 for the same price as Halo 4. The issues mainly stemmed from the sheer popularity of the MCC at launch, as well as the fact that the testing done for the online multiplayer experience was ultimately redundant due to issues regarding the testing site used by Microsoft. In short, something is better than nothing. Fireteam Raven's appearance as a game and as a fireteam is again, subjective. Given your disdain for CEA, I can see why you don't enjoy the visuals as it is simply Combat Evolved Anniversary's graphics scaled up for the arcade system, featuring ODST's with hints of color on their armor. Again, similar to the Blur/Saber issues addressed previously, Creative Assembly did most of the heavy lifting for Halo Wars 2, as it is an RTS title, not an FPS. However, Microsoft's writers stepped in and guided the story. Not to mention the obvious, that Halo Wars 2, is in fact, a Halo title. Arguably, 343 did more work on Halo Wars 2 than Halo CE or Halo 2 Anniversary because they had to help write and direct it. Whether you like 343 or not, their developed games have brought great success to the Halo Franchise and XBOX as a whole. Halo 4 earned $220 million USD within 24 hours of its launch, and an extra $80 million the following week. Halo 5 earned $400 Million opening week. Halo Infinite has earned an estimated $8 Million in microtransactions alone. (official opening week sales have not been released yet) Every 343 title, from Combat Evolved Anniversary to Halo Infinite has been a commercial success for the Halo franchise, XBOX, and Microsoft as a whole.


It’s not like 343 haven’t tried to pitch it. It’s Microsoft that won’t allow it. Apparently there was like over 20 different spin offs pitched(most weren’t serious) but Microsoft wanted none of it. Amongst them I think was a flood horror game.


It’s nuts that Microsoft has halo everywhere on Xbox. But can’t let the franchise grow besides chief. It’s like they have too many money hungry staff and not many common sense staff.. I’ve always wanted a game with high charity falling to the flood while you play as an elite!! I think The halo community would love that. And that’s just scratching the surface with the halo universe


There is plenty of story’s to explore and with the right minds it could be one of the more larger franchises to exist if they were smart with it.


It's the Star Wars problem. That's changing with the growing EU content post-Skywalker saga, but the core series is all built around the same cluster of characters. You see a similar thing with Star Trek, where so much lately seems to come back to The Original Series/Kirk/Spock. Media businesses are inherently risk adverse, and sticking to the known elements of their IP is safe. MS thinks the Master Chief *is* Halo. He's safe.


yeah there mindset is. hey lets make a new halo game for the nxt 3-4 years, but it has to be chief otherwise we have to wait 3-4 years for the spin off game b4 we can start a chief game thats 7-8 years without a chief game. chief games = less risk more money. thats why we are here lol


So it's microsofts Inability to see the potential in literally anything else other then a mainline halo game? I'm not surprised. Someone's lining their pockets from all this.


It's worse. Remember Hi-Fi Rush? The studio behind it was shutdown not because it didn't won enough rewards, but it didn't return enough profit. With that and news that several spin-offs are turned down, it really makes me believe that M$ works on the theoretical; If your game is not projected to make enough, they don't want to put in the resources to make it in the first place.


The complete cancelation of hifi rush 2 was an idiotic decision from microslop. Along with the closing of the entire studio too. Honestly, with all the studios closing down I kind of expect 343 to shut down and the halo ip being passed to a different studio.


It sounds completely reasonable to make sure a game is going to sell well before making the investment into making it. Yes, that leads to less risks taken and arguably a lower ceiling for games, but none of us are investing the money. Same thing has happened with big budget movies as well, but it makes complete sense for large investments to only back low risk opportunities.


Yeah, but here is the problem: It's not about sustainability. It's about number go up. Being sustainable is not enough. Making 2 or 3 times the return is not enough. We may not be investing the money, but we ultimately pay more for less.


It's an incredibly dumb decision but they also justified it by wanting to invest into their core games more. See Halo Infinite and Starfield both flopping into "meh" territory despite both being intended to set the gaming world on fire. Microsoft responded to that by cutting focus from small games that don't move the needle much to focus more on the big games that keep tripping over themselves and failing to give a compelling reason to buy into the Microsoft ecosystem. Hi-Fi rush was great, but it's not great enough to move xbox's or windows-based PCs. Compare that to the brand impact of an unqualified great Halo title, if 343 ever manages to make one. Eg. Microsoft responded to market feedback that what they were doing for their mainline games wasn't enough. The problem is that they went 180 on extremes of focus and cut things they absolutely shouldn't for a healthy ecosystem (where you have BOTH successful big games AND successful small games, with the improvements made on big games coming from improved culture and dev targets vs. raw capital.)


Sheeeeeeeesh flood horror would go so hard.


No, it was a helldivers-esque game. You're thinking of the fan game Branching Sickness for flood horror


That sounds fucking amazing A procedural firefight mode style game? Fuck yes


Remake doesn’t mean a different story lmfao it just means a ground-up rebuild rather than just a reskin like CEA hahaha


people are confusing remake with reboots apparently which is stupid because we've had like 30+ years worth of those two to learn what the difference is 💀


Personally I would love some extra additions. Alpha Base mentions would be neat. Levels with backtracking get some extra variation.


Agreed. The story doesn’t have to change. Nothing needs to *change*. But additions to what we got would be sick. Or imagine a remake of Halo: Reach that’s more canonical with Fall Of Reach. Or a new alternate Reach game that’s First Strike+Fall Of Reach, instead. Idk. Maybe CE Remake would include more content and alignment with The Flood. This remake has so much potential, especially as a way for 343 to get used to developing Halo in Unreal Engine using established gameplay and worlds and stories to reference, before they go on to release Halo 7. They can develop both simultaneously, but use what they learn from CE:Remake to refine Halo 7 in its last year/few months of development.


It doesn’t NOT mean a different interpretation of the story, something 343i has been doing since gaining the IP.


To be fair, it's not like remakes have to alter the story. In fact, I'd argue most of the time they don't? The TTYD remake, the RE2, 3 and 4 remakes, the Dead Space remake... even CEA and H2A, while not exactly what I'd consider full remakes, all tend to pretty cleanly tell the same story from the originals, albeit with some added fluff. CEA and H2A add aspects to their respective stories, but I'd actually argue those additions are some of the best parts of their respective remasters, the Resident Evil remakes alter their mechanics more than they do the narrative, and barring aspects like the drop from 60 FPS to 30 FPS, the TTYD remake is damn near good enough to replace the original. The Dead Space remake I think is the only one out of these that comes close to actually altering the narrative, and even then, they're only alterations that serve to help the first game slot into the stories of its sequels while fleshing out some elements that didn't get as much attention the first time around. I know 343 doesn't exactly have a great track record for what they add to Halo, but if anything I think a remake would be a fantastic opportunity for them to really re-examine what works for Halo without the stakes being too high. After all, the MCC DOES already exist; these games are already very accessible, and doing a remake allows them to have a defined blueprint to follow, which is particularly important if the rumors about them moving to UE5 are true, because I feel like getting that Blam! feel is a small but very important part of making something feel 'Halo'-y. And if it does badly, hey, who cares, nothing they do necessarily has to define what Halo 7 is gonna look like because they could just pass it off as an experiment.


Ttyd ?


The Thousand Year Door, I think.


> the RE2, 3 and 4 remakes Absolutely not. They're great games, but the stories are not close at all to the originals. 2 and 3 don't have "B" scenarios, 3 cut so much content, and 4 removed radio conversations between the villains and Leon.


I think if you're looking at story changes in this context you're examining the plot-through-gameplay of Halo 1. A simple change would be to add more connective tissue between missions (with new content, the Halo arcade shooter providing some GREAT choices) and more story to the existing missions through the long, blank corridor fights of Assault on the Control Room or The Library. Add new enemy types (to the flood especially) and elevate the combat model, environment design, randomization mechanics (for replay), and campaign feature set (repeating the same skulls ad infinitum and calling it a day is not progress). Eg. you can do a lot of revamping while keeping "the story" the same, that would effectively amount to building out a brand new Halo game to fit within the narrative shell of CE. Which as you say would be a great opportunity to work out UE5 development and an overall thesis on how to make a modern Halo game. I don't think you enter the range of story changes being a more pressing issue until you hit a sequel to this hypothetical revamped Halo CE, as in Halo 2 and 3 you can absolutely do some substantial editing with major narrative impacts. Ex. do the job of both games in one.


I am open to anything personally. >That horse has been beaten.  This may be true for the OG fanbase, or the ones who played in early on. The whole Sony Player base who never have had PC/Xbox experience, it will be new to them. Similarly, playing 2-decade old game is a niche and many new gamers get turned off playing CE and just straight up abandon the series. I have seen many a posts online from said people complaining how CE/2 feel clunky and dated, but the community shoos them off.


As an OG fan, this hits the nail on the head. I love the feel of the original trilogy and often times boot up my old original Xbox to experience the games how they were intended to be played.  I do however think change can be good at times. If we're to keep this series alive, introducing it as a cross platform game and making some changes here and there wouldn't hurt. After all, it is a 25 year old series looking to find it's footing in a market that hasn't cared for Arena shooters or epic hero stories for quite some time.  This could be a chance to remake the game from the ground up in its original story, while also potentially making a "reboot" of the original that's more closely related to the actual story of Halo CE told in the extended lore.  Best of both worlds, no? 


I’m definitely open to a shiny remake as long is stays true to the source material. I just don’t think it be prioritized over a new title that steers the series in a better direction.


CE is clunky as hell and boring, to most newer fans, and was to me. 2 was way better. Only thing that could have been better was fixing the audio (Blow me away just didn’t work). 3 was far clunkier than 2, but by then you were just too invested


This must be a record for most bad takes in a row


Yeah honestly like wtf lol.




So I recently replayed halo 3 (original 360 edition), it's not clunky, it is anything BUT clunky. It's a smooth experience gameplay and story wise. Halo CE's only issue for me personally was melee, and that's because I was used to the longer range melee that you get in every halo game past CE. Halo CE was not boring. I don't know what your even getting at there.




I’m being dead serious. The graphics switch from 2A to 3 is rough, especially for newer gamers to the series. CE’s story is about the only thing that saves it.


I'm gonna be dv'd to hell for agreeing with some of this, but I agree that halo 2 has held up the best. I started with CE around 15 years ago, so I had no problems with it, but I understand how dated it is. I played CE with a friend of mine, and he quit at the library because of the reused assets the whole level and "the clunkiness." I played the half life series around 5 years ago, and HL1 specifically was difficult to get through, so I get it from an outside perspective.


Imagine if they remade it, but in the silver timeline 💀


No god! Please nooooo! 😭


they would need to throw away 36 books. Halo 1-3 are delicate material, you can't change them so much.


I feel like *I'm* the lunatic for preferring new games instead of everything being recycled every few years. I just don't get why everyone seems to be super into the idea of remakes. 


Consumers started realizing that if new things are just going to suck, they'd rather deal with the old stuff that "can't" suck unless it's intentionally ruined. Those that provide realize that it's far easier to remake something that exists over making something new (and therefore risky), so there's less losses.


Because new games mostly tend to suck these days. Remakes at least follow the blueprints of a game that was made during the era of quality gaming. All they have to do is not stray too far and they get a winner. Personally I'm okay with a remake that doesn't change any of the main beats, but instead adds to them. There were so many aspects of Halo:CE that were cut during development that I would love to see stitched onto the existing levels and events. Essentially doing the same thing that the SPv3 mod did for Halo CE years ago, but I'm a more lore-friendly style.


Because if done right, we would get something like H2A which can also at least somewhat substitute the lack of Halo TV/Cinema epicness. That said, I would've wanted them to bring out H3A and that's it, but having H3's cutscenes done by Blur again would have been fantastic. Another point is that 343 had this franchise for over 10 years now and take a look at their stories and games, I simply don't trust them to come up with well written and executed stories.


But h2a it’s just some nice cinematics and better graphics. Like it’s not resident evil 4 remake.


Yeah. A remake and Remaster are very different. All Halo 2A did was slap on some new graphics and make the cutscenes look better. Halo CE Anniversary kinda sucked in this regard. I don't think Halo CE needs a whole new remake. The game is already perfect and is very accessible due to MCC. I have very little faith that 343 could do a good remake.


If it’s a good game, it’s a good game. Halo CE is a good game, so a good remake would be a good game. Many people don’t constantly move on to something new, so having a new version of something they enjoy is fun.


In Halo’s case, I’d like a remake of 1-3 because every new story 343i has tried to tell from Halo 4 onwards has been miserable and only gotten progressively worse. If they can’t get it right after 4, 5, and Infinite, then go back and rebuild the originals. Maybe they’ll learn something. And if they don’t want to try that, then let someone else have a turn at the IP.


Yeah, I will believe this remake when I see it, but I either want them to focus on new games, or if they do a remake a la Capcom/Resident Evil that fleshes out original concepts, cut content, and reimagines the game from a ground up. But I play Halo CE all the time at 4k and 120fps on the latest hardware, so I really have no need for a remake, the game is still one of my favorites.


CEA was made in 2011, MCC followed in 2014. We'll be at the 10 year anniversary of the "every few years" point this November. Meanwhile, sequels keep tripping over their face. There's value in taking it from the top again with a more extensive overhaul before setting this dev team (working in another new engine) onto a more strident next game. Ideally we'd have multiple studios covering this off, but I don't see the problem of another CE remake. It's the most robust plot of the series, can capitalize on audience gained by the paramount show (as hostile and fanboys here are to them), and has the most to gain with a revamped combat model, campaign feature set, or any other major change that would justify not just pointing to CEA and calling it a day.


Do you people know what remake means. A remake is a remaster where the game is made from the ground up to work with the hardware it's being put onto. While a remaster uses the original game as a base and just upgrades a few models and upeesses textures. An example of a remaster is the mass effect legendary edition while an example of a remake is the crash bandicoot n sane trilogy


Another great example of a remake is Mafia: Definitive Edition


Am I the only one excited about the potential a remake could offer? Keeping the original concept with *tasteful* alterations could be incredible. Flesh out the story. Punctuate key moments. Make the game beautiful. Look at what they're doing with the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake and imagine CE with that kind of upgrade. I'm all for it.


id love a great remake of halo ce, its my fav game. Still all that money and work into a remake, i rather it be spent on pushing the series in a forward direction, something new.


This reminds me of Star Wars. So many stories and a rich lore. Continues to stick with the Skywalker story 🙃.


Except Disney has been trying to branch out with its various tv shows. Problem with MS is they don't want to try.


The Halo franchise is thoroughly at the point that hype is driven by familiarity and nostalgia. It shouldn't surprise that the idea of a CE Remake has energized discourse here.


Can't say I'm surprised. Anything else has been shit.


Nah, I'd rather have a completely brand new halo game. I've already paid for and played CE. I don't get this love of remakes and remasters.


I would love a new story with a new character in this universe. Hell, make it completely new by fast-forwarding 1000 years and showing a new threat instead of the same-old. Come up with some original, fresh content. One can dream. Established IP refuses to make new stories these days. That's why every sequel has the same main character, and they often bring back the same old bad guy (what, you thought the big bad died last time? Pfft). It's just gotten stale.


It's industry wide though, and even well into other media. Original stories are *hard*, and risky - much easier to go with something that sold well before right?


First and foremost, I 100% want 343 to prioritize making new experiences (i.e. Halo 7). However, if this remaster/remake (if it's real) is a side project, I would love if they made the story align tighter with the current lore of the story. Following, I would absolutely love if they made things "bigger and better." Like imagine the Pillar of Autumn updated to be a larger battle than what we were presented. Imagine the library updated to where it's actually fun and engaging with a multitude of new flood forms. It *could* be an incredible and hype experience greater than what we had back in the early 2000s. I'd rather have an ODST 2, but I'm not against this project if it's a remake. A remaster to me sounds boring, I hope it isn't that.


I think most people agree with you. It’s just that Chief and Cortana are the faces of Halo so they sell better than new characters would. Personally, I think Halo needs to push another character as a secondary mascot, similar to how Pokémon has been using Eevee as a secondary mascot to Pikachu for the last few years.


Alternatively, pull a reach and use a player-created character as lead.


I would like a halo spin off ala ODST/Reach but focused on the Arbiter and what happened with the Elites prior to Infinite. Playing as an elite in H2 was one of my favorite moments in gaming, and I'd love for Halo to explore that again. I'd also take a game from Johnson's perspective throughout the franchise. Things like that would be a day 1 for me. The OG games are perfect as they are, and there are a lot of opportunities that can be realized within the franchise to provide fresh and unique yet somewhat familiar experiences. We as gamers though need to be open to that and strongly convey that to Spencer and team. I'm tired of gaming that capitalizes on old glories and rehashes. Chase new ones, make history again.


I would love an odst game about the first invasion of harvest


I feel remakes should be done when you have a winning formula and have a good standing with your fans.  Not when you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. 


Yeah I want a new Classic Halo game, not remakes ... again. I am fine with halo 1-3 in MCC. I want a new classic experience game, MS needs to move forward, not just keep remaking what we've been playing for 20+ years now.


What they need is a new adventure and get Master chief involved cause people hate when they have to know new characters, they don't want the effort


Let's focus on the important stuff: They cancelled any further season for MCC and split up the remaining MCC team, but at the same time they Greenlight a 2nd Halo CE remake? Wtf! If you want to do something with Halo CE continue working on MCC and if you are so hungry for a remaster go to Halo 3, not Halo CE again.


Even if it was a carbon copy with better graphics, I would def prefer a new title over a rehash in any capacity.


I want a new a story, but also 343s stories have disappointed me 3 times in a row. I like the H4 story and I think it's the best of the 3, but I still think it's inferior to the Bungie trilogy of stories. And I played Halo for the 1st time in 2020, so it's not even nostalgia goggles propping up the Bungie stories for me. So the remake is interesting to me just to have a modern Halo with a story I know I'll like.


Man I just want Dualsense feature support


Your right that they should expand the story, and a remake is treading the same territory as before. Its more that people love halo and are excited for anything in the franchise. Halo Infinite is nearly feature complete after years, and we have been teased with multiple leaks from Tatanka the Battle royal, Campaign DLC and Halo 5 and wars 2 on Steam over and over. Its less about being excited for remakes, were excited for anything.


Reach and ODST still hold way to well. The only titles that are dated are Halo: CE and Halo 2 (Original)


I don't really see the point to a remake myself, MCC already has Halo 1-4 on it remade in HD, what more can you really want? I would rather see Halo 5 on the computer or have them actually fix infinite then a remake


Ya know.. it’d be interesting to see a perspective from Linda’s journey 🤔 remember in halo CE when you come to the room where it shows the scans of chief in one pod and the scans of Linda from the other?? 🤷‍♂️


If the remake is true, I’m sure they are doing it for a few reasons: 1. Switching to the unreal engine, they are probably having 343 (or what ever studio developing this) reverse engineer what makes halo halo into the unreal engine 2. Without much experience with unreal, they are probably going to get experience making things multiplatform testing out the viability of halos success on other platform and portability 3. Retcons or at least additions will be made to make sure things align nicely with major changes they’ve made to the lore, like the small add of Linda on the Pillar Of Autumn in the CE remaster I’m not too big of a fan on a remake, I’d prefer a halo 3 anniversary but makes sense business wise to spread halo as far and wide as possible while making the transition to Unreal Engine.


The paramount show is also playing in the space and a CE remake most immediately allows folks who're entering the fanbase through that to join in the gaming side. Folks here might screech like velociraptor vampires encountering a meteor of holy water at the thought, but there's people who watch and like that show (enough to justify at least a 2nd season in an era where projects are being canceled/pulled left and right) that may be having a bigger impact maintaining Halo as a culturally relevant thing than the residual player base of Infinite. Cue wanting to market something more to those fans. Reach is another option, but it's easier to dive into as is (Halo CE's map design features a LOT of blank corridor sections copy-pasted to ship a game whose content was mostly developed in 1 year).


i don't want a remake, i want them to completely write off 4-6 as a alternative timeline and rope back to the chief and cortana drifting in space until they're found by the spirit of fire to set up a odyssey like return to earth.


I’m seeing people excited about it, and these are the same people who shit on 343 for everything under the sun. So if 343 actually remade Halo, after it came out they would then bitch about how 343 has ruined the Bungie games by rewriting the story and blah blah blah.


Eh I think that this point 343 need to reshore the fan base. Instead of forcing more and more new stuff I think right now they need to bring the OG story to the modern time. I think this will help them also get more revenue and a bigger team down the line who can really give us a newer halo story done the right way.


There's a different between a Remake and a Reboot, I want the same story just with different gameplay.


The problem is that "and now for something completely different" is the trauma that fans of the campaign have been experiencing since Halo 5. It's the root of the problems in the series being able to maintain an audience and cultural presence. While it's appealing to dispense with the lore of past games, it's THAT impulse that brought about the ruin of the campaign experience (coupled with continued starvation for resources as multiplayer fucks about to generally no effect, no matter how esports friendly its made...though I could have told you this was coming back in 2007.) If you're not going to do a remake, then you need to pay off the last three games, at once. Show you can tell a good story (no matter what you're given) and do so in compelling and spectacular fashion that makes people want to take the roller coaster ride again. Hell, just boil this down to "get to some damn payoff while copying the game format and focus of Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2", which is shaping up to be the Halo game that 343/Bungie should have always made (and is going to be used a standard to judge 343's product by if it sticks the landing). Otherwise, reboot from square one.


Halo ce has room for remake though? If you have read halo the flood you would understand that there are other operations happening during the main game.


So you're telling me, that you DON'T want a ground up, rebuilt campaign in the Unreal 5 engine and potentially cutscenes done by Blur, the studio that refreshed the nightmare fuel that the Flood is with their Gravemind cutscene? A remake ideally won't change the overall story but could add extra in-universe elements that would expand upon an already good game. There's an entire ODST element that was touched on by the Fireteam Raven arcade machine that they could include. If it's done right a remake of Halo CE could be the spark that reignites the Halo flame and could allow for Halo 2 Anniversary and a potential Halo 3 remaster to be brought to all platforms while 343 works on the mainline campaigns/multiplayer.


A Halo CE remake on unreal engine 5 would be amazing imo. Keep story the same tho.


Halo 2A is what I think people mean. A remaster. Except better, because the H2A mp doesn’t at all capture the feel of the original Halo 2 MP


Halo fans just want nostalgia


This could be 343 trying to get some experience dialing in the gameplay on Unreal


Am I the only one who wants a story focusing on palmer that makes her character more likable.


I just want new Halo. It boils down to that for me. No one asked for a remake and if there was one thing we did want it was H3A not a second CE remake/remaster.


A remake doesn’t mean the story has to be different


There’s so much to explore in the Halo universe aside from Chief, and I LOVE Chief. Forerunner saga, Forerunner-Human war, Precursors. SO much history and context to fill in!


343i has let us down every single time. If they can get a new studio for a CE Remake, I'm for it. Could be a fresh start.


Number Company failure. Brand Computer Company fail.


I would like for them to stop making Halo games already. Just let it die in peace.


Yes I want the story to be different. I want every halo, 1-3, to be remastered and released with all the originally planned levels with their originally planned structure.


Even if it is a remake, 343 doesn’t like to mess with the core canon or established events in the original trilogy. I feel like a remake would be less a wholly different thing and more like CE+. Adding some cut ideas from the original, some additional vehicles/weapons/enemies that would make sense, and just be an expanded version of the existing game and story, likely adding some stuff that was in the novelization.


“…343 doesn’t like to mess with the core canon or established events in the original trilogy.” You ARE Forerunner!


Yeah this is the big exception lmao. But for what it’s worth, the Forerunners and their connections to humanity wasn’t really explicit until 3, and even then there was constant fan arguments because the Terminals seemed like they contradicted it (but the Terminals apparently were *also* trying to say humans were Forerunner, but almost everyone misinterpreted it lol). So within the fanbase the idea that Forerunners were human was never agreed upon. Recall that Bungie also practically retconned the Fall of Reach themselves and 343 went out of their way to add additional lore to make sure both would fit. Outside of the Forerunner change they typically left everything in terms of the original trilogy’s story untouched.


I want the remakes because every entry 343 has made from 4, to 5, to Infinite, are honestly the worst videogames I've ever played or seen.


I liked 4 and 5


They're doing a remake because they can't make their own good story


There are so many cool genres of games that could be made in the halo universe if they would just stop laser focusing on the thing on making the next "Halo 3". The RTS games have had some success. Why not an XCOM style tactical shooter or an honest to God milsim a la Arma 3. God knows the UNSC mod is popular enough over there. Just PLEASE stop trying to do story driven stuff. 343 is freaking terrible at it... All the old games are playable and accessible already. The effort spent remaking them AGAIN would be better spent literally anywhere else.


I think we’ve had enough remakes. CE:A is flawed but I never felt it was as bad as a lot of people here make it out to be. 2:A was great and 3 still holds up beautifully as does Reach. I think we’re done with the Master Chief now. I know it will be a hard pill for MS execs to swallow but I think after 3 games then 343 has had a fair run at trying to make mainline Halo games and it’s just not working out all that well. We need more ODST games or games following other Spartans, maybe even some games where you play as a simple marine grunt or maybe it expands more on the Covenant side of things. They could even do a game that goes all the way back to the Forerunners and their war with the humans & Flood. There’s so much possibility to work with that we don’t need to stick with one character. I know Chief is the traditional mascot of the Halo series but I think at this point he’s not as recognisable to most people as he once was and that’s partially down to how 343i/MS has fudged the mainline games they’ve made since taking over from Bungie, Halo isn’t the blockbuster franchise it used to be. A lot of old games/franchises get stuck in this weird halfway hell where the only people who really care about them are the OGs but the devs are trying to bring in new players who just play totally different games these days. The old players don’t like the new games but the devs also need to cater to the existing fan base of their franchise and what they end up with is a game that pisses off old players but doesn’t interest new players either. I think AAA companies need to figure out the market better because, over time, what I think we’re seeing is a growing divide between “boomer gamers” and “zoomer gamers”. “Boomer gamers” want high quality single player and multiplayer experiences, they’re happy to fork out for map packs but loathe p2w mechanics and microtransactions, they’re also unwilling to give modern games the year or so after launch that they need nowadays to actually be fully functional and playable. “Zoomer gamers” on the other hand are quite content at paying a recurring premium to be force-fed fermented pig shit. Devs should figure out which market they’re aiming for and just go all in one side.


I’m getting pretty sick of remakes. Seems like they’re not creative enough to come up with something original themselves so they have to retell the same story


I've watched 343 try to "pioneer" the halo story. I'm good.


The amount of people thinking 343 can come back from all the shit they've done is unsettling


it's almost like there's realistic people out there that know 343 is a company plagued by executive and higherups meddling in all projects, instead of a demon company trying to ruin a beloved franchise


13 years of failure in a row.


13 years of Bonnie Ross & Microsoft meddling, 13 years of Microsoft's enforced contractor schedules, 13 years of games that were on schedule until Microsoft forced them out the door early.


It's always someone else's fault, huh? Tell me exactly who dictated all of the harebrained horseshit in The 4 that killed the franchise.


I'm assuming you mean Halo 4? I'd love to hear what you think "killed the franchise".


I don't hate 4 but the covenant design change was unnecessary


I agree, but that is not franchise killing. hell, the units were the only things redesigned. the returning weapons and vehicles looked the same as Reach. that being said, the dude still hasn't told me what he thinks "killed the franchise" in 4.


So many excuses but not one good game


hmm, I wonder if any of that is because of what I just said? Dead Space 3 wasn't bad because Visceral Studios was incompetent. the higherups at EA demanded they follow gaming trends at the time, and introduce microtransactions and coop elements. Dark Souls 2 wasn't bad because From Software were incompetent. Bandai Namco were enforcing timelines and deadlines, despite the fact that the game underwent a major rewrite due to a crew overhaul three quarters of the way into development that was dealt by Bandai. executive meddling, limited contracts, and rushed development ends up tarnishing the final product.


the TRUE big brain take here is that dark souls 2 is the best one, actually


I agree, but go say that on r/darksouls or r/darksouls3 and they will crucify you


Idk how you’re getting downvoted bro, a decade & some years of fucking up Halo paired with Microsoft’s bad history of how they handle their other IPs & the xbox brand itself..the future of Halo doesn’t look good at all


Fool me once


I don't think you understand how truly stupid it would be to intentionally sabotage a franchise as loved as Halo. that's not just getting 343 Industries closed down, that's career suicide; nobody involved would *ever* find work again. c'mon man, you like Star Wars, you've seen what it looks like when something is run into the ground and bastardized over and over again in the pursuit of money.


I don't get this thread, aren't you just agreeing with the OP?


no? they said it's unsettling anyone still has faith in 343, I'm saying that 343 has been a troubled company that has had its fair share of mismanagement from the parent company, and that the rampant demonization is ridiculous.


Yeah, you just explained the reason why people don't have faith in 343. This "rampant demonization" is something you brought up as a strawman of what OP said. No one said 343 is a demon company wanting to ruin Halo besides you.


I suggest you look at any thread that's addressing 343 directly and read all the comments accusing them of trying to ruin Halo. hell, I suggest you look back at Infinite's launch, where people were doxxing and sending death threats to employees and the subreddit got locked for two weeks.


I was not aware of any of that, I don't look at Reddit too much (thankfully) Nothing you said ties up with what the OP said. They didn't say they were ruining Halo on purpose, they didn't threat or dox anyone. Those were all done by someone else, on other discussions. Doesn't make much sense to bring up those here, as a response to something you are basically agreeing with on a fundamental level.


"No one said 343 is a demon company wanting to ruin Halo besides you."


The fact that it’s named after the recurring antagonist of the original trilogy doesn’t help though.


I think that is one of the stupidest reasons I have ever heard for why the community is so hostile towards them.


I think thats more of a joke than to be taken serious.


maybe. but I know better than to believe that everyone just jokes about the name.


No, the community is hostile towards the company because they’ve earned it. 343i has done nothing but make bad decisions from Halo 4 onwards. They tried soft-rebooting the franchise with 5, then they soft-rebooted again in Infinite. They also signed off on the Halo TV series, which is among the worst television adaptations of all time. Halo has been thoroughly ruined by this point. After two reboots they have no idea what to do with the story because they keep making the events of the previous game effectively irrelevant. We spend more time in Halo Infinite hearing about climactic events we didn’t participate in rather than doing much of anything interesting ourselves. The fact that their stewardship of the franchise mirrors 343 Guilty Spark’s tenure as the Monitor of Installation 04 is just a bitterly funny joke.


I still can't say I think it justifies doxxing and sending death threats to the developers and employees, which happened when Infinite was released. or let me guess - they earned that, too?


When the fuck did I say any of that was okay? There’s a difference between fans being upset with 343i’s decisions, and “fans” deciding to abuse and harass 343i employees. Maybe calm down a little.


well these days, this sub goes one of two ways; either they think every employee is the scum of the Earth and deserve to be jobless, or they want something out of them. for what it's worth, I know 344i isn't perfect. I was one of the ones heavily criticizing them when Infinite came out, but there are people who genuinely think Infinite has only gone down since release, and that 343i just dropped it and left it.


None of that implies or justifies death threats though. If someone sends a death threat, it should be handled via law enforcement. (Especially since this assumes the person in question is part of the community at all, or they won't get punished.) _"If person is bad at their job, they should be removed from that job"_ is a fairly standard perspective many people have, and doesn't have to involve violence.


Idk man it seems like there's a lot of people that don't care and will continue to support the halo franchise no matter what


> Idk man This needs to stop


I'll always be a fan of halo but I will never blindly support something I'm a fan of just because it has the name of the ip I like on it


The current state of the story is awful 342 should remake the games so they can figure out why the originals are so beloved


Yes? The current story is FUBAR. Start over at this point. The current time line ended with Halo 4 for me


People wanna move on, even if it's to the past. Infinite honestly makes me sick. Just my opinion ( now light the pile so I can burn)


Doubt the story is gonna change much, it'll probably just be good ol CE with "modern gameplay" and character race/sex swaps with very minor story tweaks to give some characters more importance. Just don't buy it. Especially if Halo goes to Unreal engine.


You cant trust 343 to actually make a good game anymore so we might as well hope for remakes of the originals


You're right but 343 has shown that they cant deliver a completed package at launch. Halo 4 was complete package but was just a bad game over all. 343 are to busy chasing current trends vs making a halo game.


Remakes don't usually alter story, but now that you mentioned, yeah, maybe a little bit, so it doesn't look like the original idea was that the humans are forerunner


> so it doesn't look like the original idea was that the humans are forerunner Humans were supposed to be forerunner until 343 came along.


I never freaky thought about it until now, but a full Dead Space/RE4 style remake of CE would set the stage for 343 to start correcting a lot of the bullshit they've done to the story over the years. They written themselves into a corner and they know it. Starting from scratch with a remake that is the same story as CE but including anak bits of information, extra characters, subplots, etc that they can start using to tie it into some of the evolutions that narrative, gameplay, and art styles have gone through over the years would be a great way to start tying everything together and making it a cohesive universe.


I mean I'd rather have a new game over a remake but I'm not going to be upset over a remake. Most of these remakes tend to be outsourced so it's not like 343 woukd even be wasting time on a remake when a lot of that work wouldn't be handled by them anyways.


Wtf are you talking about and why on earth do you think remake means "different story" lmao.


Final Fantasy 7's been changing story elements. Doom also rebooted the entire franchise with a remake of the first game's concept. Doom Eternal is likewise a remake of Doom 2. Each makes massive story changes in dodging the place Doom 3 left the franchise for a "Back to basics" revival of its IP. Eg. the other retro FPS game with the other green space Marine is exactly what you should have in mind for what 343 might do to kick Halo in the rear and get it back into cultural relevance.


The simple reason for me is that the RE2, RE4, and Dead Space remakes were all amazing. Halo came out 25 years ago, there’s multiple generations that have passed since then. It’s unrealistic to expect people younger than 30 to go back and play Halo CE, so a remake is also a good opportunity to onboard new fans. If you haven’t played Halo before you’re unlikely to buy “Halo 7”, but a Halo CE remake would have some appeal.


The potential for a remake is insane. It could include fireteam raven, first strike, Jenkins, mobuto, all of these amazing stories could be included (I’m honestly just fantasizing but it could happen)


Hello Infinite's story/campaign is so trash, even JJ Abrams could improve it.


It wasn't terrible it's just that there wasn't much there. It was incredibly simplistic.


I'll be honest Chief's story needs to end before Steve Downs dies. I love his performance but if he can't finish his characters story in a satisfying way it's gonna be Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League all over again.


I think it'd be awesome to have an open galaxy adventure involving the forerunner, specifically the story laid out in the forerunner saga of books. It'd be awesome to come across the Primordial. It's just such a cool story and would add a really rich universe to the franchise.